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음악대학 College of Music - 709 -

공통과목 (Core Courses) 650.501 졸업연주 1-0-2 Graduate Recital 타대학원의졸업논문에준하는연주회로개인이혼자 1 시간프로그램의연주회를구성하여발표한다. 대학원실기 3 학기를모두이수한후할수있으며, 다양한작품을모두발표한다. For a music major, the presentation of a graduation recital is equivalent to writing a master s dissertation. In this course, the students will prepare and present an hour-long program. This course is for graduate students who have finished three terms of vocal performance. The repertoire must include songs of various works. 650.511A 19 세기음악사 3-3-0 History of 19th Century Music 기존의 19 세기음악연구의경향은주로낭만주의라는어휘로설명되었다. 하지만최근관련연구자들은더이상 19 세기의음악을낭만주의의개념으로파악하지않고 19 세기에나타난음악으로파악하는것으로그들의연구관점이변화되었음을알려주고있다. 즉이미 19 세기음악에는어떤특정한단일사조를통해요약될수없는여러특징들이존재하며, 따라서연구자들에게는 19 세기에나타난음악현상들을그시기의음악작품들을통해드러난다양한측면으로접근하는것이바람직한것으로여겨졌다. 만약음악사의시기구분이그연구에적합한방식으로이루어진다면 19 세기음악에대한보다합리적인설명이가능할것이며따라서이강좌는수강생들로하여금위에서언급한음악사연구의경향을숙지하도록하는것을목적으로한다. So far the trend of research in history of 19th century music tended to be summarized mainly as the term Romanticism. But currently researchers in music history are in the process of changing their point of view of 19th century music: from music in Romanticism to 19th century music of its own. There are already many types of characteristics in 19th-century music that cannot be summed up in one type of -ism, and it is quite understandable for researchers to explain the musical phenomenon of 19th century on behalf of various aspects of musical works in that time. The more reasonable explanation will be possible for 19th century music if the division of period in music history is adjusted to its proper way of research and this course is to facilitate students to be fully aware of above mentioned trend of music history research. 650.567 조성음악문헌연구 3-3-0 Studies in Literature of Tonal Music 서양공통관습시대의음악에대한이론적, 기법적, 역사적, 미학적관점에서의이해를통해전문적인음악가로서의능력을포괄적으로함양한다. This course revisits some new aspects of tonal music. Each student is required to give an in-class presentation. 650.572 예술경영 3-3-0 Arts Management 공연예술분야를중심으로경영과행정기술을도입하여예술공연기획, 운영의전문화를꾀하고, 공연예술에대한다양하고폭 넓은수요를창출하여, 문화예술의상품가치를높인다. 수업내용으 학점구조는 학점수-주당강의시간-주당실습시간 을표시한다. 한학기는 15주로구성됨. (The first number means credits ; the second number means lecture hours per week; and the final number means laboratory hours per week. 15 weeks make one semester.) - 711 - 로는예술경영전반에대한이해, 분야별특성, 국가별운영체계비교, 조직구성원, 설립취지, 이사진의역할, 리더십, 비영리조직과영리조직의비교, 재단법인, 기금마련, 예술단체의창단및운영, 기업스폰서십, 개인후원, 프로그램기획, 예산, 이벤트등이있다. This course gives students the opportunity to develop skills as future managers and fundraisers of the performing arts by incorporating business and administration techniques to create a new market and increase the value of arts products. Skills and topics include the following: leadership, thorough and detailed understanding of the field, making notfor-profit and for-profit arts organizations, different departments of an arts organization, fundraising, corporate sponsorship, individual donors, program planning and evaluation, budget, and event coordination. 657.715 박사과정연주회 1-0-2 Doctoral Recital 박사과정에서습득한지식과기량을공개연주회를통하여발표하고평가를받는다. All doctoral performance majors are required to perform a varying number of recitals with selected programs consisting of various musical times and styles. 657.721 현대음악문헌연구 3-3-0 Studies in Literature of Contemporary Music 1950 년대이후부터현재까지작곡된작품들의양식적, 기법적변천에대해고찰한다. 특히최근작품들에대한새로운정보수집및분석을통하여앞으로현대음악이나아갈다양한가능성과방향을예측한다. This course investigates stylistic and technical changes in contemporary compositions since 1950s and pays attention to the latest tendencies in modern musical works, in order to provide various prospects of modern music in the upcoming future. 657.803 대학원논문연구 3-3-0 Dissertation and Research 국내 외의우수한박사학위논문을수집하여분석 고찰하고, 학생들이우수한논문을작성할수있는능력을배양한다. This course investigates doctoral dissertations of home and abroad, discussing and analysing them, in order to gain practical experiences and to develop abilities in writing on an advanced level. 661.517 중세음악사 3-3-0 History of Medieval Music 단성성가와세속노래, 다성음악의기원과발전, 14 세기프랑스 이탈리아음악, 15 세기버건디악파까지매주원서강독세미나를통해세부적으로논의한다. In this course, chants and secular songs, beginnings and development of polyphony, French and Italian music in the 14th century, and Burgundians in the 15th century will be discussed by reading original English texts every week.

