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6 영상기술연구 실감하지 못했을지도 모른다. 하지만 그 이외의 지역에서 3D 영화를 관람하기란 그리 쉬운 일이 아니다. 영화 <아바타> 이후, 티켓 파워에 민감한 국내 대형 극장 체인들이 2D 상영관을 3D 상영관으로 점차적으로 교체하는 추세이긴 하지만, 아직까지는 관

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27 2, * ** 3, 3,. B ,.,,,. 3,.,,,,..,. :,, : 2009/09/03 : 2009/09/21 : 2009/09/30 * ICAD (Institute for Children Ability

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328 退溪學과 韓國文化 第43號 다음과 같은 3가지 측면을 주목하여 서술하였다. 우선 정도전은 ꡔ주례ꡕ에서 정치의 공공성 측면을 주목한 것으로 파악하였다. 이는 국가, 정치, 권력과 같은 것이 사적인 소유물이 아니라 공적인 것임을 강조하는 것으로 조선에서 표방하는 유



PROLOGUE Just Reading Reading TOEFL TOEIC Crashen

About Reading I Reading Power Reading Comprehension reading main idea main idea Paragraph / Passage 4

About Reading II About Just Reading Series I Main Idea / Controlling Statement Support sentence Support sentence Support sentence Support sentence Support sentence Concluding Sentence 4 5

botanist n. identify v. zoologist n. confuse v. volunteer n. insight n. v. enhance v. barrier n. conflict n. reflect v. v. prosecutor n. disturb v. companion n. horizon n. overcome v. prejudice n. legally ad. unique a. extract v. treat v. n. Draw a line from each word on the left to its definition on the right. Then, use the numbered words to fill in the blanks in the sentences below. dictionary a. a natural ability to do something well talent b. having happened or started only a short time ago appearance c. a reference book that contains words with explanations of their meanings 4 mixture d. the way someone or something looks to other people 5 recent e. somebody trained to dispense medicinal drugs and to advise on their use 6 pharmacist f. a combination of two or more different things, feelings, or types of people 7 I ve tried to look up this word in the dictionary, but haven t been able to find it. 8 Fill the bread with a(n) mixture of lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers. 9 Take this prescription to the local pharmacist and you can get the medicine. 0 I judged a classmate by her strange appearance but she was actually very nice. It does not show the most recent information so we only have old information. She showed a(n) talent for acting at an early age. In contrast In consequence In addition For example That is Botanists and zoologists use Latin names for plants and animals. Scientists from each country use different names for plants and animals. A dog is called der hund in German. The word robin exists in American, English and Australian dictionaries. Scientists agreed to use the Latin language. Word botanist identify instead of native language share similarly zoologist expert behavior agree to misunderstanding confuse refer to dictionary look up If you [ have / had ] enough time, you would go to the airport and pick up your boyfriend. From the report, it looked as if he [ will play / had played ] a crucial role in the smuggling operation. If we will catch the bus in time, we will be able to see the president visit a national cemetery. Nine-tenths of the wood consumed in the Third World is used for cooking and heating. In making a successful school, we must consider the relationships among the people involved in the school s community. (borrow, uninteresting, library) The book borrowed from the library was uninteresting. 