8 1 年 年 類 料 ˍˍˍˍˍˍˍ 不 80 1.25 2 不 1 (oblique ridge) 列 (maxillary molars) (occlusal surface) (mesiobuccal) (distolingual) 兩 (triangular ridge) 2 列 (maxillary central incisors) 列 (distal outline) (convex) 切 (distoincisal corner) 滑 (rounded) 切 (mesioincisal angle) (right angle) (contact area) 1/3 (middle third) 3 列 列 3 葉 (developmental lobes) (labial ridge) 葉 (mesial slope) (distal slope) (contact area) 切 1/3 (incisal third) 1/3 (middle third) 4 列 列 (longest) 不 狀 (mamelon) (horizontal labial ridge) 度 (labiolingual thickness) 度 (mesiodistal width) 5 列 (premolars) 列 兩 (mesial cusp arm) 都 (distal cusp arm) (mesial marginal ridge) (distal marginal ridge) (proximal) 見 (distal fossa) (mesial fossa) 6 列 列 (premolars) (widest) (maxillary first premolar) (mandibular first premolar) (maxillary second premolar) (mandibular second premolar)
7 列 (maxillary first molar) 列 3 4 (buccolingual width) (mesiodistal width) (narrower) 行 (parallelogram) 5219 8 2 2 1 8 拉 里 (Carabelli Cusp) 列 (molar) (mesiolingual cusp) (mesiobuccal cusp) (distolingual cusp) (distobuccal cusp) 9 列 (central incisors) 切 (cross section) 列 切 (distal side) (mesial side) 不 (root grooves) (flattened) (slight longitudinal depression) (distal outline) 狀 (convex) 10 列 切 (cross section) 列 兩 兩 不論 都 (depression) 1/3 (apical third) 1/2 (half of the root) (distal developmental depression) 連 11 (pulp cavity) 列 (anteriors) 狀 (posteriors) 都 12 列 (permanent premolars) 葉 (developmental lobes) 了 1 3 3 1 2 3 3 2 13 列 (deciduous dentition) (posteriors) 列 (molar) (mesiodistal width) (buccolingual width) (occlusal anatomy) 度 (grooves and depressions) 14 (talon cusp) 列 列 (anteriors) (cingulum) 狀 (cemental projection) (pulp horn) 易 (supernumerary teeth) 15 列 (anteriors) 異 列 率 狀 (peg-shaped lateral incisor) (Fusion) (Germination) (Hutchinson s teeth)
8 3 16 列 (molar) 列 (palatal root) (mesiobuccal root) 兩 行 (trunk) 兩 17 BULL 列 (incline) (cross bite) 18 年 (open bite) 列 列 易 (capsulitis) 類 19 諾 (Hanau s quint) Thielemann s (formula) 列 聯 (correlation) 度 (cusp height) 臨 (unit) 20 (Orofacial pain) 理 神 神 (main sensory nucleus) 神 神 (mesencephalic nucleus) 神 (subnucleus caudalis) 神 神 21 (anterior open bite) 力 列 nil mom pub bubble 22 (swallowing) 列 (visceral swallowing) 見 年 神 (VII) 神 (V) (duration) 23 力 (bite force) 力 練 力 降 力 (centric occlusion) 力 24 (muscle spindle) 神 motor sensory motor C sensory
8 4 25 狀 不良 (arch) 不 力不 26 列 列不 力量 流 (acid regurgitation) 27 (lateral pterygoid muscle) 列 (superior head) (inferior head) 狀 (pterygoid fovea) 28 列 不 (Michigan splint) (freedom in centric) 29 (Sved biteplate) 列 不 30 來 列 enkaphalin prostaglandin serotonin (5-HT) norepinephrine 31 列 (Temporomandibular disorder, TMD) 狀 聯 (tensor veli palatini) (masseter muscle) (tensor tympani) (levator veli palatini) 32 (oblique lateral transcranial radiography) 列 (condyle) 33 神 列 來 (superficial temporal A.) 來 (masseter A.) 力 神 神 (auriculotemporal nerve) bilaminar zone
