w» wz, 14«4y(2012) (ISSN 1229-5671) Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Vol. 14, No. 4, (2012), pp. 260~264 DOI: 10.5532/KJAFM.2012.14.4.260 Author(s) 2012. CC Attribution 3.0 License. MT-CLIM v w ü m *Á½ Á Á» Á ³y w y»z y k (2012 10 25 ; 2012 11 7 ; 2012 11 8 ) Applicability of Daily Solar Radiation Estimated by Mountain Microclimate Simulation Model (MT-CLIM) in Korea Kyo Moon Shim*, Yong Seok Kim, Deog Bae Lee, Ki Keong Kang and Kyo-Ho So Climate Change & Agroecology Division, National Academy of Agricultural Science (Received October 25, 2012; Revised November 7, 2012; Accepted November 8, 2012) ABSTRACT Accuracy of daily solar radiation estimated from a Mountain Microclimate Simulation Model (MT- CLIM) was assessed for seven observation sites with complex topography in Uiseong County. The coefficient of determination (R 2 ) between the observed and the estimated daily solar radiation was 0.52 for 7 sites for the study period from 1 August to 30 September 2009. Overall, the MT-CLIM overestimated the solar radiation with root mean square error (RMSE) of 3.83MJ m 2 which is about 25% of the mean daily solar radiation (15.27MJ m 2 ) for the study period. Considering that the pyranometer s tolerance is ±5% of standard sensor, the RMSE of MT-CLIM was too large to accept for a direct application for agricultural sector. The reliability of solar radiation estimated by MT- CLIM must be improved by considering additional ways such as using a topography correction coefficient. Key words : MT-CLIM, Root mean square error, Solar radiation, Complex topography I. w ƒ» (y ), k v ƒ w ( ) w. w Ÿw yw y š, ª k y xk ü. w š, w w (, 2009). k d w»,»» dw œ ù d z û. x, ù» w» (45 ) d (34 )» d (470 ) 4.4% 24 dwš (KMA, 2012a; KMA, 2012b). ù x w m w š»z ƒ w.,» w w t w, e, d y š w» d y w ù,» yw * Corresponding Author : Kyo Moon Shim (kmshim@korea.kr)
Shim et al.: Applicability of Daily Solar Radiation Estimated by Mountain Microclimate Simulation... 261 ƒ w w. ü w Yun(2009)»» d w s m ywš rw ý x š w x w šw., d» d w ful v k lr y w ww (Running and Hungerford, 1983; Running et al., 1987). 1989 lù w w MTCLIM(A Mountain Microclimate Simulation Model) ful v w (Hungerford et al., 1989) ü x wš, d Á mw MT-CLIM v ü x ƒ mw. II. 2.1. (û 37km, 54km), 1 17 399 x š, j w (ƒ). w ƒ, ƒ š, s ƒ (Uiseong, 2012). x š, MT-CLIM v ü ƒ m ww q. 2.2.» d MT-CLIM v w w» w d w» w w š w š w 7 w z(fig. 1, Table 1), Á,,» sw» d ew. Á (Model HOBO H8 Pro RH/Temp, Onset Computer Corporation, USA) x 10 d w w š, (Model 3554WD, Spectrum Technologies, Fig. 1. Locations of the 7 observation sites (quadrangle) on the elevation map of Uiseong County. Table 1. Geographical features at 7 observation sites over Uiseong County Site # Elevation (m) Slope (deg) Aspect (deg) Remark US_1 622.9 16.7 201.6 Mountain US_2 453.6 25.3 179.6 Mountain US_3 295.3 20.1 287.6 Upland(Soybean) US_4 171.9 6.4 213.8 Middle school US_5 133.0 2.3 349.1 Elementary school US_6 60.0 0.0 Flat Paddy(Rice) US_7 50.0 0.0 Flat Paddy(Rice) Inc., USA) p d w 1» w, (Model 3670I, Spectrum Technologies, Inc., USA) 1 d w» w. 2.3. MT-CLIM v y w MT-CLIM ful v» š, d w,, w v» y,,, w (William, 2003).» 7 d w» w š, d d (Model GeoExplorer Pathfinder 2.80, Trimble Inc, USA) w d w. š m l 1:5000 e x w š l TIN(triangulated irregular network) t wš, w 30m eš x(dem; digital elevation model) yw. DEM» d ƒ e 7