661.518 르네상스음악사 3-3-0 History of Renaissance Music 15 세기의프랑코플레미쉬악파, 16 세기민족음악양식, 후기르네상스시기의교회음악과종교개혁까지매주원서강독세미나를통해세부적으로논의한다. In this course, the Franco-Flemish in the 15th century, national styles in the 16th century, and church music of the late Renaissance and Reformation will be discussed by reading original English texts every week. 661.519 바로크음악사 3-3-0 History of Baroque Music 17 세기초오페라의발생, 17 세기후반의오페라와성악음악, 18 세기초반의기악음악까지매주원서강독세미나를통해세부적으로논의한다. In this course, the rise of the opera in the early 17th century, opera and vocal music in the late 17th century, and instrumental music in the early 18th century will be discussed by reading original English texts every week. 661.520 고전주의음악사 3-3-0 History of Classic Music 1750 년부터 1830 년경을풍미했던계몽주의사조와이시기의음악에대해매주원서강독세미나를통해세부적으로논의한다. The Enlightenment dominated from 1750 to 1830. In this course, music from this period will be discussed by reading original English texts every week. 661.523B 인류음악학방법론 3-3-0 Theory & Method in Ethnomusicology 음악인류학은음악과문화를공부하는학문이다. 음악인류학자는전세계음악문화를공부하고, 음악학과인류학분야및그밖에다른분야의학문의연구방향을도입하여인류의삶과음악과의관계를이해한다. 학생들에게인류음악학분야에서사용되는고급이론과방법론들을소개하며, 이러한인류음악학적방법론과이론들은한국음악학에도유용하게사용될수있을것이다. 전통적학문과현대의학문들을참고하여음악인류학에서의많은패러다임의변화를비교해본다. 강의와학생들의발표, 그룹과제및토론방식으로진행되며, 이를통해학생들은각자가전공하는한국음악의공연문화에대한개인연구과제와현장연구에서의기술및이론적접근방식의기술등을더욱발전시킬수있을것이다. Ethnomusicology is the study of music and culture. Ethnomusicologists study musical cultures all over the world, drawing on the fields of musicology and anthropology, among others, to understand the relationship between musical sound and human life. The goal of this graduate-level course is to introduce students to advanced theory and methods employed in the field of ethnomusicology and to consider the ways by which these theories and methods could be utilized in the study of Korean music. We will draw on classic scholarship as well as more recent works that represent the many paradigm shifts in ethnomusicology. The course will consist of lectures, student presentations, group work, and discussions. Students will develop their own research projects, allowing an opportunity to use field research techniques and apply theoretical approaches to their own studies of Korean music performance culture. 성악전공 (Vocal Music Major) 650.562 작곡가특강 ( 성 ) 3-3-0 Topics in Major Composers 볼프가곡의예술적가치와음악어법을연구하고조명한다. 시와음악의이상적인접목과성악파트와반주의완벽한동반자라는점을특징으로하기때문에시에대한연구및 Text 에따른각가곡집및시인연구및실기를병행하는과목으로볼프가곡에대한연구를통해낭만주의가곡과현대가곡의전환점을파악한다. This course will study the artistic value and musical idiom of songs by Wolf, who ideally combined poetry with music and voice with accompaniment. The study of his texts and poetry will be included. Transition from Romantic to modern songs will be discussed through Wolf s works. 650.557 합창지휘법연구 3-3-0 Studies in Chorus Conducting 시대별연주규범 (performance practice) 을합창곡중심으로알아보고, 각시대별음악의양식 (Style) 을고찰하여실제연주에적용할수있도록한다. This course will explore choral music from all periods. Choral style from various periods will be studied and applied to actual performance. 651.505 성악문헌연구 3-3-0 Studies in Vocal Literature 시와음악이접목되어만들어지는가곡의변천에대해, 중세부터 19 세기낭만주의에이르기까지시의내용과형식, 그리고음악과의관계, 성악과반주파트의관계에대해연구하여곡의정확하고깊이있는해석과다양한레퍼토리의문헌적바탕을마련하는데그목적을두어폭넓은연주프로그램을소화하고올바른연주로환원될수있는능력을키운다. An investigation into the trends of vocal music which is a union of poetry and music, the relation between poetic content/form and music, and the relation of voice and accompaniment from Medieval to Romantic period. Focus will be on interpretation and preparation of repertoire for performance. 651.591 전공실기 ( 성악 ) 2-1-2 Major 담당교수와의개별적인레슨을통하여실기를학습하며, 학기별로적합한시대의예술가곡및오페라아리아를학습한다. In this private instruction course, students will learn art songs and arias from suitable periods. 657.701 성악실기 3-1-4 Vocal Major 전문성악가로활동할수있는고도의기량을습득하는한편폭넓은테퍼토리를확보하기위한연구를병행한다. 그리고성악을전공하는학사, 석사과정의학생들을효율적으로지도할수있는능력을아울러배양한다. This course offers advanced individual instruction in the study and interpretation of musical literature on vocal music. - 712 -

Beyond that, it prepares students for leadership in research, teaching, the application of knowledge and professional practice. 작곡전공 (Composition Major) 650.506 음악미학연구 3-3-0 Aesthetic of Music 음악에대한철학적, 미학적통찰력을기르고서양음악미학의역사적인발전과정을탐구한다. This course will provide notions on philosophical and aesthetical speculation about music. 650.526 인도음악연구 3-3-0 Studies in Indian Music 인도음악에대한이해를통하여비서구권음악에대한좀더깊이있는통찰력을기르는것을목적으로한다. 인도음악을형성하는독특한개념들, 역사, 작품, 연주실제에대해논의하며, 강의의많은부분이실제음악을듣고토론하는것에할애된다. 강의중반부에실제인도음악연주자들과의직접적인만남을통해악기, 연주방식, 해석등다방면에걸친음악적견해에대해토론하는기회도가질예정이다. This course will examine non-western music through a basic understanding of Indian music. Students will learn about the original concepts, history, composition theory, and performance practice of Indian music. Listening experience therefore will be crucial to the course. Students will also be required to give presentations on chosen topics. Some guest performers will be invited for discussions on their musical ideas, instrument, and interpretation. 650.534 음악사회학연구 3-3-0 Studies in the Sociology of Music 음악사회학은음악을사회적산물로보고음악현상의사회적기원과그과정및구조를연구한다. 따라서예술가, 예술작품, 예술제도, 청중의조직과상호작용이연구대상이된다. This course will cover the social origins, processes, and structures of musical phenemena. Focus will be on artists, artworks, artistic systems, and the organization of audiences and their interaction with music and musicians. 650.535 음악현상학연구 3-3-0 Studies in the Phenomenology of Music 음악의현상을현상학적으로검토하여그바탕에서음악의제이론을다시살펴보는학문적분야이다. 음악에대한접근방법의하나로서음악학의모든면을재검토하는것을목표로한다. This course will study musical theories on the basis of a phenomenological investigation of musical phenomena. It will reconsider all aspects of musicology as one way of approaching music. 