0강 0강 0강 0강 0강 교재명 0 EBS 수능완성 [유형편] 첫문장 Your name was given to me by Leanne Marquis, who I understand has worked with you on several promotional proje

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여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장


자료 활용 방법 일단 첫 문장만 보고도 전체 내용이 떠오를 수 있느냐 하는 점입니다. 첫 줄 읽는 순간 익숙한 느낌과 함께 주제가 생각이 난다면 8할은 먹고 들어가는 겁니다. 그 연습을 영어 첫 문장 모음 도표로 하는 것입니다. 첫 문장만 읽어도 내용이 생각나면 일단 넘어갑니다. 생각이 나지 않으면 영어 핵심문장을 읽어 봅니다. (핵심문장이 첫 문장과 같은 경우도 있습니다.) 그래도 전체적인 내용이 remind 되지 않으면 옆의 빈칸에 표시를 해두고 EBS 본 교재로 반드시 복습을 하셔야 합니다. 한글 한줄요약만 보면서 공부하는 것은 되도록 지양하고 시험 직전에 전체 내용을 빠르게 상기해볼 때만 활용하도록 합니다. 표가 많을수록 중요한 지문이므로 우선적으로 복습하도록 합니다. - -

0강 0강 0강 0강 0강 교재명 0 EBS 수능완성 [유형편] 첫문장 Your name was given to me by Leanne Marquis, who I understand has worked with you on several promotional projects. Once again we have had to hire someone to clean our rain gutters, which have become clogged with leaves from the maple tree on your property that hangs over into our yard It's always permissible to try to make the acquaintance of an appealing stranger in a public place, as long as you do so politely and stop immediately if your attempts at self-introduction are not reciprocated. Jean Piaget is perhaps the leading child psychologist today. He has written over forty volume and hundreds of articles dealing with the ways in which a child learns to understand the world. Processes that systematize product development and launch, including the need for accurate knowledge about customers and market, are all to the good, of course. It was so good to meet you at your studio in North Carolina last month. Now although academic freedom is primarily designed for the teachers and senior scholars in a university or college, it also extends in considerable degree to students. In our early days or when we are starting a new discipline, it is to be radical, to make large advances; everything is open and fluid, the return on a little labor are great. The strange modern idea that forests are just trees and that a monocultured stand of Eucalyptus genetically engineered to express pesticides is the same thing as an ancient community of trees, fungi, flowers, animals, birds and all the other living things and products a complete forest would provide, is certainly one of the most striking symptoms of how disconnected our modern culture has become from the reality of nature. There have been no miracle babies born with the ability to reveal to us the dark mysteries of life before birth, but we do know something about the physical life of the fetus. We know that its biological needs are taken care of instantly and automatically by an exchange of fluids between it and its mother. Every time you go on a film interview, it seems the question comes up: Do you have any film on you? The idea for the Belly Button Rule was initially discovered in a study by W. T. James in the 90s. (고난도) As the backwashing water slides down the surface of the beach its velocity increases and the surface sand grains are lifted into suspension. Climate is part of geography. In one classic experiment, divers learned lists of words in two environments, on dry land and underwater. From the earliest days of agriculture, humans have been transporting seeds, plants, and animals from some locations on the planet to others. One reason we so often avoid change and settle for the status quo is that change involves loss. Ever wonder why superficial paper cuts often hurt more than serious cuts? (고난도) Certain key positions in your company may have revolving-door loyalty. Eleven-year-old Cindy comes home and sees Eve, her nine-year-old sister, wearing her sweater again after Cindy had asked Eve not to borrow it. Trish had gone out and left her dog, Butchie, in her apartment, safely locked in the kitchen behind a baby gate, like she always did. Once upon a time back in the early 990s the acclaimed movie director Stanley Kubrick began hearing stories through his assistant about a man who was pretending to be him. Halina watched her mother leave, and crept into the room. She picked up the silken shawl and put it round her shoulders. Laura went downtown on State Street. As she passed by an alley, Laura noticed a woman sitting by a box. Two weeks before John Assaraf s son Keenan started kindergarten, John took Keenan up to the kindergarten building and looked through the window with him. Off in the distance General Longstreet picked up a conversation between two men. Mere involvement and simple acceptance do not necessarily lead to the development of authentic self-esteem because they can convey the mistaken impression that self-esteem is automatic, not earned. A fascinating approach called the Love Machine was developed at Linden Lab, the company behind the virtual world Second Life. Debates about performance enhancement arise in music as well as in sports, and take a similar form. One of the first great bursts of scientific reasoning took place in Miletus, a city-state on the coast of what is now Turkey, in around 0 B.C., where a group of Ionian philosophers were among the first to believe that people could understand the universe using logic rather than mythology and religion If we attempt to specify the ways in which human beings are unique and different from other animal species, we must quickly conclude that most, if not all, differences are in degree, not in kind. As a solution to the mental degradation caused by the division of labor, Adam Smith recommended the encouragement of universal public schooling, largely at government expense, so that even those in the lower ranks of society could acquire the essential skills of reading, writing, and arithmetic. Our delusion that happiness comes from the things that we desire, and that therefore by desiring and acquiring more things we will become more happy, is a vicious circle. 06강 Today s dominant worldviews and institutions emerged during the early Industrial Revolution, when - -

07강 08강 09강 0강 강 강 the world was still relatively empty of humans and their built infrastructure. At some time in their lives most people pause to reflect on their own moral principles and on the practical implications of those principles, and they sometimes think about what principles people should have or which moral standards can be best justified. Choosing a good research design involves more than just selecting a particular method. It is sometimes easy to get knocked off your target by the other party during a negotiation. A basis of influence with special relevance to personal relationships and groups is referent power. For the technology to cross the chasm, it must appeal to users with less strong motivations. Before developing invention designs, inventors likely first identify the intended function of the invention. Early on, I was identified as an artist but had a talent for biology as well. The Massachusetts-based company Advanced Cell Technology is planning to clone certain dead creatures to bring them back to life. The engines roared, and the plane started to take off. Now we were airborne. The large wood door closed with a bang behind Evangeline. What an amazing weekend Marshall keeps surprising me! Bouncing off the rocky bottom of the reef, I scratched my way towards the surface for air, gasping for breath as my head broke the water. At the Christmas season I d expected a modest office party, dinners with Jack s clients, maybe a simple reception at Matt and Claire s, but none of those happened. Giant Used Book Sale AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAM FOR TEENS The graph above shows the percentage of workers by occupation who had access to paid sick leave, paid vacations, and paid holidays in the United States in March 0. Discover Astronomy (고난도) The graph above shows the supply of providers in the five long-term care services sectors by their geographic distribution in the United States in 0. The graph shows American teachers in Chicago hold a notion of the ideal teacher that is very different from that held by Chinese teachers in Beijing. The graph above shows poverty rates among six regions over the period from 990 to 008. Tardies: What you need to know Waterskiing at Willen Lake (고난도) The graph above shows the trends in international coauthorship on research articles in the science and engineering fields among four selected countries and the EU from 989 to 009. Alexander von Humboldt was the scion of a wealthy Prussian family. Tamási Áron, a Hungarian writer and politician, was born into a Szekler peasant family in 897. During medieval times, Oceanic people essentially lived in Neolithic societies and had no money economy like what was found in Western Europe and Asia. Invented over 0,000 years ago, the atlatl or spear thrower is a notched, wooden hunting device used to extend the normal range and overall throwing power of a dart or spear. The greatest room for music and opera in the world bar none was Frank Lloyd Wright s assessment of the Auditorium Theatre of Roosevelt University. (고난도) The Katsura Palace is located near the Katsura River, to the southwest of the imperial city of Kyoto in Japan. Having failed to sign up for a frequent-flyer program and then made a,000-mile round-trip flight, we are reluctant to sign up when given the opportunity again. Ernest Hemingway developed a way of writing in which he would write a story and then omit several pages at the beginning, theorizing that something omitted can affect the reader as if it were there. A major change happened in South Africa in 99 the year of the first democratic elections, the year that brought Nelson Mandela s party into power. The use of motion in movie composition can be positive Physicians are too rarely aware of their patients need for purpose and meaning of life New technologies seldom have just a single impact, and there s no contradiction in believing that online tools can both enhance and reduce intelligence. As video became part of the day-to-day production and promotion of popular music during the 980s, the initial response of many performers, fans and commentators was to argue that it was trivializing music. In guaranteeing access to decent health care, education, drinking water, and sanitation, there is no substitute for the state. This has been as true historically as it is today. For two reasons, there will be a modest return towards making goods which can be repaired, rather than replaced. The mind sees its job as rejecting what is presently going on in order to bring about a better future. On the screen, seeing an action and hearing its accompanying sounds adds little but a characteristic realism to the import of a scene. It is much easier and much more effective to switch the standards of comparison The process of discovering the truth and its impacts is inherently good theater. In the symbiotic relationship in which the infant is programmed to continue with his mother, skin contact plays a fundamental role. 강 Cave paintings in Europe were produced by hunter-gatherer communities in the later stages of the - -

