韓國開發硏究제 32 권제 3 호 ( 통권제 108 호 ) 유료방송서비스의시장획정과제도분석 이수일 ( 한국개발연구원부연구위원 ) Market Definition and System Analysis of Paid Broadcasting Services Suil Lee (Associate Research Fellow, Korea Development Institute) * 본논문은기발간된 방송산업의시장획정과제도분석 ( 정책연구시리즈 2009-06, 한국개발연구원, 2009) 중제 1 장과제 4 장을수정 보완한것임.. ** 이수일 : (e-mail) suillee@kdi.re.kr, (address) Korea Development Institute, 49 Hoegiro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea Key Word: (Pay Television), (Relevant Market), (Market Definition), (Critical Sales Loss Test), (Fair Competition) JEL Code: K21, K23, L51, L82 Received: 2009. 11. 30 Referee Process Started: 2009. 12. 3 Referee Reports Completed: 2009. 9. 15
ABSTRACT This paper defines markets relating to each paid broadcasting service by applying the test method of critical sales loss to the results of survey to the paid service subscribers. The result confirms the existence of a meaningful competitive relationship--in terms of the Competition Law--among all paid broadcasting services included in this study, or at least analog cable broadcasting, digital cable broadcasting, and real time IPTV(Internet Protocol TV) service. This indicates that current regulations which are being applied to cable TV, satellite broadcasting, and IPTV are actually discriminatory. Based on these analysis results, this paper suggests that the main attention for the improvement of regulations should be focused on regulations which are differently applied to different paid service providers. In particular, Article 20 in the Internet Multimedia Broadcasting Law is interpreted as defining the real-time IPTV as an independent market, thereby having leeway to harm fair competition among different paid service providers. Therefore, that article needs to change to give the right of equal access to contents to all the competing paid service providers. Furthermore, to put teeth in the contents equal access rule, most popular pay channels need to be designated as target contents of the rule. As for the market-share limitation regulations, the paper suggests that an upper limit on the market share should be set based on the total number of subscribers of all the competing paid services and the same limit applied to all the competing paid service providers.
104 韓國開發硏究 / 2010. Ⅲ Ⅰ. 문제의제기,,, 1) 2).,, IPTV ( ).,, IPTV,.. 1990,,,,..,, (layer),.. (EU Commission) 2002. 3).,, 1) 2. 2) 8 4. 3) EU Commission(2002a).
유료방송서비스의시장획정과제도분석 105.., 1/3, 1/3 (system operator: SO) 4 IPTV IPTV 12, 20 IPTV., IPTV,, 1/3 IPTV 13..,.,., EU Commission(2002b),,,,,, EU Commission(2002c) EU. (2008)., Hausman (1999) GAO(2000, 2002), (2006) Rhee and Lee(2004).,. (2008),
106 韓國開發硏究 / 2010. Ⅲ....,.. Ⅱ. 유료방송서비스거래의시장획정.,. 4).,,, IPTV. 1. 시장획정방법론, (market power). (arbitrage) (economic market). 5) SSNIP. 4),,, 2006. (2008), p.38. 5) (relevant market).
유료방송서비스의시장획정과제도분석 107, (hypothetical profit maximizing firm), 6) (small but significant and non-transitory increase in price: SSNIP) 7). (operational) ( [2006], p.64). (critical sales loss: CSL). 8), %, (actual sales loss: ASL).,, (1). (1), 6), ceteris paribus 1992 (Merger Guidelines) (Massey[2000], p.319), (residual demand). Stackelberg. Kaserman and Zeisel(1996), pp. 676~678. 7) 1982 SSNIP 5~10% 1, 1984 %. 8) Harris and Simons(1989), ( [2006], p.69). - (2006).
108 韓國開發硏究 / 2010. Ⅲ (2),..,.., 5~10%.. 9) 2. 시장획정을위한자료의구축,. (2), ( ), ( ). 5% 10%... 9),,.,. Katz and Shapiro(2003) (aggregate diversion ratio).. (2006).
