단원 지도 계획 차시 항목 교과서쪽 학습내용 Introduction 155 학습 요점과 글의 요지를 파악한다. 제목과 그림을 통해 이 과에서 학습하고자 하는 내용을 예측해 본다. Before You Read 156 본문을 읽기 전 우주 탐사에 대한 인용문을 읽고 자신의

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Lesson 8 Beyond the Sky 8 Lesson 단원 설정의 취지 Beyond the Sky 인류의 발전과 생존을 위한 우주 탐사의 필요성을 역설하고, 현 재까지의 우주 탐사 현황에 대해 설명하는 글을 읽고, 우주 탐사 의 중요성에 대해 이야기해 본다. 글의 논리적 전개에 대해 이야 Space had long remained a mystery until the second half of the 20th century. With resources fast becoming scarcer and scarcer, space exploration is perhaps the last hope for humanity. 기해보고, 어려운 단어 및 글의 내용을 추측 추론해보는 연습을 하도록 지도한다. 또한, 글의 내용을 간략하게 자신의 말로 요약 할 수 있도록 한다. 단원 목표 1. Reading Goal: Guessing the Meaning from Context Goal for Reading Guessing the Meanings from Context 앞뒤 문맥이나 상황으로 모르는 단어의 의미를 파악한다. 앞뒤 문맥이나 상황으로 모르는 단어의 의미를 파악한다. Goal for Writing Writing a Summary 글을 읽고 주요 내용을 간략하고 명료하게 자신의 말로 정리한다. p155 T: R eaders can guess the meaning of new words by using the context they are given. ❶ G u e s s t h e m e a n i n g o f a n e w w o r d or expression from its examples or explanations in the previous or next sentence. ❷ Understand the main idea and guess the meaning of new words or expressions in the context. 2. Writing Goal: Writing a Summary 글을 읽고 주요 내용을 간략하고 명료하게 자신의 말로 정리한다. T: Write a summary that includes the most important information. ❶ Find the topic of the reading passage. ❷ Locate key words and key sentences. ❸ Write the summary in your own words by paraphrasing.

단원 지도 계획 차시 항목 교과서쪽 학습내용 Introduction 155 학습 요점과 글의 요지를 파악한다. 제목과 그림을 통해 이 과에서 학습하고자 하는 내용을 예측해 본다. Before You Read 156 본문을 읽기 전 우주 탐사에 대한 인용문을 읽고 자신의 생 각을 이야기해 본다. 우주 탐사에 대한 배경지식을 넓힌다. Reading Goal 157 문맥을 통해 새로운 단어와 표현의 의미를 올바르게 추측 하는 연습을 한다. 2 Read 158, 159 3 Read 160, 161 4 Read 162 5 After You Read 163, 164 Language Focus 165 어휘 활용과 유용한 표현, 문장 구조 등을 이해한다. Culture Notes 167 한국을 비롯한 미국과 러시아의 우주 센터에 대해 알아본다. Reading for Writing 168 주어진 글을 요약하는 방법에 대해 알아본다. Writing Build-up 169 Paraphrasing을 위한 문장 구성과 단어에 변화를 주는 방 법에 대해 알아본다. Expressions for Writing 170 주어진 다양한 표현들을 이용해 글을 요약하는 연습을 한 다. Write on Your Own 171 앞서 연습한 표현들을 이용해 본문의 내용을 직접 요약해 본다. 9 Check Yourself 172, 173 10 Work Together 174 1 교과서, CD-ROM 인류의 발전과 생존을 위한 우주 탐사의 필요성과 현재까 지의 우주 탐사 내용을 설명하는 글을 읽는다. 교과서, CD-ROM 본문 내용을 잘 이해했는지 살펴본다. 교과서, CD-ROM 6 7 수업자료 교과서, CD-ROM Worksheet 교과서, CD-ROM 교과서, CD-ROM 8 형성평가 문제를 풀며 단원을 정리한다. 교과서, CD-ROM 모둠을 만들어 우주 탐사에 대한 mini-book을 만들어 본다. 교과서, CD-ROM 본 과에서 배운 내용을 총정리한다. Worksheet

Lesson 8 1차시 학습 Before You Read 목표: ❶ 우주에서의 생활을 상상해 보고 나의 의견을 말할 수 있다. ❷ 글 안에서 생소한 단어의 의미를 추측을 통해 알 수 있다. 지도상의 유의점: 우주 생활에 대하여 이미 알고 있는 것들을 함께 나누도록 한다. 수업 준비물: 교과서, CD-ROM Introduction 그림과 제목을 보고 단원의 내용을 추측한다. T: Hello everyone. Let s start lesson 8. Read the title aloud together. Can you guess what the title means? Yes, it could be about space. As you see from the picture on page 155, human beings have sent many rockets and satellites into space. In this lesson, we will read about space exploration. Development T: We are going to answer a few questions related space exploration, and practice guessing the meaning of an expression from context. Now if you re ready, let s begin. 1 주어진 인용문들을 읽고 그 의미에 대해 이야기해 보고, 자신이 선호하는 인용문을 골라 이유를 설명해 본다. T: Read the following quotes and talk about what they really mean with your partner. Then choose your favorite and explain why you like it. 2 자신이 ISS(International Space Station)에 탑승한 우주인이 라 가정하고, 다양한 측면에서 이야기해 본다. T: Imagine you are an astronaut in the ISS. Talk about what is the most exciting and the most difficult part of staying there. p.156 1 예시답안 1 I like Yuri Gagarin s quotation. This quotation tells about the beauty of the earth. Without appreciating the beauty of our planet, I think there is no hope in space, either. I believe protecting what we have is more important than aything else. 예시답안 2 My favorite quotation is Jim Lovell s. I like his because he expresses the great development of humans in science technology. Moreover, he never thinks it is a miracle or a chance, but he believes it is our will and capacity. Before You Read 1 Read the following quotes. Choose your favorite one and share your reason with your partner. From space, I saw how beautiful our planet was. Let us not destroy this beauty. Yuri Gagarin That s one small step for a man; one giant leap for mankind. Neil A. Armstrong 2 (1) 예시답안 1 Staying in a state of weightlessness would be the most exciting part. 예시답안 2 Looking at the Earth from the space would be the most exciting part. (2) 예시답안 1 I think the most difficult thing would be to sleep being tightened in a small space. 예시답안 2 Eating space food every day would be the most difficult thing for me because I love to eat delicious food. 2 From now on, we live in a world where man has walked on the moon. It wasn t a miracle, we just decided to go. Jim Lovell The moon is the first milestone on the road to the stars. Arthur C. Clarke Suppose you are an astronaut staying in the International Space Station(ISS). What would be the most exciting part about staying in the ISS? What would be the most difficult thing about staying in the ISS? 156 Lesson 8 216 각론

