머리말 한국은행은 1960년이후우리나라의주요경제통계를분야별로수록한 경제통계연보 를매년발간하고있습니다. 이번에도우리경제가작년한해동안이룬성과를일목요연하게살펴볼수있도록통화금융, 금리, 물가, 국민소득, 국제수지, 자금순환, 경기, 기업경영분석, 산업연관분석등경제각분야의통계를담아 2011년판을내놓게되었습니다. 이번 2011년판에서는수록대상을한국은행작성통계위주로개편함에따라산업생산지수, 고용 임금통계등은제외하였으며통계의배열과항목도한국은행조사통계월보와일치시킴으로써이용자의편의를높이고자노력하였습니다. 이와함께국제수지통계는선박수출계상기준을인도 ( 引導 ) 에서건조 ( 建造 ) 로바꾸고직접투자로분류하였던해외건설공사를건설서비스로변경하는등 IMF의국제수지매뉴얼개정내용을반영하여수정하였습니다. 한편본책자의게재내용은한국은행경제통계시스템 (ECOS, http://ecos.bok.or.kr) 에수록되어있으며이중주요경제지표 400여개는지난해 12월부터스마트폰을통해제공하고있는모바일경제통계시스템 (http://ecos.bok.or.kr/mobile) 에서도쉽게열람할수있습니다. 아무쪼록이책자가우리경제의실상을파악하는경제동향분석이나경제정책수립등다양한용도로널리이용되기를기대하며앞으로도책자내용이더욱개선될수있도록이용자여러분의아낌없는지도와조언을부탁드립니다. 끝으로이책의발간과관련하여자료의수집과편제에적극협조하여주신관계자여러분께깊은감사를드립니다. 2011 년 6 월 한국은행경제통계국장김영배
FOREWORD The Bank of Korea has published the 'Economic Statistics Yearbook annually since 1960, bringing together major economic statistics for the Korean economy. The 2011 edition presents statistics for each sphere of the economy including money and banking, interest rates, prices, national income, the balance of payments, the flow of funds, business conditions, financial statement analysis, and input-output tables, so as to allow a clear review of the performance of the Korean economy in the preceding year. The 2011 Yearbook emphasizes those statistics that are actually compiled by the Bank itself and excludes those compiled by other institutions such as statistics on industrial production, employment and wages. Also, we have arranged the tables and component items of the statistics to conform with those of the 'Monthly Bulletin', also published by the Bank, in a bid to heighten convenience for users. At the same time, and in keeping with the first-stage implementation of the BPM6, the presentation is organized to reflect amendments of balance of payments statistics including shipbuilding exports being on the basis of the work-in-progress rather than on the previous delivery basis and the change in the accounting treatment for overseas construction projects based on and managed by home territory enterprises from direct investment in financial account to construction services. The entire contents of the 'Economic Statistics Yearbook' may also be accessed on the website of the Bank of Korea's 'Economic Statistics System' (http://ecos.bok.or.kr). Additionally, catering to the recent greatly expanded use of smartphones, it has been possible since December 2010 to consult some 400 statistical indicators through the mobile economic statistics system (http://ecos.bok.or.kr/mobile). It is our earnest hope that this yearbook will find widespread acceptance as a basic resource for grasping the actual state of the Korean economy, its analysis and the establishment of macroeconomic policies. We realize that there is always room for further improvement, recommendations and advice from our esteemed users will be most gratefully received. Finally, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to all who have helped us in the work of publication and in gathering the raw data for the compilation of the various statistics. June 2011 Young Bae Kim Director General Economic Statistics Dept. The Bank of Korea
