www.osean.net 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집 The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 동아시아바다공동체오션
해양쓰레기생물피해사례집 표지그림김정아, 빈자리 45x38cm, 캔버스에아크릴, 바다쓰레기, 거울. 2011 엮음장용창, 홍선욱, 이종명, 이미정영문감수코니아놀드디자인김지영 ( 디자인지호 ) 발행일 2012년 8월 1일발행기관 ( 사 ) 동아시아바다공동체오션웹사이트 www.osean.net 전화 070-8179-4478 이메일 loveseakorea@empas.com 주소경남통영시광도면죽림리 1570-8 리더스빌 722호대표자홍선욱출판사디자인지호 055-266-1901 I S B N 978-89-969258-0-4 가격비매품 The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs Front: Jung-Ah Kim, Vacant 45x38cm, Acrylic Paint, Marine Debris, and Mirror on Canvas, 2011 Editors: Yong-chang Jang, Sunwook Hong, Jongmyoung Lee, Mijeong Lee English Proofreading: Connie Arnold Design: Ji-Young Kim(Design Jiho) Published on August 1, 2012 Published by OSEAN, Our Sea of East Asia Network, Inc. www.osean.net Telephone: +82-70-8179-4478 E-mail: loveseakorea@empas.com Postal Address: 722, Leadersvill, 1570-8. Jukrim, Gwangdo, Tongyeong, Geyongnam, 650-826, South Korea Representative: Sunwook Hong Publisher: Design Jiho +82-55-266-1901 ISBN: 978-89-969258-0-4 Price: Not for sale 이책은네이버해피빈의모금액과동아시아바다공동체오션회원들의회비로제작한것입니다. 책에수록된정보는교육과홍보, 비영리목적으로사용할수있습니다. 단, 사진을사용할때는사진과함께표기한원제공자의이름을반드시밝혀야하며, 수집분석된정보를이용할때는다음과같이인용해주세요. 장용창, 홍선욱, 이종명, 이미정, 2012. 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집, ( 사 ) 동아시아바다공동체오션, 디자인지호, 101p. Please cite this book as: Jang, Yong-chang, Sunwook Hong, Jongmyoung Lee, Mijeong Lee. 2012. The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs. OSEAN Our Sea of East Asia Network Inc., Design Jiho, 101p.
해양쓰레기생물피해사례집 The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 동아시아바다공동체오션
감사의말씀 / Acknowledgements 전국에서해양쓰레기로인한생물피해사례를찾아생생히기록하여주시고, 귀중한사진을허락해주신아래전문가분들과사례수집에도움을주신모든분들께진심으로감사드립니다. We truly appreciate the following professionals who reported these cases that so graphically illustrate the impact of marine debris on Korea s wildlife, and who allowed us to use their valuable photographs. 이름 / Name 여광영 Gwang-yeong Yeo 김영준 Young-jun Kim 지남준강희만 Nam-jun Jee Hee-man Kang 한동욱 Dong-uk Han 홍상희 Sang-hee Hong 최종수 Jong-su Choi 김희종 Hee-jong Kim 관계자 Staff 이기섭 Kee-seop Lee 관계자 Staff 육현정 Hyun-jung Yuk 관계자 Staff 부산야생동물치료센터 Busan Wild Animal Treatment Center 소속기관 / Organization 충남야생동물구조센터 Chungnam Wild Animal Rescue Center ( 사 ) 제주야생동물연구센터 Jeju Wildlife Research Center PGA 습지생태연구소 PGA Wetland Ecology Institute 한국해양과학기술원유류유해물질연구단 Oil & POPs Research Group in Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology 한국조류보호협회 Korea Wild Bird Protection Association 국립공원연구원철새연구센터 Migratory Birds Research Center of National Park Research Institute 제주야생동물구조센터 Jeju Wildlife Rescue Center ( 사 ) 한국물새네트워크 Korea Waterbirds Network 강화도시민연대 Gang-hwa Citizens Coalition 개인동물병원 Private Veterinary Hospital 철원군천연기념물치료소 Cherwon Natural Monument Care Center
Contents 차례 06 독자들에게 09 제1장. 해양쓰레기로인한생물피해조사결과 10 1. 배경과목적 10 2. 방법 11 3. 결과와토의 17 4. 향후계획 18 5. 위험에처한야생동물신고요령 19 6. 생활속실천방법 33 제2장. 해양쓰레기생물피해사례 83 제3장. 기타피해사례 91 부록 _1 < 참고문헌 > 99 부록 _2 < 찾아보기 > 07 To the readers 09 Chapter 1. The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife: Methods and Results 20 1. Background and objective 21 2. Methods 22 3. Results and discussion 28 4. Future plans 29 5. Wildlife emergency phone numbers 30 6. Activities to prevent injuries or fatalities to wildlife 33 Chapter 2. The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife: Cases and Photographs 83 Chapter 3. Injuries and deaths from causes other than marine debris 91 Appendix_1 <References> 99 Appendix_2 <Index>
독자들에게 야생동물이인간활동으로인하여죽어가는일이빈번합니다. 차에치이거나건물유리창에부딪쳐 죽습니다. 대규모개발사업으로야생동물의서식지가한순간에사라지기도합니다. 바다에서는어떨까요? 해마다바닷새는백만마리이상, 바다포유류와바다거북류는십만마리이상이바다쓰레기때문에죽어간다고합니다. 피해를입는바다생물이 300종에가깝다는연구결과도있습니다. 세계적으로보면많은연구자, 전문단체에서바다쓰레기로죽어가는생물들에대한연구와조사, 보호활동이활발하게이뤄지고있습니다. 하지만우리나라에서는어느정도의피해가일어나는지전혀알수없었습니다. 그래서, 동아시아바다공동체오션에서는 2010년부터바다쓰레기로인한생물피해조사를하고있습니다. 이활동은첫째, 어떤생물들이어떤피해를입고있는지실태를파악해보자. 둘째, 바다생물들의피해를사람들에게알리자. 셋째, 위험한쓰레기, 취약한생물부터대책을세우자. 넷째, 과학적방법과시민참여를결합시킨광범위한조사로발전시키자. 다섯째, 그래서궁극적으로는해양쓰레기도줄이고바다생물도보호하자는목적을가지고이뤄지고있습니다. 이책은 2010년부터 2011년말까지 2년동안모은사례를담았습니다. 생각보다많은사례들, 우리가상상할수없었던피해들이생생하게기록되었습니다. 직접죽이지도않았는데, 우리들이버린작은쓰레기, 남겨두고온낚시도구, 방치해둔어망등이애꿎은바다생물들을죽음으로몰고갑니다. 바다에있기때문에들을수없고볼수없는바다생명들의절규를온몸으로느껴우리모두가작은실천이라도할수있기를바랍니다. 우리들의사소한행동, 부주의때문에그동안죽어간무수한바다생명들에게이책을바칩니다. 2012년 8월, 저자들을대표하여 ( 사 ) 동아시아바다공동체오션장용창드림 6 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
To the readers Wildlife is dying at an alarming rate directly as a result of human actions. They die by car accidents or by crashing against building windows. Sometimes, wildlife habitats disappear suddenly by large-scaled development projects. What about the ocean? Worldwide, it is estimated that more than one million sea birds and 100,000 sea turtles and other marine mammals are dying annually by coming into into contact with marine debris. There are reports that nearly 300 species of marine animals are injured or killed as a direct result of marine debris. Sadly, marine debris is one of the main threats to marine animals today a situation directly caused by human actions. Yet nothing was known about the impact of marine debris on the wildlife of South Korea, a small nation but situated on a peninsula with an extensive coastline that hosts a variety of marine creatures. That s why Our Sea of East Asia Network, Inc. (OSEAN) started researching the impact of marine debris on Korea s wildlife. The aims of this research are: (1) to know what animals are affected; (2) to educate people about the problem; (3) to offer countermeasures to protect vulnerable species from the most hazardous and common debris; (4) to proactively unite our scientific research methods with citizen participation; and (5) to decrease marine debris and thereby better protect our precious and often endangered marine life. This book reports only the cases that we collected between 2010 and 2011. We were shocked at how many cases we collected in this short time. Simply summarized, careless human behaviors are clearly responsible for increasing mortality rates among marine wildlife. Specifically, common but careless human practices littering, which typically includes discarding fishing hooks on land or in shallow waters, including marshes and streams, as well as fishing nets discarded or lost at sea directly and inevitably cause numerous deaths and injuries to Korea s wildlife. We hope you can sympathize with the pain of the Wildlife who cannot speak. We dedicate this book to those creatures who continue to suffer and die as a result of our careless behavior. August 2012 Yong-chang Jang, as the representative of the editors OSEAN, Our Sea of East Asia Network, Inc. The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 7
제1장해양쓰레기로인한생물피해조사결과 Chapter 1 The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife: Methods and Results
제 1 장. 해양쓰레기로인한생물피해조사결과 1. 배경과목적 해양쓰레기는사람이제조하거나가공한고체물질로서바다에유입된것을말합니다 (Coe & Rogers, 1997). 바다로들어간쓰레기는선박의안전이나해양생태계에큰위협이되기도하고, 해변의관광가치나수산업에도직접적인피해를주는등, 결코무시할수없는심각한문제들을일으킵니다 (Thompson et al., 2009). 그래서유엔환경계획 (UNEP, 2011) 이나유럽연합 (EC, 2008) 에서도해양쓰레기를전세계적으로중요한환경문제로보고있습니다. 하지만어떻게이문제를해결할것인가에대해서는답이별로없습니다. 이문제에대해모르는사람이대부분이고, 대책을세우려해도과학적인자료가너무나부족하거나 (Cheshire et al., 2009), 획기적인방법도없기때문입니다. 해양생태계의주요구성원인바다생물들에대해서는그나마연구가진행되고있는편인데요 (e.g. Laist, 1997), 특히유럽의경우, 생물피해를줄이기위한모니터링이 20년이상진행되어오고있고 (van Franeker et al., 2011), 적극적대책을수립해서추진해나가고있습니다 (Galgani et al., 2010). ( 사 ) 동아시아바다공동체오션에서는 2010년부터우리나라에서처음으로해양쓰레기로인한생물피해를조사하고있습니다. 이조사의목적은해양쓰레기로피해를입고있는생물종과위험한해양쓰레기를파악하는것입니다. 이를바탕으로피해를줄일수있는방안을수립하는데필요한과학적인자료를제공하기위함입니다. 2. 방법 이조사는우선한반도전역에서 2010년초부터 2011년말까지 2년동안수집된사례를대상으로합니다. 2010년이전에발생한사례라도확실한기록이있을때에는수집대상에포함시켰습니다. 조사를위해먼저 ( 사 ) 동아시아바다공동체오션홈페이지 (www.osean.net) 에간단한데이터베이스게시판을개설하였습니다 ( 그림 1). 피해입은생물종, 해양쓰레기종류, 발견날짜와위치, 발견자와보고자이름, 피해입은유형, 생사여부, 발견후처리, 사진등의항목별로자료를수집할수있도록하였습니다. 이후전국의야생동물구조 ( 치료 ) 센터, 야생동물연구단체, 습지보호단체, 탐조사진가, 연구기관등을찾아다니며조사의목적을설명하고자료를수집했습니다. 사례를발견했을때발견자가직접게시판에정보와사진을올려준경우도많습니다. 취합된자료들을연구자들이다시검토하여해양쓰레기로인한생물피해의자세한경위를파악하였습니다. 10 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
그림 1. 해양쓰레기생물피해데이터베이스용게시판 (www.osean.net) 피해의확인은육안 ( 사진 ) 조사, 부검, x-선촬영등 3가지방법으로이뤄졌습니다. 몇가지사례에서는 x-선촬영과부검, 혈액검사등을통해피해유형을밝힌경우도있습니다. 해양쓰레기가아니더라도바닷가에서발생한사건은포함시켰습니다. 대신, 사용중인어구에걸린사례 ( 혼획 ) 는제외하였고, 사건은분명히발생하였지만, 사진이나기록등확실한증거가없는경우도포함시키지않았습니다. 그밖에바닷가가아닌내륙에서발생했거나 ( 검은댕기해오라기, 꺅도요 ), 피해의원인이해양쓰레기가아닌경우 ( 저어새, 재두루미 ) 들은분석통계에서는뺐지만비교를위해사례집부록에실었습니다. 3. 결과와토의 (1) 연도별수집건수와지역별분포총 40건의사례가수집되었는데, 각건수의발생시기는 < 그림 2> 와같습니다. 가장오래된사례의기록은 2003년의것이었습니다. 2010년과 2011년에사례가많기는하지만최근들어사례가늘어나고있다는의미는아닙니다. 지역적으로는낙동강하구와제주도에서사례가많이보고되었지만 < 그림 3>, 그지역의피해가더심각하다는의미는아닙니다. 이것은현재이연구에도움을주신분들이활동하는지역과가지고있는기록여부, 각여건에따라수집되는건수가달라진것입니다. 장기간에걸쳐많은분들이참여를한다면사례의증감이나지역적차이를파악해볼수있을것입니다. The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 11
12 12 기록건수 7 2 2 2 1 1 1 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 그림 2. 해양쓰레기로인한생물피해연도별기록건수 중국 황해 동해 일본 그림 3. 해양쓰레기생물피해의지역별분포 12 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
(2) 해양쓰레기로피해를입은생물종수집된사례는총 40건이고, 총 20종에달했습니다 ( 표 1). 각각의사례에대해서는제2장에자세히설명되어있습니다. 괭이갈매기의피해가부산낙동강하구에서가장많이발견되었고, 다른종들은각 1~2건정도의사례가다양한지역에서수집되었습니다. 조류가 17종으로 85% 를차지했고, 포유류, 해양포유류, 갑각류는각각 1종씩보고되었습니다 ( 표 2). 이중에서천연기념물로보호받고있는종은저어새, 호사도요, 큰고니등 3종이었고, 저어새와고라니, 그리고상괭이등세계적인멸종위기종도포함되어있었습니다. 표 1. 해양쓰레기피해생물종목록 (2010~2011) 연번 누적종수 종명 발견일시 발견장소 1 1 큰회색머리아비 2011. 1. ** 제주 2 2 회색머리아비 2009. 2. 20. 부산낙동강하구 3 쇠부리슴새-1 2010. 6. ** 제주 3 4 쇠부리슴새-2 2010. 6. ** 제주 5 4 가마우지 2010. 5. ** 충남서산 6 5 왜가리 2010. 2. 3 부산낙동강하구 7 중대백로-1 2008. 9. 23 경기한강하구신남습지 6 8 중대백로-2 2011. 6. ** 제주 9 7 쇠백로 2010. 7. 29 제주차귀도 10 8 해오라기 2004. 1. ** 제주강정천 11 저어새-1 2011. 7. 8 인천남동유수지 9 12 저어새-2 2011. 8. 12 인천송도유원지 13 10 큰고니 2010. 1. ** 충남서산해미천 14 청둥오리-1 2007. *. * 부산낙동강하구 11 15 청둥오리 2009. *. * 경기한강하구 16 12 호사도요 2005. 5. ** 경기한강하구 17 괭이갈매기-1 2003. *. * 인천강화도 18 괭이갈매기-2 2008. 11. 14 부산낙동강하구 19 괭이갈매기-3 2009. 3. 5 부산낙동강하구 20 괭이갈매기-4 2009. 5. 3 부산낙동강하구 21 괭이갈매기-5 2009. 9. 17 부산다대포해변 22 괭이갈매기-6 2009. 12. 7 부산한국해양대 23 괭이갈매기-7 2010. 5. 28 부산낙동강하구 24 괭이갈매기-8 2010. 8. 7 부산낙동강하구 25 13 괭이갈매기-9 2010. 8. 11 부산낙동강하구 26 괭이갈매기-10 2010. 8. 19 부산낙동강하구 27 괭이갈매기-11 2010. *. * 부산낙동강하구 28 괭이갈매기-12 2011. 2. * 제주 29 괭이갈매기-13 2011. 2. 13 부산사하구해변 30 괭이갈매기-14 2011. 5. 11 부산사하대양조선 31 괭이갈매기-15 2011. 7. 22 경북울릉도 32 괭이갈매기-16 2011. *. * 경북울릉도 33 괭이갈매기-17 2011. *. * 경북울릉도 34 14 재갈매기 2006. 2. ** 제주 35 15 큰재갈매기 2011. 5. ** 제주 36 16 붉은부리갈매기 2009. 10. 13 부산낙동강하구 37 17 바다쇠오리 2011. 1. ** 전남신안군흑산도 38 18 상괭이 2010. 6. 20. 전남신안군흑산도 39 19 고라니 2006. *. *. 경기한강하구 40 20 말똥게 2005. *. * 경기한강하구 The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 13
세계적으로도바닷새의피해가해양포유류나파충류인바다거북보다훨씬자주보고되고있습니다 (Laist, 1997). 실제해양쓰레기때문에피해를입은동물들이사람들눈에띄어, 관측 보고될확률은매우낮습니다 (Laist, 1987). 죽은생물들은가라앉거나잡아먹혀서사라지기때문이고, 대개멀리서관측하거나확인이어려운경우가많기때문입니다 (Laist, 1987). 조류는먼거리를이동할수있고바다속보다는훨씬사람들눈에띄기쉽기때문에더자주관측될수있을것입니다. 하지만보이지않은곳에서일어나는피해들중극히일부분만이여기에보고되고있다는사실을감안하여야할것입니다. 표 2. 해양쓰레기생물피해의생물종별구분구분 종수 (%) 피해건수 (%) 조류 17(85) 37(92.5) 포유류 2(10) 2(5) 갑각류 1(5) 1(2.5) 합계 20(100) 40(100) (3) 피해를주는해양쓰레기종류와원인 20종의생물들에게피해를준해양쓰레기는낚싯바늘, 낚싯줄, 납추와낚시도래, 어망과밧줄, 통발, 노끈, 비닐봉지등 8가지였습니다. 생물들은쓰레기에얽히거나쓰레기를삼켜피해를당했습니다 ( 표 3). 줄이나어망등고리가있는쓰레기가동물들의부리나주둥이, 목, 날개, 발등돌출된신체부위에쉽게감기기때문입니다. 삼키는피해는대개작은해양쓰레기를먹이로착각하고잘못먹어생깁니다 (Balazs, 1985; Day et al., 1985; Derraik, 2002; Laist, 1997). 이번연구에서쓰레기는대부분취미용낚시도구 (29건, 72.5%) 에서나온것이었습니다 ( 표 4). 그중에서도가장자주피해를유발한것은낚싯바늘 (20건) 이었습니다. 낚싯바늘이주는피해는삼켜서입는피해 (15건) 가걸린사례 (5건) 보다많았습니다. 낚싯바늘에꿰어있던미끼를먹으려다자주피해를입은것으로추정됩니다. 바늘에있던먹이는소화를시키고바늘만남아있는것이지요. 직경이 10mm 밖에안되는작은낚싯바늘은어린새들도삼킬수있을정도입니다 ( 괭이갈매기유조사례 3건 ). 이번사례에서주목할또하나의사례는납추에대한것입니다. 천연기념물인큰고니의위에서납추가발견되었는데, 큰고니의혈중납농도가측정범위를초과할정도로높게나타났습니다 ( 김영준, 개인교신 ). 납추와함께낚시도래도 7조각이나발견되었습니다. 큰고니는습지의바닥에서덩이줄기를파먹는습성이있기때문에낚시터에버려지는납추나낚시도래등이서식지에버려진다면지속적으로같은위험에노출될가능성이높습니다. 납추는바닥에서먹이를찾는동물들에게는치명적입니다. 이미버려진납추를제거하지않는한이러한피해는반복될수밖에없지만, 생태계에영향을주지않으면서제거하는것도쉽지않은일입니다. 14 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
몸에얽힌쓰레기는동물들의행동을방해하기때문에먹이활동에직접적장애를일으키거나, 피부를파고들어괴사나감염을일으키기도합니다 (Laist, 1997; Derraik, 2002). 이연구에서는부리나날개, 다리를꽁꽁감아먹이활동을전혀할수없어죽게된사례 ( 쇠백로와가마우지 ) 가발견되었습니다. 천연기념물이자세계적인멸종위기종인저어새는둥지재료로사용한노끈이발목에걸려구조되었습니다. 탐조가들이나철새보호운동가들이지속적으로모니터링을해왔기때문에너무늦지않게구조되어살릴수있었습니다. 소화가안되는쓰레기를먹었다고해서곧바로폐사에이르게되지는않지만내장에장기간남아있으면서목숨을위협할수있습니다 (Bjorndal et al., 1994; McCauley and Bjorndal, 1999; Ryan, 1987; Spear et al., 1995). 제주에서발견된쇠부리슴새의사례처럼삼킨낚싯바늘은당장큰위협이되지는않지만, 위장에구멍을뚫어직접적인사인이될수도있습니다. 이번연구에서우선취미용낚시활동으로발생되는피해가가장심각한것으로나타났습니다. 우리나라는낚시를즐기는인구가 3백만-8백만명으로, 전체인구중 6-16% 에이릅니다 (Lee, 2010). 유럽의 4.25% 에비해훨씬높은비율입니다 (Lee, 2003). 낚시관리법이새로제정되었기때문에낚시쓰레기줄이기를위한홍보, 단속을획기적으로강화할필요가있습니다. 또납추의사용실태파악, 납추가버려진지역에대한우선적수거, 납추에대한대안제품개발및사용의금지를서둘러야합니다. 1회낚시에사용하는낚싯바늘, 납추의사용을줄이고, 낚시터에미끼나낚시도구를남기고오는일이없도록개개인의각별한주의도필요합니다. 어업용으로사용하다버린어망의경우에도동물들에게는치명적피해를줍니다. 한강하구에서는버려진어망에천연기념물인호사도요를비롯한청둥오리, 고라니, 말똥게등이희생당했습니다. 호사도요와청둥오리는어망에날개가걸려골절을당하고말았습니다. 구조되어치료를받았지만결국폐사했습니다. 고라니는어망에발이걸렸다가물이들어왔는데도빠져나오지못해익사하였고, 원래다른물고기를잡기위해설치했다가방치된정치망에 20여마리의말똥게가걸려죽은사례도있었습니다. 어망은세계적으로도많은피해가보고되고있습니다. 이번연구에서는 6건 (15%) 에불과하지만앞으로이연구가계속된다면더많은사례가발견될가능성이높습니다. 총 40건중살아있는상태로발견또는구조된경우는 18건이었는데, 이중 3건은날아가는상태로관찰된것이어서이후에어떤일이벌어졌는지알수없습니다. 나머지 15건중에서 13건은살아서야생으로돌아갔습니다. 쓰레기에걸린야생동물을너무늦지않게구조한다면살릴가능성이높아보입니다. The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 15