650.561 음악분석이론연구 3-3-0 Study of Music Analysis Theory 수사학, 음형이론, 쉥커식방법, 기호학, 집합이론, 현상학등여러분석이론들에대한구체적인이해를획득하고각방법의가 능성과한계를인식한다. In this course, students will study influential analytical theories including rhetorics, Schenkerian analysis, set theory, semiology, and phenomenology and examine their respective potentials and limitations. 652.562A 음악심리학연구 3-3-0 Studies in Psychology of Music 음악심리학은음악의인지과정에서나타나는소리의수용, 음의지각, 음악적상을만들고음악적상사이의관계를형성하는활동등복합적인인간행위를연구하는분야이다. 본과정에서는음악인지과정과관련된기본적인개념들을이해하는한편, 현재진행되고있는연구들을살펴봄으로써이분야에개한종합적인시야를얻는것을목표로한다. The cognitive science of music concerns the reception, perception, and cognition of sounds that happens in the process of listening. This course will provide basic concepts of this area and an opportunity to grasp the main ideas from current research. 652.586 전공실기 ( 작곡 ) 2-1-2 Composition Major 전문적인작곡가로서활동하는데필요한능력과소양을종합적으로갖출수있도록한다. 학생개개인의음악적지향점을고려한 1:1 교육이이루어진다. 학생자신의고유한어법을형성할수있도록함과동시에, 작품의완성도를갖출수있도록유도한다. 4 개학기동안단계적학습이이루어진다. This course helps students to grasp practical techniques and artistry as professional composer. The course focuses on students own artistic/musical values and aims to make them into compositions in their own musical idioms. Students are required to take the course over a series of 4 semesters. 652.588A 전공실기 ( 지휘 ) 2-1-2 Conducting Major 작곡과의석사과정지휘전공학생들이 4 학기동안필수로이수해야하는전공실기과목이다. 학생들은커리큘럼에따라여러작곡가들의작품을지휘함으로써지휘자로서의기본적인기술을습득한다. The conducting major students (graduate course) are required to register this course over a series of 4 semesters. This course deals with the basic conducting skills (in technical and expressive ways) needed for performing various orchestral works. 652.598 현대음악미학연구 3-3-0 Studies in Aesthetics of Contemporary Music 현대음악은기존의 19 세기음악과는다른음악관및세계관으로부터나타났다. 세기말과세기초에걸쳐서구사회에서발생한급격한사회변화및기존가치관의붕괴는서구음악창작에도고스란히반영되었고, 19 세기의전통적인음악으로부터결별하려했던 20 세기작곡가들은전통적인음악관과는결별한새로운음악적인식을필요로했다. 이강좌는이렇듯기존의음악미학을통해서는더이상설명이어렵게되어버린현대음악의다양한미학적측면들을구체적인작품들을살펴보는것을통해조망하면서자신의작품에대한설명을직접제공하는작곡가들의글을통해 - 713 -

보다구체적으로현대음악작품과현대음악작곡가에대한이해를도모하고자한다. Contemporary music in western society differs from 19th century music in that it has a totally different point of view in music and world. Music making in 20th century mirrors drastic social changes and upheaval of traditional way of thinking. So composers, who eagerly wanted to separate themselves from the tradition, also were required to deal with new paradigm and consciousness in new music. This course is to look into various aesthetic aspects in contemporary music through providing specific examples of 20th century music and dealing with composer s own writings in order to give a better understanding of aesthetics of contemporary music. 652.603 작곡가연구 3-3-0 Studies in Composers 본과목은매학기특정작곡가를선택하여, 그작곡가의작품들에대한심도있는탐구를통해작품속에서드러나는미학적, 양식적이슈들을살펴보는것을목표로한다. 음악학자와연주자모두에게주요한연구대상인작곡가를선정하여, 궁극적으로는본교과목을통해얻은아이디어를학위논문으로발전시킬수있도록현단계의학계와연주계에서의작품수용에대해폭넓게조사, 연구하는기회를제공한다. 현재는로베르트슈만의음악을중점적으로다루고있으며, 매학기수강생의관심사에따라작곡가의선정은변경될수있다. This course focuses on composers and their works which cast various academic issues in music performance and musicology. Composers and their works for this course will be selected upon students request and under an expert s consultation at the beginning of the semester. Surveying extensively the current status of academic and performance reception of a composer and his/her works, this course offers students an opportunity to develop a higher level of understanding of a composer through in-depth analysis of his/her works. Eventually, this course will help students produce a paper, thesis, or dissertation on a composer. The current composer (as of 2014) of our interest is Robert Schumann. 657.601 음악연구방법론 3-3-0 Studies in Methodology of Research on Music 본과목은음악대학석박사과정의학생들에게음악연구방법론을체계적으로지도하여, 학문적연구와글쓰기능력을함양하는것을목적으로한다. 이수업에서는논문작성을위한기본적방법론, 음악연구의적합한주제설정과개요작성, 자료조사및논리적구성방법등실제적인논문작성방법론을다룬다. This course aims to provide College of Music graduate students with training for researching and writing skill. In this course, students will examine basic methodologies for writing of graduation paper. 661.514A 음악음향학 3-3-0 Musical Acoustics 음악에사용되는소리가어떻게발생하고, 전파되며, 인간에게어떻게수용되는가에대한강의를통해소리에대한과학적특성을이해하는것을목표로한다. This course will cover acoustics related to generation, propagation, and perception of musical sounds. The purpose of this course is to enable the students to understand scientific characteristics of sound. 657.513 음악문화구조론 3-3-0 Structure of Music Culture 이과목은세계여러음악의양식적구조로서의문화적의미를비교론적방법에의하여고찰하는것을목적으로한다. 따라서다양한문화해석방법이도입되며이러한이론들을통하여한국음악, 동양음악, 그외여러음악들을분석하게된다. 다양한음악양식의구조적특성이어떤문화적의미를가지고있는지를파악함과동시에그문화적환경이음악창작에어떻게작용하고있는지순환적관계에서비교하게된다. We will research the cultural meanings of the world music as a stylistic structure by the comparative methods. This lecture is gone on the several methods of cultural interpretation theories and we ll analysis korean music, western music, oriental music and the others by the theories. The first aim of this lecture is to know the structural characters on the world music and the second is to research the cultural meanings in the structural characters. The final is to find the circling relations between the cultural environments and the musical works. 657.702 작곡실기 3-1-4 Composition Major 완성도가높고개성이있는작품을창작할수있는능력을배양한다. 그리고작곡을전공하는학사, 석사과정의학생들을효율적으로지도할수있는능력도아울러배양한다. This course aims for developing students proficiency and originality in composition under the direction of a faculty adviser. Along with that, it prepares students for leadership in research, teaching, the application of knowledge and professional practice. 657.703 지휘실기 3-1-4 Orchestral Conducting Major 한사람의전문지휘자로활동하기위한여러가지능력을배양한다. 지휘봉을사용하는기술에서부터관현악작품을해석하고그해석에따라연주자들을적절히훈련시키는방법을연구하며나아가폭넓은레퍼토리를확보할수있는연구도병행한다. This is an individual instruction in the conducting through a detailed study, ranging from the problems of baton technique to the study and interpretation of musical literature on orchestral music, and to the methods of training performers. 657.712 작곡세미나 3-3-0 Composition Seminar 담당교수의지도아래, 학생들의작품들을대상으로작곡기법, 구성, 관현악법, 작품의시대적의의등의측면을바탕으로하는토론을통해, 음악에대한비평적시각및시야의확대를도모한다. 이를통해궁극적으로개성있는작곡가로성장할수있는토대를마련한다. As an advanced studies in composition major, this seminar examines various topics of music composition: composition technique, construction of musical works, orchestration, his- - 714 -

