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마르크스의인간론소고 * 박호성 ** 1),,,,,,,,,,,.,,..,.., (Fetishism).. * 2007. **

254..... I. 서론... 1789,..,.,.,.

255.. 20. 20....?,,.,.,,,.. ( ), ( ), ( ),..

256,. 18,...,..,,........

257.....,,..,.,.,, (humanistische philosophische Tradition)., (E. /H., 11-12 ).. 19,,.,. (Revisionism).

258.. 19., 18, 19, 20.. 20,,. (Antithese).,, (Synthese).......,...

259,. 1)., (winner-take-all society).,,,,. 1987. 1987,.,,,.,.,. IMF.,,.,. 1). 2000. : ( : ).

260 -. 2). (Machiavelli, 1965, 971),,... 3) 2), :,, ( 1999, 4 ), 78-82. C.B. /, ( 1991), 6. 3). 1), (, 1996, Vol. 30, No. 4); 2), (, 2000. Vol. 45); 3), : (, 1998, Vol. 13)..,, : (1840-1841) ( 1997, Vol. 2), 340-346.

261.,.. 4) II. 본론, /,,... (Marx, MEW 3, 6).. (Heiss, 1949-50, 18)., 4) Micheline Ishay,,,. /,. ( 2005), 44-45.

262 (Gattungswesen),..,,,., ( ).,..,,.,. (Marx, MEW 1, 385).,.,..,,..,.,. (aufheben), (Marx, MEW 1, 386/

263 391).,,,,, (Marx, MEW 1, 390).,....,.. (Staat) (brgerliche Gesellschaft)..,,,

264., (altruism) (Avinery, 1973, 4).,.,.. (Gattungswesen),..,,. (Staatsbrger),.,.,.,,,,,...

265., (Mystifikationen),..,,.,,. 5)... (Verdinglichung)..,....,.,, 5) Marx, MEW 23, 562-3 Grundrisse, 409.

266,.., (Feuerbach), (Sein) (Denken).,.,,,.,. 6. ( ).. ( )., (Marx, MEW 3, 6).,.

267,. (Natur) (Arbeit)....,... (Proze). (Stoffwechsel)..,,. (Natur). 6),.,., (Vermenschlichung der Natur) (Vernatrlichung des Menschen). (Vergesellschaftung der Natur), 6) Marx, MEW 23, p. 192(198 ).

268..,... (Marx, MEW 3, 21)..,,,.,..., (Vermenschlichung der Gesellschaft).,,,.. (Bewutsein) (bewutes Sein), (Marx, MEW 3, 31)...,.

269,.,.,.,. (Marx, MEW. Egb. 1, 539).,. ( ),...,..,,.,..,.. (Entfremdung).,..

270..,.,., (Menschlichkeit) (Marx, MEW. Egb.1, 514).,,. /.. (Ernst Bloch).,,?!,,.,, (Bloch, 1966, 224).

271..., 3.,.,...??,,,, (Arbeitsteilung)..

272,,..,.(Engels, MEW 19, 208)..... (Lassalleanism) (Arbeitsertrag)...??? (Rechtsbegriffe),? (Marx, MEW 19, 18) 7) 7).

273.,., ( ),. (Marx, MEW 19, 20).., (hervorgeht).,, (Muttermalen) (Marx, MEW 19, 20). (gleich) (gleich).,,. (Marx, MEW 19, 21)..,.... (Warenaqui-

274 valent) (Marx, MEW 19, 20).. (in Anwendung von gleichem Mastab). ( ),,.. (Marx, MEW 19, 21).,..,,.,,,.,...,,.

275.,.......,,...,.., (p. 26). (p. 21)..,

276. (ungleich)....,.,,,.. (p. 21)., (Selbstentfremdung) (Selbstverwirklichung).?...., (self-realization)... 8)

277.. ( )., (injustice)....,,.(stojanovic, 1973, 212-214), 8) Ziyad I. Husami, Marx on Distributive Justice, in: Marshall Cohen, Thomas Nagel, and Thomas Scanlon (eds.), Marx, Justice, and History (Princeton University Press 1980), p. 61;.., (p. 61). ; Lukes, (right), ( ),,. S. Lukes, Marxism, Morality and Justice, in: G.H.R. Parkinson (ed.), Marx and Marxisms (Cambridge 1982), p. 200.

278......... (Engels, MEW 20, 261-262).,,..,,..,, (coercion). (John, 1990, pp. 88-112/, p. 93, 99, 110 )..

279 /,,.,. (Zustand) (Ideal) (wirklich) (Marx, MEW 3, 21).??... III. 결론 (Fritzhand) (total), (personal) (auto-active, selbsttaetig), (Fritzhand, 172-181)., (fractionalization), (fragmentation) (functionalization) (total).,,

280.,, (total). (total),.., (total).,, (personal)., (personal)., (auto-active, selbsttaetig)..,,,..

