Yoon s BEFL Note Wooram s Writing Camp의 BEFL Note 내용이일부수정됨에따라, 본파일에는 2가지종류의정답이포함되어있습니다. 본인의 BEFL Note 뒤에정답이수록되어있지않을경우, 파일앞부분에제시된정답으로내용을확인하시기바랍니다. Wooram s Writing Camp Book 4 Dictation 은 베플리 < 베플리학습 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요. Like? 1
Book 4 Study Planner 교재명 학습목표동물과관련된이야기를읽고아이디어맵을활용하여쓸수있다. 날짜 Unit Title Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한내용 ( 단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리 등을 자유롭게쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매일매일계획대로공부했나요? 2. 학습내용을충실히공부했나요? 3. 교재학습이끝난후부족한부분은복습했나요? 학부모확인 선생님확인 2
Wooram s Writing Camp Book 4 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 동물원 zoo 반학생들 class 원숭이 monkey 1A 기린 코끼리 giraffe elephant 아기 baby 늦은 late 물개 seal 애완동물 pet 토끼 rabbit 우리, 새장 cage 1B 수조 거북 tank turtle 도마뱀 lizard 뱀 snake 정말로 really 3
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 딱정벌레 beetle 곤충 insect 점 spot 2A 줄무늬 식물 stripe plant 놀랄만한 amazing 어떤 some 날다 fly 돌고래 dolphin 바다 ocean 오징어 squid 2B 지느러미 똑똑한, 영리한 숲 fin smart forest 살다 live 다리 leg 4
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 촉감이 ~ 하다, ~ 한느낌이있다 feel 부드러운, 보들보들한 soft 털이있는, 부드러운털의 furry 3A 당근 마른풀, 건초 장난잘하는, 명랑한 항상, 늘 carrot hay playful always 여기저기, 이리저리 동물원사육사 around zookeeper 훈련하다 train 청소하다 clean 3B 먹이를주다돌보다, 보살피다 직업 feed care job 그들의, 그것들의 씻다 their wash 5
Book 4 Unit 1 At the Zoo 1A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 zoo 동물원 9 동물원 zoo 2 baby 아기 10 원숭이 monkey 3 monkey 원숭이 11 기린 giraffe 4 giraffe 기린 12 아기 baby 5 elephant 코끼리 13 코끼리 elephant 6 class 반학생들 14 반학생들 class 7 seal 물개 15 늦은 late 8 late 늦은 16 물개 seal 16 개중 개정답 6
Key Points <am, are, is> ~ 이다, (~ 에 ) 있다 라고말할때씁니다. 1. am : I와함께씁니다. 예 ) I am here with my class. ( 나는반친구들과여기에있어요.) 2. are : you와함께씁니다. 예 ) You are funny. ( 너재미있다.) 3. is : he, she, it과함께씁니다. 예 ) She is cute. ( 그녀는귀여워요.) Let s Practice 우리말뜻을읽고, 빈칸에들어갈말을찾아선으로연결하여문장을완성하세요. 1. I am at the zoo. ( 나는동물원에있어요.) He is 2. You are late for school. ( 너학교에늦었어.) am 3. It is tall. ( 그것은키가커요.) You are 4. He is funny. ( 그는웃겨요.) is 5. She is very pretty. ( 그녀는아주예뻐.) She is 7
Sentence Fun 주어진단어를순서에맞게배열해서우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 다음에, 우리는기린을봐요. (see / a / giraffe / we / next /, /.) Next, we see a giraffe. 2. 기린은키가커요. (is / tall / giraffe / the /.) The giraffe is tall. 3. 그런다음, 우리는큰코끼리를봐요. (we / a / big /, / elephant / see / then /.) Then, we see a big elephant. 4. 코끼리는아기가있어요. (a / baby / the / has / elephant /.) The elephant has a baby. 5. 그녀의아기는귀여워요! (cute / baby / is / her /!) Her baby is cute! Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를쓰세요. 1. I am at the zoo. 2. I am here with my class. 3. The monkey is funny. 4. First, we see a monkey. 5. Her baby is cute! 선생님확인 8