Ice Age. While it may be distressing to scientists who would rather avoid public disputes it s true conflict and controversy sell. Recent history shows that consumers do sometimes make purchases requiring them to pay more for goods or services which embody values that appeal to them. Without question, voting with your feet is the ultimate punishment that we as individuals can exact on a community. It actually threatens the viability of any society. General psychology suggests the general principles underlying the study of man s perception, sensation, thinking, memory, attention, learning and other mental activities, nervous system, etc. (고난도) A special feature of the real estate rental market is its tendency to undergo a prolonged contraction phase, more so than with manufactured products. 9평 Some studies suggest that young infants understand some important regularities about intentional actions. Change blindness occurs because the system that processes visual information assumes the world is stable and predictable. As with any other area of the yard, it is important to first determine the status of your lawn s soil food web. 강 There are often good reasons for coining new terms. Von Uexküll was one of the first scientists to emphasize the point that an animal is capable of perceiving only a limited portion of its external environment, that is, its umwelt ( world as perceived ). (고난도) Historically, the criteria used to define the developing world have focused largely on economic growth, with little concern for questions of equity, sustainability, productivity, or empowerment. The primary distinction between science and pseudoscience is based on the notion of testable and refutable hypotheses. The African honey guide is an unusual bird with a peculiar taste for beeswax, a substance that is more difficult to digest even than cellulose. To a large degree, growth is a discovery process. Profits provide entrepreneurs with a strong incentive to develop better products, adopt improved technologies quickly, and figure out better 강 ways of doing things. Many of the symptoms of anxiety disorders are in your head, including obsessive thoughts, chronic worry, and irrational fears that can make daily life miserable. One day, as Mendeleyev was working on a new chemistry text, he decided to make a set of about 60 cards on which he wrote the names and properties of the known elements. (고난도) The cobra lily hides in the bogs and marshes of northern California and southern Oregon, as deadly, in its own way, as its reptilian namesake. Our minds may have evolved domain-specific talents, but they are not simply a handful of capacities that have nothing to do with one another. In multi-source feedback systems, or 60 degree feedback systems, ratings from various raters are combined. Animals generally join groups in order to avoid predation, to obtain adequate amounts of food, or to protect themselves against other members of their own species 6강 Whoever said there is no such thing as a bad idea has never participated in an idea generation session. There are plenty of bad ideas that are impractical and costly. A breakdown in communication is one of the most popular designations of conflict. Comparing one s performance with past performances is a very informative way of indicating whether one s competencies are increasing, staying the same, or decreasing. Online news is not tied to a printer s schedule or specific broadcast slot, which means that it can be presented twenty-four hours, seven days a week. Science is sometimes taken to be the sum total of all the facts, definitions, theories, techniques, and relationships found in all of the individual scientific disciplines. When two people have a conversation, the person who is speaking generally makes various gestures coordinated in timing and in meaning with the words being spoken. Hints, hesitation and vagueness can all be strategies for avoiding rudeness for showing sensitivity to another person s vulnerabilities, or perhaps for shielding from view one s awareness of such vulnerabilities. 7강 A particularly clear illustration of the fact that mobbing signals of the prey individual have evolved to influence the behavior of predators occurs in California ground squirrels. We show discomfort when we do not like what is happening to us, when we do not like what we are seeing or hearing, or when we are compelled to talk about things we would prefer to keep hidden. Your body is an engine that burns nutrients and turns them into energy. No scientist would claim that anything is absolutely true. If your value system does not agree with the sense of reward that others are receiving for their behavior, you may judge or criticize them, scratch your head at their motivation, or just decide they are insane Some years ago, a psychologist named Richard Lippa called a group of introverts to his lab and asked them to act like extroverts while pretending to teach a math class. How does vision integrate with other senses? In reality, we all read the lips of others every day, 8강 without realizing it. Suppose you are one of a large group of participants in a study and for your time and trouble, you are given either a coffee mug or a nice pen. Dinosaurs dominated the world 6 million years ago, until a comet 6 miles in diameter streaking 0 miles per second slammed into the Earth. (고난도) Wouldn t it be nice if you could go back and undo the damage done at some of the critical moments in your life? 9강 Before making any decision, be sure that you haven t unnecessarily forced yourself into a corner. - -

0강 ~ Did you know that you can t trust even your most precious memories? ~ The bird brain can perform feats while sleeping, of which we can only dream namely, it can stay awake. One night, after ordering my usual margherita pizza at a restaurant near home, I said to Allison, my very young waitress: And please, add a few anchovies. ~ Once upon a time there was a woman called Mira who had beautiful thoughts ~6 Carnegie, the great steel mogul of the late nineteenth century, tells a story about the banker J. P. Morgan in his autobiography. 회 회 교재명 0 EBS 수능완성 [편] 첫문장 8 A currently popular attitude is to blame technology or technologists for having brought on the environmental problems we face today, and thus to try to slow technological advance by halting economic growth. 9 Anyone who looks at mass communication as a social institution cannot fail to note the tremendous push and pull of public interests and tastes on the institution. 0 There are times in everyone s life when several crises hit you at once and multiple priorities converge. Thank you for writing regarding your unfortunate accident. There is a story of the motorist who lost his way and stopped at a garage to ask for directions. Time use is a mechanism for defining relationships For centuries the English have regarded the French as unnecessarily talkative, to the point where they seem to spend all their time talking, simply for its own sake. People are sometimes surprised at the suggestion that they demonstrate respect for people they work with. Some protest, A person has to earn my respect. 6 The graph above shows the breakdown of total urban solid waste, particularly focusing on domestic waste, of the state of New South Wales, Australia. 9평 7 Visiting Muir Woods 8 All Willmar Opportunity Scholarship 9 Edward Elgar (87-9), a renowned English composer, learned music mostly from his father, an organist and piano tuner, and on his own. 0 For many years, researchers have investigated the subject of humor and tried to define what is behind it and which different kinds of humor do exist. Mere lack of food is not enough to cause famine; a famine is usually worsened by political intent In one study, participants were asked to videotape a lesson for preschool children. The alternatives to reason have always been a bit suspect, as if they were both inferior to, and less legitimate than, the appeal to reason. Mannerism had started in Italy and by the late sixteenth century was influencing most painters from Parma to Prague, but the tide was turning against its false aesthetic. A large number of traffic accidents occur on the circular exit ramps of interstate highways. 6 As painful as hard economic times have been for hospitals, some good things have come of the ferocious economic competition. 7 The most normal and competent child encounters what seem like insurmountable problems in living 8 Krebs and Davies identified some ways in which predators can become more successful at catching prey. 9 I was working for a tour company, The Planet, in Oakland. 0 In a recent study, Klucharev scanned brain areas related to a task that induced conformism in judgments of facial attractiveness. ~ A significant underlying feature of a ritual is that it can be public or shared with others in some ways. ~ Four-year-old James asks Mac for a turn with the truck Mac is playing with. Mac says no. After a few thousand years of continuous interchange between the external uses of mathematics 8 and its internal structure, these two aspects of the subject have become so densely interwoven that picking them apart is almost impossible. 9 Most babies appear bowlegged and pigeon-toed. 0 Most people could be forgiven for thinking that human beings are, generation by generation, growing inexorably taller. I have reviewed all of the information you sent me about the restaurant you plan to open in town. Cotton is the world s most polluting crop. A friend of mine is an artist. Cyrene, the original capital of ancient Cyrenaica (now eastern Libya), was one of the greatest of Greek colonies. Early humans evolved to survive on the plains of Africa. 6 The above graph shows the percentage of seventh-graders who were deemed proficient on standardized writing tests from 00 to 0. 7 Summer Food Drive 0 8 SEA ADVENTURE PARK 9 The Moche culture dates from around 00 BC to AD 700. - -

회 회 0 I like to use the phrase positive discipline to refer to using your authority in positive ways, either to broaden your child s horizons or to reward good behavior. Decisions must be made in times of uncertainty. The concept of skill has its primary use in the performance of relatively restricted types of tasks typically, but not exclusively, requiring hand-eye coordination and/or manual dexterity. Interestingly, an April 00 article in the Chicago Tribune reported that a study linked sports participation with success among women executives. Among the most important determinants of the psychological demands of any sport are its nature and structure. The future of the human race, to a significant extent, will be written in our genes 6 Remember, any job advertisement that says that you need a current bank account to process payments is probably a money laundering scam. 7 It is possible to distinguish several key drivers that determine the level of a society s greenhouse gas emissions. 8 A culture of narcissism makes inflated self-views the norm, but if we all paid attention just to ourselves and lacked interest in anyone else, then we d be condemned to a selfish and isolated life. 9 I saw Miss Brown floating majestically upward at the front of the line. 0 Independence takes many forms. ~ The problem that judges face is not that there are too many rules. ~ I was familiar with athletic teams, scouts, day camps, and other organized activities from my own childhood and from my years of teaching high school and coaching. 8 There are a number of heuristics that govern busy everyday judgment. 9 Some genes in your skin are responsible for producing collagen. 0 According to cognitive psychologist and author Bruce M. Hood, we may all be born with a supersense that leads us to believe in some very odd things. Over many years of flying, I have learned numerous techniques from my instructors, fellow pilots, and others. What if you don t have your medical records nicely organized in digital files? How can we generate our eureka moments? At the turn of the twentieth century, European artists such as Vlaminck, Matisse, and Picasso began to appreciate and to collect what Westerners began to call primitive art. Justice, at least in most cases, pertains to how individuals are treated by other people, whether as private persons or legally empowered authorities. 6 The graph above shows youth and total unemployment rates in Europe in 0. 7 Auburn High School will be hosting its third annual Auburn Arts Show on Tuesday, May 0, from 6:0 until 8:0 p.m. at the school. 8 BS Flower Carpet 0 9 Atropa belladonna is commonly known as the cultivated medicinal belladonna or perennial deadly nightshade. 0 Making judgments will stop the creative process that is, stop synthesis. Scholars James March, Lee Sproull, and Michael Tamuz have argued for the value of studying near-misses quite closely. The problem of forgery has provoked some ingenious responses by philosophers. In a perfectly competitive market a market in which there are many buyers and sellers, none of whom represents a large part of the market firms are price takers. The never-ending Why? is typical of intelligent two-year-olds. If you re on a budget, you can take an ad one time and use it in all your other activities, which adds credibility. 6 Attempts at artificial control of natural processes such as landslides, floods, and lava flows have had mixed success. 7 Trade is absolutely vital for economic development, both to import advanced technology and to export goods and services to pay for the imports. 8 The most primal affective-cognitive interaction in humans, and presumably other animals as well, is summarized in the phrases I want and I don t want. 9 It was New Year s Eve. Snow was falling lightly. 0 Archimedes was neither a scientist nor a technologist, since no such people existed when he was living in Sicily during the third century B.C. ~ The conversation was lively, and we talked of recent medical discoveries exciting to me. ~ One night, when I was a teenager, my friends and I took a goose secretly from a lady who lived near the woods where we played. 8 Empathy is a character trait that we value in ourselves and in our friends, colleagues, and the professionals who serve us. 9평 9 By the late Middle Ages, exploration, an activity humans pursued instinctively, demanded a visual guide whenever possible. 0 Although subtle, the broaden effect of positive emotions is reliable and has been tested and supported in research laboratories, using a wide range of methods. After ten years of learning much and working hard to further the goals of this organization, I find that I am now ready to move down another path. Some parents report they re afraid to let their children run around outside. When it was time for her father to leave, Rosa stayed in her bedroom, still angry with him. Archaeologist Vladimir Pitulko has been working out how to access prehistoric peoples now walled - 6 -