Words and Phrases leap 도약 (a large increase or change) ex Few people successfully make the leap from television to the movies. milestone 중요한(획기적인)일(a very important event in the development of something) ex Another milestone for this decade was the amazing accomplishments in the field of architecture. Reading Goal: Guessing the Meaning from Context T: When we read a text, we encounter many new vocabularies and expressions. It is often impossible to look up all the new words from dictionaries. Thus, readers should guess the meaning of new words by using the context they are given. In this part of lesson 8, we will study how to guess new words in smart ways. Look at the questions on page 157 and answer them. T: Look at the underlined expressions. Guess the meaning of these expressions and choose the same meaning from the box below. 2 주어진 지문을 읽고, 밑줄 친 단어의 의미를 추측해보고, 요약문 을 완성해본다. T: Read the passage and guess the meaning of the underlined word. I also want you to complete the summary with the meaning of the word celestial. Consolidation T: Today we had a chance to think about space exploration. In the next class, we are going to start reading an article about space. I want you to have a look and get ready for it. I ll see you in the next class. 1 주어진 표현의 의미를 앞뒤 문장과의 관계 속에서 추측해본다. p.157 Translation 1 Reading Goal Guessing the Meaning from Context Readers can guess the meaning of new words by using the context they are given. 1. Guess the meaning of a new word or expression from its examples or explanations in the previous or next sentence. 2. Understand the main idea and guess the meaning of a new word or expressions in this context. Choose the same meaning of the underlined expressions in the box. Order anything you want on the menu. The sky is the limit. Jihun thinks that he could play soccer on the surface of the Moon right now. What a pie-in-the-sky idea! c b 1 (1) 메뉴에서 당신이 원하는 무엇이든 주문하세요. (비용은) 무제한입니다. (2) 지훈이는 당장 달 표면에서 축구를 할 수 있다고 생각한다. 허 황된 생각이다. (3) 어떤 사람들은 그것이 힘들다고 생각한다. 그러나 그것은 어 려운 일이 아니다. 단지 준비하고 기다리기만 하면 된다. Some people think it is hard. But it s not a rocket science. All you have to do is just prepare and wait. a It is not that difficult. That s something impossible. There s no limit. 2 Guess the meaning of the underlined word and fill in the blank to complete the summary. Observing stars gave birth to two of the oldest fields of study, astronomy and astrology. However, while one is acknowledged as a scientific study, the other is regarded as a superstition. Astronomy, meaning law of the stars in Greek, is a natural science that deals with the celestial objects and phenomena outside the atmosphere of the Earth. In contrast to astronomy, astrology is a system of belief that there is a relationship between astronomical phenomena and events on the Earth. The word celestial means outside the atmosphere of the Earth, or in the sky or. heaven Beyond the Sky 157 2 별을 관측하는 것은 가장 오래된 학문 영역 중 두 가지, 천문학과 점성술(학)을 탄생시켰다. 그러나 한쪽은 과학적 학문으로 알려 진 반면, 다른 한쪽은 미신으로 여겨진다. 그리스어로, 별들의 법칙 이라는 뜻의 천문학은 천체의 물체와 지구 의 대기권 밖의 현상을 다루는 자연 과학이다. 천문학과는 대조 적으로, 점성술 은 천문학적 현상과 지구에서 일어나는 일들 사이 에 어떤 관계가 있다는 믿음의 체계이다. Lesson 8 Beyond the Sky 217

Lesson 8 2-4차시 Read 학습 목표:❶ 우주 탐사와 관련된 글을 읽고 이해할 수 있다. ❷ 주어진 질문에 바르게 답하고, 주요 표현들을 이해할 수 있다. 지도상의 유의점: 글의 전개 방법을 이해하고 글의 요지 파악과 내용 추론을 할 수 있도록 지도 한다. 수업 준비물: 교과서, CD-ROM, 인터넷 자료 Introduction Development 오늘 배울 내용을 간단히 소개한다. T: Hello, everyone. We are going to start reading the main text. Open your textbook to page 158. What s the title? Read it aloud. Good. What can you guess from the title? Yes, it is about space. More specifically, it is about why it is important to study space. I want you to read the text carefully and pay attention to the main idea of each paragraph. Remember to check new words and expressions. p. 158 T: Read the paragraphs on page 158 and try to write down what the writer wants to say from each paragraph. Then read the question at the bottom and answer it. More Questions 1 What do planets mean? Answer Planets mean wanderers. 2 What did the knowledge of the stars and planets bring about? Answer It brought about the better understanding of the change of seasons, rainfalls and agricultural development. Beyond the Sky Human beings have gazed upon the sky for thousands of years. Ancient astronomers observed small lights in the night sky that moved among the stars, and called them planets, meaning wanderers. The knowledge of the stars and planets led to the better understanding of the change of seasons and rainfalls and to the development in agriculture. The pursuit of knowledge keeps human society constantly moving, developing, and being creative, as opposed to being stagnant. This pursuit was what made science flourish during European Renaissance. Essential physical laws governing planetary motion were discovered, and the orbits of the planets around the Sun were calculated. In the 17th century, with the aid of a new device called the telescope, astronomers made more startling discoveries about the objects in the sky. 5 10 15 Translation 하늘 저편에 인류는 수천 년 동안 하늘을 바라봐왔다. 고대 천문학자들은 별 사이 를 움직이는 밤하늘의 작은 빛들을 관측하고는 그것들을 행성이라 불렀는데, 이는 방랑자라는 의미다. 별과 행성에 대한 지식으로 계 절과 강수의 변화에 대해 더 잘 이해하게 되었고, 농업의 발달을 가 져오게 되었다. 지식의 추구는 인간 사회를 침체시키는 것이 아니라, 계속해서 움직 이고 발전시켰으며, 창조적이게 했다. 이러한 지식 추구로 인해 유 럽의 르네상스 기간 동안 과학이 크게 발전했다. 행성의 움직임을 관장하는 핵심적인 물리 법칙이 발견되었으며, 태양 주변을 돌고 있는 행성들의 궤도를 계산해냈다. 17세기에는 망원경이라는 새로운 장치의 도움으로 천문학자들은 하늘에 있는 천체들에 대해 더욱 놀라운 발견들을 해냈다. Q1. 17세기에 천문학을 보다 발전하게 한 발명품은 무엇이었나요? Q 1 What was the invention in the 17th century which made astronomy more advanced? It was telescope. astronomer [ str n m ] agriculture [ grik>lt Âr] pursuit [p sù;t] stagnant [st gn nt] flourish [flá;ri ] governing [g=v ni\] planetary [pl n téri] orbit [ ; bit] calculate [k lkj léit] startle [st ; tl] 158 Lesson 8 218 각론

L2 Words and Phrases astronomer 천문학자(a scientist who studies the stars and planets) ex Galileo Galilei was a skilled physicist, mathematician, and astronomer. L9 agriculture 농업(the practice or science of farming) ex The number of people employed in agriculture has fallen in the last decade. Climate is very important in agriculture. L10 pursuit 추구(when someone tries to get, achieve, or find something in a determined way) ex All men are endowed with inalienable rights to the pursuit of happiness. Working on the project, there has been no compromising his pursuit of perfection. L12 stagnant 고여 있는, 침체된(stagnant water or air does not move or flow and often smells bad) ex The government planned to revive the stagnant economy. Stagnant water is bound to corrupt. L12 flourish 번창하다(to develop well and be successful; to thrive) ex The economy is booming and small businesses are flourishing. These deserts kept Egypt isolated, allowing the civilization to flourish for more than 3,000 years. L13 governing 관리하는, 운영하는(having the power and authority to control an organization) ex Freedom of speech is one of the of governing principles in a democracy. There are already strict regulations governing that issue. L13 planetary 행성의 ex A planetary system was found in our closest neighbor galaxy, Andromeda. Most planetary orbits are not circles but ellipses. L16 startle 놀라게 하다(to make someone suddenly surprised or slightly shocked) ex Sorry, I didn t mean to startle you. I was startled to see Amanda. L5 Expressions and Structures The knowledge of the stars and planets led to the better understanding of the change of seasons and rainfalls and to the development in agriculture. s+lead to sth 은 (결과적으로) ~에 이르다, ~하게 하다 라는 의미로, 주어는 to 이하에 나오는 명사구의 원인이 된다. 여기에서는 별과 행성에 대한 지식 으로 인한 결과로 2가지가 제시되었다. 즉, the better understanding of the change of seasons and rainfalls와 the development in agriculture이다. L10 The pursuit of knowledge keeps human society constantly moving, developing, and being creative, as opposed to being stagnant. keep + 목적어 + -ing 는 (목적어)로 하여금 계속 ~하게 하다 라는 의미이다. 여기서는 moving, developing, being creative가 병렬구조로 연결되어 있다. as opposed to는 ~와는 대조적으로, ~이 아니라 의 의미이다. ex This exercise develops suppleness as opposed to strength. Were you referring to Europe as opposed to the West? L12 This pursuit was what made science flourish during European Renaissance. what은 선행사를 포함한 관계대명사로, the thing which로 풀어 쓸 수 있다. what으로 시작하는 관계대명사 절은 문장 중에서 주어, 목적어, be 동사의 보어로 사용될 수 있다. ex What she said made me angry. This is exactly what I wanted. Ten-minute Quiz 1 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 말을 고르시오. (1) The knowledge of the stars and planets to the better understanding of the change of seasons and rainfalls. 1 came 2 led 3 followed (2) This pursuit was made science flourish during European Renaissance. 1 that 2 which 3 what 2 Rearrange the given words to complete the sentence. The pursuit of knowledge keeps human society constantly being creative, moving, and. (as / being / opposed / stagnant / developing / to) 지식의 추구는 인간 사회를 침체시키는 것이 아니라, 계속해서 움직이고 발전시켰으며, 창조적이게 했다. 정답 1 (1) 2 (2) 3 2 developing as opposed to being stagnant Lesson 8 Beyond the Sky 219

