도서관보제 132 호
도서관보제 132 호 Champaign-Urbana( 180,000 ), Chicago, Springfield 3. 1867 - (Urbana-Champaign) Illinois Industrial University, 1868. 1885 University of Illinois. Justin. S. Morrill 2) http://www.illinois.edu 3) http://blog.naver.com/dollthing?redirect=log&logno=150042468757 4) http://illinois.edu/about/overview/facts/facts.html
1,461 3,940 31,173 521 1,099 4,655 10,322 3,081 3,940 41,495 2.3 square miles (1,468 acres) 286 7.7 square miles (4,938 acres) 559 10 square miles (6,406 acres) 845 1 37, (,,,,, ) 2,100, 9. 1,100.,,.,,, 455. 5) http://www.library.illinois.edu/
도서관보제 132 호 Harvard 16,369,969 Yale 12,570,888 Illinois 11,000,000 책 7) http://www.library.illinois.edu/administration/librarian/vision.html 6) http://www.library.illinois.edu/administration/human/positions/facprof.html
11,000,000 12,000,000 90,000 9,000,000 148,000 930,000 280,000 12,000 650,000 33,460,000 items 9) http://www.library.illinois.edu/geninfo/history.html 10) https://i-share.carli.illinois.edu/ilcso/cgi-bin/welcome
도서관보제 132 호 1868 1,039 0 1935 1,000,000 67 1946 2,000,000 9 1956 3,000,000 10 1966 4,000,000 10 1974 5,000,000 8 1982 6,000,000 8 1986 7,000,000 4 1992 8,000,000 6 1998 9,000,000 6 2003 10,000,000 5 2009 11,000,000 10 12) http://www.library.illinois.edu/administration/human/positions/facprof.html
Faculty Librarian 95 Academic Professionals 50 Civil Service Staff 200 Gaudate Asistance 100 455 13) http://www.library.illinois.edu/geninfo/history.html 14) http://www.library.illinois.edu/mortenson/about/
도서관보제 132 호 Mortenson Center. Mortenson Center 2.,, Training Mortenson Center,, 14 Mortenson Center 2
Heinar Camacho Gomez Luis Angel Arango Public Library Colombia Fernando Garcia Arenas Luis Angel Arango Public Library Nana Berikashvili Georgia Caucasus Research Resource Center, Eurasia Partnerhip Foundation Kengo Yamada Japan Hosei University A. Samson Adebayo Obafemi Awolovo University Nigeria Fehintola Nike Onifade University of Agriculture, Abeokuta Hyunwoo Park South Korea Seoul National University Library Martha de Waal University of Pretoria, Center for African Library Leadership, LIASA, ASAIB Annamrie Goosen South Africa Center for Information Carrer Development (CICD) Morogwa Modiba National Library of South Africa Monyasti Ben Ramela City of Johanesburg Libraries Linda Claudia de Four Trinadad and Tobago University of the West Indies Christine Aso Uganda Gulu University Trang Huynh Vietnam Catho University, Learning Resource Center
