` 대학원 (Graduate School) 디자인학부 (Dept. of Crafts and Design) 시각디자인전공 (Visual Communication Design Major) 시각정보디자인스튜디오 Visual Information

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시각디자인전공 (Visual Communication Design Major) 611.5301 시각정보디자인스튜디오 1 3-2-2 Visual Information Design Studio 1 시각디자인의개념과이해를토대로정보를해석가공하고이미지에대한창의적인표현을다양한매체를통해제작 실습한다. On the basis of an understanding of the concepts of visual design, students will learn to interpret and process information and will practice creatively expressing images through various media in this course. 611.5302 시각정보디자인스튜디오 2 3-2-2 Visual Information Design Studio 2 다양한문화환경의다매체속에서시각정보디자인의제반문제를시각적으로체계화하고이미지의형성과정을실험적인표현양식을통해제작 실습한다. This course will take a visual and systematic approach to problems encountered in visual information design, which utilizes many kinds of media in today s multifaceted cultural environment. Students will learn about image development through experimental forms of expression. 611.5304 아이덴티티디자인연구 3-3-0 Studies in Identity Design 급변하는시장경제의환경변화속에서소비자, 대중들과의커뮤니케이션에필요한작품을제작한다. In this course, students will create pieces for communicating with consumers and the public in our rapidly changing market-oriented surroundings. 611.5305 광고디자인연구 3-3-0 Studies in Advertising Design 끝없이변화되고확장되고있는인터넷환경과디지털환경속에서새롭게인식된멀티미디어의제작연출을위한표현기법을학습한다. In this course, students will learn expressive techniques in multimedia production, which is gaining renewed recognition in terms of the constantly changing digital environment and the Internet. 611.5306 시각디자인마케팅론 3-3-0 Topics in Visual Communication Design Marketing 디자인과마케팅의실증연구를통해광고와마케팅의분석, 평가를다양한매체에활용하는방법과실행을연구한다. This empirical research course on design and marketing will teach students to apply the analysis and evaluation of advertising and marketing to various media. 611.5308 현장사례연구 3 3-3-0 Directed Field Survey and Research in Visual Information Design 각자의관심영역을바탕으로디자인발생현장의가치변화나디자인산업현장의디자인프로세스, 디자인산업경영등의내용을조사, 관찰, 체험함으로써디자인에대한통찰력과함께디자인관련종합지식을체험하도록한다. Working on fields of individual interest in this course, students will observe and experience changes in design values in the field and the design process and management in the design industry. This will lead to an insight into design and a well-rounded understanding of current issues in design. 611.5309 영상디자인스튜디오 1 3-2-2 Moving Image Design Studio 1 실험영화의제작과정을통하여연출, 제작의전과정을이해하고표현기법등독창성있는능력을배양한다. By producing an experimental film in this course, students will experience the entire process of directing and producing movies and will also improve their techniques for creative expression. 611.5310 영상디자인스튜디오 2 3-2-2 Moving Image Design Studio 2 TV 타이틀, TV 광고, 뮤직비디오디자인등의소규모프로젝트의실제제작과정을통하여기획능력, 기술적처리능력을기른다. In this course, students will acquire planning skills and technical expertise by working on small projects such as TV titles, TV commercials, and music videos. 611.5311 영상커뮤니케이션연구 3-2-2 Studies in Moving Image Communication 다중매체로인식되는영상커뮤니케이션방법의특성과형태등이전통적매체와어떻게차별화될수있는가를탐구한다. In this course, students will explore the differentiation of moving image communication for comparison with traditional media. 611.5312 멀티미디어연출 3-2-2 Multimedia Production 인터넷환경과디지털환경속에서멀티미디어의연출을위한제반사항을탐구한다. This course will consist of the exploration of various attributes needed to direct a multimedia piece for the Internet or the digital media. 611.5313 영상비평 3-3-0 Critiques on Moving Image 영화, TV, 멀티미디어등을통해쏟아지는수많은이미지들의언어적구조를분석하고그것의영향력등을분석평가한다. This course will consist of the analysis and evaluation - 523 -