회 up in permafrost. One of the most commonly used methods of assessing medication adherence is simply to ask the patient, and self-report measures are widely used in adherence research. 6 The graph above shows the unemployment rates for college graduates aged 0 to 9 by gender in the United States from 007 to 0. 7 Eight-Day/Seven-Night Southeast Cruise 8 Rustic log cabins sit among cedar trees and offer the ultimate in privacy and comfort, while grand lodges sit high atop the hillsides offering magnificent views of beautiful Table Rock Lake below. 9 Lancelot Brown, more commonly known as Capability Brown, was an English landscape gardener. 0 A civilization can be measured by how much progress its science and technology have made. From early on, the notion of chunking that is, the process by which intelligent agents segment the stream of experience into units that are bounded, classifiable, and thus more readily recognized and remembered has played an important role in the sciences of mind. According to some scientists, humans have their primate ancestors to thank, at least in part, for the existence of war. Sometimes we seem to comply with requests for no reason at all. Social stereotypes are often formed initially from some specific experience, or from observations of one or more individuals. Selective encoding involves distinguishing irrelevant from relevant information. 6 According to Bandura, human motivation, well-being, and personal accomplishment are based more on what an individual believes than on what is objectively true. 7 Companies that take an outcome-driven approach to innovation know that although outcome statements are stable over time, once an outcome is satisfied, it no longer represents an opportunity for improvement. 8 Beginner drivers of all ages lack both driving skills and experience in recognizing potential dangers. 9 That evening I was the focus of the dinner party of celebrities from the worlds of theater and music. 0 Parents, surprisingly, are not immune to the influence of stereotypes. ~ One of the exercises I sometimes use in workshops is to ask people to write down 0 words that describe themselves. ~ One of the biggest shoe companies in the US started the first corporate day care center for the community, for the children living near its old factory on Harrison Avenue in Boston s Roxbury neighborhood. 8 Anthony Tommasini, classical music critic for the New York Times, describes how sound amplification transformed, and in some ways degraded, the Broadway musical: 9 When other animals produce waste, we usually do not consider it pollution. 0 NuTraders has an exciting future, and I would like to help the Institutional Services division skyrocket to a market-dominant position in the West. Despite the uncertainty inherent in predicting the future, now is the time to look ahead, whether as parents, as teachers, or as policymakers, technologists, or Digital Natives, and to shape without doing harm the regulatory framework for the emerging digital space in ways that advance the public interest. If you have a bad flu and after taking medicine you only become more ill, what should you do? Sophie sipped her own tea, every so often nervously glancing up at the clock. There is little need to dwell on the apparent success of emerging markets to withstand the worst economic effects from the global financial crisis of 007-009. The telephone, whether cell or landline, provides a purely auditory medium that transmits two-way vocal information, including the prosodic (affective) component of speech. 6 The graphs above show the percentage of how classroom time is spent on various subjects in the first and fifth grades in two cities: Taipei in Taiwan and Minneapolis in the United States. 7 Volunteer Opportunities 8 Summer Student Employment 9 In many ways, the first half of Margaret Fogarty Rudkin s life and career closely paralleled the prevailing social and economic conditions of the early decades of the twentieth century. 0 The solution to the mystery of the beginning of language lies not only in linguistics but in understanding our ancient origins. Some researchers investigated the effects of different media on children s ability to produce imaginative responses. 9평 Twentieth-century literary scholar and philosopher Kenneth Burke begins his famous essay with a discussion of proverbs, noting that proverbs are really just literary devices for naming typical, recurrent situations. Social change can be generally ameliorative if it is properly managed, though it is not simply progressive: it does not move in only one direction. Why are manhole covers round? This subject took on a life of its own when a company began asking this question in job interviews. Related to making e-commerce successful is the fact that media companies must show a willingness to surrender some of the control they have had over packaging media content. 6 If milk s physical properties posed challenges, they also promised possibilities. 7 Although plankton live near the surface, they don t live on the surface. 8 The best way to understand the spontaneous consent of hegemony is through an example. 9 That day, the rays of the sun came directly upon my head and they have shone on my life since. - 7 -

6회 0 The English common law system, upon which our legal system is based, built in a certain amount of flexibility. ~ One of the key lessons taught by scholars of technology dynamics is the high degree of complexity and the collective nature of technological change processes, which makes them fairly difficult to influence. ~ People have insights all the time. 8 When someone talks about being angry, or just by observing someone who is angry, we can see that they believe that their anger is caused by something outside of themselves. 9 The hypothesis might be considered by some to be an altruistic formulation with an intent to understand the actual nature of things a search for the truth. 0 Science emerged as a way of knowing in a time when all manner of superstition held sway. I am writing with regard to the Vector Audit Team visit to Industrial Sales, scheduled on June at 8:00 a.m. The use of technology in teaching makes no sense if it s just because we think that technology is cool. An army officer was assigned a new soldier to work as his office assistant. Carl Gustav Jung had an intuitive mind and sought the inside story behind appearances. Like that of any other species, the survival of humans depended on a simple imperative: 6 The above graph shows the percentage of consumers Generation Y, Generation X, and Baby Boomers who have accounts on social sites. 7 CHINA FANTASY in Beijing 8 Birthday Package 9 Colombian author Gabriel García Márquez, more than probably any other figure, is responsible for drawing the world s attention to Latin American literature during the twentieth century. 0 The problem with applying the law of supply and demand to financial instruments is that investment markets are not always rational. It is a good idea to use sign language to communicate with babies who can t talk. Years ago I was stationed in the New York office of the FBI. Natural selection stresses survival in a hostile environment as fundamental to the prehistoric evolution of any adaptation. Years ago, a mentor of mine, who d consulted with several health-care organizations, told me that whenever the front desk of a clinic cleaned up its backlog of claims and paperwork and streamlined its workflow, patient volume invariably increased dramatically. All children can be counted on to throw tantrums of one sort or another. 6 The unconventional is generally the province of the young, who are not comfortable with conventions and take great pleasure in ridiculing them. 7 A family is structured somewhat like a solar system, which is, in a sense, a galactic cell. With the fall of communism at the end of the 980s, a certain view has become increasingly 8 dominant around the world: a democratic approach to government and a market approach to economics. 9 Through the blue haze, Hitoshi was looking in my direction. In one study, social scientists Matthew McGlone and Jessica Tofighbakhsh took a number of 0 rhyming sayings previously unknown to the study participants and created parallel but non rhyming versions of them. ~ Most habits are probably good when they are first formed. ~ One day, Drake, one of Ted s kids, was doing a homework problem. - 8 -

0강 0강 0강 0강 0강 06강 교재명 0 EBS 수능완성 [유형편] 핵심문장 Any advice you could provide for my job search would be greatly appreciated. Before we make that sort of arrangement, we would like to ask you one more time to do it yourself. It's always permissible to try to make the acquaintance of an appealing stranger in a public place, as long as you do so politely and stop immediately if your attempts at self-introduction are not reciprocated. His writing is difficult for the beginning student in psychology, and for this reason, the goal of our book has been to clarify Piaget's theory through the use of examples from children's literature. No matter how painful, it s worth double-checking that your customers behold the same beauty in your new product or service that you do. Please call if you have any question about your visit. I m looking forward to showing you the latest in our state-of-art kilns. Excesses of zeal, imprudence of judgement, and even intemperance of language ought often to be tolerated in the student press when similar offenses would not be tolerated in the ordinary press, for often it is better that the indiscretions of youthful judgement be endured than that the faculty of forming resolute opinions should be discouraged. But after a time the best mental land is occupied and one has to move to marginal areas. We have also only recently learned something else: trees not only shelter and provide food for other organisms, like fungi and birds, but they shelter and feed each other. There is widely held belief that when a baby is inside its mother s womb, it experiences a sense of oneness, an Edenic experience free from desire. So, don t lie and say you do have film when you don t because you might get caught, in which case you could lose a chance at a job. The direction our belly button faces reflects our attitude and reveals our emotional state. (고난도) he net effect of this constant shifting is segregation according to size in which the larger particles move steadily downward. climate can also affect the size of the cultural universe. The experimenters later proved that this effect was one of context-dependent memory Humans have long been rearranging the Earth s ecology with little understanding of side effects and unanticipated consequences. One reason we so often avoid change and settle for the status quo is that change involves loss. Similarly, small cutting remarks from those close to us also cause a disproportionate amount of pain because we are unusually sensitive to people we love and respect. (고난도) If you see this pattern repeat itself, you may need to redesign the position. Eleven-year-old Cindy comes home and sees Eve, her nine-year-old sister, wearing her sweater again after Cindy had asked Eve not to borrow it. Trish had gone out and left her dog, Butchie, in her apartment, safely locked in the kitchen behind a baby gate, like she always did. Once upon a time back in the early 990s the acclaimed movie director Stanley Kubrick began hearing stories through his assistant about a man who was pretending to be him. Halina watched her mother leave, and crept into the room. Laura went downtown on State Street. Two weeks before John Assaraf s son Keenan started kindergarten, John took Keenan up to the kindergarten building and looked through the window with him. Off in the distance General Longstreet picked up a conversation between two men. Clearly defined expectations and well-maintained limits are parental attitudes and behaviors associated with developing positive self-esteem in children. The Love messages were visible to others, rewarding and recognizing giving by linking it to status and reputations. Underlying the debate is a disagreement over the qualities that constitute musical excellence: Is equanimity before a packed house a virtue intrinsic to a great musical performance, or is it merely incidental? One of the first great bursts of scientific reasoning took place in Miletus, a city-state on the coast of what is now Turkey, in around 0 B.C., where a group of Ionian philosophers were among the first to believe that people could understand the universe using logic rather than mythology and religion. That is, other animals may possess a particular trait similar to humans, but not to the same extent. As a solution(an antidote) to the mental degradation caused by the division of labor, Adam Smith recommended the encouragement of universal public schooling, largely at government expense, so that even those in the lower ranks of society could acquire the essential skills of reading, writing, and arithmetic. The only way we can extinguish this fire of our desires is by knowing the truth that all the happiness that we seem to derive from the objects of our desire does not actually come from those objects but only from within ourself. It is now a full world, where increasingly complex technologies and institutions, mounting resource constraints, and a decreasing energy return on investment have made human society more fragile and hence more susceptible to collapse. When a principle is part of a person s moral code, that person is strongly motivated toward the conduct required by the principle, and against behavior that conflicts with that principle. - 9 -