p. 159 5 10 History has sufficient proof that discovery and exploration are followed by enduring benefits through commerce and the utilization of newly found resources. The geographical discoveries from the 15th through the 19th centuries expanded greatly the knowledge of the other parts of the world, facilitated global commerce and increased the wealth of many nations. The Space Age that began with the launch of the first artificial satellite Sputnik in 1957 has brought a quantum leap in human knowledge and understanding of the solar system along with added benefits. Satellite TV and the global positioning system (GPS) are just a few of them. Space technology has led many useful inventions and spin-offs including light-emitting diodes (LED) and water purification systems. Classroom English ❶ We ve read the benefits of the knowledge and learned about the stars and planets. It seems that space is not far away from our life. ❷ From now on, we are going to learn more about how we got closer to space, and what we achieved through its exploration. ❸ Now read the passage on page 159 and answer the question below. More Questions Q 2 What are the benefits of space exploration? They are satellite TV, GPS, and spin-offs including LED and water purification systems. 1 What were the benefits of the geographical discoveries from the 15th through the 19th centuries? Answer They expanded the knowledge of the other parts of the world, facilitated global commerce and increased the wealth of many nations. 2 What event was the beginning of the Space age? Answer It was the launch of the first artificial satellite Sputnik in 1957. utilization [jù;tâlizèi Ân] geographical [d,ì; gr fikâl] expand [iksp nd] facilitate [f síl téit] artificial [ ; t fí Âl] satellite [s tâlàit] quantum [kw nt m] spin-off [spin ;f] light-emitting diode [laitimíti\daioud] purification [pjúâr fikèi Ân] aircraft [ kr ft] Beyond the Sky 159 Translation 역사는 발견과 탐사로 인해 무역과 새롭게 발견한 자원의 활용을 통한 지속적인 혜택이 이어지고 있다는 충분한 증거를 보여주고 있다. 15세기에서부터 19세기에 걸친 지리적 발견은 세계의 다른 지역에 대한 지식을 확대시켰으며, 세계 무역을 촉진시키고, 많은 국가의 부를 증진시켰다. 1957년 최초의 인공위성 Sputnik의 발사로 시작된 우주 시대는 추가적인 혜택과 더불어 태양계에 대한 인간의 지식과 이해에 있어 비약적인 발전을 가져왔다. 위성 TV와 GPS(global positioning system)는 이 추가적인 혜택들의 몇 가지 예다. 우주 기술은 LED(발광다이오드)와 정수 시스템을 포함한 많은 유용한 발명과 파생효과들을 이끌어왔다. Q2. 우주 탐사의 이점은 무엇인가요? L2 Words and Phrases utilization 이용, 활용(use of something for a particular purpose) ex The utilization of oil has reached to the utmost extent of use. The effective utilization of personnel at all levels is necessary for this company. L3 geographical 지리학의(relating to the place in an area, country, etc., where something or someone is) ex The city s success owes much to its geographical position. The area has a good geographical condition for a ski resort. L4 expand 확대하다, 팽창하다(to become larger in size, number, or amount) contract n. expansion ex Water expands as it freezes. The hotel wants to expand its business by running restaurants. L5 facilitate 용이하게 하다(to make it easier for a process or activity to happen) ex Computers can be used to facilitate language learning. The new trade agreement should facilitate more rapid economic growth. L6 artificial 인공의(not real or not made of natural things but made to be like something that is real or natural; false) natural 220 각론

cf. artificial satellite 인공위성 ex These artificial roses are quite lifelike. He lost his leg in an accident and wears an artificial limb. L7 quantum leap[jump] 비약적인 발전(a very large and important development or improvement) cf. quantum 양자(a unit of energy in nuclear physics) ex There has been a quantum leap in the range of the wines sold in the UK. The world now expects a quantum leap in space exploration. L10 spin-off 파생 효과, 파생 상품(an unexpected but useful result of something, that happens in addition to the intended result) ex Laser research has had important spin-offs for eye surgery. The TV comedy series is a spin-off of the original movie. L10 light-emitting diode 발광다이오드(빛을 내는 반도체 로, 낮은 소비 전력, 긴 수명, 친환경적인 특성을 가지고 있으며, 일반 적으로 LED라고 함) ex Find out how a car tester circuits works using an LED. L11 purification 정화, 정제(removing dirty or harmful substances from something) ex They built a water purification plant. They were seeking religious purification and did not want to tolerate other religions. L1 Expressions and Structures History has sufficient proof that discovery and exploration are followed by enduring benefits ~ proof that~은 that ~라는 증거 로 해석하며, 이때의 that은 생략할 수 없다. A be followed by B 는 A 뒤에 B가 따르다, A 다음에 B가 이어지다 라는 의미다. that-clauses after verbs and nouns 1. that 절은 동사나 명사 다음에 이어지곤 하는데, that 절이 이어지는 동사, 명사는 어떤 규칙이 있는 것이 아니므로 사전을 통해 확인해야 한다. ex I hope that you ll have a wonderful time. (O) I want that you ll have a wonderful time. (X) ( I want you to have...) I understood his wish that we should be there. (O) I understood the importance that we should be there.(x) ( I understand the importance of our being there.) 2. informal한 상황에서는 동사 뒤의 that은 생략 가능하지만, 명사 뒤의 that은 생략할 수 없다. L3 The geographical discoveries from the 15th through the 19th centuries expanded ~, facilitated... and increased ~ expanded와 facilitated, increased가 병렬로 연결된 문장이다. L8 Satellite TV and the global positioning system(gps) are just a few of them. them이 지칭하는 것은 added benefits이다. L9 Space technology has led many useful inventions and spin-offs including lightemitting diodes(led) and water purification systems. lead는 ~을 이끌다 라는 의미의 타동사이다. Ten-minute Quiz 1 다음 문장에서 틀린 부분을 바르게 고치시오. (1) History has sufficient proof discovery and exploration are followed by enduring benefits. (2) The geographical discoveries expanded greatly the knowledge of the world, and facilitate global commerce. 2 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 골라 어법에 맞게 고쳐 쓰시오. 정답 just a few of added benefits spin-offs a quantum leap (1) The launch of Sputnik has brought a in a human knowledge of the solar system. (2) Space technology has led many useful inventions and including LED and water purification systems. (3) Satellite TV and the global positioning system are. 1 (1) proof proof that (2) faciliate facilitated 2 (1) a quantum leap (2) spin-offs (3) just a few of added benefits Lesson 8 Beyond the Sky 221