유료방송서비스의시장획정과제도분석 109 가. 실제매출손실률의산정. 2009 9 14 10 9 4. 2009 6 ( ) 72%,., booster sample. <Table 1>., 5% 10%,. 10)11) <Table 1> Sample Summary Services # of sample by service # of sample by survey method Face-to-face survey Internet survey Analog CATV 792(48.0%) 792 0 Digital CATV 318(19.3%) 118 200 Satellite Bro. 256(15.5%) 56 200 Real-time IPTV 233(14.1%) 33 200 VoD IPTV 51(3.1%) 1 50 Total # of sample 1,650(100%) 1,000(60.6%) 650(39.4%) Note: VoD is the abbreviation of Video on Demand. 10),.. 11),,,,.
110 韓國開發硏究 / 2010. Ⅲ <Table 2> Number of Service Conversion by Service and Scenario Services Analog CATV Digital CATV Satellite Bro. Real-time IPTV 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Scenario # of sample # of service conversion Analog CATV Digital CATV Conversion service Satellite Bro. Real-time IPTV 5% increase in price 792 132-65 13 50 4 10% increase in price 792 256-134 32 81 9 5% increase in price 792 223-78 10 127 8 10% increase in price 792 337-127 32 167 11 5% increase in price 318 100 28-26 38 8 10% increase in price 318 172 52-35 70 15 5% increase in price 318 138 12-14 101 11 10% increase in price 318 197 26-16 142 13 5% increase in price 256 86 18 39-24 5 10% increase in price 256 149 20 71-48 10 5% increase in price 256 97 13 23-55 6 10% increase in price 256 144 17 45-75 7 5% increase in price 233 98 9 67 8-14 10% increase in price 233 134 10 88 15-21 5% increase in price 233 48 5 25 8-10 10% increase in price 233 92 8 59 11-14 VOD IPTV IPTV, 12) 1 IPTV 2,. <Table 2>, 5% 10%. 1 2 12) KT, SK, LG IPTV. 2009 8 SK 20 YTN, KT COOK TV LG mylgtv Tooniverse, OCN, YTN, SUPER ACTION.
유료방송서비스의시장획정과제도분석 111 <Table 3> Service Conversion Ratio by Service and Scenario Services Analog CATV Digital CATV Satellite Bro. Real-time IPTV 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Scenario # of sample Conversion ratio (%) Analog CATV Conversion service(%) Digital CATV Satellite Bro. Real-time IPTV 5% increase in price 760 16.84-8.55 1.71 6.58 10% increase in price 725 34.07-18.48 4.41 11.17 5% increase in price 749 28.70-10.41 1.34 16.96 10% increase in price 717 45.47-17.71 4.46 23.29 5% increase in price 301 30.56 9.30-8.64 12.62 10% increase in price 282 55.67 18.44-12.41 24.82 5% increase in price 293 43.34 4.10-4.78 34.47 10% increase in price 286 64.34 9.09-5.59 49.65 5% increase in price 237 34.18 7.59 16.46-10.13 10% increase in price 224 62.05 8.93 31.70-21.43 5% increase in price 239 38.08 5.44 9.62-23.01 10% increase in price 227 60.35 7.49 19.82-33.04 5% increase in price 202 41.58 4.46 33.17 3.96-10% increase in price 174 64.94 5.75 50.57 8.62-5% increase in price 206 18.45 2.43 12.14 3.88-10% increase in price 189 41.27 4.23 31.22 5.82 -, IPTV. <Table 3>,,.. 13), VoD VoD IPTV.
112 韓國開發硏究 / 2010. Ⅲ 나. 가격인상전마진율의산정,,, IPTV. SO, SO SO... SO SO.. 14) SO,,,,. 15)16),,, (A) (B). (C) 13).,,. ( ). 14) 2007. 15) 2007. 16).. (robustness),,,.,, 4.1%p, 3.4%p, 4.9%p.
유료방송서비스의시장획정과제도분석 113 17.5%. 17) SO ( + + + + ) 18). 19). 20), 30% 70%. 21) SO SO SO. SO SO.. 22) 17). 18) 2007. 19). 2006 SO 45.7%.,, 4.7%, 28.2%, 8.5%,. 12.9%,. 20) 2007. 21). (2008)., 100%. 22)..,.. (, cost,, ),,..