표 3. 종에따른바다쓰레기종류와피해유형 연번종명피해를준쓰레기피해유형보고자 1 큰회색머리아비취미용낚싯바늘삼킴제주야생동물구조센터 2 회색머리아비취미용낚싯바늘삼킴여광영 3 쇠부리슴새 -1 어업용밧줄걸림지남준 4 쇠부리슴새 -2 취미용낚싯바늘삼킴지남준 5 가마우지취미용낚싯줄걸림김영준 6 왜가리취미용낚싯바늘걸림여광영 7 중대백로 -1 취미용낚싯바늘걸림육현정 8 중대백로 -2 플라스틱노끈걸림강희만 9 쇠백로취미용낚싯바늘걸림오션 10 해오라기취미용낚싯줄걸림지남준 11 저어새 -1 플라스틱노끈걸림지남준 12 저어새 -2 취미용낚싯바늘걸림이기섭 13 큰고니취미용낚시납추삼킴김영준 14 청둥오리 -1 버려진정치망걸림최종수 15 청둥오리버려진통발걸림한동욱 16 호사도요버려진정치망걸림한동욱 17 괭이갈매기 -1 취미용낚싯바늘걸림강화갯벌센터 18 괭이갈매기 -2 취미용낚싯바늘삼킴여광영 19 괭이갈매기 -3 취미용낚싯바늘삼킴여광영 20 괭이갈매기 -4 취미용낚싯바늘삼킴여광영 21 괭이갈매기 -5 취미용낚싯바늘삼킴여광영 22 괭이갈매기 -6 취미용낚싯바늘삼킴여광영 23 괭이갈매기 -7 취미용낚싯바늘삼킴여광영 24 괭이갈매기 -8 취미용낚싯바늘삼킴여광영 25 괭이갈매기 -9 취미용낚싯바늘삼킴여광영 26 괭이갈매기 -10 취미용낚싯바늘삼킴여광영, 홍상희 27 괭이갈매기 -11 취미용낚싯바늘삼킴여광영 28 괭이갈매기 -12 취미용낚싯바늘과줄걸림제주야생동물구조센터 29 괭이갈매기 -13 취미용낚싯바늘과줄삼킴여광영 30 괭이갈매기 -14 취미용낚싯바늘삼킴여광영 31 괭이갈매기 -15 취미용낚싯바늘과줄걸림 국립공원연구원철새연구센터 32 괭이갈매기 -16 취미용낚싯줄걸림홍상희 33 괭이갈매기 -17 취미용낚싯줄걸림홍상희 34 재갈매기비닐봉지걸림강희만 35 큰재갈매기취미용낚싯바늘걸림제주야생동물구조센터 36 붉은부리갈매기취미용낚싯바늘삼킴여광영 37 바다쇠오리버려진유자망걸림김희종 38 상괭이어업용낚싯바늘걸림김희종 39 고라니버려진정치망걸림한동욱 40 말똥게버려진정치망걸림한동욱 16 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
표 4. 피해를준해양쓰레기의종류와원인, 피해유형별건수 쓰레기종류 걸림 삼킴 합계 그물 6-6 어업용 낚싯바늘 1-1 8(20%) 밧줄 1-1 낚싯줄 3-3 취미용낚시 낚싯바늘 5 15 20 낚싯바늘과줄 4 1 5 29(72.5%) 납추와도래 - 1 1 일상생활 끈 비닐봉지 3-3 3(7.5%) 합계 23(57.5%) 17(42.5%) 40 40(100%) 4. 향후계획 이자료는우리나라에서처음으로해양쓰레기때문에일어나는야생동물들의피해를종합정리한것입니다. 우리나라에서도외국과마찬가지로많은생물종들이해양쓰레기로인해죽어가거나피해를당하고있는것으로나타났습니다. 우선이런피해가많이발생하고있다는사실을알게된것이그조사의가장큰성과라고생각합니다. 또, 그원인이쓰레기를버리는사람들의작은부주의한행동이라는것도알수있었습니다. 가장많은피해를유발한낚시쓰레기에대해서는시급하게시민들에게알리고또대책을세우는활동이뒤따라야할것입니다. 물론, 지금까지수집된사례는전체해양쓰레기생물피해중지극히작은부분에불과할것입니다. 더많은기관과관련전문가들이정보를제공해주신다면우리나라전체적인피해양상파악에도움이될수있습니다. 향후참여기관의네트워크를넓히면서야생동물보호에동참하고싶은일반인들도쉽게따라할수있는사례수집과보고요령프로토콜을개발하여보급할계획입니다. 수집된자료를장기적으로축적해나가면서체계적으로정리하고, 그성과가야생동물보호정책으로이어질수있도록노력하겠습니다. 궁극적으로는해양쓰레기로인해야생동물들이애꿎게죽어나가는일이없게되기를바랍니다. The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 17
5. 위험에처한야생동물신고요령 해변이나바다에서위험에처한야생동물을발견하면, 관계기관에신고해서도움을요청하는것이좋습니다. 혼자직접도와주려고하다가오히려야생동물들에게해를끼칠수있고, 혹은사람이다칠수도있습니다. 아래목록은전국에있는야생동물구조센터들입니다. 다친야생동물을발견할경우아래구조센터로연락하면도움을줄것입니다. 또한죽은야생동물을발견할경우에도아래센터들로연락하면적절한조치를취해줄것입니다. 아래센터들은야생동물들이다치거나죽은이유를따지지않고구조를해줍니다. 여러분들도위험에처한야생동물을발견하면, 그이유를따지지말고, 우선아래센터들로신고해주시기바랍니다. 표 5. 전국야생동물구조센터연락처 지역 센터명 전화번호 홈페이지 경기 경기도축산위생연구소야생동물구조센터 031-8008-6210 http://www.gvs.gg.go.kr/ 충북 충북야생동물구조센터 043-261-3324 http://wildlife-center.kr/ 충남 충남야생동물구조센터 041-334-1666 http://cnwarc.blogspot.kr 전북 전북야생동물구조관리센터 063-270-3841 http://wildlife.chonbuk.ac.kr/ 전남 순천만자연생태공원야생동물구조센터 061-749-3898 http://www.suncheonbay.go.kr 강원 강원도야생동물구조센터 033-250-7504 http://www.wmrc.co.kr/ 경북 경북야생동물구조센터 054-855-8684 http://www.gbforest.go.kr/ 경남 경남야생동물센터 055-754-9575 http://wl.gnu.ac.kr/ 울산 울산야생동물구조관리센터 052-256-5322 http://www.uimc.oznet.co.kr 부산 부산야생동물치료센터 051-203-9966 http://wetland.busan.go.kr 제주 제주야생동물구조센터 064-752-9982 http://wildlife.jejunu.ac.kr 만일상괭이같은해양포유류를발견할경우에는해양경찰 ( 전화 : 국번없이 122) 로전화하면적절한보호조치를취해줄것입니다. 18 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
6. 생활속실천방법 해양쓰레기로인한생물피해를줄이기위해생활속에서실천할수있는방법중일부를소개합니다. (1) 일단신고한다. 이책에서분석한것처럼, 해양쓰레기로인해다친야생동물의경우빨리신고만해주면야생동물구조센터에서살릴수있는가능성이아주높습니다. 그러므로일단신고해주십시요. 연락처는앞장에있습니다. (2) 이연구에참여한다. 그다음할수있는일은이연구에참여하는것입니다. 일단구조센터등으로신고한다음피해야생동물의사진을찍고날짜와발견장소등을기록한다음, 저희홈페이지 (www.osean.net) 에관련자료를올려주시기바랍니다. 설혹그야생동물이폐사한경우라하더라도, 저희홈페이지에자료를올려주시면, 이책을쓴것처럼원인을분석해서대책을수립하는데큰도움이됩니다. (3) 해양쓰레기정화작업및캠페인에참여한다. 매년 9월셋째주에는한국의전지역은물론전세계여러나라에서 국제연안정화 행사가벌어집니다. 자원봉사자들이모여서해양쓰레기를수거합니다. 한국의어느지역에서행사가있고, 누구에게연락하면되는지는저희홈페이지 (www.osean.net) 에서확인할수있습니다. (4) 낚시쓰레기는반드시되가져온다. 이책에서분석한것처럼, 야생동물들에게가장큰피해를주고있는것이낚시쓰레기입니다. 혹시라도여러분이낚시를하게되면낚싯줄이나낚시바늘등을반드시챙겨와서쓰레기통에버려야합니다. 바닷가에그냥두면야생동물들이피해를입게됩니다. The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 19
Chapter 1. The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife: Methods and Results 1. Background and objective Marine debris is any manufactured or processed solid waste material that enters the marine environment from any source (Coe & Rogers, 1997). Marine debris threatens vessel safety and marine ecology, and damages marine tourism and fisheries (Thompson et al., 2009). Thus international institutions such as UNEP (2011) and the European Commission (EC, 2008) regard marine debris as a significant environmental problem. There are no easy solutions to this problem. The destructive effects of marine debris are rarely understood. The scientific community has not yet developed effective countermeasures that might mitigate the impact of marine debris on wildlife (Cheshire et al., 2009). Some research has been conducted on the impact of marine debris on marine animals (e.g. Laist, 1997). In particular, for over 20 years monitoring efforts have helped decrease the harmful effects of marine debris on marine animals in Europe (van Franeker et al., 2011), with specific measures to mitigate its impact (Galgani et al., 2010). But in Asia, home to countless wildlife that depend on a variety of marine environments, little was known. OSEAN started researching this issue in 2010 the first such study on the Korean peninsula, which is home to numerous species dwelling in or near our waterways, including many that are classified as endangered. The objective of this research is to learn which species are most impacted and which types of debris are most commonly injuring or killing marine wildlife on our shores. We hope that our work will provide scientific data that can be used to develop effective countermeasures. 20 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
2. Methods The cases documenting the impact of marine debris on wildlife were collected from 2010 to 2011 throughout the whole nation of South Korea. Cases that occurred before 2010 were also collected when reliable records exist. Figure 1. Database board for Marine debris impacts on wildlife (www.osean.net) For the study, a simple website was constructed to collect inrormation(www.osean.net). For each case, we requested that contributors document the species impacted, types of marine debris, dates and places of detection, how the debris impacted wildlife, whether the affected animal was dead or alive, and any treatment rendered. Study participants were also asked to upload any photographs of the anmals and the debris. We visited wild animal rescue centers, wild animal research groups, wetlands protection groups, birdwatching organizations, and research institutes nationwide to explain the objectives of this study and request that cases involving injury to wildlife due to marine debris be reported to us via the website. At such meetings, information on cases that occurred before 2010 was collected and subsequent cases were uploaded to the website by participants. The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 21
We examined the cases to confirm (1) whether the animals were impacted by marine debris, and (2) whether the animals were marine Wildlife. Sometimes, the reporters themselves confirmed the incidents with X-rays or necropsy, especially if the reporters were veterinarians. After examination, cases involving in-use fishing gear were excluded, as they are not marine debris. - Such cases are called by-catch also a serious problem, but outside the scope of this study. - We excluded any cases for which we could not rely upon the proofs. We excluded some cases (1) that happened on land, not in a marine environment, or (2) that were not caused by marine debris in statistical analysis, although these cases are included as references for comparison. 3. Results and discussion (1) Regional and annual distribution 12 12 Frequency of occurrence 2 2 2 7 1 1 1 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Figure 2. Annual number of cases of marine debris impact on wildlife in Korea. A total of 40 cases were collected, and are summarized in the graph and the map (Figure 2&3). The first case was in 2003. Though the graph shows a dramatic increase in 2010 and 2011, this does not mean that actual cases increased, because the study only began in 2010 (Figure 2). 22 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
Figure 3. Annual number of cases of marine debris impact on wildlife in Korea. Likewise, while many cases were reported in Busan, this does not mean that more cases are happening in Busan (Figure 3). The large number of cases reported in Busan is due to the active participation of the Busan Wild Animal Rescue Center in this study. If more people throughout South Korea participated for longer periods, such biases would decrease. (2) Wild animal species impacted by marine debris A total of 20 species were confirmed from these 40 cases. Full explanations on each case and species are provided in Chapter 2. To summarize briefly, the impact on Black-tailed Gulls was the largest in our study by number; other species comprised just one or two cases. By species, there were 17 separate bird species (85%), and one case each for land mammals, marine mammals, and The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 23
crustaceans (Table 2). Three species were Natural Monument Species under Korean Law: Black-faced Spoonbill, Greater Painted Snipe, and Whooper Swan. Three were Internationally Threatened Species under IUCN (2011): Black-faced Spoonbill, Water Deer, and Finless Porpoise. Worldwide, sea birds are also more impacted by marine debris than mammals or sea turtles (Laist, 1997). The likelihood that marine animals injured or killed by marine debris will be detected and reported is quite low (Laist, 1987). Dead animals typically sink underwater or are scavenged for food by other animals. In addition, these incidents often occur far from human sight (Laist, 1987). Cases involving birds might be detected more frequently by human observers for a variety of reasons. Yet even bird incidents are likely to be unobserved and hence unreported. (3) Types of marine debris impacting wildlife There were eight types of marine debris that caused deaths or injuries: Sport fishing hooks, lines, and lead weights, commercial fishing nets, traps, and ropes, plastic bands, and plastic bags (Table 3). The animals ingested the debris or became entangled with it. Entanglements result because hooks, lines, nets, or traps are designed to entangle or otherwise trap specific species. Ingestion occurs because the Wildlife mistake the debris for food (Balazs, 1985; Day et al., 1985; Derraik, 2002; Laist, 1997). In this study, by far the most cases (29 cases, 72.5%) were caused by sport fishing gears (Table 4). Discarded fish hooks accounted for 20 cases (50% of the total). There were more cases of ingestion (15) than entanglement (5) with fish hooks. Evidently these birds were trying to collect whatever food remained on the fish hooks, thus swallowing the hooks along with the food or lure. Of special concern are dangerous lead weights that are discarded. Necropsy revealed lead weights in the digestive organs of a Whooper Swan, and lead concentration in this bird s blood was so high that it could not even be measured accurately (testimony of the reporter Young-jun Kim, a veterinarian). Other metallic fishing items were also found inside the bird. As Whooper Swans dig for plant tubers concealed by mud in our wetlands, they risk fatal lead poisoning if lead weights are not removed from the mud in which they forage (De Francisco et al., 2003). Marine debris, when entangled with Wildlife, will hinder their food collection, and may also cause skin infections (Laist, 1997; Derraik, 2002). Cases in which both a Little Egret and a Temminck s Cormorant died with fishing lines entangling their bills or legs are included in this book, too. A Black-faced Spoonbill, an internationally threatened species, was found with plastic bands entangling its legs in its nest, and was rescued by birdwatchers. As both birdwatchers and environmentalists monitor these rare birds, it could be located quickly, successfully treated and returned to the wild. 24 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