281.,,,,,.,,...,, (Bobbio, p. 61).,.,...,., (Fetishism)..

282..........., (Marx, MEW 8, 115)......,

283.,,,,,,,... (Aufheben).,...,....,,.,. (fraternity). 19.

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285 John,, 1990,,. E. /H.,,,, 1983. Avinery, Shlomo 1973, The Hegelian Origins of Marx s Political Thought, in: Avinery (ed.), Marx s Socialism, Lieber-Atherton: New York Bloch, Ernst, Man and Citizen According to Marx, in: Erich Fromm (ed.), Socialist Humanism (New York: Doubleday 1966). Bobbio, Norberto, Which socialism?: Marxism, Socialism and Democracy (University of Minnesota Press, 1987). Engels, Die Entwicklung des Sozialismus von der Utopie zur Wissenschaft, MEW 19. Engels, Anti-Dhring, MEW 20. Fritzhand, Marek 1965, Marx s Ideal of Man, in: Erich Fromm (ed.), Socialist Humanism; an international symposium (Anchor Books, Garden City, NY). Gilbert, Allan (translated), Machiavelli. The Chief Works and Others (Duke University Press, Durham, North Calolina 1965). Vol II., Familiar Letters No. 179. Heiss, Robert 1949/50, Die Idee der Revolution bei Marx und im Marxismus, in: Archiv fur Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, v. 38. Husami, Ziyad I. 1980, Marx on Distributive Justice, in: Marshall Cohen, Thomas Nagel, and Thomas Scanlon (eds.), Marx, Justice, and History (Princeton University Press). Lukes, Steven 1974, Socialism and Equality, in: Leszek Kolakowski and Stuart Hampshire (eds.), The Socialist Idea (London: Wiedenfeld and Nicholson). Lukes, Steven 1982, Marxism, Morality and Justice, in: G.H.R.

286 Parkinson (ed.), Marx and Marxisms (Cambridge). Marx, Zur Judenfrage, in: MEW 1. Marx, Zur Kritik der Hegelschen Rechtsphilosophie. Einleitung, MEW 1. Marx, Thesen ber Feuerbach, MEW 3. Marx/Engels, Die deutsche Ideologie, MEW 3. Marx, Der achtzehnte Brumaire des Louis Bonaparte, MEW 8. Marx, Kritik des Gothaer Programms, MEW 19. Marx, Das Kapital, MEW 23. Marx, konomisch-philosophische Manuskripte aus dem Jahre 1844, in: MEW, Egb. 1. Marx, Grundrisse der Kritik der politischen konomie (Rohentwurf), Berlin 1974. Stojanovic, Svetozar 1973, Between Ideals and Reality: A Critique of Socialism and its Future, Oxford University Press. Tucker, Robert C. 1963, Marx and Distributive Justice, in: C.J. Friedrich and J.W. Chapman (ed.), Justice, Nomos VI, New York. Tucker, Robert C. 1969, The Marxian Revolutionary Idea, W.W. Norton: New York ch. 2. Von Oertzen, Peter 1975, Gesellschaftliche Gleichheit in der Sicht der SPD, in: Zeitschrift fur Politik, 3/75 (Jg. 22).

287 ABSTRACT Reflections on Marx s Concept of Human-being 9) Park, Ho-Seong Neo-Liberalist ideology has affected the whole world in many ways. By expanding economic injustices globally, the crisis of democracy has become heightened. The ideology of globalization supports economic growth much more than anything else, encouraging competition rather than mutual aid and individual achievement over contributions to a community, all of which can be the historic legacies of Liberalist Individualism. As a response to the inequalities and injustices inherent in Liberal Individualism and Capitalism, and in order to develop Capitalism to be a more humane, it would be meaningful to use Marx s concept of human-being which is critical of the human images of capitalism. Marx was confident that man was enslaved by being usurped of his humanness under a society where private means of production rule. He made harsh criticism against the still-pervading capitalist Fetishism and mammonism responsible for subverting human nature. In this sense, Marx s ideas can be understood to be humanistic. However, he disregarded the possibility of partial enhancement of human rights or the transformation of society even under a capitalist system. Arguably, enhanced human rights and more humane social institutions could help capitalism to last longer. : 2006. 11. 14 / : 2007. 2. 12

288 Moreover, he simply didn t realize that human nature changes so slowly that it cannot keep up with the radical changes in social structures. This is why he saw socialist revolution as the only panacea for social problems. In fact, he never formulated a well systematized theory of human. But uniquely, he realized the historical necessity of social solidarities which can accelerate historical development. Keywords: Human Rights, Capitalism, Communism, Liberalism, Marxism, Individualism, State & Society, Solidarity, Justice, Socialist Revolution