차례 CONTENTS 주요경제지표 2 통화금융 1. 통화및유동성지표 1.1 통화지표 1.1.1 본원통화 12 1.1.2 협의통화 (M1) 및 M1-MMF 13 1.1.3 광의통화 (M2) 14 PRINCIPAL ECONOMIC INDICATORS 2 MONEY & BANKING 1. Monetary and Liquidity Aggregates 1. 1 Monetary Aggregates 1.1.1 Monetary Base 12 1.1.2 Narrow Money (M1) & M1-MMF 13 1.1.3 Broad Money (M2) 14 1.2 예금취급기관개관표 1.2.1 종합표 16 1.2.2 중앙은행 18 1.2.3 기타예금취급기관 20 1.2 Depository Corporations Survey 1.2.1 Summary Table 16 1.2.2 Central Bank 18 1.2.3 Other Depository Corporations 20 1.3 유동성지표 22 1.4 통화및유동성지표 ( 계절변동조정계열 ) 24 1.3 Liquidity Aggregates 22 1.4 Monetary & Liquidity Aggregates (Seasonally adjusted) 24 2. 한국은행계정및기준금리 2.1 한국은행계정 26 2.2 화폐발행액 28 2.3 권화종별화폐발행액 29 2.4 한국은행부서별화폐발행및환수 30 2.5 예금은행예금지급준비액 32 2.6 예금은행예금지급준비율 32 2.7 한국은행환매조건부채권매매내역 33 2.8 통화안정증권발행내역 33 2.9 통화안정증권발행 상환및잔액내역 34 2. Accounts of the Bank of Korea and Base rate 2.1 Accounts of the Bank of Korea 26 2.2 Bank Notes and Coins Issued 28 2.3 Bank Notes and Coins Issued by Denomination 29 2.4 Issues and Withdrawals of Currency by Branch of the Bank of Korea 30 2.5 Reserves of Commercial & Specialized Banks 32 2.6 Reserve Requirements of Commercial & Specialized Banks 32 2.7 Repurchase Agreement Operations of the Bank of Korea 33 2.8 Issue of Monetary Stabilization Bonds 33 2.9 Issuance and Redemption of Monetary Stabilization Bonds 34
2.10 한국은행대출금 35 2.11 한국은행의기준금리및주요대출금리 35 3. 예금 대출금 2.10 Loans and Discounts of the Bank of Korea 35 2.11 Bank of Korea Base Rate & Principal Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts of the Bank of Korea 35 3. Deposits, Loans and Discounts 3.1 예금은행예금 3.1.1 종별 36 3.1.2 예금주별 37 3.1.3 기간별 ( 정기예금 ) 37 3.1.4 지역별 38 3.2 예금은행금융상품회전율 39 3.3 예금은행대출금 3.3.1 자금별 40 3.3.2 산업별 42 3.3.3 지역별 46 3.4 비은행금융기관수신 47 3.5 비은행금융기관여신 48 3.6 가계신용 49 3.1 Deposits at Commercial & Specialized Banks 3.1.1 By Type 36 3.1.2 By Depositor 37 3.1.3 By Term(Time Deposits) 37 3.1.4 By Region 38 3.2 Turnover Ratios of Deposits at Commercial & Specialized Banks 39 3.3 Loans and Discounts of Commercial & Specialized Banks 3.3.1 By Fund 40 3.3.2 By Industry 42 3.3.3 By Region 46 3.4 Deposits at Non-Bank Financial Corporations 47 3.5 Loans & Discounts of Non-Bank Financial Corporations 48 3.6 Credit to Households 49 4. 금리 4.1 시장금리 52 4.2 예금은행가중평균금리 4.2.1 수신금리 ( 신규취급액기준 ) 53 4.2.2 수신금리 ( 잔액기준 ) 54 4.2.3 대출금리 ( 신규취급액기준 ) 55 4.2.4 대출금리 ( 잔액기준 ) 56 4. Interest Rates 4.1 Market Interest Rates 52 4.2 CBs & SBs' weighted averages of Interest Rates 4.2.1 Interest Rates on Deposits (Newly-taken/extended amounts) 53 4.2.2 Interest Rates on Deposits (Outstanding amounts) 54 4.2.3 Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts (Newly-taken/extended amounts) 55 4.2.4 Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts (Outstanding amounts) 56