of the linguistic structure and influence of the innumerable images delivered through movies, TV, and the multimedia. 611.7301 시각정보디자인특강 3-3-0 Topics in Visual Communication Design 지도교수및학생들의협의에따라유연하게운영되며, 학생주체의자유로운토의를기본으로진행한다. 매주토의주제에대한준비와발제를통하여시각디자인에대한학문적접근을시도하며이에대한논리적전개과정을익히도록한다. 시각디자인에관한시기적으로또는분야별로주목받는전문인을초빙하여특강및토론기회를가지며, 학위논문에관한개인별주제발표를이시간을통해수행하게된다. This is a flexible course of study, designed to encourage discussion amongst the student body, regarding topics and issues relevant to visual communication in industry and society. This will be supported by visits from key individuals working within the field, both academics and practitioners, who will participate in the respective debates and stimulate the students in the development of their critical faculties. 611.7302 고급시각정보디자인연구 3-3-0 Advanced Studies in Visual Information Design 디지털시대의편집디자인에활용할수있는타이포그래피와레이아웃부터비롯하여디지털타이포그래피이미지의내용과형식에대한체계적인분석및종합을통하여시각커뮤니케이션에있어서디지털타이포그래피를활용하는능력을향상시킨다. 또한다양한미디어조형예술에타이포그래피를변화적용시킬수있는역량을기를수있게한다. This course offers an opportunity for students to focus upon the application of digital typography in visual communication. Through a systematic analysis and synthesis of content, the formality and potential of the digital typographic image is examined and explored. Particular emphasis is given to the employment of digital interpretations in both editorial and information design contexts. In addition, the impact and development of digitisation amongst diverse media arts will also be investigated and assessed. 611.7304 고급정체성개발연구 3-3-0 Advanced Studies in Identity Development 정체성개발구축의관점에서브랜드매니지먼트와브랜드아이덴티티디자인의이론과목을통해상품의브랜드가인지도를얻게되는요인을분석하고브랜드이미지와의상관관계를비교연구한다. 또한시장을파악하는능력을갖추고이를바탕으로브랜드상품을개발하는실습을통해프로세스를체득하는기회를갖고독창적이고차별화된브랜드및정체성구축의방법론을연구한다. This course of study provides an opportunity for students to analyse the salient factors behind branding and brand development including a rigorous examination of the inter- relation between a brand and its market. It will focus upon particular cases, tracking their design history, effectiveness and potential for development. 611.7305 디자인양식및표현연구 3-3-0 Studies in Design Visualization and Presentation 디자인에서표현과양식에관해기본개념, 의미, 다양한표현방법등을연구한다. 이과정은개인별실기세미나수업으로서주제설정과소재의선택, 표현기법과재료등의문제를분석하여발상의폭을넓히고창의적인조형방법을모색하도록하는데목적을둔다. 또한자신이말하고자하는바또한생각한바를시각적으로표현할수있는프레젠테이션스킬과방법을배우게된다. This course of study is predominantly concerned with the expression and presentation of ideas. It provides students with an opportunity to investigate the most suitable methods and media for the realization of their design solutions. A series of seminars will analyse how practitioners working in the field, present their ideas, and how creativity and innovation can be communicated to a wider audience. 611.7306 고급광고디자인론 3-3-0 Advanced Theories of Advertising Design 마케팅전략에따라메시지의전달기법과그시각적표현기법이어떻게다르게광고디자인에적용되는가를사례별로분석한다. 광고의기획으로부터, 매체전략, 창의적인디자인실제제작에이르기까지완성도있는광고디자인방법을습득한다. 디자인매니지먼트를위한마케팅의원리를알고디자인이단순히미적추구만을위한작업이아닌경영전략의한요소로서소비자의라이프사이클, 라이프스타일등디자인의성공과직결되는마케팅전략을접목하여광고디자인에응용할수있는능력을향상시킨다. This course of study enables students to examine how tactics employed within a given market can dictate the means of expressing a message, whether designed to promote or inform. It provides an opportunity for the analysis of relevant examples drawn from the world of advertising and a closer look at the practice of design marketing. 611.7307 영상디자인특강 3-3-0 Topics in Multimedia Design 다양한영상디자인작품, 즉렌즈를투과한사진이나영화, 비디오로부터컴퓨터그래픽, 애니메이션등영상의움직임을감상하고분석함으로써영상디자인작품의독해능력과비판능력을길러한층심화된디자인기량을창작에연계시킨다. 이와더불어전문인을초빙하여특강및토론기회를가지며, 개인별주제발표를이시간을통해수행하게된다. This course presents an opportunity for in-depth analysis of imagery used within a multimedia context. By examining the whole spectrum of image generationphotography, film, video, computer graphics, drawn animation etc., students can expect to improve and develop their creative skill for the realization and presentation of their concepts. Studies will be supported by a series of lectures by eminent practitioners working within the Multimedia industry. - 524 -

