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HP 2005 6 IT ITIL Framework

IT IT Framework

Synchronized Business and IT Business Information technology Delivers: Simplicity, Agility, Value

IT Complexity Cost Scale IT Technology IT Infrastructure IT Criticality Systems Network Distributed C/S IT Service

IT Availability Service Quality IT Technology IT Infrastructure IT Visible Business Awareness Systems Network Distributed C/S IT Service

Performance & Efficiency Cost Reduction Business Alignment Service Quality

Current IT Infrastructure maintenance 42% Application maintenance 30% Application innovation 23% Infrastructure Innovation 5% Future IT Application maintenance 15% Infrastructure maintenance 30% Application innovation 45% Infrastructure innovation 10%

Change IT operations in accordance with... Service and Business IT Service IT

IT IT Framework

IT Business Oriented value service proactive IT Oriented reactive reduce chaos IT Operation IT Service IT Governance

IT Customer Satisfaction IT Outsourcing Service Quality ITIL Framework SLA

IT people IT service technology processes

IT Where are we? Why should we be it? What should we be? How can we do it? Standard BS 15000 Best Practice ITIL Applied Framework HP ITSM / MOF Organizational Policies, Practices and Procedures IT Operation Procedures

ITSM Relationship

IT IT Framework

ITIL As Is ITIL To Be T he Planning to Implement Service T he B us I n e ss The Business Perspective Service Service Delivery Service Support ICT Infrastructure Security T ec h n o l o Applications g y

Process A Process D Process C Process E Process B Process n..

vs Organization IT Manager Operation and Network Office Automation and Telematics Software Development Service Desk Print and Mail Project Organization Software Maintenance and Application Process

Service People Technology Process - Standardization - Performance - Efficiency - Automation - Visible - Improvement Business

IT IT Frameworks

ITIL Tool Maturity Act Plan Continuous Step by step improvement Check Do S.M.A.R.T ITIL Consolidation of the level reached (e.g. ISO 9001) Time Scale Service Improvement Program: A formal project undertaken within an organization to identify and introduce measurable improvements within a specified work area or, work process

ITIL (CCTA) IT IT ITIL 1986 IT ITIL ** CCTA(Central Computer & Telecommunication Agency) : 1972 Office of Public Service Agency, 25

ITIL As Is ITIL To Be IT Customer Relationship Release Change Configuration Service Support Problem Incident Service Delivery Service Level Financial Capacity IT Service Continuity Availability Service Desk Security

ITIL IT Service Support IT IT

ITIL Service Delivery - H/W, S/W, Technologies -

ITIL Process Overview Service Desk Incident Availability Problem Capacity Change Configuration Release Service Level IT Financial IT Service Continuity

ITIL Service Support Business, Customers & Users Monitoring Tools Queries & Enquires Communications Incident Service Reports Service Reports Incident Reports Incident Reports Audit Reports Audit Reports Incidents Problem Problems Problem Statistics Problem Statistics Trend Analysis Trend Analysis Problem Reviews Problem Reviews Problem Reports Problem Reports Diagnostic Aids Diagnostic Aids Audit Reports Audit Reports CMDB Changes Incidents Change Change Schedule Change Schedule Change Board Change Board Change Review Change Review Change Change Approval Approval Audit Reports Audit Reports Releases Configurations Customer Survey Customer Survey Reports Reports Release Service Desk Release Schedule Release Schedule Release Review Release Review Release Statistics Release Statistics Secure Library Secure Library Testing Standards Testing Standards Audit Reports Audit Reports Changes Releases Configuration Policy Policy Standards Standards CMDB Statistics CMDB Statistics CMDB Reports CMDB Reports Audit Reports Audit Reports

ITIL Service Delivery Business, Customers & Users Queries & Enquires Communications Availability Availability Plan Availability Plan CMDB CMDB Design Criteria Design Criteria Targets/Thresholds Targets/Thresholds Reports Reports Capacity Capacity Plan Capacity Plan CMDB CMDB Targets/Thresholds Targets/Thresholds Schedules Schedules Reports Reports Alerts Exceptions Changes Requirements Targets Achievements Financial Financial Plan Financial Plan Types & Models Types & Models Costs & Charges Costs & Charges Budgets & Budgets & Forecasts Forecasts Reports Reports Service Level SLRs, SLAs, OLAs SLRs, SLAs, OLAs Service Catalog Service Catalog Service Reports Service Reports Exception Reports Exception Reports Audit Reports Audit Reports IT Service Continuity BIA & Risk Analysis BIA & Risk Analysis Requirements Requirements IT Continuity Plan IT Continuity Plan Control Centers Control Centers DR Contracts DR Contracts Reports Reports

BS 15000 Service Delivery Processes Capacity Planning Service Continuity and Availability Release Release Process Service Level Service Reporting Control Processes Configuration Change Incident Problem Resolution Processes Information Security Budgeting and Accounting For IT services Business Relationship Supplier Relationship Processes

ITIL vs BS 15000 Process definition Certification ITIL itsmf BS 15000 ISO Standard 1986 1991 2000 2006 BS 15000 Shall Mandatory Requirements for Specification IT service management processes. 5 Main Processes. 13 Sub Processes Certification on Company responsibility (Mandatory) ITIL Should Best Practice IT service management processes. 2 Main Category. 11~13 Sub Processes Certification on Person responsibility (as success factor)

ITIL BS 15000? ITSM IT. 20 Best Practices. BS 15000 IT. Managing the business value of IT Managing the services Managing the infrastructure 80%. ( : )

Microsoft IT Life Cycle Model : MOF Frameworks: Implementation and Operations Guidance for the Microsoft Platform Business need IT-based service delivered Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF) Application Design and Development Infrastructure Deployment Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF) (MOF) MOF process model MOF team model MOF risk management discipline

Microsoft IT Life Cycle Model : MOF MOF MOF Team Team Model Model MOF MOF Risk Risk Discipline

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