07강 08강 09강 0강 강 강 강 Researchers must determine whether the methods they plan on using are ethical. The point is not to lose sight of your goals in the confusion of actual negotiation. A basis of influence with special relevance to personal relationships and groups is referent power. This exists when we admire or identify with a person or group and want to be like them. For the technology to cross the chasm, it must appeal to users with less strong motivations. When the inventor then generates initial invention designs, he often constrains the form of the invention through implicit analogies to components of nature or existing products whose function matches or approximates that of the intended invention. Early on, I was identified as an artist but had a talent for biology as well. The Massachusetts-based company Advanced Cell Technology is planning to clone certain dead creatures to bring them back to life. The engines roared, and the plane started to take off. Now we were airborne. The large wood door closed with a bang behind Evangeline. What an amazing weekend Marshall keeps surprising me! Bouncing off the rocky bottom of the reef, I scratched my way towards the surface for air, gasping for breath as my head broke the water. At the Christmas season I d expected a modest office party, dinners with Jack s clients, maybe a simple reception at Matt and Claire s, but none of those happened. Giant Used Book Sale AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAM FOR TEENS The graph above shows the percentage of workers by occupation who had access to paid sick leave, paid vacations, and paid holidays in the United States in March 0. Discover Astronomy (고난도) The graph above shows the supply of providers in the five long-term care services sectors by their geographic distribution in the United States in 0. The graph shows American teachers in Chicago hold a notion of the ideal teacher that is very different from that held by Chinese teachers in Beijing. The graph above shows poverty rates among six regions over the period from 990 to 008. Tardies: What you need to know Waterskiing at Willen Lake (고난도) The graph above shows the trends in international coauthorship on research articles in the science and engineering fields among four selected countries and the EU from 989 to 009. Alexander von Humboldt was the scion of a wealthy Prussian family. Tamási Áron, a Hungarian writer and politician, was born into a Szekler peasant family in 897. During medieval times, Oceanic people essentially lived in Neolithic societies and had no money economy like what was found in Western Europe and Asia. Invented over 0,000 years ago, the atlatl or spear thrower is a notched, wooden hunting device used to extend the normal range and overall throwing power of a dart or spear. The greatest room for music and opera in the world bar none was Frank Lloyd Wright s assessment of the Auditorium Theatre of Roosevelt University. (고난도) The Katsura Palace is located near the Katsura River, to the southwest of the imperial city of Kyoto in Japan. If we do sign up, we can no longer tell ourselves that we don t fly enough and it isn t worth the trouble; instead, we can only regret not having signed up earlier. Even though you do not discuss all you know about the company and the person conducting the interview, you will convey a sense of knowledge during the interview. Some of the change actions seemed like failures at the time. But they were all part of a run-up to the massive change that burst forth into the mainstream in 99. The movement will tend strongly to send the audience s eyes racing along the road ahead of the car to focus on the village, logically setting the mental stage for following scenes made in the village itself. Physicians are too rarely aware of their patients need for purpose and meaning of life, so they often don t know how to account for dramatic improvements in their patients conditions. But there are also examples showing that online tools can be used to increase our collective intelligence. Many writers were quick to take issue with such an argument by pointing out that for centuries music has been associated with performance and spectacle. In guaranteeing access to decent health care, education, drinking water, and sanitation, there is no substitute for the state. For two reasons, there will be a modest return towards making goods which can be repaired, rather than replaced. Because there is always something going on that could be labeled bad, there is always something to fix or improve upon. As a result, we have an ever-expanding to-do list in our minds. When the sound is easily recognizable, we do not have to see the action or object to know what produced the noise. The viewer mentally supplies the thing or kind of action associated with it. Win by comparing apples to oranges and then throw in the superior quality at no extra cost. The process of discovering the truth and its impacts is inherently good theater. But in civilized societies men are even more enveloped by clothes than women, and so this important cutaneous means of early communication between father and child tends to be nullified by this artificial barrier. It soon became clear, however, that many of these caves were not normally and, in addition, that the paintings were executed in places where they could not be seen. - 0 -

강 강 6강 7강 8강 Unfortunately, the media s appetite for discord is fertile ground for professional doubt-makers. This is why it is important for you to be able to explain how there can be overall scientific consensus while discrete areas of argument still exist. Recent history shows that consumers do sometimes make purchases requiring them to pay more for goods or services which embody values that appeal to them. The most ethically conscious consumers will do this even when there is no status attached to the product. Without question, voting with your feet is the ultimate punishment that we as individuals can exact on a community. Hence it is not possible to say that the principles of general psychology can be applied to the study of a child after making necessary changes. (고난도) A special feature of the real estate rental market is its tendency to undergo a prolonged contraction phase, more so than with manufactured products. 9평 Thus, a true concept of intention requires understanding that mental states guide people s actions. As a result, we do not notice changes in appearance or location unless they are somehow crucial for the task we are doing at that moment. If you have a good population of worms, your lawn already has lots of beneficial organisms building soil structure, cycling nutrients to the grass roots, building water- and air-retention and drainage capacity, and fighting pathogens. To the contrary, we find it more analytically useful to uphold the distinction and speak of production and consumption as two distinct practices. The sense organs of animals essentially filter out a large amount of potential stimuli. (고난도) Historically, the criteria used to define the developing world have focused largely on economic growth, with little concern for questions of equity, sustainability, productivity, or empowerment. That is, the theory must be able to describe exactly what observable findings would demonstrate that it is wrong. However, this unusual example of cooperative predation by two very different species depends on another co-conspirator. Thus, the freedom and incentive to innovate is weaker and the adjustment to change slower in the public sector. Many theories exist, and experts in the field are unable to agree on the origins of anxiety disorders or how to treat them. He published his periodic table in 869, noting that the scheme seemed to call for several elements yet unknown. (고난도) The cobra lily hides in the bogs and marshes of northern California and southern Oregon, as deadly, in its own way, as its reptilian namesake. As cognitive archaeologist Stephen Mithen has argued, the truly remarkable feature of modern humans is our ability to have ideas and solutions to problems that cross domain boundaries. Obtaining feedback from multiple sources is considered advantageous since it provides information from a broad spectrum of people on various aspects of the employee s performance. Animals generally join groups in order to avoid predation, to obtain adequate amounts of food, or to protect themselves against other members of their own species. Killing bad ideas early saves time and expense, and it s also easier than waiting. The implication that a breakdown can be fixed, however, often turns out to be inaccurate. For valid and reliable self-assessments to take place, in addition to information about possible improvement in performance, a frame of reference has to be established (either through social comparison or comparison with relevant criteria) that enables the person to make a conclusion concerning the acceptability of the level of performance. A non-deadline-driven news cycle wreaks havoc on the way news is usually processed and could add to production costs as more reporting and editing staff are needed to process news around the clock. Methodology without content is at best merely a faint image of science (at worst, it s totally meaningless). And yet the content itself, divorced from the thought processes that create such knowledge, surely can t be all there is to science. Why do speakers make any gestures when on the telephone? Perhaps it has become habitual for them to use gestures while speaking, and they maintain this habit even when it is not useful. Hinting can be a test rather than a tactful indication. Adult squirrels are resistant to rattlesnake poison and they can jump rapidly to avoid snake strikes. Beyond the physiological responses, which are autonomic (automatic) and require no thinking on our part, our bodies manifest discomfort nonverbally. Your body is an engine that burns nutrients and turns them into energy. An efficient and vigorous engine is essential to eating satisfaction and maintenance of a healthy weight. When you see a magic show, you are observing within the theoretical framework of entertainment by illusion, in which what you see is almost certainly not what it appears to be. But your life experiences and worldview are not hers. Then Lippa did the same thing with actual extroverts and compared the results. He found that although the latter group came across as more extroverted, some of the pseudo-extroverts were surprisingly convincing. In reality, we all read the lips of others every day, without realizing it. Because losses are more bad than gains are good, the mug or pen with which you have been endowed is worth more to you than it is to a potential trading partner. In contrast, a group of small, furry, warm-blooded creatures (early mammals and our distant ancestors) proved to be superbly adjustable to the drastic changes. (고난도) The problem is that each critical moment affects all of the future decision points. - -

9강 0강 Are you assuming that you have only two choices, either A or B? It s important to look for creative alternatives. Perhaps if you ve been focusing on A or B, there s another answer C. ~ Your memories are pieces and batches of information that your brain cobbles together and serves up to you, not to present the past as accurately as possible, but to provide you with information that you will likely find to be useful in the present. Functional value, not accuracy, is the priority. ~ The coexistence of two states of consciousness is impressive enough, but the kicker, an Indiana State researcher says, is the control. One night, after ordering my usual margherita pizza at a restaurant near home, I said to Allison, my very young waitress: And please, add a few anchovies. ~ Once upon a time there was a woman called Mira who had beautiful thoughts ~6 Carnegie, the great steel mogul of the late nineteenth century, tells a story about the banker J. P. Morgan in his autobiography. 회 회 교재명 0 EBS 수능완성 [편] 핵심문장 8 If technology produced automobiles that pollute the air, it is because pollution was not recognized as a problem which engineers had to consider in their designs. 9 Anyone who looks at mass communication as a social institution cannot fail to note the tremendous push and pull of public interests and tastes on the institution. 0 The first thing you need to do is to step back from the chaos. Although it is most unfortunate that your wife did not see the rope leading from your car up to the roof before she backed out of your driveway, we can assume no legal responsibility for the injuries you had. It is your responsibility to recognize a situation in the light of your knowledge and to impart any information to those who may need it. Time use is a mechanism for defining relationships. The idea that the French are more talkative than the English is accepted by the French, but instead of seeing themselves as talkative, they naturally perceive the English as awkwardly silent. Respect is what s due another person simply because he or she is a person. 6 The graph above shows the breakdown of total urban solid waste, particularly focusing on domestic waste, of the state of New South Wales, Australia. 9평 7 Visiting Muir Woods 8 All Willmar Opportunity Scholarship 9 Edward Elgar (87-9), a renowned English composer, learned music mostly from his father, an organist and piano tuner, and on his own. 0 What irony makes a part of humor is the tension which is created by the juxtaposition of two opposite meanings. Mere lack of food is not enough to cause famine; a famine is usually worsened by political intent. Unhappy people, on the other hand, were very much affected by the feedback their partner received. Generally speaking, the most persuasive arguments partake of all three modes of appeal: They make sense logically, they are advocated by someone worthy of confidence, and they are agreeable to the sentiments of the audience. Caravaggio was the first to react against its conventions of elegance. 6 7 8 9 0 ~ ~ 8 9 0 If the drivers thought they were going even faster than their already unsafe speed, they might perceive the danger and slow down. Medical departments, not just public or customer relations departments, have recently begun to pursue patient satisfaction with greater seriousness. When there is no immediate danger, it is usually best to approve of the child s play without interfering, just because he is so engrossed in it. Alternatively, they may learn to find prey more easily by forming a search image, which involves learning more about the visual features of their prey. The ground underneath me began to shake, and in order not to fall off the bench I needed to grab onto it with both hands and tuck my feet as far under the bench as possible and just ride out the wave. Klucharev shows that failure to conform to group judgments is treated in the same way as a prediction error on a purely individual task. However, we need to bear in mind that a consumer s distinctive personal identity can also be conveyed through rituals associated with communal events such as birthdays, puberty rites and other rites of passage, including death. So, being a good problem solver, Zachary tried again. Searching for a way to satisfy both himself and Seth so that their needs would coincide instead of conflict, he said, I ll help you with the rocks! After a few thousand years of continuous interchange between the external uses of mathematics and its internal structure, these two aspects of the subject have become so densely interwoven that picking them apart is almost impossible. In the months ahead, as your baby s feet enjoy their freedom and as he learns to pull up, crawl, and then walk, his feet will begin straightening out. Steckel believes that the height of a population is an indicator of the overall prosperity of the region. However, although I am impressed with your enthusiasm for such an ambitious undertaking, I have - -

