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KAIST 경영대학, KAIST 경영대학 KCB 좋아요 Festival SPECIAL ZONE 콧대 높은 해외대학들, 경영 교육 받으러 KAIST 경영대학에 오다 Doing Business in KOREA INSIGHT ZONE 즐거움을 찾아 나를 찾아 떠나는 축제, 글로벌 리더 양 성 장학후원 우수 석학 세 계수준 연구 후 원 학생 집중 연 구시설 구축 후 원 우리는 왜 축제를 찾아가는 걸까? GLOBAL ZONE Unforgettable Memories in Seoul, the City which Never Sleeps POWER ZONE KAIST 경영대학 입학설명회 성황리에 마쳐 SCTL 학회, KAIST 경영대학을 방문하다 INSIDE ZONE To beco me the best bus in Asia iness sc, and th hool e top 20 b school i usiness n the w orld by 2025 이 약정 서를 채 우시고, 사진 촬 영 후 16 66-324 9로 문자 문의: 0 2-958전송 하 3249, n 면 rju 우리 교수님은 BJ? 아프리카TV를 통한 KAIST 경영대학 교육 콘텐츠 방송 시작 끝! ng@bu siness.k aist.ac.k r 정나래 KAIST 경 영대학 대외협력 실 2 Vol.22 No.3 2015 AUTUMN

Contents 2015 Autumn 04 20 24 40 SPECIAL ZONE GLOBAL ZONE POWER ZONE INSIDE ZONE 04 16 24 32 18 34 06 20 22 26 28 29 30 36 BOOK REVIEW 38 KCB News 40 31 ALUMNI ZONE 41 INSIGHT ZONE 43 06 blue@business.kaist.ac.kr a1101083@business.kaist.ac.kr yoohc1990@business.kaist.ac.kr sy09334n@business.kaist.ac.kr saebomlee@business.kaist.ac.kr md23@business.kaist.ac.kr 08 10 12 14 csy5768@business.kaist.ac.kr Vol.22 No.3 2015 732015 11 2KAIST KAIST 85 www.business.kaist.ac.kr02-958-308702-958-3088 T 02-3447-7601 www.oikwak.com

Autumn 2015 05 SPECIAL ZONE MIPT-KAIST Discovery Expedition Program IIMB-EPGP International Immersion Program

Autumn 2015 07 ä INSIGHT ZONE

Autumn 2015 09 INSIGHT ZONE

INSIGHT ZONE 11 Autumn 2015

Autumn 2015 13 Aloha hawaii INSIGHT ZONE AUTUMN FESTIVAL Octoberfest

Autumn 2015 15 INSIGHT ZONE Q Q Q Q Q

GLOBAL ZONE 17 Unforgettable Memories in Seoul, the City which Never Sleeps Review of Doing Business in Korea Programs IIMB-EPGP International Immersion Program (India) First of all, we, the class of 2016 EPGP in Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (IIMB) would like to thank all the welcome, care and attention we received from KAIST College of Business. All the staff and students we met during the program were all extremely helpful. The program stupendously mixes learning and fun to make for a wholesome and unforgettable experience. MIPT-KAIST Discovery Expedition Program (Russia) The trip left some bright positive impressions, showed a different and better world we should look forward to. The module was filled with visits of modern successful innovative enterprizes that gave us a deeper understanding of the various organization forms and interaction at creating a complex product and / or system. It was an unforgettable experience that is wished to implement at our enterprises. A lot of thanks to professors Kim and Park for the quality of provided knowledge. I also want to thank the administration of the KAIST for the created favorable conditions for training and positive impressions of South Korea. Kostina Nadezhda The unique knowledge and experience of Asian colleagues and future partners (as I hope) were obtained... We got to know with a different culture and a history of success like "How to arrange everything from nothing"; the sources of the high economic growth of the country; education in the top university; the world-renowned manufacturers of cars and marine vessels for various purposes. Parfyonov Leonid The program is perfectly positioned during the third term of EPGP, right after the completion of core courses. It was a pleasant experience to visit a top business school in a culture rich country like Korea, and to listen to top business leaders of the Korean industry. Not only that we got an understanding of the Korean culture and the way of doing business in Korea, we also got a chance to work on challenging business problems faced by corporates, giving us a chance to apply the business concepts we learned in our core class. Abdul Rashid Shaikh Samsung Innovation Museum Company Visit The program is an experience that I will cherish forever. It was a perfect mix of lectures, industry visits and cultural activities that ensured maximum learning with minimal workload. Prof. Betty Chung and her team did a commendable job of hosting us in Korea and made us feel at home. The program was useful in enhancing my understanding of Korea and its business environment and how we can leverage it to build a strong relationship between India and Korea. I would highly recommend this program to other students. Magizhan Selvan PROGRAM It was a very entertaining and informative trip; an interesting and useful training at KAIST. I wanted to understand the level of education in these institutions, and it was very gratifying, that it corresponds to ours. Professor Bowon Kim certainly was the best! I liked a friendly, welcoming, orderly and caring attitude of the host country. Everything was organized at a very high level. There were interesting excursions, comfortable trip, delicious meals, which was also important)). In general, there was a constant care and attention, along with a good educational program and interesting excursions. I also liked the final ceremony with presenting certificates, it was quite solemn and nice. So far this is the best of the educational program I has ever been involved in. Tulinov Aleksandr Autumn 2015

GLOBAL ZONE 19 Field Trip to UC Irvine & Silicon Valley UC Irvine Stanford University Autumn 2015


Autumn 2015 23 GLOBAL ZONE Q Q Q Job in China


POWER ZONE 27 Q Q Q Q Q Q Autumn 2015


Autumn 2015 31 POWER ZONE


INSIDE ZONE 35 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Autumn 2015

Autumn 2015 37 37 37 INSIDE ZONE

Autumn 2015 39 Autumn 2015 39 KCB News

Autumn 2015 41 ALUMNI ZONE ALUMNI ZONE Date Venue Program INSIDE ZONE

ALUMNI ZONE 43 Q 1995.3 ~ 2015.7 1 Q 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 25.5 205200 600 600 600 600 600 24.5 2015.8 ~ 10 10 3 31 29 132 Q 270-003359-01-005 02-958-3082, nrjung@business.kaist.ac.kr Autumn 2015