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.,,, - 4, 5.,.,..,.. / /, LG OLED,,.,,.. / /,.,.,...,...


29(2), 2009, 126-150 Health and Social Welfare Review,,,. (contributory benefit programs)...,..,., :, 2008). * :, (inhoeku@snu.ac.kr) 126

20. 1987 2 2007 642, 20 3. 1990 2008 563,210. 2008 429,850. 1995 110,028 0.24%, 12 7 1.48%. 2008 121,168 6 3.,.,..,.. 2002,..,,,.,.,..,,. 127

29(2), 2009, 126-150 Health and Social Welfare Review,,,,.,..,..,.,,.. 2001 10 12, 5 (F-2). (F-2),, 2001 1 31 F-2 2 4 92%. 128

2001 9 11 24., (, 2008). 2002 4 18 17579 5 (, 2007)., F-5.,., 2008 8 3., (, 2008)... 2004 509, 2005 668, 2006 2,718 10% (, 2007)..,. 129

29(2), 2009, 126-150 Health and Social Welfare Review 1987. 1987 2 2007 642. 1,874,936 38.7%, 865,294 17.9%. 20071.5%, 13.5%. 2008 10 563,210 90%. 2006 267,436, 2007 365,732, 2008 429,850. 386,527., 306,623, 40,630, 13,740, 68,857..,, ( 2008). 1995 110,028 0.24%, 12 7 4,913 1.48%.,. 2002 34,710 2008 121,168 6 3, 6,022 15,567 2.5 (, 2008).,,.. (, 2008)..,,,,, 130

,,.,,,, (, 2008).,, 1.,.,,.,, (, 2008). (8 ). (9 ),. 8, ( 8 ).. (,, ), (, 2007)..,.. 131

29(2), 2009, 126-150 Health and Social Welfare Review,,, 2008.. 1998,.,....,,.,..,., (D-8) (F-3),, 3 3. 132

. 1998 1. ( ). 1 60...,, 8,. ( ).,.,, (, 2002)..,., 93 ( ). 1) 3. 133

29(2), 2009, 126-150 Health and Social Welfare Review,. 2005 12.,.., 1) [ ( ) ], 2) ()..,,,,. 2008. 134

,. 18 ( ).. 65. 3.,.. 2 ( ). 3.,.,,. 135

29(2), 2009, 126-150 Health and Social Welfare Review 2008 3.,.,,... 3,. 2005 2 (, ), 2006 1() 3.. 2, 2 (, 2007). 2005,. 2) (www.klaw.go.kr). 3). 18 (, 2008). 136

4),..,....,....,.. (, 2008). 4) ( ) ( ). 18 (, 2008). 137

29(2), 2009, 126-150 Health and Social Welfare Review...,,,...,,,.,. 2001.,, 2000., 2002 5. 2008 8,,..,..,.., 138

1996.,. 10%, 9%.,.,.,,.,.. 2007 215 1.7%. 1996 2006 1996 1982 UN 139

29(2), 2009, 126-150 Health and Social Welfare Review, 1980. 40.4%, 11.9%, 12.5% 65.5%.,,.. 1982 UN,..,,,,.. ( ).. 1996.,,. 1998....,., 140

.. (D-7), (D-8) (D-9)... OASDI 1998. OASDI,. 1...... Medicare,.. 1986 1..,...,,............,,,. 141

29(2), 2009, 126-150 Health and Social Welfare Review,. 2004....,..,,,, 5...., 1.. 1.. 25,...,,..., 142

. 2005 12.,.,.,,,.. 2008,,,...,.. 1996,,,,,, 5., SSI.,,,., EITC,,..,,,.,.,,. 143

29(2), 2009, 126-150 Health and Social Welfare Review,,,,.. SSI,. / 7. TANF, Food Stamps 5 / 7.,,.,,..,,. Medicaid 5, (state).,... EITC,,...,. :,,,,,, Head Start,,, :,,,,,,,.,,...,.,., 144

.,,,...,..,.,,.. - -.,.,.,,....,, 145

29(2), 2009, 126-150 Health and Social Welfare Review. (contributory benefit programs),...,.... SSI..,.,.,,.,..,..,.. 146

..,.,,., 1996, 5..,..,.,. (Aleinikoff and Klusmeyer, 2002)..,..,.,,,.,,.,. 147

29(2), 2009, 126-150 Health and Social Welfare Review (Aleinikoff and Klusmeyer, 2002).,, (Aleinikoff and Klusmeyer, 2002)...,.,.,,, (E-mail: inhoeku@snu.ac.kr)..,.,,,, (E-mail: bdson@ptuniv.ac.kr)..,.,, (E-mail: kwum@kunsan.ac.kr)..,.,, (E-mail: jung4202@hanamil.net).,., (E-mail: sylph7@snu.ac.kr). 148

(2007). ( ). (1), pp.109-142. (2008).. (2008). (2008). 10. (2008). (2008). (2002).. (6), pp.47-60. (2007).. (2007). (F-5) 1 5. 7 4. (2008).. Aleinikoff and Klusmeyer. (2002). Citizenship Policies for an Age of Migration. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington D.C. 149

29(2), 2009, 126-150 Health and Social Welfare Review Social Integration of Immigrants in Korea: Examination of the Eligibility of Permanent Residents to Social Welfare Benefits Ku, In-hoe (Seoul National University) Shon, Byong-Don (Pyeongtaek University) Um, Ki-Wook (Kunsan National University) Jung, Jae-Hoon (Seoul Women s University) Lee, Soo-Youn (Pyeongtaek University) This study compares social welfare policies for foreign residents in Korea to their counterparts in the United States, Germany, and Japan. To contributory benefit programs like social insurance programs, all the residents in most advanced countries are eligible regardless of nationality. This is also true for most social insurance programs in Korea, but the exception is the National Pension which a principle of mutuality applies to. Considering that the National Pension aims to secure old-age income by contribution of participants during working periods, the eligibility needs to be expanded to all the foreign residents in Korea. For non-contributory benefits such as social services and public assistance benefits, permanent residents are treated basically in the same way as citizens are in advanced countries. Non-contributory benefits, currently restricted to citizens, need to be expanded to permanent residents in Korea. The expansion may function as incentives to permanent residency and contributes to integrating foreign residents to Korean society. Keywords : Immigrants, Permanent Residency, Social Welfare Policy, Social Integration 150