p. 160 Space exploration programs have their own negative aspects, though. They cost huge amounts of money. That is why questions are raised from time to time about their need, for there always seem to be more urgent issues: depleting sources of energy, water and air pollution, millions of hungry children, to name a few. Is it right to spend huge funds on space programs that could be directed toward other much needed programs to cover the above issues? Space exploration is a question of taking risks and moving beyond the boundaries, or staying within. History already provides us with an answer to this repeated question. In the early 15th century, the Ming China had the technology to build large ships that sailed as far as the East Coast of Africa. They were up to ten times the size of Columbus s ships which sailed later in the same century. Soon after, however, the Ming China chose to stay within the Great Wall, avoiding encounters with the unknown. It was the Portuguese and other Europeans that began to lead the way in exploration, and the Chinese allowed themselves to be discovered. Now that most of the Earth has been explored, if we stop exploring beyond the Earth into the universe, there may be little hope for the future of the mankind. Q 3 For what is the space exploration program necessary? Because there my be little hope for the future of the mankind if we don t explore beyond the Earth into the universe. aspect [ spekt] deplete [diplí;t] Portuguese [p ; t gí;z] the Great Wall encounter [inkáunt ] 160 Lesson 8 Translation 그렇다고는 해도, 우주탐사 프로그램은 부정적 측면도 가지고 있다. 엄청난 비용이 든다는 것이다. 이것이 바로 가끔씩 우주탐사의 필요성에 대한 의구심이 들게 하는 이유다. 왜냐하면, 항상 더욱 시급한 문제들이 눈앞에 있는 것 같기 때문이다. 그 몇 가지 예를 들자면 에너지 자원의 고갈, 수질오염과 공기오염, 기아에 허덕이는 수백만의 아이들 문제 등이 있다. 위의 문제들을 해결하기 위한 많은 절실한 프로그램에 쓰일 수도 있을 엄청난 기금을 우주 프로그램에 쓰는 것이 옳은 일일까? 우주탐사는 위험을 무릅쓰고 한계를 넘어설 것인가, 아니면 그 안에 머물 것인가의 문제다. 역사는 이미 이런 반복적인 의문에 대한 답을 준다. 15세기 초, 중국 명나라는 아프리카 동부 해안까지 항해할 정도로 거대한 배를 축조할 기술이 있었다. 그 배는 15세기 후반 항해를 했던 Columbus의 배 크기의 10배였다. 그러나 곧, 명나라는 미지의 것들과 맞닥뜨리기를 회피하며 만리장성 안에 머물기로 했다. 탐험의 주도권을 잡기 시작한 것은 바로 포르투 갈인들과 다른 유럽인들이었고, 중국인들은 발견되는 처지가 되었 다. 이제 지구의 대부분은 탐사가 끝났다. 지구를 넘어 우주로 탐사 하기를 멈춘다면, 인류의 미래에는 희망이 거의 없을지도 모른다. Q3. 왜 우주 탐사 프로그램이 필요한가요? 5 10 15 20 Classroom English ❶ As you read page 159, you ll learn the Space Age made many things possible. However, there must be negative aspects in space exploration. Nothing is full of only positive things. ❷ Read the two paragraphs on page 160. One is about the negative aspects of space exploration, and the other is about why it is still necessary to explore space. ❸ I want you to read these two paragraphs and find the answers. Don t forget to answer the question at the bottom. More Questions 1 Why are questions of the necessity of space exploration raised from time to time? Answer Because it seems that we have more urgent issues such as depleting sources of energy, water and air pollution, and millions of hungry children. 2 What did the Ming China choose when it had the technology to build large ships? Answer The Ming China chose not to encounter the unknown but to stay within the country. 3 Who led the way in geographical exploration? Answer The Portuguese and other Europeans. L4 Words and Phrases deplete 대폭 감소시키다, 고갈시키다(to reduce the amount of something that is present or available) ex Salmon populations have been severely depleted. These chemicals are thought to deplete the ozone layer. L9 take risks (위험한 줄 알면서) 모험을 하다(to decide to do something even though you know it may have bad results) ex Isn t he taking a risk in coming here? I didn t want to take the risk while raising a family. L17 encounter (특히 반갑지 않은 일에) 맞닥뜨리다(to experience something, especially problems or opposition) ex They encountered serious problems when two members of the expedition were injured. We encountered a number of difficulties in the first week. 222 각론

Expressions and Structures L4 ~ for there always seem to be more urgent issues: depleting sources of energy,..., to name a few. for는 왜냐하면 이라는 의미의 접속사로, for 뒤에는 앞의 내용의 직접적인 이유가 온다. for는 문두에 오지 못하고, 단독으로 쓰이지 못한다. to name a few는 두서너 가지 예를 들자면 의 의미다. ex We listened eagerly, for he brought news of our families. I decided to stop and have lunch - for I was feeling hungry. L6 Is it right to spend huge funds on space programs that could be directed toward other much needed programs to cover the above issues? it은 가주어, to spend 이하가 진주어이다. that은 주격 관계대명사로, 선행사는 huge funds on space programs이다. L10 History already provides us with an answer to this repeated question. provide는 ~에게 을 제공하다 의 의미로, provide sb with sth 이나 provide sth for sb 의 형태로 쓰인다. ex The project is designed to provide young people with work. The hotel provides a shoe-cleaning service for guests. (O) The hotel provides a shoe-cleaning service to guests. (X) He provided me with everything I needed. (O) He provided me everything I needed. (X) L14 They were up to ten times the size of Columbus s ships which sailed later in the same century. 여기에서 times는 ~배 의 의미로 크기나 길이, 무게 등을 비교할 때 쓰일 수 있다. ex three times the length of the fence five times the height of yours L15 Soon after, however, the Ming China chose to stay within the Great Wall, avoiding encounters with the unknown. the Great Wall은 중국의 만리장성을 의미한다. to stay within the Great Wall은 물리적으로 만리장성 안에 머물다 라는 뜻이 아니라, (만리장성으로 대변되는) 중국을 벗어나지 않다 라는 의미로 해석한다. avoiding은 동시동작을 나타내는 분사구문으로, ~한 채 로 해석한다. the unknown은 the+형용사 구문으로 복수 보통명사의 의미이며, unknown things로 해석한다. L17 It was the Portuguese and other Europeans that began to lead the way in exploration,... It is... that ~ 강조 구문이다. 강조되고 있는 것은 the Portuguese and other Europeans이다. lead the way는 앞장서다, 솔선하다 의 의미다. the Portuguese는 포르투갈 사람들 을 뜻한다. ex Germany - German / Switzerland - Swiss / Norway - Norwegian / France - French It is... that[who] ~ 강조구문 It is과 that 사이에 강조하려는 어구를 쓰는데, 주어, 목적어, 부사구 절을 강조할 수 있다. 이때 강조되는 말이 사람인 경우 that 대신 관계대명사 who를 쓸 수 있다. ex I met Tom in London. It was I that[who] met Tom in London. It was Tom that(who) I met in London. It was in London that I met Tom. Ten-minute Quiz 1 Rearrange the given words to complete the sentences. (1) Is it right (to spend / huge funds / on / space programs) that could be directed toward other much needed programs to cover the above issues?. (2) Space exploration is a question of (and / the boundaries / taking risks / or / staying / moving beyond / within).. 2 다음 문장에서 틀린 부분을 바르게 고치시오. (1) History already provides us an answers to the repeated question. (2) If we stop to explore beyond the earth into universe, there may be little hope for the future of the mankind. 정답 1 (1) to spend huge funds on space programs (2) taking risks and moving beyond the boundaries, or staying within 2 (1) provides us an answer provides us with an answer (2) to avoid, avoiding Lesson 8 Beyond the Sky 223

p. 161 5 10 From space the Earth looks really small and fragile. Perhaps that is the main reason, in addition to the huge cost, why space exploration has facilitated international cooperation between former enemies. The advance in space exploration technology is in fact indebted largely to the competition during the Cold War, notably between the United States and the Soviet Union. The International Space Station (ISS), the first habitable artificial satellite launched in 1998, is now a symbol of cooperation in space exploration. It is permanently crewed, and has served as a space environment research laboratory where former competitors now work together, conducting experiments in biology, physics, astronomy, and many other areas to promote the welfare of humanity. Classroom English ❶ We ve learned why space exploration is necessary for mankind from page 160. What do you expect from the next paragraph? ❷ Yes, the necessity of space exploration might be continued. Moreover, in this passage, there comes the reason why space exploration needs international cooperation. Have you heard of the Cold War? Right. It was the time when the United States and the former Soviet Union competed and confronted. ❸ Now, we are going to read page 161 and talk about what is happening in space exploration. Read the passage on page 161 and answer the question at the bottom. More Questions Q 4 What do the astronaut do on the ISS? They conduct scientific experiments to promote the welfare of humanity. fragile [fr d, l] indebted [indètid] welfare [wèlf ] notably [nóut bli] habitable [h b t bâl] permanently [pá; m n ntli] Beyond the Sky 161 Translation 우주에서 바라본 지구는 정말 작고 약해 보인다. 어쩌면 이것이 엄청난 비용이 드는 문제와 더불어 우주 탐사를 위해 이전의 적들 사이에 국제적 협력을 가능하게 한 것인지도 모른다. 우주 탐사 기술의 발전은 냉전시대 동안의 경쟁구도, 특히 미국과 구소련 사이의 경쟁의 덕을 본 것이 사실이다. 1998년에 발사된 최초의 거주 가능한 인공위성인 국제 우주 정거장(ISS)은 이제는 우주 탐사에 있어 협력의 상징이다. 이곳에는 지속적으로 우주인들이 탑승하여 생물학과 물리학, 천문학, 그리고 인류의 복지를 증진시키기 위한 다른 많은 영역들에 대한 연구를 수행하면서, 이전의 경쟁자들이 이제는 함께 일하는 우주 환경 연구소로 그 역할을 해오고 있다. Q4. ISS에서 우주 비행사들은 무엇을 하나요? 1 What are the two reasons for the two former enemies to cooperate for space exploration? Answer It is because space exploration needs huge cost, and the Earth looks really small and fragile from space. 2 What countries were former enemies during the Cold War? Answer They were notably the United States and the Soviet Union. L1 Words and Phrases fragile 부서지기 쉬운, 연약한(easily broken or damaged; delicate) ex Be careful with that vase - it is very fragile. If something is very thin, then it is probably very fragile. L4 indebted to + 사람 ~에게 은혜를 입은(to be very grateful to someone for the help they have given you) ex We are deeply indebted to Dr. Allen and the rest of the hospital staff. I am indebted to my family for all their help. L5 notably 특히(used to say that a person or thing is a typical example or the most important example of something) = especially, in particular ex Some early doctors, notably Hippocrates, thought that diet was important. The house had many drawbacks, most notably its price. L6 habitable 거주할 수 있는(good enough for people to live in) 224 각론