torical significances of particular musical works. 657.720 전자음악연구 3-2-2 Studies in Electro-acoustic Music 전자음악문헌연구및실습을통해전자음악을작곡할수있는전문적기술을익힌다. This course deals with literatures of electro-acoustic compositions and attempts to lead students to knowledge of the various styles and techniques used in electro-acoustic music. 657.730 20 세기음악사연구 3-2-2 Studies in History of 20 th Century Music 이과목은 20 세기음악을서구예술음악의역사적관점에서이해하는것을목적으로한다. 다양한경향을보여주기에많은연구가필요한현대음악의특성상이과목은 20 세기음악의다양한경향과작곡기법을역사적인관점에서이해할수있도록한다. This course aims to understand music in the twentieth-century in the light of the history of Western art music. Modern music has so diverse tendencies that still need to be investigated; this course helps students to have a clue to understand modern music, focusing on exploring the diverse trends and compositional techniques from the historical point of view. 657.731 졸업작품발표및공개연주회 3-0-6 Graduate recital & Colloquium about own works for graduation 박사과정재학중작곡한작품들을공개발표하고그작품에대한콜로키움을행한다. Participants are required to present their works in concerts before a faculty auditioning committee. The works are evaluated in terms of proficiency and originality in composition. 657.734 지휘졸업연주 1-0-2 Graduation recital for Conductors 박사과정지휘전공마지막학기재학생을위한과목으로서전문연주단체지휘실적심사를통해전문지휘자로서의능력을검증한다. This course is to allows for graduate students of doctoral course in conducting major to prepare for their graduate recital on the last semester. Students are required to conduct orchestral repertoires in a concert and the overall interpretive as well as conducting techniques are assessed by a faculty committee. 657.735 음악극창작워크샵 3-3-0 Music Theater Production Workshop 현대공연예술계에서각광받고있는중요한장르인새로운음악극을중심으로, 현대오페라는물론이거니와대중적인뮤지컬까지를포함한넓은의미의음악극장르의창작및제작에대한실습및현장경험이이루어진다. 이과정의우선적인목표는새로운작품의창작이다. 더나아가이과정은앞으로음악극분야에진출하기를희망하는학생들을훈련시켜최근공연예술계가절실히요구하는수준높은전문인력을공급하는것역시목표로삼는다. This new course will provide the students with the opportunity to have practical training and field experiences for the production of the music theater in a broader sense, including contemporary opera, musical, and especially the New Music Theater, which has recently drawn a keen attention in the contemporary performing arts. The aim of the course is to create a new piece of work. Furthermore, the new course will focus on producing and releasing professional composers and librettists to the performing arts world. 657.736 현대음악어법 3-3-0 Contemporary Music Idioms 1950 년대이후현대음악의다양한양식과어법에대한거시적분석을통해작곡가들의음악적사고와철학이작품에투영되고확립되어가는과정을연구한다. 한작가의특징적어법을중점적으로다루되동시대의음악경향과이슈, 미술, 문학과의상관관계및영향을포괄적으로다루어학생들이단순히어법을공부하는데그치지않고예술작품에대해스스로사고하고판단하여작가로서독자적인길을개척할수있는사고의기반을마련하도록한다. This course aims to examine musical ideas and thoughts by way of analyzing various styles and idioms in contemporary music, especially musical works composed after 1950. The course places special emphasis on the particular composer and his/her repertoires every semester, connecting music with related artistic areas such as fine arts, literature, and related contemporary musical issues. 652.601 음악인류학 3-3-0 Anthropology of Music 음악은모든인류가보편적으로향유하는대상이다. 다만음악의기능과목적에따라서로다른양식으로발달했다. 서양의예술음악에관한연구는다양한방법으로활발하게이루어져왔으나, 그이외의문화권에대한연구는이와대등하게이루어지지않았다. 각종족의음악사를다양한관점에서고찰하고, 비교음악학의관점에서여러종족의문화에대한비교연구는음악과인간에대한본질적인문제에대한중요한내용들을밝혀준다. < 음악인류학 > 수업에서는서구의예술음악이외의다양한문화권의음악을서로비교해보고, 음악의보편성과상대성에대한문제에관한인류학적문제들에대해심도있는토론을한다. Music is a subject that all human beings universally posses. However, music has evolved to different styles according to its function and purpose. Researches on the Western music have been done in various ways, while music in other cultural areas has not been studied equivalently. Studies which deal with history of individual tribes from various perspectives and compare their diverse cultures in terms of comparative musicology could reveal important aspects about the essential issues of music and human being. In this class, students compare music of various cultural areas outside of the Western music tradition, and discuss anthropological issues on universality and relativity of music. 652.602 음악신경과학연구 3-3-0 Research in Neuroscience of Music 인간의음악지각과인지에관한기존의사변적, 실험적연구로밝혀내지못했던문제들을최근에뇌파, 뇌영상기기들을이용한신경과학적연구로속속규명해낼수있게되었다. EEG, ERP, PET, fmri, MEG 등기기를이용하여인간의언어인지능력을 - 715 -

연구하는다양한연구방법들이많은부분음악인지에도적용될수있음도발견되었다. < 음악신경과학연구 > 수업에서는이분야의기초지식을배우고최근의연구성과를살펴본후, 다양한연구방법론의장단점을논의하고, 궁극적으로는수강생들각자가음악에대한신경과학적연구모델을디자인해본다. Recent studies of neuroscience research using brain wave, brain imaging techniques have explicated problems that have not been proved by speculative, experimental investigation about human music perception and cognition. Using EEG, ERP, PET, fmri and MEG, it has been found that many of the various research methods investigating human ability to cognize languages can be adapted to music cognition. In this class, students learn basic knowledge on neuroscience of music, look through recent research achievements in the field, and then discuss strength and weakness of various research methodologies. Finally, Students themselves would try to design neuroscience research model. 기악전공 (Instrumental Music Major) 653.504A 피아노문헌세미나 3-3-0 Seminar in Piano Literature 이과목은 20 세기에작곡된피아노협주곡을주요과제로다루면서피아노음악의특징을연구한다. 매주새로운협주곡을수업시간에연주하면서과제로주어진곡의특징과구조를파악하고이를해석하고연주하는방법에관해토론한다. 