4 Translate into English. zoologist native language misunderstanding 4 identify 5 volunteering 6 insight 7 issue 8 enhance 9 at least 0 recent usefulness selfishness companion 4 overcome 5 maintain 6 whizz by 7 extract 8 pharmacy 9 mass-produce 0 local resident Translate into Korean. share botanist refer to 4 similarly 5 opportunity 6 meet 7 intangible 8 commitment 9 a majority of 0 struggle regardless of annoy judge 4 delightful 5 over-simplification 6 properly 7 accountant 8 treat 9 provide 0 interestingly CHAPTER DATE SELF CHECK TEACHER PARENTS Preview Unit Unit Unit Unit 4 Unit 5 Review Choose the correct answers to each question. Zoologists, the who study animals and animal behavior, use Latin to name the animals. botanists experts dictionaries animals The mobile phone may also cause a lot of problems in spite of its. usefulness noise pollution conflicts prosecutor The pharmacist mixed the from coca and cola nuts, and sold the mixture. accountant pharmacy local resident extracts Translate into English or Korean. I saw an injured lady being carried to the emergency room and her family weeping beside her. I had never seen him support a project about which he knew nothing. (impossible, not only ~ but also, pick up, drive) It is impossible to ask Jim not only to come to pick us up but also to drive us to the airport. Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks. The book most in the world is the Bible. read reading read having read The hotel we stayed was not clean and didn t provide good service. which in that how in which was impressive to show people how historians corrected the history distorted for centuries. It That What To 4 It was interesting see that neither of the candidates made the effort to explain their ideas. to and that so Match each word with its synonyms (two answers). admit appear occasion opportunity accept emerge originate expand ceaseless 4 endless permit chance 5 widen constant broaden About Just Reading Series II Preview s Word CHAPTER0 Preview Word Grammar If you didn t give me a lift, I would not be here now. If you listened to me, you could finish the work by now. Drill Translation You look as if you saw something strange and shocking. He talks as if he had been the main character in the movie. Mini Quiz If we find someone who likes to do the same thing we do, we will get along wiht that person and be happy. We ll have everything ready by the time you arrive there. Preview s Grammar 4 Mini Quiz 5 CHAPTER 0 Review Test Review A B C D E F For CHAPTER 0 Unit When botanists identify plants and flowers, they use Latin instead of their native language. Even though those plants and flowers have thousands of different names in different languages, the Latin names of those flowers and plants are the only names used among all botanists. Similarly, zoologists, the experts who study animals and animal behaviors, use Latin to name animals. If scientists did not agree to use the Latin language, there would be a lot of misunderstanding when scientists from different countries talk to each other. For instance, the animal whose Latin name is Canis Familiaris, is called a dog in English; le chien in French; inu in Japanese; and der hund in German. Sometimes, it can get more confusing when more than one animal is referred to by the same name among people who speak the same language., Americans, Englishmen, and Australians have the word robin in their dictionaries. 4 But if you look this word up in each dictionary, you will find that they identify three different birds! Choose the best phrase to fill in the blank. 6 Drill Grammar N + -ed/en... The special reading system now used was invented by Charles, and perfected by Louis Braille. Desert tribes often live in tents made Drill Translation of camel skin because these tents are easily moved. 7 CHAPTER 0 Check Box CHECK B X Drill Grammar

