말초신경계통 - 담당교수 : 김형근
Integration 통합과정 Afferent nerve 들신경 Receptor potential 수용체전위 Receptor 수용기 ㅁㅁ Action potential 활동전위 Efferent nerve 날신경 Effecter 효과기
- 신경세포 ( 신경원 ) Neuron 의구조
- 신경아교 Neuroglia, glial cells
- 기능적분류
- 신경계의구성 Organization of Nerve system Nerves System CNS (Central Nerve System) PNS (Peripheral nerve system) Brain Spinal Cord SNS (Somatic Nerve System) ANS (Autonomic Nerve System) Cerebrum Cranial nerve Sympathetic Diencephalon Spinal nerve Parasympathetic Brain stem Cerebellum
http://www.google.co.kr/imgres?imgurl=http://www.phasmatodea.org/anatp hys/jpegs/12-32_snsrymtrtrct_1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://webpages.charter.net/cfmoxey/lectur es/neuroanatomy_3.html&usg= w4utsbjolfdnb- D9w9fXX3tkI2k=&h=348&w=800&sz=83&hl=ko&start=34&zoom=1&tbnid =W-0JNfhoocWvM:&tbnh=62&tbnw=143&ei=Pk_MT72oEc_JmAWe9YiaDw&prev=/s earch%3fq%3dspinal%2bnerve%2banatomy%26start%3d20%26hl%3dko%2 6newwindow%3D1%26sa%3DN%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1
장흉신경 견갑상신경 외측흉신경 근피신경 내측흉신경 정중신경 척골신경 요골신경액와신경흉배신경 상 / 하견갑신경
Nerve Roots [2] Muscles Cutaneous rhomboid muscles and levato - r scapulae roots dorsal scapular nerve - C4, C5 의학용어-신경계통 roots long thoracic nerve - 장흉신경 C5, C6, C7 serratus anterior - upper trunk nerve to the subclavius C4, C5, C6 subclavius muscle - upper trunk suprascapular nerve - 견갑상신경 C4, C5, C6 lateral cord lateral pectoral nerve - 외측흉신경 C5, C6, C7 lateral cord musculocutaneous nerve - 근피신경 C5, C6, C7 supraspinatus and infraspinat us pectoralis major (by communi cating with the medial pector al nerve) coracobrachialis, brachialis an d biceps brachii lateral cord lateral root of the median nerve C6, C7 fibres to the median nerve - posterior cord upper subscapular nerve 상견갑하신경 C5 subscapularis (upper part) - posterior cord thoracodorsal nerve (middle subscapular nerve 흉배신경 posterior cord lower subscapular nerve - 하견갑신경 C6 posterior cord axillary nerve - 액와신경 C5, C6 posterior cord radial nerve - 요골신경 C5, C6, C7, C8, T1 medial cord medial pectoral nerve 내측흉신경 C8, T1 C6, C7, C8 latissimus dorsi - subscapularis (lower part ) an d teres major anterior branch: deltoid and a small area of overlying skin posterior branch: teres minor and deltoid muscles triceps brachii, supinator, anc oneus, the extensor muscles of the forearm, and brachiora dialis pectoralis major and pectorali s minor medial cord medial root of the median nerve 정중신경 C8, T1 fibres to the median nerve medial cord medial cutaneous nerve of the arm C8, T1 - - - becomes the lateral cutaneou s nerve of the forearm - posterior branch becomes up per lateral cutaneous nerve of the arm skin of the posterior arm as t he posterior cutaneous nerve of the arm - portions of hand not served b y ulnar or radial front and medial skin of the a rm medial cord medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm C8, T1 - medial skin of the forearm medial cord ulnar nerve - 척골신경 C7, C8, T1 flexor carpi ulnaris, the medial two bellies of flexor digitoru m profundus, the intrinsic ha nd muscles except the thenar muscles and the two most lat eral lumbricals the skin of the medial side of the hand and medial one and a half fingers on the palmar si de and medial two and a half fingers on the dorsal side
Nerve Segment Innervated muscles Cutaneous branches Iliohypogastric 장골하복신경 Ilioinguinal 장골서혜신경 Genitofemoral 음부대퇴신경 Lateral femoral cut aneous Obturator 폐쇄신경 Femoral 대퇴신경 Short, direct musc ular branches T12-L1 L1 L1, L2 L2, L3 L2-L4 L2-L4 T12-L4 Transversus abdominis Abdominal internal obliqu e Cremaster in males Obturator externus Adductor longus Adductor brevis Gracilis Pectineus Adductor magnus Iliopsoas Pectineus Sartorius Quadriceps femoris Psoas major Quadratus lumborum Iliacus Lumbar intertransverse Anterior cutaneous ram us Lateral cutaneous ramus Anterior scrotal nerves i n males Anterior labial nerves in females Femoral ramus Genital ramus Lateral femoral cutaneo us Cutaneous ramus Anterior cutaneous bran ches Saphenous
Segment Innervated muscles Cutaneous branches Superior gluteal 상둔신경 Inferior gluteal 하둔신경 Posterior cutaneous femoral L4-S1 L5-S2 S1-S3 Gluteus medius Gluteus minimus Tensor fasciae latae Gluteus maximus Posterior cutaneous femoral Inferior cluneal nerves Perine al branches Direct branches from plexus Piriformis S1-2 Piriformis Obturator internus L5-S2 Obturator internus Quadratus femoris L4-S1 Quadratus femoris Sciatic Sciatic 좌골신경 L4-S3 Semitendinosus (Tib) Semimembranosus (Tib) Biceps femoris Long head (Tib) Short head (Fib)Adductor mag nus (medial part, Tib) Common fibular 총비골신경 L4-S2 Lateral sural cutaneous Communicating fibular Superficial fibular Peroneus longus Peroneus brevis Medial dorsal cutaneous Intermediate dorsal cutaneous Deep fibular Tibialis anterior Extensor digitorum longus Extensor digitorum brevis Extensor hallucis longus Extensor hallucis brevis Peroneus tertius Lateral cutaneous nerve of big t oe Intermediate dorsal cutaneous
Tibial nerve 경골신경 Medial plantar Lateral plantar Pudendal (Pudendal plexus) Coccygeal (Coccygeal plexus) L4-S3 S2-S4 S5-Co1 Triceps surae Plantaris Popliteus Tibialis posterior Flexor digitorum longus Flexor hallucis longus Abductor hallucis Flexor digitorum brevis Flexor hallucis brevis (medi al head) Lumbrical (first and second) Flexor hallucis brevis (latera l head) Quadratus plantae Abductor digiti minimi Flexor digiti minimi Lumbrical (third and fourth) Plantar interossei (first to th ird) Dorsal interossei (first to fif th) Adductor hallucis Pudendal and coccygeal Muscles of the pelvic floor: Levator ani Superficial transverse perin eal Deep transverse perineal Bulbospongiosus Ischiocavernosus Sphincter anus externus Urethral sphincter Coccygeus Medial sural cutaneous Lateral calcaneal Medial calcaneal Lateral dorsal cutaneous Proper digital plantar Proper plantar digital Inferior rectal Perineal Posterior scrotal/l abial Dorsal penis/clitoris Anococcygeal Dorsal branches
의학용어 - 신경계통
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