114 韓國開發硏究 / 2010. Ⅲ <Table 4> Mark-up Ratio( ) by Service Mark-up ratio by scenario Services Scenario (A) Scenario (B) Analog CATV 54.0% 64.3% Digital CATV 61.6% 70.2% Satellite Bro. 24.7% 49.7% Real-time IPTV %., (B) 30%. 23), IPTV. IPTV %. <Table 4>. 3. 상품별관련시장획정,., IPTV 1, 1 2. 24).., - ( 2003 2252 p.36),., ±5%. 23). 24) IPTV 2.
유료방송서비스의시장획정과제도분석 115 가. 아날로그케이블방송 5%, 16.84%. ( ). 10%, 34.07%, (A) (B) 15.6%, 13.5%. 5% 10%....,,. <Table 3>. <Table 3>, <Table 5> Market Definition Process of Analog CATV (1 st stage) (Unit: %) Tested service group Analog CATV 5 16.84 54.0 8.5 10 34.07 54.0 15.6 Scenario (A) Scenario (B) Result Result 64.3 7.2 64.3 13.5
116 韓國開發硏究 / 2010. Ⅲ.,, 5% 8.29% 25) 1, 21.26% 26) 5% 2. 3, 4,... 2009 6 12,997 2,318, IPTV 2009 9 800, 2007 12 2,152.. 27) <Table 6>,. 28) 5% 10%. 25) 1.71% IPTV 6.58%. 26) 8.64% IPTV 12.62%. 27).., IPTV IPTV,. 28) < > 5%,.
유료방송서비스의시장획정과제도분석 117 <Table 6> Market Definition Process of Analog CATV (2 nd stage) (Unit: %) Tested service group Analog CATV + Digital CATV 5 12.01 55.2 8.3 Scenario (A) 10 26.03 55.2 15.3 Scenario (B) Result Result 65.2 7.1 65.2 13.3 Note: The ratio of numbers of subscribers of Analog CATV and Digital CATV applied in computing ASL and m is 85:15. <Table 7> Market Definition Process of Analog CATV (3 rd stage) (Unit: %) Tested service group Analog CATV + Digital CATV + Real-time IPTV Scenario (A) Scenario (B) 5 3.98 10 10.80 Note: The ratio of numbers of subscribers of (Analog CATV + Digital CATV) and Real-time IPTV applied in computing ASL and m is 95:5., IPTV, IPTV. <Table 7>. IPTV % 100%, <Table 7>,..,, IPTV., 8,000
118 韓國開發硏究 / 2010. Ⅲ, 5%, 1, 2 5%. 29),,., 1 2.. 나. 디지털케이블방송 5% 10% <Table 8>., IPTV. <Table 9>. <Table 9> IPTV % 0%,. <Table 7>. <Table 8> Market Definition Process of Digital CATV (1 st stage) (Unit: %) Tested service group Digital CATV 5 30.56 61.6 7.5 10 55.67 61.6 14.0 Scenario (A) Scenario (B) Result Result 70.2 6.6 70.2 12.5 29) 5%, 1 14.04%, 19.94%, 2 25.13% 32.68%.
유료방송서비스의시장획정과제도분석 119 <Table 9> Market Definition Process of Digital CATV (2 nd stage) (Unit: %) Tested service group Digital CATV + Real-time IPTV Scenario (A) Scenario (B) 5 18.59 10 38.05 Note: The ratio of numbers of subscribers of Digital CATV and Real-time IPTV applied in computing ASL and m is 74:26. <Table 10> Market Definition Process of Digital CATV (3 rd stage) (Unit: %) Tested service group Digital CATV + Real-time IPTV + Satellite Bro. Scenario (A) Scenario (B) 5 10.53 10 23.89 Note: The ratio of numbers of subscribers of (Digital CATV + Real-time IPTV) and Satellite Broadcasting applied in computing ASL and m is 59:41.,, IPTV,., IPTV,,. <Table 10>. <Table 10> 5% - (A) IPTV % 0%.,
120 韓國開發硏究 / 2010. Ⅲ., 5% (A) IPTV % 20.3%. 30). <Table 3>,. 3. 다. 위성방송 5% 10% <Table 11>.,. <Table 12>.. IPTV, <Table 10>. <Table 11> Market Definition Process of Satellite Broadcasting (1 st stage) (Unit: %) Tested service group Satellite Bro. 5 34.18 24.7 16.8 10 62.05 24.7 28.8 Scenario (A) Scenario (B) Result Result 49.7 9.1 49.7 16.8 30) 1 2 10% - (B), 10% - (B) IPTV % 72.0%. 1 2 IPTV.