8 5 34 列 神 神 (long buccal nerve) (buccinator muscle) 神 (accessory nerve) (platysma) 神 (hypoglossal nerve) (tongue muscles) 神 (auriculotemporal nerve) (temporalis muscle) 35 淋 (unpaired) 淋 (submandibular lymph nodes) 淋 (submental lymph nodes) 咽 淋 (retropharyngeal lymph nodes) 淋 (subnasal lymph nodes) 36 連 狀 (cavernous sinus) 狀 (pterygoid venous plexus) (internal carotid venous plexus) (deep temporal venous plexus) 37 (digastric muscle) (insertion) (digastric fossa) 神 (infraorbital venous plexus) (basilar venous plexus) 神 38 (midline) (sternocleidomastoid muscle) (trapezius muscle) 六 不 (anterior triangle) (supraclavicular triangle) (muscular triangle) (submandibular triangle) (carotid triangle) 39 (fascial space) 不 (fat pad) (buccal space) (pterygomandibular space) (canine space) (zygomaticotemporal space) 40 (mylohyoid muscle) 神 (mandibular nerve) (hyoid bone) 41 列 (optic canal) (facial artery) (round foramen) (spinous foramen) (cruciform eminence) 42 (maxillary sinus) 列 (paranasal sinus) 43 (sphenoid bone) 狀裂 (semilunar hiatus) 量 15 c.c. (lesser wing) 連 (posterior cranial fossa) (greater wing) 連 (middle cranial fossa) 狀 (pterygoid laminae) 立 44 列 (jugular foramen) 咽神 (glossopharyngeal nerve) 神 (accessory nerve) (external jugular vein) (internal jugular vein)
45 (capsule) 例 (temporomandibular ligament) 兩 都 46 切 5219 8 6 切 (inferior tracheotomy) 暴露 狀 (thyroid cartilage) 狀 (cricoid cartilage) 切 Burns (space of Burns) 切 (coniotomy) 切 度不 1/4 切 (anterior jugular vein) 47 淋 淋 數 不 淋 淋 淋 48 列 淋 淋 (submandibular lymph nodes) 淋 (maxillary lymph nodes) 淋 (infrahyoid lymph nodes) 淋 (prelaryngeal lymph nodes) 49 度 50 (Golgi apparatus) 行什 (glycogenolysis) (glyconeogenesis) (glycosylation) 量 (energy production) 51 留 (epithelial rests of Malassez) (desmosome) 力 (tonofilament) (basal lamina) 裂 (gap junction) 52 (coronal pulp) 年 (dentin) (cementum) 沈 (deposition) 沈 53 (molar) (incisor) (canine) (premolar) 54 車輪 (cartwheel) 狀 (plasma cell) (mast cell) (eosinophil) (monocyte) 55 淋 淋 (lymphocyte) (basal lamina)
8 7 56 不 (hypocalcification) (enamel matrix) 列 57 不 易 (circumpulpal dentin) (mantle dentin) 58 裂 (enamel fracture) 稜 (enamel rods) (dentinoenamel junction) 59 列 福 林 (formalin) 不 量 (dentinal tubules) (secondary dentin) 稜 列 (adjacent rod rows) 稜 (enamel rods) 60 數滑 (synovial joint) (articular surface) 列 (fibrous layer) (elastic cartilage) (hyaline cartilage) (fibrocartilage) 61 狀 見不 列 度 索 62 列 不 隆 (glenoid fossa) 63 (enamel organ) (cap stage) (con cavity) (inner epithelium) 鱗狀 (simple squamous epithelium) 立 (simple cuboidal epithelium) 狀 (simple high columnar epithelium) 狀 (pseudosratified columnar epithelium) 64 (maxillary sinus) (recess) (alveolar process) (zygomatic process) (frontal process) (palatine process) 65 度 > > > > > > > > 66 (ADA Specification No.1) 37 5 24 都不 20 Å / cm 20 m / cm 20 mm / cm 20 nm / cm
67 列 蠟 蠟 量 0.5% 度 量 冷 11%~15% 68 金 料 (torch soldering) 爐 (oven soldering) 5219 8 8 雷 (laser welding) 連 (cast-joining) 69 (chemically activated composite resin) (initiator) benzoyl peroxide camphoroquinone N, N-dihydroxyethyl-para-toluidine hydroquinone 70 粒 (microfilled resin) 料 (filler) (silica) (quartz) (glass) (silane) 71 不 Cr 3 C 72 金 金 Ir/Ru 降 粒 (Grain) 量 ppm 0.05 0.5 5 50 73 金 粒 (Grain) 度 列 度 金 冷 (cold work) 度 74 列 γ γ 2 75 離 (ion exchange) A 離 B 離 A B AB AB AB AB 76 若 (widespread lesion) 3~4 3~4 3~4 30~40 77 例 (free monomer) 0.2%~3% 0.5%~5% 0.2%~0.5% 3%~5% 3%~5% 0.2%~0.5% 0.2%~3% 3%~5% 78 (composite resin) (water sorption) (equilibrium) 狀 24 7 14 28 79 度 不 不 度 Brinell Rockwell Vickers Knoop 80 (vinyl polysiloxane) 立 (bubbles) 不 流 不