Prologue About Reading I About Reading II About Just Reading Series I About Just Reading Series II CHAPTER Unit Unit Unit Unit 4 Unit 5 CHAPTER 9 Unit Unit Unit Unit 4 Unit 5 CHAPTER 45 Unit Unit Unit Unit 4 Unit 5 CHAPTER 4 6 Unit Unit Unit Unit 4 Unit 5 CHAPTER 5 77 Unit Unit Unit Unit 4 Unit 5 CHAPTER 6 9 Unit Unit Unit Unit 4 Unit 5 CHAPTER 7 09 Unit Unit Unit Unit 4 Unit 5 CHAPTER 8 5 Unit Unit Unit Unit 4 Unit 5 CHAPTER 9 4 Unit Unit Unit Unit 4 Unit 5 0

CHAPTER 0 57 Unit Unit Unit Unit 4 Unit 5 CHAPTER 7 Unit Unit Unit Unit 4 Unit 5 CHAPTER 0 CHAPTER 89 Unit Unit Unit Unit 4 Unit 5 CHAPTER 05 Unit Unit Unit Unit 4 Unit 5 4 5

CHAPTER0 Preview Word Grammar botanist n. identify v. zoologist n. confuse v. volunteer n. insight n. v. enhance v. barrier n. conflict n. reflect v. v. prosecutor n. disturb v. companion n. horizon n. overcome v. prejudice n. legally ad. unique a. extract v. treat v. n. If you didn t give me a lift, I would not be here now. If you listened to me, you could finish the work by now. You look as if you saw something strange and shocking. He talks as if he had been the main character in the movie. Mini Quiz Draw a line from each word on the left to its definition on the right. Then, use the numbered words to fill in the blanks in the sentences below. dictionary a. a natural ability to do something well If we find someone who likes to do the same thing we do, we will get along with that person and be happy. We ll have everything ready by the time you arrive there. talent b. having happened or started only a short time ago appearance c. a reference book that contains words with explanations of their meanings 4 mixture d. the way someone or something looks to other people 5 recent e. somebody trained to dispense medicinal drugs and to advise on their use 6 pharmacist f. a combination of two or more different things, feelings, or types of people 7 I ve tried to look up this word in the dictionary, but haven t been able to find it. 8 Fill the bread with a(n) mixture of lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers. 9 Take this prescription to the local pharmacist and you can get the medicine. 0 I judged a classmate by her strange appearance but she was actually very nice. It does not show the most recent information so we only have old information. Mini Quiz If you [ have / had ] enough time, you would go to the airport and pick up your boyfriend. From the report, it looked as if he [ will play / had played ] a crucial role in the smuggling operation. If we will catch the bus in time, we will be able to see the president visit a national cemetery. catch She showed a(n) talent for acting at an early age. 4 JUST Reading HR 5 CHAPTER 0

Unit When botanists identify plants and flowers, they use Latin instead of their native language. Even though those plants and flowers have thousands of different names in different languages, the Latin names of those flowers and plants are the only names used among all botanists. Similarly, zoologists, the experts who study animals and animal behaviors, use Latin to name animals. If scientists did not agree to use the Latin language, there would be a lot of misunderstanding when scientists from different countries talk to each other. For instance, the animal whose Latin name is Canis Familiaris, is called a dog in English; le chien in French; inu in Japanese; and der hund in German. Sometimes, it can get more confusing when more than one animal is referred to by the same name among people who speak the same language., Americans, Englishmen, and Australians have the word robin in their dictionaries. 4 But if you look this word up in each dictionary, you will find that they identify three different birds! Drill Grammar N + -ed/en... The special reading system now used was invented by Charles, and perfected by Louis Braille. Desert tribes often live in tents made of camel skin because these tents are easily moved. Nine-tenths of the wood consumed in the Third World is used for cooking and heating. Choose the best phrase to fill in the blank. In contrast For example In consequence That is In addition Word botanist identify instead of native language In making a successful school, we must consider the relationships among the people involved in the school s community. (borrow, uninteresting, library) The book borrowed from the library was uninteresting. Botanists and zoologists use Latin names for plants and animals. Scientists from each country use different names for plants and animals. A dog is called der hund in German. The word robin exists in American, English and Australian dictionaries. similarly zoologist expert behavior agree to misunderstanding confuse Drill Translation Scientists agreed to use the Latin language. refer to dictionary look up 4 6 JUST Reading HR 7 CHAPTER 0

Unit Volunteering can help you gain the experience that provides you with the opportunity to give time and energy towards meeting human needs, while learning about yourself, the community and world in which you live. Volunteering can take very little time and commitment on the part of the volunteer, but its effects can be felt by many. There are opportunities to use your special talents in many different settings for a variety of causes. Through volunteering you can learn new skills and gain insights. You can also explore career possibilities, hence, enhance the job search. Many employers are often impressed by volunteer work. Volunteering has many other intangible benefits. It can help you give back to society, break down barriers of misunderstanding or fear, explore personal issues, and even have fun. 4 In addition, your volunteering will work not only to increase your personal satisfaction but also to build a better society. Drill Grammar The group to which Harry belongs encourages individual members to think creatively. The way in which we spend our own money must be learned from our parents. She wrote on a topic about which she knew almost nothing. Language is the means by which people communicate with other people. (how to control, special, in which, their fear, learn) Choose the best main idea for the paragraph. Volunteering is a good opportunity to impress employers. Volunteering is a warm-hearted thing to do and it gives selfsatisfaction. There are many benefits people may get through volunteering. People may find their talents or learn new skills through volunteering. It s important to volunteer in many areas of volunteering. Word volunteering provide opportunity meet commitment on the part of talent insight career possibility enhance be impressed intangible There are special classes in which people learn how to control their fear. Drill Translation 4 barrier issue satisfaction 8 JUST Reading HR 9 CHAPTER 0

Unit According to a recent survey, at least five out of ten Korean people are mobile phone users. Mobile phones can be used to solve conflicts. In a recent political struggle between politicians and prosecutors, the two sides were able to solve their problems over mobile phones. However, the mobile phone may also cause a lot of problems. A majority of car-related accidents these days are caused by people who talk on the phone while driving, or crossing a busy street. In Korea, it is very common to see old people as well as children talking on their mobile phones regardless of time or place. The ring tones of mobile phones are often terribly sharp and annoying. Even if the phone has a musical ring tone, it is still disturbingly noisy. When it rings in a movie theater, or in a concert hall, the lousy ringing sounds disturb and annoy the public. 4 Those problems caused by mobile phones reflect the endless needs of Korean people to be connected with others. Drill Grammar itto It it to do It is important for a journalist to be honorable and to write about both sides of a problem. Because women were weaker physically than men, the knights believed that it was their duty to protect them. Because the student has short legs and is not strong, it is difficult for him to be an excellent soccer player. As a result, he is learning golf and table tennis. According to the passage, what is a disadvantage of the mobile phone phenomenon? Children talk on their mobile phones instead of studying. Mobile phones can cause brain cancer. Mobile phones can cause car accidents. It is difficult to talk to somebody when you can t see his or her face. Mobile phones cause a lot of diseases. Word survey mobile phone conflict political struggle politician prosecutor During our trip to Rome, it was difficult to see all the sights that we had hoped to see. There just was not enough time, so we hope to go again in the future. (wrong, it, everything, want, give) It is wrong to give children everything they want. Drill Translation a majority of Why are mobile phones popular in Korea? Korean people have endless reasons to be connected with others. People like to talk to their friends when they are stuck in traffic. Mobile phones are not very expensive. There are few public phones in Korea. They are important in case of an emergency. car-related accident noise pollution regardless of disturbingly disturb reflect endless 4 0 JUST Reading HR CHAPTER 0

Unit 4 (A) You drive through a town and see a drunken man on the sidewalk. A few blocks further on you see another. You turn to your companion: Nothing but in this town! Soon you are out in the country, driving at 80 kilometers per hour. A car passes you as if you were parked. On a curve a second whizzes by. Your companion turns to you: All the drivers in this state are crazy! Here we start at the level of facts properly enough, but we do not stay there. A case or two and on we go to an over-simplification about and speeders. (B) I try very hard to, because I realize it limits me. Several years ago, I judged a classmate by her strange appearance and possibly missed the chance to make a good friend. Now, I no longer judge people according to what is on the outside, but instead pay attention to what is on the inside. I have widened my horizons to include many delightful people whom I might have never known if I had maintained my original judgment. chance attention horizons years appearance men beggars drivers strangers drunks 4 Choose the best answer to fill in the blank in paragraph B. overcome my prejudice succeed my career be generous to people be fashionable with my appearance make friends Word drunken man sidewalk companion park pass whizz by properly over-simplification speeder overcome prejudice limit judge appearance no longer pay attention to widen horizon delightful maintain original judgment JUST Reading HR CHAPTER 0

Unit 5 Coca-Cola (a) must be the world s most popular soft drink. In May, 886, John Pemberton, a pharmacist living in Atlanta, Georgia, invented the drink. He mixed the extracts from coca and cola nuts, and sold the mixture, (b) which contained cocaine, at his pharmacy as a drug. Until 905, cocaine was legally used to treat headaches. Frank M. Robinson, Pemberton s accountant at the pharmacy, was the person who first came up with the name Coca-Cola and also the distinctive script. Coca-Cola has became the famous What was a surprising factor in the success of the Coca-Cola company? the particular taste the pharmacist the Coca-Cola company Frank M. Robinson the shape of the bottle pharmacist Atlanta extract coca cola nut Word logo of today. mixture What made today s Coca-Cola company (c) is the original shape of the coca cola bottle. The bottle s shape was invented by professional designer Earl R. Dean and Alexander Samuelson, who were members of a design team working for the Root Grass Company. Dean and his team were inspired by a picture of a gourd-shaped cocoa pod. Later, after they mass-produced the bottles, they learned that the shape was not only unique but also good for sales. Interestingly, the curvy shape (d) made people thirsty! Without the help of the U.S. army, Coca-Cola could not (e) have been spread throughout the world so fast and widely. Everywhere U.S. soldiers went, Coca-Cola was with them. Factories were built in Europe and in Asia to provide the soldiers with their Coca-Cola. After the soldiers left, the factories kept running for the local residents. (c) is the original shape of the coca cola bottle was the original shape of the coca cola bottle V 4 What was the inspiration for the bottle s shape? The curviness of the cola nuts John Pemberton s accountant A picture of a gourd-shaped cocoa pod The curvy figure of a woman s body An idea of the Coca-Cola factory contain cocaine pharmacy legally treat headache come up with distinctive script be inspired by gourd-shaped pod accountant mass-produce unique interestingly spread throughout the world Right now, 5,4 cans of Coca-Cola are sold every second all over the world. Once, provide the company tried to change the taste of Coca-Cola, but too many people fought against it. As a result, Coca-Cola still has its original taste. That s how much we re used to Coke! local resident fight against original taste 4 JUST Reading HR 5 CHAPTER 0