Book 4 Unit 2 At the Pet Store 1B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 cage 우리, 새장 9 애완동물 pet 2 tank 수조 10 도마뱀 lizard 3 turtle 거북 11 거북 turtle 4 lizard 도마뱀 12 우리, 새장 cage 5 pet 애완동물 13 토끼 rabbit 6 rabbit 토끼 14 수조 tank 7 snake 뱀 15 정말로 really 8 really 정말로 16 뱀 snake 16 개중 개정답 9
Key Points 문장에서문장의주인역할을하는단어가여러명의사람또는여러개의물건이나 동물을나타낼때, <am, is, are> 중에 be 동사는 are 를써요. 예 ) The rabbits are soft. ( 토끼는부드러워요.) Mark and I are at the pet store. ( 마크와나는애완동물가게에있어요.) You are kind people. ( 당신들은친절한사람들이에요.) Let s Practice < 보기 > 와같이잘못된부분을찾아밑줄을긋고, 바르게고쳐문장을다시써보세요. < 보기 > The cats is brown. ( 고양이들은갈색이에요.) The cats are brown. 1. The birds is loud. ( 새들은시끄러워요.) The birds are loud. 2. The turtles am small. ( 거북이들은작아요.) The turtles are small. 3. The rabbits and birds is in cages. ( 토끼들과새들은우리안에있어요.) The turtles are small. 4. The animals is in tanks. ( 동물들은수조안에있어요.) The animals are in tanks. 10
Sentence Fun 주어진단어를순서에맞게배열해서우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 개구리들과거북이들은수조안에있어요. (frogs / turtles / are / the / and / tanks / in /.) The frogs and turtles are in tanks. 2. 그때, 마크가도마뱀을봐요. (lizard / Mark / then /, / a / sees /.) Then, Mark sees a lizard. 3. 그는도마뱀을정말좋아해요. (lizard / he / the / likes / really /.) He really likes the lizard. 4. 그는도마뱀을사요. (buys / lizard / the / he /.) He buys the lizard. 5. 이제마크는애완동물을갖게되었어요. (Mark / now / a / pet / has /.) Now Mark has a pet. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를쓰세요. 1. Mark and I are at the pet store. 2. We see many animals. 3. The rabbits and birds are in cages. 4. The frogs and turtles are in tanks. 5. Now Mark has a pet. 선생님확인 11
Book 4 Unit 3 Report on a Beetle 2A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 beetle 딱정벌레 9 곤충 insect 2 amazing 놀랄만한, 굉장한 10 점, 반점 spot 3 spot 점, 반점 11 줄무늬 stripe 4 stripe 줄무늬 12 식물 plant 5 insect 곤충 13 놀랄만한, 굉장한 amazing 6 plant 식물 14 딱정벌레 beetle 7 fly 날다 15 몇몇, 어떤, 어떤것 ( 사람 ) some 8 some 몇몇, 어떤, 어떤것 ( 사 람 ) 16 날다 fly 16 개중 개정답 12
Key Points <am, is, are> 1. 주어가 I, he, she, it인경우에는 am 또는 is를써요. 예 ) The ant is brown. ( 개미는갈색이에요.) 2. 주어가 you( 너 ), we, they, you( 너희들 ) 인경우에는 are를써요. 예 ) Insects are small. ( 곤충은작아요.) Let s Practice 다음표의주어진정보를이용하여문장을완성하세요. bee ant penguin insect insect bird small small big 1. A: What is a penguin? B: A penguin is a bird. 2. A: What are bees and ants? B: They are insects. 3. A: Is penguin big? B: Yes, it is big. 4. A: Are bees and ants big? B: No, they are small. 13