611.7308 고급영상디자인연구 3-3-0 Advanced Studies in Multimedia Design 인터랙션작품에대한하드웨어와소프트웨어에대한이론을습득하고작업한영상물에대한비평을통해포스트프로덕션의미학적측면과의도를파악한다. 개인별작품에대하여구성원들간에활발한비평을통해영상물에대한비판적시각을기르며, 발전적방향을지적하도록한다. 디지털화된하드웨어와소프트웨어를바탕으로크리에이티브표현의한계를극복하고단순히디지털도구를이용하는수준을넘어서디지털디자인프로세스개념을이해하고, 디지털과아날로그의상호재현성을창출하는수정과변형의활용방안을연구한다. Following an analytical review of hard-ware and soft-ware interaction within a Multimedia context, this course of study provides an opportunity to examine the aesthetic aspects of the post-production process. Through group discussion and dialogue, students will be in a position to appraise their own endeavours and overcome any shortfall in experiencing new technological developments. Particular emphasis will be laid upon accommodating the re-emergence of analogue and digital expression. 611.7310 뉴미디어개발연구 3-3-0 Studies in New Media Development 시대별뉴미디어에대하여다각도로연구하고, 첨단영상멀티미디어시대에있어서디지털테크놀로지와영상예술이어우러져창출하는뉴미디어의개발가능성을고찰한다. 뉴미디어의표현도구로서영화, 음악, 애니메이션등에나타나는디지털이미지를표현하는응용프로그램을익힌다. 정보화사회의토대가된디지털미디어들에대한연구와앞으로나아갈방향을살펴보고, 미디어윤리에대하여알아본다. 정보미디어를통한커뮤니케이션에있어서디자이너의역할과향후의바람직한정보미디어의발전방향에대하여의견을나눈다. This module examines the harmony between digital technology and multimedia art. It encompasses new media methodology, studying the historical developments, current programme applications and state-of the-art innovations surfacing within the respective media. The role of the multimedia designer in society, and the ethical implications relating to the pursuit as an art form, are reviewed and discussed. 611.7311 인터랙션디자인연구 3-3-0 Studies in Interactive Design 인터랙션디자인을통해, 멀티미디어환경속에서구현되어야할새로운영상커뮤니케이션에대한디자인을연구한다. 디지털과인간의관계를중심으로공통연구하며각각의세부연구대상을선정하여진행한다. 이과정의중점연구분야는디지털과인간의관계기반연구차원에서접근함으로써차후응용연구의기반을마련한다. 쌍방향커뮤니케이션이활발하게이루어지기위해서필요한조건들에대한연구와이를실제적인터랙션디자인제작을통해확인해보도록한다. Based upon examining and analysing the ever-expanding relationship between the human and digital world. This course of study presents students with an opportunity to investigate how multimedia design can shape interactivity within contemporary fields of communication. 611.7312 영상컨텐츠기획론 3-3-0 Theories of Multimedia Contents Planning 디지털미디어를위한컨텐츠기획및시나리오제작에관한국내외사례분석을하는방법을숙지한다. 또한관련된영상컨텐츠분야의연구현황을조사분석하여, 컨텐츠 / 시나리오디자인의개념을이해하도록한다. 이를바탕으로디지털컨텐츠산업의미래예측과방향성을모색하고, 이에대비한다양하고창의적인컨텐츠기획과시나리오제작의새로운방법을연구한다. By programming a series of relevant case studies which facilitate the analysis of both scenario and content-based information, the theories and concepts relating to planning for multimedia interpretation are examined and applied. Investigation into new directions and developments will be undertaken. 공업디자인전공 (Industrial Design Major) 611.5401 산업디자인스튜디오 1 3-2-2 Industrial Design Studio 1 현대인간생활에요구되는산업제품및시스템을대상으로새로운디자인해결을제안하기위한디자인프로젝트중심연구과목으로, 산학연과연계한주제를학제간에공동으로진행함으로써, 실제적이고종합적인차원의디자인해결을체험하도록한다. In this course, students will design projects to propose new solutions to the industrial products and systems demanded by modern life. Collaborating with the industry and an interdisciplinary approach will be emphasized, thus offering an opportunity for practical and comprehensive problem-solving in design. 611.5402 산업디자인스튜디오 2 3-2-2 Industrial Design Studio 2 < 산업디자인스튜디오 1> 과같은목표의디자인프로젝트중심의과목으로서, 산학연과연계한주제를학제간에공동으로진행함으로써, 실제적이고종합적인차원의디자인해결을체험토록한다. Having the same objectives as <Industrial Design Studio 1>, this course will be similarly structured on design projects. Industrial collaboration and an interdisciplinary approach will be emphasized, thus offering an opportunity for practical and comprehensive problem-solving in design. 611.5404 디자인기획전략연구 3-3-0 Studies in Design Planning and Strategy 디자인개발을위한기획및전략설정에요구되는제반기술을연구한다. 시장, 경쟁, 사회환경등의분석기법, 혁신적디자인개념의창출및평가기법의연구와함께주제별사례연구를통하여전략및기획서의작성방법을습득한다. In this course, students will study various techniques for strategy-setting and design development. Topics will include the analysis of developments in markets, competition, and society, and producing and evaluating innovative design concepts. Students will learn to write strategies and plans through case studies by research - 525 -

themes. 611.5405 디자인산업경영연구 3-3-0 Studies in Design Industry and Information 인하우스디자인조직과디자인전문회사에서창조적이고효과적인디자인전개를위하여필요한디자인정책과디자인부서관리, 프로젝트조직및과정관리등의제반디자인관리이론을실제사례와함께연구한다. 산업현장에서의실제적인디자인경영을경험하기위해대표적인산업체의디자인경영진과윤강으로진행한다. In this course, students will learn effective design development within the context of an in-house organization or design firm. The course will combine actual case studies with design management theory including design strategies, design department management, project organization, and process management. Managers from leading design firms will participate as lecturers, offering first-hand insight from the industry. 