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ST. PATRICK CHURCH 1001 9th Avenue South, Clear Lake, IA 50428 6413573214 stpatrickcommunity.com October 31, 2021

2 S T. P A T R I C K C H U R C H From the desk of Father Josh Imposter posing as parish pastor in either text messages or emails to parishioners The archdiocese has received reports that parishioners are receiving fraudulent text messages and emails from someone posing as me. The messages are similar to the following. [Recipient s Name] I need a favor from you, text me as soon as you get this message. God Bless you. Fr Josh Link. If the recipient replies, the scammer will ask the recipient to purchase gift cards. Please know that I will not make such requests. If you are in doubt about a message that claims to be from me, please contact the parish office. Thank you. (This message comes from the Archdiocese and used here with permission) Nov 1 All Saints Day Mass at 8:30 AM Nov 2 All Souls Day Mass at 8:30 AM (Not a holy day of obligation this year.) Worldwide Marriage Encounter is a catholic faith based marriage enrichment program and has been providing couples with better communication skills and tools for over 50 years. Find out what you've been missing by attending one of these upcoming experiences. February 11-13th in Ankeny; April 23-24th in Epworth. For more information or to register go to iowa-wwme.org or call 563-608-3305. FAITH FORMATION VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! New roles are available to get involved, from helping with snacks and youth leadership to ad-hoc administrative and classroom support whatever your talent, we ve got something for you! Call Caitlyn today @ 641-357-4508. FAITH FORMATION Looking to grow in the knowledge of our Catholic Faith? Sign up for FORMED today where you can access thousands of free books, audio talks, movies, documentaries, studies and more! There is something for everyone. Sign up at www.formed.org/ signup and enter the zip code of 50428 to select St. Patrick s. Any questions regarding registering please contact the Faith Formation Office at 641-357-4058. One that sings, prays twice St. Augustine Choir: If you are interested in joining the choir or if you are already a member, this is for you! Practice will begin Wednesday, November 3, from 6:00-7:00PM and will continue every Wednesday. As it has been a while since we have been together, our first Sunday singing at Mass will be Sunday, November 28. Once we start singing at Mass, we will also add Sundays before Mass at 9:15 AM, which is a great opportunity for those who can read music and may not be available every Wednesday. All are welcome!! Cantors: This is an opportunity for anyone 8th grade or older. If you want to share your God given gift by being a cantor, please contact Deb Knipper at 641-357-7325 (leave a msg) to set up a meeting to discuss training, and the commitment. Being a choir member is desired, but optional. Thank you for considering this opportunity to serve. Deb Knipper and Mary Ellen Monson Music Coordinators. OUR ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK: Thank you for supporting our advertisers. Your patronage helps make our weekly bulletin possible.

O C T O B E R 3 1 2 0 2 1 3 CONFIRMATION 2021 These youth were confirmed on Saturday, October 16th by Archbishop Jackals and Sunday, October 17th by Father Josh Link. Left picture: Front Ella Nielsen, Marie Manternach, Sarah Petersen, and Ava Richtsmeier. Back row Archbishop Jackals, Garrett Heller, Alex Brcka, Jack Crane, Nick Brcka, Max Currier, Justin Kerr and Father Link. Right picture: Father Link and Carly Joynt Sacred Heart Parish Rockwell Turkey Dinner Sunday, October 31st. Drive up/take outs only Serving from 11:00 AM till 1:00 PM or until gone. Menu: Turkey, dressing, potatoes, gravy, corn, coleslaw, tea biscuit, and pumpkin pie. Cost is $12.00. Come and pick up a great meal. THANK YOU for your generous response to the collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith last weekend on World Mission Sunday. You may stay connected year-round to the Pope s missions, continuing the commitment of World Mission Sunday, by visiting MISSIO.org

4B Fax Mon Friday 9:00 641357 3214 6413573210 SaintPatrick@cltel.net stpatrickcommunity.com STAFF 319 Area Weekend Mass Times Newman ~ Thursday at 9:45 AM (during the school year) (Not open to the public at this time) Epiphany Parish: Mason City St. Joseph ~ 7:30 AM and 9:00 AM Sunday Holy Family ~ 4:00 PM Saturdays and 10:30 AM Sunday Sacred Heart: Manly ~ 5:30 PM Saturday Sacred Heart: Rockwell ~ 8:00 AM Sunday Parish Giving October 24, 2021 Budget... $3,079.00 Offertory... $887.00 E-Giving for October... $6,486.00 September Calendar of Events St Patrick Church Nov 1... All Saints Day 8:30 AM Mass Nov 2... All Sou s Day 8:30 AM Mass Nov 3... Rel Ed Classes grades 1 9 Finance Meeting 5:30 PM Nov 8... Adoration All day KC Meeting Evening

4A St Patrick Mass Schedule Saturday, October 30 Weekday Reconciliation3:30 PMReconciliation Room Mass4:00 PMMearle Lunbeck Also Live Streamed and viewable any time after Sunday, October 31 ThirtyFirst Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass10:00 AMParishioners of St Patrick Monday, November 1 All Saints Mass8:30 AM (Not a holy day of obligation) Tuesday, November 2 All Soul s Day Mass8:30 AMPour Souls (Not a holy day of obligation) Wednesday, November 3 Weekday Mass8:30 AMPour Souls Thursday, November 4 Saint Charles Borromeo, Bishop No Mass Friday, November 5 Weekday No Mass Saturday, November 6 Weekday Reconciliation3:30 PMReconciliation Room MASS4:00 PM Shirley Dillavou Also Live Streamed Sunday, November 7 ThirtySecond Sunday in Ordinary Time MASS10:00 AMParishioners of St Patrick In person Mass subject to change with Covid numbers Readings for the week of October 31, 2021 Sunday: Dt 6:2-6/Ps 18:2-3, 3-4, 47, 51 [2]/Heb 7:23-28/Mk 12:28b-34 Monday: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14/Ps 24:1-2, 3-4, 5-6 [cf. 6]/1 Jn 3:1-3/Mt 5:1-12a Tuesday: Wis 3:1-9/Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 [1 or 4ab]/Rom 5:5-11 or Rom 6:3-9/Jn 6:37-40a Wednesday: Rom 13:8-10/Ps 112:1b-2, 4-5, 9 [5a]/Lk 14:25-33 Thursday: Rom 14:7-12/Ps 27:1bcde, 4, 13-14 [13]/Lk 15:1-10 Friday: Rom 15:14-21/Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd -4 [cf. 2b]/Lk 16:1-8 Saturday: Rom 16:3-9, 16, 22-27/Ps 145:2-3, 4-5, 10-11 [1b]/Lk 16:9-15 Next Sunday: 1 Kgs 17:10-16/Ps 146:7, 8-9, 9-10 [1b]/Heb 9:24-28/Mk 12:38-44 or 12:41-44

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