친근하고부드럽고따뜻하게느껴집니다. In a word, Psalm 23 portrays the Lord as pastoral. 한마디로말하자면, 시편 23 편은주님을목회적으로그리고있습니다. The Pastoral Care of the Lord 주님의목회적돌봄 Pastor

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Output file

Microsoft Word - SOS_KOREAN.doc



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6 영상기술연구 실감하지 못했을지도 모른다. 하지만 그 이외의 지역에서 3D 영화를 관람하기란 그리 쉬운 일이 아니다. 영화 <아바타> 이후, 티켓 파워에 민감한 국내 대형 극장 체인들이 2D 상영관을 3D 상영관으로 점차적으로 교체하는 추세이긴 하지만, 아직까지는 관

< B3E232C8B820C1DFC1B92DB1B9BEEE5F BFC0C8C437BDC3B9DD2E687770>


Being friends with the face in the mirror

여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장

498 石 堂 論 叢 50집 이야기의 담론에서 발생하기에 독자의 삶에 깊이 관여한다. 인간은 본 능적으로 재현의 욕구가 있다. 재현된 형상화를 재형상화하면서 독자 는 세계를 이해하고 자신의 삶을 이해한다. 그렇게 삶의 뜻을 다시 풀 어보고 행동을 통해 자기 삶을 새롭게



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The Lord is My Shepherd 주님은나의목자 Psalm 23 시편 23 편 Danny Chung 정인용전도사 March 5, 2017 Introduction 시작하는말 Psalm 23 is probably the most beloved psalm of all time. 시편 23 편은아마도시대를초월하여가장사랑받아온시편일것입니다. It has been printed on countless Christian mugs, cards, and framed art. 그래서기독교인들이사용하는머그컵, 카드그리고액자에서이시편을흔히볼수있습니다. It was my birthday this past week, and my mom mailed me a birthday card. 지난주에제가생일을맞았는데, 어머니가생일카드를보내셨습니다. Funny enough, I had just come home from working on this sermon on Psalm 23. 그날저는바깥에서시편 23 편에대한설교를준비하다가집에돌아왔습니다. I checked my mail, opened up the birthday card, 메일함에서생일축하카드를꺼내어열어보았습니다. and saw that it had verses from Psalm 23 and an image of Jesus as a shepherd. 거기에는시편 23 편구절과목자이신예수님의그림이그려져있었습니다. I have no doubt that many of you have seen similar items with Psalm 23 before. 아마여러분도틀림없이그런것을본적이있을것입니다. I believe the reason for the popularity of this psalm and why it has resonated with so many people throughout the centuries is its image of the Lord as a shepherd. 목자로서의주님의이미지때문에사람들이이시편을좋아하고시대를초월하여많은사람들의마음에와닿는것이라고저는믿습니다. When we think of the Lord as a shepherd, there is something very personal about it. 주님을목자라고생각하면개인적인관계를느끼게됩니다. The image gives the impression that the Lord is intimate, tender, and nurturing. 그렇게생각하면주님이

친근하고부드럽고따뜻하게느껴집니다. In a word, Psalm 23 portrays the Lord as pastoral. 한마디로말하자면, 시편 23 편은주님을목회적으로그리고있습니다. The Pastoral Care of the Lord 주님의목회적돌봄 Pastors that are said to be pastoral make people feel as though they are seen and supported. 목회적 인삶으로부름받은목회자는사람들로하여금돌봄을받고있다고느끼도록만듭니다. They are thought to be tender and encouraging and involved. 목회자는부드러운사람이며사람들의용기를북돋아주고적극적으로돕는사람입니다. Pastoral care fulfills a very important need in all of us 목회적돌봄은우리모두에게가장중요한필요를채워줍니다. : the need for recognition and support. 우리는다른사람에게인정받고도움받아야만하는사람들입니다. David, who penned this psalm, begins by saying: 이시편을쓴다윗은그래서이렇게시작합니다. The LORD is my shepherd. 주님은나의목자시니 David is aware of the pastoral care of the Lord in his life. 다윗은주님께서자신을목자처럼돌보신다는사실을알고있습니다. He believes that he is seen and supported by the Lord. 주님께서그를보살피시며도와주심을믿고있습니다. Therefore, he does not say, The Lord is the shepherd. 그렇기에그는 주님은목자시니 라고말하지않습니다. Instead, he says, The Lord is my shepherd. 대신, 주님은나의목자시니 라고말합니다. He believes that the Lord is looking out for him personally. 주님께서자신을개인적으로돌보고계심을그는믿은것입니다. He continues: 이어서그는말합니다. I shall not want. 내게부족함이없어라. Being under the Lord's care, he says that he lacks nothing. 주님의돌보심아래있기에 그에게는아무것도부족하지않다고말합니다. Everything he needs is taken care of by the