611.5406 디자인마케팅정보론 3-3-0 Theories in Design Marketing and Information 디자인의계획수립을위해요구되는인간, 기업, 시장등신제품디자인관련정보의계획, 수집, 분석, 해석의방법을폭넓게이해한다. 마케팅, 디자인리서치, 디자인전략의통합적관점에서윤강으로진행한다. In this course, students will acquire a comprehensive perspective on the methods for the planning, collection, analysis, and interpretation of various information necessary for planning new design, including information on people, firms, and the market. Joint lectures that integrate the perspectives of marketing, design research, and design strategies will be held. 611.5408 현장사례연구 5 3-3-0 Directed Field Survey and Research in Industrial Design 5 각자의관심영역을바탕으로디자인발생현장의가치변화나디자인산업현장의디자인프로세스, 디자인산업경영등의내용을조사, 관찰, 체험함으로써디자인에대한통찰력과함께디자인관련종합지식을체험하도록한다. Working on fields of individual interest in this course, students will observe and experience changes in design values in the field and the design process and management in the design industry. This will lead to an insight into design and a well-rounded understanding of current issues in design. 611.5409 공간디자인스튜디오 1 3-2-2 Space Design Studio 1 공간적문제의프로그래밍과디자인단계를종합적으로연구한다. 설정된연구주제를통해공간디자인의전과정을훈련하되, 각디자인단계마다뉴미디어를통해언어적, 시각적표현능력을최대한증진시킨다. This course will focus on a comprehensive analysis of programming space problems and design phases. Working on specific research topics, students will experience the complete process of space design. At each stage, they will augment their capacities for logical reasoning and verbal and visual expression through new media. 611.5410 공간디자인스튜디오 2 3-2-2 Space Design Studio 2 사회성과공공성이높은공간을주제로하여도시사회학적관점과사회경제적관점에서연구하되, 환경미학적관점과더불어공간의문화적가치인식을높인다. 유통공간, 전시공간, 공공공간등을연구의대상으로하며효과적이고촉진적인유통환경의조건과구성방법을연구한다. In this course, students will conduct research on social and public spaces from urban sociological and socioeconomic perspectives. Emphasis will be placed on environmental aesthetics and the recognition of the cultural significance of space. Exhibitions, public space, and the conditions and organizational methods for effective distribution will be studied. 611.5411 프로젝트경영관리론 3-3-0 Project Process Management 공간디자인프로젝트의예산계획수립에서부터인사조직관리, 디자인업무관리, 수주및계약, 대고객관리, 공정관리, 나아가공간이용후평가 (POE) 와프로젝트자료의피드백에이르기까지전과정의경영관리기법을연구한다. 특히정보사회의변화하는기업환경속에서디자인조직관리능력과실무대처능력을함께갖춘유능한디자인프로젝트경영관리자를양성하기위한기술적, 법률적지식을종합적으로교육한다. This course will cover management techniques at each stage of space design projects including budgeting, personnel and organization management, design, contracts, customer relations, process management, and post-operational evaluations and feedback. It will emphasize technical and legal knowledge for the production of capable design project managers equipped with both practical business skills and organizational managerial abilities required by the constantly changing corporate environment of the information age. 611.5412 공간행태론 3-3-0 Space and Human Behavior 공간이미지와인간행태를통해인간의공간선호조건과혐오조건을밝힌다. 행태장치와행위체계간의관계를규명하며, 단위공간의조직과특성을고찰함으로써공간조직언어와프로그램방법을개발하고연구한다. This course will focus on the identification of human preferences and dislikes through spatial images and human behavior. Students will identify the relationship between behavioral devices and systems and develop verbal and programmatic techniques by studying the organization and characteristics of space units. 611.5413 여가문화공간개발론 3-3-0 Researchers in Leisure and Festivity - 526 -

놀이문화와여가행태에대한심층적인연구를기초로하여, 여가문화공간의유형을연구한다. 리조트, 테마파크를비롯하여다양한위락공간과환대산업 (hospitality industry) 공간의기획과구체적인디자인대안을제안할수있도록개발기법을연구한다. In this course, types of spaces for leisure activities will be studied on the basis of an in-depth analysis of the cultures of play and leisure. Methodologies will be developed for planning and proposing concrete designs for spaces for various leisure activities and the hospitality industry including resorts and theme parks. 611.7401 제품디자인특강 3-3-0 Topics in Product Design 거시적측면에서현대및미래디자인을통찰하기위한종합적인지식을습득하기위하여신제품디자인의개념, 기능, 그리고조형과관련된주제들, 즉디자인과사회, 경제, 기술, 인간, 문화, 환경등을다학제적인관점에서연구한다. 