회 decided that I do not want to invest in the restaurant. If you re planning on buying new clothes or bed linen, consider an environmentally sound alternative, and choose products made from organically produced cotton; you will then know your clothes are part of the answer and not the problem. She then reached over, tore the drawing from the book, stuffed it in her pocket, and walked away. Cyrene, the original capital of ancient Cyrenaica (now eastern Libya), was one of the greatest of Greek colonies. The same with video our eyes go to the motion in the frame. Anything that doesn t move becomes invisible. 6 The above graph shows the percentage of seventh-graders who were deemed proficient on standardized writing tests from 00 to 0. 7 Summer Food Drive 0 8 SEA ADVENTURE PARK 9 The Moche culture dates from around 00 BC to AD 700. 0 Your job is not to maximize your child s pleasure, but to broaden her horizons. Those two objectives do not always coincide. Statistical thinking is essential from the initial problem definition to the final decisions. The term skill should, therefore, in professional contexts, be pruned back to something much closer to its core usage. Volleyball, soccer, basketball and any other school sport certainly do teach the values of discipline, teamwork and working toward a goal so the connection to success in business makes good sense. In short, the structure of a sport can affect its psychological requirements. To add to knowledge of our genes it will be helpful to develop animals with some of their genes replaced by homologous human genes, so that these genes can be more effectively studied. 6 Remember, any job advertisement that says that you need a current bank account to process payments is probably a money laundering scam. 7 It is possible to distinguish several key drivers that determine the level of a society s greenhouse gas emissions. 8 Indeed, the more narcissistic people are, the more unrealistic their expectations will tend to be; and the more unrealistic your expectations are, the more likely you are to end up being depressed when you finally come to terms with the fact that you cannot achieve them. 9 I followed in terror and somehow made it to the top without falling on my face, and then stopped myself just in time from staring into the dazzling safety lights that marked the edge of the stage. 0 However, while our basic job is to keep our kids safe and secure, that doesn t mean we eliminate risk altogether by overprotecting them. ~ But like rules, good principles, unleavened by judgment, can be dangerous. They can make us dumb to the nuances of context. ~ Dan was the youngest member of the society, and either Monica or I had to drive him to the evening meetings. He enjoyed it greatly and learned a lot. 8 Levinthal and March have called attention to a number of such examples of cognitive myopia, which as by-products of learning often act as traps. Over time, the gene that produces collagenase increases its expression, and the gene that 9 produces collagen lowers its expression, reversing the balance that gave the skin its fresh, youthful look. 0 According to cognitive psychologist and author Bruce M. Hood, we may all be born with a supersense that leads us to believe in some very odd things. I have written this book with the hope that it may develop an awareness of human factors principles and how to utilize the knowledge of human factors in the training and evaluation of pilots. Having your entire medical record on file to hand over just might save your life. Of course, they couldn t, just as the young film producer could not become more creative simply by sitting where Spielberg sat. Just as Western artists borrowed artistic ideas from the peoples of colonized areas, so did the artists of colonized areas borrow from Western societies. However, if some conduct is ethically wrong but not unjust, such as the failure of someone to attain a worthwhile goal, no remedy is due. 6 The graph above shows youth and total unemployment rates in Europe in 0. 7 Auburn Arts Show 8 BS Flower Carpet 0 9 Atropa belladonna is commonly known as the cultivated medicinal belladonna or perennial deadly nightshade. 0 We need to learn to suspend judgment long enough for the creative process to run its course. Near-misses protect us against this type of flawed learning; they provide an opportunity to increase the sample size from which we can derive lessons. The most careful inspection of a work of art original or forged cannot rule out that future inspections will reveal something important we don t notice today. In a perfectly competitive market a market in which there are many buyers and sellers, none of whom represents a large part of the market firms are price takers. The point is, it s not necessary that you describe the world to young children in correct terms. If you re on a budget, you can take an ad one time and use it in all your other activities, which - -

회 adds credibility. 6 Attempts at artificial control of natural processes such as landslides, floods, and lava flows have had mixed success. 7 Transport costs are lower by sea than by land. Sea-based transport costs are lower in main trading lanes than in remote reaches of the world. 8 However, there are several distinct ways to like and dislike events, and a proper classification scheme will yield a more complex taxonomy of emotions than the simple behavioral dimension of approach and avoidance. 9 The street that had been crowded with people celebrating the New Year a few hours before was now lonely after midnight, where Quashie and Rich were walking without saying anything, but they were smiling at each other. 0 Although many theoretical concepts do derive from Greek philosophers, other aspects of science originate from less privileged people who used their expertise to keep themselves alive miners who developed ore-refining techniques, farmers familiar with weather patterns, and textile workers who relied on chemical reactions. ~ Knowledge is not immoral but amoral. It can be used for any purpose, but many people assume it will be used to further their favorite hopes for society and this is the fundamental flaw. Knowledge of the world is one thing; its uses create a separate issue. ~ One night, when I was a teenager, my friends and I took a goose secretly from a lady who lived near the woods where we played. 8 But empathy has its dark side: too much understanding and sensitivity, too much seeing things from the other s perspective, can cloud judgment and paralyze choice. 9평 9 Called portolan maps, from the Italian word portolano (port chart), these maps represented a major step forward for cartography. 0 Although subtle, the broaden effect of positive emotions is reliable and has been tested and supported in research laboratories, using a wide range of methods. It is with a mixture of both happiness and regret that I give my resignation to this organization. To get our children outside running around, we should get to know our neighbors so we can all watch out for kids in playgrounds, backyards, and other open spaces. When it was time for her father to leave, Rosa stayed in her bedroom, still angry with him. Thawing must be natural. Of the normal methods of engineers, fires upset radiocarbon dating; steam damages objects, and explosions are liable to make craters. One problem with self-reported adherence is that questions about medicine taking are often presented at a time and place which is quite distant from the actual event. This produces recall effects. / Another issue relates to the truthfulness of self-reported adherence. 6 The graph above shows the unemployment rates for college graduates aged 0 to 9 by gender in the United States from 007 to 0. 7 Eight-Day/Seven-Night Southeast Cruise 8 Smith s Cedar Lodge 9 Lancelot Brown, more commonly known as Capability Brown, was an English landscape gardener. 0 This constant accumulated progress makes science a good measuring stick to compare civilizations. From early on, the notion of chunking that is, the process by which intelligent agents segment the stream of experience into units that are bounded, classifiable, and thus more readily recognized and remembered has played an important role in the sciences of mind. Ethologists and sociobiologists believe that a predisposition to aggression may have been transmitted genetically from one generation to the next. Mindlessness may not explain most instances of compliance, but it is a fascinating aspect of human behavior. Stereotypes, as mental schemata, can lead us to prejudge others and all schemata carry this risk of distorting reality. An important task confronting each of us is to select the information that is important for our purposes, and to filter out the information that is not important. Selective encoding is the process by which this filtering is done. For this reason, how people behave can often be better predicted by the beliefs they hold about 6 their capabilities than by what they are actually capable of accomplishing, for these self-efficacy perceptions help determine what individuals do with the knowledge and skills they have. 7 Because value migrates, innovation must be dynamic and so must messaging. 8 Graduated driver licensing systems address the high risks faced by new drivers by requiring an apprenticeship of planned and supervised practice the learner s permit stage. 9 He pulled, jammed the clasp and broke it. I felt as if the necklace was choking me harder and harder. This means that parental expectations which are influenced by gender stereotypes can matter 0 more than a child s actual ability, interests, and performance in shaping their child s academic self-identity. ~ The way in which we view ourselves is, to a large extent, a social construct. One of the biggest shoe companies in the US started the first corporate day care center for the ~ community, for the children living near its old factory on Harrison Avenue in Boston s Roxbury neighborhood. 8 But when amplification took hold on Broadway, audiences inevitably grew less alert, more passive. 9 And when wild animal waste causes pollution, it is almost always the result of human-caused habitat change. 0 NuTraders has an exciting future, and I would like to help the Institutional Services division skyrocket to a market-dominant position in the West. - -