one who sees him and supports him. 그를보살피시고도우시는분께서그에게필요한모든 것을공급해주시기때문입니다. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. 나를푸른풀밭에누이이며쉴만한물가로인도하신다. 나에게다시새힘을주시고 The Lord leads him to places of rest so that his soul is restored. 주님께서는그를쉴만한곳으로인도하셔서그의영혼을회복시키십니다. The Lord does not overwork us. 주님께서는우리를지치게하지않습니다. The Lord's leadership over us is not burdensome. 주님께서우리를이끄시는길은짐스럽지않습니다. The great American author Mark Twain wrote classic novels, most notably The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. < 허클베리핀의모험 > 이라는대표작으로유명한마크트웨인을아시지요. He was a man of great talent and insight. 그는뛰어난재능과통찰력을가진사람이었습니다. However, he misunderstood what Christianity was about. 하지만기독교가무엇인지에대해서는오해하고있었습니다. He spoke of a dream he had about a 300 pound Bible that was on top of his chest, suffocating him. 그는 3 백파운드나되는무거운성경이가슴을눌러숨을쉴수없는꿈을꾸웠다고합니다. This was how he viewed Christianity. 그는기독교를이렇게생각했던것입니다. He saw it as an overwhelming burden of rules. 짊어지기힘든율법의짐으로생각한것이지요. Is this how you view the Lord's leadership? 혹시여러분도주님의가르침을이렇게생각하고있지는않습니까? As a soul-crushing burden? 영혼을짓누르는짐으로여기는것은아닙니까? I propose that it is the just the opposite. 진실은정반대입니다. Many years ago, I too had a dream about a Bible. 수년전에저도역시성경에대한꿈을꾸웠습니다. In this dream, I had a backpack, and in the backpack was a small, lightweight Bible. 그꿈에서저는배낭을메고있었는데그안에는작고가벼운성경이들어있었습니다. It was easy to carry around. 지고다니는데문제가없었습니다. When I woke up, I knew what the interpretation was: Jesus burden is light. 잠에서깨었을때저는그꿈의의미를직감적으로알았습니다.

예스님의짐은가볍다는것이었지요. His leadership is not soul-crushing. 그분은우리의 영혼을짓누르지않으십니다. In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus says, Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. 마태복음 11 장이 28-30 절에서예수님은말씀하십니다. 수고하며무거운짐을진사람은모두내게로오너라. 내가너희를쉬게하겠다. 나는마음이온유하고겸손하니, 내멍에를메고나한테배워가. 그리하면, 너희는마음에쉼을얻을것이다. 내멍에는편하고, 내짐은가볍다. Jesus is the shepherd who gives us rest, who restores our souls. 예수님은쉼을주시고우리의영혼을회복시키시는목자이십니다. We can trust his leadership because he knows when we have had enough; 우리는그분의인도하시는믿을수있습니다. 우리가언제지치는지를그분은잘아시기때문입니다. he knows when we need to take a break; 우리가쉬어야할때를그분은잘아십니다. he knows how to restore our souls. 그분은또한우리의영혼을회복시키는방법을아십니다. If only we would come to him for rest. 쉼을얻기위해우리가그분에게갈수있다면좋겠습니다. Let us continue reading. 시편을계속읽어봅시다. The Paths of Righteousness 의의길 He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. 당신의이름을위하여바른 길로나를인도하신다. Not only does the Lord lead us to places of rest and restoration, he also leads us in paths of righteousness. 주님께서는우리를쉼과회복의장소로인도하실뿐아니라의의길로인도하기도하십니다. We don't rest all the time. 우리는항상쉬고있을수없습니다. We don't just hang out in the green pastures and by the quiet waters. 푸른풀밭과잔잔한물가에서놀고만있을수없습니다. The Lord also guides us in paths of righteousness.