주제별대화와경험학습이강조되고, 이를위하여이들각분야를이끄는선도적인전문가및디자이너들을초빙하여주제별세미나, 워크숍및토론의기회를갖는다. In order to have vision of present and future design, and learn information, new product design s value function, and form-related concepts; which is design and society, economy, technology, human, culture, environment are studied from multi-disciplinary point of view. Group talk and experience-learning is emphasized. Experts and designers from each field are invited, and have opportunity to have seminar, workshop and discussion. 611.7402 고급제품디자인연구 3-3-0 Advanced Studies in Product Design 정보 디지털 문화시대의신제품기획에서개발에이르는통합적제품시스템의디자인가치창조에필요한폭넓은프로그래밍방법론을이론및사례연구를통하여습득하여제품디자인연구의학문적토대를이룬다. 특히신디자인창조를위한맥락적관찰과지식축적 ( 조사분석 ), 개선및혁신적개념창출 ( 기회도출 ), 이미지구축및개발 ( 구체화 ), 평가및전달의종합적인과정과서스테인너블, 유니버설, 디지털, 인터페이스등의주요디자인가치를포괄하는통합적디자인가치증진프로그래밍을탐구한다. In information, digital, culture age, from new product planning to development, total product system of design value creation is studied through various programming method and case studies. Especially for new design creation, courses for observation, information-accumulation, image-construction, development, evaluation, conveyance and sustainable, universal, digital interface programming for design value are studied. 611.7404 감성디자인연구 3-3-0 Studies in Emotional Design Engineering 소비행동의가치기준과평가기준이이성에서감성으로비중이옮겨가고있는시대이다. 이과목을통해인간의감성요소를명확히파악, 분석하여조형언어로변환시킴으로써감성적디자인프로세스를수행할수있는능력을함양한다. 이를위해서는감성공학, 인지과학, 심리학등의주변학문분야와함께다학제적관점에서새로운디자인문제해결방안을학습한다. In a climate where society is in a position to monitor human behaviour comprehensively, this course of study investigates how recognised scientific procedures emotional technology, cognitive science, psychology etc. fosters a better understanding of human interaction and product evolution. 611.7405 신디자인소재및기술연구 3-3-0 Studies in Material Development for Design 새로운신소재의등장에대한리서치와이미기존에있는소재들을면밀히검토하여디자인에새롭게도입가능한소재와이를통해발전시킬수있는디자인에대하여연구한다. 제품디자인및인테리어의신소재와신기술을분석하고그프로세스를익혀작품의내용과연계되어외연으로서표현되어지는다양한재료와칼라팔레트분석및가공법들의종류와특성을파악하고실험 실습을통하여그사용과표현방법들을적극적으로활용해보도록하는과정이다. By researching the newly created materials and accurately investigating the existing matters, it studies the materials which can be possibly introduced to design and the design which can be developed through these matters. This course is about analyzing the new materials and technologies of product design and interior and it understands the various materials and analysis on color palette and the way to manufacture. By utilizing the experiment practices it teaches the application of the use and the way to express them. 611.7406 제품디자인문화연구 3-3-0 Studies in Product Design Culture 디자인을인간의문화창조및반영의중요한수단으로인식한다. 따라서본연구에서는디자인존재및디자인존재가치구축의의미를경제적가치를초월하여특정시공속에서표출되는다양한문화적속성들, 즉인간관념, 행태, 생활의식등과의밀접한관계성속에서파악한다. 본연구에서는이론과사례연구를통하여문화를선도하고반영하는제품디자인의제요인과특성을탐색하고, 나아가특정제품과산업, 사회와지역의정체적문화가치를표출하기위한제방법을정책과전략적측면에서연구한다. Design is a tool for human culture creation. This study is about design-existence and design value construction which surpass economical value. Therefore it deals with relationship between various cultural aspects such as human concept, form, living concept. Through theory and case studies, elements of product design are studies which lead and reflect the culture. Also, it studies method and strategy in order to show culture value of specific product, industry, society and area. 611.7407 공간디자인특강 3-3-0 Topics in Space Design 현대사회가요구하는공간디자인의여러주제를정하고, 각주제에관한학계및산업계의최고전문가를초빙하여수업을진행한다. 오늘날의공간디자인이직면하고있는인간적, 사회적, 문화적, 경제적, 기술적, 환경적측면의다양한주제를학제적으로논의하고접근함으로써학생들로하여금공간디자인에관한사회적관점과분별력, 미학적관점과비평적시각을갖도 - 527 -