도서관보제 132 호 1 Introductions and Context 9. 14-9. 18 2 The Big Picture 9. 21-9. 26 3 Library 2.0 9. 28-10. 4 4 Presentating ourselves and our Past 10. 5-10. 9 5 Innovation and Information 10. 12-10. 17 6 Diversity of Services 10. 19-10. 23 7 Bring it Home 10. 26-10. 29 강의견학토의강연 발표연습 발표여행쇼핑 4 7 2 0 1 3 5 3 1 2 3 6 6 4 7 % 2 0 % 1 3 % 6 % 3 % 1 % 2 % 3 % 6 % 6 % 저녁초대 점심제공 3, 3% 6, 5% 6, 5% 2, 2% 1, 1% 3, 3% 5, 5% 13, 12% 20, 19% 47, 44% 강의견학토의강연발표연습발표여행쇼핑저녁초대점심제공
도서관보제 132 호 Interview 9. 14( ) 9:00-11:00 a.m. Meijer and County Market in Urbana 9. 14( ) 12:00-2:00 p.m. 9. 15( ) 08:30-9:30 a.m. Mortenson Center & Program Overview 9. 15( ) 9:30-11:00 a.m. Tour of Campus - beginning at Goodwin Avenue and ending at Main Library - Main Library & Undergraduate Library (1) 9. 15( ) 12:30-2:00 p.m. Education in the United States (1) 9. 15( ) 02:00-3:00 p.m. Bus Passes at CU-MTD 9. 15( ) 03:30-5:00 p.m. Overview of UIUC Library Structure (2) 9. 16( ) 08:30-9:00 a.m. Library Friends Introduction (1) 9. 16( ) 9:00-12:00 p.m. DiSC Assessment (3) 9. 16( ) 01:30-4:00 p.m. Presentation Style and Power Point Tip (4) 9. 17( ) 9:00-11:30 a.m. Grant Writing (5) 9. 17( ) 01:00-3:15 p.m. ISSS Orientation (6) 9. 17( ) 03:30-5:00 p.m. Information Literacy (7) 9. 18( ) 9:00-12:00 p.m. Discussion (2) 9. 18( ) 01:30-2:30 p.m. Presentation Preparation (1) 9. 18( ) 02:30-4:30 p.m. Farmer's Market 9.19( ) 09:00-5:30 p.m. Dinner at Susan Schnuer's house (1) 9. 19( ) 06:00-8:00 p.m. ( : )
도서관보제 132 호 OCLC Overview: Mission, Vision and History OCLC Products and Services Professional Affiliations and Partnerships Governance Structure of OCLC (1) 9. 21( ) 12:00-5:00 p.m. MARC: Some History of Shared Cataloging (2) 9. 21( ) 12:00-2:00 p.m. Introduction to OCLS (3) 9. 21( ) 8:30-9:30 a.m. Governance of OCLC (4) 9. 22( ) 8:00-9:00 a.m. OCLC Tour : Library, System Room, Control Room (1) 9. 22( ) 9:00-1100 a.m. Table Talk Lunch in OCLC (1) 9. 22( ) 11:00-1:00 p.m. Westerville Public Library (2) 9. 22( ) 1:00-4:30 p.m. Introduction of IFLA (5) 9. 23( ) 9:00-2:30 p.m. Library Faculty Meeting (3) 9. 23( ) 3:00-5:00 p.m. A Day in the Life of a University Librarian ( 8, 3) 9. 24( ) 9:00-11:00 p.m. IFLA Internet Manifesto I (6) 9. 24( ) 12:00-3:00 p.m. IFLA Internet Manifesto II (7, 2) 9. 24( ) 3:00-5:00 p.m. ALA-American Library Association (4) 9. 25( ) 9:00-11:00 a.m. Chicago Public Library (5) 9. 25( ) 1:00-5:00 p.m. Trip & Shopping in Chicago 9. 26( ) 9:00-2:00 p.m. 교육 견학 인터뷰자기소개토의 강연 발표 연습 발표 여행 쇼핑 저녁 ( 단위 : 횟수 ) 점심 제공
Libraries! can and should be the ultimate shopping experience. Conveneince!
