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(Regular Paper) 22 5, 2017 9 (JBE Vol. 22, No. 5, September 2017) https://doi.org/10.5909/jbe.2017.22.5.652 ISSN 2287-9137 (Online) ISSN 1226-7953 (Print) a), b) A Study on Loudness Standards for Digital Broadcast Programs Heejung Kim a) and Yoo S. Yang b). 2016 5.. ITU, ATSC, EBU,,.,,,. Abstract The practice of producing and transmitting TV programs with uneven loudness can harm audiences welfare in the digital environment where audiences are entitled to be offered quality broadcasting service. The purpose of this paper is to investigate issues concerning the digital loudness policy institutionalized in Korea since May 2016, and to offer policy suggestions. This paper reviews previous studies on audience welfare in digital broadcasting, focusing on the close link between loudness policy and audience welfare. In order to explore the state of international policy, this paper examines loudness standards developed by international standardization organizations including ITU, ATSC, and EBU, along with loudness regulations in the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, Japan, and Korea, respectively. Based on the analysis, this paper suggests recommendations for policy makers and broadcasters. First, policies on mandating regular monitoring and establishing penality system should be established for broadcasters not to violate loudness standards. Second, broadcasters are recommended to collect audience feedback, to be equipped with loudness measuring devices, to offer personnel training programs, and to check the compliance of loudness standards when they outsource TV programs. Keywords : digital TV, loudness standards, the CALM Act Copyright 2017 Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers. All rights reserved. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and not altered.

1 : (Heejung Kim et al.: A Study on Loudness Standards for Digital Broadcast Programs).... TV 3 TV?..,,..., (level difference in program-to-commercial) a) (Yonsei University, Communication Research Institute) b) (Chung-Ang University, Graduate School of International Studies) Corresponding Author : (Kim, Heejung) E-mail: heejungtalks@gmail.com Tel: +82-2-3274-2821 ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6578-8025 Manuscript received July 25, 2017; Revised September 15, 2017; Accepted September 15, 2017.., (level difference in program-to-program)., (level difference in channel-to-channel).,...... II. III ITU, ATSC, EBU,,,, 2014 5. IV, V.. TV 44.1%, 2

56.,, PC TV 2 46. [1] TV.,. 1. 20., (public trustee).,. [2] (the scarcity rationale).. [3], [4]. [5],.,.. HD, (EPG),, 100-1,000 CD..., (Cuilenberg & McQuail) [6] (public interest).,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. [7],,,,,,,,,..

1 : (Heejung Kim et al.: A Study on Loudness Standards for Digital Broadcast Programs),. [8] [9],. [10],. [11],,. [12]. [13]. [14],.,.,.,.. 2.,.. 2011 KBS1, KBS2, MBC, SBS 4 17.4LKFS 24LKFS 6.6dB. 2013, 4 2.3dB. [15] 2015 4 4 4.6dB, 3.7dB. [16] 38 [17], 2015 10 2016 5. 2016 5 12 23.9LKFS,.

III.. 1 2,. HDTV CD,. UHDTV HDTV 5.1 10.1-22.2. [18],,, (dynamic range). [19],, (loudness) [20]. ITU-R LKFS(Loudness K-weighted relative to Full Scale), LKFS. 1. 1.1 ITU(International Telecommunications Union) (ITU), ITU. 2006 ITU ITU-R BS.1770. ITU-R BS.1770 LKFS (loudness) (true-peak audio level). [21] 2010 3 ITU-R BS.1864 24LKFS. [22] 24LKFS ITU TV. 2011 (gating) ITU-R BS.1770-2, [23] 2012 ITU-R BS.1770-3. [24] 1.2 ATSC(Advanced Television Systems Committee) ATSC A/53, 2006 ITU ITU-R Rec. BS.1770. 2009 11 ATSC RP(Recommended Practice) A/85 Techniques for Establishing and Maintaining Audio Loudness for Digital Television ITU-R BS.1770. AC-3 (dialnorm), 24LKFS, ±2dB. [25] 2011 5 6 ATSC RP A/85. 1.3 EBU(European Broadcasting Union) EBU 2008 EBU P/LOUD(for Production/Loudness) VU(Volume Unit) PPM(Peak Program Meter), 2010 8 EBU Recommendation R128. 2010 EBU Recommendation R128