록한다. Current theoretical propositions and emerging issues in the field of Space Design, from social, cultural and environmental issues to technological and economical concerns, are the foci of this course Invited practitioners and academicians will be leading the candidates in their critical and interpretive studies and research. 611.7408 고급공간디자인연구 3-3-0 Advanced Studies in Space Design 오늘날의공간디자인이직면하고있는제반문제를국내 외의주요사례들을통해심도있게연구하고분석함으로써공간디자인의학문적토대를완성할수있도록한다. 공간과조형의문제를형태심리학적배경에서분석하여공간조형의기본원리를연구하는한편, 공간조직과인간의관계를행동과학적기초위에서탐구하여공간계획의방법론을연구한다. 나아가경험미학적관점에서공간의문제에접근함으로써공간디자인의미학적평가능력을갖도록한다. Using case method, in-depth analysis of space design based on Gestalt psychology of space, behavioral science and empirical aesthetics is the focus of this course. Analyzing recent cases of Space Design allows candidates to explore current issues related to the relationship of space and object, human and spatial organizations and sensorial aesthetics in our built environments. 611.7410 인간행태와공간디자인연구 3-3-0 공간의구체적인대안을제안할수있도록훈련한다. Leisure is an inseparable part of human existence. The importance of leisure as an equalizer in our modern day high-stress and demanding lives can not be underestimated. As culture influences human behavior and human environment, the design of Leisure facilities must consider culture- of- place as one of the most significant considerations in Leisure Space Design. The focus of this advanced course is to study the impact of culture-of-place on Leisure Space Design. 611.7412 공간디자인버츄얼리즘연구 3-3-0 Studies in Virtualism in Space Design 오늘날의공간디자인은디지털환경속에서복합적인매체의활용과신기술을통하여끊임없이변모하고있으며, 다양한설계기법과실험과정에새로운공간의철학과새로운디자인방법론이탄생하고있다. 따라서본과목에서는디지털공간디자인, 가상공간의사회성, 디지털테크놀로지기반의디자인프로세스등비물질적이고비구축적인공간디자인의가능성을연구하며, 이를활용하는창조적기법과발상의방법을제시한다. Virtualism constitutes potentia and is concerned with essence and effects constituting potentiain Space Design, essence and effects are constantly challenged with new discoveries in the field of science and new experiments in all arenas of the artsthe focus of this advanced course is the study of the potentia of the immaterial in Space Design, from pure digital-ism to pure thought-based inquiry of intellectualism. Studies in Human Behavior in Space Design 공간디자인은일련의구축환경을제공함으로써, 인간의행위체계를위한행태장치를제공하는일종의프로그래밍과정이다. 따라서행동과학에기초한본과목은행태장치와행위체계의관계를지원성 (affordance) 의개념과함께체계화하는것을목표로한다. 공간의사회문화적의미, 사회경제적배경, 공간이용의행태적관점, 공간디자인의미적측면, 단위공간의조직과특성, 공간조직언어와프로그래밍등을심도있게연구한다. Complex design strategies and procedures in Space Design, while primarily concerned with multi-layered programmatic requirements, are intended to create environments that recognize human behavioral patterns and aim at enhancing them. The focus of this advance course is the study of cultural, economical, political and social patterns that influence human behavior particularly as it relates to the modern-day notions of commodity, firmness and delight in Space Design. 611.7411 여가문화공간디자인연구 3-3-0 Studies in Role of Culture in Leisure Space Design 인간은놀이하는존재이며, 여가를통해자신의성장과재창조를꾀한다. 이에현대사회는주거공간과업무공간을넘어, 휴식, 놀이, 스포츠, 문화, 예술, 사회참여등에필요한여가문화공간의수요가급증하고있고, 환대산업 (Hospitality Industry) 의사업부문또한날로확대되고있다. 따라서본과목은학생들로하여금여가행태와놀이문화에대한심층적인연구를기초로하여, 각종여가의유형과창조적인여가문화에대응하는 - 528 -

공통과목 (Core Courses) 611.5001 조형심리연구 3-3-0 Theory in Art and Perception 조형물의현상성을심리적조건의산물로서연구한다. 조형의인지및지각이론, 감성과기호이론, 미와구성이론등의체계적인연구를통하여심미적조형의종합방법을습득한다. In this course, students will study the formal concept of art as a result of psychological conditions. A systematic review of theories of cognition and perception of art forms, aesthetics and symbols, aestheticism and organization will lead to a comprehensive grasp of aesthetic formative arts. 611.5003 한국조형문화론 3-3-0 Studies in Korean Culture and Form 한국의고유한조형문화의철학적, 조형적특질을분석하고종합한다. 또한한국조형의현대화와세계화를위한이론적 실제적방법의가능성들을다양하게연구하고탐색한다. This course will focus on the analysis and synthetic evaluation of the unique philosophical and aesthetic properties of Korean visual arts. It will also explore the possibilities, both practical and theoretical, for modernizing and generalizing Korean art to global status. 611.5004 창조성개발연구 3-3-0 Creativity Development 디자인개발을위한기획및전략설정에요구되는제반기술을연구한다. 시장, 경쟁, 사회환경등의분석기법, 혁신적디자인개념의창출및평가기법의연구와함께주제별사례연구를통하여전략및기획서의작성방법을습득한다. 시각, 공예, 제품, 환경등다양한관점에서의창조성개발을위해분야의창조성개발전문가들에의한윤강으로진행한다. In this course, students will study different techniques for planning and strategizing design development. Techniques for analyzing the market, competition, and the social environment as well as research on the creation and evaluation of innovative design concepts will be covered. Students will learn to write strategies and plans by working on case studies for each research theme. To encourage their creativity development from various perspectives, lectures will be delivered by creativity development experts from diverse fields including the visual arts, crafts, products, and the environment. 