4.3 예금은행금리수준별여수신비중 ( 신규취급액기준 ) 4.3.1 정기예금 57 4.3.2 가계대출 57 4.3.3 대기업대출 58 4.3.4 중소기업대출 58 4.3 CBs & SBs' Shares of Deposits & Loans by Interest Rates Level (Newly-taken/extended amounts) 4.3.1 Time deposits 57 4.3.2 Loans to Households 57 4.3.3 Loans to Large Corporations 58 4.3.4 Loans to Small & Medium Corporations 58 4.4 예금은행고정금리및특정금리연동대출비중 ( 신규취급액기준 ) 4.4.1 기업 59 4.4.2 가계 59 4.4 CBs & SBs' Shares of Loans at Fixed and Floating Rates Level (Newly-taken/extended amounts) 4.4.1 Corporations 59 4.4.2 Households 59 4.5 비은행금융기관가중평균수신금리 4.5.1 수신금리 60 4.5.2 여신금리 61 4.5 NBFCs' weighted averages of Interest Rates (Newly-taken/extended amounts) 4.5.1 Interest Rates on Deposits 60 4.5.2 Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts 61 5. 어음교환및결제 5. Bill Clearings & Payments 5.1 어음교환및부도 5.1.1 전국어음교환및부도 62 5.1.2 지역별부도율 63 5.2 신한은금융망 64 5.3 지로시스템 65 5.4 은행공동망 65 5.1 Cleared and Dishonored Checks and Bills 5.1.1 Nationwide Cleared and Dishonored Checks and Bills 62 5.1.2 Dishonored Ratio by Region 63 5.2 BOK-Wire+ 64 5.3 Giro System 65 5.4 Interbank Shared Networks 65 증 권 SECURITIES 6. 증권 6.1 증시자금조달상황 66 6.2 증권거래및주가지수 67 6. Securities 6.1 Proceeds from Corporate Securities Offerings 66 6.2 Transactions in Securities and Stock Price Index 67
6.3 상장주식및채권총괄 6.3.1 상장주식 68 6.3.2 상장채권 68 6.4 주요국 공 사채발행및잔액 69 6.3 Key Statistics for Listed Stocks and Bonds 6.3.1 Listed Stocks 68 6.3.2 Listed Bonds 68 6.4 Issues & Outstanding Amounts of Principal Government, Public and Corporate Bonds 69 물 가 PRICES 7. 물가 7.1 생산자물가지수 7.1.1 기본분류지수 70 7.1.2 특수분류지수 73 7.2 가공단계별물가지수 74 7. Prices 7.1 Producer Price Indexes 7.1.1 Indexes for Basic Classification 70 7.1.2 Indexes for Specialized Classification 73 7.2 Stage-of-Processing Price Indexes 74 7.3 소비자물가지수 7.3.1 기본분류지수 76 7.3.2 특수분류지수 77 7.4 수출물가지수 78 7.5 수입물가지수 80 7.3 Consumer Price Indexes 7.3.1 Indexes for Basic Classification 76 7.3.2 Indexes for Specialized Classification 77 7.4 Export Price Indexes 78 7.5 Import Price Indexes 80 국제수지 무역 외환 BALANCE OF PAYMENTS, FOREIGN TRADE & FOREIGN EXCHANGE 8. 국제수지 무역 외환 8. Balance of Payments, Foreign Trade & Foreign Exchange 8.1 국제수지 8.1 Balance of Payments 8.1.1 요약표 82 8.1.2 서비스수지 84 8.1.3 본원소득수지및이전소득수지 88 8.1.4 증권투자및파생금융상품 90 8.1.5 기타투자 92 8.1.6 서비스무역세분류통계 94 8.1.1 Summary Table 82 8.1.2 Services 84 8.1.3 Primary income and Secondary income 88 8.1.4 Portfolio Investment & Financial derivatives 90 8.1.5 Other Investment 92 8.1.6 Extended Balance of Payments Services 94
8.2 지역별국제수지 8.2.1 지역별경상수지요약표 102 8.2.2 지역별서비스수지 104 8.2.3 지역별기타서비스수지 106 8.2.4 지역별본원소득수지 110 8.2.5 지역별이전소득수지 114 8.2.6 지역별자본 금융계정요약표 116 8.2 Balance of Payments by Region 8.2.1 Summary Table of Current Account by Region 102 8.2.2 Trade in Services by Region 104 8.2.3 Trade in Other Services by Region 106 8.2.4 Primary Income by Region 110 8.2.5 Secondary Income by Region 114 8.2.6 Summary table of Capital and Financial Account by Region 116 8.3 수출입총괄 118 8.4 무역지수및교역조건지수 8.4.1 무역지수및교역조건지수요약표 120 8.4.2 수출단가지수 121 8.4.3 수출물량지수 122 8.4.4 수입단가지수 123 8.4.5 수입물량지수 124 8.3 Summary of Exports