ex It would cost a fortune to make the place habitable. The roof had fallen in, which meant that the cottage was not habitable. L7 permanently 영구히(always, or for a very long time) ex The accident left him permanently disabled. People are trying to ban it permanently. L8 crew (특히 배의) 승무원[선원]을 하다(to be part of the crew on a boat) ex The boat is crewed by ten men. Normally the boat is crewed by five people. L10 welfare 복지(someone s welfare is their health and happiness) ex Our only concern is the children s welfare. There are a lot of people in the world who need welfare. L1 L5 L7 Expressions and Structures Perhaps that is the main reason, in addition to the huge cost, why space exploration has facilitated international cooperation between former enemies. that은 앞 문장 From space the Earth looks really small and fragile.을 받는다. why는 관계부사로, 선행사는 the main reason이다. The International Space Station(ISS), the first habitable artificial satellite launched in 1998, is now a symbol of cooperation in space exploration. The International Space Station(ISS)과 the first habitable artificial satellite launched in 1998은 동격이다. launched 앞에는 주격 관계대명사+ be동사(which was 가 생략되어 있으며, the first habitable artificial satellite를 후치 수식하고 있다. It is permanently crewed, and has served as a space environment research laboratory where former competitors now work together, conducting experiments in biology ~ where는 관계부사로, a space environment research laboratory가 선행사이다. conducting은 동시동작을 나타내는 분사구문으로, ~하면서 로 해석한다. Ten-minute Quiz (2) It has served as a space environment research laboratory (where / which) former competitors now work together, (conducted / conducting) experiments in biology. 2 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 넣어 문장을 완성하시오. (1) Perhaps that is the main reason space exploration has facilitated international cooperation between former enemies. (2) The advance in space exploration technology is in fact indebted the competition during the Cold War. 정답 1 (1) launched (2) where, conducting 2 (1) why (2) to Tips for Teachers The Cold War and Space Exploration Space exploration served as dramatic arena for Cold War competition. On October 4, 1957, a Soviet R-7 intercontinental ballistic missile launched Sputnik (Russian for traveler ), the world s first artificial satellite and the first man-made object to be placed into the Earth s orbit. Sputnik s launch came as a surprise, and not a pleasant one, to most Americans. In the United States, space was seen as the next frontier, a logical extension of the grand American tradition of exploration, and it was crucial not to lose too much ground to the Soviets. In 1958, the U.S. launched its own satellite, Explorer I. That same year, President Dwight Eisenhower signed a public order creating the National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA), a federal agency dedicated to space exploration, as well as several programs seeking to exploit the military potential of space. Still, the Soviets were one step ahead, launching the first man into space in April 1961. That May, after Alan Shepard become the first American man in space, President John F. Kennedy(1917-1963) made the bold public claim that the U.S. would land a man on the moon by the end of the decade. His prediction came true on July 20, 1969, when Neil Armstrong of NASA s Apollo 11 mission, became the first man to set foot on the moon, effectively winning the Space Race for the Americans. 참고: http://www.history.com/topics/cold-war 1 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 고르시오. (1) The International Space Station(ISS), the first habitable artificial satellite (launched / launching) in 1998, is now a symbol of cooperation in space exploration. Lesson 8 Beyond the Sky 225

p. 162 Since realizing the importance of space exploration, Korea has been making efforts to catch up in this field with their first outcome being the launch of a scientific satellite in 1992. The following efforts include the first Korean astronaut in 2008, and the opening of the NARO Space Center in 2009. The Center performed its first launch mission in 2009 and has plans to perform more over the next decade. The Center also has a space science museum, the purpose of which is to give visitors the opportunity to understand Korea s past, present and future challenges towards space. The world population is estimated to have exceeded 7 billion in 2012 and the natural resources of our planet are fast being exhausted. Out in space, there are unlimited resources. With further advances in space exploration, we may collect and bring them back to the Earth. Space colonization is another possibility. Now that commercial space travel is on the verge of realization, we may visit another planet, such as Mars, in the near future. Maybe we will decide to move there. Wouldn t it be wonderful? Q 5 What does exhausted (line 13) mean? It means spent or used-up. outcome [áutk>m] decade [dèkeid] estimate [èst méit] exceed [iksí;d] billion [bílj n] colonization [k l nizèi Ân] possibility [p s bíl ti] verge [v ; d,] catch up: to reach something or somebody ahead of you 162 Lesson 8 5 10 15 Classroom English ❶ As you read page 161, countries around the world are making the efforts to explore space more. They are cooperating for the Earth s sake. However, even though space exploration facilitates international cooperation, there still exists competition among countries. The text on page 162 discusses Korean efforts to catch up with other countries in this field. ❷ Read page 162 and answer the question at the bottom. More Questions 1 Give examples demonstrating that Korea has been making efforts to explore space. Answer The launch of a scientific satellite in 1992, the first Korean astronaut in 2008, the opening of the NARO Space Center in 2009. 2 What is the purpose of the space museum in the NARO Space Center? Answer It is to give visitors the opportunity to understand Korea s past, present and future challenges towards space. Translation 우주 프로그램의 중요성을 깨달은 이래로, 한국은 1992년 처음으로 과학 위성을 발사하면서, 이 분야에서 (선두를) 따라잡으려 애쓰고 있다. 이어지는 노력으로는 2008년 한국의 첫 우주인과 2009년 나로(NARO) 우주 센터의 개관이 있다. 우주 센터는 2009년 최초의 발사 미션을 수행했으며, 다음 10년에 걸쳐 더 많은 임무를 수행할 계획이다. 우주 센터는 또한 우주과학 박물관을 운영하고 있는데, 그 목적은 방문객들로 하여금 한국의 우주를 향한 과거와 현재, 그리고 미래의 도전에 대해 이해할 수 있는 기회를 제공하기 위한 것이다. 세계 인구는 2012년에 70억을 초과할 것으로 추정되며, 지구의 천연자원은 빨리 고갈되고 있다. 우주에는 무한 자원이 있다. 우주 탐사에 있어 더 많은 진보를 하면, 우리는 그 자원을 모아 서 지구로 가져올 수 있을지 모른다. 우주 식민화는 또 다른 가능 성이다. 상업적인 우주여행이 이제 막 현실화되려 하고 있으므로, 우 리는 가까운 미래에 화성같은 다른 행성에 가볼 수 있을지도 모른다. 어쩌면, 그곳으로 이주를 결정할지도 모른다. 멋지지 않은가? Q5. 13번째 줄의 exhausted는 어떤 의미인가요? Words and Phrases L3 outcome 결과(the final result of a meeting, discussion, war, etc., used especially when no one knows what it will be until it actually happens) ex It was impossible to predict the outcome of the election. We are waiting to hear the final outcome of the negotiations. L12 estimate 추정하다(to try to judge the value, size, speed, cost, etc. of something, without calculating it exactly) ex The tree is estimated to be at least 700 years old. It is estimated (that) the project will last four years. L15 colonization 식민지화(establishing political control over an area or over another country, and sending people there to settle) ex The colonization affected Haiti in several ways. Many people became pro-japanese towards the end of Japanese colonization era. L16 on the verge of ~의 직전의, 막 ~하려는(to be at the point where something is about to happen) ex She seemed on the verge of tears. The show was on the verge of being canceled. 226 각론