611.5012 공예문화론 3-3-0 Seminar in Crafts and Culture 끊임없이변모하고있는기술환경과다원적사회에서인간의삶에관계하는공예문화의형태와그본질을이해한다. Against the backdrop of constant technological change in a pluralistic society, this course aim at enhancing students understanding of the form and nature of crafts as part of human life. 611.5013 문화상품론 3-3-0 Seminar in Cultural Products 21 세기의제품이가져야할사회문화적의미를새로운패러다임변화에기초하여가르치며, 다양한시대의함의를이해하도록한다. In this course, students will study the social and cultural meaning of the new paradigm of products in the 21st century and aim at understanding its implications. 611.5014 작가연구 3-3-0 Survey and Research in the Independent Artist/Designer 특정공예가나디자이너의창조이념과창조의과정및방법등을그조형가의삶과작품사례를통해분석하고인간적, 사회적, 문화적, 기술적, 환경적배경과의관련하에서연구한다. In this course, students will study the lives and works of individual craftsmen or designers to understand their creative philosophy and methods and processes of creation. Discussions will be held in the context of individual, social, cultural, technological, and environmental backgrounds. 611.5018 디자인윤리 3-3-0 Design Ethics 현대사회에서의디자인의가치론적의미와현황및문제점등을점검하는한편, 변화하는시대속에서디자인의역할과사회적책임, 디자인관등디자인관련윤리문제를다각적으로검토한다. This course will survey the significance, state, and issues of design values in modern society. Ethical issues in design in today s constantly changing society will be examined, including how we should understand design and the role and social responsibilities of design. 611.7001 고급통합디자인특강 3-3-0 Advanced Topics in Integrated Design 오늘날사회의요구사항에충실하기위해서는각각의디자인이개체로분리될것이아니라, 디자인의통합이이루어져야한다. 다학제적관점에서이러한통합디자인의경향과앞으로의발전방향에대해논의하고, 의견을제시하도록한다. 더불어전문인을초빙하여전문분야에대해특강및토론기회를가지며, 개인별연구한주제발표를이시간을통해수행하게된다. In order to fulfil the needs of society today, many believe that the design pursuit should not be divided but integrated. From an inter-disciplinary point of view, it is intended that integrated design and its future development are going to form the basis for discussion and suggestion throughout. In addition to the presentations made by students individually, there will be number of special lectures, featuring experts from different fields, plus a related conference to be held at a suitable point in the programme. 학점구조는 학점수 - 주당강의시간 - 주당실습시간 을표시한다. 한학기는 15 주로구성됨. (The first number means credits ; the second number means lecture hours per week; and the final number means laboratory hours per week. 15 weeks make one semester.) - 516 -

611.7002 고급현대디자인론 3-3-0 Advanced Theories of Modern Design 최근디자인학을형성하고있는다양한이론및주요논제들에대한이해를통하여, 현재와근미래디자인연구의근간을이루는주요한디자인연구의흐름을연구한다. 디자인을선도할수있는관점을형성하고총체적디자인지식체계를구축한다. 자신의전공디자인영역에대한최근동향에대한내용을개인적으로발제하고이를통해현대디자인이다각적으로어떠한변화를보이고있는지탐구한다. This course undertakes to provide a thorough examination and analysis of the respective theories of design. It will foster a comprehensive understanding of the subject that enables students to engage in soundly-based discourse and informed dialogue, relating to present and future trends within the whole spectrum of design activity. 611.7004 디자인과비교문화연구 3-3-0 Studies in Design and Comparative Culture 각문화권마다의문화를비교하고, 이와함께각문화마다디자인이어떠한방식으로다른모습을하고있는지, 또는같은모습을하고있는지에대해알아본다. 이를통해오늘날글로벌시대에각각의문화들을이해시킬수있는디자인이어떠한것인지에대해논의해본다. 선사시대이후현대까지다양한지역의디자인이형성되게된배경과함께각지역디자인의제반특성들과서로간의영향관계를살펴보며, 한지역디자인에있어서도시대의추이에따른변화상을비교, 고찰해보도록한다. This course of study is based upon a rigorous examination of the effects of culture on the design pursuit. It will demonstrate how different cultures can stimulate different creative responses, from man s earliest endeavours, to the sophisticated design products generated by today s international design communities. It will provide an opportunity to evaluate how environment and local influences have a bearing on respective design concepts, processes and solutions. 611.7007 디자인정책및전략연구 3-3-0 Studies in Design Policy and Strategies 광의의국가, 사회, 기업속에서디자인위치와구조를이해하고, 다학제적디자인가치의전개를통해, 전체조직과구성원들간의새로운통합가치의가능성을연구한다. 