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498 石 堂 論 叢 50집 이야기의 담론에서 발생하기에 독자의 삶에 깊이 관여한다. 인간은 본 능적으로 재현의 욕구가 있다. 재현된 형상화를 재형상화하면서 독자 는 세계를 이해하고 자신의 삶을 이해한다. 그렇게 삶의 뜻을 다시 풀 어보고 행동을 통해 자기 삶을 새롭게


Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp DOI: * A Research Trend


36 16-38 125) 홍성혁 (, ) 한글초록 36 16-38. 36 16-38 (Explanatory Notes upon the Old Testament). 36 16-38. * 2019.

220 56..,., 36 16-38.....,,..,.,,.,

, 221,..,.,,..,,. I.???,.,. 36 16-38,. 1),

222 56 36 16-38. Explanatory Notes upon the Old Testament., 2) 1) Donald E. Gowan, Eschatology in the Old Testament (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1987), 1-2, 64-65, 70-80; G. W. E. Nickelsburg, Eschatology (Early Jewish), ABD 2 (1992), 580-581; E. Jenni, Eschatology of the OT, IDB (1962), 130; Henning Graf Reventlow, The Eschatologization of the Prophetic Books: A Comparative Study, in Eschatology in the Bible and in Jewish and Christian Tradition, ed., Henning Graf Reventlow (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1997), 183. 2) 36 16-38. H. Simian, Die theologische Nachgeschichte der Prophetie Ezechiels (Würzburg: echter Verlag, 1974), 88-103; Karl-Friedrich Pohlmann, Ezechielstudien: Zur redaktionsgeschichte des Buches und zur Frage nach den älteren Texten (Berlin: de Gruyter, 1992), 77-87; Walther Zimmerli, Ezekiel 2: A Commentary on the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel Chapters 25-48, trans. James D. Martin (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1983), 244-245. (Thomas Renz) ( 36:22-32) ( 36: 33-36, 37-38) ( 36: 16-21). T. Renz, The Rhetorical Function of the Book on Ezekiel (Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2002), 110-13., (H. G. Reventlow) (R. M. Hals) 36 16-38. Reventlow, The Eschatologization of the Prophetic Books, 183; Ronald M. Hals, Ezekiel, vol. 19 (FOTL; Grand Rapids: W. B. Eerdmans, 1989), 263. (Marvin Sweeney). 36 16-38 36 16 37 1-14

, 223. II..... (S. Mowinckel).. 3),,. (H. G. Reventlow). 4), 36 16-38 37 1-14. 37 1-14, 36 16-38. M. Sweeney, Reading Ezekiel: A Literary and Theological Commentary (Smyth & Helwys Publishing, [Amazon e-book, 2013]), Loc 3464-3554, accessed 31 July 2019. 3) S. Mowinckel, He that Cometh, trans. G. W. Anderson (New York: Abingdon Press, 1954), 125.

224 56.. 5) (D. S. Russell). 6).,. 7),,., 4) Henning Graf Reventlow, The Eschatologization of the Prophetic Books, 170. 5),... D. S., :, ( :, 2012), 44; J., :, ( :, 2006), 38.. Stephen L. Cook, The Apocalyptic Literature (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2003); Prophecy & Apocalypticism: The Postexilic Social Setting (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1995). 6) D. S. Russell, The Methods & Message of Jewish Apocalypic: 200 BC AD 100 (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1964), 92. 7) Russell, The Methods & Message of Jewish Apocalypic, 95;, 4 :, 52 (2014): 186-216.

, 225. 8). 9),,,,,. 10),,,.,,., 8) Russell, The Methods & Message of Jewish Apocalypic, 95 9) (J. Lindblom) :,,,,,,,,,,. J. Lindblom, Die Jesaja-Apokalypse Jes. 24-27 (Hakan Olssons Buchrukere, 1938), 101f..., :, 29-30..,.,., :, 44. 10) D. S. Russell, The Methods & Message of Jewish Apocalypic, 104-139.

226 56.,,. 11).. ( 31:37, 31, 38). 12). ( 2:2-4). 9 11.... 11) Reventlow, The Eschatologization of the Prophetic Books, 171. 12)., 31 23-40, 46 (2018): 4514-83.

, 227,?.,.,. (Donald E. Gowan),. 13),.., ( )...,..,.,.,.. 14),,.,,. 13). Gowan, Eschatology in the Old Testament, 1-2. 14), 122-123.

228 56.,..,..,. 15).,. III. 36 16-38 36 16-38 ( 33-48 ). ( 25-32 ). 33, ( 34 ). ( 35:1-36:15), ( 36:16-38). ( 37 ). 15) 7.

, 229 36 16-38 36 16 ~,. 36 16-38 ( ). ( 1:3; 3:22; 8:1; 33:22; 37:1; 40:1), ( 37:1) 36 16-38 37. 36 16-38,. ( 36:33),.. 36 16-38. ( 36:16-23). ( 36:24-32). ( 36:33-38).