유료방송서비스의시장획정과제도분석 121 <Table 12> Market Definition Process of Satellite Broadcasting (2 nd stage) (Unit: %) Tested service group Satellite Bro. + Digital CATV Scenario (A) 5 22.76 43.8 10.2 10 47.47 43.8 18.6 Scenario (B) Result Result 60.3 7.7 60.3 14.2 Note: The ratio of numbers of subscribers of Satellite Broadcasting and Digital CATV applied in computing ASL and m is 48:52. 5% - (A), 5% - (A) IPTV % 20.3%. 31) 라. 실시간 IPTV IPTV 5% 10% <Table 13>. IPTV 7.0%, <Table 13> Market Definition Process of Real-time IPTV (1 st stage) (Unit: %) Tested service group Real-time IPTV Scenario (A) 5 41.58 10 64.94 Scenario (B) 31) 1 2 (10% - (B) IPTV % 72.0% ),, IPTV.
122 韓國開發硏究 / 2010. Ⅲ. IPTV, <Table 9>.,., <Table 7>. IPTV IPTV,,., <Table 10>. 5% - (A) IPTV. 5% - (A) IPTV % 20.3% IPTV. IPTV,. 32) 마. 상품별관련시장획정결과의정리 <Table 14>. <Table 14>, IPTV ( 1), IPTV., IPTV. IPTV ( 2) 1.,,, IPTV, 1 2. 32) 2 IPTV, 1, (10% - (B) IPTV % 72.0% ).
유료방송서비스의시장획정과제도분석 123 <Table 14> Market Definition by Service Service Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Analog CATV Analog Digital IPTV Analog Digital IPTV Digital CATV Digital IPTV Analog or Digital IPTV Satellite Analog Digital IPTV Analog or Digital IPTV Satellite Satellite Bro. Satellite Digital IPTV Analog Satellite IPTV Digital Real-time IPTV IPTV Digital Analog or IPTV Digital Satellite Analog IPTV Digital Analog or IPTV Digital Satellite Note: In case of (5% increase in price + scenario(a)), in order for each market defined on Digital CATV, Satellite Broadcasting, and Real-time IPTV to include all the paid broadcasting services, the mark-up ratio of Real-time IPTV should be bigger than 20.3%. Ⅲ. 관련제도의분석및개선방향 IPTV. 33),., IPTV ( ).,., IPTV 33),. SSNIP, SSNIP.,.
124 韓國開發硏究 / 2010. Ⅲ,,,, IPTV.,,., 34),.,. 1. 시장점유율제한 IPTV IPTV,, 1/3, 35) (SO) 1/3, 1/3, 36). SO, IPTV,, SO IPTV. (2006, p.52), IPTV,, 30~33%.. (PP), IPTV 34) / / /. 35) 13 ( ). 36) 4 ( ) 4 3 4.
유료방송서비스의시장획정과제도분석 125. 37),...,. 2008 11 SO PP 25% PP... 2008 6 85.7%, 77 59 SO, SO. SO. SO SO, 38) SO SO,. SO IPTV. IPTV 37) (2006), p.52. 38) 77 ( ) 1.
126 韓國開發硏究 / 2010. Ⅲ IPTV, 13,. IPTV, 39). IPTV. 40) IPTV., A B, IPTV A 20% B 40% B 10%p, A B 30%. A B 30% IPTV 13. 41),. SO,. 42), (2006) SO SO,, 39) 15 ( ) 1. 40),.. 41) 13 IPTV SO. 42), SO, IPTV SO.