Expressions and Structures L1 Since realizing the importance of space exploration, Korea has been making efforts to catch up in this field with their first outcome being the launch of a scientific satellite in 1992. Since realizing ~은 접속사를 생략하지 않은 분사구문이다. 원래 문장은 Since Korea realized the importance of space exploration이다. 부사절을 분사구문으로 만들기 ❶ 접속사를 생략한다. ❷ 부사절의 주어와 주절의 주어가 같으면 부사절의 주어를 생략하고, 다르면 부사절의 주어를 그대로 쓴다. ❸ 동사는 동사원형 + -ing 를 쓰며, 부사절의 시제가 주절보다 앞설 경우에는 부사절의 동사를 having + p.p., 수동인 경우는 (being)+p.p., (having been)+p.p. 로 바꾼다. ❹ 부사절의 의미를 정확하게 전달하기 위해 접속사를 쓰기도 한다. ex When I arrived in Paris, I called her. Arriving in Paris, I called her. If you turn to the left, you will see the library. Turning to the left, you will see the library. L8 The Center also has a space science museum, the purpose of which is to give visitors the opportunity to understand Korea s past, present and future challenges towards space. the purpose of which에서 of which는 소유격 관계대명사 whose 대신에 쓸 수 있는 표현이다. 즉, The Center also has a space science museum, whose purpose is to give visitors...로 고칠 수 있다. 소유격 관계대명사 whose - 선행사가 사람 또는 사물이며 소유격인 (대)명사 대신에 쓰며, 생략할 수 없다. - of which로 바꾸어 쓸 수 있으며, 선행사가 사람일 경우는 of which로 바꾸지 않는다. ex It was a meeting. I don t understand the purpose of the meeting. It was a meeting whose purpose I didn t understand. It was a meeting the purpose of which I didn t understand. It was a meeting of which I didn t understand the purpose. It was a meeting that I didn t understand the purpose of. to give visitors...에서 to 부정사는 명사적 용법이며, to understand Korea s past...에서 to 부정사는 형용사적 용법이다. L14 With further advances in space exploration, we may collect and bring them back to the Earth. with + 명사구 는 (어떤 일의)정황이나 상황, 혹은 이유 를 나타낸다. them은 앞 문장에서 언급한 unlimited resources이다. ex With all this work to do, I won t have time to go out. (이유) L16 Now that commercial space travel is on the verge of realization, we may visit another planet,... now that은 ~이니까, ~이므로 라는 의미로, 새로운 사태가 이유가 될 때 쓰인다. ex Now that he s married, he comes home early. Now that you are 20, you are responsible for what you do. Ten-minute Quiz 1 두 문장이 같은 의미가 되도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오. The Center also has a space science museum, whose purpose is to give visitors the opportunity to understand space. The Center also has a space science museum, the purpose is to give visitors the opportunity to understand space. 2 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오. (1) further advances in space exploration, we may collect and bring the resources back to the Earth. (2) Now commercial space travel is on the verge of realization, we may visit another planet. 정답 1 of which 2 (1) With (2) that Consolidation T: Now we finished reading the article. It says that exploring the space is like preparing for the future. As resources in the earth are getting scarcer and we wouldn t have any more resources to use if we don t explore space and find new resources. In the next class, we ll answer a few questions on the main reading. Lesson 8 Beyond the Sky 227

Lesson 8 5차시 학습 After You Read 목표: ❶ 본문에서 배운 내용을 토대로 글의 주제, 세부 사항에 대한 문제를 풀 수 있다. ❷ 우주 생활을 가정한 질문에 대하여 답을 하고 토론할 수 있다. 지도상의 유의점: 학습한 내용을 상기할 수 있도록 도움을 준다. 수업 준비물: 교과서, CD-ROM Introduction T: Look at Section A, B, C and D. Do you remember the passages we ve read? Based on the reading, complete the following exercises. Development T: We re going to have review by mapping the content, finding the main idea, and locating details. Then we ll also have discussion. A Mapping the Content 본문에서 나왔던 우주 탐사와 관련된 주요 사건들이 제시되어 있는 데, 주어진 단어들을 이용해 문장을 완성하게 한다. T: I would like you to complete the chronological table based on the reading text we ve read. B Finding Main Ideas 본문을 읽고 글의 주제를 찾아보게 한다. T: Now let s try to find the main idea of this article. First, the writer mentions the benefits of the knowledge about space, and then importance of space exploration for the development of human life. Then the writer talks about the importance of space exploration despite the negative aspects, and how space exploration has been developed in the world and in Korea. p. 163 Translation A 1600년대: 망원경의 발명으로 천문학은 더욱 발전했다. 1957년: 최초의 인공위성 Sputnik가 성공적으로 발사되었다. 1992년: 한국 최초의 과학 위성이 발사되었다. 1998년: 많은 나라들이 최초의 거주 가능한 인공위성 프로그램에 참여했다. 2008년: 최초의 한국인 우주인을 우주로 보냈다. 2009년: NARO 우주 센터가 건설되어 한국에서 로켓을 발사했다. After You Read A Mapping the Content Fill in the blanks with the given expressions to complete the chronological table. Major Events in Space Exploration 1600s The invention of the telescope made astronomy more advanced. 1957 The first artificial satellite Sputnik was successfully launched. 1992 The first Korean scientific satellite was launched. 1998 Many countries joined the program of the first habitable artificial satellite. 2008 The first was sent into space. Korean astronaut B 1 우주 과학은 철학과 기술의 옛 형태다. 2 우주 공학을 발전시키는 데는 더 많은 비용이 필요하다. 3 우주 공학은 과학자들의 도움으로 발전해왔다. 4 우주에 대한 연구는 인류의 미래를 위한 커다란 잠재력을 가지고 있다. 2009 was built to launch rockets in Korea. The NARO Space Center telescope scientific The Naro Space Center Sputnik habitable Korean astronaut B Finding Main Ideas What is the main idea of the article? Space science is an old form of philosophy and technology. Much more money is needed to develop space technology. Space technology has been developed with the help of scientists. Studies on space have great potential for the future of the mankind. Beyond the Sky 163 228 각론