Table 1. List of cases of wildlife impacted by marine debris in Korea. Case No. Species No. Species Date Found Location 1 1 Arctic Diver 2011. 1. ** Jeju 2 2 Pacific Diver 2009. 2. 20. Busan 3 Short-tailed Shearwater-1 2010. 6. ** Jeju 3 4 Short-tailed Shearwater-2 2010. 6. ** Jeju 5 4 Temmick's Cormorant 2010. 5. ** Chungnam 6 5 Grey Heron 2010. 2. 3 Busan 7 Great Egret-1 2008. 9. 23 Gyeonggi 6 8 Great Egret-2 2011. 6. ** Jeju 9 7 Little Egret 2010. 7. 29 Jeju 10 8 Night Heron 2004. 1. ** Jeju 11 Black-faced Spoonbill-1 2011. 7. 8 Incheon 9 12 Black-faced Spoonbill-2 2011. 8. 12 Incheon 13 10 Whooper Swan 2010. 1. ** Chungnam 14 Mallard-1 2007. *. * Busan 11 15 Mallard-2 2009. *. * Gyeonggi 16 12 Greater Painted Snipe 2005. 5. ** Gyeonggi 17 Black-tailed Gull-1 2003. *. * Incheon 18 Black-tailed Gull-2 2008. 11. 14 Busan 19 Black-tailed Gull-3 2009. 3. 5 Busan 20 Black-tailed Gull-4 2009. 5. 3 Busan 21 Black-tailed Gull-5 2009. 9. 17 Busan 22 Black-tailed Gull-6 2009. 12. 7 Busan 23 Black-tailed Gull-7 2010. 5. 28 Busan 24 Black-tailed Gull-8 2010. 8. 7 Busan 25 13 Black-tailed Gull-9 2010. 8. 11 Busan 26 Black-tailed Gull-10 2010. 8. 19 Busan 27 Black-tailed Gull-11 2010. *. * Busan 28 Black-tailed Gull-12 2011. 2. * Jeju 29 Black-tailed Gull-13 2011. 2. 13 Busan 30 Black-tailed Gull-14 2011. 5. 11 Busan 31 Black-tailed Gull-15 2011. 7. 22 Ulleung Is. 32 Black-tailed Gull-16 2011. *. * Ulleung Is. 33 Black-tailed Gull-17 2011. *. * Ulleung Is. 34 14 Vega Gull 2006. 2. ** Jeju 35 15 Slaty-backed Gull 2011. 5. ** Jeju 36 16 Black-headed Gull 2009. 10. 13 Busan 37 17 Ancient Murrelet 2011. 1. ** Jeon-nam 38 18 Finless Porpoise 2010. 6. 20. Jeonnam 39 19 Water Deer 2006. *. *. Gyeonggi 40 20 De Haan's Shore Crab 2005. *. * Gyeonggi The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 25
Table 2. Number of wildlife species impacted by marine debris in Korea. Classification No. of Species (%) No. of Cases (%) Birds 17 (85) 37 (92.5) Mammals 2 (10) 2 (5) Crustaceans 1 (5) 1 (2.5) Total 20 (100) 40 (100) When Wildlife swallow indigestible materials, the materials can threaten their lives, as such materials may remain in their digestive organs indefinitely (Bjorndal et al., 1994; McCauley and Bjorndal, 1999; Ryan, 1987; Spear et al., 1995). There were 15 cases of wildlife swallowing fish hooks, and most animals were found dead. In this study, sport fishing gear was the most dangerous and frequent marine debris. Unfortunately, the problem of discarded fishing gear will almost certainly worsen. Already between 6 16% of Korea s total population (3 to 8 million) participate in sport fishing (Lee, 2010) which is significantly higher than in Europe (4.25%, Lee, 2003). As Korea has in fact passed a Law on Sport Fishing, it seems clear that public awareness programs and enforcement mechanisms are essential. Research on the use of lead weights and the development of alternatives to lead weights is urgently needed. Commercial fishing gear is also dangerous. In the Han River Estuary, Greater Painted Snipe, Mallard, Water Deer, and De Haan s Shore Crabs were injured or killed by derelict fishing gear. Greater Painted Snipe and Mallards suffered broken bones from discarded fishing nets, and died soon after rescue. A Water Deer died when its leg was entangled with a leftover fishing net, and 20 shore crabs also died when caught in a leftover fishing net. Wildlife casualties from discarded commercial fishing nets are reported by many other nations as well. Although now comparatively small in this study as a cause of wildlife mortality (6%), this figure may well increase when other studies are conducted. Eighteen cases were found alive of 40 cases reported. Three were observed flying. Thirteen of the remaining 15 cases were treated and released. It seems likely that much of the wildlife injured by marine debris might be saved if discovered soon after the accident happens. 26 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
Table 3. Marine debris types impacting wildlife species in Korea. (S.F=Sports Fishing; C.F.=Commercial Fishing; Jeju WRC=Jeju Wildlife Rescue Center; MBRC=Migratory Birds Research Center of National Park Research Institute) No. Species Types of Debris Method of Injury Reporter 1 Arctic Diver S.F. Hook Ingestion Jeju WRC 2 Pacific Diver S.F. Hook Ingestion Gwang-yeong Yeo 3 Short-tailed Shearwater-1 C.F. Rope Entanglement Namjun Jee 4 Short-tailed Shearwater-2 S.F. Hook Ingestion Namjun Jee 5 Temminck's Cormorant S.F. Line Entanglement Young-jun Kim 6 Grey Heron S.F. Hook Entanglement Gwang-yeong Yeo 7 Great Egret-1 S.F. Hook Entanglement Hyun-jung Yuk 8 Great Egret-2 Plastic Bands Entanglement Heeman Kang 9 Little Egret S.F. Hook Entanglement OSEAN 10 Night Heron S.F. Line Entanglement Namjun Jee 11 Black-faced Spoonbill-1 Plastic Bands Entanglement Namjun Jee 12 Black-faced Spoonbill-2 S.F. Hook Entanglement Keeseop Lee 13 Whooper Swan S.F. Lead Weight Ingestion Young-jun Kim 14 Mallard-1 C. F. Net Entanglement Jong-su Choi 15 Mallard-2 C. F. trap Entanglement Donguk Han 16 Greater Painted Snipe C. F. Net Entanglement Donguk Han 17 Black-tailed Gull-1 S.F. Hook Entanglement Gang-hwa Center 18 Black-tailed Gull-2 S.F. Hook Ingestion Gwang-yeong Yeo 19 Black-tailed Gull-3 S.F. Hook Ingestion Gwang-yeong Yeo 20 Black-tailed Gull-4 S.F. Hook Ingestion Gwang-yeong Yeo 21 Black-tailed Gull-5 S.F. Hook Ingestion Gwang-yeong Yeo 22 Black-tailed Gull-6 S.F. Hook Ingestion Gwang-yeong Yeo 23 Black-tailed Gull-7 S.F. Hook Ingestion Gwang-yeong Yeo 24 Black-tailed Gull-8 S.F. Hook Ingestion Gwang-yeong Yeo 25 Black-tailed Gull-9 S.F. Hook Ingestion Gwang-yeong Yeo 26 Black-tailed Gull-10 S.F. Hook Ingestion Gwang-yeong Yeo, Sang Hee Hong 27 Black-tailed Gull-11 S.F. Hook Ingestion Gwang-yeong Yeo 28 Black-tailed Gull-12 S.F. Hook/Line Entanglement Jeju WRC 29 Black-tailed Gull-13 S.F. Hook/Line Ingestion Gwang-yeong Yeo 30 Black-tailed Gull-14 S.F. Hook Ingestion Gwang-yeong Yeo 31 Black-tailed Gull-15 S.F. Hook/Line Entanglement MBRC 32 Black-tailed Gull-16 S.F. Line Entanglement Sang-hee Hong 33 Black-tailed Gull-17 S.F. Line Entanglement Sang-hee Hong 34 Vega Gull Plastic bag Entanglement Heeman Kang 35 Slaty-backed Gull S.F. Hook Entanglement Jeju WRC 36 Black-headed Gull S.F. Hook Ingestion Gwang-yeong Yeo 37 Ancient Murrelet C.F. gillnet Entanglement Heejong Kim 38 Finless Porpoise C.F. Hook Entanglement Heejong Kim 39 Water Deer C.F. Net Entanglement Donguk Han 40 De Haan's Shore Crab C.F. Net Entanglement Donguk Han The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 27
Table 4. Number of cases of wildlife casualties by each marine debris types Commercial Fishing Sport Fishing Packaging Types of Debris Entanglement Ingestion Total Net 6-6 Hook 1-1 Rope 1-1 Line 3-3 Hook 5 15 20 Hook/Line 4 1 5 Lead Weight - 1 1 Plastic Bands/ Plastic Bags 8 (20%) 29 (72.5%) 3-3 3 (7.5%) Totals 23 (57.5%) 17 (42.5%) 40 40 (100%) 4. Future plans This book is the first effort in South Korea to collect information on the impact of marine debris on wildlife. Our research indicates that the wild animal species are impacted by marine debris in a manner similar to other nations. To document the impact is the most significant outcome of this study. In addition, our study finds that careless human behavior is responsible for marine debris. Of paramount importance is the negative impact of discarded sport fishing gear, which causes most injuries and deaths. This is compelling evidence that proper countermeasures should be developed and implemented, along with public awareness programs. This study is still quite small and limited in its scope, but we believe that our research to date indicates that we can obtain valid data regarding the dangers of marine debris in our ecosystem, and that this data can be used to implement innovative and successful new policies to protect Korea s wildlife. If future studies include significantly more participants (both citizens and professionals, including veterinarians) and cover a wider geographical area, then subsequent studies will be considerably more conclusive in documenting the extent to which marine debris causes deaths or injuries to our wildlife. A larger study might also include observations of other species which are injured or killed, and also document other types of marine debris that threaten our wildlife. Thus, we plan to develop simpler ways for both citizens and professionals to participate in future expanded studies, which may thereby encourage higher participation from more regions in Korea. 28 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
In addition, we will keep the website open for a longer period, so that such data may be used to develop enlightened government policies regarding marine debris. Ultimately, our goal is to decrease the negative impact of marine debris upon Korea s precious and often endangered wildlife. We hope that this report has sufficiently documented mortality and injury data for a variety of species, and that further study will enable the government to implement necessary changes that will protect the wildlife that depends on Korea s extensive marine ecology for its survival. 5. Wildlife emergency phone numbers If you find injured wildlife at seashores or in the sea, you would better seek help from authorities. If you try to help them by yourself, you may hurt them, or you may be hurt by them. Table 5. List of Wildlife Rescue Centers in Korea. Area Name Phone No. Website Gyeonggi Wild Animal Rescue Center under Gyeonggi Veterinary Service +82-31-8008-6210 http://www.gvs.gg.go.kr/ Chungbuk Wildlife Center of Chungbuk +82-43-261-3324 http://wildlife-center.kr/ Chungnam Chungnam Wild Animal Rescue Center +82-41-334-1666 http://cnwarc.blogspot.kr Jeonbuk Jeonnam Chonbuk Wildlife Rescue & Conservation Center Wildlife Rescue Center in Suncheon Bay Ecology Park +82-63-270-3841 http://wildlife.chonbuk.ac.kr/ +82-61-749-3898 http://www.suncheonbay.go.kr Gangwon Gangwon Wildlife Medical Rescue Center +82-33-250-7504 http://www.wmrc.co.kr/ Gyeongbuk Wildlife Rescue Center in Forest Resources Development Institute of Gyeongbuk +82-54-855-8684 http://www.gbforest.go.kr/ Gyeongnam Gyeongnam Wild Life Center +82-55-754-9575 http://wl.gnu.ac.kr/ Ulsan Busan Wildlife Rescue & Management Center in Ulsan Metropolitan City Installations Management Corporation Busan Wild Animal Treatment Center in Nakdong Estuary Eco Center +82-52-256-5322 http://www.uimc.oznet.co.kr +82-51-203-9966 http://wetland.busan.go.kr Jeju Jeju Wildlife Rescue Center +82-64-752-9982 http://wildlife.jejunu.ac.kr The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 29
The above is the list of wildlife rescue centers throughout the nation. If you call one of them, they will help. They will help you even when you find any dead wild animal, regardless of the reason of casualties. If you find any wildlife in emergency, please ring them, regardless of the cause of the injuries or deaths. If you find any marine mammals such as finless porpoises and whales, the Coast Guard (Call No. 122) will help you. 6. Activities to prevent injuries or fatalities to wildlife Here are some examples of activities that we can do in our daily lives to prevent injuries of fatalities to wildlife. (1) Call to rescue centers As is analyzed in this book, the possibility is high that we can save the life if the rescue centers quickly treat the animals. So, please call to rescue centers. The telephone numbers are in the previous pages. (2) Participate in this study You can participate in this study, too. After calling to rescue centers, please take photographs, make records about the cases, and report them to our website (www.osean.net). Even when the animal is already dead, if you give the information to us, it is helpful in analyzing the cause and making countermeasures. (3) Participate in Coastal Cleanups or other campaigns Every year in the third week of September, people around the world participate in International Coastal Cleanup. The volunteers get together and clean the beaches. In our website (osean.net), you can find the contact points and sites where the cleanup events are held in Korea. (4) Carry back the sports fishing debris As is seen in this book, the most dangerous debris to wildlife in Korea is made from sport fishing. So, if you ever participate in sport fishing activities, please be sure to carry back the fishing debris. If you throw the debris away on the seashores, wildlife may be injured from the debris. 30 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
저어새 Black-faced Spoonbill 중대백로 Great Egret 장용창 Yong-chang Jang The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 31
제2장해양쓰레기생물피해사례 Chapter 2 Marine Debris Impacts on Wildlife: Cases and Photographs
