Telephone Expressions Introducing yourself if the person you are calling doesn t know you 1. Good morning/afternoon, this is Mr. Lee from KMA. Could I please speak with Mr. Smith? 2. Hello, this is Ju-Hyeong from KMA. May I please speak to Ms. Franks? 3. Hello, my name is Mr. Kim from KMA. Could I please speak to Francis? 4. Hello, this is Paul calling for Mr. Kim. 5. Hi, this is Patrick. Is Mr. Lee in / there? Introducing yourself if the person you are calling knows you 1. Good afternoon / morning, Mr. Smith. This is Ju-Hyeong from KMA calling. 2. Hi Mr. Kim, this is Richard. How are you today? 3. This is Ju-Hyeong from KMC 4. It s Peter, from FSS 5. Hi, Mr. Kim? This is Patrick. Answering the phone 1. Good morning/afternoon, G5 Racing, this is Mr. Smith. How may I help you? 2. Bridgestone, this is Peter. 3. This is Financial Supervisory Service, Peter speaking. 4. Peter speaking.
If the caller asks for you by name 1. This is Patrick 2. This is he / she. 3. Speaking. Asking for someone 1. May I please speak to Mr. Nolan? 2. Could I please speak with Ms. Smith? 3. Could you please transfer me to Frank Smith? 4. Could you put me through to John Elliot? 5. I was wondering if I could speak with Mr. Elliot? 6. Can I please speak to Ms. Smith? 7. Is Frank there? 8. Can I have extension number 264, please? Why you are calling 1. I m calling in response to 2. I m calling about 3. I am calling to 4. The reason I am calling is, I was just wondering if 5. I was just calling about 6. I m just returning your call. 7. I m returning your call. 8. I got a message that I should call you. 9. I got a message to call you.
How to reply when someone is not available 1. I m sorry, but Mr. Kim is away from his desk. 2. I m afraid Mr. Kim isn t available at the moment. 3. I m afraid Mr. Kim isn t here at the moment. 4. I m sorry, but Mr. Kim is out at the moment. 5. I m sorry, but Mr. Kim is not in right now. 6. I m sorry, but Mr. Kim isn t in at the moment. 7. I m sorry, but Mr. Kim is on another call at the moment. 8. I m afraid Mr. Kim s line is busy. 9. I m sorry, but Mr. Kim is on another call right now. Taking a message 1. Would you like to leave a message? 2. Would you care to leave a message? 3. May I take a message? 4. Could I take a message? 5. Can I take a message? 6. Do you want to leave a message? 7. Does he have your phone number? 8. Does she have your email? 9. Does he know how to reach you? After taking the message 1. I ll be sure to give him the message. 2. I ll be sure to let him know you called. 3. I ll give him the message as soon as he s /she s off the phone.
If you didn t hear or don t understand what was said 1. I m sorry, could you please repeat that? 2. Could you please repeat that? 3. Could you please speak a little louder? 4. Could you please speak a little slower? 5. I m sorry, but could you please speak a little more slowly? 6. I m sorry, but I m having a little trouble hearing you. Could you please repeat that? 7. I beg your pardon. 8. Pardon me. Clarifying what your caller says 1. So let me make sure I understand you correctly 2. Can I just repeat that back to you to make sure I understood you correctly. 3. Can you please spell that for me? 4. How do you spell your last name? 5. And the company name again was, KMA? 6. Let me repeat your information to make sure I got it right. 7. Could I just repeat that to make sure I got it right?
Ending a call 1. It was nice speaking with you. 2. It was nice talking to you. 3. It s been nice talking to you. 4. It s been great talking with you. 5. Have a nice day / week / evening / weekend. 6. Thanks for calling. I ll speak with you again soon. 7. I had better let you go. 8. I ve got to get going. I ll talk to you soon. 9. Thanks for all your help. 10. Thanks for the help. 11. I ll get back to you as soon as 12. I think that s all, thanks. 13. I think that s about it. 14. Was there anything else I could help you with? 15. Is there anything else I can do for you? 16. I won t keep you any longer. 17. I ll talk to you soon.
Cell phone problems If the connection is bad 1. I m sorry, but the connection seems to be bad, can I call you right back? 2. I m sorry, but I think we have a bad connection; can I call you back on my office line? Dropped calls 1. Hello, this is Patrick again. I guess we got cut off. 2. Hello, this is Patrick again, sorry about that. Apparently we got cut off. 3. Hi, it s Pat again, I think we got cut off. Fading signal 1. I m sorry, I m losing you. Can I call you back when I have a better signal on my phone? 2. I m sorry, my signal is fading. Can I call you back as soon as I can? 3. We are breaking up. Can I call you back when I have a better signal? 4. I m having a hard time hearing you. Can I call you back when I have a stronger signal? Getting low or dead battery 1. I m sorry, my battery is getting low. Can I call you back? 2. Sorry, my battery is running out. Can I please call you back? 3. I m really sorry, but my battery is about to run out. Can I please call you back? 4. Hello, this is Patrick again. I m really sorry, my battery died.
남들 휴가 갈 때 나는 내공을 키우리라! 영어-Essential Business English 과정, OA-엑셀PPT 단기집중공략과정 개설! KMA 여름특별기획 과정은 하계 휴가기간을 활용하여 평소 부족하다고 느꼈던 비즈니스 영 어 실력과 OA역량을 향상시키고자 하는 여러분들을 위한 과정입니다. 8월 5일~7일, 단 3일 동안 여러분들은 EBE(Essential Business English) 과정을 통해 업무전반에 필요한 비즈니스 영어소통에 관한 모든 것과 자신감을 갖게 해주는 비법을 학습하고, OA과정을 통해 업무에 바로 통하는 엑셀과 PPT 문서작성 스킬을 업그레이드 시킬 수 있습니다. 영어과정과 OA과정은 개별과정으로서 각각 3일 24시간으로 진행됩니다. 과정별 주요내용 안내 - EBE : 영문법, 이메일, 전화소통, 일상업무 회화, 설득, 협상,영어적 사고, 바디랭귀지 - OA : 엑셀 기본, 함수, 데이터베이스, PPT기본, 도형도해, 애니메이션, 멀티미디어 활용 *신청방법 KMA홈페이지 교육 컨설팅 좌측하단 Hot Issue 여름특별기획 과정 영어 과정의 일부인 유용한 영어 전화표현 을 여러분들의 비즈니스 영어학습을 위해 제공하고자 하오니 출력하시어 활용하시기 바랍니다. 영어과정 담당교수 : Brian Stuart University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A. Salzburg College, Salzburg, Austria Linton Global College, Hannam University, Daejon_Assistant Professor eboyoung s Dictionary of English Conversational Expressions EBS; Winglish, Inc.; icollege; Pagoda Language Institute; Darakwon OA과정 담당교수 : 류혜숙 KMA OA부문 담당교수 정보기기운용기능사 E-TEST SK그룹 임원대상IT 교육, SK C&C 신입사원 OA교육, 솔믹스 엑셀교육, AMK Office2010 교육, SK그룹포탈 교육, STS반도체 통신, 현대하이스코 외 다수 영어과정 문의: KMA 인재개발PU 임채욱 팀장 Tel.: 02)3274-9372 Email: OA과정 문의 : KMA 인재개발PU 안수정 선임연구원 Tel.: 02)3274-9269 Email: