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David Lipton International Monetary Fund Robert Mundell Columbia University Jim Rogers Quantum Fund Nouriel Roubini NYU s Stern School of Business Joseph Stiglitz Columbia University Lawrence H. Summers Harvard University Zhou Xiaochuan The People s Bank of China Zhu Min International Monetary Fund

The Hon Wayne Swan MP Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer, Australia John Rice General Electric Company The Rt Hon William Hague MP Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, UK Charles L. Evans Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Vittorio Grilli Minister of Economy and Finance, Italy Bahk Jaewan Minister of Strategy and Finance, Korea Luc Frieden Minister of Finance, Luxembourg John Peace Standard Chartered Paul Manduca Prudential plc The Rt Hon George Osborne MP Chancellor of the Exchequer, UK Haruhiko Kuroda Former President, Asian Development Bank Michel Barnier European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services Douglas Flint HSBC Holdings Saeb Eigner Dubai Financial Services Authority Richard Elman Noble Group Richard Lavin Caterpillar U.K. Sinha Securities and Exchange Board of India

Xiao Gang Chairman, China Securities Regulatory Commission Former Chairman, Bank of China Lou Jiwei Minister of Finance Chairman, China Investment Corporation Alderman Sir David Brewer China-Britain Business Council The Rt Hon The Lord Leon Brittan of Spennithorne QC DL UBS Investment Bank Laura M Cha Financial Services Development Council Ronnie C Chan Hang Lung Properties Shang Fulin Chairman, China Banking Regulatory Commission Former Chairman, China Securities Regulatory Commission Guo Shuqing Former Chairman, China Securities Regulatory Commission Cheng Siwei Former Vice Chairman, Chinese National People s Congress Victor L L Chu First Eastern Investment Group David Eldon HSBC Bank Middle East The Hon Victor K Fung Fung Global Institute Lawrence Lau Juen-yee CIC International (Hong Kong) Wu Dingfu Former Chairman, China Insurance Regulatory Commission Pan Shiyi SOHO China Frank Gaoning Ning COFCO Corporation David Li The Bank of East Asia Vincent Lo Shui On Group K.K. Modi K.K. Modi Group Anthony Nightingale Jardine Matheson Holdings Song Lin, Charley China Resources (Holdings) Co Liu Chuanzhi Legend Holdings Douglas Hsu Far Eastern Group John Rice General Electric Company Eisuke Sakakibara Aoyama Gakuin University Michael Smith Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Levin Zhu China International Capital Corporation

Madina Abylkassymova Vice Minister, Economic Development and Trade, the Republic of Kazakhstan Toshihisa Adachi Chairman, Japan Venture Capital Association The Hon Ronald Arculli Former Chairman and Director, World Federation of Exchanges Anthony Bolton President-Investment, Fidelity International Chen Yuan Chairman of Board of Directors, China Development Bank Louis Cheung Executive Director, Group President, Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China Raymond Ch ien Chairman, MTR Corporation Cho Tak Wong Chairman, Fuyao Glass Industry Group Anita Fung Chief Executive Officer Hong Kong, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ashwani Goel Country Head/General Manager, Tata South-East Asia Larisa Gorchakovskaya Executive Director of VTB Pension Fund Arif Hartanto Chairman, Indonesian Pension Fund Certification Board Ramakrishnan Krishnamurthy Chief Executive, Indian Banks Association Antony Leung Senior Managing Director, Chairman, Greater China, The Blackstone Group Tomson Li Chairman & CEO, TCL Corporation Joseph Lo Chairman, Deloitte China Che Woo Lui Chairman of K.Wah Group Nicolas Mackel Consul General, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Mark McCombe Senior Managing Director & Asia Pacific Chairman, BlackRock Oleg Mukhamedshin Deputy CEO, UC RUSAL 16% 9% 1% Zoljargal Naidansuren Governor of the Central Bank of Mongolia 30% 2% Hideo Nakamura Executive Officer, Overseas Business Division, SBI Holdings 42% Gatut Subadio President Director of Bank Mandiri Pension Fund Adrian Teng Group Treasurer, Jardine Matheson Kevin Thieneman Chairman & President, China, Caterpillar David Thomas CEO, Think Global Consulting Katherine Tsang Chairperson for Greater China, Standard Chartered Bank Edmund Tse Non-executive Chairman of AIA Group Limited Tung Chee Chen Chairman, Orient Overseas (International) Jing Ulrich Managing Director & Chairman of China Equities and Commodities, JP Morgan Radek Urban Deputy Minister of Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic Pauline Vamos CEO, The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia David S. Y. Wong Chairman, Dah Sing Financial Holdings Peter Wong Chief Executive, Asia Pacific, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation He Guangbei Vice Chairman and Chief Executive, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Shura Petr Olegovich CEO, Rusresorts Zhang Jianjun President, People s Bank of China, Shenzhen Central Sub-branch Dörte Höppner Secretary-General, European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association David Robson Chairman, President & CEO, Tethys Petroleum Zhang Yujun President, Shanghai Stock Exchange Benjamin Hung Executive Director and CEO, Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Ian Russell President & CEO, Investment Industry Association of Canada John Zhao Founder & CEO, Hony Capital Tshepo Kgadima President & CEO, LontohCoal Michael Smith Chief Executive Officer, Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Levin Zhu President & CEO, China International Capital Corporation (CICC)