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韓 國 敎 育 요 약

학술 논문.,......,.,,,......., (, 1999)..

...,.,.,,,.,,,,, (, 1990).,,. (,, 1999)...,...,,,.,,.,.. (, 1999),,.,

학술 논문....,., (, 1998).., (Keeves, 1997)...,...,.,,.,... (, 1970).

.,,,,,.,,,,...,,,,,.. 7,.,,,,.,,..,,,,,... (, 1998).,,.

학술 논문,,,,. (, 2000).,,. 7( )., 3 6, 3-6, 1, 2, 1. ( )..,.,... (2, 138-139), (2, 43).,..,,,,,

.,,..,.,., 119,,,,.,,,.....-(Hilty, C).... -(Ford), 430, 50.,

학술 논문, 81.,,,, 10. 39, 32, 21, 19, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 11.,,,,,,,,, 4,,,,,,,,,, 1.. 1984 1,200, 199214,000. 120,715...., (56). 56,. 32..,,.,,,,,,,,,.,. 430 347(80.7%), 52,

29, 12.,,,,...,,, 1. 2.....,. (prosumer). 1 (producer) (consumer)....,.,,,,,

학술 논문 (, 1999).,.,......,,,,.,.,.. 5, 2.., (, 1999)..

, (1984),,. (2000), (1999),,. (1999),,,,,, (1998),,. (1994),,. (1990),,. (1993),,. (1985),,. (19980,,.,,,, (1986),,. (1999),,. (2001), &,., (1984),,., (1989),,,.,,, (1998),,.,(1998),,. (1970),,. Bayles, M. D.(1995), Proffessional Ethics,, Hall, Richard H (1975), Occupations and the Social Structure, Englewood Cliffs, N. J Prentiice Hall, Inc. Keeves, J. P.(1997), The Methods of Educational Inquiry, Educational Research, Methodology and MeasurementAn International Handbook(2nd edt.) AustraliaPergamon.

학술 논문 Abstract The objective of this study is to suggest an approach to establish desirable work ethics in various work environment of 21st century by analyzing morality text books. The nature and contents of 7th morality curriculum in Korea focuses on vocational aspects in our daily life and the content of the curriculum is reflected to the textbook. For this reason, the present study attempted to analyze the morality textbook and suggest the desirable ways of present vocations in the textbooks. The text books analyzed were 3rd grade through 6th grade 'morality' and 'life guide in elementary school, 1st and 2nd grade morality in middle school, 1st grade morality inhigh school. The 3rd grade morality in middle school was excluded, because it is under 6th curriculum. The aspects of analysis were the sorts of vocation, the gender in each vocation and episodes presented with regard to each vocation. The results of analysis are following. First, there are four styles of the presentation in morality text book with regard to vocation 1) The most textbooks explain work ethics directly. 2) The vocations were introduced to suggest values and ethics at work. 3) The vocation is introduced to suggest the cases of the people who do their best in vocation. 4) The pictures and illustrations of various vocations were presented. Second, the cases of the vocations were approximately 430 and the categories of the vocation were 50. The teacher was the most frequently presented and the philosopher, the second. Politicians, soldiers, businessmen, athletes are also frequently presented.

Third, the gender proportions show that males were 347(80.7%), females were 52, the co-occurrences of male and female were 29 and the cases of no distinctions were 12. On the basis of these results, following suggestions for the improvement of the textbook with regard to vocations are made. First, we need to show various jobs in textbook. Second, avoidance of negative connotation on vocations need to be eliminated. Third, the prejudice in gender role in vacations should be avoided. Fourth, positive attitudes in vocational life need to be emphasized.

학술 논문 3-1 3-1,,,,,, 119, (2)

3-2 3-2 (3) 625 (2),

학술 논문 4-1, 4-1

4-2 4-1,,, 30

학술 논문 5,,,,,,,,, (2)

625, 5 4,,,

학술 논문 6 (2),,,,,,,

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1 119 (2),,, (2), (2), (2), ( 2),, (7),,, (2) (2) (3),,

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1 (4) (4),,,,,,,, (3),, (3),,,

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