회 6회 In others, such as the privacy problem or the cyberbullying problem, substantial dangers lurk in the digital future that we ought to head off at the pass. The law is rarely the right answer, but we should not hesitate to use it when it could do more good than harm. The thing is, most problems are relatively simple and easy to fix if addressed in their early stages. Sophie found her mother suddenly distant and unreachable as if she were in another world. Emerging markets, including those in China, Brazil, and other countries, weathered the downturn in part because the lessons learned from their own experience with earlier crises (e.g., the Asian financial crisis of 997-998), as well as because their financial sectors were smaller thanks to the relative immaturity of their financial markets. Although it filters the visual signals of gestures, tears, smiles, and other facial expressions, the purely auditory medium of the telephone is itself socially and emotionally potent, generating smiles and laughter in remote individuals a point we confirmed by observation of,000 solitary people in public places. 6 The graphs above show the percentage of how classroom time is spent on various subjects in the first and fifth grades in two cities: Taipei in Taiwan and Minneapolis in the United States. 7 Volunteer Opportunities 8 Summer Student Employment 9 In many ways, the first half of Margaret Fogarty Rudkin s life and career closely paralleled the prevailing social and economic conditions of the early decades of the twentieth century. 0 Language had to evolve with cooperation, since individuals are not going to bother to learn new ways to communicate with each other unless they are already working together to some extent. Media scholars have used this study to illustrate the visualization hypothesis, which posits that children s exposure to ready-made visual images restricts their ability to generate novel images of 9평 their own. But because proverbs describe recurring situations in life, they offer a means for quickly sizing up a type of situation and developing a strategy to respond to it. Thus, societies are always contending with the most basic flaws of human nature. Those cannot be overcome, because we humans are always human, even as our social institutions improve with time as we learn from experience. A round manhole cover can t fall through its circular opening, because no matter how you position it, the cover is wider than the hole. Related to making e-commerce successful is the fact that media companies must show a willingness to surrender some of the control they have had over packaging media content. 6 Few foods were so innately well suited to change into other products as was milk. 7 On land, plants that shoot up the fastest and tallest get more precious sunlight, solar energy that they use for growth. 8 Although professors will probably gain more financial and social rewards from the norms of this system than any individual undergraduate, the spontaneous consent of the student body ensures that the ideology survives as the norm. 9 With you, I discovered a life I had never imagined could exist on this earth. It was all serenity and all peace. 0 however important laws and rules are for telling us what to aim at, they always need interpretation when they are applied. ~ Technologies are part of functional systems (food production, energy distribution, etc.) that have evolved, and their evolution has given rise to beliefs, institutions, infrastructures and interests that guide the actions and the thinking of the actors. ~ People have insights all the time. Usually, they re so trivial we don t pay much attention to them unless we re collecting them as a hobby. 8 What does I am anger mean? It means that the anger I experience is not caused outside of me but has its origin inside. 9 In reality, the hypothesis in modern science is often determined with the intent to advance a researcher s career or provide substantiation for a commercial purpose. 0 The best scientists out there aren t emotionless beings; they re exactly the opposite of that. The best scientists are as full of passion for their subject as any artist you re likely to meet. But if we can push back the date, it would be to our mutual advantage. We need to determine what our goals are, as teachers and parents, and then figure out how technology can help us, and our kids, to reach those goals. An army officer was assigned a new soldier to work as his office assistant. Carl Gustav Jung had an intuitive mind and sought the inside story behind appearances. People had to extract more energy out of their environment than they expended in the process of doing so. 6 The above graph shows the percentage of consumers Generation Y, Generation X, and Baby Boomers who have accounts on social sites. 7 CHINA FANTASY in Beijing 8 Birthday Package 9 Colombian author Gabriel García Márquez, more than probably any other figure, is responsible for drawing the world s attention to Latin American literature during the twentieth century. 0 The problem with applying the law of supply and demand to financial instruments is that investment markets are not always rational. When you first introduce signs to your baby, however, any distraction can be problematic. It didn t take long to recognize the many different techniques people used to claim territory while on public transport. - -

The arts consume excessively brain power, physical effort, time, and precious resources. Natural selection, on the other hand, is economical: it weeds out inefficiency and waste. Next time your front line feels overwhelmed, watch out for resistance to new customers and opportunities! Part of our job as parents is to slowly but surely help our children dismantle that self-centeredness and replace it with a sense of social responsibility a willingness to put personal concerns aside for the sake of family, friendship, and society. 6 You must fight the psychological aging process even more than the physical one, for a mind full of strategies, tricks, and fluid maneuvers will keep you young. 7 A family is structured somewhat like a solar system, which is, in a sense, a galactic cell. 8 But not all spheres of life are best run on a market model. Major professional spheres medicine, science, education, art ought not to operate in the same way as commercial enterprises do. 9 Through the blue haze, Hitoshi was looking in my direction. The researchers found that even though all the participants in the study strongly held the belief 0 that rhyming was in no way an indicator of accuracy, they nonetheless perceived the statements that rhymed as more accurate than those that didn t. ~ Some habits become bad, because a behavior that has rewarding elements to it at one time also has negative consequences that may not have been obvious when the habit began. ~ One day, Drake, one of Ted s kids, was doing a homework problem. - 6 -

0강 0강 0강 0강 0강 06강 07강 교재명 0 EBS 수능완성 [유형편] 한줄 요약 어머니의 친구로부터 소개받은, 폭넓은 경험을 가진 사람으로부터 구직에 대해 조언을 얻고자 만날 것 을 요청 자신의 마당으로 넘어온 이웃의 단풍나무에서 떨어진 나뭇잎들이 빗물받이를 막게 되어서 나뭇가지를 처리해 줄 것을 이웃에게 요구 공공장소에서 낯선 사람과 대화를 할 때 상대가 대화하는 것에 관심을 보일 때만 대화를 시작하고 그 렇지 않으면 억지로 대화를 해서는 안 된다. Piaget 이론을 설명한 책이 심리학 초보 학생들이 이해하기 어려워서 책에 대한 이해를 돕기 위해 아 동 문학에서 발췌한 예들과 만화를 사용했다. 자신들이 만든 제품과 서비스 또는 기술에 대한 애착으로 고객들과의 관계를 왜곡해 보게 되는 필터를 만들어내고 결국은 Narcissus처럼 자신의 그림자와의 사랑에 빠져 죽을 수 있으므로, 기업은 고객이 자 신들과 동일한 관점에서 아름다움을 보고 있는지 재차 확인할 필요가 있다. 회사를 방문하기로 되어 있는 사람에게 일정과 항공권이 동봉된 편지를 보내면서 비행기 탑승부터 시 작해 진행될 방문 일정을 소개 학생 언론의 자유가 존중되어야 하고, 학생 언론이 보이는 과도한 열정과 판단의 경솔함과 같은 미숙 한 측면은 용인돼야 한다. 학문이 발전하는 초창기에는 큰 발전을 이루기가 쉽고도 가능하지만 점차 학문을 발전시키는 것이 어 려워진다. 우리의 인식과는 달리 숲은 상호 의존적인 공동체이며 나무들은 공생하는 관계이다. 태아는 자궁 안에서 모든 생물학적인 요구를 충족 받으며, 어머니의 심장 소리에 의해 위안을 받고, 어 머니와의 일체감을 느끼는 에덴동산과 같은 온전한 환경을 경험한다. 영화 면접을 보러 갈 때 영화 출연 경험이 없다고 해서 꼭 불리한 것이 아니라 참신하다는 면에서 자 산이 될 수도 있으므로 거짓말을 하지 마라. 배꼽의 방향이 사람의 관심과 의도를 나타낸다. (고난도) 파도의 움직임에 의해 끊임없이 모래 알갱이들이 물에 떠서 결국 큰 알갱이는 아래로 가라앉고 상대적 으로 작은 알갱이들은 위쪽에 가라 앉아 결국 크기에 따라 분리된다. 기후는 지식의 전파 범위에 영향을 미쳐 문화권의 크기를 결정한다. 정보가 입력될 때의 상황적 단서가 기억에 도움이 된다. 인간에 의한 외래종 전파가 생태계를 심각하게 교란시킬 수 있다. 변화의 상황, 즉 현재의 상황에서 벗어나려고 하거나 새로운 시작을 하는 상황 등에서는 손실이 뒤따 른다. 얕은 상처가 더 아프듯이 가까운 사이의 사소한 말에 더 상처받기 쉽다. (고난도) 주요 직책의 이직률을 줄이려면 그 직책의 업무를 재조정할 필요가 있다. 옷 때문에 다투는 자매 애완견 Butchie가 다쳐 걱정하는 Trish 유명 영화감독을 사칭한 Alan Conway 엄마의 드레스를 입어보는 딸 Halina Laura와 엄마의 재회 아들에게 유치원대 대한 정신적 준비를 시켜주는 아버지 전시( 戰 時 )에 두 남자가 나누는 대화 부 단순한 관여(지지)와 수용(따뜻함)은 자존감이 저절로 생긴다고 오도할 수 있으므로 명확한 기 대와 한계 범위의 설정이 아이들의 진정한 자존감 발달을 위해 필요하다. 최첨단 회사의 폐쇄적인 직장 분위기를 극복하기 위해 Love 메시지를 통해 동료의 인정을 평판으로 보상하는 프로그램을 개발하였다. 무대 공포증을 완화시키는 약물복용에 대한 찬반 논란은 많은 관객들 앞에서의 침착함이 음악적 탁월 함의 본질적 덕목에 해당하는가 하는 점에 있다. 기원전 0년경 도시국가 Miletus에서 이오니아인 철학자 집단은 신화와 종교보다는 논리를 이용해 우주를 이해할 수 있다고 믿고 자연 현상의 중요한 원인을 찾는 과학적 사고를 하였다. 동물도 인간과 비슷한 언어, 사회 조직, 의식( 儀 式 ), 그리고 음악 같은 종류의 특징을 가질 수 있지만 그 정도가 같지는 않다. 분업이 지능 저하와 어린이의 노동을 야기하므로 스미스는 정부가 보편적 공공교육을 장려할 것을 권 했다. 행복은 인간이 열망하는 대상에서 오는 것이 아니라 오직 자기 자신 안에서 오는 것이라는 진실을 알 아야 끝없는 열망의 불을 끌 수 있다. 오늘날의 지배적인 세계관과 제도는 기반시설이 없었던 초기 산업 혁명 시기에 기초한 것이어서 오늘 날의 변화된 충만한 세계에서 인간 사회는 더 와해되기 쉽다. 도덕적 원칙을 받아들이는 것은 그 원칙이 중요하고 정당하다고 믿을 뿐 아니라 그 원칙에 따라 행동 하고 그 원칙에 반하는 행동은 하지 않는 것이다. 과학자들은 연구 방법이 윤리적인지에 대한 지역 패널의 승인이 있어야 연구를 시작할 수 있다. 협상중 상대방에 의해 주요 목표를 잊지 말고 끝까지 관철하도록 주의해야 한다. 어떤 사람이나 집단을 좋아해서 모방하려는 데 기초를 둔 권력이 준거적 권력이다. 과학기술이 얼리 어답터를 넘어 더 큰 사용자 집단으로 확산되기 위해서는 규 경제를 이뤄 제품이 나 서비스의 가격을 낮추고 새로운 수준의 성능, 신뢰성, 사용 편의성, 그리고 지원을 확보해야 한다. (성능과 신뢰성은 규 경제가 적용되나 사용 편의성과 지원은 사용 규모가 늘면 비용도 증가하므로 지속 가능한 재정 모델을 찾아야 한다.) 발명가가 최초의 발명품을 디자인할 때 자연의 구성 요소나 비슷한 기존의 상품과의 유사성을 통해 발 명품의 형태를 제한한다. 진로 선택에 대한 선생님의 격려 동물 복제에 대한 우려 비행기에서의 공중 낙하 음산하고 무서운 Evangeline의 집 - 7 -