and Imports 118 8.4 Indexes of Foreign Trade and Terms of Trade 8.4.1 Summary table of Indexes of Foreign Trade and Terms of Trade 120 8.4.2 Unit Value Indexes of Exports 121 8.4.3 Volume Indexes of Exports 122 8.4.4 Unit Value Indexes of Imports 123 8.4.5 Volume Indexes of Imports 124 8.5 외환보유액 125 8.5 International Reserves 125 8.6 국제투자대조표 8.6.1 국제투자대조표요약표 126 8.6.2 지역별국제투자대조표 130 8.6.3 통화별국제투자대조표 132 8.6 International Investment Position 8.6.1 Summary table of International Investment Position 126 8.6.2 International Investment Position by Region 130 8.6.3 International Investment Position by Currency 132 8.7 대외채권및대외채무 134 8.8 대미달러환율 136 8.9 주요통화의재정환율 137 8.7 External Assets in Debt Instruments and External Debt Position 134 8.8 Exchange Rates to U.S. Dollar 136 8.9 Arbitrated Rates of Major Currencies 137 기업경기및소비자동향조사 BUSINESS AND CONSUMER SURVEYS 9. 기업경기및소비자동향조사 9.1 기업경기실사지수 138 9.2 소비자동향지수 139 9 Business and Consumer Surveys 9.1 Business Survey Indexes 138 9.2 Consumer Survey Indexes 139
국민계정 NATIONAL ACCOUNTS 10. 국민계정 10. National Accounts 10.1 국민계정주요지표 140 10.2 종합계정 10.2.1 국내총생산과지출 142 10.2.2 국민처분가능소득과처분 142 10.2.3 자본거래 144 10.2.4 국외거래 144 10.1 Principal Indicators on National Accounts 140 10.2 Consolidated Accounts for the Nation 10.2.1 Gross Domestic Product and Expenditure 142 10.2.2 National Disposable Income and Its Appropriation 142 10.2.3 Capital Transactions 144 10.2.4 External Transactions 144 10.3 제도부문별계정 10.3.1 제도부문별생산계정 146 10.3.2 제도부문별소득계정 152 10.3.3 제도부문별자본계정 160 10.3 Accounts by Institutional Sector 10.3.1 Product Accounts by Institutional Sector 146 10.3.2 Income Accounts by Institutional Sector 152 10.3.3 Capital Accounts by Institutional Sector 160 10.4 경제활동별국내총생산및국민총소득 10.4.1 당해년가격 ( 계절변동조정계열 ) 166 10.4.2 2005년연쇄가격 ( ) 166 10.4.3 당해년가격 ( 원계열 ) 168 10.4.4 2005년연쇄가격 ( ) 168 10.4 Gross Domestic Product by Kind of Economic Activity and Gross National Income 10.4.1 At Current Prices(Seasonally Adjusted Series) 166 10.4.2 At Chained 2005 Year Prices( ) 166 10.4.3 At Current Prices (Original Series) 168 10.4.4 At Chained 2005 Year Prices( ) 168 10.5 국내총생산에대한지출 10.5.1 당해년가격 ( 계절변동조정계열 ) 170 10.5.2 2005년연쇄가격 ( ) 170 10.5.3 당해년가격 ( 원계열 ) 172 10.5.4 2005년연쇄가격 ( ) 172 10.5 Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product 10.5.1 At Current Prices(Seasonally Adjusted Series) 170 10.5.2 At Chained 2005 Year Prices ( ) 170 10.5.3 At Current Prices (Original Series) 172 10.5.4 At Chained 2005 Year Prices ( ) 172 10.6 경제활동별국내총부가가치와요소소득 174 10.6 Gross Value Added and Factor Income by Kind of Economic Activity 174