Sentence Fun 주어진단어를순서에맞게배열해서우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 많은딱정벌레들이검은색과갈색이에요. (beetles / are / many / brown / black / and /.) Many beetles are black and brown. 2. 딱정벌레들은거의모든곳에서살아요. (beetles / everywhere / almost / live /.) Beetles live almost everywhere. 3. 많은딱정벌레들은식물을먹어요. (many / eat / beetles / plants /.) Many beetles eat plants. 4. 어떤딱정벌레들은날수있어요. (some / beetles / fly / can /.) Some beetles can fly. 5. 그들은놀라워요! (amazing / they re /!) They re amazing! Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를쓰세요. 1. A beetle is an insect. 2. Many beetles are black and brown. 3. Some have spots or stripes. 4. Beetles live almost everywhere. 5. Some beetles eat other beetles. 선생님확인 14
Book 4 Unit 4 Two Different Animals 2B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 squid 오징어 9 바다 ocean 2 fin 지느러미 10 오징어 squid 3 smart 똑똑한, 영리한 11 지느러미 fin 4 forest 숲 12 돌고래 dolphin 5 dolphin 돌고래 13 숲 forest 6 ocean 바다 14 똑똑한, 영리한 smart 7 live 살다 15 다리 leg 8 leg 다리 16 살다 live 16 개중 개정답 15
Key Points < 소유를나타내는표현을할때 > 소유를나타낼때는단어뒤에아포스트로피 ( ) 를써요. 단어가한개를가리킬때는아포스트로피 ( ) + s, 여러개를가리킬때는 s뒤에아포스트로피 ( ) 만붙여요. 예 ) The elephant s ears are big. ( 코끼리의귀는커요.) Yuna goes to girls high school. ( 유나는여자고등학교에다녀.) Let s Practice 사다리타기를하고, 빈칸을채워대화를완성해보세요. 1. Annie s dress 2. Turtle s shell 3. Sarah s hair pretty hard red 1. A: How is Annie s dress? B: Annie s dress is pretty 2. A: Is turtle s shell soft? B: No, the turtle s shell is hard. 3. A: What color is Sarah s hair? B: Sarah s hair is red.. 16
Sentence Fun 주어진단어를순서에맞게배열해서우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 돌고래는바다에살아요. (ocean / live / the / in / dolphins /.) Dolphins live in the ocean. 2. 그들은물고기와오징어를먹어요. (eat / fish / squid / and / they /.) They eat fish and squid. 3. 우람이의여동생은코끼리를좋아해요. (sister / Wooram s / elephant / the / likes /.) Wooram s sister likes the elephant. 4. 그들은네개의다리를가지고있어요. (four / legs / they / have /.) They have four legs. 5. 그들도아주똑똑해요. (too /, / they / smart / are / very /.) They are very smart, too. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를쓰세요. 1. Wooram s brother likes the dolphin. 2. They have fins. 3. Wooram s sister likes the elephant. 4. Elephants live in the forest. 5. They are very smart, too. 선생님확인 17
Book 4 Unit 5 My Pet Rabbit, Chocolate 3A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 playful 장난잘하는, 명랑한 9 당근 carrot 2 hay 마른풀, 건초 10 3 carrot 당근 11 4 soft 부드러운, 보들보들한 12 마른풀, 건초 부드러운, 보들보들한털이있는, 부드러운털의 hay soft furry 5 furry 6 feel 털이있는, 부드러운털의촉감이 ~ 하다, ~ 한느낌이있다. 13 장난잘하는, 명랑한 playful 14 항상, 늘 always 7 around 여기저기, 이리저리 15 촉감이 ~ 하다, ~ 한느낌이있다 feel 8 always 항상, 늘 16 여기저기, 이리저리 around 16 개중 개정답 18