주님은또한우리를의의길로인도하십니다. We are taken to places where our faith is put to the test, 우리의믿음이시험받을만한곳으로인도하십니다. places where we grow and mature. 우리의믿음이성장하고성숙될만한곳으로이끄십니다. It may not always be comfortable, but it is for the purpose of making us stronger. 그런곳에가는것은불편한일입니다만, 우리를강해지게하기위한것입니다. Too much pressure is harmful, but so is too little pressure. 스트레스가너무많은것도좋지않지만너무없는것도좋지않습니다. The Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield traveled to space in December of 2012 and stayed there for 166 days. 캐나다출신의우주인크리스해드필드는 2012 년 12 월에우주여행을떠나 166 일동안우주공간에있었습니다. Due to the lack of gravity in space, his body became weaker. 중력이없는공간에오래있다보니그의몸이약해졌습니다. There was little pressure on his body; therefore, his muscle mass gradually shrunk as well as his bone density. 몸에압력이가해지지않았기에근육은점점쪼그라들고골밀도가약해졌습니다. The absence of pressure over time is not healthy. 오래도록압력없이사는것은건강에해롭습니다. Too much rest, too much time without pressure, prevents us from growing. 너무많이쉬는것즉압력없이오래지내는것은우리의성장을방해합니다. Therefore, the Lord does not leave us in the green pastures, but also leads us in paths of righteousness. 그러므로주님께서는우리가푸른풀밭에오래머물게하지않으시고의의길로인도하십니다. And the Lord guides us in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. 당신의이름을위해그렇게하십니다. This is important. 이것이중요합니다. The Lord cares about his name, his reputation. 주님은당신의이름즉당신의명성을중요하게생각하십니다. If a shepherd had weak sheep because he did not nurture them, his reputation would be damaged. 양이비실비실하면그양을돌보는목자에게탓이돌아갑니다. If we were spiritually weak because we were not taught to go in the right path, the reputation of the Lord would be damaged. 마찬가지로우리가의의길로다니지않음으로인해영적으로약해졌다면우리주님의명성에흠이생깁니다. But the Lord is deeply invested in our spiritual maturity because his name, his

reputation, depends on it. 그래서주님께서는우리의영적성숙에깊이관여하십니다. 당신의명성이걸려있는문제이기때문입니다. Therefore, he will not let us stay where we are at. 그러므로주님은우리를편안한상태에오래내버려두지않으십니다. He will guide us, even discipline us, so that we will walk in the paths of righteousness. 그분은우리를인도하시고때로는훈련시키셔서의의길을걷게하십니다. Let us continue. 계속볼까요? The Valley 골짜기 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. 내가비록죽음의그늘골짜기로아닐지라도, 주님께서나와함께계시고, 주님의막대기와지팡이로나를보살펴주시니, 내게는두려움이없습니다. 주님께서는, 내원수들이보는앞에서내게잔칫상을차려주시고, 내머리에기름을부르시어나를귀한손님으로맞아주시니, 내잔이넘칩니다. The Lord leads us to green pastures and quiet waters, he guides us in paths of righteousness, 주님깨서는우리를푸른풀밭, 잔잔한물가로인도하시고의의길로이끄십니다. but he also leads us through the valley. 그뿐아니라때로는골짜기로이끄시기도하십니다. We are not promised a trouble-free life. 주님께서는아무런문제없는인생을약속하지않으십니다. In the green pastures, it is easy to say, The LORD is my shepherd. 푸른풀밭에서는 주님은나의목자시니 라고고백하는것이쉬운일입니다. It is easy to say, I am loved by the Lord. 주님께서나를사랑하십니다 라고말하는것도쉽습니다. But when we are in the valley, and there are no signs of life, what do we truly believe? 그러나골짜기에있을때즉살아갈희망이보이지않을때우리의믿음은어떻습니까? Many people struggle in the valley. 많은사람들이골짜기에서씨름하고살아갑니다. They long for the green pastures and the quiet waters the glory days. 푸른풀밭과잔잔한