10.7 가계의최종소비지출 10.7.1 목적별 182 10.7.2 형태별 182 10.7 Composition of Final Consumption Expenditure of Households 10.7.1 by Purpose 182 10.7.2 by Type 182 10.8 가계에봉사하는비영리단체의목적별최종소비지출 184 10.9 자본재형태별총자본형성 184 10.10 국외거래 10.10.1 경상거래 186 10.10.2 자본및금융거래 188 10.8 Final Consumption Expenditure of Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households by Purpose 184 10.9 Composition of Gross Capital Formation by Type of Capital Goods 184 10.10 External Transactions 10.10.1 Current Transactions 186 10.10.2 Capital and Financial Transactions 188 10.11 총저축과총투자 190 10.11 Gross Saving and Gross Investment 190 자금순환 FLOW OF FUNDS 11. 자금순환 11.1 저축 투자및금융거래표 192 11.2 금융자산부채잔액표 212 11. Flow of Funds 11.1 Savings, lnvestment and Financial Transactions 192 11.2 Financial Assets and Liabilities Outstanding 212 기업경영 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 12. 기업경영 12.1 기업경영분석 236 12. Business Management 12.1 Financial Statement Analysis 236 2009 년산업연관표 2009 INPUT-OUTPUT TABLES 13. 산업연관표 13.1 생산자가격평가표 (78부문) 256 13. Input-Output Table 13.1 Transactions Table at Producers' Prices (78 Sectors) 256
13.2 수입거래표 (78부문) 266 13.3 투입계수표 (78부문) : A, A v 276 13.4 생산유발계수표 (78부문) : (I-A) -1 286 13.5 생산유발계수표 (78부문) : (I-A d ) -1 296 13.6 부문분류표 306 13.2 Transactions Table of Imported Goods and Services(78 Sectors) 266 13.3 Input Coefficients(78 Sectors) : A, A v 276 13.4 Inverse Matrix Coefficients(78 Sectors) : (I-A) -1 286 13.5 Inverse Matrix Coefficients(78 Sectors) : (I-A d ) -1 296 13.6 Sector Classification 306
도표차례 CONTENTS OF CHARTS 주요통화및유동성총량증감률 그림 1 예금취급기관의부문별통화공급내역 그림 2 M2( 광의통화 ) 의구성내역 그림 3 L( 광의유동성 ) 의구성내역 그림 4 통화유통속도등락률 그림 5 예금은행예금 대출금증감률 그림 6 시장금리 그림 7 예금은행여수신금리 그림 8 비은행금융기관별수신금리 그림 9 비은행금융기관별여신금리 그림 10 주가지수 그림 11 환율 그림 12 무역액 ( 통관기준 ) 그림 13 경상수지 그림 14 무역지수및교역조건지수 그림 15 Change in Major Monetary and Liquidity Aggregates Chart 1 Money Supply of Depository Corporations by Sector Chart 2 M2(Broad Money) Stock by Component Chart 3 L(Liquidity Aggregates) Stock by Component Chart 4 Change in Circulation Velocity of Money Chart 5 Change in Deposits, and Loans & Discounts of CBs & SBs Chart 6 Market Interest Rates Chart 7 Interest Rates on Deposits, and Loans & Discounts of CBs & SBs Chart 8 Interest Rates on Deposits of Non-Bank Financial Corporations Chart 9 Interest Rates on Loans & Discounts of Non-Bank Financial Corporations Chart 10 Stock Price Index Chart 11 Exchange Rates Chart 12 Exports and Imports(Customs Clearance Basis) Chart 13 Current Account Balance Chart 14 Indexes of Foreign Trade and Terms of Trade Chart 15
생산자물가지수 그림 16 소비자물가지수 그림 17 경제성장률 그림 18 경제성장률 ( 계절변동조정 ) 그림 19 생산구조 ( 당해년가격기준 ) 그림 20 국내총생산에대한지출구조 ( 당해년가격기준 ) 그림 21 GDP 및 1인당 GNI( 당해년가격기준 ) 그림 22 Producer Price Indexes Chart 16 Consumer Price Indexes Chart 17 Growth rate of GDP Chart 18 Growth rate of GDP(Seasonally Adjusted) Chart 19 Production Structure of GDP (At Current Prices) Chart 20 Structure of Expenditure on GDP (At Current Prices) Chart 21 GDP & Per Capita GNI(At Current Prices) Chart 22
Change in Major Monetary and Liquidity Aggregates Money Supply of Depository Corporations by Sector
M2(Broad Money) Stock by Component L(Liquidity Aggregates) Stock by Component
Change in Circulation Velocity of Money Change in Deposits, and Loans & Discounts of CBs & SBs
Market Interest Rates Interest Rates on Deposits, and Loans & Discounts of CBs & SBs