1. 큰회색머리아비 1. Arctic Diver 아비목아비과 Gavia arctica 사건 : 제주도에서레져용낚싯바늘을삼켜죽은사체를 2011년 1월제주야생동물구조센터가발견하여냉동보관하고있다는정보를동센터가제공하였다. 분포 : 큰회색머리아비는시베리아와알래스카등에서번식하고주로북태평양과일부북대서양에서월동한다 (IUCN, 2011). 한국에서주로겨울에발견된다 ( 이우신등, 2000). 낙동강하구와가까운경남거제시연안전체 (435백만m2) 는아비도래지로서문화재청이 1970년에천연기념물로지정하였다. 아비, 회색머리아비, 큰회색머리아비등아비류들이매년 1000-2000 마리가량거제시연안에서월동한다 ( 문화재청홈페이지 ). 서식지와먹이 : 잠수해서작은물고기등을잡아먹는데, 45미터깊이까지잠수하기도한다 ( 이우신, 1994). Occurrence: The information was provided by the Jeju Wildlife Rescue Center January 2011, the center found the carcass of an Arctic Diver that died after swallowing a sport fishing hook and provided the information and photographs. Distribution: It breeds mostly in Siberia and Alaska and winters mostly in the North Pacific but occasionally in the North Atlantic (IUCN, 2011). In Korea, it is usually found in winter (Lee et al., 2000). The coast (435 million m2 ) of Geoje Island of Gyeongnam Province, close to Nakdong Estuary, was designated as a Natural Monument by Korea s Cultural Heritage Administration in 1970 as the wintering site of Divers. About 1000-2000 Divers winter here (www.cha.go.kr). 해석 : 잠수해서먹이활동을하는큰회색머리아비가레져용낚싯바늘을삼켜서죽었다는것은매우특이한일로서, 한국의레져용낚시쓰레기의밀도가얼마나높은지를보여주는중요한사례이다. Habitat & Diet: It collects small fish by diving up to 45 meters deep into the sea ( 이우신, 1994). Note: It is very unusual that an Arctic Diver, which collects fish by diving, died from swallowing a sport fishing hook. This is evidence of just how many discarded fishing hooks are scattered around the coast of Korea. 34 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
제주야생동물구조센터 Jeju Wildlife Rescue Center
2. 회색머리아비 2. Pacific Diver 아비목아비과 Gavia pacifica 사건 : 2009년 2월낙동강하구에서레져용낚싯바늘을삼키고폐사된사체가발견되어부산야생동물구조센터에서냉동보관하고있다는정보를동센터의여광영수의사가보고하였다. 분포 : 시베리아와알래스카등에서번식하며, 주로북태평양, 일부북대서양에서월동한다 (IUCN, 2011). 한국에서는주로동해와남해에서월동한다 ( 강창완등, 2009). 낙동강하구와가까운경남거제시연안전체 (435백만m2) 는아비도래지로서문화재청이 1970년에천연기념물로지정하였다. 아비, 회색머리아비, 큰회색머리아비등아비류들이매년 1000-2000마리가량거제시연안에서월동한다 ( 문화재청홈페이지 ). 서식지와먹이 : 잠수해서작은어류와갑각류, 연체동물, 극피동물등을먹는데, 36미터까지잠수하기도한다 ( 이우신, 1994). 해석 : 잠수해서물고기를먹는아비류가낚싯바늘을삼켰다는것은이해하기힘들다. 전세계 312종의물새중해양쓰레기의피해를입는종이 44% 나됨을기록한 Laist(1997) 에도아비목 (Order Gaviiformes) 에속한종은한종도없었다. 그렇지만 1번사례큰회색머리아비의엑스선사진이아비류들이해양쓰레기의피해를입는다는명확한증거가되고있다. 한국연안에버려진레져용낚시쓰레기의밀도가너무나높아서물속에서물고기를먹던아비류들이낚싯바늘을함께삼킨것으로추정된다. Occurrence: The information was provided by Mr. Gwang-yeong Yeo in the Wildlife Rescue Center in Busan. In February 2009, the center found a carcass from a Pacific Diver that died after swallowing a sport fishing hook. He reported the case. Distribution: It breeds mostly in Siberia and Alaska and winters mostly in the North Pacific and partly in the North Atlantic (IUCN, 2011). In Korea, it is found mostly in the East Sea and the South Sea in winter ( 강창완등, 2009). The coast (435 million m2 ) of Geoje Island of Kyeongnam Province, close to Nakdong Estuary, was designated as a Natural Monument by Korea s Cultural Heritage Administration in 1970 as the wintering site of Divers. About 1000-2000 Divers spend winter here (www.cha.go.kr). Habitat & Diet: It collects small fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and echinoderms by diving up to 36 meters deep into the sea ( 이우신, 1994). Note: It is very unusual that a Pacific Diver, which collects fish by diving, died after swallowing a sport fishing hook. Even Laist (1997), who recorded 44% of marine bird species injured or killed by marine debris, did not mention any Diver species (Order Gaviiformes). However, the X-ray of the Arctic Diver on the previous pages proves that Divers are killed or injured by marine debris in Korean waters. We deduce that the Divers swallowed discarded fishing hooks while collecting fish underwater, and this may be a frequent phenomenon because the frequency of sport fishing activity is very high in Korea. 36 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
3. 쇠부리슴새 -1 3. Short-tailed Shearwater-1 슴새목슴새과 Puffinus tenuirostris 사건 : 폐사한쇠부리슴새를 2010년 6월제주야생동물연구센터가제주마라도해안에서발견하여국립생물자원관에이송하였다. 부검결과레져용낚시바늘을삼켜위에구멍이생겼음을확인하였고, 이내용을제주야생동물연구센터지남준씨가알려주었다. 분포 : 쇠부리슴새는뉴질래드등에서번식하고겨울에는북태평양에서주로지내는데, 세계적으로는수백만마리이상으로흔한새이지만 (Brazil, 2009), 한국에서는희귀하게발견된다 ( 강창완등, 2009). 서식지와먹이 : 파도위를활공하며물고기떼를좇아다닌다 ( 강창완등, 2009). 해석 : 쇠부리슴새는다른슴새류처럼수면에서물고기등을잡아먹는데, 레져용낚싯바늘을삼켰다는것은매우특이한일이다. 유럽에서는높은비율의풀머슴새가플라스틱을위장속에넣고다니는것을밝혀냈지만, 한국에서슴새류의플라스틱섭취가발견되지않은것은, 아직슴새류위장을해부한적이없기때문이다. Occurrence: A carcass was found on the coast of Marado Island in Jeju in June 2010 by Jeju Wildlife Research Center and were sent to Korea s National Institute of Biological Resources. Mr. Namjun Jee in the Center found that the birds swallowed sport fishing hooks. This was confirmed by the Institute. Distribution: It breeds mostly in New Zealand, and winters mostly in the North Pacific, with its worldwide population of several millions (Brazil, 2009). In Korea, however, it is rarely found ( 강창완등, 2009). Habitat & Diet: It glides over the ocean surface to catch fishes ( 강창완등, 2009). Note: It is very unusual for shearwaters, which collect fish on the ocean surface, to swallow sport fishing hooks. This case, like the example of Divers in the previous pages, proves how densely distributed are such discarded sport fishing debris along the Korean coast. In Europe, it was found that a high ratio of Northern Fulmar, a species similar to shearwaters, carry plastic debris in their stomachs (van Franeker et al., 2011). But, there is no research on such cases of plastic ingestion by shearwaters yet in Korea. The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 37
4. 쇠부리슴새 -2 4. Short-tailed Shearwater-2 슴새목슴새과 Puffinus tenuirostris 사건 : 어업용밧줄을날개에달고날아가는한개체를 2010년 6월제주야생동물연구센터지남준씨가제주마라도인근에서발견하여사진을촬영하였다. Occurrence: Photograps of this bird flying with a rope from a commercial fishery were taken in June 2010 near Marado Island of Jeju Province by Mr. Namjun Jee. 해석 : 쇠부리슴새는주로수면에서물고기를잡아 먹기때문에밧줄이물에떠있는경우여기에걸릴가능성은높은것으로보인다. Note: As a Shearwater collects fish on the ocean surface, the possibility of being caught in drift ropes seems high. 지남준 Namjun Jee 38 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
5. 가마우지 5. Temminck s Cormorant 사다새목가마우지과 Phalacrocorax capillatus 사건 : 레져용낚싯줄에날개와다리가얽혀죽은것을 2010년 5월충남야생동물구조센터김영준수의사가충남서산에서발견하였다. 분포 : 가마우지류는세계적으로흔히분포하지만, 그중가마우지는한국, 중국, 일본등동북아시아에만있는종이다 (Brazil, 2009). 그동안한국에서는주로겨울철에월동하는것으로알려져있었으나 (Brazil, 2009), 2007년제주도일출봉절벽에서집단번식하는것이확인되었으며, 백령도등지에서도흔히번식한다 ( 강창완등, 2009). 서식지와먹이 : 가마우지는 50미터깊이까지들어갈수있을정도로잠수실력이좋아서, 일본의나가라강중류지방에서는전통적으로가마우지를이용하여은어등의물고기를잡는방법이성행하였다 ( 이우신, 1994). 물에서생활하는다른새들과는달리가마우지는기름샘이발달하지않았다 ( 김은미, 2009). 가마우지에기름샘이없는것은날개를물에적셔무겁게함으로써깊은곳까지잠수하려는전략인것으로보인다 ( 이우신, 1994). 그래서잠수한다음에는두날개를펼쳐깃털을말리는모습을쉽게볼수있다. 해석 : 물고기사냥을위해잠수했다가수중에있는낚싯줄쓰레기에얽힌것으로보인다. 낚싯줄에날개와다리가얽혀먹이활동을거의할수없었을것이다. 낚시쓰레기가가마우지의죽음에직접적원인이되었던것으로보인다. Occurrence: A carcass of a Temminck s Cormorant that died from entanglement with a sport fishing line were found in May 2010 by Mr. Young-jun Kim, a veterinarian working for Chungnam Wildlife Rescue Center. Distribution: While cormorants are widespread worldwide, Temminck s Cormorants are found only in Northeast Asia, including Korea, China, and Japan (Brazil, 2009). Though it was believed that this species only winters in Korea (Brazil, 2009), breeding in Korea was confirmed recently on many rocky islands such as Baekryoung Island (Incheon), and Ilchulbong Peak (Jeju) ( 강창완등, 2009). Habitat & Diet: Temminck s Cormorants are excellent divers able to penetrate 50 meters deep into the ocean. In Japan s Nagara Region, fishing for sweetfish, Plecoglossus altivelis, with this bird is a famous tradition ( 이우신, 1994). Distinct from other waterfowl, cormorants do not have a developed preen gland ( 김은미, 2009). By absorbing water to make their feathers heavier, they can dive better. Perhaps this is why they have not developed a preen gland ( 이우신, 1994). It is common to see cormorants sitting on rocks with wings spread to dry their feathers. Note: It seems that this bird got entangled with a sport fishing line while diving into the water to collect fish. The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 39
김영준 Young-jun Kim 40 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
6. 왜가리 6. Grey Heron 황새목백로과사건 : 레져용낚싯바늘이왼쪽날개에걸린것을 2010년 2월 3일부산야생동물치료센터가낙동강하구에서발견하여, 낚싯바늘을제거한후방생하였다. 분포 : 유럽, 아시아, 아프리카전체에널리분포하며, 한국에서도일년내내보이는텃새이다 (Brazil, 2009). 서식지와먹이 : 다른백로류와마찬가지로긴다리를이용하여연안과민물어디서든얕은물가에서서긴부리로물고기나개구리등을잡아먹는다 ( 강창완외, 2009). 해석 : 얕은물가에서먹이를잡는왜가리의날개에버려진낚싯줄과바늘이걸리기는쉬울것으로보인다. Ardea cinerea Occurrence: A Grey Heron with a sport fishing hook entangled on its left wing was found on February 3, 2010 in the Nakdong River Estuary by Busan Wild Animal Treatment Center. It was released after the hook was surgically removed. Distribution: It is widespread in Europe, Asia, and Africa, and is observed throughout the year in Korea, too (Brazil, 2009). Habitat & Diet: Like other species in the Heron family, it collects fish or frogs with its long bill while standing in shallow water, whether fresh or saline ( 강창완등, 2009). Note: As the Grey Heron collects food in shallow water, the possibility of being entangled with sport fishing hooks seems high in Korea. 여광영 Gwang-yeong Yeo The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 41
7. 중대백로 -1 7. Great Egret - 1 황새목백로과 Egretta alba (Casmerodius albus) 사건 : 낚싯바늘에찔리고낚싯줄에얽혀있는것을 2008년 9월 23일경기도파주시문발리산남습지에서발견하여구조된것을개인동물병원의육현정수의사가치료하였다. 낚싯바늘과낚싯줄을제거한후건강이회복되자방생하였다. 분포 : 세계적으로널리분포하며 (IUCN, 2011), 한국에서도일년내내관찰되는텃새이다 ( 이우신외, 2000) 서식지와먹이 : 민물과연안바다등에서긴다리가허용하는깊이까지얕은물에서뾰족한부리로물고기를주로잡아먹는다. 해석 : 파주시산남습지는 2006년 4월 17일환경부에의해지정된한강하구습지보호지역에포함된다. 습지보호지역에서낚시행위는철저히금지된다. 그러므로이사례는보호지역에서낚시에대한규제와감시를더강화할필요성을보여준다. Occurrence: A Great Egret entangled with a sport fishing hook and line was found on September 23, 2008 in San Nam wetlands in Munbal-ri, Paju city, Gyeonggi Province by Ms. Hyun-jung Yuk, and was sent to Mr. Young-jun Kim, a veterinarian in Chungnam Wild Animal Rescue Center. It was released after the fishing hook and line were removed. Distribution: It is widespread in the world (IUCN, 2011), and is a resident in Korea (Lee et al., 2000). Habitat & Diet: It hunts fishes while standing in shallow water on rivers, lakes or coastlines ( 강창완등, 2009). Note: San Nam Wetland is included in the Han River Estuary Wetlands Protected Area, designated under the Law for Wetlands Protection, by the Ministry of Environment on April 17, 2006. As sport fishing is prohibited in Wetlands Protected Areas, this case suggests the need for stronger regulations and monitoring of sport fishing in such Protected Areas. 42 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
육현정 Hyun-jung Yuk 한강하구습지보호지역총괄도 한강하구습지보호지역도면 환경부 Han River Estuary Wetlands Protection Area Ministry of Environment The area in red line shows the Wetlands Protection Area. The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 43
8. 중대백로 -2 8. Great Egret - 2 황새목백로과 Egretta alba (Casmerodius albus) 사건 : 2011년 8월제주에서노끈을다리에감고날아가는것을 ( 사 ) 제주야생동물연구센터강희만씨가사진으로촬영하였다. 해석 : 노끈은연안의얕은물가에서쉽게보이는쓰레기이므로, 물가를좋아하는중대백로의다리에걸리기가쉬울것으로보인다. 사진에서는걸린채날아가지만, 이끈이풀리지않으면행동에장애가되어야생에서살아남기힘들것이다. Occurrence: A Great Egret flying with plastic bands entangled on its right leg was photographed by Mr. Heeman Kang, a member of Jeju Wildlife Research Center. Note: As plastic band garbage is easily encountered on Korea s numerous shallow coastlines, a Great Egret may easily get entangled with plastic bands. Although the bird is flying in the picture, if the bird is not freed from the debris, it will have difficulty moving freely, and thus its survival in the wild is unlikely. 강희만 Heeman Kang 44 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
9. 쇠백로 9. Little Egret 황새목백로과 Egretta garzetta 사건 : 낚싯바늘이부리에얽혀죽어있는것을 2010년 7월 29일제주도차귀도에서해양쓰레기정기모니터링중 ( 사 ) 동아시아바다공동체오션이발견하여사진을촬영하였다. 분포 : 유럽, 아시아, 아프리카전체에흔히존재하며 (IUCN, 2011), 한국에서도흔하다 ( 강창완등, 2009). 서식지와먹이 : 얕은물에서작은물고기나새우등을먹는다 ( 강창완등, 2009). 해석 : 물에서고기를사냥하는쇠백로의부리에버려진낚싯바늘이걸리기는쉬울것으로보인다. Occurrence: A carcass of a Little Egret with a sport fishing hook entangled on its bill was found on July 29, 2010 in Chagwido Island, Jeju Province, by OSEAN during regular marine debris monitoring. Distribution: It is widespread in Europe, Asia, and Africa (IUCN, 2011), and is also very common in Korea ( 강창완등, 2009). Habitat & Diet: It hunts fish or shrimp in shallow fresh or saline water ( 강창완등, 2009). Note: Little Egrets seemingly become entangled with sport fishing hooks quite easily, and there are many discarded fishing hooks scattered along Korea s lengthy shoreline. 동아시아바다공동체오션 OSEAN The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 45