도서관보제 132 호 Introduction of Graduate School of Library and Information Science & Tour (1) 9. 28( ) 09:00-12:00 p.m. Discussion (1) 9. 28( ) 01:30-02:30 p.m. Web 2.0 and RSS (3) 9. 28( ) 02:30-05:00 a.m. Library Blogs (4) 9. 29( ) 09:00-10:00 a.m. Social Bookmarking (5) 9. 29( ) 10:00-12:00 p.m. Presentation Rehearsals (1) 9. 29( ) 01:00-05:00 p.m. Facebook (6) 9. 30( ) 09:00-10:30 p.m. Usability Testing (7) 9. 30( ) 01:30-05:00 p.m. Library Advocacy (8) 10. 1( ) 08:30-11:00 a.m. Lincoln Trail Libraries System (1) 10. 1( ) 01:00-04:30 p.m. Illinois Informatics Initiative & Reception (2)/ (1) 10. 1( ) 05:00-06:00 p.m. Instant Messaging (9) 10. 2( ) 09:00-11:00 a.m. Media Sharing (10) 10. 2( ) 11:00-12:30 p.m. Presenation Exercise (2) 10. 2( ) 01:00-05:00 p.m. Dinner at Barbara Ford's (2) 10.4( ) 05:00-07:00 p.m.
교육 견학 인터뷰자기소개토의 강연 발표 연습 발표 여행 쇼핑 ( 단위 : 횟수 ) 점심저녁제공
도서관보제 132 호 내용 구분 날짜 시간 Library Marketing 교육 (1) 10. 5( 월 ) 09:00-12:00 p.m. Presentation Rehearsal 발표연습 (1) 10. 5( 월 ) 01:00-03:45 p.m. Rethinking Education in the Age of Technology 강연 (1) 10. 5( 월 ) 04:00-05:00 p.m. News-Gazette 견학 (1) 10. 6( 화 ) 09:30-11:30 a.m. Project Management 1 교육 (2) 10. 6( 화 ) 01:00-05:00 p.m. Brookens Library, University of Illinois at Springfield 견학 (2) 10. 7( 수 ) 08:30-12:00 p.m. Lincoln Presidential Museum Library 견학 (3) 10. 7( 수 ) 12:30-01:30 p.m. Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum 견학 (4) 10.7( 수 ) 01:30-03:15 p.m. Conference Registration (Peoria Civic Center) 등록 10.7( 수 ) 04:30-05:00 p.m. ILA Presentation by Mortenson Associates 발표 (1) 10. 8( 목 ) 09:00-10:00 a.m. ILA Exibit 관람 (1) 10. 8( 목 ) 10:30-11:30 a.m. ILA Conference 견학 (5) 10. 8( 목 ) 11:30-04:30 p.m. Membership Meeting 견학 (6) 10. 8( 목 ) 04:45-05:30 p.m. Digital Content Creation 교육 (3) 10. 9( 금 ) 09:00-10:30 a.m. Lincoln Collection 견학 (7) 10. 9( 금 ) 10:30-12:00 p.m. Oak Street Library Facility 견학 (8) 10. 9( 금 ) 02:00-04:30 p.m.
교육 견학 인터뷰자기소개토의 강연 발표 연습 발표 여행 쇼핑 ( 단위 : 횟수 ) 점심저녁제공
도서관보제 132 호 내용구분날짜시간 Discussion 토의 (1) 10. 12( 월 ) 8:00-8:45 a.m. GLIS Help Desk 교육 (1) 10. 12( 월 ) 9:00-12:00 p.m. Grainger Engineering Library 교육 / 견학 (2,1) 10. 12( 월 ) 1:00-3:45 p.m. How Web Site Traffic Changes Over Time and Why It Matters 강연 (1) 10. 12( 월 ) 4:00-5:30 p.m. Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District (CU-MTD) 교육 (3) 10. 13( 화 ) 9:00-11:00 p.m. Project Management 2 교육 (4) 10. 13( 화 ) 1:00-4:00 p.m. LibLime 교육 (5) 10. 14( 수 ) 10:00-12:00 p.m. Wolfram Alpha 교육 (6) 10. 14( 수 ) 1:30-3:30 p.m. Box Lunch 점심제공 (1) 10. 15( 목 ) 11:00-12:00 p.m. Eat and Talk Forum 토의 (2) 10. 15( 목 ) 12:00-1:30 p.m. Mobile Libraries 교육 (7) 10. 15( 목 ) 2:00-3:00 a.m. Talk with Students 토의 (3) 10. 15( 목 ) 4:00-6:00 p.m. Discussion 토의 (4) 10. 16( 금 ) 8:00-9:00 p.m. Champaign Public Library 견학 (2) 10. 16( 금 ) 10:00-12:00 p.m. Urbana Free Library Tour and Introduction 견학 (3) 10. 16( 금 ) 2:30-4:00 a.m. Urbana Free Library GSLIS Reception 저녁만찬 (1) 10. 16( 금 ) 4:00-5:30 p.m. Trip to Arcola, Illinois - Amish Interpretive Center Museum - Amish Town Tour & Lunch at Amish home Trip to Tuscola : Tuscola Outlet Shopping Center 여행및쇼핑 (1,1) 10.17( 토 ) 8:30-6:00 p.m.