Review For CHAPTER 0 A Translate into English. zoologist native language misunderstanding 4 identify 5 volunteering 6 insight B Translate into Korean. share botanist refer to 4 similarly 5 opportunity 6 meet C Choose the correct answers to each question. Zoologists, the who study animals and animal behavior, use Latin to name the animals. botanists experts dictionaries animals The mobile phone may also cause a lot of problems in spite of its. usefulness noise pollution conflicts prosecutor E Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks. The book most in the world is the Bible. read reading read having read The hotel we stayed was not clean and didn t provide good service. which in that how in which 7 issue 8 enhance 9 at least 0 recent usefulness 7 intangible 8 commitment 9 a majority of 0 struggle regardless of The pharmacist mixed the from coca and cola nuts, and sold the mixture. accountant pharmacy local resident extracts D Translate into English or Korean. was impressive to show people how historians corrected the history distorted for centuries. It That What To 4 It was interesting see that neither of the candidates made the effort to explain their ideas. to and that so selfishness companion 4 overcome 5 maintain 6 whizz by 7 extract 8 pharmacy 9 mass-produce 0 local resident annoy judge 4 delightful 5 over-simplification 6 properly 7 accountant 8 treat 9 provide 0 interestingly I saw an injured lady being carried to the emergency room and her family weeping beside her. I had never seen him support a project about which he knew nothing. (impossible, not only ~ but also, pick up, drive) It is impossible to ask Jim not only to come to pick us up but also to drive us to the airport. F Match each word with its synonyms (two answers). admit appear occasion opportunity accept emerge originate expand ceaseless 4 endless permit chance 5 widen constant broaden


CHAPTER0 Preview Word Grammar creature n. surface n. a. evolve v. breathe v. tremendous a. puberty n. limit n. v. awkward a. durability n. fibrous a. material n. block n. a. v. incredible a. ease n. v. urge v. n. irresistible a. fit v. a. n. adjustment n. route n. priority n. Researchers said the maximum number of all eclipses that can occur in a year is five. People often find their dreams remain unaccomplished and give up. be covered with / be filled with / be made of / be satisfied with / be disappointed in / be surprised at... Terrorists will use anything that they can cause people to be scared of something actual or fictional. Mini Quiz Draw a line from each word on the left to its definition on the right. Then, use the numbered words to fill in the blanks in the sentences below. huge a. the circular path of a planet, satellite, or moon My family prefers eating outside to eating at home on special occasions like Christmas. To evaluate each student is more efficient than to evaluate the group of students. mature b. move safely down onto the ground available c. fully developed and balanced in personality and emotional behavior 4 orbit d. able to be used or can easily be bought or found 5 attentive e. extremely large in size, amount, or degree 6 land f. behaving toward somebody in a way that shows special regard or affection 7 We re mature enough to disagree on this issue and to take the responsibility for that. 8 This makes a(n) huge difference, especially in the high school years. 9 The space shuttle is now in orbit. 0 There are plenty of jobs available in this area. Flight 846 landed five minutes ago. Mini Quiz When you send an e-mail to your friend, your nickname will [ appear / be appeared ] in the From field. I remember being surprised on how good the pictures we had taken actually came out. at How you see yourself is different from others see you when you talk with people. how others see you Customers want companies that are attentive to their needs. 0 JUST Reading HR CHAPTER 0