Interest Rates on Deposits of Non-Bank Financial Corporations Interest Rates on Loans & Discounts of Non-Bank Financial Corporations
Stock Price Index Exchange Rates
Exports and Imports(Customs Clearance Basis)
Current Account Balance Indexes of Foreign Trade and Terms of Trade
Producer Price Indexes Consumer Price Indexes
Growth rate of GDP Growth rate of GDP(Seasonally Adjusted)
Production Structure of GDP(At Current Prices) Structure of Expenditure on GDP(At Current Prices)
GDP & Per Capita GNI(At Current Prices)
일러두기 NOTES 1. 통계전반에걸쳐서사용된기호의뜻은다음과같음. 0 단위미만 (0 포함 ) - 해당사항없음 미상 r 정정 p 잠정치 Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ 분기 시계열의비연속 ( 이기호가붙은숫자의경우그전후의시계열은직접비교할수없음.) 2. 모든통계는합계와세목이각각반올림되었으므로세목의합계가 합계 와일치하지않을때도있음. 3. 전년호에수록된계수와다른계수는수정된것으로금년호가정확함. 4. 금융기관의포괄범위 (1) 중앙은행 ( 한국은행 ) (2) 기타예금취급기관 1 일반은행 1) 2 특수은행 2) 3 한국수출입은행 4 종합금융회사 3) 5 자산운용회사투자신탁계정 6 신탁회사계정 7 상호저축은행 8 상호금융 4) 9 우체국예금 (3) 기타금융기관생명보험회사, 우체국보험, 한국증권금융주식회사등 1. Symbols used are: 0 Less than half the final digit shown(includes magnitude zero) - Magnitude nil or no figures Figures not available r Revised p Preliminary Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ Quarters Break in continuity of time series(preceding figures are not directly comparable.) 2. Details may not add up to the totals due to rounding of figures. 3. In case an inconsistency exists between present volume and preceding series, please follow the present series. 4. Scope of the Financial Institutions (1) Central Bank(The Bank of Korea) (2) Other Depository Corporations 1 Commercial Banks 1) 2 Specialized Banks 2) 3 The Export-Import Bank of Korea 4 Merchant Banking Corporations 3) 5 Investment Trust Accounts of Asset Management Companies 6 Accounts of Trust Companies 7 Mutual Savings Banks 8 Mutual Credits 4) 9 Postal Savings (3) Other Financial Corporations Life Insurance Companies, Postal Insurance, The Korea Securities Finance Corporation etc. 주 : 1) 7 개시중은행, 6 개지방은행및 37 개외국은행국내지점의은행계정을포괄 2) 중소기업은행, 농업협동조합중앙회 수산업협동조합중앙회의신용사업부문및한국산업은행을포괄 3) 2 개종합금융회사, 3 개은행종합금융계정 2 개증권사종합금융계정을포괄 NOTES : 1) Comprises the Banking Accounts of seven Nation-wide Commercial Banks, six Local Banks and thirty-seven branches of Foreign Banks in Korea. 2) Comprises the Industrial Bank of Korea, the Credit and Banking Sectors of the National Agricultural Cooperative Federation(NACF) and the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives(NFFC) and The Korea Development Bank. 3) Comprises two Merchant Banking Corporations, three Merchant Banking Accounts of Banks and two Merchant Banking Accounts of Securities Companies. 4) 신용협동조합, 새마을금고를포괄 4) Comprises Credit Unions and Community Credit Cooperatives.
