THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 2013 DEC.; 24(12), 1173 1180. ISSN 1226-3133 (Print) ISSN 2288-226X (Online) HRRP-JEM Localization of Jet Engine Position from HRRP-JEM Images of Aircraft Targets Using Eccentricity of Complex-Valued Signals 박지훈 양우용 배준우 강성철 명로훈 Ji-Hoon Park Woo-Yong Yang Jun-Woo Bae* Seong-Cheol Kang* Noh-Hoon Myung 요약 2005 HRRP-JEM(High Resolution Range Profile-Jet Engine Modulation). HRRP-JEM. HRRP-JEM (range bin) JEM. JEM,.. Abstract High Resolution Range Profile-Jet Engine Modulation imagery first introduced in 2005 carries out radar target recognition by localizing the position of the jet engine installed on the aircraft target. This paper presents a new approach for estimating the jet engine position in the HRRP-JEM image based on the eccentricity of a complex signal. It can effectively evaluate the contribution of the JEM component to the radar received signal in a range bin of the HRRP-JEM image. Therefore, the localization is expected to be performed more quantitatively and reliably by pinpointing the range bin corresponding to the jet engine position where the JEM contribution is maximized. The simulation results of realistic aircraft models validated the effectiveness of the proposed concept. Key words : High Resolution Range Profile-Jet Engine Modulation (HRRP-JEM), Jet Engine Localization, Radar Imagery, Radar Target Recognition, Signal Eccentricity. 서론 ISAR(Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar), (cross-range).. (Department of Electronic Engineering, KAIST) * (Samsung Thales Co., Ltd.) Manuscript received August 26, 2013 ; Revised October 10, 2013 ; Accepted October 16, 2013. (ID No. 20130826-076) Corresponding Author : Ji-Hoon Park (e-mail : c Copyright The Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science. All Rights Reserved. 1173
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 24, no. 12, DEC. 2013. 그림 1. HRRP-JEM [2] Fig. 1. Application example of HRRP-JEM [2]., (cross-range resolution) ISAR. 2005 P. Tait ISAR HRRP-JEM(High Resolution Range Profile-Jet Engine Modulation) [1],[2]. HRRP-JEM (high range resolution) (high frequency resolution), 1 (JEM) [3],[4], HRRP. 2 JEM (range), HRRP-JEM. HRRP-JEM,. [5] HRRP-JEM. JEM., JEM (threshold). (non-parametric), JEM. HRRP-JEM. (eccentricity) [6],[7] HRRP-JEM (range bin) JEM., HRRP-JEM JEM.. HR- RP-JEM... 복소신호의이심률을이용한 HRRP-JEM 영상의제트엔진위치추정기법 2-1 HRRP-JEM 영상의수신신호모델 HRRP-JEM ISAR [8],[9]. 2 O, ω Q Q, Q. 그림 2. Fig. 2. Problem geometry of a target with a rotating part. 1174
HRRP-JEM exp (1) λ, ρ, 1. R Q O Q. (1) (small accumulation angle assumption) [8], ω Q t 1. (imaging dwell time) ms [1], ω Q. (cross-range) HRRP-JEM ω Q 0, (1)., Q ω P (rotating part) P,. exp sin (2) R P Q P.,. (ω Q ω P ) ω P t 1., 2,000 rpm 12,000 rpm [1],[3]. HRRP-JEM, (1) (2) [9]. 2-2 이심률개념을활용한제트엔진위치추정 - - 3, (circularity) [6],[7].,, (4) [7]. (4) (covariance), (pseudo-covariance),. ε 0 1, 0, 1. (3), s P (t) s Q (t). 3 s P (t), Ks Q (t), s total (t). 20 ms 10 GHz, JEM K 3. Q 3 m, 1.8 /s., P Q 0.4 m, 2,400 rpm (3) K, s Q (t).. 그림 3. ( ) Fig. 3. Rotating behaviors of signal components(indicated by dotted arrows). 1175
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 24, no. 12, DEC. 2013. 표 1. Table 1. Simulation parameters and information on the aircraft models. 그림 4. s total (t) Fig. 4. Eccentricity trend of s total (t) by.. 3, JEM s P (t), Ks Q (t) ω Q. s total (t) Ks Q (t) s P (t)., s P (t), Ks Q (t), s total (t) 0.1263, 0.9482, 0.9279. 4 K, s total (t). K 1 s Q (t) JEM s P (t). K JEM ε. HRRP-JEM. JEM,., JEM,.. 시뮬레이션및적용결과 3-1 항공기모델의 RCS 데이터획득 A B Shooting and bouncing rays (SBR) 10 GHz 150 MHz ( =1 m) step 21 steps, 7.5 MHz 51 steps, 3.0 MHz PRF 80 khz 20 khz Dwell time 20 ms ( =50 Hz) 13.34 m 47.96 m - 8.46 m 31.51 n 1 4 6,000 rpm (100 rps), 5 2 RCS [5] HRRP-JEM (a) A (a) Aircraft model A and its engine (b) B (b) Aircraft model B and its engines 그림 5. RCS Fig. 5. Realistic aircraft models equipped with engines for obtaining RCS data. 1176