교육 견학 인터뷰자기소개토의 강연 발표 연습 발표 여행 쇼핑 저녁 ( 단위 : 횟수 ) 점심 제공 Champaign Public Library 1..
도서관보제 132 호 Urbana Free Library....
Advocacy Follow-Up (1) 10. 19( ) 08:30-10:00 a.m. Savvy Research (1) 10. 19( ) 10:30-12:00 p.m. International Comparative studies and International Librarianship (1) 10. 19( ) 12:00-01:00 p.m. University High School Library (1) 10. 19( ) 02:30-03:30 p.m. Online Ethics (2) 10. 19( ) 04:00-05:00 p.m. Public Libraries and Tolerance (3) 10. 20( ) 08:30-10:00 a.m. Copyright (4) 10. 20( ) 10:00-12:00 p.m. Project Management 3 (5) 10. 20( ) 01:00-05:00 p.m. Rare Books Library (6) 10. 21( ) 09:00-11:00 p.m. Community Informatics (7) 10. 21( ) 12:30-03:00 p.m. Dinner with IFLA President (1) 10. 21( ) 06:00-08:00 a.m. Disability Services (8) 10. 22( ) 09:00-11:30 p.m. Spurlock Museum (2) 10. 22( ) 01:00-03:00 p.m. IFLA President, Ellen Tise : "Isolation and Information Famine Stifling Africa's Growth (2) 10. 22( ) 04:00-05:00 p.m. Reception for Distinguished Lecture (2) 10. 22( ) 09:00-10:30 a.m. Foundations (9) 10. 23( ) 09:00-11:00 p.m. Discussion with IFLA President, Ellen Tise (2) 10.23( ) 01:30-03:30 p.m. 교육 견학 인터뷰자기소개토의 강연 발표 연습 발표 여행 쇼핑 저녁 ( 단위 : 횟수 ) 점심 제공
도서관보제 132 호 :,, library advocacy 1. :, CEO
내용구분날짜시간 Discussion 토의 (1) 10. 26( 월 ) 09:00-10:00 a.m. Diversity and Multicultural Services 교육 (1) 10. 26( 월 ) 10:30-11:30 p.m. Library Advancement 교육 (2) 10. 26( 화 ) 01:00-03:00 p.m. Library Assessment 교육 (3) 10. 27( 화 ) 09:00-11:00 a.m. Project Management 4 교육 (3) 10. 27( 화 ) 01:30-04:00 p.m. Library Management 교육 (4) 10. 28( 수 ) 09:00-11:00 a.m. Lunch and Discussion 점심 / 토의 (2) 10. 28( 수 ) 11:30-01:00 p.m. Debrief 인터뷰 (1) 10. 28( 수 ) 01:00-04:00 p.m. Who Owns Your Scholarship 강연 (1) 10. 29( 목 ) 04:00-05:30 p.m. Graduation Dinner 만찬 (1) 10. 29( 목 ) 06:00-08:00 p.m. 교육 견학 인터뷰토의 강연 발표연습 발표 여행쇼핑 저녁 ( 단위 : 횟수 ) 점심제공
도서관보제 132 호
도서관보제 132 호