08강 09강 0강 강 강 강 강 아들의 재활 치료 바다에서 서핑 중에 만난 생명체 크리스마스 파티 준비 중고 도서 판매 0대를 위한 방과 후 프로그램 직업별 근로자 간 유급 휴가 이용 비율 천문학 잡지 Discoveer Astronomy (고난도) 장기 돌봄 서비스 제공기관 훌륭한 교사가 되기 위해 요구되는 가장 중요한 자질에 관한 교사들의 판단 세계 여섯 개 지역의 빈곤율 변화 지각 규정 수상스키 초급 과정 안내문 (고난도) 과학자 공학 분야 연구 논문의 국제 공저 추세 지리학계의 명사 Alexander von Humboldt 헝가리 작가이자 정치가 Tamasi Aron 선물교환 의식 Kula 사냥 도구 atlatl Auditorium Theatre of Roosevelt University의 역사 (고난도) 일본의 Katsura Palace 자신에게 유리한 것을 놓쳤을 경우 그것이 가치가 없다고 여기지만 뒤늦게라도 그것을 만회하려는 행 동을 하게 될 경우 그것을 더 빨리 하지 못한 것에 대해 후회하게 된다. 면접을 볼 때 준비한 내용을 다 말하지 않아도 면접을 보는 사람이 자신의 지식을 면접관에게 드러낼 수 있다. 99년에 있었던 남아프리카 공화국의 중요한 변화는 그 해에 시작된 것이 아니라 980년대와 그 이 전의 여러 사람의 노력이 기반이 되어 시작된 것이다. 영화에서 움직임의 사용은 영화 구성상의 신호로 작용해서 관객이 다음 장면을 준비하도록 해준다. 목적 의식과 삶의 의미가 병을 극복하는데 도움이 된다. 온라인 도구가 우리의 어리석음을 증폭시킬 수도 있지만 우리의 집단적인 지능을 증가시킬 수도 있다. 음악의 소리와 시각 자료들은 일시적으로 분리되었을 뿐, 이미지가 수 세기 동안 음악과 함께 공존해 왔다. 의료, 교육, 식수, 그리고 위생 등에서는 민간 부문이 비효율적이므로 정부(공공부문)의 역할이 확대되 어왔다. 환경에 대한 고려와 부유한 인구, 낮은 인플레이션, 낮은 이자율이 결부되어 생산자들은 저급한 물건을 빨리 팔아버리기보다는 양질의 물건을 만들어 팔게 되고 소비자들은 양보다는 질을 우선시하고 내구성 이 좋은 제품을 선호하게 될 것이다. 정신은 현재 상황이 일어나는 방식에서 무엇이 잘못되었는지를 찾고 계속 진행되는 불완전감과 부족감 을 우리에게 남겨 놓아 우리는 끝없는 해야 할 목록을 마음속에 갖고 있다. (우리 마음은 현재 상황을 나쁘게 보고 계속해서 뭔가 개선해야 한다고 보는 경향이 있다.) 영화제작자들은 한 화면을 보여주면서 소리를 내보내 관객이 그 화면과 그 소리를 연관시키도록 함으 로써 관객이 음원을 보지도 않고 마치 보고 있다고 가정하게 한다. 다 낮은 가격으로 경쟁하는 경쟁사에 대처하는 방법은 비교 기준 자체(게임의 규칙)를 바꿔서 전혀 다 른 차별점으로 이기고 추가비용 없이 더 우수한 품질을 덤으로 포함시키는 것이다. (일방적 경쟁우위 (Unfair Advantage)를 찾을 필요성이 있다는 취지) 영화 Erin Brockovich'와 과학 수사에서처럼 진실과 그것의 영향을 발견하는 과정에는 극적 효과가 있 다. 문명화된 사회에서 남성들은 여성들보다 옷에 의해 훨씬 더 둘러싸여져 있어서 자녀와 아버지 사이의 상호 간에 기쁨을 주는 피부로 하는 의사소통이 효력이 없게 되는 경향이 있다. 빙하시대 후기에 그려졌던 유럽의 동굴 벽화에 대한 연구는 예전에 동굴이 성소였으며 벽화 제작은 의 식적인 목적에서 이루어졌고, 동굴 예술가들이 실제로 먹었던 음식을 그리지 않았다는 것을 보여준다. 미디어는 갈등과 논쟁을 좋아하는데 이로 인해 의혹을 부추기는 사람들이 활동할 수 있으므로 과학자 의 사명은 과학적인 의견 일치의 가능성을 설명하는 것이다. 매력적인 가치를 구현하는 상품이나 서비스를 위해서 소비자는 더 많은 돈을 지불하며, 유기농 식품 구매에서처럼 윤리적 소비자들은 제품에 부여된 향상된 지위가 없이도 이러한 반문화적 구매행위를 한다. 공동체를 떠남으로써 반대의사를 밝히는 것은 개인이 공동체에 가할 수 있는 최후의 처벌로서 이는 공 동체의 생존능력을 위협할 수 있으며, 경제와 정치, 우정, 가정, 결혼, 종교 등 모든 사람이 맺는 관계 에서도 어느 정도는 적용된다. 아동 심리학은 아동을 대상으로 하며, 어른의 심리나 행동들과 양적, 질적으로 차이를 보이기 때문에 일반 심리학의 일부가 아닌 독립적인 연구 분야이다. (고난도) 부동산 임대 시장은 그 특성상 공급이 수요를 초과하더라도 부동산 소유자가 임대 공간의 양을 줄일 수 없기 때문에 공산품에 비해 장기적인 침체기를 겪게 되는 경향이 있다. 9평 유아들은 의도적인 행동에 대한 진정한 이해를 할 수 있는데 어떤 행동을 우연한 것으로 여길 때보다 의도적인 행동이라고 판단할 때 그 행동을 더 잘 모방하거나 배운다. 변화 맹시 는 우리가 세상이 안정적이고 예측가능하다고 가정하기 때문에 그 순간 우리에게 중요하지 않은 외형이나 위치의 변화들에는 주목하지 않게 되는 현상이다. 지렁이를 통해 토양 먹이 그물의 상태를 확인할 수 있다. 소비와 생산이 다소 동시에 행해질 수 있어서 그 둘의 경계가 모호해질 수는 있으나 이 둘의 차이를 유지하고 별개의 관행으로 다루는 것이 분석적으로 유용하다. 동물은 각자가 가진 감각기관의 제한된 능력 때문에 많은 양의 잠재적 자극을 걸러내므로, 동물은 외 부 환경의 제한된 부분만 인지할 수 있다. 개발도상국을 정의하는 기준은 주로 경제 성장에 초점이 두어왔는데 이는 근대화 이론의 영향을 받은 (고난도) 것으로 근대화 이론가들은 저개발 국가들이 서구의 산업화 경험을 모방할 필요가 있다는 믿음을 가졌 고 경제 성장 지표들은 국가들의 위상을 정하는 방법으로 기능했다. - 8 -