주요경제지표 1) (Ⅰ) Principal Economic Indicators (Ⅰ) 연말 화폐발행액 Bank notes & coins issued 통화금융 Money & Banking 본원통화 2) Monetary base 3) 9) 협의통화 Narrow money(m1) M1-MMF 또는 연중 평균잔액 Average 평균잔액 Average 말잔액 End of 평균잔액 Average 평균잔액 Average 10 억원 Billion won 증감률 (%) Change 10 억원 Billion won 증감률 (%) Change 10 억원 Billion won 증감률 (%) Change 10 억원 Billion won 증감률 (%) Change 10 억원 Billion won 증감률 (%) Change 1981 1,954.3 13.8 2,743.9 1.2 5,897.9 23.4 5,120.5 25.6 5,120.5 25.6 1982 2,219.8 13.6 2,840.7 3.5 9,603.2 62.8 7,684.5 50.1 7,684.6 50.1 1983 2,565.4 15.6 3,432.2 20.8 11,168.0 16.3 9,922.4 29.1 9,922.4 29.1 1984 2,759.3 7.6 3,625.0 5.6 11,803.4 5.7 11,154.1 12.4 11,154.1 12.4 1985 2,917.2 5.7 3,735.9 3.1 14,497.1 22.8 13,005.5 16.6 13,005.5 16.6 1986 3,184.2 9.2 4,078.3 9.2 19,469.1 34.3 16,710.7 28.5 16,710.7 28.5 1987 3,696.8 16.1 4,861.1 19.2 24,543.7 26.1 21,281.5 27.4 21,281.5 27.4 1988 4,477.3 21.1 6,856.1 41.0 29,745.1 21.2 26,580.2 24.9 26,580.2 24.9 1989 5,289.3 18.1 9,385.5 36.9 35,677.2 19.9 30,645.7 15.3 30,645.7 15.3 1990 6,393.7 20.9 11,707.3 24.7 44,131.7 23.7 38,053.9 24.2 38,053.9 24.2 1991 7,547.4 18.0 13,742.7 17.4 54,204.7 22.8 45,744.2 20.2 45,744.2 20.2 1992 8,353.2 10.7 15,286.7 11.2 64,764.9 19.5 55,349.9 21.0 55,349.9 21.0 1993 10,849.0 29.9 18,467.2 20.8 75,893.9 17.2 68,106.3 23.0 68,106.3 23.0 1994 12,971.2 19.6 21,456.4 16.2 87,459.9 15.2 77,914.9 14.4 77,914.9 14.4 1995 14,588.8 12.5 24,322.7 13.4 101,665.9 16.2 87,706.3 12.6 87,706.3 12.6 1996 15,853.3 8.7 24,832.1 2.1 114,774.8 12.9 99,811.9 13.8 98,890.7 12.8 1997 16,146.3 1.8 21,116.0-15.0 128,931.0 12.3 117,963.0 18.2 109,520.9 10.7 1998 14,813.4-8.3 19,593.0-7.2 121,731.1-5.6 113,659.4-3.6 99,932.7-8.8 1999 15,685.7 5.9 21,961.7 12.1 170,659.4 40.2 147,285.2 29.6 127,509.9 27.6 2000 17,966.6 14.5 26,357.0 20.0 196,714.5 15.3 183,349.9 24.5 160,217.2 25.7 2001 19,777.8 10.1 29,375.9 11.5 246,720.5 25.4 216,442.4 18.0 186,707.9 16.5 2002 22,376.4 13.1 33,579.3 14.3 283,580.8 14.9 265,042.4 22.5 227,421.8 21.8 2003 23,319.3 4.2 35,754.7 6.5 298,952.9 5.4 283,397.4 6.9 247,004.4 8.6 2004 23,969.4 2.8 37,272.4 4.2 321,727.7 7.6 306,842.5 8.3 258,162.5 4.5 2005 25,026.5 4.4 38,785.2 4.1 332,344.9 3.3 332,902.1 8.5 273,923.0 6.1 2006 26,732.8 6.8 41,664.0 7.4 371,087.6 11.7 330,134.1-0.8 296,631.6 8.3 2007 28,118.7 5.2 48,543.7 16.5 316,382.7-14.7 312,832.3-5.2 303,860.5 2.4 2008 29,332.7 4.3 52,272.8 7.7 330,623.7 4.5 307,273.6-1.8 307,273.6 1.1 2009 32,658.2 11.3 61,739.6 18.1 389,394.5 17.8 357,344.1 16.3 357,344.1 16.3 2010 39,761.7 21.8 67,585.1 9.5 427,791.6 9.9 399,412.3 11.8 399,412.3 11.8 참고표번호 2.2 1.1 1) 증감률또는등락률은별도의주석이없을경우전년동기대비임 2) 본원통화 = 현금통화 + 중앙은행의대예금취급기관부채등 (RP, 통화안정증권제외 ) 3) 협의통화 (M1) = 현금통화 + 요구불예금및수시입출식저축성예금 ( MMF 포함 ) 단, 2005 년 11 월부터는익일환매제도가적용된법인 MMF 제외. 2007.3.22 부터는미래가격제가도입된개인 MMF 도제외 4) 광의통화 (M2) = M1 + 기간물예 적금및부금 + 시장형금융상품 ( 양도성예금증서, 환매조건부채권매도, 표지어음등 ) + 실적배당형상품 ( 금전신탁, 수익증권, CMA 등단, 2009.7 월부터독립적인결제서비스를제공하는증권사의 CMA 를서비스제공시점에따라포함 ) + 금융채 + 기타 ( 투신증권저축, 종합금융회사발행어음등 ) 단, 장기 ( 만기 2 년이상 ) 금융상품제외 5) 금융기관유동성 (Lf) = M2 + 예금취급기관의 2 년이상유동성상품 + 증권금융예수금등 + 생명보험회사보험계약준비금등 ( 종전 M3) 6) 광의유동성 (L) = Lf + 정부및기업등이발행한유동성상품등 7) M2/ 본원통화 8) 명목 GDP/M2, 각각계절변동수치임 9) 간접투자자산운용업법시행 (2004.4) 에따른수익증권취급기관및상품확대분반영으로 2004 년 4 월이후의시계열이조정됨 2 주요경제지표
