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KISEP Original Articles 생물정신의학 Vol. 10, No. 2, November 2003 지연성운동장애와 5-HT 2A 수용체유전자 T103C 다형성과의관계 한상우 1) 신정원 2) 최태윤 2) 우성일 1) 정한용 4) 정희연 3) 한선호 1) Association between Tardive Dyskinesia and T103C Polymorphisms of 5-HT 2A Receptor Gene Sang Woo Hahn, M.D., 1) Jeong Won Shin, M.D., 2) Tae Youn Choi, M.D., 2) Sung Il Woo, M.D., 1) Han Yong Jung, M.D., 4) Hee Yeoun Jung, M.D., 3) Sun Ho Han, M.D. 1) bjective O Method Result Conclusion KEY WORDS ABSTRACT Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Soonchunhyang University Hospital, Seoul, Korea Department of Laboratory Medicine, College of Medicine, Soonchunhyang University Hospital, Seoul, Korea Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Soonchunhyang University Hospital, Cheonan, Korea Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Soonchunhyang University Hospital, Bucheon, Korea 교신저자 - 133 -

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1. 연구대상 방 - 2. 연구방법 1) Genomic DNA 추출 법 Table 1. Nucleotide sequences of primer set Polymorphism 102T/C - 135 - - 2) 중합효소연쇄반응 (Polymerase chain reaction: PCR) - 3) 제한효소절편다형성분석 (Restriction fragment length polymorphism:rflp) Msp Primer sequences F : 5 -GAG AAC AGC ATG TAC ACC AGC 3 R : 5 -CAT GAC AAG GAA ACC CAG CAG 3

4) T102C 유전자형판별 3. 자료분석및통계처리 결 1. T102C 다형성의발현율및빈도 Table 3. Genotype and allele frequencies of T102C allele in the schizophrenic patients with TD and without TD n 과 Genotype distribution Allele frequency T-T% T-C% C-C% T% C% TD 59 0813.6 5186.4 00 6756.8 5143.2 No TD 60 1931.7 4168.3 00 7965.8 4134.2 2 5.56, df1, p0.18, 2 2.06, df1, p0.15, TDTardive dyskinesia 2. 지연성운동장애증상위치에따른 T102C 다형성의발현율 Kb M 1 2 3 4 5 6 M kb Fig 1. Agarose gel analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphism pattern for T102CFragment sizes of 506bp correspond to 102T/T, whereas 506bp, 282bp and 224bp are diagnostic bands for 102 T/C, whereas 282bp and 224bp are diagnostic bands for 102T/T. Lane M, 123bp DNA ladder size markerlanes 1, 2 and 3 are 102T/T genotype lanes 4, 5 and 6 are 102T/C genotype. Table 4. Genotype distribution of T102C in three AIMS categories of patients with TD Genotype distribution T-T% T-C% C-C% Orofacial 14.0 2496.0 00 506 282 224 Distal 313.0 2087.0 00 Trunk 436.4 763.6 00 2 6.158, df1, p0.013, TDTardive dyskinesia, AIMSAbnormal involuntary movement scale Table 2. Demographic characteristic of 119 schizophrenic subjects for 5-HT2A polymorphisms TDN=59 No TDN=60 t 2 df p value Ageyrs 50.211.20 45.910.1 2.217 117 0.216 SexM/F 33/26 36/24 0.712 001 0.712 Duration of medicationyrs 10.105.45 11.205.2 1.073 117 0.993 Duration of illness(yrs 18.19.00 117 0.748-136 -

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