C Locating Details 본문을 떠올리며 주어진 문장을 True 혹은 False로 구분한다. T: Now we re going to check how well we understood the reading. Read each sentence, then check T for true and F for false. D Thinking on Your Own T: Read the following passage explaining the origin of the planets names, and answer the questions. 1 주어진 글을 읽고, 각 행성의 이름의 기원을 찾아본다. 예시답안 (1) 1 Mercury: It was named after the messenger of the gods. 2 Earth: The name of earth comes from an old English words eor(th)e which means ground. 3 Mars: It was named after the Roman god of war. 4 Jupiter: It took its name from the Romans most powerful god. 5 Saturn: It was named after the Roman god of farming. 6 Uranus: It was named after the god of Heaven. p. 164 7 Neptune: It was named after the Roman god of the sea. (2) I would call the planet Dangun because I want to show the planet is the beginning of my discovery in space. Moreover, Dangun is the progenitor of Korea. If the planet has this name, everyone would know that Korea has great history and myth. 2 자신이 화성에서 거주 시설을 건설한다고 가정하고, 일어날 수 있는 문제와 해결책을 생각해보고 이야기 나눠 본다. T: Suppose you are one of the crew members that are working to establish habitable facilities on Mars. Isn t it wonderful? However, there would be several problems. Think about these problems and talk about how to solve them. Consolidation T: We ve answered a few questions related to space exploration. We also talked about an imaginary planet that might be found and discuss the problems that we might have in space and their solutions. In the next class we ll study the vocabulary, expressions and structures in depth. C D Locating Details Read the following sentences. Check( ) T for true and F for false. T F 1 Knowledge of the stars and planets has been used for agriculture. 2 The Ming China competed with European countries in the exploration of the unknown world. 3 International cooperation was promoted to reduce the huge cost of space exploration. 4 Former competitors now work together in many areas in the ISS. 5 The public is not permitted to approach the NARO Space Center for safety reasons. Thinking on Your Own 1 Read the following passage and answer the questions. Jupiter, the largest and heaviest of the planets, was named Zeus by the Greeks and Jupiter by the Romans; he was the most important god to both people. Venus is the Roman name for the goddess of love. It was considered to be the brightest and most beautiful planet or star in the sky. Look up the origins of the names of planets and write the meaning of their names. Ex. Venus: It was named after the Roman name for the goddess of love. Mercury: Earth: Mars: Jupiter: Saturn: Uranus: Neptune: If you happen to discover a new planet, what would you call it? Why? 2 Suppose you are the crew members to establish habitable facilities on Mars. Discuss the following questions with your group. What survival problems would you face on the planet? What possible plans would you come up with to solve these problems? What would the planet be like 50 years later? C Translation 1 별과 행성에 대한 지식은 농업에 사용되었다. 2 중국의 명나라는 미지의 세계에 대한 탐험에 있어 유럽 국가들과 경쟁했다. 3 국제 협력이 우주 탐사의 막대한 비용 절감을 촉진시켰다. 4 이전의 경쟁자들이 지금은 ISS의 많은 분야에서 함께 일하고 있다. 5 안전을 위해, 일반인들은 NARO 우주 센터에 접근이 허용되지 않는다. D 2 예시답안 (1) The most serious problem would be lack of water and oxygen. The most difficult part would be wearing inconvenient spacesuit. (2) I think it would be the first thing to develop the technology to create water and oxygen with the materials in Mars. It would be the best way to develop convenient and light spacesuit. If it is not possible, I should be trained with the spacesuit and accustomed to it. (3) There might be habitable facilities with enough water and air in Mars. So, many people visit there and enjoy space life during their vacation. 164 Lesson 8 Lesson 8 Beyond the Sky 229

Lesson 8 6차시 학습 Language Focus / Culture Notes 목표: ❶ 접미사 -ary와, -some 의 쓰임을 이해하고 바르게 표현할 수 있다. ❷ 단어의 다양한 의미와 문맥 속에서의 쓰임을 이해할 수 있다. ❸ 숙어와 문장 구조를 분석하고 이해할 수 있다. 지도상의 유의점: 다양한 예시들을 통하여 어휘와 문법 이해에 도움이 되도록 한다. 수업 준비물: 교과서, CD-ROM, worksheet Introduction T: In this lesson, we are going to study new words, phrases and structures that we saw in the main text. Development T: What we are about to study is all from the main text. We are going to study those expressions and structures in depth. A Vocabulary Skills 단어에 접미사 -ary 를 붙여 ~와 관련된 이라는 의미의 형용사를 만들거나, 형용사에 -some을 붙여 ~하는 경향이 있는, ~한 자질을 가진 이라는 의미의 형용사를 만들 수 있다. T: Here we have suffixes -ary and -some. Study these and fill in the blanks with new form of the given words. B Words in Context direct의 다양한 뜻을 확인하고, 문맥에 맞는 의미를 선택하여 사용할 수 있게 지도한다. T: Many words in English have more than one meaning. If we study several meanings of a word, sentences might be more easily understood. Today we re going to study the word, direct. p. 165 Translation A 1 같은 길을 매일 걷는 것은 지루하다. 2 행성의 궤도는 별 주변에서의 행성의 움직임이다. 3 Lincoln과 Kennedy는 미국 정치에 있어 전설적인 인물들이다. 4 이집트는 웅장하고 아름다운 피라미드로 알려진 땅이다. B Language Focus A Vocabulary Skills Change the word forms and complete the sentences below with the changed words. legend trouble element planet tire awe -ary + -some legendary elementary planetary troublesome tiresome awesome 1 It is tiresome to walk the same road every day. 2 A(n) planetary orbit is the motion of a planet around a star. 3 Lincoln and Kennedy are legendary figures in American politics. 4 Egypt is a land known for its awesome pyramids. direct 1 (길을) 안내하다, 알려 주다 2 (영화를) 감독하다; (연극을) 연출하다; (악단을) 지휘하다 3 (중간에 제3자나 매개물 없이) 직접적인 1 영화나 연극을 감독하는 것은 무척 도전해 볼 만하다. 2 이 근처 우체국이 어디에 있는지 알려 주시겠어요? 3 흡연과 암 사이의 직접적인 연관성이 있는 것 같다. C 1 그들은 식품 프로그램을 운영하기 위해 기금을 모았다. 2 그 웹사이트는 지역 활동에 대한 정보를 제공한다. 3 그 메신저 프로그램에 대한 실험은 작년에 시행되었다. B C Words in Context Match the definition with the underlined word. direct [dirèk] v. to tell someone how to get to a place v. to provide guidance in the practice of a play or making a film a. done without any other people, actions, processes 1 It is very challenging to direct a film or a play. 2 Could you direct me to a post office around here, please? 3 There seems to be a direct link between smoking and cancer. Word Partners Study the expressions and fill in the blanks. Change the word form if necessary. provide + information food answer conduct + experiment survey business raise + fund hand price 1 They raised fund to run the food program. 2 The website provides information about local activities. 3 The experiment on messenger programs was conducted last year. 2 1 3 Beyond the Sky 165 230 각론

C Word Partners provide, conduct, raise의 의미를 다시 확인하고, 각 단어의 목적어로 사용할 수 있는 단어들을 생각해보게 한다. T: Look at the following words. According to the situation, each word has different objects. Read the sentences and fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words. More examples provide + raise + medical care service aid tax salary standard conduct + negotiation activity task D Expressions in Use as opposed to, on the verge of, indebted to의 의미를 다 시 확인하고 문장 중 역할과 위치에 대해 설명한 뒤 문제를 풀도 록 한다. T: In this part, you will learn the phrases from the main text. Guess the meaning of phrases in the sentences and fill in the blanks with the most appropriate expressions. 1. as opposed to: ~와는 대조적으로, ~이 아니라 2. on the verge of: ~의 직전에, 막 ~하려고 하여 3. indebted to: ~에게 은혜를 입은 E Structures in Use 소유격 관계대명사 whose와 of which의 활용법, now that의 의미, 명사와 동격인 명사절을 이끄는 접속사 that에 대한 내용 을 복습하고, 문제를 통해 각 문법 사항을 활용하는 연습을 한다. T: While reading the text, we ve already studied several useful structures. In this part, we will study more grammar, and practice given structures through answering questions. 1. of which는 소유격 관계대명사 whose 또는 접속사 + 대명사 의 소유격 으로 바꿔 쓸 수 있다. 2. now that은 ~이니까, ~이므로 라는 의미로, 새로운 사태가 이유가 될 때 쓰인다. 3. proof that ~은 that ~라는 증거 로 해석하며, 이때 접속사 that은 생략할 수 없다. p. 166 D E Expressions in Use Fill in the blanks in the sentences below. Change the word form if necessary. 1 The pursuit of knowledge keeps human society constantly moving, developing, and being creative, as opposed to being stagnant. 2 Commercial space travel is on the verge of realization. 3 The advance in technology is indebted to the competition during the Cold War. 1 She felt on the verge of bursting into tears. 2 I am deeply indebted to my family for all their help. 3 Our company produces a wide range of cell phone models, as opposed to our competitors. Structures in Use 1 The Center has a space science museum, the purpose of which is to give visitors the opportunity to understand space. = The Center has a space science museum, and its purpose is to give visitors the opportunity to understand space. 2 Now that commercial space travel is on the verge of realization, we may visit a planet soon. 3 History has sufficient proof that discovery and exploration are followed by benefits. 1 Choose the correct word to complete the sentence. Here is simple proof (that / which) he is not a person we can trust. Now (that / what) I ve finished my homework, I will have some free time. This is the famous picture, the price of (that / which) is incredibly high. Translation D 1 그녀는 금방이라도 눈물이 날 것만 같았다. 2 나는 도움을 준 나의 가족에게 은혜를 입었다. 3 우리 회사는 경쟁사와는 대조적으로 다양한 종류의 핸드폰 모델 을 생산한다. E 1 (1) 그가 믿을 수 없는 사람이라는 증거가 여기 있다. (2) 숙제를 끝냈으니, 나는 이제 자유 시간을 좀 가질 것이다. (3) 이것이 그 유명한 사진인데, 가격이 무척 비싸다. 2 그는 잡지를 읽고 있었는데, 그 책의 표지에는 아름다운 산 그림 이 있었다. 2 Fill in the blank so that the two sentences may have the same meaning. He was reading a magazine, and its cover had a picture of a beautiful mountain. = He was reading a magazine, the cover of which had a picture of a beautiful. mountain 166 Lesson 8 Lesson 8 Beyond the Sky 231