Key Points <~ 의 > my( 나의 ), your( 너의 ), his( 그의 ), her( 그녀의 ), its( 그것의 ) 예 ) My hair is brown. ( 나의머리카락은갈색이에요.) His dog is small. ( 그의개는작아요.) Let s Practice 빈칸에알맞은단어를써넣어문장을완성하고, 아래퍼즐에서정답에해당하는단어를 찾아동그라미해보세요. 1. You go to a new school. Your school is big. ( 너는새로운학교에갈거야. 너의학교는커.) 2. The turtle has a shell. Its shell is hard. ( 거북이는등껍질을가지고있어요. 그것의등껍질은딱딱해요.) 3. Jimmy has a dog. His dog is small. ( 지미는개를가지고있어요. 그의개는작아요.) 4. I have short hair. My hair is short. ( 나는짧은머리카락을가졌어요. 내머리카락은짧아요.) A R E S W S M U H I S N I D Z P I Y O U R W O T S C B A X Q S M Y W N H E E Z Z A M X P X J K Q W 19
Sentence Fun 주어진단어를순서에맞게배열해서우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 나는애완토끼한마리가있어요. (have / I / rabbit / a / pet /.) I have a pet rabbit. 2. 초콜릿은갈색이에요. (chocolate / brown / is /.) Chocolate is brown. 3. 그녀는또한장난을잘쳐요. (playful / also / she / is /.) She is also playful. 4. 그녀는마당을뛰어돌아다니는걸좋아해요. (likes / run / to / yard / the / around / she /.) She likes to run around the yard. 5. 초콜릿은부드럽고털을가지고있어요. (furry / feels / chocolate / soft / and /.) Chocolate feels soft and furry. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를쓰세요. 1. Her name is Chocolate. 2. Chocolate is brown. 3. She is small. 4. She is always hungry. 5. She eats carrots and hay. 선생님확인 20
Book 4 Unit 6 I Want to Be a Zookeeper 3B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 train 훈련하다 9 2 clean 청소하다 10 돌보다, 보살피다동물원사육사 care zookeeper 3 feed 먹이를주다 11 직업 job 4 zookeeper 동물원사육사 12 훈련하다 train 5 job 직업 13 청소하다 clean 6 care 돌보다, 보살피다 14 먹이를주다 feed 7 wash 씻다 15 그들의, 그것들의 their 8 their 그들의, 그것들의 16 씻다 wash 16 개중 개정답 21
Key Points <~ 의 > 우리의 (our), 너희들의 (your), 그들의 (their) 예 ) I can train the animals. I can clean their cages. ( 나는동물들을조련할수있어요. 나는그들의우리를청소할수있어요.) Let s Practice 아래상자에서알맞은단어나표현을골라동그라미한후, 빈칸을채워문장을완성하세요. 1. The elephants have babies. Their babies are cute. 2. You two have a new car. Your cars are red. 3. My family has a house. Our house is very big. 4. My family eats dinner. Our dinner is delicious. 5. Tony and Brian have a cat. Their cat is black. Their Your Its Our dinner Our Their cat His Her 22
Sentence Fun 주어진단어를순서에맞게배열해서우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 나는그동물들을훈련할수있어요. (can / I / train / animals / the /.) I can train the animals. 2. 나는그동물들에게먹이를줄수있어요. (animals / feed / I / can / the /.) I can feed the animals. 3. 나는그들의새끼들을돌볼수있어요. (care / their / for / can / I / babies /.) I can care for their babies. 4. 나는사람들에게동물들에대해가르칠수있어요. (teach / can / I / people / animals / about /.) I can teach people about animals. 5. 정말멋진직업이에요! (job / great / a / what /!) What a great job! Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를쓰세요. 1. I want to be a zookeeper. 2. I can work at the zoo. 3. I can train the animals. 4. I can teach people about animals. 5. What a great job! 선생님확인 23
BEFLY Speaking 유형연계질문에답하기 Question No. 1 What s your favorite animal? 문제 Question No. 2 Where does the animal live? 출처 B4, p. 6~40 (1) 여러분이제일좋아하는동물은무엇인가요? (2) 그동물은어디에사나요? 힌트 (1) my favorite animal is ~ (2) lives in 답안 (1) My favorite animal is the elephant. (2) It lives in the forest. 24