또한새로운시대와지역에적합한국가, 단체, 기업의디자인정책과차별화할수있는구체적인전략과방법을사례와함께연구한다. This presents an opportunity to examine and analyse the way in which hierarchy can determine how designers and their products function in society. The course will undertake to foster an understanding of the role designers and their creative concepts play in the respective communities within which they are immersed, and the values and strategies that dictate their decision making. 611.7008 고급디자인프로젝트경영관리론 3-3-0 Advanced Theories of Design Project Management 기업, 제품, 행사등의디자인을위한기획, 조사, 분석및프레젠테이션을중심으로개인별프로젝트수행능력을배양한다. 디자인전문직의표준적실무를습득하는것뿐만아니라프로젝트내에서디자이너가할수있는역할과위치를파악한다. 디자인전략수립과제안서작성을시작으로하며, 보다효과적인프리젠테이션방법을연구개발하고창의적발상에도움을줄수있는컨셉추출역량을기른다. This course provides an opportunity to cover theories of product management in relation to the design industry It incorporates required study for the planning, research, dissemination and presentation of creative design solutions for companies, institutions and organizations. It examines the designer s role in the strategies and decision-making involved in concept realization, including his/her ability and suitability to manage and fulfil projects. 611.7010 색채디자인기획과전략 3-3-0 Color Design Planning and Strategies 색채의과학적인부분과심리적인부분에대한체제와기능을연구하고색채의조화및배색의방법을구한다. 이를통해색채가문화적으로어떠한영향을미치며각문화들이가지는색채학적특징은무엇인지에대해생각해본다. 특히우리한국고유의전통색채에대한조사와함께이를이용한디자인작품을제시한다. 방법적으로는전통적색채혼합이외에다양한개념을도입하여정확한색채효과를예상케하여마케팅실무에적용하도록한다. This is basically a study of the science and psychology of colour. It will include investigation into respective colour theories and their application to harmony and composition. The cultural implications of colour use and an analysis of colour compounds and characteristics will also be covered, particularly within the context of Korean art and design. 611.7012 디자인과인간학 ( 공학 인자 ) 연구 3-3-0 Studies in Design and Human Factors 디자인에필요한요구를인간의관점에서연구한다. 인간의물리적, 인지심리적, 감각적휴먼팩터와인터페이스디자인의관계를이론과함께사례를통하여연구한다. 또한제품과영상의인터페이스디자인에관련된인간의인지모델, 디자인가이드라인, 연구조사방법론등의다양한이론을체계적으로연구한다. This presents an opportunity to examine how human sensory, physical and physiological factors relate to respective design applications. By using case studies, recognition models and guidelines, the course provides an opportunity and suitable environment for the rigorous dissemination of research material and subsequent interface implementation. 611.7014 디자인정보구조론 3-3-0 Theory of Information Architecture 다양한분야, 다양한형식의정보를구조화할수있는능력을함양하게하는과목이다. 리서치에의해조사수집된정보를그루핑하고나열되어있는정보를시각적으로재구성하는방법을연구한다. 또한재구조화된정보를여러매체로표현할수있는능력을기른다. 상징과아이콘, 인포메이션다이어그램등으로부터인포메이션그라픽스까지다양한시각툴을사용하여 - 517 -

효과적인정보전달이될수있게한다. 개인별주제를정해정보를재해석하는연구가이루어지게된다. This presents an opportunity to examine the theoretical basis of information and its architecture. It will study how to itemize, order and visualize informative material through the different media options, both those currently available and those under development. It will investigate how the tools of contemporary information design can be applied to design problems identified by the respective students. 611.7015 디자인역사와비평 3-3-0 History of Design and Criticism 현대까지다양한지역의미술이형성된배경과함께각디자인장르별제반특성들과서로간의영향관계를살펴보며, 한지역디자인에있어서도시대의추이에따른변화상을비교고찰해보도록한다. 이를통해디자인에대한정확한이해와함께객관적시각을통해디자인을견지할수있는능력을기르도록한다. 지금까지나온디자인비평들에대한조사를통해함께논의하고, 그러한비평들에대하여오늘날바뀐시각으로보았을때어떻게달라져야하는지에대해서도알아본다. 그리고각자가정한테마에따라서비평문을작성해보도록한다. This course of study is based upon an objective examination of the characteristics of art and design genres from many parts of the world, their mutuality and their differences. It will investigate how time and events have effected change within the disciplines and provide an opportunity to reveal a thorough understanding of design. It will review how design criticism has shaped both past and present thinking on the subject. Through discussion and dialogue, students will be expected to enter constructive debate regarding chosen themes and develop their own critical values and judgement. 611.803 대학원논문연구 3-3-0 Reading and Research 대학원학위논문과정으로개별주제에대해연구한다. This course will consist of individual research for the graduate thesis. - 518 -