Six Sigma - -
Grouping Brainstorming :
Observ. 8 - - 22 27 32 37 5 5 Capability -27.7552 63.7552 22 Capability 3.SL=69.82 X=29.73-3.SL=-.35 3.SL=49.24 R=5.7-2.29 7.7578-3.SL=.E+ 22 Data Source: Time Span: Capability ndices Z. Z.Bench Z.Shift P. P.Total Yield k k ST 8. 4.982.26.26.829.3947.3947.52 3947 -.7 LT 29.7333 3.75 -.56 -.56.829.729.729 28. 729 -.8 Variable: Total Anderson-Darling ormality Test A-Squared: Skewness st Quartile 3rd Quartile Maximum 22..745 22..86.5 29.7333 3.75 89.352.9846 4.8699 5 6. 22. 25. 35. 69. 37.3537 95% Confidence nterval for Sigma 2.7,,,, 32.3855 Process Performance 8 5 5 Sigma (Z.Bench) : 29.7 : 3.8 : 6 : 22 : 25 3 : 35 : 69 Date: Process: Upper Spec: 22 ominal: 8 Opportunity: -.56 729 Sigma(St) :.27 (Lt): 729.27 3947
Observ. 5 5-5 5 2 4 6 8 2 4 5 5 Capability -4.7797 5.3 3 3.2 4.2 5.2 6.2 7.2 Capability 3.SL=5.34 X=5.267-3.SL=-4.82 3.SL=2.37 R=3.786-3.9292 4.4625-3.SL=.E+ 3 Data Source: Time Span: Capability ndices Z. Z.Bench Z.Shift P. P.Total Yield k k ST 5.26667 3.28959 -.6894 -.6894.6373.754.754 24.5399 754 -.23 LT 5.26667 3.9 -.75277 -.75277.6373.7747.7747 22.5793 7747 -.25 Variable: Before OP Anderson-Darling ormality Test A-Squared: Skewness st Quartile 3rd Quartile Maximum 3.5992 2.45 3.3735.476.3 5.26667 3.9 9.6667.8996 2.235 5. 3. 5. 6. 3. 6.9342 95% Confidence nterval for Sigma 4.7488,,,, 6. Process Performance -5 5 5 : 5.3 : 3. : : 3 : 5 3 :6 : 3 Sigma(St) : -.69 Date: Process: Upper Spec: 3 ominal: Opportunity: Sigma (Z.Bench) (Lt): 7747 -.75 7747 -.69 754 5 5 Variable: After OP Anderson-Darling ormality Test A-Squared:.275.2 : 24.5 : 3.4 5 25 Skewness st Quartile 3rd Quartile Maximum 7.34 9.8298 6. 24.4667 3.4263 8.267 2.547 4.96555 5 2. 6. 2. 26. 64. 3.99 95% Confidence nterval for Sigma 2.747 25.6265 :2 : 6 : 2 3 :26 : 64 Sigma(St) :.45 (Lt): 485928 Observ. - - 5 5 3.SL=62.8 X=24.47-3.SL=-3.5 3.SL=46.2 R=4.4-3.SL=.E+ Capability ndices Z. Z.Bench Z.Shift P. P.Total Yield ST 5. 5.689.2654.2654.6726.395332.395332.4668 LT 24.4667 3.4263 -.72 -.72.6726.65855.65855 34.945,,, Process Performance - - Date: P ro ce ss: Upper Spec: 9 ominal: 5 Opportunity: Capability -3. 6. Capability -6.5372 65.45 k k 395332 -.2 65855 -.3, Sigma -.4.27 (Z.Bench) 9 9 Data Source: Time Span: 5 5 65855 395332
J (5.3) (24.5) 3 3 2.3 9 5.5 9 Vs // vs. One-way Analysis of Analysis of Source DF SS MS F P Factor 8 8.9.773 Error 3 2633 3 Total 4 265 ndividual 95% Cs For Based on Pooled Level --+---------+---------+---------+---- M. 6.37 (-----------*-----------) W 5 28. 7.46 (----------------*----------------) --+---------+---------+---------+---- Pooled = 4.23 6. 24. 32.. One-way Analysis of Analysis of Source DF SS MS F P Factor 345 345.94.87 Error 3 26 77 Total 4 265 ndividual 95% Cs For Based on Pooled Level -----+---------+---------+---------+- K 8 25.25 8.6 (---------*---------) J 7 34.86 7.26 (----------*----------) -----+---------+---------+---------+- Pooled = 3.32 M W One-way Analysis of Analysis of Source DF SS MS F P Factor 4 352 88..84 Error 9 98 2 Total 3 2332 ndividual 95% Cs For Based on Pooled Level ---+---------+---------+---------+--- 2. 6.36 (---------------*--------------) 55 4 32. 7.39 (----------*-----------) 2 22. 7.78 (---------------*---------------) 65 4 33.25 23.85 (----------*----------) 2 26. 2.83 (--------------*---------------) ---+---------+---------+---------+--- Pooled = 4.83 5 45 K 55 65