유료방송서비스의시장획정과제도분석 127 30~33%. 2. 콘텐츠동등접근 20 IPTV IPTV, 19 IPTV,, IPTV., PP IPTV 43) 20, PP IPTV, 20 IPTV, IPTV.,, IPTV 20., PP SO MPP(multiple PP), MSP (multiple system provider). 2009 1 9 20 7 PP, MSP CJ, 8. PP 4. 44) 45) 43) IPTV ( 18 2 ). 44) AGB. 20 10.41% 100 16.53% 65%. 45) <Table 3>, IPTV 5% 11.4%( ) 70.4%( ).
128 韓國開發硏究 / 2010. Ⅲ., PP PP PP. PP PP. PP SO PP SO PP., PP. MSP IPTV. 46) MSP, 2003 2008 CJ,, 47) SO, 48). MSP. MSP. PP, 46) 2008 12 CJ, 14, 4, 15 SO. 47) 2003 Tooniverse, SUPERACTION, MTV, CGV, 2005 m.net, 2007 2008 tvn. tvn. 48) CJ Champ, Xports, CGV Choice Qwiny, NICK, StoryON.
유료방송서비스의시장획정과제도분석 129. Ⅳ. 분석의종합및결론,.,,, IPTV. IPTV. IPTV. IPTV 20,., PP PP...,..,
130 韓國開發硏究 / 2010. Ⅲ..
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132 韓國開發硏究 / 2010. Ⅲ Kaserman, D. L. and H. Zeisel, Market Definition: Implementing the Department of Justice Merger Guidelines, The Antitrust Bulletin, Fall, 1996. Katz, M. L. and C. Shapiro, Critical Loss: Let s Tell the Whole Story, The Antitrust Bulletin, Spring 2003. Massey, P., Market Definition and Market Power in Competition Analysis: Some Practical Issues, The Economic and Social Review 31(4), 2000. Rhee, H. and S. Lee, An Empirical Analysis of the Inter-platform Competition in Korean MVPD Market, mimeo, 2004.
유료방송서비스의시장획정과제도분석 133 보 론, 5%, IPTV,. <Table 3>. <Appendix A> IPTV. <Appendix A> g h (85:15), 5% IPTV 8.57%. 3.44%,, <Table 6> 5% 12.01%. <Appendix A> Illustration of Computation of Conversion Ratio Scenario 1, 5% increase in price Analog CATV Digital CATV Real-time IPTV Satellite Bro. Analog CATV - 0.0855(a) 0.0658(b) 0.0171(c) Digital CATV 0.0930(d) - 0.1262(e) 0.0864(f) Infinite geometric sequence Initial value Multiplier Sum of infinite sequence Analog CATV Real-time IPTV 0.0766(b+a*e) 0.0080(a*d) 0.0772(g=[b+a*e]/[1-a*d]) Digital CATV Real-time IPTV 0.1324(e+d*b) 0.0080(a*d) 0.1334(h=[e+d*b]/[1-a*d]) Note: (a)~(f) are conversion ratios in <Table 3>.
134 韓國開發硏究 / 2010. Ⅲ 부록. TV, TV,, IPTV, VoD IPTV PART A, B, C, D, E. PART,, IPTV 5% 10%.. TV. 2. TV? 4,000 4,000~8,000 8,000~10,000 10,000~18,000 18,000 3. TV? (KBS, MBC, SBS, EBS) ( ) ( ) ( )
유료방송서비스의시장획정과제도분석 135 4. TV? TV TV + TV + TV + + [ 2]. 5~ 6 [ 1]. IPTV,, TV., TV VOD. 5. TV 5%, TV,, IPTV, TV? 6 TV 5-1 TV 6 5-1.,? TV IPTV VOD IPTV ( ) 6. TV 10%, TV,, IPTV, TV? 7
136 韓國開發硏究 / 2010. Ⅲ TV 6-1 TV 7 6-1.,? TV IPTV VOD IPTV ( ) 7~ 8 [ 2]. IPTV, TV. TV VOD., [ 1] 1,000~2,000. 7. TV 5%, TV,, IPTV, TV? 8 TV 7-1 TV 8 7-1.,? TV IPTV VOD IPTV ( )
유료방송서비스의시장획정과제도분석 137 8. TV 10%, TV,, IPTV, TV? 9 TV 8-1 TV SQ1 8-1.,? TV IPTV VOD IPTV ( ) 9. 10%?, ( )