BEFLY Writing 유형그림의세부묘사완성하기출처 B4, p. 29~34 brown soft 힌트 furry carrots hay 답안 (1) is brown (2) soft and furry (3) carrots and hay 25
Yoon s BEFL Note Wooram s Writing Camp Book 4 Dictation 은 베플리 < 베플리학습 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요. Like? 1
Book 4 Study Planner 교재명 학습목표동물과관련된이야기를읽고아이디어맵을활용하여쓸수있다. 날짜 Unit Title Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한내용 ( 단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리 등을 자유롭게쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매일매일계획대로공부했나요? 2. 학습내용을충실히공부했나요? 3. 교재학습이끝난후부족한부분은복습했나요? 학부모확인 선생님확인 2
Wooram s Writing Camp Book 4 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 동물원 zoo 반학생들 class 원숭이 monkey 1A 기린 코끼리 giraffe elephant 아기 baby 늦은 late 물개 seal 애완동물 pet 토끼 rabbit 우리, 새장 cage 1B 수조 거북 tank turtle 도마뱀 lizard 뱀 snake 정말로 really 3
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 딱정벌레 beetle 곤충 insect 점 spot 2A 줄무늬 식물 stripe plant 놀랄만한 amazing 어떤 some 날다 fly 돌고래 dolphin 바다 ocean 오징어 squid 2B 지느러미 똑똑한, 영리한 숲 fin smart forest 살다 live 다리 leg 4
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 촉감이 ~ 하다, ~ 한느낌이있다 feel 부드러운, 보들보들한 soft 털이있는, 부드러운털의 furry 3A 당근 마른풀, 건초 장난잘하는, 명랑한 항상, 늘 carrot hay playful always 여기저기, 이리저리 동물원사육사 around zookeeper 훈련하다 train 청소하다 clean 3B 먹이를주다돌보다, 보살피다 직업 feed care job 그들의, 그것들의 씻다 their wash 5
Book 4 Unit 1 At the Zoo 1A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 zoo 동물원 9 동물원 zoo 2 baby 아기 10 원숭이 monkey 3 monkey 원숭이 11 기린 giraffe 4 giraffe 기린 12 아기 baby 5 elephant 코끼리 13 코끼리 elephant 6 class 반학생들 14 반학생들 class 7 seal 물개 15 늦은 late 8 late 늦은 16 물개 seal 16 개중 개정답 6
Key Points <am, are, is> ~ 이다, (~ 에 ) 있다 라고말할때씁니다. 1. am : I와함께씁니다. 예 ) I am here with my class. ( 나는반친구들과여기에있어요.) 2. are : you와함께씁니다. 예 ) You are funny. ( 너재미있다.) 3. is : he, she, it과함께씁니다. 예 ) She is cute. ( 그녀는귀여워요.) Let s Practice 우리말뜻을읽고, 빈칸에들어갈말을찾아선으로연결하여문장을완성하세요. 1. I am at the zoo. ( 나는동물원에있어요.) He is 2. You are late for school. ( 너학교에늦었어.) am 3. It is tall. ( 그것은키가커요.) You are 4. He is funny. ( 그는웃겨요.) is 5. She is very pretty. ( 그녀는아주예뻐.) She is 7
Sentence Fun 주어진단어를순서에맞게배열해서우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 다음에, 우리는기린을봐요. (see / a / giraffe / we / next /, /.) Next, we see a giraffe. 2. 기린은키가커요. (is / tall / giraffe / the /.) The giraffe is tall. 3. 그런다음, 우리는큰코끼리를봐요. (we / a / big /, / elephant / see / then /.) Then, we see a big elephant. 4. 코끼리는아기가있어요. (a / baby / the / has / elephant /.) The elephant has a baby. 5. 그녀의아기는귀여워요! (cute / baby / is / her /!) Her baby is cute! Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를쓰세요. 1. I am at the zoo. 2. I am here with my class. 3. The monkey is funny. 4. First, we see a monkey. 5. Her baby is cute! 선생님확인 8