또한현대음악을이론적관점에서만바라보는것이아니라과거의음악과밀접하게관련되어진것으로조망한다. This course will provide the stylistic characters of contemporary piano music, with a focus on piano concertos from the 20th century. It will also teach students to recognize the structure and characteristics of the music that they play in class. Discussions on the interpretation and performance practices of 20th-century music will be followed by weekly class performances. The course is not for studying contemporary music from a theoretical point of view but for broadening students view of its historical connection with music from earlier eras. 653.505 현악문헌연구 3-3-0 Study in Literature of String Music 대학원학생들을위한전필수업이며다양한장르와시대별로현악기와관련된곡들, 그리고문서를공부한다. This course will help students to gain a thorough understanding of string instruments. Students will learn to analyze solo and ensemble literature from various musical periods. The course is requisite for graduate students. 653.589 전공실기 ( 피아노 ) 2-1-2 Major 1 학기 : 슈베르트의피아노음악슈베르트의생애와작품에관한연구를바탕으로피아노곡전반에대한자세한분석과수업시간에실재연주를통한템포, 페달, 다이나믹등연주상주의점등을심도있게토론한다. 2 학기 : 슈만의피아노음악슈만의생애와작품에관한연구를바탕으로피아노곡전반에대한자세한분석과수업시간에실재연주를통한템포, 페달, 다이나믹등연주상주의점등을심도있게토론한다. 1st semester: Piano Music of Schubert. This course will study the history, style, and performance problems in the piano music of Schubert. Topics will cover the analysis of piano solo music, with a focus on performance problems, study of tempo, structure, dynamic range, use of the pedal, and Schubert s striking use of harmony. Each student will give at least one lecture-performance. 2nd semester: Piano Music of Schumann. This course will study Schumann s piano music. Each class session will focus on students expanding musical, technical, and critical knowledge of the composer s piano compositions. Topics will cover the analysis of piano solo music, with a focus on performance problems, study of tempo, structure, dynamic range, use of the pedal, and Schumann s striking use of harmony. Each student will give at least one lecture-performance. 653.590 전공실기 ( 현악 ) 2-1-2 Major 여러장르의레파토리를다룰수있는능력을배우며개인렛슨형식으로이루어진다. 한학기한번학생이렛슨받은곡으로학기말실기시험이있다. Our String Department is composed of the most distinguished professors and teachers in Korea, all of who are outstanding soloists, chamber musicians, and orchestra players. Through private lessons, students will have an opportunity to master skills on their instruments and to expand their solo repertoire. Student will also prepare for a performance examination at the end of the semester in which they will present their newly learned repertoire in front of a jury. 653.591 전공실기 ( 관악 ) 2-1-2 Major 관악기주자에게필요한호흡, 소리의공명, 테크닉, 음악의이해등의기본적인주법의향상및완성을목표로삼고, 이를토대로각시대별작품의깊이있는이해와해석을지향한다. 스케일과연습곡의꾸준한연습이요구된다. In this course, students will be trained to perfect their high standards of the basic skills as wind instrument players such as breathing, resonance, techniques, and musical understanding. Various styles of music will be studied in depth and diligent practice in scales and etudes will be required. 653.593 작곡가특강 ( 피 ) 3-3-0 Topics in Major Composers 1 학기 : 슈베르트의피아노음악슈베르트의생애와작품에관한연구를바탕으로피아노곡전반에대한자세한분석과수업시간에실재연주를통한템포, 페달, 다이나믹등연주상주의점등을심도있게토론한다. 2 학기 : 슈만의피아노음악슈만의생애와작품에관한연구를바탕으로피아노곡전반에대한자세한분석과수업시간에실재연주를통한템포, 페달, 다이나믹등연주상주의점등을심도있게토론한다. Spring Semester: The Piano Music of Schubert This course is a detailed study of the history, style, and performance problem in the piano music of Schubert. It will provide an analysis of his piano solo music, paying particular attention to performance problems such as the study of tempo, structure, dynamic range, use of the pedal, and - 716 -

Schubert s striking use of harmony. Each student gives at least one lecture-performance. Fall Semester: The Piano Music of Schumann This course is a comprehensive study of Schumann s piano music. Each class is focused on the expanding musical, technical, and critical knowledge of his great piano compositions. The course will provide an analysis of Schumann s piano solo music, paying particular attention to performance problems such as the study of tempo, structure, dynamic range, use of the pedal, and use of harmony. Each student gives at least one lecture-performance. 657.704 피아노실기 3-1-4 Piano Major 전문피아니스트로활동하기위한고도의연주기술을연마하는한편폭넓은레퍼토리를확보하기위한연구를병행한다. 그리고학사, 석사과정학생들의전공실기 ( 피아노 ) 를효율적으로지도할수있는능력도아울러배양한다. This course offers advanced individual instruction in the study and interpretation of musical literature on piano. Beyond that, it prepares students for leadership in research, teaching, the application of knowledge and professional practice. 657.707 현악실기 ( 전공악기명 ) 3-1-4 String Major 전문현악기연주가로활동할수있는고도의연주기술을연마하는한편폭넓은레퍼토리를확보하기위한연구를병행한다. 그리고현악기를전공하는학사, 석사과정의학생들을효율적으로지도할수있는능력도아울러병행한다. 이과정의학생들은여러가지현악기들중하나를전공하게된다. This course offers advanced individual instruction in the study and interpretation of musical literature on string instruments. Beyond that, it prepares students for leadership in research, teaching, the application of knowledge and professional practice. 657.708 관악실기 ( 전공악기명 ) 3-1-4 Woodwind, Brass and Percussion Major 관악기혹은타악기의전문연주가로활동할수있는고도의연주기술을연마하는한편폭넓은레퍼토리를확보하기위한연구를병행한다. 그리고관악기혹은타악기를전공하는학사, 석사과정의학생들을효율적으로지도할수있는능력을아울러배양한다. 이과정의학생들은여러가지관악기들중하나의악기를전공하거나타악기일반을전공하게된다. This course offers advanced individual instruction in the study and interpretation of musical literature on wind instruments and percussions. Beyond that, it prepares students for leadership in research, teaching, the application of knowledge and professional practice. 657.716A 실내악문헌연주및세미나 3-3-0 Chamber Music Literature and Performance Seminar 실내악연주에참여하는현악기, 관악기, 타악기연주자로서작품의해석, 효과적인표현을위한연주법고찰, 각연주자들의개성의조화등완성도가높은실내악연주를실현시킬수있는여 러가지가능성을실습을통하여모색한다. This seminar provides a coached chamber music emphasizing the development of ensemble skills, familiarization with the repertory, interpretation by respective instrumentalist of various majors, and musical analysis through performance. 