9장리더십의사소통HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=TX9BM4BSNU8 리더의소통능력, 경청의중요성, 위기상황에서의소통
1 통은큰뜻을공유하는일이다. 통은커뮤니케이션스킬을의미하지않는다. 통은조직의존재목적, 즉혼을소통하는일 통은사회와조직이제대로기능하기위해서서로의마음을통하기위한노력이다.
2 통은상대를이해하고인정하는일이다. 통을완성하기위해서는다른사람을이해하고 인정하는것이중요하다. 이를위해서경청하는 노력이필요하다. 화이자회장이주머니속에늘갖고다니는것제프킨들러화이자회장의경청론
통을통한리더란? 여러분회사의자산중 90% 가밤마다회사정문을나간다. 이것이무엇일까? 리더의책무는매일회사를빠져나가는그 90% 의중요자산이내일다시회사로돌아와서재미있게일하도록하는것.
9 장의학습내용
리더의역할격의없는대화와소통 탁월한의사소통역량리더십요건 직원피드백
1) 관리자의사소통 Management Communic ation Communication effectiveness lies in the accuracy of facts, statistics, and decisions. Effective managers are at the center of information / to facilitate task completion.
2) 리더의사소통 : 의사소통챔피언 Leaders communicate the big picture--the vision --- rather than facts and pieces of information. A manager is an information processor. A leader is a communication champion. A communication champion: a person who is philosophically grounded in the belief that communication is essential to building trust and gaining commitment to the organizational vision.
의사소통챔피언 Leaders use communication to inspire and unite people around a purpose purpose-directed: People need a vision to motivate them. Learning, problem-solving, and decision-making center around the vision.
어떻게전략적대화를이끌어낼수있을까? 전략적대화? 경계와계층수준을가로질러조직의비전과전략및목표달성에도움이되는가치들을조직구성원들이의사소통하는것 1) 다른사람의말을적극적경청하고 2) 질문 3) 핵심전략담고있는대화주제설정 4) 적절한의사소통경로선택, 대화촉진하는역할
전략적대화의요건 : (1) 열린의사소통분위기창 출 소속부서를초월하여전체조직을대상으로자유롭게정보교환하고대화할수있는상황 열린의사소통으로부서간갈등과긴장을완화 신뢰형성, 공유비전에대한몰입 조직경쟁력강화 In an open climate, a leader s vision cascades through an organization. Consistent communication: brings follower acceptance and understanding. builds trust inspires collaboration and commitment to common goals. understanding of how employees interact and affect each other open-book management, sharing financial information
전략적대화의핵심요건 : (2) 문제제기 ( 질문하 기 ) Questions encourage people to think and empower them to find answers. 리더가질문을제기하는목적 1. 리더중심적질문 ( 전통적관점 ) : 구성원전문성 / 아이디어파악하는데도움 2. 팔로우중심적질문 : 구성원의시야확보및비판적사고유도 Follower-centered questions: encourage critical thinking, expand awareness, and stimulate follower s learning.
전략적대화의핵심요건 : (3) 경청 경청을통해전략적주제이해 추구하는목표달성을위해어떤영향력미치는지를파악할수있음 열린의사소통분위기형성
적극적경청의방법 1. 정신을집중한다. 2. 감정이입 ( 역지사지 ) 한다. 3. 선입견을갖지않고객관적으로수용한다. 4. 감정까지이해하려는태도를견지한다. 5. 듣는중에는산만한행동이나몸짓을삼간다. 6. 내말로바꾸어말한다 Keys to effective listening: Listen actively Find areas of interest Resist distractions Capitalize on the fact that thought is faster than speech Be responsive Judge content, not delivery Hold one s fire ( 함부로입을열지않음 ) Listen for ideas Work at listening Exercise one s mind
전략적대화의핵심요건 : (4) 핵심주제의식별 핵심주제를통해구성원잠재적문제점과심리상태파악 Discernment: detecting the unarticulated messages hidden below the surface of spoken interaction, complaints, behavior, and actions. A discerning leader pays attention to patterns and relationships underlying the organization. Discernment enables leaders to tap into the unarticulated, often deepseated needs, desires, and hopes of followers and customers.
전략적대화의핵심요건 : (5) 대화와토론 The distinction between a dialogue and a discussion: discussion: opposition by individuals who advocate their positions and convince others to adopt those positions. resolved by logic or "beating down" opponents. dialogue: participants suspend attachments to a point of view so a deeper leve l of listening, synthesis, and meaning can emerge. reveals feelings and builds common ground emphasis on inquiry not advocacy. Both can result in organizational change. result of discussion: limited to a specific topic result of a dialogue: group unity, shared meaning, and transformed mindsets.
전략적대화의핵심요건 : (6) 조하리의창
< 리더십서재 >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6k7cuxlc5q 정보의자유로운흐름을고무하라 머리보다가슴으로시작하라 사람들이상이한목표에집착할때공동목표를추구하라 의사소통이곤경에빠졌을때진정한대화가필요하다.
의사소통방법과매체 - 설득과영향력의의사소통 타인설득을위한 4단계숙련 1. 신뢰성구축 2. 공통목표설정 3. 다양한설득방안모색 4. 정서적교류 Four steps in the art of persuasion: Establish credibility. A leader s credibility is based on knowledge, expertise, and relationships with others. Build goals on common ground. Leaders describe the benefits to others. Make your position compelling to others. Leaders appeal on an emotional level by using symbols, metaphors, and stories. Connect emotionally. Leaders sense emotions and match the audience s ability to receive their message.