Book 4 Unit 2 At the Pet Store 1B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 cage 우리, 새장 9 애완동물 pet 2 tank 수조 10 도마뱀 lizard 3 turtle 거북 11 거북 turtle 4 lizard 도마뱀 12 우리, 새장 cage 5 pet 애완동물 13 토끼 rabbit 6 rabbit 토끼 14 수조 tank 7 snake 뱀 15 정말로 really 8 really 정말로 16 뱀 snake 16 개중 개정답 9
Key Points <are> 수가하나보다큰단어에는 are 를사용합니다. 예 ) The rabbits are soft. ( 토끼는부드러워요.) Mark and I are at the pet store. ( 마크와나는애완동물가게에있어요.) You are kind people. ( 당신들은친절한사람들이에요.) Let s Practice < 보기 > 와같이잘못된부분을찾아밑줄을긋고, 바르게고쳐문장을다시써보세요. < 보기 > The cats is brown. ( 고양이들은갈색이에요.) The cats are brown. 1. The birds is loud. ( 새들은시끄러워요.) The birds are loud. 2. The turtles am small. ( 거북이들은작아요.) The turtles are small. 3. The rabbits and birds is in cages. ( 토끼들과새들은우리안에있어요.) The rabbits and birds are in cages. 4. The animals is in tanks. ( 동물들은수조안에있어요.) The animals are in tanks. 10
Sentence Fun 주어진단어를순서에맞게배열해서우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 개구리들과거북이들은수조안에있어요. (frogs / turtles / are / the / and / tanks / in /.) The frogs and turtles are in tanks. 2. 그때, 마크가도마뱀을봐요. (lizard / Mark / then /, / a / sees /.) Then, Mark sees a lizard. 3. 그는도마뱀을정말좋아해요. (lizard / he / the / likes / really /.) He really likes the lizard. 4. 그는도마뱀을사요. (buys / lizard / the / he /.) He buys the lizard. 5. 이제마크는애완동물을갖게되었어요. (Mark / now / a / pet / has /.) Now Mark has a pet. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를쓰세요. 1. Mark and I are at the pet store. 2. We see many animals. 3. The rabbits and birds are in cages. 4. The frogs and turtles are in tanks. 5. Now Mark has a pet. 선생님확인 11
Book 4 Unit 3 Report on a Beetle 2A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 beetle 딱정벌레 9 곤충 insect 2 amazing 놀랄만한 10 점 spot 3 spot 점 11 줄무늬 stripe 4 stripe 줄무늬 12 식물 plant 5 insect 곤충 13 놀랄만한 amazing 6 plant 식물 14 딱정벌레 beetle 7 fly 날다 15 어떤 some 8 some 어떤 16 날다 fly 16 개중 개정답 12
Key Points <is와 are> 1. 수가하나인단어에는 is를써요. 예 ) The ant is brown. ( 개미는갈색이에요.) 2. 수가하나보다큰단어에는 are를써요. 예 ) Insects are small. ( 곤충은작아요.) Let s Practice 빈칸에 is 와 are 중에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. The monkey is funny. 2. The turtles are in tanks. 3. The birds are in cages. 4. The giraffe is tall. 5. A beetle is an insect. 13