230 56 1. ( 36:16-23) 16 ( ~ ). (17 )... 22,. 3. 17,.. 18 ( 22:4). (17 )., ( 15:19-26). ( 15:31)., (19 ; 18:25). ( / hamj). 16), 17) 16) G. André, tame; tum a, TDOT 5 (1986), 331.

, 231. 18).. 19). 20) 18-19. 18, 19 ( 12:15; 20:23). 20-21.,.,. (lmx)., ( 5:11; 7:4). 21) 17) G. André, tame; tum a, 332. 18) John Wesley, Explanatory Notes upon the Old Testament (Salem: Schmul Publishers, 1975), 2384. 19) (Michael Lodahl). Michael Lodahl, God of Nature and of Grace (Nashville: Kingswood Books, 2003), 174. 20),,, ( :, 2002), 384;,, (2018), 141. 21) Moshe Greenberg, Ezekiel 21-37 (AB; New York: Doubleday, 1997), 729.

232 56.,. 22) 22-23. 23. (vdq). 23) 24),.. 25) 22) Wesley, Explanatory Notes upon the Old Testament, 2384-85. 23), 2385. 24) Daniel I. Block, The Book of Ezekiel Chapters 25-48 (NICOT; Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1998), 352. 25) Thomas C. Oden, John Wesley s Teachings. vol. 2: Christ and Savation (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2012), 282.

, 233 2. ( 36:24-32)., 24. 26)..,.,.. 27),., 722 587. 28). 28 26) Block, The Book of Ezekiel Chapters 25-48, 353. 27) Lamar Eugene Cooper, Sr., Ezekiel, vol. 17 (NAC; Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1994), 316. 28), 316.

234 56 33-36. 29)... 30), 25. (qrz) (rhj).. 24, 25 26-27.. 31) (Moshe Greenberg) 17-18. 25 ( 19:13, 29) Gowan, Eschatology in the Old Testament, 2, 21-58, 122-23. 30) Colin W. Williams, John Wesley s Theology Today: A Study of the Wesleyan Tradition in the Light of Current Theological Dialogue (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1960), 194-96.., (Missio Dei), 43(2013), 142. 31) Williams, John Wesley s Theology Today, 2, 74, 96.

, 235 20). 32) 18,. 33 ( /twn[),. 33),,. 34). 35)... 36). 32) Greenberg, Ezekiel 21-37, 730. 33), 730. (, 4:13; 15:16; 20:5; 34:9; 14:34) (J. Milgrom). Jacob Milgrom, Leviticus 1-16 (AB; New York: Doubleday, 1991), 25. 34) Cooper, Ezekiel, 316. 35).,,, 45(2014), 152. 36) Wesley, Explanatory Notes upon the Old Testament, 2385.

236 56...., 26-27..,,. (!bah bl/ ), (rfb bl/ ). 37). 38). 39),. 40) ( 31:31-34).. 41) 37). 38) Block, The Book of Ezekiel Chapters 25-48, 355. 39) Zimmerli, Ezekiel 2, 249. 40) Greenberg, Ezekiel 21-37, 730. 41)., :,, 55(2019), 228-232.

, 237 ( /hvdx xwr). 42)., (cf. 143:10). 43).. ( 2:28-29 [MT 3:1, 2])..,,., 31 33,.,. 44).,. 36 26. 42) Zimmerli, Ezekiel 2, 249. 43) Greenberg, Ezekiel 21-37, 730. 44) Wesley, Explanatory Notes upon the Old Testament, 2385.

238 56.. 45) 36 27..,. 46),., 47)., 28...., 28 45) Oden, John Wesley s Teachings, 285. 46) Wesley, Explanatory Notes upon the Old Testament, 2385. 47),.,, 34(2008), 12-13.

, 239.. 48),. 49)., 29.. ([vy) (!m/~ ). 50). 51),., 29 30. 29,. ( 14:13, 21). ( 1:1).... 48) Block, The Book of Ezekiel Chapters 25-48, 357. 49) Wesley, Explanatory Notes upon the Old Testament, 2385-2386. 50) Block, The Book of Ezekiel Chapters 25-48, 357. 51), 357.

240 56. 52),. 53). 29-30,. 29. 30.,,. 54) 31-32.. 52), 358. 53) Gowan, Eschatology in the Old Testament, 2, 101-103. 54)...,, 53(2018), 149.

, 241.. 55),. 56),., (21-23 )..,. 36 31-32.. 57).. 3. ( 36:33-38) 55) Greenberg, Ezekiel 21-37, 732. 56) Zimmerli, Ezekiel 2, 250. 57) Oden, John Wesley s Teachings, 283.