강 6강 7강 8강 9강 0강 과학은 반박이 가능한 가설에 기반을 두고 부정적인 연구 결과를 받아들이는 반면 사이비 과학은 그렇 지 않다. 아프리카 꿀잡이새와 아프리카 오소리 그리고 꿀잡이새에 공생하는 창자 박테리아는 상조적인 공생관 계를 이루고 있다. 시장에 비해 정부는 덜 혁신적이고 변화에 대응이 느리다. 불안 장애 증상들이 감정적인 요인에 기인하는지 기질적인 이유에 기인하는지에 대하여 많은 이론이 존재하고 전문가들의 견해가 일치하지 않는다. Mendeleyev는 869년에 주기율표 를 발표하며 빈 공간에 들어갈 원소의 특성을 위치를 근거로 예측 하였는데 처음에는 주목받지 못했으나 0년에 걸쳐 다른 원소들이 발견됨으로서 그가 옳다는 것이 입 증되었다. (고난도) cobra lily의 꿀에 유인된 곤충은 잎으로 된 관 속에 갇혀 탈출하지 못하고 천천히 소화된다. 인간이 영역의 경계를 넘나드는 유동적인 사고 능력을 통해 창의적인 연상을 할 수 있으며, 따라서 인 간만이 영역이 혼재되어 발생하는 문제들을 해결할 수 있다. 다원 피드백 시스템은 다양한 출처로부터 피드백을 얻어 유익하고 객관성을 확보할 수 있다. 동물이 무리를 형성하는 것은 포식을 피하고, 먹이를 쉽게 얻는 장점이 있으나 무리 안에서의 경쟁과 기생충 및 질병의 위험 증가라는 단점이 있다. 나쁜 아이디어를 빨리 제거하는 것이 시간과 비용을 절약한다. 의사소통의 고장 은 갈등을 표현하는 이름 중의 하나로 고장 이라는 말은 수리될 수 있음을 함축하고 있으나 실제로 갈등을 다루는 것은 쉽지 않다. 자신의 수행을 과거의 수행과 비교하는 것만으로는 업무의 질이나 수준에 관한 정보를 알 수 없으므 로, 타당하고 유용한 자기 평가가 이루어지기 위해서는 적절한 기준 틀이 필요하다. 특종 경쟁으로 전통적인 미디어도 온라인상으로 처음 뉴스를 보도하는 것에 익숙해지면서 온라인 뉴스 는 일반적인 뉴스 처리 방식을 파괴하고 생산 비용을 증가시킬 수 있다. 과학의 본질이 결과에 있다는 관점과 방법에 있다는 관점은 둘 다 완벽하지 않은데, 그 이유는 내용이 없는 방법론은 과학이 되기 어려우며 과학적 지식을 형성하는 사고 과정으로부터 분리된 내용은 과학 에 있어서의 모든 것이 될 수 없기 때문이다. 몸짓이 시각적인 단서가 되어 의사소통에 도움을 주는데 전화 통화에서도 몸짓을 사용하는 이유는 습 관이 되었기 때문이다. 돌려 말하기는 무례함을 피하기 위한 전략일 수 있지만 재치 있는 암시라기 보다는 (청자가 알아차려 야하는) 시험일 수 있다. 방울뱀에 대항하는 캘리포니아 얼룩다람쥐처럼 먹잇감이 되는 개체의 공격 신호가 포식자의 행동에 영 향을 미친다. 우리가 불편한 심기를 드러낼 때는 자동적으로 생리 기능을 통해 반응을 보일 뿐만 아니라 몸의 움직 임을 통해 비언어적으로도 그러한 심기를 드러낸다. 우리의 신체는 영양소를 태워서 그것을 에너지로 바꾸는 엔진이며, 효율적이고 활기찬 신체 엔진은 항 상 에너지와 안정된 기분, 숙면을 제공하므로 식사에 대한 만족과 건강한 체중 유지에 필수적이다. 관찰은 이론에 기초한다. 사람들은 자신이 하는 행동에 대한 자신만의 보상을 인식하기 때문에, 우리는 다른 사람들을 완전히 이해할 수 없다. 한 실험에서 내성적인 사람들에게 외향적인 사람들의 특징을 흉내 내라고 요청했을 때, 일부 내성적인 사람들은 무의식적으로 속이는 방법을 알고 있어서 그 역할을 훌륭하게 해냈다. 지각 현상에 관한 실험은 광경과 소리 사이에 불일치가 있을 때, 우리가 듣는 것이 우리가 보는 것에 의해 영향을 받을 수 있다는 것을 보여준다. 사람들은 자신이 소유하는 것들에 더 많은 가치가 있다고 생각하므로, 그것들을 보유하는 경향이 있다. 지구의 기후에 파괴적인 변화가 발생했을 때, 공룡과 포유류의 적응성은 멸종과 생존의 차이로 나타났 다. (고난도) 과거의 어떤 한 순간의 정신적인 충격은 이후의 여러 순간들에 영향을 미치기 때문에, 그 과거의 기억 만을 제거할 수는 없다. 두 개의 예시를 통해 무엇인가를 결정할 때 'A' 또는 B'의 해결책을 쉽게 생각할 수 있지만, 창의적으 로 생각하면 가능성이 있는 또 다른 해결책( C')을 생각해 낼 수도 있다. ~ 인간의 기억력은 정확하게 모두 기억되는 것이 아니라 현재 유용하다고 생각할 정보를 제공하기 위해 서 뇌가 대충 꿰맞추어 우리에게 전해주는 정확하지 않은 정보다. ~ 생존하기 위해 한 쪽 눈만 잠들고 나머지 눈은 깨어 있는 새의 단일 반구 수면 종업원의 말 실수 ~ Mira의 나비와 Cindy의 두꺼비 ~6 Carnegie와 Morgan의 거래 회 교재명 0 EBS 수능완성 [편] 한줄 요약 8 환경 문제를 초래한 것이 기술 그 자체라는 생각은 잘못된 것이며, 환경 문제는 기술적으로 극복될 수 있지만, 수년간의 시간과 많은 투자가 필요하다. 9 매스컴은 대중의 이해나 기호에 의해 영향을 받는다. 0 위기들이 모여드는 상황에 처했을 때 가장 급한 것에 반응을 보이기보다는 뒤로 물러나서 그 상황을 분석하는 것이 필요하다. 사용자의 사고에 대해 회사 책임이 없음을 알리는 서신 정보를 구하는 사람의 상황을 고려하여 필요한 정보를 제공해야 한다. 시간 사용(누가 회의 시간과 장소를 정하는지, 상대방은 정해진 시간을 지키는지 등)을 통해 관계를 정 의내릴 수 있다. 영국인들은 프랑스인들이 쓸데없이 수다스럽다고 여기는 반면 프랑스인들은 영국인들이 어색하게 조용 하다고 인식한다. 사람을 존중하는 것은 사람의 능력 혹은 무능력과 관계가 없으며, 사람이라는 이유만으로 마땅히 존중 - 9 -

회 회 을 받아야 된다. 6 호주의 New South Wales의 고형 폐기물 현황 9평 7 Muir Woods National Monument에 관한 안내문 8 All Willmar Opportunity Scholarship 9 Edward Elgar의 삶 0 반어는 의도하는 의미와 실제 표현이 다른 모순이 만들어 내는 긴장 상태로서 유머를 만들어 낸다. 반항하는 세력을 와해시키기 위한 정치적 도구로 기근이 이용되었다. 행복한 사람들의 경우 본인들의 수행에 대한 피드백이 그들의 기분에 영향을 주었지만, 불행한 사람들 의 경우엔 본인들에 관한 피드백보다 그들의 파트너가 받은 피드백에 더 많은 영향을 받는다. 설득의 논거가 순수 이성이 아닌 감정에 호소한다고 해서 불합리한 것이 아니며, 사람들이 결정을 할 때 믿음이나 확신 그리고 감정에 의존하는 정서는 논리만큼 타당하다. 이탈리아 회화의 마니에리슴의 거짓된 미학에 반발했던 Caravaggio는 초세속적인 아름다움을 그린 그 림은 가치가 없다고 보고 진정한 인간의 감정과 상황을 표현하려 했다. 고속도로 진출입 경사로의 입구에 하얀색 선들을 그리면 운전자들이 실제보다 더 빨리 달리고 있다고 인지해서 속도를 줄이게 만들 수 있다. 6 병원들이 경쟁의 결과로서 환자들의 만족을 추구하기 시작하면서 호텔과 관련된 서비스를 채택하고 있 다. 7 아이는 놀이를 통하여 어려운 문제들에 대처하는 방법을 배우게 되므로 부모가 아이의 놀이에 간섭하 지 않아야 한다. 8 포식자는 먹이를 성공적으로 잡기 위해 시력을 향상시키거나 탐색 이미지를 형성하여 쉽게 먹이를 찾 는데 이것은 먹이의 시각적 특징을 더 많이 배우는 것이다. 9 갑작스러운 지진 0 개인 판단과 집단 판단간의 불일치가 있을 때, 전자가 후자를 따라가고 강화 학습을 지배하는 (뇌) 신 경 부위들이 개인 과업에서의 예측 오류를 처리하는 대로 그 불일치를 처리한다. ~ 공유된 소비 의례가 집단 정체성 의식뿐만 아니라 개인 정체성을 전달한다. ~ 당면한 문제를 슬기롭게 해결한는 Zachary의 기지 8 순수 수학과 응용 수학은 나누기 어려울 정도로 서로 밀접히 얽혀 있다. 9 발이 휜 채로 아기가 태어나지만 이것은 자연스러운 것이고 기고 걷게 되면서 펴지게 되며 별도의 치 료가 필요 없다. 0 통상적인 믿음과는 달리 사회의 번영이 인간의 키에 영향을 주어서 식량이 부족한 시대에는 키가 작았 다. 시내에 개업할 식당에 대한 정보를 검토하고 그 식당의 재정 파트너가 되어 달라는 요청을 거절 살충제와 화학 비료 없이 재배된 면직 제품을 사야 한다. 자신이 그린 그림을 싫어한 노인의 일화 고대 도시 Cyrene 생존을 위해 인간의 눈은 위협이 될 수 있는 움직임에 민감해졌는데, 비디오의 경우에도 같아서 인간 의 눈은 움직임을 따라가고 움직이지 않는 것은 보이지 않게 된다. 6 7학년 학생들의 쓰기 점수 비교 7 식품과 개인 위생용품 기부 안내 8 바다 동물이 있는 공원 9 Moche 문화 0 자녀가 경험해 보지 못한 것의 경우 부모가 자녀에게 다수결로 선택하게 하거나 약속하려 하지 말고 부 생각을 관철해야 한다. 금융 투자자, 경영진 등은 각자의 상황에서 문제를 파악하고 표본을 선택하고 자료를 모아 수집된 자 료를 근거로 결정한다. skill이라는 용어가 아주 폭넓은 과업에 사용되어 혼란을 초래할 수 있으므로 전문적인 상황에서 그 핵 심적인 용도에 훨씬 더 가까운 것으로 가지치기 되어야 한다. 젊었을 때 스포츠를 한 여성들의 경험이 사업상 성공과 상관관계가 있다. 운동의 본질과 구조가 운동의 가장 중요한 심리적 부담에 영향을 미친다. 인류에 관한 많은 정보가 유전자에 기록되나 우리는 유전자에 대하여 아는 바가 거의 없어서 이에 관 한 지식을 늘리기 위해 인간화된 동물이 이용되고 있다. 6 은행 관련 세부 정보를 요구하는 취업 광고나 채용 공고는 신용 사기이다. 7 온실가스 배출 수준을 결정하는 몇몇 중요한 요인들이 있는데 경제 성장의 속도에 관한 가치관이 자유 경쟁적 사회와 사회 지향적 사회를 구분한다. 다른 변수들로 에너지와 자원이 사용되는 방식과 자원의 유형이 있다. 8 사람들이 자기애에 빠질수록 그들의 기대는 더 비현실적이 되고, 결국 그것들을 달성할 수 없다는 사 실을 받아들여야 할 때 우울해질 가능성이 더 높다. 9 무대에 오르는 긴장되고 초조한 심경 0 아이들은 더 많은 자립을 받음으로써 효과적으로 자신감을 얻게 되며, 그들이 그 과정에서 위험에 처 할지라도 부모가 필요한 것을 넘어서지 않는 것이 바람직하다. ~ 좋은 원칙이라는 이유로 다른 중요한 목적들과 균형을 이루지 못하고 상황에 따라 판단이 변화하지 않 는 원칙의 위험성 ~ 파충류학 연구회에 관심이 있는 아들 8 사람은 인지적인 틀이 쉽게 변하지 않는 경향이 있어 과거에 인지한 경험들이 사람들을 잘못된 판단으 로 이끌 수 있다. 9 콜라겐과 콜라게나제의 균형이 나이를 먹으면 변화하고 골라게나제가 콜라겐이 생산되는 속도보다 콜 라겐을 더 빠르게 분해하여 피부가 노화한다. 0 인간은 초감감을 지니고 태어나며 이 초감각이 자연적 설명을 넘어서는 믿음을 생기게 한다. 필자가 비행을 하면서 얻게 된 바를 학생과 동료 교관과 공유하며 이를 책으로 집필해야 한다는 제안 을 받게 되어 책을 쓰게 되었고 이에 관한 지식이 교관, 조종사, 학생에게 도움이 되도록 집필했다. 만일의 응급상황을 대비하여 자신의 전체 진료 기록을 디지털 방식의 파일로 직접 보관하라. 젊은 영화 제작자에 관한 일화 - 0 -