657.717 근대음악문헌연구 3-3-0 Studies in Literature of Modern Music 드뷔시이후 20 세기아방가르드이전, 즉양식적과도기에작곡된작품들을포괄적면서도심도있게연구한다. General and profound study of musical works composed during the transitional period in style from Debussy to the twentieth Avant-garde. 657.724 현문헌분석연구 3-3-0 Analytic Approach to Strings Literature 현악문헌의이해를돕는학문적접근의한방법으로서시대별장르별, 그리고매체별주요작품들의심층분석에비중을둔강좌이다. This course surveys the stringed instrument literature by analysing the major works selected from each period of the music history, from various musical forms and different medium (instrumentation). 657.725 고음악연주세미나 3-3-0 Research Seminar in Early Music 르네상스및바로크시대의현악기에대한집중연구이며아울러바쏘콘티뉴오, 장식법및즉흥연주, 리듬, 템포, 다이나믹그리고조율법과같은다양한측면에서의고음악연주관습을문헌에근거하여고찰하고, 실제로실습을통하여익혀본다. The purpose of this course is a comprehensive study of the old stringed instruments of the Rennaissance and Baroque period. This course also deals with various aspects of early music performance practice, such as basso-continuo, embellishments & improvisations, rhythms, tempo, dynamics and tunings. 657.726 20 세기미국음악연구 3-3-0 Studies in 20th Century American Music 서양음악사에서중부유럽의독일, 프랑스음악만이유독영향력의중심이되어왔다. 오랜전통을가진유럽은 20 세기음악의새로운경향에서도주도적이었는데, 상대적으로짧은역사에, 수동적인위치에있어왔던미국음악은맹목적으로유럽을추종하지않고폭넓고새로운시야를발전시켜유럽음악과는다른독자성을획득할수있었다. 20 세기미국작곡가들과작품들에서유럽음악과의끊임없는교류뿐만아니라동양음악, 아프리카음악등비주류의문화를접목하고융화한흔적을살펴보고자한다. 이수업을통해 20 세기미국음악은시대와사회의흐름을효과적으로반영했음을드러내보이고자한다. In music history, particular emphasis has been placed on central Europe, especially Germanic and French music. American composers, however, have not viewed European music as a model to be blindly followed. Although the new systems were initiated by European composers, as the century has progressed, the United States has acquired a particular role in nourishing them with the more experimental spirit, eventually achieving an influential position. Twentiethcentury American music displays its unique reception of - 717 -

non-western music of all types as well as its incessant exchange with European music. This course will prove that the American music has mirrored with success the new currents of its time and the society. 657.729 연구자를위한음악연구입문 3-3-0 Introduction to Music Scholarship for Performers 이수업은음악에서의분석과연구자료조사능력을개발시키는것을목적으로한다. 학생들은다양한스타일의글쓰기연습을통해훈련될예정이다. 모아진광범위한범위의자료들은그들을고무시키는한편, 가장적합한데이터를선택하고통합하기위해서는학생들의비판적인사고가특히요구된다. 매수업은학생들개인의프로젝트를수정하는작업과개선을위한토론으로진행될것이다. This course aims at developing analytical and research skills in music. The students are to be disciplined through the exercise of writing in various styles. The study of a wide range of sources compiled by various research techniques will stimulate the mind while the selection and synthesis of appropriate data will require critical thinking. Each session will be devoted to revising the students projects and discussions for further improvements. 국악전공 (Korean Music Major) 650.556 논문발표 1-0-2 Thesis 졸업을위한필수과정으로논문중간발표와논문심사를거쳐학점이취득된다. This course is compulsory for students of the graduate program. Students must conduct a mid-presentation and an examination of their theses. 650.564A 한국음악학방법론 3-3-0 Methodology of Korean Traditional Musicology 한국전통음악연구를위한연구방법론을다각도로분석 검토하는석사과정과목이다. 한국전통음악연구에사용된역사실증적방법론, 분석적방법론, 문화맥락적방법론등다양한연구방법을사례별로연구한다. 분석대상이아닌분석방법자체를연구주제로다루며이러한연구능력향상이졸업논문작성으로연결되게한다. This course, for graduate students, is a subject about analyzing and examining themethodology for the study of Korean Traditional Music in different angles. It will cover various study methods such as historical positive methodology, analytical methodology, cultural contextual methodology. Major concern in this course is not on the analyzed objects but on the analyzing method itself so that improvement of researching ability can be led to better writing of graduation paper. 650.569 국악분석연구 3-3-0 Analysis of Korean Traditional Music 국악작품의내부적체계와원리를파악하여, 알고하는연주, 역사성있는창작을위한바탕을확보케한다. This course will provide theories on the internal organization of traditional Korean music so that students can play music properly with knowledge and obtain the historical background for creating their own music. 654.592 전공실기 ( 국악기악 ) 2-1-2 Instrumental Major of Korean Music 국악과의석사과정기악및성악, 작곡전공학생들이넷째학기를제외한 3 학기동안필수로이수해야하는전공실기과목이다. 개인지도교수의형태로수업이이루어진다. 3 학기동안기악및성악전공자들은기말시험을보고, 작곡전공자들은작품을제출한다. 이과정에서이루어진연구결과의일부는최종학년에서의논문연구로이어진다. This course is for graduate students (except musical theory majors). Students therefore must take three courses during four semesters. Performers will take a final examinations and students majoring in musical composition will submit their own works. The results of the research conducted in the course will be partly connected to the presentation of the final thesis. 654.593 전공이론 ( 국악 ) 2-1-2 Theory in Major of Korean Music 국악과의석사이론전공학생들이넷째학기를제외한 3 학기동안필수로이수해야하는전공이론과목이다. 연구과제의성격에따라서교실강의또는개인지도의교수형태가결정된다. 이과정에서이루어진연구결과의일부는최종학년에서의논문연구로이어진다. This course is requisite for graduate students majoring in musical theory. The manner of lectures will be decided according to the characteristics of the thesis: either class lectures or private lessons will be given. The results of the research conducted in the course will be partly connected to the presentation of the final thesis. 654.594 전공실기 ( 국악성악 ) 2-1-2 Vocal Major of Korean Music 석사과정국악성악전공학생들이 3 학기동안필수로이수해야하는전공실기과목이다. 개인지도교수의형태로수업이이루어지며각학기말에는기말시험을보게된다. This course is a compulsory subject for graduate students majoring Korean traditional vocal music. Students should take three classes during four semesters. Performers should take a term examination. 654.595 전공실기 ( 국악작곡 ) 2-1-2 Composition Major of Korean Music 석사과정국악작곡전공학생들이 3 학기동안필수로이수해야하는전공실기과목이다. 개인지도교수의형태로수업이이루어지며각학기말에는작품을제출하여야한다. This course is a compulsory subject for graduate students who major in composing of Korean music. Students should take three classes during four semesters and hand in newly composed works - 718 -