10. 해오라기 10. Night Heron 황새목백로과 Nycticorax nycticorax 사건 : 나뭇가지에걸린낚싯줄에목이걸려죽어있는것을 2004년 1월제주야생동물연구센터의지남준씨가제주도서귀포시강정동에서발견하여사진을촬영했다. 분포 : 아시아, 유럽, 아프리카에널리분포하며 (IUCN, 2011), 한국에서도텃새이다 ( 이우신외, 2000). 서식지와먹이 : 민물과연안습지의물가에서물고기나곤충등을잡아먹는다 ( 강창완외, 2009). 해오라기류들은백로류와는달리다리가짧은편이라서물안으로들어가기보다물가에서사냥하는것을즐긴다. 해석 : 정확한발견장소는해안에서몇 km 정도떨어진하천중류이지만, 해오라기가연안에서도많이활동하기때문에해양쓰레기피해사례에포함시켰다. Occurrence: A carcass of a Night Heron entangled with a sport fishing line was found in January 2004 in Gangjeong-dong, Seogwipo City, Jeju Province by Mr. Namjun Jee, a member of Jeju Wildlife Research Center. Distribution: It is widespread in Europe, Asia, and Africa (IUCN, 2011), and is a resident in Korea, too (Lee et al., 2000). Habitat & Diet: It hunts fish, aquatic insects or shrimp on the edge of shallow fresh or saline water ( 강창완등, 2009). Different from other species of the Family Heron, a Night Heron does not stand in the water to fish, but rather at the water s edge, and stretches its neck to catch fish. Note: This case was included in this book of Wildlife injured or killed by marine debris because this species also occurs in coastal waters, although this bird was found in a stream several kilometers from the sea. 지남준 Namjun Jee 46 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
11. 저어새 -1 11. Black-faced Spoonbill -1 황새목저어새과 Platalea minor 사건 : 둥지재료로사용된노끈뭉치에발목이엉킨것을 2011년 7월 8일인천시남동구인공섬에서제주야생동물연구센터지남준씨가발견하여, 현장에서엉킨줄을풀어주고방생하였다. 분포 : 저어새는 IUCN이정한멸종위기종이며, 한국에서는문화재청이지정한천연기념물제205-1호이다. 전세계에서동아시아지역에만약 2000여마리남아있으며 (IUCN, 2011), 한국에는서해의무인도에서번식하고제주도와낙동강하구등에서월동한다. 2000년대들어전세계개체수가수백마리까지떨어졌었으나, 동아시아여러나라들의보호협력사업에힘입어개체수가다소증가하였다. 서식지와먹이 : 민물또는연안습지의얕은물가를걸어다니면서부리를휘저어물고기나새우등을잡아먹는다 ( 강창완등, 2009). 해석 : 이사고가발견된장소는인천시송도지구에있는곳으로서, 아래지도의정중앙에 유수지 로표시된곳이다. 주변을매립하여도시로개발하면서, 수위조절등의목적으로남겨놓은호수같은곳에돌을쌓아섬처럼만들어놓았는데, 이곳에저어새수십쌍이매년번식을하고있다. 고층빌딩과고속도로로둘러싸인이곳에서멸종위기종조류가번식한다는것이기적같은일인데, 여기서번식하는저어새들이먹이활동을하는인근갯벌이다시매립될예정이다. 이곳주변이대부분도시로개발되었기때문에저어새들이둥지재료부족을겪고있어, 환경운동가들이둥지재료보내주기운동 Occurrence: A Black-faced Spoonbill entangled with plastic bands, which were used as nest materials, were found on July 8, 2011 on an artificial islet in an artificial reservoir in Namdong-gu, Incheon City by Mr. Namjun Jee, a member of Jeju Wildlife Research Center, and other environmental activists. They freed the bird from the plastic bands on site and released it. Distribution: The Black-faced Spoonbill is an endangered species designated by IUCN, and Natural Monument No.205-1 by Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea. The worldwide population of about 2000 is limited to East Asia (IUCN, 2011). In Korea, they breed in islets off the west coast, and winter in Busan and Jeju. The population actually plummeted to only a few hundred at the end of the 20th century, but has now increased thanks to international cooperative efforts to save them. Habitat & Diet: They walk through shallow fresh or saline water to collect fish or shrimp, swaying their bills ( 강창완등, 2009). Note: A circle on the map and picture below indicates where this bird was found. The reservoir was created to control flooding when the tidal flat was reclaimed in order to establish The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 47
등을하기도하였다. 이사고는둥지재료가부족한저어새들이노끈뭉치와같은인공재료를둥지재료로이용하였기때문에발생하였다. a new town here. Within the reservoir a small pile of rocks was deposited, although the reason is unknown. Now several dozen Blackfaced Spoonbills are breeding on this small pile of rocks every year. The site is surrounded by tall buildings and noisy traffic, so it seems miraculous that the Spoonbills have selected this as a breeding site. However, the nearby tidal flat, which is their food source for fish, will eventually be reclaimed, and there is a shortage of nesting material. Environmental groups have been supplying nest materials such as branches to their rocky nesting site, but the Spoonbills cannot easily find proper nesting materials. Hence the Spoonbills have resorted to using discarded plastic bands to make their nests. This accident was brought about in such a circumstance. 지남준 Namjun Jee 48 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
다음지도 Daum Map 장용창 Yong-chang Jang The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 49
12. 저어새 -2 12. Black-faced Spoonbill -2 황새목저어새과 Platalea minor 사건 : 낚싯바늘이목외부에걸려먹이활동을하지못해기아상태에빠진것을 2011년 8월 12일권인기씨와이기섭박사가인천시송도유원지인근에서발견하여충남야생동물구조센터로이송하여치료한후방생하였다. 해석 : 저어새는물속에부리를넣어좌우로저으면서먹이를잡기때문에, 수중에있던낚싯바늘쓰레기에목의외부가걸릴가능성은충분히있다. 개체수가적은데도불구하고앞의사례와같이 2건이발견된것은모니터링이활발히이루어지고있으며, 야생동물구조를위한네트워크가잘갖춰져있기때문에사고발생후빠르게조치함으로써구조할수있었던것으로보인다. 시민의행동과네트워크가야생동물보호에효과를발휘한모범사례이다. Occurrence: A Black-faced Spoonbill entangled with sport fishing hooks on its neck was found on August 12, 2011 near Songdo, Incheon by Mr. Inki Kwon and Dr. Keeseop Lee of Korea s Water Birds Network. The bird was sent to Chungnam Wild Animal Rescue Center, medically treated and released. Note: As the Spoonbill sways its bill, head, and neck in the water to find fish, the possibility of being entangled with discarded fishing hooks is unfortunately quite high. The reason why such injured Spoonbills were rescued immediately is that they are a protected species under human guardianship. Because there are many people monitoring them, and because there are networks of environmentalists and a wildlife rescue center to provide medical support, the Spoonbills can be saved more easily than other species. Citizen activities and networking both help to make the Spoonbill s survival in the wild a successful example of rescuing or protecting Wildlife. 50 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
김영준 Young-jun Kim The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 51
13. 큰고니 13. Whooper Swan 기러기목오리과 Cygnus cygnus 사건 : 2010년 1월충남서산시해미천중류에서죽은사체를한국조류보호협회부여지회가발견하여충남야생동물연구센터로이송하였다. 체중이현격히가볍고, 깃털이푸른색으로변한납중독증상이발견되었다. 김영준수의사가혈중납농도측정결과, 납중독에의한폐사가확실하였으며, 부검한결과취미용낚시에쓰는납추와낚싯줄고리 ( 도래 ) 등이내장에서발견되었다. 분포 : 아이슬란드를포함한유라시아전체에분포하며 (IUCN, 2011), 한국에서는주로겨울에내륙과연안전체에서발견된다 ( 이우신등, 2000). 세계적으로는멸종위기종이아니지만, 한국에서는천연기념물 201-2호로지정되었다. 서식지와먹이 : 호수와강하구등에서주로발견되며 ( 이우신등, 2000), 수생식물의줄기또는뿌리를주로먹고수서곤충을먹기도한다 ( 이우신, 1994). 물속을잠수하는것은아니고, 수면위에떠있는상태에서긴목을물속으로넣어바닥에있는매자기나고랭이등의덩이줄기 ( 괴경, tuber) 를먹는장면이낙동강하구에서쉽게관찰된다. 해석 : 서산시의해미천은철새가상당수도래하는철새도래지인데도불구하고, 취미용낚시행위가성행하고있어, 인간과야생동물의충돌이일어나기쉬운공간이다. 낚시에쓰이는납추는쉽게진흙바닥에가라앉고, 진흙바닥에서덩이줄기를파먹는고니류들이낚싯추를먹을가능성은높을것이다. 이미버려진낚싯추로인해앞으로도피해가반복 Occurrence: A carcass of a Whooper Swan was found in January 2010 in Haemichun River in Seosan City, Chungnam Province by Korea s Wild Bird Protection Association and was sent to Chungnam Wild Animal Rescue Center. Necropsy revealed a lead weight and other metallic fishing gear used for sport fishing, and typical symptoms of lead poisoning such as green feathers were observed. Distribution: It is widespread in Eurasia including Iceland (IUCN, 2011). In Korea, it is found mostly in winter both inland and in coastal areas (Lee et al., 2000). Though not an endangered species worldwide, it is Natural Monument No. 201-2 in Korea. Habitat & Diet: It is usually found in lakes and estuaries (Lee et al., 2000). It feeds on tubers and stems of aquatic plants, or sometimes aquatic insects ( 이우신, 1994). It is easy to find them collecting tubers of Bulrush (e.g. Scirpus maritimus) in the Nakdong River Estuary with necks submerged and backs visible in the water. Note: There are many fisher and migratory birds found contemporaneously in the Haemichun River in Seosan City. As the lead weights used in sport fishing sink into mud 52 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
될것으로예상된다. 생태계를크게훼손하지않으면서버려진낚싯추를수거하는방안을찾아야하고, 낚시꾼들에대한홍보와무해한낚싯추로바꾸는노력도필요하다. underwater, where the tubers are, swans will easily swallow the lead weights along with the tubers. Efforts to change the materials used to manufacture such fishing weights are needed. 김영준 Young-jun Kim The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 53
14. 청둥오리 -1 14. Mallard -1 기러기목오리과 Anas platyrhynchos 사건 : 폐통발에갇힌것을 2007년 2월한국조류보호협회창원지회최종수회장이낙동강하구에서발견하여현장에서구조한후방생하였다. 분포 : 유라시아대륙과북아메리카에널리분포하며 (IUCN), 한국에도래하는오리류중가장흔한대표적인겨울철새이며, 일부는번식도한다 ( 이우신등 2000). 서식지와먹이 : 해안이나저수지, 논등에서관찰된다 ( 강창완등, 2009). 잠수하지않고수면에서머리만물속으로집어넣어물풀의씨앗등을먹기위해꼬리를하늘로치켜든모습을쉽게관찰할수있다. 동물성먹이와식물성먹이를모두섭취하지만, 겨울철에는식물성먹이가대부분이다 (Combs et al., 1996). 해석 : 어구는원래생물을잡을목적으로설치하기때문에의도하지않은혼획이일어나기쉽다. 버려진후에도계속생물을잡는유령어업Ghost fishing) 이빈번하다. 이사례에서청둥오리가빨리발견되지않았다면그대로폐사하였을것이다. 생물들을관찰하는활동이증가할수록실제로야생동물의피해를줄일수도있음을보여주는사례이다. Occurrence: A Mallard caught in an abandoned fish trap in the Nakdong River Estuary was found in February 2007 by Mr. Jongsu Choi of Korea s Wild Bird Protection Association and was released on site. Distribution: It is widespread in Eurasia and North America (IUCN, 2011). In Korea, it is the most common winter visitor, and some mating also occurs during summer (Lee et al., 2000). Habitat & Diet: It is found in coasts, lakes, or rice paddies ( 강창완등, 2009). It is easy to find them with heads underwater, and tails exposed over the water, collecting food in shallow water. Though they can eat both plants and animals, most feed on plants during the winter (Combs et al., 1996). Note: This case shows that the rescue success rate may increase if more citizens participate in monitoring wildlife. 최종수 Jong-su Choi 54 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
15. 청둥오리 -2 15. Mallard -2 기러기목오리과 Anas platyrhynchos 사건 : 폐그물에얽혀날개뼈가골절된것을 2009 년경기도한강하구장항습지에서 PGA습지생태연구소한동욱소장이발견하여치료센터로옮겼으나폐사하였다. 해석 : 청둥오리는연안에흔한철새이므로, 얕은물에방치된폐그물, 폐통발로인한피해를쉽게받을것으로보인다. 날개뼈가부러지면새에게는치명적이다. Occurrence: A Mallard with its wing bone broken from entanglement with a derelict fishing net was found in the Jang-hang Wetland of Han River Estuary in 2009 by Mr. Donguk Han of PGA Wetland Ecology Institute. Unfortunately, it died after it was sent to a rescue center. Note: As the Mallard and derelict fishing nets are very common along the coast, the danger of its being caught in such debris seems high. 한동욱 /PGA 습지생태연구소 Dong-uk Han/PGA Wetland Ecology Institute The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 55
16. 호사도요 16. Greater Painted Snipe 도요목호사도요과 Rostratula benghalensis 사건 : 폐정치망 ( 뱀장어, 참게잡이용 ) 에얽혀날개가골절된것을 2005년 5월경기도한강하구장항습지에서 PGA습지생태연구소한동욱소장이발견하여치료센터로이송하였으나폐사하였으며, 교원대학교에서박제로보관하고있다. 분포 : 아프리카, 동남아시아, 호주등에널리분포한다 (Brazil, 2009). 한국에서는겨울에발견되기도하고, 여름철번식도확인되었지만, 모두매우드문사례이며, 천연기념물 449호로지정되어있다 ( 강창완등, 2009). 서식지와먹이 : 주로논등의담수성습지를걸어다니며지렁이나곤충등을잡아먹는다 ( 강창완등, 2009). 해석 : 호사도요는주로담수습지에서발견되지만, 이사례는한강하구에서발견되었으며, 해양쓰레기의일종인폐어구로부터입은피해이므로포함시켰다. Occurrence: A Greater Painted Snipe, whose wing bone was broken after being entangled with a derelict fishing net, was found in May 2005 by Mr. Dong-uk Han of PGA Wetland Ecology Institute. It died at a rescue center and is in Gyo-won University as a specimen. Distribution: It is widespread in Africa, Southeast Asia, and Australia (Brazil, 2009). In Korea, it is found during winter and summer, but both very rarely, and is designated as Natural Monument No. 449 ( 강창완등, 2009). Habitat & Diet: It collects insects or earthworms while walking through mostly fresh water wetlands such as rice paddies ( 강창완등, 2009). Note: Although this species is found usually in freshwater wetlands, this case was found in an Estuary of the Han River. As the bird s fatal injury was caused by marine debris, the case was included in this book. 한동욱 /PGA 습지생태연구소 Dong-uk Han/PGA Wetland Ecology Institute 56 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
17. 괭이갈매기 -1 도요목갈매기과 17. Black-tailed Gull -1 Larus crassirostris 사건 : 낚싯바늘이부리에걸리고, 낚싯줄이몸에감긴채죽어있는것을 2003년인천시강화군에서강화도시민연대활동가들이발견하였다. 분포 : 괭이갈매기는전세계에서동아시아에만존재한다 (Brazil, 2009). 한국에서는연중관찰되는텃새이다 ( 이우신등, 2000). 서식지와먹이 : 번식은주로무인도나작은암초등에서하는데, 이런번식지중충남태안군의난도 (334호) 와경남통영시홍도 (335호) 등이천연기념물로지정되어있다 ( 이우신, 1994). 수면위를날다가물고기등을낚아채거나죽은물고기를먹는다 ( 강창완등, 2009). 해석 : 이책에서보고하는해양쓰레기로인한야생동물피해 40건중 17건 (42%) 이괭이갈매기이다. 이중 12건은취미용낚싯바늘을삼킨피해였다. 버려진미끼를먹으려다낚싯바늘까지같이삼킨것으로추정된다. 대중적인취미활동으로자리잡은낚시가의도하지않게다른생명을죽이는결과를낳는다. 낚시후남은미끼봉지나낚싯바늘과낚싯줄을잘챙겨오기만해도피해를상당히줄일수있을것이다. Occurrence: A carcass of a Black-tailed Gull with both a sport fishing hook on its bill and a sport fishing line entangling its body, was found in 2003 in Ganghwa of Incheon city by activists of Gang-hwa Citizens Coalition. Distribution: It is found only in East Asia (Brazil, 2009). In Korea, it is observed year-round (Lee et al., 2000). Habitat & Diet: They breed mostly in rocky islets, and Nando islet (No.334) of Tae-an, Chungnam and Hongdo islet (No.335) of Shinan, Jeonnam are designated as a Natural Monument as breeding sites for Black-tailed Gulls ( 이우신, 1994). They pick up small fish while flying over the sea surface or collect dead fish along the coast ( 강창완등, 2009). Note: Among the 40 cases of wildlife injuries and fatalities reported in this book, 17 cases (42%) are Black-tailed Gulls. In addition, 12 were injured by swallowing sport fishing hooks. As sport fishermen often abandon dead fish, leaving hooks in the fish carcasses, the birds may swallow the hooks along with the fish. It shows how abundant is such sport fishing debris along Korea s seashore. The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 57
