115, Oral Roberts University, Developing the Healing Ministry Through Bible Study and Prayer 1 100 1 4 2, 1 William Joseph Seymour 1906 4 2 381 (the Nicene Creed), (Gregory of Nazianzus),,,,
116, 1959-60 J, 1980 3 3 3 2,,, 4 1),,, 26 8 3 3 3, 1906 1909 1960 4 5 Pp 21-38 4 Wagner, pp 26-27
, 117 14 8, ( ) ( ) ( 2: 17-21) 2), (D M Lloyd-Jones) 5 3 (How to Have A Healing Ministry Without Making Your Church Sick) (baptism) (filling) (2:4) 6? 5, ( :, 1986), p 104 6 Wagner, pp 27-28
118 7, 2 (Manifestation) (other tongues) (Classic Pentecostal) 8 M (Howard M Ervin) 9 10 1) ( 21-4) 2) ( 431) 3) ( 814-17) 4) ( 838, 39) 5) ( 917) 6) ( 1044-46) 7) ( 191-6),, 7 2 1 4 12 7 (the mainfestation of the Spirit) 8 (Classic Pentecostals) 9 Oral Roberts University These Are Not Drunken As Ye Suppose, 1968, Spirit-Baptism A Biblical Investigation 10 Howard M Ervin, Spirit-Baptism A Biblical Investigation, ( :, 1996), pp 105-124
, 119 11 W (Charles W Conn) (Pillars of Pentecost) 3 12 (Irenaeus130-195) 13 (Origen185-254) 228, (Cyprian200-258),, 14, (Ambrose 339-397) (Augustine 354-430), (The City of God) 15 70 16 (The Benedictine Abbess) (51 Hildegard, 1098-1179), (Concerts in Spirit) 17 (St Dominicl170-1221), (51 Glare) 11,, 12, ( :, 1985), p 44 13, pp 54-55 14, pp 56-57 15, pp 57-62 16 Morton T Kelsey, Psychology, Medicine and Christian Healing (San Francisco: Harper, 1988), p 146 17, p 66
120 M (Stanley M Burgess) 18 1) (Xenolalia), 2) (Heteroglossolalia) (Bede 673-735) 2 (St Vincent Ferer) (St Antony Pauda), (Francis Xavier) 3) (Glossolalia) 19 1) 8 1881 20 1996 (UNESCO) 5 6, 3 4, 20 30 18, pp 65-67 19,, 20, 1 ( :, 1995), p 150
, 121 21 2), 3),, 4) 142, 14, 15 5) (Heaven) 110 ( ) 15 21,,, 1997 12 31, 10
122 6) 11 25 13, (Praxis),,,,,, ", " 3 -
, 123,,, 22, 23 1) ( 1:26a), (2:7),,, (Painful toil) (Pain) (3:16-17) (3:19), banished from the Garden of Eden( 3:23), (pains), (pain), (painflll toil) T (Morton T Kelsey), 24 25 (Guy P Duffie ld & N M Van Cleave) /Foundations of Pentecostal Theology (Historically), 26 22, ( :, 1994), pp 182-183 23, ( :, 1988), pp 231-239 24 Morton T Kelsey, p 27 25 Kelsey, p 28 26 Guy P Duffield & N M Van Cleave, Foundations of Pentecostal Theology,,
124 (Physiologically), (Correctively) 125 13,, 27 (28:15-22) 4221 22 (Correctively) 28, (Exorcism), (6:18),,,, (9: 37-42),,,,,,, 29 (Oral Roberts) /Better Health and Miracle Living 30 F (Merrill F Unger) 31 ( :, 1992), p 630 27 Duffield & Van Cleave, pp 630-635 28 Duffield & Van Cleave, p 635 29 Kelsey, pp 75-76 30 Oral Roberts Better Health and Miracle Living (Tulsa: Oral Roberts Evangelistic Association, 1990), p 203 31 Merrill F Unger, What Demons Can Do to Saint, ( :, 1991), pp 19-27
, 125 (Unbelieve) (14:11-12) ( 5:27) (Pride) 2616 21, 2:17, 2) (r ph ) (r ph ) (marp ), 3013 (t l h) 319 3(k h h) 32 32 Strong
126 2, ฮ,ฮฒฮค(th rapu ),,, 33 34 4ฯ : 4(ia mai),, ฮฆฯฮค(s z ),,, (4 4<ฮค (hugiain ) 35, 3) 3,,,,,,, (3:23-24), p 170 33 Kelsey, p 87 34 Thomas C Oden, Kerygma and Counseling,,, ( :, 1986), 35 Kelsey, pp 86-87
, 127 9:35 (8:3), (8:7) (4:40), 53, 36 God Still Heals Today-And Here's How He Heals You?, 37 (Duffield & Van Cleave),, 38 39 4) p5 36,, pp 185-186 37 Oral Roberts, God Still Heals Today-And Here s Now He Heals You (Tulsa: NP, 1984), 38 Duffield & Van Cleave, pp 624-629 39 Duffield & Van Cleave, pp 666-667
128 (10:1) (10:7-8), (9:6) Foundations of Pentecostal Theology 7,, 40, (16:20) (1:8) (2:1-4) (2:43-47) (3:1-10), 41 (8:5-8) (9:1-18) (9:36-42) (14:8-10) (15:12) ( 19:11),, ( 12:9-10) 40 Duffield & Van Cleave, p 655 41 Duffield & Van Cleave, p 657
, 129,, 42, - - 13:8 42 Kim Kyung Jung, Developing the Healing Ministry through Bible Study and Prayer, (D Min Project, Oral Roberts University, 1996),