Unit A whale is a huge creature living in the ocean. A blue whale can grow up to 00 feet long, and a newborn blue whale is bigger than a full-grown elephant. There are many types of whales like the sperm whale, humpback whale, Sei Whale, great blue whale, California Grey Whale, and Greenland Right Whale. A whale is a mammal, because it is a warm-blooded animal, and the young are born out of their mother s womb and fed with the mother s milk. Since whales are mammals, they breathe through lungs, unlike fish that use gills for breathing., whales must come up to the surface every half hour to breathe air. But isn t it strange that whales don t live on land like other mammals but live in water? 4 According to zoologists, ancestors of whales used to live on land in very ancient times, but they evolved and became fishlike after they started living in water. Drill Grammar it that it it that [ That people live longer than they did before] is true. It is true that people live longer than they did before. It is very surprising that many of the most educated people in our society know so little of our country s history. It is natural that people will always want to have holidays. Dolphins and porpoises aren t part of the mammal family. Whales breathe through gills. Whales must breathe air every hour or so. All baby whales are born through their mother s womb. Zoologists believe that whales were fishlike in ancient times. Choose the best word to fill in the blank. Amazingly Therefore In contrast Likewise To begin with Word huge creature newborn full-grown mammal warm-blooded animal womb breathe gill surface (it, clear, the whole world, create, God) It is not clear that God created the whole world. Drill Translation 4 zoologist ancestor used to do evolve fishlike JUST Reading HR CHAPTER 0

Unit Some adolescents experience tremendous changes as early as fourth or fifth grade, while others may not begin developing until their high school years. In general, girls develop and mature earlier than boys. In girls, the growth spurt begins in early puberty, while in boys, the growth spurt usually begins in mid to late puberty. The growth spurt usually occurs in sequence. For example, first the hands and feet begin to grow longer, then the arms and legs, and finally the trunk of the body catches up. This may seem awkward, but it is perfectly natural. You may worry that your body is developing too slowly or too fast or that your shape is different from that of your friends or people you see on television or in magazine ads. Remember, your body has its own limits and its own growth. 4 Rather than worrying too much about outer appearances, focus your energy on participating in fun activities with friends in everyday life. Drill Grammar that Experts point out that a labor shortage is a serious problem. I believe that success is a journey, not a destination. The problem is that he does not want to go to the university his father attended. Though he was a child, Franz knew that Germany had been in a brutal war with France and that his country, France, had been beaten. (get married, the couple, advise) brutal beat The fortune teller advised that the couple should not get married. adolescents tremendous growth spurts mature puberty Word Drill Translation in sequence schedule company hormone promotion characteristic trunk awkward shape magazine ads 4 limit appearance focus A on B 4 JUST Reading HR 5 CHAPTER 0

Unit Around the world, the ways to construct a house usually depend on the of building materials. For instance, people who live in fertile regions, use the most available materials, mud or clay, which block out the heat and solar radiation. They also provide good insulation and durability from the heat. On the other hand, the Eskimos, living in some parts of the Arctic, build their houses with thick blocks of ice because they live in a treeless region of snow and ice. In Northern Europe, Russia, and other areas of the world where people have easy access to forests, houses are usually made of wood. Also, in the islands of the South Pacific, there grow bamboos and palm trees. 4 So, people use these tough, fibrous plants to build their houses. Drill Grammar who thatwhich The child who doesn t make the baseball team feels terrible. I saw the musician who electrified the audience on TV last night. His name is Rain. They look for employees who support each other, take pride in their work, and encourage maintenance of a pleasant working environment. Choose the best word to fill in the blank. size availability price demand kinds The paragraph shows that people are (A) enough to adapt to their environment because they have been (B) in various environments throughout history. (A) (B) idle... hard working noxious... constructing intelligent... surviving inane... creating sedate... engaging Word construct material fertile region available block out solar radiation insulation durability Arctic access to be made of bamboo palm tree fibrous Those who cannot achieve success in their business or profession are the ones whose concentration is poor. (person, others, faithful, faith, in himself) A person who has faith in himself can be faithful to others. Drill Translation 4 6 JUST Reading HR 7 CHAPTER 0