강화도시민연대 Gang-hwa Citizens Coalition 58 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
18. 괭이갈매기 -2 도요목갈매기과 18. Black-tailed Gull -2 Larus crassirostris 사건 : 2008년 11월 14일낙동강하구에서발견된사체를부산야생동물치료센터여광영수의사가 X-ray를촬영한결과식도에서낚싯바늘을확인하였다. Occurrence: A carcass was found in the Nakdong River Estuary on November 14, 2008 and was sent to Mr. Gwang-yeong Yeo, a veterinarian at the Busan Wild Animal Treatment Center. An X-ray revealed a sport fishing hook in the oesophagus. 여광영 / 부산야생동물치료센터 Gwang-yeong Yeo/Busan Wild Animal Treatment Center 19. 괭이갈매기 -3 도요목갈매기과 19. Black-tailed Gull -3 Larus crassirostris 사건 : 2009 년 3 월 5 일낙동강하구에서발견된사 체를부산야생동물치료센터여광영수의사가 X-ray 를촬영한결과낚싯바늘을삼킨것이확인되었다. Occurrence: A carcass was found in the Nakdong River Estuary on March 5, 2009 and was sent to Mr. Gwang-yeong Yeo, a veterinarian at the Busan Wild Animal Treatment Center. An X-ray revealed a sport fishing hook. The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 59
20. 괭이갈매기 -4 도요목갈매기과 20. Black-tailed Gull -4 Larus crassirostris 사건 : 2009년 5월 3일낙동강하구둑옆수로에서발견된사체를부산야생동물치료센터여광영수의사가 X-ray를촬영한결과낚싯바늘을삼킨것이확인되었다. Occurrence: A carcass was found in the Nakdong River Estuary on May 3, 2009 and was sent to Mr. Gwang-yeong Yeo, a veterinarian at the Busan Wild Animal Treatment Center. An X-ray revealed a sport fishing hook. 여광영 / 부산야생동물치료센터 Gwang-yeong Yeo/Busan Wild Animal Treatment Center 60 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
21. 괭이갈매기 -5 도요목갈매기과 21. Black-tailed Gull -5 Larus crassirostris 사건 : 2009년 9월 17일부산시다대포해변에서발견된사체를부산야생동물치료센터여광영수의사가 X-ray를촬영한결과낚싯바늘을삼키고날개에도걸린것이확인되었다. Occurrence: A carcass was found in the Nakdong River Estuary on September 17, 2009 and was sent to Mr. Gwang-yeong Yeo, a veterinarian at the Busan Wild Animal Treatment Center. An X-ray revealed a sport fishing hook in the oesophagus and another hook caught in the bird s wing. 여광영 / 부산야생동물치료센터 Gwang-yeong Yeo/Busan Wild Animal Treatment Center The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 61
22. 괭이갈매기 -6 도요목갈매기과 22. Black-tailed Gull -6 Larus crassirostris 사건 : 2009년 12월 7일부산시한국해양대학교에서발견된사체를부산야생동물치료센터여광영수의사가 X-ray를촬영한결과낚싯바늘을삼킨것이확인되었다. Occurrence: A carcass was found at Korea Marine University in Busan on December 7, 2009, and was sent to Mr. Gwang-yeong Yeo, a veterinarian at the Busan Wild Animal Treatment Center. An X-ray revealed a sport fishing hook in the oesophagus. 여광영 / 부산야생동물치료센터 Gwang-yeong Yeo/Busan Wild Animal Treatment Center 62 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
23. 괭이갈매기 -7 도요목갈매기과 23. Black-tailed Gull -7 Larus crassirostris 사건 : 2010 년 5 월 28 일낙동강하구에서발견된사 체를부산야생동물치료센터여광영수의사가 X-ray 를촬영한결과낚싯바늘을삼킨것이확인되었다. Occurrence: A carcass was found in the Nakdong River Estuary on May 28, 2010, and was sent to Mr. Gwang-yeong Yeo, a veterinarian at the Busan Wild Animal Treatment Center. An X-ray revealed a sport fishing hook in the oral cavity. 여광영 / 부산야생동물치료센터 Gwang-yeong Yeo/Busan Wild Animal Treatment Center 24. 괭이갈매기 -8 도요목갈매기과 24. Black-tailed Gull -8 Larus crassirostris 사건 : 2010 년 8 월 7 일낙동강하구에서발견된사 체를부산야생동물치료센터여광영수의사가 X-ray 를촬영한결과낚싯바늘을삼킨것이확인되었다. Occurrence: A carcass was found in the Nakdong River Estuary on August 7, 2010, and was sent to Mr. Gwang-yeong Yeo, a veterinarian at the Busan Wild Animal Treatment Center. An X-ray revealed a sport fishing hook. The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 63
25. 괭이갈매기 -9 도요목갈매기과 25. Black-tailed Gull -9 Larus crassirostris 사건 : 2010년 8월 11일낙동강하구에서발견된유조사체를부산야생동물치료센터에서냉동보관하였다가, 한국해양과학기술원유류 유해물질연구단홍상희박사팀이부검한결과낚싯바늘을삼킨것이확인되었다. 해석 : 끝이검고전체적으로분홍색인부리와회갈색깃털등은 1년생겨울깃의전형적인특징이다 ( 이우신등, 2000). van Franeker et al.(2011) 의연구에서보듯이, 사례가많이늘어날경우, 사고를당한새들의연령을파악하는것도문제에대한대책을세우기위한중요한정보를제공할수있다. Occurrence: A carcass was found in the Nakdong River Estuary on August 11, 2010, and was sent to Mr. Gwang-yeong Yeo, a veterinarian at the Busan Wild Animal Treatment Center. Necropsy by Dr. Sang Hee Hong at KIOST revealed a sport fishing hook in the stomach. Note: Young birds surviving their first winter have a pink bill with a black tip and brown wings (Lee et al., 2000). As is seen in the study case of van Franeker et al. (2011), information on the ages of the animals injured or killed by marine debris may help finding the underlying causes of these injuries and deaths and thereby enable researchers to develop countermeasures to help prevent such accidents. 한국해양과학기술원유류 유해물질연구단 Oil & POPs Research Group in Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology 64 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
26. 괭이갈매기 -10 도요목갈매기과 26. Black-tailed Gull -10 Larus crassirostris 사건 : 2010년 8월 19일낙동강하구에서발견된유조사체를부산야생동물치료센터에서냉동보관하였다가, 한국해양과학기술원유류 유해물질연구단홍상희박사팀이부검한결과낚싯바늘을삼킨것이확인되었다. 해석 : 끝이검고전체적으로분홍색인부리와회갈색깃털등을가지고있으므로 ( 이우신등, 2000), 1년생겨울깃으로보인다. Occurrence: A carcass was found in Nakdong River Estuary on August 19, 2010, and was sent to Busan Wild Animal Treatment Center. It was sent for the study of marine debris to Dr. Sang Hee Hong, in Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology, who found a sport fishing hook inside. Note: It was identified as a juvenile with a black-tipped pink bill and brown wings (Lee et al., 2000), it was likely a young bird trying to survive its first winter. 한국해양과학기술원유류 유해물질연구단 Oil & POPs Research Group in Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 65
27. 괭이갈매기 -11 도요목갈매기과 27. Black-tailed Gull -11 Larus crassirostris 사건 : 2010 년낙동강하구에서발견된사체를부산 야생동물치료센터에서부검한결과낚싯바늘을삼킨것이확인되었다. Occurrence: A carcass was found in Nakdong River Estuary in 2010, and was sent to Busan Wild Animal Treatment Center. Necropsy revealed a sport fishing hook. 28. 괭이갈매기 -12 도요목갈매기과 28. Black-tailed Gull -12 Larus crassirostris 사건 : 낚싯바늘이달린낚싯줄이다리에돌돌감겨있는것을 2011년 2월제주야생동물구조센터가제주도에서발견하여, 낚싯줄을제거한다음방생하였다. Occurrence: A Black-tailed Gull entangled with a sport fishing hook and line on its legs was found in February 2011 by staff at the Jeju Wildlife Rescue Center, and was released after the line was removed. 제주야생동물구조센터 Jeju Wildlife Rescue Center 66 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
29. 괭이갈매기 -13 도요목갈매기과 29. Black-tailed Gull -13 Larus crassirostris 사건 : 낚싯바늘을삼키고, 낚싯줄에부리가감겨부리를벌리지못하는것을 2011년 2월 13일부산사하구 119 구조대가부산사하구구평방파제에서발견하여부산야생동물치료센터로이송하였다. 수술로낚싯바늘을제거했으나 5일후폐사하였다. Occurrence: A Black-tailed Gull entangled with a sport fishing line on its bill and a fishing hook in its mouth was found on February 13, 2011 in Gupyung area, Saha, Busan by 119 Rescue and was sent to Busan Wild Animal Treatment Center. The bird died 5 days later although the fishing line and hook were surgically removed. 여광영 / 부산야생동물치료센터 Gwang-yeong Yeo/Busan Wild Animal Treatment Center The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 67
30. 괭이갈매기 -14 도요목갈매기과 30. Black-tailed Gull -14 Larus crassirostris 사건 : 낚싯바늘을삼키고, 낚싯줄이날개에감겨비행이불가능한것이 2011년 5월 11일부산사하구다대동대양조선구내에서발견되어부산야생동물치료센터로이송되었다. 낚싯바늘과낚싯줄을제거하여방생하였다. Occurrence: A Black-tailed Gull entangled with a sport fishing line on its feathers and a fishing hook in its mouth was found on May 11, 2011 in Dae-yang Shipbuilding Yard on May 11, 2011, and was sent to Busan Wild Animal Treatment Center. It was released after the fishing hook and line were surgically removed. 여광영 / 부산야생동물치료센터 Gwang-yeong Yeo/Busan Wild Animal Treatment Centert 68 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
31. 괭이갈매기 -15 도요목갈매기과 31. Black-tailed Gull -15 Larus crassirostris 사건 : 낚싯바늘이목부위에걸리고낚싯줄이몸에얽혀있는것을 2011년 7월 22일국립공원연구원철새연구센터가울릉도도동항에서발견하여낚싯바늘과낚싯줄을제거한후방생하였다. Occurrence: A Black-tailed Gull entangled with a sport fishing line over its whole body and a fishing hook in its neck was found on July 22, 2011 in Dodong Port, Ulleung Island, Gyeongbuk Province by researchers at the Migratory Birds Research Center of National Park Research Institute. It was released after the fishing hook and line were removed on site. 국립공원연구원철새연구센터 Migratory Birds Research Center of National Park Research Institute The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 69
32. 33. 괭이갈매기 -16, 17 도요목갈매기과 32. 33. Black-tailed Gull -16, 17 Larus crassirostris 사건 : 낚싯줄이몸에얽혀있는두마리를 2011년경북울릉도에서한국해양연구원유류 유해물질연구단홍상희박사가발견하여줄을제거한다음방사하였다. Occurrence: Two Black-tailed Gulls entangled with sport fishing lines were found in 2011 in Uleung Island, Kyungbuk Province by Dr. Sang-hee Hong of Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute. They were released after the fishing lines were removed on site. 34. 재갈매기 도요목갈매기과 34. Vega Gull Larus vegae 사건 : 검은비닐봉지가목에걸린상태로날아가는것을 2006년 2월제주야생동물연구센터강희만씨가제주시구좌읍세화리해상에서발견하여사진을촬영하였다. Occurrence: A Vega Gull flying with a plastic bag hanging on its neck was found in Sehwari, Gujwa, Jeju in February 2006, by Mr. Heeman Kang of Jeju Wildlife Research Center. 분포 : 재갈매기라는종은아직도그분류에대해논란이있다 ( 한국조류학회, 2009). 문헌별로구분해보면다음과같다. Larus argentatus: 이우신등 (2000), 환경부 (2004), 日本鳥類保護聯盟 (2002). Larus vegae: 강창완등 (2009), Brazil (2009). 더욱이재갈매기는한국재갈매기 (Larus mongolicus), 노랑발갈매기 (Larus cachinnans), 아메리카재갈매기 (Larus smithsonianus) 와도혼동되고있으며, 어느것이어느쪽의아종이라는논란이있고, 문헌들마다분류가다르다. Distribution: There are debates on the species classification of Vega Gull (Ornithological Society of Korea, 2009). The following are the two main categories. Larus argentatus: Lee et al. (2000), 환경부 (2004), 日本鳥類保護聯盟 (2002). Larus vegae: 강창완등 (2009), Brazil (2009). Moreover, Vega Gulls can be confused with Mongolian Gulls (Larus cachinans mongolicus), and American Herring Gulls (Larus smithsonianus), so disagreements persist 70 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
여기서는한국조류학회 (2009) 및여기서인용한 Clements(2007) 을따랐다. 재갈매기는러시아동쪽의추코트반도에서서쪽의타이미르반도일대에서번식하며, 캄차카반도, 한국, 일본등에서월동한다 (Brazil, 2009). 서식지와먹이 : 풀이있는섬이나절벽, 해변에서번식하며, 하구나연안에서월동한다 (Brazil, 2009). 수면위를날다가하강하여물고기를낚아채거나죽은물고기를먹는다 ( 강창완등, 2009). 해석 : 이책에실린괭이갈매기, 큰재갈매기, 재갈매기등은서식지와먹이, 분포, 한국도래상황등이서로유사하다. 단, 큰재갈매기와재갈매기가북쪽지방에서번식하고한국에는겨울에주로오는반면에, 괭이갈매기는한국의바위섬에서번식까지한다. 아마이런이유때문에괭이갈매기의피해사례가많이보고되는것으로보인다. 환경부가 2011 년 1월에실시한전국철새동시센서스결과 ( 환경부, 2011) 를보면, 전체종중에서재갈매기는 42,436마리로 7위, 괭이갈매기는 35,285마리로 8위, 큰재갈매기는 2,417마리로 40위를차지하였다. 즉, 겨울철에는재갈매기가괭이갈매기보다더많을수도있는것이다. 그에반해괭이갈매기는일년내내우리나라에살기때문에피해건수가많은것으로보인다. on subspecies classification. Here, we followed Ornithological Society of Korea (2009), who followed Clements (2007). The Vega Gull breeds in East Siberia, from Lena to Chutkoka, and winters on the coasts of Kamchatka, Korea, Japan, etc. (Brazil, 2009) Habitat & Diet: It breeds on grassy islands, cliffs, or beaches, and winters in coastal estuaries (Brazil, 2009). It collects fishes while flying over the sea or collects dead fish ( 강창완등, 2009). Note: The Black-tailed Gull, Vega Gull, and Slaty-backed Gull in this book share the same habitat and food. But, while Vega Gulls and Slaty-backed Gulls spend only winters in Korea, Black-tailed Gulls also breed in Korea, so are observed year-round. Perhaps this is the reason why there are many cases of Black-tailed Gulls in this book. The wintering population of Vega Gulls (42,436) was bigger than Blacktailed Gulls (35,285) and Slaty-backed Gulls (2,417) according to the nationwide wintering birds census in January 2011 ( 환경부, 2011). It means there are more Vega Gulls than Blacktailed Gulls. The Black-tailed Gull seems to sustain more injuries from human activities as they share their coastal habitat with people throughout all four seasons. The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 71
강희만 Heeman Kang 72 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
35. 큰재갈매기 35. Slaty-backed Gull 도요목갈매기과 Larus schistisagus 사건 : 낚싯바늘이몸에꽂히고, 낚싯줄에걸린채날지못하는것을 2011년 5월제주야생동물구조센터가제주도에서발견하여낚싯바늘과낚싯줄을제거한후방생하였다. 분포 : 전세계에서동아시아에만분포한다 (Brazil, 2009). 한국에는주로동해안에서겨울철에많이발견된다 ( 이우신등, 2000). 서식지와먹이 : 해안이나강하구에흔히보이며, 수면위에서물고기를낚아채거나죽은물고기를먹는다 ( 강창완등, 2009). 해석 : 괭이갈매기와마찬가지로주로연안에서활동하며, 죽은물고기를먹기도하기때문에, 낚싯바늘에달린미끼를먹고낚싯줄까지몸에걸려피해를입었을것으로추정된다. Occurrence: A Slaty-backed Gull entangled with a sport fishing hook and line was found in May 2011 by staff at the Jeju Wildlife Rescue Center. It was released after the fishing hook and line were removed. Distribution: It is found mainly in East Asia (Brazil, 2009). In Korea, it is found mostly along the East Coast during winter (Lee et al., 2000). Habitat & Diet: It collects fishes while flying over the sea, or collects dead fishes ( 강창완등, 2009). Note: As they usually collect food along the coast and sometimes eat dead fish, it is possible that they often sustain injuries from fishing hooks and lines left in dead fish. 제주야생동물구조센터 Jeju Wildlife Rescue Center The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 73