654.596A 산조창작연구 3-3-0 New Sanjo Studies 산조는민속악의한갈래로현재가장중요한음악으로연주되고있다. 이러한산조음악은연주자의즉흥연주와창작으로연주자자신의류파를만들어내는데이러한산조음악을심도있게분석한후자신의류파를창작한다. Sanjo represents just one branch of Korean folk music, but it is perhaps one of the most important performance genres in Korea today. Sanjo requires that the instrumentalist not only master the performance techniques necessary to adequately perform the music, but s/he must also recreate the music in the process of performance; thus, creating a new version or school of sanjo, also known as ryu. In this class, students will engage first in a thorough analysis of the genre before embarking on creating their own ryu of sanjo. 654.597 전공실기 ( 국악지휘 ) 2-1-2 Orchestra Conducting Major of Korean Music 국악지휘전공석사과정을대상으로하는전공과목으로 4 학기반복이수한다. 악보분석, 지휘법등현대국악관현악지휘에필요한요소를중점적으로연구한다. 각전공자에대해개인지도로이루어지는실기과목으로다양한악곡을분석함으로써각악곡마다필요한개별적인이해향상을통해지휘자로서의소양을갖출기회를제공한다. This course is a required subject for graduate students majoring conducting Korean Traditional Orchestra, who must take this course for four semesters. In form of private lessons for each students, classes will be focused on the necessary subjects for Korean Traditional music conducting such as analysis of contemporary music scores and conducting skills. By improving understanding for each scores. It will provide students opportunities to develop better character as conductor. 654.598 국악작곡가특강 3-3-0 Korean Composer s Forum 국악기악, 국악작곡, 국악성악, 국악이론전공자들을위한수업으로현대창작국악계의영향력있는작곡가를초빙하여작품의분석, 현대작곡의경향, 작곡가의음악어법등에대해탐구해봄으로써현대국악창작곡의분석적이해에대한식견을가질수있도록한다. This course is for graduate students in College of music. The purpose of this course is study music analyzing, trends of contemporary music and composer s methods. Focus is on analysistic understanding of Korean composers. 654.599 전통가창특강 3-3-0 Lecture on Korean Traditional Singing 한국전통가창은모든국악전공자의학습의기본토대가된다. 이를토양으로하여실기, 작곡, 이론등의음악적인지능력을심화시킬수있기때문이다. 학부에서학습하지못한범패, 가사, 잡가, 단가등을각종목의문화재급전문가에게실기와이론을겸하여배우는과목이다. Korean traditional singing is the foundation for Korean music learning because it helps students musical cognitive abilities such as practice, composition, and theory deepen. With this, this course intends to provide students with theories and practical skills in the Korean singing fields including Buddhist chants, Gasa, Japga, and Danga. Students in this course will be learned from experts who are on a par with a national treasure. 654.600 공연구성세미나 3-3-0 Seminar on Repertoire Development 전통음악부터현대음악까지아우르는국악관련음악과타학문및다른장르예술과의소통을위한창의적작업을할수있는능력을배양하는것에목적을둔다. 팀을구성하여각각공연의컨셉을정하고공연의내용과주안점에대하여토론하며공동작업을통하여그결과물을발표하도록한다. The goal of this class is to foster a connection between Korean music and other related arts, from the traditional to the contemporary. The class will be divided into teams equipped with their own concert concepts, and the teams will debate about the concert themes and objectives of the performances. The aim is to encourage active debates and cooperation. The final outcome of the class will be based on presentations. 657.710 국악기악실기 ( 전공악기명 ) 3-1-4 Instumental Major of Korean Music 국악계의지도적위치에서전문연주가로활동하기에부족함이없는연주기량을연마하는한편폭넓은레퍼토리를확보하기위한연구를병행한다. 그리고국악기악실기를효율적으로지도할수있는능력을아울러배양한다. This course offers advanced individual instruction in the study and interpretation of musical literature on Korean instrumental music. Beyond that, it prepares students for leadership in research, teaching, the application of knowledge and professional practice. 657.722 국악합주실습 3-1-4 Korean Music Orchestral Practice 한국의전통음악은대부분합주의형태로이루어져있다. 그리고개인이습득한기량은합주를통하여구체적인음악으로실현된다. 이과목은학생들이국악합주의한파트에직접연주자로참여하여자신의연주뿐아니라소속한파트가합주에효과적으로기여할수있도록다른연주자들을지도할수있는능력을실습을통하여배양하는것을목표로한다. Korean traditional music generally has a performing form of ensemble. This seminar provides a coached chamber music emphasizing the development of ensemble skills, familiarization with the repertory, interpretation by respective instrumentalist of various majors, and musical analysis through performance. 657.727 국악고문헌연구 3-3-0 Studies in Early Literature of Korean Traditional Music 국악과관련된한 중 일고문헌을대상으로자료를수집 해석하고분석하는방법을연구하는박사과정전공과목이다. 고대부 - 719 -

터조선후기까지현존하는모든문헌자료를대상으로한다. 전통음악에관련된고문헌의자료를검토해봄으로써전통음악연구의기반을이루는고문헌에대한보다심도있는학문적배경을제공한다. This is a doctoral course studying ancient Korea music literature. The research will include all kind of material from the ancient time to the later Choson Dynasty as well as ancient Chinese and Japanese literature related to Korean music. By considering various early literatures? related to Korean traditional music, Students will be provided deeper understanding in those literatures, which is basis for the study of Korean traditional music. 657.728 창작국악세미나 3-3-0 Seminar in Korean Contemporary Music based on Korean Traditional Music 창작국악곡을실제분석을통해이해하는석사과정과목이다. 한국음악학에서사용한악곡분석법과서양음악학에서사용하는분석법, 연주해석에관한창작논리, 창작곡에대한연주해석의문제를종합적으로악곡분석에적용하여실습한다. 시대별대표곡을선정하여발표와토론을중심으로세미나를진행한다. This course is for graduate students, dealing with newly composed Korean music. The purpose of this course is to get better understanding of those new music pieces through actual analyzing. Students will conduct practises by applying analysis skills and methods, both of Korean and Western music, and the matters on performing analysis logic. Each classes will consist of presentation and discussion picking up representative pieces for each period of time. 한국음악학전공 (Korean Music Major) 661.525 일본음악연구 3-3-0 Studies in Japanese Music 이강좌는대학원생들을대상으로하는과목으로, 한국에서접하기쉽지않은일본음악에대해서문헌강독과고악보의해독및분석을통하여연구를행한다. 