E F G H Contents The Elephant and the Eskimo The Flamingo and the Frog The Greyhound and the Grasshopper The Horse and the Hippo Review EFGH 44 48 52 56 60 43
본문과해석 The Elephant and the Eskimo 코끼리엘머는에스키모를한번도본적이없었어요. 야아, 코끼리는귀가크네. 야아, 에스키모인은귀가작네. 코끼리와에스키모 에스키모인에드워드는코끼리를한번도본적이없었어요. 코끼리를처음보는에스키모인 Edward E /e/ elephant Eskimo egg elbow elevator Today, we re going to meet some animals starting with the letters e, f, g, and h. Let s start with the letter e. This animal has a long nose. What animal is it? It s an elephant. What s the name of the boy? His name is Edward. Who has big ears, Elmer Elephant or Edward Eskimo? Elmer Elephant has big ears. Turn to the next page. Who is strong, Elmer Elephant or Edward Eskimo? Elmer Elephant is strong. 나는힘이아주세. 난수영을잘해, 에드워드. Who is smart then, Elmer Elephant or Edward Eskimo? Edward Eskimo is smart. Elmer is in the water. What does Elmer say? Elmer Elephant says, I m a good swimmer, Edward. Edward Eskimo caught a walrus. What does Edward say? Edward Eskimo says, I m a good hunter, Elmer. There are some words that start with the letter e on page 10. Why don t you read them? Elephant, Eskimo, egg, elbow, and elevator. You did a great job on the Fun Time page. All the answers are correct. Welldone! 나는아주영리해. 난사냥을잘해, 엘머. 44 45
The Elephant and the Eskimo No 1. I m very strong. No 2. I m very smart. 1 2 elephant Eskimo elbow egg Elephant : I m a good swimmer, Edward. Boy : I m a good hunter, Elmer. elevator Talk + 연상력그림판 E egg egg elbow elbow elevator elevator 잘듣고, 보기와다른첫소리를가진단어의그림을고르세요. Eskimo 46 47
본문과해석 The Flamingo and the Frog 안녕, 개구리야. 당신은정말멋진새예요! 안녕하세요, 홍학님. 고맙구나. 홍학과개구리 서로칭찬하는예쁜개구리와분홍홍학 F /f/ 개구리야, 넌귀여워. flamingo frog fly fish fork 고마워요. Now, let s read the story called The Flamingo and the Frog. Have you seen a flamingo? Yes, I saw flamingos at the zoo. / No, I ve never seen a flamingo. Can you read the story now? The flamingo and the frog are nice to each other, right? The flamingo is wearing a red bandana. The frog says something nice to the flamingo on page 15. What does the frog say? The frog says, What a fine bird you are! The flamingo also says something nice back to the frog. What does the flamingo say? The flamingo says, Frog, you re pretty. Turn to page 16, please. What color is the flamingo? What color is the frog? The flamingo is pink. The frog is green. There re three ducks in the picture. What color are they? Let s turn to Fun Time on page 22. There s a fly. How do you spell fly? How do you spell frog? F-R-O-G. How do you spell flamingo then F-L-Y. The last one is a fish. How do you spell fish? F-L-A-M-I-N-G-O. F-I-S-H. The ducks are /They re white. 저는분홍색새가좋아요. 나는초록색개구리가좋단다. 나는물풀을먹어. 저는물벼룩을먹어요. 48 49
The Flamingo and the Frog No 1. I eat water fleas. No 2. I eat water plants. 2 1 fly fork Flamingo : Frog, you're pretty. Frog : Thank you. flamingo fish frog Talk + 연상력그림판 F No 1. fly No 2. fork 50 51
본문과해석 The Greyhound and the Grasshopper 그레이하운드와메뚜기 다리가긴그레이하운드와메뚜기의경주 넌뭐야? 난메뚜기야. 저리가, 메뚜기야. G /g/ greyhound grasshopper goose goat gorilla 나한테으르렁대지마, 그레이하운드야. What is a greyhound? It s a dog. That s right. Why don t we become the greyhound and the grasshopper? You re the greyhound. (Role play) Let s go back to page 24. What does the grasshopper say to the greyhound? The grasshopper says, Don t growl at me, Greyhound. Who won the race on page 27? The greyhound won. Why did the greyhound win? The greyhound s legs are long. 경주하자, 그레이하운드야. 하, 하, 메뚜기야, 내가이겼다. What does the grasshopper say about the race? The grasshopper says, That s not fair. Your legs are long, long, long. These five animals names start with the letter g. Can you read their names? Greyhound, grasshopper, goose, goat, and gorilla. What s the secret word on the Fun Time page? Goose! 좋아, 하자. 불공평해. 네다리는아주, 아주길잖아. 52 53
The Greyhound and the Grasshopper No 1. Grasshopper : I m a grasshopper. Greyhound : Go away, Grasshopper. No 2. Greyhound : Ha, ha, Grasshopper, I won. Grasshopper : That s not fair. Your legs are long, long, long. 2 1 g o o Grasshopper : Let s race, Greyhound. Greyhound : Okay, let s go. s e goose Talk + 연상력그림판 G goat gorilla greyhound grasshopper No 1. greyhound No 2. grasshopper 54 55
본문과해석 The Horse and the Hippo 내이름이말이야. 안녕, 난말이야. 아니, 넌아니야. 말과하마 이름을가지고다투는말과하마 내가말이지. 내이름은말이란뜻이야. H /h/ horse hippo hyena hamster hedgehog 내이름이말이라니까. What animals are we going to talk about now? A horse and a hippo! That s right. I think they re fighting. 나는수영을잘해. What animal is this? It s a horse. What about this one? It s a hippo. 내이름은강에사는말이란뜻이라구. What does the hippo s name / hippo mean? His name / It means river horse. Which one is a good swimmer, the horse or the hippo? The hippo is a good swimmer. Does the horse like to swim? No, the horse doesn t like to swim. 나는수영을좋아하지않아. Why don t you read the words that start with the letter h on page 40? Horse, hippo, hyena, hamster, and hedgehog. Let s review the four letters we learned. 넌말처럼생기지않았는데. Can you tell me what these pictures mean? You did an excellent job today! 56 57
The Horse and the Hippo 2 No 1. My name is Horse. No 2. My name means river horse. 1 horse hippo hamster hyena Hippo : I m a good swimmer. Horse : I don t like to swim. hedgehog Talk + 연상력그림판 H hedgehog hippo hyena hamster No 1. hedgehog No 2. hamster No 3. hippo No 4. horse 3 2 4 1 58 59
The Elephant and the Eskimo 4 3 elephant Eskimo flamingo frog 1 2 h greyhound grasshopper e No 1. Greyhound : What are you? Grasshopper : Don t growl at me, Greyhound. No 2. Horse : My name is Horse. Hippo : My name means horse. No 3. Flamingo : Hi, Frog. Frog : Hi, Flamingo. No 4. Narrator : My, my, elephants have big ears. My, my, Eskimos have little ears. horse hippo h g goose goose f fly fly h hyena hyena 2 4 1 3 e egg egg 60 61
English Notebook 활동자료 2 권듣기평가문제와답 The Elephant and the Eskimo 16 쪽 40 쪽 36 쪽 10 쪽 7 쪽 30 쪽 26 쪽 40 쪽 20 쪽 20 쪽 62 63
64 2 권 Study Plan