242 56.. 33-36,,. 58). 33 ( ) 33 35, (35 ). 33. ( /twnw[). 59) 2 (33 ). 33 34.,. 34. 35. 35 3 34 (rbw[/ ). 36 58) Gowan, Eschatology in the Old Testament, 2, 122-23. 59) Jacob Milgrom, Leviticus 1-16, 25.

, 243. 60) 35. 61).,,. 35., 35., 36 ( ).., (36 ).... 62) 60) Zimmerli, Ezekiel 2, 250. 61) Wesley, Explanatory Notes upon the Old Testament, 2386. 62) Thomas C. Oden, John Wesley s Scriptural Christianity: A Plain Exposition of His Teaching on Christian Doctrine (Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1994), 346; Lodahl, God of Nature and of Grace, 174.

244 56 37-38.. 37 ( ). ( 14:3; 20:3),.,... 63) 37.., ( 17:2) ( 26:9).,. 38.,.,.,. 64). 65). 63) Block, The Book of Ezekiel Chapters 25-48, 364. 64), 365.

, 245,. 38 ( ). 38,,.. 66).,. IV. 36 16-38.,.,., 36 16-38 65), 365. 66) Wesley, Explanatory Notes upon the Old Testament, 2386.

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, 251 Abstract Understanding Eschatology in Wesley s Interpretation of Old Testament Prophecies: Centering on Ezekiel 36:16-38 Hong, Seong Hyuk (Seoul Theological University, Old Testament Theology) The purpose of this paper is not only to examine the meaning of eschatology for us through the analysis of the characteristics of prophetic eschatology on the basis of the commentary of Ezekiel 36:16-38, which is categorized into a text containing prophetic eschatology, but also to compare Wesley s interpretation of this text. Wesley s interpretation of Ezek. 36:16-38 will be based upon Wesley s Explanatory Notes upon the Old Testament. No comparative study of its meaning of the eschatological texts such as Ezek. 36:16-38 has been attempted so far. From this point of view, this study, which is intended to show the correlation between the characteristic elements of Old Testament eschatology and Wesley's understanding of eschatology, is of sufficient significance. First of all, I will suggest that eschatology is divied largely into prophetic eschatology and apocalypic eschatology. While apocalyptic eschatology focuses primarily on other-worldly matters like the world after death and the reward of the dead, prophetic eschatology is more concerned with issues such as Atonement in the present world rather than the reward in the other world. Next, through the

252 56 commentary on Ezek. 36:16-38, which is categorized as prophetic eschatology, I will analyze the main features of salvation in prophetic eschatology. I will say that Yahweh poured out his wrath against Israel because of such sins as bloody violence and idolatry that defiled the earth. However I will assert that in the new age of New Spirit, God actively intervened to fulfill His promises of salvation through overcoming the unclean reality of having profaned the holy name of Yahweh by the exiled Israelites. I will further say that the book of Ezekiel describes the contents of the promise of salvation which will be fulfilled in the new age in seven points. Through the work of the New Spirit, Yahweh promises to eliminate external sins like violence and idolatry as well as internal sins. Although Wesley focuses on the matter of sin on a more personal level than communal level, he, in his Explanatory Notes upon the Old Testament, connects to the concept of sanctification the spiritual restoration, or the removal of sin based on a christological point of view. Namely, he relates spiritual restoration to the condition of eliminating inner sinful desires as well as evil deeds. Just as Ezekiel says Yahweh is actively involved in restoration, Wesley states that the grace of Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit plays a central role in the process of sanctification, not human maturity or progress. In addition, as Ezekiel emphasized that eschatological salvation is realized by synergism of divine active intervention and human repentance, Wesley also emphasized that the human response to the grace of Christ in the process of sanctification is quite necessary. The salvation Ezekiel mentioned is not restoration in the other

, 253 world but communal and personal restoration in this world. Wesley also states that sanctification is not a condition that can be attained in the afterlife, but is accomplished through incremental process that begins in this life. Finally, I will assert that Ezekiel focused not only on spritual restoration but also on the restoration of the macroscopic dimension, such as the restoration on the social and natural level. Ezekiel basically spoke of the restoration of the community. He further showed that the restoration of man includes restoration of the relationship between the earth and man, man and God. This is the same position with Wesley who made a point of the social dimension of sanctification. In this way, this study will contribute to a new perception of Wesley s eschatological interpretation, notwithstanding the existence of a gap between communal and individual dimension, by confirming a sigficant correspondence between the prophetic eschatology of the Old Testament and Wesley s eschatological interpretation of Ezek. 36:16-38. 주제어,,,,,, Apocalyptic Eschatology, Prophetic Eschatology, New Covenant, Sanctification, Soteriological Synergism, Salvation, Divine Grace * 2019. 08. 01. 2019. 09. 03. 2019. 09. 27.