단순한일본음악연구를넘어한국음악과의관련을염두하면서, 삼국시대이후일본에전해져지금까지전승되고있는고려악에대해서중점적으로다룬다. This graduate course will consist of the reading of documents and transcription of ancient Japanese musical notations. Goryeo-ak, which was transmitted from Korea to Japan after the Three Kingdoms Period, will be given priority. Focus will be on the relationships between traditional Korean and Japanese music. 661.527 중국음악연구 3-3-0 Studies in Chinese Music 한국전통음악의전역사에걸쳐중국음악과갖는상호관계의밀접성은중요하다. 최근까지도한국음악은향악과당악으로분류될만큼중국음악의직접적, 간접적영향력은지대했다. 한국음악이외래음악인중국음악과접하여이를어떻게수용하였는지를아는것이한국음악사를이해하는한방법이라할때먼저중국음악의실체와역사를알아야할것이다. 본강좌는중국음악중특히우리음악과관계가깊은당, 송, 원, 명조의음악을집중적으로다룬다. This graduate course will examine the crucial connection between traditional Korean and Chinese music. The influence of traditional Chinese music on traditional Korean musical history was so enomorous that the latter used to be divided into Hyang-ak ( native music ) and Dang-ak ( Tang-Dynasty or Chinese music ). First, the substance and history of traditional Chinese music will be considered to understand how traditional Korean music accepted traditional Chinese music. In the course, traditional Chinese music of the Tang, Song, Yuan, and Ming Dynasties, all of which deeply influenced traditional Korean music, will be treated. 661.538 한국아악연구 3-3-0 Korean Court Music 한국전통음악의두갈래중아악에관한기존의모든연구성과를검토하고여기서노출되는제반문제를재조명한다. 아악을당악계, 고취계, 향악계등의계통관련적장르로나누어각각에속하는기발표논문을비판적안목으로검토하며, 특히논문에인용된악보를원전과대조하여확인함으로써해독능력까지도배양시킨다. 아울러현재연주되는음악을횡적시각에서관찰, 분석하여이론체계의정립가능성도논의한다. This graduate course will examine existing studies on A-ak (traditional court music) and reinvestigate the relevant problems. Existing theses will be reexaminated from a critical viewpoint regarding the genres of Dang-ak, Gochwi, and Hyang-ak. Students ability to decipher musical texts will be increased through a comparison with original music. The possibility of systemizing theories will be discussed through a survey and an analysis of currently performed traditional Korean music. 661.539 민속악연구 3-3-0 Korean Folk Music 한국전통음악의두갈래중민속악에관한기존의모든연구성과를검토하고여기서노출되는제반문제를집중연구한다. 민속악을판소리, 민요등의여러장르로세분하여각각에속하는기발표논문을비판적안목으로검토하며, 특히논문에인용된채보악보를채보에사용된음향자료와비교하여채보능력까지도배양시킨다. 아울러현재연구되는음악을횡적시각에서관찰, 분석하여이론체계의정립가능성도논의한다. This graduate course will examine existing studies on folk music and reinvestigate the relevant problems. Existing theses will be reexaminated from a critical viewpoint regarding the genres of Pansori and farmers music. Students ability to decipher musical texts will be increased through a comparison with original music. The possibility of systemizing theories will be discussed through a survey and an analysis of currently performed traditional Korean folk music. 661.540 동양음악사상연구 3-3-0 Oriental Musical Thought 음악을대하고생각하는인간의관념역시음악그자체만큼이나중요한연구대상이된다. 이러한관념의체계가곧음악사상이며동양음악은예로부터음악사상을발전시켜왔다. 이강의는이러한동양음악사상을체계적으로강의한다. 특히한국음악과관련이깊은중국고대음악사상은물론후대의신유학에흡수된음양오행사상을음악적시각에서집중적으로다루게된다. Musical thought itself as well as music can be important subjects of study. Such a system of thought is musical thought, which has been developed in Oriental music. This - 720 -

course will systematically provides Oriental musical thought. The concept of cosmic dual forces, which was absorbed by Confucianism later, and ancient Chinese musical thought related to traditional Korean music will be covered from a musical standpoint. 661.553 조선후기음악연구 3-3-0 Studies in Late Choson Music 이과목은대학원생들을위한과목으로한국음악사중임진란이후부터한일합방이전까지의음악을다룬다. 이시대의사회적상황이음악의변화에미친영향을고찰하게될것이다. 이전시기와는달리새롭게등장하여성장한민속악의발생과변화에초점이맞추어질것이다. In this graduate course, the music of the Joseon Dynasty from 1592 (Japanese Invasion) to 1910 (Japanese annexation) will be treated. The influence of the social environment on music will be examined. Focus will be on the origins and changes of folk music. 661.556 한국중세음악사연구 3-3-0 Studies in Music of Medieval Korea 이과목은대학원생들을위한과목으로한국음악사중남북국시대이후부터고려시대까지의음악을다룬다. 이시기의음악적특성을고찰함과동시에음악의중세성이무엇인가를살펴보고양자에서도출된특성을서로비교해보기로하겠다. 또한이러한중세성이한국음악에서정치적, 문화적중세시기와어떤차이가있는지를살펴보게될것이다. This graduate course will cover traditional Korean music from the North and South Dynasty to the Goryeo Dynasty. The medieval characteristics of music and the differences between them and the medieval characteristics of politics and culture will be compared. 661.557 한국무속음악연구 3-3-0 Studies in Korean Shamanistic Music 이강좌는대학원생들을위한강좌이다. 한국민속음악중에서무속 ( 巫俗 ) 의식에관하여고찰하여보고그의식의순서에따른음악을살펴보는강의이다. 무속음악의장단및박자를중점적으로다룰것이다. This graduate course will deal with shamanic ceremony and music. It will focus on the rhythms of shamanic music. 661.561 한국음악이론연구 3-3-0 Studies in Korean Music Theories 이과목은국악의소재 (material) 대신구조 (structure) 의이론을고찰하는것으로, 장단 (Jangdan), 선율, 형식을실제악곡에기하여고찰하려는것이다. (1) 장단 ( 종류, 장단과템포 ), (2) 선율 ( 선율, 선율의구성, 선율의확대와축소, 선율의장식 ) (3) 형식 ( 형식의종류 ) This course will provide theories on the structure of traditional Korean music instead of simply focusing on the materials of traditional Korean music. Rhythm, melody, and form will be considered. (1) Rhythm (types and tempo). (2) Melody (structure, magnification, bridgement, and ornaments of melodies). (3) Structure (types). 661.803 대학원논문연구 3-3-0 Reading and Research 기존의한국음악학에대한논저를객관적으로비판할수있으며, 각분야에대한심도있는논문을쓸수있도록기타학문과의유기적관계를파악하도록해주며, 객관적인시각으로글을저술할수있는능력을가질수있도록한다. This course will provide students with an ability to analyze established articles on traditional Korean music and to evaluate other related fields in order to write theses. Also, the course will provide an ability to write articles objectively. 서양음악학전공 (Western Music Major) 661.510 음악일반연구방법론 3-3-0 Studies in Methodology of General Research on Music 전문적인음악학연구를위한소양을기르는한편, 역사적연구, 철학적연구, 실험적연구, 양적, 질적연구등여러음악학방법론에대한심도깊은이해를목적으로한다. This course will provide intense training for professional researchers. Students will also examine various methodologies including historical, philosophical, quantitative, and qualitative research. - 721 -