After OP diet Start anodyne Clos antibiotic C F Removed Da H/V Removed L Removed Da -cath 2 345 6 79 Correlation of After OP and diet Start =.7, P-Value =. 2 468 523645 4 9456222535364 3 4567 89 2 334 5 323335 2333 4 56 Y Correlation of After OP and anodyne Closed =.4, P-Value =.7 Correlation of After OP and antibiotic Closed =.88, P-Value =. Correlation of After OP and F Removed Day =.543, P-Value =.37 Correlation of After OP and H/V Removed Day =.36, P-Value =.293 Correlation of After OP and H/V Removed Day =.36, P-Value =.293 Boxplots of C - C6 (means are indicated by solid circles) Analysis of Source DF SS MS F P Factor 69 69.37.556 Error 3 2455 89 Total 4 2524 C C6 PROCESS Low Easy High & Hard
- Variable: _T Anderson-Darling ormality Test A-Squared:.337.426 23. 5.3583 28.7 Skewness 7.65E-2-4.3E- 5 25 5. st Quartile 9. 24. 3rd Quartile 27. Maximum 33. 9.7669 27.433 22 24 26 28 95% Confidence nterval for Sigma 3.6856 9.782 Capability ndices 9. 27.,, 3.SL=44.29 ST LT X=23. 8. 23., 6.45 5.3583-3.SL=2.94 Z..697 -.2986 Observ. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9, Z.Bench.697 -.2986 3.SL=25.4 Z.Shift.983.983 P..267735.67379 R=7.778 P.Total.267735.67379-3.SL=.E+ Yield 73.2265 38.262 267735 67379 Capability Capability k -.8 -.988 37.988 7.737.263 k -. 22 22 Data Source: Time Span: 4 2 Process Performance 4 3 4 5 24 6 : 23.6 : 5.4 : 5 : 9 : 24.5 3 : 27 : 33 Sigma(St) Date: :.62 7 34 8 44 9 (Lt): 67379 Process: Upper Spec: ominal: Opportunity: Sigma (Z.Bench) 22 8 -. 67379.62 267735
,,,, (Z.B ench) - 2 4 6 8 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 5 3.SL=4.47 Variable: _B_O 5 X=5.9 Anderson-Darling ormality Test A-Squared:.298-3.SL=-2.6.59 Observ. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5.9 3.SL=.53 3.4289 9.87778 Skewness -6.E- 5-6.E-2 R=3.222-3.SL=.E+. st Quartile 4. 6. 3rd Quartile 9. Capability Capability Maximum. 3.657 2.68 8.483 95% Confidence nterval for Sigma 5.7377-3.438 5.238 3-3.7935 5.5935 3 Data Source: Time Span: Capability ndices Z. Z.Bench Z.Shift P. P.Total Yield k k ST 5.9 3.2765 -.95784 -.95784 -.352.8928.8928 6.972 8928 -.3 LT 5.9 3.4289 -.92272 -.92272 -.352.82923,,.82923 7.877, 82923 -., Process Performance p -5 5 5 y Date: Process: Upper Spec: 3 ominal: Opportunity: Sigma(St) : -.96 Sigma -.92 -.96 (Z.Bench) 82923 8928 (Lt): 82923 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -. 2.5 5. 7.5. 22.5 25. 95% Conf idence nterv al for Mu 4 9 24 95% Conf idence nterv al f or Variable: _A_O 3.SL=42.23 Anderson-Darling ormality Test X=7. A-Squared:.47.264- -3.SL=-6.827 Observ. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7. 5.7745 3.SL=.3 33.3444 Skewness -.5E- -.75685 R=9.222-3.SL=.E+. st Quartile 2. 8. Capability Capability 3rd Quartile 23. Maximum 25. -7.5828 37.5828 -.99 35.99 95% Conf idence nterv al f or Mu 3.5692 2.88 p y Capability ndices Process Perf ormance 95% Conf idence nterv al f or Sigm 9 9 Data Source: Time Span: 3.979.549 95% Conf idence nterv al f or Media.97 23.3423 5. 7.32 Z..5463 Z.Bench.5463 Z.Shift.322 P..292429 P.Total.292429 Yield.757 292429 k.6 k ST LT 7. 5.7745.225.225.322.4939.4939 58.96 4939.7 Date: Process: Upper Spec: 9 ominal: 5 Oppor tunity : Sigma(St) :.55 Sigma.23.55 (Lt): 4939 4939 292429 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9