Sentence Fun 주어진단어를순서에맞게배열해서우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 많은딱정벌레들이검은색과갈색이에요. (beetles / are / many / brown / black / and /.) Many beetles are black and brown. 2. 딱정벌레들은거의모든곳에서살아요. (beetles / everywhere / almost / live /.) Beetles live almost everywhere. 3. 많은딱정벌레들은식물을먹어요. (many / eat / beetles / plants /.) Many beetles eat plants. 4. 어떤딱정벌레들은날수있어요. (some / beetles / fly / can /.) Some beetles can fly. 5. 그들은놀라워요! (amazing / they re /!) They re amazing! Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를쓰세요. 1. A beetle is an insect. 2. Many beetles are black and brown. 3. Some have spots or stripes. 4. Beetles live almost everywhere. 5. Some beetles eat other beetles. 선생님확인 14
Book 4 Unit 4 Two Different Animals 2B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 squid 오징어 9 바다 ocean 2 fin 지느러미 10 오징어 squid 3 smart 똑똑한, 영리한 11 지느러미 fin 4 forest 숲 12 돌고래 dolphin 5 dolphin 돌고래 13 숲 forest 6 ocean 바다 14 똑똑한, 영리한 smart 7 live 살다 15 다리 leg 8 leg 다리 16 살다 live 16 개중 개정답 15
Key Points < 소유를나타내는표현 1> ~ 의 라고말하고싶을때는단어뒤에아포스트로피 ( ) 와 s 를붙여써요. 예 ) Annie s dress 애니의드레스 the turtle s shell 그거북이의딱지 Let s Practice 괄호속단어를소유를나타내는말로바꾸어빈칸에써보세요. 1. (turtle) The turtle s baby is cute. 2. (Wooram) I see Wooram s red pencil. 3. (Ruby) Ruby s sister likes the monkey. 4. (dolphin) The dolphin s fin is blue. 5. (elephant) The elephant s nose is long.. 16
Sentence Fun 주어진단어를순서에맞게배열해서우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 돌고래는바다에살아요. (ocean / live / the / in / dolphins /.) Dolphins live in the ocean. 2. 그들은물고기와오징어를먹어요. (eat / fish / squid / and / they /.) They eat fish and squid. 3. 우람이의여동생은코끼리를좋아해요. (sister / Wooram s / elephant / the / likes /.) Wooram s sister likes the elephant. 4. 그들은네개의다리를가지고있어요. (four / legs / they / have /.) They have four legs. 5. 그들도아주똑똑해요. (too /, / they / smart / are / very /.) They are very smart, too. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를쓰세요. 1. Wooram s brother likes the dolphin. 2. They have fins. 3. Wooram s sister likes the elephant. 4. Elephants live in the forest. 5. They are very smart, too. 선생님확인 17
Book 4 Unit 5 My Pet Rabbit, Chocolate 3A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 playful 장난잘하는, 명랑한 9 당근 carrot 2 hay 마른풀, 건초 10 3 carrot 당근 11 4 soft 부드러운, 보들보들한 12 마른풀, 건초 부드러운, 보들보들한털이있는, 부드러운털의 hay soft furry 5 furry 6 feel 털이있는, 부드러운털의촉감이 ~ 하다, ~ 한느낌이있다. 13 장난잘하는, 명랑한 playful 14 항상, 늘 always 7 around 여기저기, 이리저리 15 촉감이 ~ 하다, ~ 한느낌이있다 feel 8 always 항상, 늘 16 여기저기, 이리저리 around 16 개중 개정답 18
Key Points < 소유를나타내는표현 2> my( 나의 ) your( 너의 ) his( 그의 ) her( 그녀의 ) its( 그것의 ) 예 ) My hair is brown. ( 나의머리카락은갈색이에요.) His dog is small. ( 그의개는작아요.) Let s Practice 빈칸에알맞은단어를써넣어문장을완성하세요. 1. You go to a new school. Your school is big. ( 너는새로운학교에갈거야. 너의학교는커.) 2. The turtle has a shell. Its shell is hard. ( 거북이는등껍질을가지고있어요. 그것의등껍질은딱딱해요.) 3. Jimmy has a dog. His dog is small. ( 지미는개를가지고있어요. 그의개는작아요.) 4. I have short hair. My hair is short. ( 나는짧은머리카락을가졌어요. 내머리카락은짧아요.) 5. Minsu has a brother. His brother is a teacher. ( 민수에게는형이있어요. 그의형은교사예요.) 19