36. 붉은부리갈매기 도요목갈매기과 36. Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus 사건 : 2009년 10월 13일낙동강하구에서죽은사체가발견되어부산야생동물치료센터여광영수의사가부검한결과취미용낚싯바늘을삼킨것이확인되었다. 분포 : 유럽, 아시아, 북아메리카등전세계적으로널리분포한다 ( 日本鳥類保護聯盟. 2002). 한국에는주로겨울에월동한다 ( 이우신등, 2002). 서식지와먹이 : 해안가에서주로보이며, 내륙에서도관찰되고, 수면위를날다가물고기를낚아챈다 ( 강창완등, 2009). 물고기와무척추동물은물론사람이버린음식쓰레기를주워먹기도한다. 해석 : 붉은부리갈매기는겨울철전국연안에서흔히관찰되며, 먹이또한잡식성이므로연안에많은낚싯바늘쓰레기등의피해를입을가능성이높은것으로보인다. Occurrence: A carcass was found on October 13, 2009 in the Nakdong River Estuary and was sent to Mr. Gwang-yeong Yeo, a veterinarian at the Busan Wild Animal Treatment Center. Necropsy revealed a sport fishing hook in the bird. Distribution: It is widespread in Europe, Asia, and North America ( 日本鳥類保護聯盟, 2002). In Korea, mostly found during winter (Lee et al., 2000). Habitat & Diet: It is found mostly along the coast, and sometimes inland, they catch fish while flying over the water ( 강창완등, 2009). They collect invertebrates also, and even human garbage. Note: As they are very common in winter along the coast, and eat a varied diet, they may easily sustain injury from discarded fishing hooks. 74 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
37. 바다쇠오리 37. Ancient Murrelet 도요목바다오리과 Synthliboramphus antiquus 사건 : 자망그물조각에다리와목주변이얽힌채전남신안군흑산면예리항바다위에있던것을 2011년 1월 17일오후 5시경동네주민이발견하여국립공원연구원철새연구센터에신고하였다. 동센터연구원들이낚싯대를이용하여물에서건져낸다음그물등을제거하고표식용가락지를부착한후방생하였다. 분포 : 바다쇠오리는도요목바다오리과에속하는데, 바다오리과는전세계에는 22종 ( 이우신등, 2000), 한국에는 8종이있다 ( 한국조류학회, 2009). 전세계개체수는약 1백만마리로추정되며 (Harfenist, 2004), 한국에서월동하는개체수도 10만마리는될것으로보이지만 ( 한국야생조류협회고경남회장개인의견 ), 번식기를제외한대부분의시간을먼바다에서보내기때문에 (Brazil, 2009) 월동개체수를추정하는것은매우힘들다. 우리나라에서는일부개체가전남신안군의구굴도와칠발도등지에서번식하는데 ( 강창완등, 2009), 그수는약 300마리로추정된다. 서식지와먹이 : 주요먹이는작은물고기와플랑크톤성갑각류이다 (IUCN, 2011). 동해안에서어민들에게탐문한결과어민들은바다쇠오리를아주잘알고있었다. 이어민들에따르면 12월부터 2월까지도루묵, 까나리 ( 동해안에서양미리라고부름 ), 멸치떼가몰려올때바다쇠오리도떼로발견된다고한다. 동해안에서이런물고기를잡기위한자망에바다쇠오리가수백마리씩혼획되는사고가매년발생하고있으며, 이를한국야생조류협회가실태를조사해오고있다 ( 한국야생조류협회, 2009). Occurrence: An Ancient Murrelet, entangled with drift gillnet was found on January 17, 2011 in Yeri Port of Heuksan Island, Jeonnam Province by several residents, who reported their finding to the Migratory Birds Research Center of National Park Research Institute. The drift gillnet seemed not likely Korean, but our coastline is frequented by commercial fishermen from other Asian nations. The researchers at the Migratory Birds Center rescued the bird from the water, removed the net, and released after banding it. Distribution: The Ancient Murrelet belongs to the Family Murre, which consists of 22 species worldwide (Lee et al., 2000) with 8 species found in Korea (Ornithological Society of Korea, 2009). The worldwide population of Ancient Murrelets is estimated to be 1 million (Harfenist, 2004). They are usually seen during winter in Korea (Lee et al., 2000). As they spend most of their lives in the open sea, except during their breeding season (Brazil, 2009), estimating their wintering population is very difficult. Some birdwatchers (e.g. Mr. Kyoung-nam Ko of Korea Wild Bird Society) believe the population wintering in Korea may be more than 100,000. They breed in remote islands off Korea s southwestern coast, including Guguldo and Chilbaldo Islands in Shinan, Jeonnam Province ( 강창완등, 2009), and the breeding population is estimated to be about 300. The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 75
해석 : 자망 ( 刺網, gillnet) 은물고기를건져올리는방식이아니라, 물고기가그물코에걸리는방식으로고기를잡는다. 그래서바다쇠오리가물고기를따라갔을때그물에머리나날개등이얽히기아주쉽다. 버려지거나사용중인자망에걸려서피해를입는바다쇠오리는많을것으로추정된다. 바다쇠오리는먼거리를날고, 바닷물위에떠있거나수십미터깊이까지잠수도할수있는탁월한바다생활능력을가지고있는데, 그생태에대해서는많이연구되지않고있다. 바다쇠오리에대한연구와피해조사가시급하다. Habitat & Diet: Their main diet is small fish and crustaceans (IUCN, 2011). According to unpublished interviews by the authors of this book, fishermen along Korea s East Coast are familiar with this bird. According to them, the bird is very common from December to February where there are fish groups of Arctoscopus japonicus, Ammodytes personatus, or Engraulis japonica. Every year, Ancient Murrelets are dying from bycatch because of gillnets used to catch these commercial fish. Korea s Wild Bird Society investigated the bycatch problem for several years. Note: Many fish are caught in gillnets by commercial fishermen. So, when Ancient Murrelets dive to catch fish, they are often entangled with gillnets. We guess that there are significant numbers of Ancient Murrelets dying from both gillnets in use or abandoned gillnets in the water. The Ancient Murrelet is an excellent ocean creature, able to float and dive, and even able to fly over the ocean. But their environment and ecology is not well understood, as they reside far off land. Research on their ecology and the frequency of injuries and deaths due to gillnet fishing is urgent. 국립공원연구원철새연구센터 Migratory Birds Research Center of National Park Research Institute 76 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
38. 상괭이 38. Finless Porpoise 고래목쇠돌고랫과 Neophocaena phocaenoides 사건 : 낚싯바늘이꼬리지느러미에걸린채죽어있는것을 2010년 6월 20일국립공원연구원철새연구센터김희종연구원이신안군흑산면홍도리에서발견하였다. 분포 : 전세계적으로남아시아에서동북아시아까지연안에분포하며, 중국양쯔강에있는민물상괭이 (N. p. asiaeorientalis) 도상괭이의아종이다 (IUCN, 2011). 한국에서는흔하게발견되지만, 세계적으로는개체수가줄어들고있기때문에 IUCN 에서멸종위기종 ( 등급 : Vulnerable) 으로지정하였으며 (IUCN, 2011), CITES 국제협약에서도과거에는 II등급으로분류했었으나, 최근멸종위기종 I등급으로재분류하였다 (CITES, 2012). 바다에서생활하기때문에, 다른고래류와마찬가지로전세계적인개체수를추정하는것은매우힘들며, 일부지역별로목시조사에의해추정한연구들이있는데 (Jefferson et al., 2002 등 ), 한국서해의개체수를약 35,000마리로추정한연구 ( 박겸준등, 2007) 가있다. 서남아시아에있는종과동아시아에있는종이달라서동아시아에있는종을 Neophocaena asiaeorientalis로새로구분하자는제안 (Wang et al., 2008; 박겸준등 (2011) 에서재인용 ) 이있지만, 이책에서는일반적인분류를따랐다. 서식지와먹이 : 상괭이는깊이 50미터이내의연안바다에서만서식하는것으로알려져있으며, 물고기, 새우, 오징어등을먹는것으로보인다 ( 박겸준등, 2011). Occurrence: A carcass with a commercial fishing hook on its tail was found on June 20, 2010 in Hongdo Island, Heuksan, Shinan, Jeonnam Province by Mr. Heejong Kim of Migratory Birds Research Center of National Park Research Institute. Distribution: It is distributed from South Asia to Northeast Asia. The freshwater species (N. p. asiaeorientalis) in China s Yangtze River is a subspecies (IUCN, 2011). It is designated as an endangered (vulnerable) species by IUCN (IUCN, 2011), and CITES recently changed its grade from II to I (CITES, 2012), as its world population is decreasing, although it is easy to see in Korea. Estimating its population is very difficult as they live in the sea. There are some efforts to estimate its regional population (e.g. Jefferson et al., 2002), and in Korea, the west coast population was estimated to be 35,000 (Park et al., 2007). It has been suggested to classify this as a new species (N. asiaeorientalis) as the East Asian species is different from the Southwest Asian species (Wang et al., 2008; Park et al., 2011). But this book follows the traditional classification. Habitat & Diet: Finless porpoise live in coastal seas shallower than 50 meters, and their main diet is fish, shrimp, and squid (Park et al., 2011). The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 77
해석 : 상괭이는전세계적인멸종위기종이며, 우리나라바다가가장중요한서식지인데도불구하고, 한국에서는보호대책이거의없으며, 해양생태계의보전및관리에관한법률에도보호종으로지정되지않고있다. 2008년일년동안공식적으로혼획으로확인된것만해도 298마리나될정도로 ( 최석관등, 2010) 혼획에의한피해가심각하다. 어망을현재사용하고있는경우혼획으로, 현재사용하지않고있는경우폐어구 (derelict fishing gear) 에의한피해로분류한다. 본사건에서폐사의직접적원인이어업쓰레기인지여부는명확하지않다. 하지만, 어업용낚싯바늘이걸려있었기때문에, 해양쓰레기피해사례에포함시켰다. 혼획이든폐어구에의한피해든불필요한생명파괴는줄여나가야한다. 원인에따라피해대책을수립해시행하는것이시급하다. Note: Although this is an internationally endangered species, and the Korean sea seems to be its main habitat, the Korean government pays little attention to this species. In fact, it is not even listed as an endangered marine species under the Law on Management and Conservation of Marine Ecology. The damage from bycatch or ghost fishing is so serious in Korea that 298 porpoises were confirmed dead from bycatch in 2008 (Choi et al., 2010). The cause of death in this case is not clear as examination was not conducted. But we include this case as due to marine debris because a commercial fishing hook was entangled on its tail fin. Conservation efforts for this lovely creature are very urgently needed in Korea. 국립공원연구원철새연구센터 Migratory Birds Research Center of National Park Research Institute 78 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
39. 고라니 39. Water Deer 우제목사슴과 Hydropotes inermis 사건 : 폐정치망에왼쪽다리가걸려서밀물에익사한것을 2006년 PGA습지생태연구소한동욱소장이한강하구장항습지에서발견하였다. 분포 : 전세계에서중국과북한, 남한에만분포한다. 남한에서는흔히보이지만, 세계적인개체수가많지않기때문에 IUCN이멸종위기종 ( 등급 : Vulnerable) 으로정하였다 (IUCN, 2011). 중국에서는 10,000마리정도로전체개체수를파악하고있지만, 북한과남한의개체수는파악된바가없다 (IUCN, 2011). 서식지와먹이 : 영어이름과학명에서드러나듯이, 고라니는물가를좋아해서수영도할수있으며, 강가, 바닷가의평야지대를좋아한다 (IUCN, 2011). 전라남도에서조사한결과를보면, 먹이는모두식물이었으며, 이중벼과식물이 78% 를차지하고있는것으로보아 ( 박지은등, 2011), 평야지대를좋아한다고볼수있다. Occurrence: A carcass of a Water Deer who died after its leg was entangled in a derelict fishing net was found in Jang-hang Wetland of the Han River Estuary by Mr. Dong-uk Han of PGA Wetland Ecology Institute. Distribution: It is found only in South and North Korea and China. Though it is very common in South Korea, it is designated as an endangered species (vulnerable) by IUCN, as the worldwide population is small (IUCN, 2011). In China, the population is estimated to be around 10,000, but in North and South Korea, there are no data (IUCN, 2011). Habitat & Diet: As is shown by both its English and scientific names, the Water Deer loves water and even swims, and is found along the plains of riversides and seashores (IUCN, 2011). According to a survey in Jeonnam Province of Korea, their diet is all vegetation, of which 78% is Family Gramineae (e.g. rice plant, Park et al., 2011). The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 79
해석 : 세계적으로한국과중국에존재하는멸종위기종인데도불구하고, 한국에서는야생동식물보호법 (2011) 별표3에서 유해야생동물 로정해놓고있을정도로한국정부는보호대책이없다. 야생동식물의가치에대한인식전환이시급히필요하다. 장항습지는습지보호지역에포함된다 (7번사례지도참조 ). 보호지역에서불법어업행위를하지않도록단속을철저히해야한다. Note: The Korean government has done little to protect this internationally endangered species. The Water Deer is even included in the Harmful Wildlife list under the Law to Protect Wildlife and Plants of Korea. A public awareness program on protecting Wildlife is urgent. Moreover, the Jang-Hang Wetland of the Han River Estuary is included in Wetland Protected Areas under the Wetland Protection Law, as is shown on the map attached to case No. 7. The illegal fishing in any Protected Area should be stopped to prevent such tragic accidents to wildlife that depend on these secluded areas. 한동욱 /PGA 습지생태연구소 Dong-uk Han/PGA Wetland Ecology Institute 80 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
40. 말똥게 40. De Haan s shore crab 십각목사각게과 Sesarma dehaani 사건 : 폐정치망에얽혀 20마리가죽어있는것을 2005년한강하구장항습지에서 PGA습지생태연구소한동욱소장이발견하였다. 분포 : 말똥게의학명에대해서는다음과같은두가지가존재하여혼동이있다. Hiromantes dehaani ( 바위게과 ): 네이버지식사전 ( 한국해양무척추동물도감원용 ), Sesarma dehaani ( 사각게과 ): 한동욱등 (2010), 길현종등 (2005), 김호준 (2004). 여기서는이논문등을참조하여 Sesarma dehaani로표기하였다. 말똥게는동아시아에만존재하며, 주로강하구역에서식한다. 해석 : 어구등을사용후수거하지않고방치할경우어떤일이벌이지는지보여주는사례이다. 말똥게는물론여러가지동물들이얽혀피해를입을수있다. 말똥게외에도고라니, 호사도요, 청둥오리등다양한생물들이폐정치망에유사한피해를입고있다. 같은피해가반복되지않도록습지보호구역의불법어업행위를단속하여야한다. Occurrence: The carcasses of 20 De Haan s shore crabs entangled with a derelict fishing net were found in 2005 by Mr. Dong-uk Han, the representative of PGA Wetland Ecology Institute. Distribution: Only in East Asia, mostly in river estuaries. We found two different scientific names for De Haan s shore crab from literature. (1) Hiromantes dehaani (Family Grapsidae): NAVER Dictionary (Korean-based online encyclopedia) which referred to Korea Marine Invertebrate Guide; (2) Sesarma dehaani (Family Seasarmidae): Han et al. (2010), Gil et al. (2005), and 김호준 (2004). We follow Han et al. (2010). Note: This case shows what happens when fishing gear is not removed from coastlines and waterways after use. Not only crabs, but other wildlife may die as a result of such carelessness. 한동욱 /PGA 습지생태연구소 Dong-uk Han/PGA Wetland Ecology Institute The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 81
제 3 장 기타피해사례 지금부터는해양쓰레기에의한피해가아니거나, 피해장소가해양이아닌경우들입니다. 피해의양상은해양쓰레기와비슷하므로, 해양쓰레기생물피해와연관하여기록을남겨둘경우정책마련에도움이될것으로판단하여이책에포함시켰습니다. Chapter 3 Injuries and deaths from causes other than marine debris The following cases were not due to marine debris, or did not occur in marine environments. But we include these cases thinking that they will be helpful in shaping a more all- encompassing wildlife protection policy, as the accident pattern is similar to that of marine debris.