Unit 4 (A) There is a good reason to make this trip to the Island of Paradise, Captain Koppe told himself as he stepped out of the elevator car into (i) the covered rooftop hangar of his house. The journey itself would be of use. There were times (ii) when it was important to be alone, to have time to think. Alone even from one s personal robot, from one s trusted wife. (B) The outer doors opened, and the aircar slowly eased out into the driving rain. Suddenly, (a) it was in the middle of the storm, jumping and swinging in the darkness, the rain crashing down on the windows with incredible violence. The storm boomed and roared outside the long-range aircar as (b) it fought for altitude, the banging and clattering (iii) getting worse with every moment. (C) Smooth sailing after the storm, the aircar arrived at the orbit of the Island of Paradise. (B) (C) (D) (C) (B) (D) (C) (D) (B) V (D) (B) (C) (D) (C) (B) (a) (b) V (c) (d) (e) Word rooftop of use aircar ease swing crash incredible boom roar long-range altitude bang clatter duration power up deck Captain Koppe looked out at the island through the window. He had been longing for (c) it since his childhood. At that moment, his family picture (iv) posted on the inside of the aircar came into his eyes. All of a sudden, he had an irresistible urge to go to see his beloved wife and his two sons. He turned his back on the Island of Paradise and directed (d) it toward 4 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) V (v) orbit long for irresistible urge the homeland. (D) Captain Koppe sensed that this was one of those times when he had to be alone if for no other reason than to remind himself that he (v) should have to make his decision alone. And he would have the duration of the flight all to himself. The thought appealed to him as he powered up the aircar and (e) it lifted a half-meter or so off the deck of the hangar. hangar 8 JUST Reading HR 9 CHAPTER 0

Unit 5 (A) Usually it is important not to stick to. (a) Especially in a hospital when emergency situations happen, Dr. Neal Flomenbaum says, team leaders are required not to be overly attentive to medical procedures, but to find the best ways to handle the situation and supervise others. (b) Also, they should ignore other emergency patients because there are many other doctors available to take care of them. (c) It s important to have someone who stands back and keeps the whole situation under control, he says. (d) Otherwise a patient s life can be at risk. (e) My friend Schorn, an Aloha pilot, once told me, When you land a plane, the most important thing is to remember what your priority is. It is landing. (B) Sometimes, we struggle over at the cost of larger objectives. In order not to make a mistake of losing the whole forest while saving one tree, we should keep asking ourselves whether the details we are working on fit into the larger picture or not. If they don t, we should stop and move on to something else. For example, the Apollo mission couldn t have been possible if the astronauts lost sight of the big picture. When details aims results plans directions We should not overlook details. We should keep our composure in emergency situations. Your sincere efforts will be paid off sooner or later. Teamwork is very important when you perform a difficult task. We should be able to see the bigger picture. In (A), all doctors must always be very meticulous in medical procedures. In (A), it is significant for a leader to manage the situation. In (B), it is suggested that we should always look ahead. In (B), the Apollo mission was successful. In (B), it is important to know what we want to accomplish in our lives. Word stick to emergency situation overly attentive procedure supervise under control priority struggle larger objective fit (into) route land (on) adjustment achieve undertake the spacecraft was coming back to Earth, it was not exactly following its route. However, it could successfully land on the ground because the astronauts knew exactly where they 4 were headed. Therefore, they could make the necessary adjustments instead of changing (a) V (b) (c) (d) (e) the whole route. There is no difference in daily life: knowing what we want to achieve in our lives helps us judge the importance of every task we undertake. 40 JUST Reading HR 4 CHAPTER 0