물가즉좋은날을보기를원합니다. The valley, however, is the place of suffering and disillusionment. 그러나골짜기는고난과절망의장소입니다. The valley is the place where you feel alone. 그곳에서면혼자라는느낌이압도합니다. The valley is the place where it is easy to give in to fear and to lose hope. 두려움에사로잡혀희망을잃기쉬운곳이골짜기입니다. But the valley is also the place where you get to know the Lord intimately. 하지만골짜기는또한주님을친밀하게알수있는곳이기도합니다. Joni Eareckson Tada says, 조니에릭슨타다가한말이있습니다. When life is rosy, we may slide by with knowing about Jesus, with imitating him and quoting him and speaking of him. But only in suffering will we know Jesus. 인생이평탄할때우리는예수님에대해알고그분을모방하고그분에대해말하는것으로만족할것입니다. 하지만고난을당할때우리는그분을알게됩니다. The valley may be the place where many of your opportunities have disappeared, 골짜기는많은기회들이사라져버리는곳일지모릅니다. but the valley is also a place of great opportunity, the place where you can truly know Jesus. 하지만그곳은놀라운기회의땅입니다. 예수님을참되게만나게되는곳이될수있다는것입니다. David started off this psalm by speaking of the Lord in the third person. 다윗은이시편을시작하면서주님을 3 인칭으로부릅니다. The LORD is my shepherd, he makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul, he guides me in paths of righteousness. 주님은나의목자시니, 내게부족함이없어라. [ 그분은 ] 나를푸른풀밭에누이이며 [ 그분은 ] 쉴만한물가로인도하신다. [ 그분은 ] 나에게다시새힘을주시고 [ 그분은 ] 당신의이름을위하여바른길로나를인도하신다. But notice the shift that happens when he talks about the valley. 그런데골짜기에이르자 3 인칭이 2 인칭으로바뀝니다. He says, Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. 내가비록죽음의그늘골짜기로아닐지라도주님께서 [ 당신께서 ] 나와함께계시고주님의 [ 당신의 ] 막대기와지팡이로나를보살펴주시니내게는두려움이없습니다. 주님께서는 [ 당신께서는 ] 내원수들이보는앞에서내게잔칫상을차려주시고내머리에기름부르시어나를귀한손님으로맞아주시니내잔이넘칩니다.

His faith in the Lord becomes more personal in the valley. 골짜기에서그의믿음이개인적인것으로변한것입니다. And it is in the valley that he experiences the goodness of the Lord, despite his circumstances. 상황이어떻든주님께서자신을선하게인도하신다는사실을깨달은것은바로골짜기에서얻은체험입니다. The valley is the place where our faith in the Lord becomes more personal. 골짜기는주님께대한우리의믿음이개인적인것으로성장하는장소입니다. The valley is the place where we experience the Lord's goodness in spite of our circumstances. 우리의상황과관계없이주님의선하심을경험할수있는곳이골짜기입니다. The valley is the place where we get to know the Lord. 우리가주님을만나는곳이바로골짜기입니다. Our First Priority 우리가가장우선해야할일 Finally, David concludes by saying: 마지막으로다윗은이렇게씁니다. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. 진실로주님의선하심과인자하심이내가사는날동안나를따르시니 나는주님의집으로돌아가영원히그곳에서살겠습니다. This, I believe, is the most powerful statement in this psalm. 이시편에서가장강력한문장입니다. In this statement, the word follow can also be translated as pursue. 여기서 따르다 라고번역된단어는실제로 추적하다 는뜻입니다. Think of a predator pursuing its prey. 야수가먹잇감을추적하는모습을상상해보시기바랍니다. That is the way the goodness and love of the Lord follows us; 주님의선하심과인자하심이우리에게그렇게한다는뜻입니다. it's pursuing us. 우리를추적합니다. However, many Christians find this hard to believe. 많은사람들이이사실을믿기힘들어합니다. Instead of confessing, Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, many subconsciously believe, Surely I must slave to get goodness and love all