1. 검은댕기해오라기 황새목백로과 1. Striated Heron Butorides striatus 사건 : 낚싯바늘을삼켜움직이지못하는것을 2004 년한국조류보호협회철원지회가강원도철원군에서발견하여철원군천연기념물치료소의도움을받아치료한다음방생했다. 분포 : 아프리카, 아시아, 호주, 아메리카등전세계적으로분포한다 (Brazil, 2009). 한국에서는여름에번식한다 ( 이우신등, 2000). 서식지와먹이 : 숲에서번식하며, 논, 저수지, 산간계곡등에서관찰되고, 흐르는물에서가재나민물고기를잡아먹는다 ( 강창완등, 2009). 맹그로브숲등연안에서도발견된다 (Brazil, 2009). 해석 : 본사례는민물에서발생했으며, 검은댕기해오라기의주요서식지도민물이지만, 바닷가에서도먹이활동을하므로해양쓰레기로인해서도피해를입을가능성이있다. Occurrence: A Striated Heron that swallowed a sport fishing hook and could not move was found in Cheorwon, Gangwon Province by Korea s Wild Bird Protection Association. The bird was released after treatment by Cheorwon Natural Monument Care Center. Distribution: It is widespread in Africa, Asia, Australia, and America (Brazil, 2009). Habitat & Diet: It breeds in forests, is found in rice paddies, reservoirs, or forest valleys, and catches fish or crabs in water ( 강창완등, 2009). It is also found in mangrove forests or along coastal areas (Brazil, 2009). Note: Although this case was found in fresh water, and the bird s main habitat is near fresh water, the species can sustain injuries or die from marine debris when collecting food along Korea s coastline. 84 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
철원군천연기념물치료소 Cheorwon Natural Monument Care Center The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 85
2. 저어새 2. Black-faced Spoonbill 황새목저어새관 Platalea minor 사건 : 사용중인어업용정치망통발에걸린것을 2011년 8월 25일정치망통발을설치한어민이강화도동막리에서발견하여관계기관에신고함에따라구조되어치료받은다음 2011년 9월 17일에방생되었다. 이사건은한국물새네트워크의이기섭박사가자료를제공하였다. Occurrence: A Black-faced Spoonbill, entangled by a fish trap in use, was found on August 25, 2011 by the fish trap user and was rescued and released by a local wild animal rescue center on September 17, 2011. This was reported by Dr. Keeseop Lee of Korea s Waterbirds Network. 분포, 서식지와먹이 : 이책생물피해목록중 11번참조. 해석 : 사용중인통발은해양쓰레기로볼수없으나, 해양쓰레기와비슷한메커니즘으로사고가발생하기때문에부록에포함시켰다. 이또한네트워크가잘갖춰질때시민행동이야생동물보호에실질적인기여를할수있음을보여주는좋은사례이다. Distribution, Habitat & Diet: Please refer to the Case No. 13 of this book that explains the species. Note: This case was excluded from the Marine Debris impacts on Wildlife, because the fish trap was in use. But we include this case for reference purposes, as the accident scenario is similar. This is a good example of how a well-organized network of birdwatchers, researchers, residents, and rescue centers can contribute to the protection of wildlife. 이기섭 Keeseop Lee 86 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
3. 재두루미 3. White-naped Crane 두루미목두루미과 Grus vipio 사건 : 철구조물 ( 철조망이나칼로추정 ) 에걸려오른쪽다리가절단된것을 2006년 6월한강하구장항습지에서 PGA습지생태연구소한동욱소장이발견하여치료센터로이송하였으나, 그후폐사하였다. 분포 : 세계적으로동아시아에만분포하며, 전세계개체수는 10,000 마리미만으로추정되어멸종위기종 ( 등급 : Vulnerable) 으로지정되었다 (IUCN, 2011). 한국에는겨울에월동하며 ( 이우신등, 2000), 봄과가을일본에서월동하는개체군들이번식지를오가면서한국을중간기착지로이용하기도한다 ( 강창완등, 2009). 천연기념물 203호로지정되어있다. 서식지와먹이 : 주로농경지에서낟알을주워먹지만 ( 강창완등, 2009), 개구리등동물성먹이도먹는것으로보인다. 해석 : 본사건은피해원인이확실치않아해양쓰레기피해에포함시키지않았지만, 국제적인멸종위기종마저언제든지인간이만든물건에피해를당할수있음을보여주는사례이다. 또한이사례가발견된곳은습지보호지역으로지정된곳이다. 보호를위한관리를좀더강화할필요가있다. Occurrence: A White-naped Crane whose right leg was cut by (perhaps) some kind of metal structure was found in June 2006 in Jang-hang Wetland of Han River Estuary by Mr. Dong-uk Han, head of PGA Wetland Ecology Center. It was sent to a rescue center but died there. Distribution: Only in East Asia with a population numbering fewer than 10,000, it was designated as an endangered (vulnerable) species (IUCN, 2011). In Korea, it spends the winter (Lee et al., 2000), as well as stopovers during migrations, and is designated as Natural Monument No. 203 ( 강창완등, 2009). Habitat & Diet: It mostly forages for grains in rice paddies ( 강창완등, 2009), but seems to eat meat from aquatic animals such as frogs as well. Note: The material that cut the leg of this bird was not identified for certain, but seems to be a metal made by humans. This case shows that endangered species can be injured or killed by man-made objects. Also worth noting is that the bird was injured in a Wetland Protected Area. We need to strengthen management of these sites to better ensure the safety of the wildlife that depend on them for sanctuary. 한동욱 /PGA 습지생태연구소 Dong-uk Han/PGA Wetland Ecology Institute The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 87
4. 꺅도요 4. Common Snipe 도요목도요과 Gallinago gallinago 사건 : 폐그물에걸려죽은것을 2008년 1월경남창원시주남저수지에서한국조류보호협회창원지회최종수회장이발견하였다. 분포 : 유라시아, 아프리카, 아메리카등전세계적으로분포한다 ( 日本鳥類保護聯盟. 2002.) 한국에는주로겨울철에월동하며 ( 이우신등, 2000), 봄가을이동기에도발견된다. 서식지와먹이 : 논, 습지, 강가에서주로관찰되며, 주로지렁이등을먹는다 ( 강창완등, 2009). Occurrence: A carcass of a Common Snipe, entangled with derelict fishing gear, was found in January 2008 in Junam Reservoir in Changwon City, by Mr. Jong-su Choi of Korea Wild Bird Protection Association. Distribution: It is widespread in Eurasia, Africa, and America ( 日本鳥類保護聯盟, 2000). In Korea, it mostly spends winters (Lee et al., 2000), but is also found during both spring and autumn migratory seasons. 해석 : 주남저수지에서붕어등민물고기를잡기위해쳐놓은그물에걸린경우이다. 폐그물로추정된다. 그물은걸리기만하면생물들을옴짝달싹못하게하기때문에치명적피해를줄수있다. 사용후어구관리는바다와민물모두에서중요함을일러주는사례이다. Habitat & Diet: It is found in rice paddies, wetlands, and along riversides, and it feeds mostly on benthic life dwelling at the bottom of these waterways ( 강창완등, 2009). Note: The bird was entangled in a fishing net left in Junam Reservoir. The net was assessed as not in use at the time of the accident. This illustrates an urgent need to properly monitor the use of fishing gear of all types whether in use or after use where wildlife might forage for food. 최종수 Jong-su Choi 88 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
5. 집비둘기 5. Rock Dove 비둘기목비둘기과 Columba livia f. domestica 사건 : 취미용낚싯줄에발가락과다리가잘린비둘기를 2005년 11월경남사천시노산공원에서황문성씨와이종명씨가발견하였다. 분포 : 동아시아에서발견되는집비둘기는원래아프리카등지에분포하는 Rock Dove를서양에서식용으로사육했던종이다시야생화된것이며, 현재전세계적으로널리분포한다 (Brazil, 2009). 서식지와먹이 : 도심과농촌등인간주거지역여러곳에분포한다 ( 김상진과이두표, 2007). 여러종류의먹이를먹고, 쓰레기를먹기도하는것으로보인다. 해석 : 한국조류학회에서는집비둘기가 야생에완전히정착하여사람의도움없이자연번식하는종 이므로야생동물로인정하였지만 ( 한국조류학회, 2009), 철새탐조인들은아직도야생종으로간주하지않는다. 그래서이책에서도해양쓰레기로인한 야생동물 피해목록이아닌부록에포함시켰다. 이사건이발견된노산공원은낚시꾼이자주보이는곳이다. 공원에모이는비둘기중에는발가락이나다리가절단된개체가여럿있었으나사진기록은 1건만남아있어 1건으로포함시켰다. Occurrence: A carcass of a Rock Dove, entangled with sport fishing lines, was found in November 2005 in Nosan Park of Sacheon City, Gyeongnam Province by Mr. Munsung Hwang and Mr. Jongmyoung Lee. Distribution: The population in East Asia is a feral form, descendants of birds domesticated for food, and the species is now found almost worldwide (Brazil, 2009). Habitat & Diet: The feral species occurs around cities, villages, and farms (Kim & Lee, 2007). They seem to eat a variety of food as well as scavenge. Note: While the Ornithological Society of Korea recognizes this species as a wild species (Ornithological Society of Korea, 2009), birdwatchers still do not regard this species as wild. So, we do not include this case in the list of the wildlife injured or killed by marine debris. 이종명 Jongmyoung Lee The Impact of Marine Debris on Wildlife in South Korea: Cases and Photographs 89
부록 _1 < 참고문헌 > Appendix_1 <Reference>
부록 Appendix < 참고문헌 > <References> 강창완, 강희만, 김완병, 김은미, 박찬열, 지남준. (2009). 제주조류도감. 제주 : 도서출판한그루. 464 p. 길현종, 노현수, 백상규, 송성준, 최병례, 김원. (2005). 한강하구역의저서동물상. 한국환경생물학회지, 23(3): 250-256. 김상진, 이두표. (2007). 농촌지역에서서식하는집비둘기 (Columba livia) 의번식생태. 한국조류학회지, 14(2): 127-134 김은미. (2009). 얘들아새보러갈래 : 새아줌마가들려주는재미있는새이야기. 도서출판필통, p.424. 김호준. (2004). 한국생태학 100년. 서울대학교출판부, 548p. 동아시아바다공동체오션. (2011). 한국국제연안정화 10년결과보고서 (2001-2010): 작은땀방울모여큰파도되다. 56p. 박겸준, 김장근, 장창익. (2007). Line Transect에서발견율함수추정에사용되는모델에따른상괭이, Neophocaena phocaenoides의자원개체수추정. 한국수산과학회지 40(4): 201-209. 박겸준, 안용락, 이영란, 박지은, 문대연, 최석관. (2011). 한국서해상괭이 (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis) 의먹이습성과섭식량. 한국수산과학회지, 44(1): 78-84. 박지은, 김백준, 오대현, 이항, 이상돈. (2011). 고라니 (Hydropotes inermis argyropus) 의식이습성분석. 한국환경생태학회지 25(6) : 836~845. 야생동식물보호법. (2011). 법률제11060호, 2011년 9월 16일개정. 이우신. (1994). 우리가정말알아야할우리새백가지. 서울 : 현암사, 499p. 이우신, 구태회, 박진영. (2000). 야외원색도감한국의새. 서울 : LG상록재단, 330 p. 최석관, 박겸준, 김현우, 이영란, 박지은, 문대연, 안용락. (2010). 남해안상괭이 (Finless porpoise) 의분포. 한국수산과학회지, 43(6): 665-669. 한국야생조류협회. (2009). 동해안연안어업에의한해조류피해조사보고, 한국야생조류협회 2009년상반기정기보고회자료집. 한국조류학회 (The Ornithological Society of Korea). (2009). 한국조류목록 (Checklist of the Birds of Korea), 한림원 ( 주 ), p.133. ISBN 978-89-5708-176-1 91400 92 해양쓰레기생물피해사례집
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