Review For CHAPTER 0 A Translate into English. full-grown creature zoologist 4 ancestor 5 mature 6 awkward 7 appearance 8 shape 9 material 0 Arctic B Translate into Korean. surface used to do mammal 4 gill 5 growth spurts 6 limit 7 tremendous 8 adolescents 9 insulation 0 palm tree C Choose the correct answers to each question. The ancestors of whales used to live on land in ancient times, but they and became fishlike. involved evolved breathed full grew Eskimos, living in some parts of the Arctic, build their houses with thick of ice. bamboos palm trees brock blocks A whale is a, because it is a warm-blooded animal, and the young are born out of their mothers womb and fed with their mothers milk. ancestor cold-blooded animal mammal fishlike E Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks. is very surprising that people on the beach fed fish and the fish came up to the beach. What That Which It A doctor advised she should not get up. that and so it Those people were severely injured in the accident were carried to the emergency room. why who where what 4 These are the products were made in China and should be refunded right away. where who which what fibrous access to durability aircar 4 orbit 5 altitude 6 long-range 7 stick to 8 under control 9 supervise solar radiation clatter 4 duration 5 incredible 6 of use 7 adjustment 8 treat 9 land (on) D Translate into English or Korean. It was shocking that nobody stood up and helped the old woman. He predicted not only that war would break out in 00 but also who would win. (people, questions, other people, who, explain) The rule of this game is that people ask questions F Match each word with its synonyms (two answers). huge a. stuff b. course material c. endurance d. magnificent durability e. accomplish f. resources 4 orbit g. conclude h. enormous 5 achieve i. sturdiness j. path 0 fit (into) 0 procedure and then other people who know the answers explain them.


CHAPTER0 Preview Word Grammar seem v. influence n. lighten v. affect v. point n. potential a. v. v. diffident a. failure n. prophet n. occur v. n. hostile a. threaten v. originate v. admit v. suspect v. principle n. ordinary a. addictive a. device n. latest a. n. n. Choosing the perfect job for me is difficult. What he meant was that the schedule of the new project will be posted today. When the silkworm matures, it spins a white cocoon around itself for protection. The new research says dolphins name themselves with distinctive whistles that they use to identify each other. Mini Quiz Draw a line from each word on the left to its definition on the right. Then, use the numbered words to fill in the blanks in the sentences below. friendly a. somebody born or brought up in a particular place necessary native b. behaving towards someone in a way that shows you like them and are ready to talk to them or help them 4 native unreasonable c. not fair or sensible 4 5 unreasonable convenient d. useful or suitable, because it makes things easier 5 convenient e. extremely important and essential 6 Is it really necessary to call the police? 7 It s unreasonable to expect you to work 4 hours and seven days a week. 8 The Internet shopping malls are convenient for shopping. 9 He s been friendly to us since we moved in this building. 0 Canadian demographic statistics indicate that native people number. million, or 4% of the population. late - later - latest far - farther - farthest old - older - oldest late - latter - last far - further - furthest old - elder - eldest This computer, which is the last one we have, is the latest model. Mini Quiz Finding the difference between my twin brothers [ make / makes ] people puzzled. I found [ me / myself / I ] irritated by the fact that I mistakenly deleted the file I worked on all day long. This magazine will provide you with a reliable analysis of the [ last / latest ] political and economic trends. 46 JUST Reading HR 47 CHAPTER 0

Unit The changes of weather seem to have an influence on our. Some people feel gloomy when the sky gets dark, and some people even feel depressed during the rainy season. It seems like rain or dark clouds make people sad and depressed for no reason. People may have these negative feelings, because they have to stay indoors too long during bad weather. In contrast, a sunny day can lighten one s mood. Most of us would agree that the sunshine makes us energetic and happy. When the weather is pleasant, people tend to be friendlier and more willing to help each other. For example, one study found that waiters and waitresses receive bigger tips on sunny days. 4 The most interesting fact that weather affects our mood is the relationship between how much one stays outside and what season it is. Some people are big summer fans because summer has more daylight and sunshine. Drill Grammar the fact that The fact that he is honest is clear. The news that his son was killed is false. In fact, research confirms the popular wisdom that age is more a state of mind than of body. Our current difficulties and stress come from our thinking that there is not enough time. (for the fact, still alive, thanked, old man, God) The old man always thanked God for the fact that he was still alive. Choose the best word to fill in the blank. job mood health fashion lifestyle All the people feel more cheerful on fine days. Many people s lives depend on the weather. Weather can treat people s mental states. Weather has a big effect on our everyday lives. Some people become depressed in the rainy seasons. Word seem influence gloomy depress negative feeling indoor lighten energetic tend to do friendly be willing to Drill Translation 4 receive affect 48 JUST Reading HR 49 CHAPTER 0