the days of my life. 무의식중에사람들은 진실로주님의선하심과인자하심이내가사는날 동안나를따르리니 라고고백하기보다는 내가사는날동안선하심과인자하심을얻기 위해서는내가진실로종노릇해야하리니 라고고백합니다. Many believe that it is up to them to make things happen. 사람들은어떤일이일어나게하기위해자신들이뭔가해야한다고생각합니다. To be sure, we are not supposed to be lazy. 맞는말입니다. 우리는게으르지말아야합니다. We are to be faithful in what God has called us to. 하나님께서우리를부르신일에신설해야합니다. But if we are anxious and irritable, something is wrong. 하지만우리가걱정하거나짜증을내고있다면뭔가잘못된것입니다. We are anxious and irritable when we do not trust in the Lord. 우리는주님을의지하지않을때걱정하거나짜증을냅니다. When we do not trust the Lord, we think it's all up to us to make things happen. 주님을의지하지않을때우리가뭔가를해야한다고생각합니다. We slave away, and we are not allowing the Lord to shepherd us. 우리가모든일을행함으로주님께서우리에게목자로일하실수없게만듭니다. And so we get frustrated. 그러면서일이안된다고짜증을냅니다. Before we do anything else, let us remember that our first priority is not to do anything, but to receive something. 무엇인가를하기전에우리의첫번째할일은아무일도하지않고무엇인가를받아들이는일입니다. Our first priority is to receive the pastoral care of the Lord. 우리가가장먼저할일은주님의목회적돌봄을받아들이는일입니다. Our first priority is to let the Lord love us. 우리의우선순위첫번째는주님께서우리를사랑하도록허락하는것입니다. Our first priority is to allow the goodness of the Lord to catch up to us, and to embrace it. 우리가가장먼저할일은주님의선하심이우리를따라잡도록허락하는것이고그것을끌어안는것입니다. When we rest in this love, we have peace of mind, and we can face any challenge. 이사랑안에우리가머무를때우리는마음의평안을얻고도전에직면할용기를얻을것입니다. Conclusion 결론

Psalm 23 is not an unrealistic picture of life. 시편 23 편은인생에대해낭만적인그림을제시하지않습니다. The psalmist David is very realistic. 다윗은이시편에서아주현실적인시각을보여줍니다. He knows that life can be extremely difficult. 인생이매우어려울수있음을그는알고있습니다. There are green pasture and quiet waters, but there is also the valley, and there are enemies. 푸른풀밭도있고잔잔한물가도있지만, 또한골짜기도있고원수도있습니다. David's head is not up in the clouds. 다윗의머리는구름위에있지않습니다. His eyes are wide open. 그의눈은활짝열려있습니다. He sees the beauty and the ugliness of life. 그는인생의아름다움과추함을모두알고있습니다. But he also sees that the Lord is his shepherd; 동시에그는주님께서목자이심을알고있습니다. therefore, he does not fear; he is at peace. 따라서그는두려워하지않습니다. 평안을누립니다. The life of peace and trust described in Psalm 23 is not just meant for super saints. 시편 23 편에묘사된평화와신뢰의삶은영적인위인들에게만해당되는것이아닙니다. We are all invited to a life of being shepherded by our Lord. 우리모두는주님에의해돌보심을받는삶으로초청받았습니다. We are all invited to live under his pastoral care. 우리는그분의목회적돌봄아래에살도록부름받았습니다. Jesus says, Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. 예수님은말씀하십니다. 수고하며무거운짐을진사람은모두내게로오너라. 내가너희를쉬게하겠다. 나는마음이온유하고겸손하니, 내멍에를메고나한테배워가. 그리하면, 너희는마음에쉼을얻을것이다. 내멍에는편하고, 내짐은가볍다. Many of our young people are in the congregation today. 오늘젊은이들이이곳에많이있습니다. It is my hope, as I am sure it is the hope for many of you, that they would be true followers of the Lord. 저처럼여러분도여러분의자녀들이진정한제자가되기를바라고계실것입니다. So, for our part, may we model to them the life of trust and peace described in Psalm 23. 그래서우리가시편 23 편에묘사된신뢰와평안의삶을그들에게보여줄수있기를

바랍니다. May they see our example and recognize that the Lord is our shepherd. 그들이우리삶을보고주님께서진실로우리의목자이심을알아보게되기를바랍니다. May they see our faith when we are in the valley. 우리가골짜기에처했을때우리의믿음이어떤지를그들이보기바랍니다. May they see our peace when all around is chaos. 사면에혼란이뒤엉켜있을때라도우리안에는평안이있음을그들이보기원합니다. May they see the goodness of the Lord when the circumstances are against us. 역경이닥쳐올때조차주님의선하심이우리에게있음을그들이보기바랍니다. It is my hope and prayer that the faith of the next generation becomes real and personal, and that they will be able to say, along with all of us: The LORD is my shepherd. Amen. 차세대여러분의믿음이참되고개인적인것이되어우리모두와함께 주님은나의목자시니 라고고백할수있기를간절히기도합니다. 아멘.