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국문초록 박영목. Hayes 2012 Chenoweth Hayes 2001. Chenoweth Hayes 2001 Hayes 1996. Chenoweth Hayes 2001,,. 주제어 인지과정 인지모형 작문과제환경 장기기억 문제해결 Hayes Flower 1980, Hayes 1996, Kellogg 1996, Hayes 2012. Hayes Flower (1980).,,. Hayes(1996) Hayes Flower 1980. Hayes 1996. 1980. Kellogg(1996)..

Abstract Hayes recent model (2012) differs from the 1980s model in a number of ways. He added the transcription process and motivation and removed the monitor, the planning process, and the revision/reviewing processes. Park, Youngmok This paper undertakes a review of the literature on the models of cognitive processes in writing. Cognitive models have tended to define writing in terms of problem-solving. In their original model, Hayes and Flower (1980) attempted to classify the various activities that occur during writing and their relationships to the task environment and to the internal knowledge state of the writer. The 1990s saw a shift in focus, as new models were developed to further in-depth analysis of working memory and long-term memory and their role in writing proficiency, in addition to addressing social and motivational aspects of the writing process. In the revised model, Hayes (1996) sought to identify how various aspects of human cognitive capacity interact with these tasks, distinguishing the roles of long-term memory, short-term memory, and motivation or affect. Kellogg (1996) reinterpreted the basic parts of the writing model setting up three processes that operate in conjunction with the working memory functions, the visuo-spatial sketchpad, central executive and phonological loop.