262 Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Vol. 14, No. 4 Fig. 2. Initialization file (left fig.) of US_1 site and output file (right fig.) calculated by MT-CLIM. w w., US_1 d»y q MT- CLIM v w q Fig. 2 ùkü. q š» (Tmax),» (Tmin), s³» (Tday), (Prcp), s (VPD; Vapor Pressure Deficit), (srad), û ¼ (daylength).», û ¼ w w, (Model 3670I) w d w w. III. š 3.1.» d 3.1.1.» (s³, š, ) 2009 8 1 l 9 30 ¾ 61 7 d s³» 19.3~21.6 o C (Table 2). s³» ƒ d y US_6 21.6 o C, ƒ û d w 622.9 l ew US_1 19.3 o C. s³» 2.3 o C.,» š» s³ 25.5~28.3 o C (Table 2), ƒ û d s³» ƒ, w š ƒ ƒ œ e US_1 (25.5 o C), ƒ d s w e w US_4 (28.3 o C). š» s³ 2.7 o C. s³» ƒ d US_6 š» s³ 27.5 o C US_4 û d, US_6 w û» þƒz q., 7 d»» s³ 15.6~17.1 o C (Table 2).» s³ ƒ d ew US_7 17.1 o C, ƒ Table 2. Averaged temperature at 7 observation sites for 61 days from 1 August through 30 September 2009 Observed elements US_1 US_2 US_3 US_4 US_5 US_6 US_7 Mean air temp. ( o C) 19.3 19.7 20.5 21.1 21.4 21.6 21.5 Maximum air temp. ( o C) 25.5 26.2 26.9 28.3 27.5 27.5 27.6 Minimum air temp. ( o C) 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.7 16.5 16.9 17.1 Table 3. Accumulated precipitation and solar radiation at 7 observation sites for 61 days from 1 August through 30 September 2009 Observed elements US_1 US_2 US_3 US_4 US_5 US_6 US_7 Precipitation (mm) 179.6 128.3 141.0 143.0 181.6 133.1 147.8 Solar radiation (MJ m 2 ) 901.5 854.7 885.7 1017.3 916.2 981.3 964.0
Shim et al.: Applicability of Daily Solar Radiation Estimated by Mountain Microclimate Simulation... 263 US_2, US_3 3 15.6 o C.» s³ š 1.5 o C, s³» š» s³. 3.1.2. 2009 8 1 l 9 30 ¾ 7 128.3~181.6mm d š 53.3mm ùkü (Table 3). ƒ d w» d ew US_5 181.6mm š, w š ƒ ew US_1 (179.6mm). ƒ d US_2» 128.3mm. 7» w 854.9~1,017.3MJ m d š 2 162.4MJ m 2 ùkü (Table 3). ƒ d s w e US_4 1,017.3MJ m 2 š, ƒ d w š 453.6 l ew US_2 (854.9MJ m 2 ).» 162.4MJ m 2. 3.2. ƒ dw» (», š», ) y (,,, w) w, MT-CLIM ful v g ƒ y Fig. 3 ùkü. MT-CLIM ful v w» 998.0~ Fig. 3. Diurnal variation of the estimated solar radiation at 7 sites from 1 August to 30 September 2009. Fig. 4. Relationship between the observed and the estimated daily solar radiation at 7 sites for 61 days from 1 August through 30 September 2009. 1088.5MJ m 2 d 7.0~23.9%. 7 US_4 d ƒ ƒ, ƒ û US_3 d ùkþ., d US_2 ƒ û š, US_3 US_2 û d. 3.3. d 7 2009 8 1 l 9 30 ¾ 61 d w MT-CLIM ful v w w w Fig. 4. MT-CLIM v w š(us_6 w»»ƒ 1.0 ), (R 2 ) 0.52. d y w 2œ(US_4, US_5) w ƒ d 0.6 ùkþ. US_4 US_5 ƒƒ 0.23, 0.52 û., w š ƒ ƒ œ US_1 ƒ û œ US_7 d y ùkü Fig. 5, ƒ ù, d y w w. û w š, w, w.
264 Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Vol. 14, No. 4 d w, 0.52 x ƒ y š,. MT-CLIM v w RMSE s³ 3.83MJ m 2, s ³ 15.27MJ m 2 25% w š, w x ƒ t ±5% w 25% RMSE š q w. MT-CLIM v ü w» w x k ƒ w q. w w» ( y: PJ00852202) w. Fig. 5. Diurnal variation of the observed and estimated solar radiation, and precipitation at US_1 (up fig.) and US_7 (down fig.) sites from 1 August through 30 September 2009. 3.4. MT-CLIM v ü m 7» r s (RMSE) 3.02~4.74MJ m 2 š s³ 3.83MJ m 2.» s³ 15.27MJ m 2 y 3.83 s³ 25% w w š. w x ƒ t ±5% w 25% RMSE š q w. MT-CLIM ful v w» w Yun(2009) w x, k e x w z š w ƒ ƒ w w. MT-CLIM ful v w ü m w 7 d wš d v w w. REFERENCES Hungerford, R. D., R. R. Nemani, S. W. Running, and J. C. Coughlan, 1989: MTCLIM: A mountain microclimate extrapolation model. USDA Forest Service. Research Paper INT-414, 52pp. Korea Meteorological Administration, 2012a: 2011 Annual Climatological Report. Government Publication Number 11-1360000-000016-10, 314pp. Korea Meteorological Administration, 2012b: 2011 Annual Report of Automatic Weather System Data. Government Publication Number 11-1360000-000014-10, 968pp. Running, S. W. and R. D. Hungerford, 1983: Spatial extrapolation of meteorological data for ecosystem modeling applications. Proceeding of 16 th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 192-195. Running, S. W., R. Nemani, and R. D. Hungerford, 1987: Extrapolation of synoptic meteorological data in mountainous terrain and its use for simulating forest evapotranspiration and photosynthesis. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 17, 472-483. Uiseong County, 2012: 2011 Statistical year book, 551pp. William, M. J., 2003: MT-CLIM for Excel, University of Montana, 9pp. Yun, J. I., 2009: A simple method using a topography correction coefficient for estimating daily distribution of solar irradiance in complex terrain, Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 11(1), 13-18., 1999:» w. q f, ISBN 89-88791-22-3 94520, 337pp.