- -
I. / 1 II. / 3 III. / 14 IV. / 23
I. (openness), (Modulization). (Internet Protocol) (Linux) (open source technology).. - Windows95, 98, (proprietary system). ( ). - (free).,. 1),.,,,. 1). IBM,. IBM (unbundling).... - 1 -
, (community)... (competence destroying)'.. - 2 -
II. 2) 1. 3).. (shareware).. -... -,,. < 1> SW - Window 98, Excel - Winzip, RealAudio SW -,, FreeBSD 2) (2000), (1999). 3).,.. (compile) (compiler). - 3 -
-,,,,.. < 2> (2-3 ) (3 ) : (2000, 3), IT.. (operating system) 4). 1991 (Linus Torvalds) 5), (UNIX). 4) CPU( ),,. 5). GNU. GNU/Linux... GNU/Linux. - 4 -
1987 (Andrew Tannenbaum) (Minix),.,.. -.. (Red Hat), (Caldera), (Suse), (Turbo Linux). - GNOME KDE. MS. (Apache)', ' (Sendmail)', 'Bind(Berkeley Internet Domain Name)', ' (Samba)'... - 5 -
2. :. IDC 1998 16%. 1999 25% 2.,,,, NT. < 3> NT. NT. < 3> 1998 1999 NT 38% 38% 23.6% 16% 25% 93.2% 23% 19% 5.9% 19% 15% 1.4% 4% 3% - 25.5% : IDC(2000 2 ).. (Halloween Document), 1998 11 1. ( ).. - 6 -
.. < 4> - GPL(General Public Licence) -, - PCI ISA - - - -. : LG (2000), OS. - - 7 -
3.... (1) 1960 IBM 360.. IBM.... 1969 AT&T. C..... AT&T.. - 8 -
. AT&T. AT&T BSD(Berkeley Software Distribution). AT&T BSD. 1980... 1984 AT&T AT&T. AT&T.. IBM, HP.... (2).. 1983 GNU (Richard Stallman).. GNU. GNU GNU is Not Unix' - 9 -
. GNU.. 1985 (Free Software Foundation)..,., ( ).,.,.. Copyleft'. Copyleft. Copyleft,, ( ). 'GPL (General Public Licence)'. GPL,,. GPL GUI(Graphic User Interface),. GPL. - 10 -
GNU. 1990. GNU. GNU. 6). 1992 GNU GNU/Linux. (3) :,..... (Eric Raymond) (Cathedral and Bazaar). 7).. 6) (kernel) Machine( ) (operation). 7) 1997 (open source campaign).. - 11 -
GNU. GNU.... ( tester).. -.... 1998 1.. Open Source Initiative... - 12 -
.. < 5> - - -,. -. -. : (1999: 164) - 13 -
III. 1. IDC 1999 2. 1991..,,...,???,..??. ' (Brooks Law)' n n n.,. - 14 -
,? (1) (Community)....,...... (user- supplier)........,. - 15 -
(2)???... (reputation)... (reputation)... (signaling) (Learner and Tirole, 2000). (3)... - 16 -
,........,....... BSD NetBSD, openbsd, FreeBSD..., (Allan Cox) - 17 -
,. 2............ (1) 1), 2), 3), 4) (embedded Linux) - 18 -
....., " (Distribution)".... < 6> AS,, : Thin Server : LG (2000.3) TV,, PDA /.,. - 19 -
.,, PDA, (Embedded System).... (customization),.,,... < 7> (Redhat) (Caldera) (SuSE) (Turbo Linux) - 50%. -. -.. - ' '. -.. -.,, 2 2. - 20 -
(2) 8) 97~98 99. ( ), ( ). 98 99,,,.,,,. IBM.... NT IT..,.,,, M,,, 10. - 8) inews24.com(2000). - 21 -
,. -.. -... - LASP(Linux Application Support Program),.,,...,,. - 22 -
IV. 1. Perez & Soete(1988)..,, (lock-in effect).,. (entry cost). 9).... 9),,, (external economies) (Perez and Soete, 1988). - 23 -
, (Perez and Soete, 1988),,. 2...... -..,.. - 24 -
PC. (parallel-clustering)... 3. (1). (European Commission) (Information Society Directorate General) (Libre Software). "Free Software/Open Source: Information Society Opportunities for Europe?".,,.. < >. - 25 -
... < >..,,. < >... < >...,. (2),,,. 2000 100 2001 500. - 26 -
CD 100.,,,,.....,. -. (Aldrich and Fiol, 1994)... - 27 -
....,,,. -. -...... - 28 -
< > (2000),.COM,. (2000), :,. (1999),., Aldrich, H. and Fiol, C.(1994), "Fools Rush In?: The Institutional Context of Industry Creation", A cademy of Management R eview, Vol.19, No. 4. DiBona, C., Ockman, S. and Stone, M.(2000),,. inews24.com(2000), Embedded Linux: The Rosy Future of Op en Source Business. Lerner, J. and Tirole, J.(2000), "The Simple Economics of Open Source", NBER Workin Paper 7600. Perez, C. and Soete, L.(1988), "Catching up in Technology: Entry Barriers and Window of Opportunity", In Dosi, G., Freeman, C., Nelson, C., Silverberg, G., Soete, L.(eds.), Technical Change and Economic Theory, London, Pinter. Weber, S.(2000), "The Political Economy of Open Source Software", BRIE Workin Paper 140. Working Group on Libre Software(2000), "Free Software/Open Source: Information Society Opportunities for Europe", Ver. 1.2. - 29 -