HRRP-JEM. 1. 1 1., HRRP- JEM. 3-2 HRRP-JEM 영상에서의제트엔진위치추정 2 RCS., (range bin (a) A HRRP-JEM (a) HRRP-JEM image of aircraft model A (b) B HRRP-JEM (b) HRRP-JEM image of aircraft model B 그림 6. HRRP-JEM Fig. 6. HRRP-JEM images of aircraft models ) HRRP-JEM 6. 7 HRRP-JEM, (4). RCS 20 dbsm,. JEM, 1 6. 6(a) A HRRP-JEM, 0 HRRP (head) (tail) (fuselage). 4, 18, 1 m, 1., 11 14.,. 7(a) A, 13 11 14,., 13 JEM. 9 1 m - 8.46 m., 11 12, JEM. 6(b) B HRRP-JEM, 2., JEM 2 27 29 34 36. 7(b) B 1177
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 24, no. 12, DEC. 2013.. 결론 (a) A (a) Eccentricity of range bins of model A (b) B (b) Eccentricity of range bins of model B 그림 7. Fig. 7. Eccentricity computation results of range bin data of aircraft models. 27 29 JEM, 2. 34, 32 m 32, - 31.51 m., HRRP-JEM. HRRP-JEM., JEM,.,. 1., ISAR HRRP-JEM. [10] ISAR JEM,. HRRP-JEM (focused). 2. HRRP-JEM. HRRP, JEM 0 60 [3]. (occluded)., (continuous tracking). 3. B, 4, 0,. 1178
항공기 표적의 HRRP-JEM 영상에서 복소 신호의 이심률을 이용한 제트 엔진 위치 추정 성분에 위치할 수 있다. 이 경우, 그림 6(b)와는 달리 2개 이상의 JEM 스펙트럼이 공존하는 HRRP-JEM 영상이 형성될 것으로 예상된다. 따라 서 제트 엔진의 위치에 해당하는 거리 성분으 로 판정하기 위한 한계값 또는 전체 이심률 계 산 결과의 분포에서 나타나는 극소값과 실제 제트 엔진의 위치 간 관계 등과 같은 보다 정교 한 거리 성분 판별기준에 대한 연구가 필요할 것이다. 본 논문에서 수행된 연구는 HRRP-JEM의 연구사 례를 늘리는 한편, HRRP-JEM을 이용한 진보된 레이 더 표적 인식을 촉진시킬 것으로 기대된다. References 49, no. 3, pp. 215-216, Jan. 2013. [5] H. Lim, N. H. Myung, "High resolution range profile-jet engine modulation analysis of aircraft models", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol. 25, pp. 1092-1102, 2011. [6] E. Ollila, "On the circularity a complex random variable", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 15, pp. 841-844, 2008. [7] A. Ahrabian, N. U. Rehman, and D. Mandic, "Bivariate empirical mode decomposition for unbalanced real-world signals", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 245-248, Mar. 2013. [8] X. Bai, M. Xing, F. Zhou, G. Lu, and Z. Bao, "Imaging of micromotion targets with rotating parts based on empirical mode decomposition", IEEE [1] P. Tait, "Introduction to radar target recognition", IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation Sereis 18, 2005. Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 46, no. 11, pp. 3514-3523, Nov. 2008. [2] P. Tait, "Target classification for air defense ra- [9] L. Stankovic, V. Popovic-Bugarin and P. Radenovic, dars", IET Seminar on High Resolution Imaging "Genetic algorithm for rigid body reconstruction and Target Classification, London, pp. 3-16, 2006. after micro-doppler removal in the radar imaging [3] M. R. Bell, R. A. Grubbs, "JEM modeling and analysis", Signal Processing, vol. 93, pp. 1921-1932, measurement for radar target identification", IEEE Trans. Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 73-87, Jan. 1993. Jan. 2013. [10] J. H. Jung, K. T. Kim, and S. H. Park, "Removal of JEM signal by accurate estimation of initial [4] J. H. Park, H. Lim, and N. H. Myung, "Analysis of parameters of chirplet basis functions", Progress in jet engine modulation effect with extended Hil- Electromagnetics Research, vol. 141, pp. 607-618, bert-huang transform", IET Electronics Letters, vol. 2013. 박지 훈 년 8월: 한국과학기술원 전기 및 전자공학과 (공학사) 2011년 2월 현재: 한국과학기술원 전기 및 전자공학과 석 박 통합 과정 [주 관심분야] 레이더 및 전파응용, 전자파 산란 및 영상 2009 양우 용 년 2월: 서강대학교 전자공학 과 (공학사) 2007년 2월: 한국과학기술원 전기 및 전자공학과 (공학석사) 2007년 3월 현재: 삼성탈레스 레이 더 전자전 체계그룹 전문연구원 2013년 3월 현재: 한국과학기술원 전기 및 전자공학과 박사과정 [주 관심분야] 레이더 안테나 및 레이더 신호처리 2005 1179
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