Sentence Fun 주어진단어를순서에맞게배열해서우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 나는애완토끼한마리가있어요. (have / I / rabbit / a / pet /.) I have a pet rabbit. 2. 초콜릿은갈색이에요. (chocolate / brown / is /.) Chocolate is brown. 3. 그녀는또한장난을잘쳐요. (playful / also / she / is /.) She is also playful. 4. 그녀는마당을뛰어돌아다니는걸좋아해요. (likes / run / to / yard / the / around / she /.) She likes to run around the yard. 5. 초콜릿은부드럽고털을가지고있어요. (furry / feels / chocolate / soft / and /.) Chocolate feels soft and furry. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를쓰세요. 1. Her name is Chocolate. 2. Chocolate is brown. 3. She is small. 4. She is always hungry. 5. She eats carrots and hay. 선생님확인 20
Book 4 Unit 6 I Want to Be a Zookeeper 3B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 train 훈련하다 9 2 clean 청소하다 10 돌보다, 보살피다동물원사육사 care zookeeper 3 feed 먹이를주다 11 직업 job 4 zookeeper 동물원사육사 12 훈련하다 train 5 job 직업 13 청소하다 clean 6 care 돌보다, 보살피다 14 먹이를주다 feed 7 wash 씻다 15 그들의, 그것들의 their 8 their 그들의, 그것들의 16 씻다 wash 16 개중 개정답 21
Key Points < 소유를나타내는표현 3> 우리의 (our) 너희들의 (your) 그들의 / 그것들의 (their) 예 ) I can train the animals. I can clean their cages. ( 나는동물들을조련할수있어요. 나는그것들의우리를청소할수있어요.) Let s Practice 괄호안에서빈칸에알맞은단어를골라써보세요. 1. (your, their) The monkeys have babies. Their babies are funny. 2. (your, their) You two have a new house. Your house is very big. 3. (your, our) Tony and I have lunch. Our lunch is delicious. 4. (our, their) Sumi and Wooram have a cake. Their cake is small. 5. (your, our) Tony and you have a boat. Your boat is nice.. 22
Sentence Fun 주어진단어를순서에맞게배열해서우리말을영어로써보세요. 1. 나는그동물들을훈련할수있어요. (can / I / train / animals / the /.) I can train the animals. 2. 나는그동물들에게먹이를줄수있어요. (animals / feed / I / can / the /.) I can feed the animals. 3. 나는그들의새끼들을돌볼수있어요. (care / their / for / can / I / babies /.) I can care for their babies. 4. 나는사람들에게동물들에대해가르칠수있어요. (teach / can / I / people / animals / about /.) I can teach people about animals. 5. 정말멋진직업이에요! (job / great / a / what /!) What a great job! Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를쓰세요. 1. I want to be a zookeeper. 2. I can work at the zoo. 3. I can train the animals. 4. I can teach people about animals. 5. What a great job! 선생님확인 23
BEFLY Speaking 유형연계질문에답하기 Question No. 1 What s your favorite animal? 문제 Question No. 2 Where does the animal live? 출처 B4, p. 6~40 (1) 여러분이제일좋아하는동물은무엇인가요? (2) 그동물은어디에사나요? 힌트 (1) my favorite animal is ~ (2) lives in 답안 (1) My favorite animal is the elephant. (2) It lives in the forest. 24
BEFLY Writing 유형그림의세부묘사완성하기출처 B4, p. 29~34 brown soft 힌트 furry carrots hay 답안 (1) is brown (2) soft and furry (3) carrots and hay 25