p. 167 Space Centers A space center is a home of space activity. These activities may include research, the launch of space vehicles, and the control of space vehicles in orbit. Naro Space Center (Korea) Completed in 2009, the Naro Space Center is a Korean space port on Naro Island in the south sea. The Center is equipped with the latest mission control center, flight safety control facilities, rocket assembly and test facilities, a launch pad, a landing field, and a space science museum. The Center is expected to play a central role in the nation s space development plan. Kennedy Space Center (The United States) The John F. Kennedy Space Center (KSC) is one of the bestknown NASA facilities. It has been the launch site for every United States manned space flight since 1968. KSC also operates unmanned rocket launch facilities at the nearby Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. The center is located on Merritt Island, Florida. More than ten thousand people work at the Center. Translation The Baikonur Cosmodrome (Russia) The Baikonur Cosmodrome is the launch complex where Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite, was launched. The rocket that lifted Yuri Gagarin, the first human in orbit, was also launched from this launch site. Located in the desert of Kazakhstan, it was originally built by the Soviet Union in the late 1950s as the base of operations for its space program. Under the current Russian space program, Baikonur still remains a busy space port. Visit the websites of the space centers above and check the latest event. (Ex. Launching a new satellite or spaceship) Beyond the Sky 167 Culture Notes 우주 센터 우주 센터는 우주 활동의 본거지다. 우주 활동이란 연구, 우주선 발사, 그리고 궤도 내의 우주선 통제 등을 포함한다. 나로 우주 센터 (한국) 2009년 완공된 나로 우주 센터는 남해의 나로 섬에 위치한 한국의 우주선 기지이다. 이곳은 최신 우주 비행 관제 센터와 비행 안전 통제 시설, 로켓 조립과 테스트 시설, 발사대, 발착장, 그리고 우주 과학박물관을 갖추고 있다. 나로 우주 센터는 국내 우주 개발 계획에 있어 중추적인 역할을 할 것으로 기대된다. Kennedy 우주 센터 (미국) John F. Kennedy 우주 센터(KSC)는 가장 잘 알려진 NASA 시설 중 하나이다. 1968년 이래로, 미국의 모든 유인 우주선 발사지가 되었다. KSC는 또한 Cape Canaveral 공군 기지 근처에 무인 로켓 발사 시설을 운영하고 있다. 이곳은 플로리다의 Merritt Island에 위치하고 있다. 10,000명이 넘는 인원이 근무하고 있다. Baikonur 우주선 발사 기지 (러시아) Baikonur 우주선 발사 기지는 최초의 인공위성, Sputnik 1호가 발사된 발사 시설이다. 우주 궤도에 오른 최초의 인간인 Yuri Gagarin이 탔던 로켓 역시 이곳에서 발사되었다. Kazakhstan의 사막에 위치한 이 기지는 원래 1950년대 구소련이 자국의 우주 프로그램을 위한 운용 거점으로 건설되었다. 현 Russia 우주 프로 그램에서도 Baikonur 우주센터는 여전히 분주한 우주 기지로 남아 있다. Culture Notes T: Many countries are in cooperation in order to create stations in outer space. Korea is also doing its best to face the upcoming space age. In this part of the lesson, Culture Notes introduces space centers created by Korea, the United States and Russia. Read page 167 and visit the websites of the introduced space centers and check the latest event. Tips for Teachers 우주 센터와 관련 있는 웹사이트 한국 항공우주 연구원: http://www.kari.re.kr Kennedy 우주 센터: http://www.kennedyspacecenter.com/ Baikonur 우주선 발사 기지(관련 사이트): http://www.ilslaunch.com/launch-services/baikonurcosmodrome 각 우주 센터에서 현재 진행 중이거나 최근 진행된 일들은 각 홈페이지의 보도 자료를 보면 알 수 있다. More Websites about Space Exploration NASA provides educators and students alike with opportunities to obtain educational resources, expand their knowledge, and explore deeper into science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, through many educational websites. Educator Features and Articles: http://www.nasa.gov/audience/foreducators/index.html NASA Teaching Materials Search: http://search.nasa.gov/search/edfiltersearch.jsp/ empty=true NASA Science for Educators: http://science.nasa.gov/educators/ NASA Student Resources: http://www.nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/index.html http://www.kennedyspacecenter.com/educational-resources.aspx Consolidation T: So, have you found any news about upcoming events from the websites? It would be good for you to visit the center and participate in the event. Today we reviewed on vocabularies and structures that we saw in the main text. Make sure you fully understand and remember what we ve learned. I ll see you next class. 232 각론

Lesson 8 7차시 학습 Writing Task 목표: ❶ 문제를 통해 짧은 글을 간추려볼 수 있다. ❷ 빈 칸을 채워 주어진 문장을 다른 말로 바꾸어 쓸 수 있다. 지도상의 유의점: 기존에 알고 있는 단어를 이용해 쉽게 바꾸어 써보도록 격려한다. 수업 준비물: 교과서, CD-ROM Introduction T: In this part of the lesson, we are going to learn how to write a summary that includes the most important information. Summaries include key words and sentences of the article. Thus, in order to summarize the article, you should know the main idea and the main sentence. Development T: When we read articles, it is necessary to summarize in your own words by paraphrasing in order to talk about the article. It is also important for you to understand the article well. Read the passage and underline the main points and then answer the question. Writing Goal 쓰기 목표: 요약하여 쓰기 1. 글의 주제를 찾는다. 2. 핵심 단어와 핵심 문장을 찾는다. 3. 자신만의 표현으로 바꾸어서 요약한다. Reading for Writing A 주어진 글을 읽고 중심 내용에 밑줄을 친 다음, 질문에 답하게 한다. T: Read the passage, underline the main points, and answer the questions below. p. 168 Writing Task Writing Goal Writing a Summary Write a summary that includes the most important information. 1. Find the topic of the reading passage. 2. Locate key words and key sentences. 3. Write the summary in your own words by paraphrasing. Reading for Writing A While reading the following passage, underline the main points, and then answer the questions. The Christmas and New Year holidays were a nice break from our work on the International Space Station. Though we spent most of the holidays catching up on sleep, writing e-mails and watching movies, the most exciting thing we did was to call friends and family on a special phone linked to the Internet. Making a phone call from space to Earth is very expensive, so it is allowed only on special occasions. The phone calls not only eased our loneliness but also gave us a lot of fun in listening to the receivers surprise when we said we were calling from space. 1 Choose the sentences that include the main points. and and and and Translation A (a) 크리스마스와 새해 휴가는 국제 우주 정거장에서의 훌륭한 휴식이었다. (b) 비록 대부분의 휴일을 밀린 잠을 자고, e-mail을 쓰고 영화를 보며 보내기는 했지만, 가장 우리를 신나게 했던 것은 인터넷으로 연결된 특별 전화로 친구와 가족에게 전화를 했던 일이다. (c) 우주에서 지구로 전화를 거는 것은 매우 비싸서 특별한 경우에만 허용된다. (d) 전화는 우리의 외로움을 달래줄 뿐 아니라, 우주에서 전화를 걸고 있다고 말할 때 수신자들의 놀라는 소리를 듣는 것도 아주 재미있었다. A 2 국제 우주 정거장에서의 휴일에 우리는 지구에 있는 가족과 친구 들에게 전화를 한다는 것에 신이 났다. 전화는 위안과 재미를 동시에 주었다. 2 The following is an example summary of the passage. Fill in the blanks with your own words to complete it. On holidays on the International Space Station, we were excited about to our friends and family on Earth. The calls were both. 168 Lesson 8 a making phone calls b comforting and fun Lesson 8 Beyond the Sky 233