1 : (Heejung Kim et al.: A Study on Loudness Standards for Digital Broadcast Programs), R128 ITU-R BS.1770 23LUFS (Loudness Unit Full Scale), ±1LU. [26] -23LKFS TV EBU. EBU Recommendation R128 EBU. 2010 EBU Tech 3341 EBU, EBU Tech 3342. 2011 EBU Tech 3343, EBU Tech 3344. [27] 1. Table 1. Recommendations and Loudness Standards for Digital Broadcast Programs in International Standard Organizations Organization ITU-R ATSC EBU Recommendation(Year) ITU BS.1770(2006) ITU-R BS.1864(2010) (2 ITU BS.1770-2(2011) (2 ITU BS.1770-3(2012) ATSC Recommended Practice A/85 (2009) EBU Tech. 3205-E(1979) EBU R128(2010) EBU Tech. 3341(2016) EBU Tech. 3342 EBU Tech. 3343(2011) EBU Tech. 3344(2011) Standard (Margin of Error) -24LKFS -24LKFS(±2LU) 23LUFS(±1LU) Source: ITU(2006, 2010, 2011, 2012), ATSC(2009), EBU(2010) 2. 2.1. 2002 FCC (Federal Communications Commission),. 2008 6, 2010 9 (the CALM Act: Commercial Advertise- ment Loudness Mitigation Act). 2012 12 13 1 2013 12 13., (MVPD: Multi-channel Video Programming Distributor) ATSC Recommended Practice A/85., (locally inserted commercial) (embedded commercials). [28]. FCC,, FCC. [29] 2012, 20,000 FCC. [30] 2013 FCC 2. (2014. 12. 29 2016. 2. 16) Table 2. Consumer Complaints Related to Broadcasting Service (2014. 12. 29-2016. 2. 16) Types of Complaints Number of Cases(%) Billing 13,851(38%) Availability 6,104(16.8%) Loud Commercials 5,029(13.8%) Indecency 4,977(13.7%) Equipment 3,799(10.4%) Interference 1,828(5%) Privacy 611(1.7%) Open Internet/Net Neutrality 211(0.6%) Source: FCC(2016)

16,000, 2014 12 8 2014 6,380. [31] 2014 12 29 2016 2 16 FCC 5,029 ( 2). [32] 1.2 -TV (CRTC: Canadian Radiotelevision and Telecommunications Commission). 2011 2 11 ATSC A/85 RP, 1 CRTC. CRTC 2011 12 22, 2012 2 13. 2012 9 1 ATSC RP A/85. [33] 1.3 2010 FTVA (FreeTV Australia) Operational Practice OP-59. FTVA, ITU (dialnorm)., 24 LKFS±1LU. [34] 1.4 Ofcom(Office of Communications). 2008 7, Ofcom (BCAP: Broadcast Committee of Advertising Standards). [35] BCAP 4.7 (excessively noisy or strident).. ITU-R BS.1770 ITU-R BS.1771. 1.5 (CSA: Counseil Supérieur de l'audiovisuel) 2011, 2012 1 1 23LKFS±1dB. 2012 8 31 ARD ZDF, 2012 8 31.,,,,,,,,, 2012. [36] 1.6 2009 7 (working group),. (ARIB: Association of Radio Industries and Businesses). 2011 3 ITU-R BS.1770-2 ITU-R BS.1864 ARIB TR-B32. 2011 5 (JBA: The Japan Commercial Broadcasters Association) ARIB

1 : (Heejung Kim et al.: A Study on Loudness Standards for Digital Broadcast Programs) TV NAB T032. 2012 10 1, 24LKFS, ±1dB., 2012 10 1 2013 3 31. 2013 4 1. [37] 3. ITU., (1) (,, ) (2) (, ).. [38], MVPD. [39] 3.. [40]. II,,. [41] 3. Table 3. Regulations on Loudness Standards in Digital Broadcast Programs in Major Nations United States Canada Australia United Kingdom Japan Regulatory Ground Public Law 111.311 (Calm Act) FCC 11-182 R&O Broadcasting Regulatory Policy CRTC 2011-584, 2012-273 Broadcasting Order CRTC 2012-274 OP (Operational Practice) 59 UK Code of Broadcast Advertising ARIB TR-B32 Regulatory Agency FCC CRTC FTVA(Free TV Australia) Ofcom ARIB Starting Date of Regulation 2012. 12. 13 2012. 9. 1 2013. 1. 1 2010. 9. 1 2013. 4. 1 Subject for Regulation Content to be Regulated Average Loudness Level (Margin of Errors) Source: ETRI(2012); KCA(2014) MVPD Operators Broadcasters Broadcasters Broadcasters Broadcasters Commericals Commercals Commericals -24LKFS (±2) -24LKFS (±2) -24LKFS (±1) Commercials/ Digital Broadcast Programs -24LUFS (±1) Commercials/ Digital Broadcast Programs -24LKFS (±1)

. 2012 11. 2013 9. [42] 2014 5 70 2 ( 4), 70 2 2014 11 4. Table 4. Activities to Establish Loudness Standards for Digital Broadcast Programs 2012. 11 2013. 9 2013. 10 Activities Proposed a partial amendment to the Broadcasting Law Operated a Special Research Team on digital TV loudness Released Operational Standard for Audio Loudness Level of Digital Broadcasting 2014. 5 Established Article 70-2 in the Broadcasting Act 2014. 11 2016. 5 Released A Notice on Standard of Audio Loudness in Digital TV Program Implemented the regulation on digital TV loudness standard 5. [43] Table 5. Volume Criteria of Digital Broadcast Programs in Broadcasting Act Act 70-2(Volume Criteria, etc. of Digital Broadcast Programs) (1) The Minister of Science, ICT and Future Planning shall determine and announce the standard volume criteria in order for broadcasting business operators to operate channels maintaining the volume of digital broadcast programs (including commercials; hereafter in this Article the same shall apply) at a uniform level. (2) Where the volume of a digital broadcast program does not comply with the standard volume criteria determined under paragraph (1), the Minister of Science, ICT and Future Planning may issue an order requiring a broadcasting business operator to make a correction or to other necessary measures. [This Article Newly Inserted by Act No. 12677, May 28, 2014]. ITU 24LKFS 24LKFS±2dB,,. 70 2 2. IV.,,..,. 2016 5 2..,,, IPTV.,..

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