.. 말잔액 End of 10 억원 Billion won 4) 9) 광의통화 Broad money(m2) 증감률 (%) Change 통화금융 Money & Banking 평균잔액 Average 10 억원 Billion won 증감률 (%) Change 5) 9) 금융기관유동성 Liquidity aggregate of financial institutions(lf) 말잔액 End of 10 억원 Billion won 증감률 (%) Change 평균잔액 Average 10 억원 Billion won 증감률 (%) Change 광의유동성 6) Liquidity aggregate (L) 말잔액 End of 10 억원 Billion won 증감률 (%) Change 통화승수 (M2) 7) Money multiplier(m2) 평균잔액 Average 배 Times 통화유통속도 (M2) 8) Circulation velocity of money(m2) 평균잔액 Average 배 Times End of or During 17,814.1 36.1 23,481.3 30.7 1981 24,413.7 37.0 31,257.1 33.1 1982 30,006.7 22.9 38,032.2 21.7 1983 35,704.4 19.0 45,725.7 20.2 1984 42,161.5 18.1 55,450.0 21.3 1985 54,620.0 29.5 47,906.4 71,594.2 29.1 63,301.3 11.7 2.09 1986 71,161.0 30.3 62,358.9 30.2 93,637.7 30.8 82,139.2 29.8 12.8 1.89 1987 92,386.7 29.8 81,931.4 31.4 120,358.6 28.5 106,020.5 29.1 12.0 1.72 1988 116,204.2 25.8 102,077.9 24.6 153,927.1 27.9 134,182.7 26.6 10.9 1.55 1989 145,603.7 25.3 130,599.2 27.9 198,123.8 28.7 174,253.7 29.9 11.2 1.47 1990 174,029.9 19.5 160,777.3 23.1 244,837.3 23.6 219,071.3 25.7 11.7 1.44 1991 211,468.9 21.5 193,604.1 20.4 298,277.4 21.8 267,597.2 22.2 12.7 1.36 1992 248,271.0 17.4 235,318.3 21.5 354,933.3 19.0 325,428.4 21.6 12.7 1.27 1993 300,657.9 21.1 282,476.3 20.0 442,663.2 24.7 397,147.7 22.0 13.2 1.24 1994 370,600.4 23.3 338,213.2 19.7 527,017.0 19.1 476,281.6 19.9 572,594.0 13.9 1.21 1995 432,315.6 16.7 408,989.2 20.9 614,961.5 16.7 566,793.3 19.0 672,883.0 17.5 16.5 1.13 1996 517,306.9 19.7 482,437.8 18.0 700,285.4 13.9 659,019.0 16.3 766,508.7 13.9 22.8 1.05 1997 639,664.3 23.7 596,168.3 23.6 787,627.3 12.5 750,850.5 13.9 852,286.3 11.2 30.4 0.84 1998 672,544.4 5.1 676,674.7 13.5 850,827.8 8.0 835,924.5 11.3 931,655.4 9.3 30.8 0.81 1999 707,698.9 5.2 691,393.5 2.2 911,641.8 7.1 882,764.3 5.6 1,043,886.2 12.0 26.2 0.87 2000 764,979.3 8.1 739,337.0 6.9 1,017,715.3 11.6 967,324.9 9.6 1,190,544.0 14.0 25.2 0.88 2001 872,075.6 14.0 824,227.8 11.5 1,155,739.8 13.6 1,092,168.8 12.9 1,352,977.0 13.6 24.5 0.87 2002 898,069.4 3.0 888,988.6 7.9 1,209,750.8 4.7 1,187,839.8 8.8 1,415,832.6 4.6 24.9 0.86 2003 954,722.5 6.3 929,640.6 4.6 1,295,821.8 7.1 1,260,547.1 6.1 1,518,885.0 7.3 24.9 0.89 2004 1,021,448.7 7.0 993,960.1 6.9 1,391,559.6 7.4 1,348,818.8 7.0 1,653,184.1 8.8 25.6 0.87 2005 1,149,262.1 12.5 1,076,682.4 8.3 1,538,299.7 10.5 1,454,858.8 7.9 1,838,965.1 11.2 25.8 0.84 2006 1,273,611.9 10.8 1,197,094.8 11.2 1,691,565.2 10.0 1,603,516.0 10.2 2,051,108.7 11.5 24.7 0.81 2007 1,425,887.5 12.0 1,367,713.4 14.3 1,845,199.1 9.1 1,794,841.2 11.9 2,268,728.1 10.6 26.2 0.75 2008 1,566,850.0 9.9 1,508,550.4 10.3 2,018,785.0 9.4 1,937,336.0 7.9 2,526,413.7 11.4 24.4 0.71 2009 1,660,530.0 6.0 1,639,675.1 8.7 2,137,197.9 5.9 2,096,530.1 8.2 2,719,628.5 7.6 24.3 0.71 2010 1.1 1.3 Reference table No. 1) Percentage changes are over the same period of previous year, unless otherwise specified. 2) Monetary base = currency outside depository corporations + central bank liabilities to other depository corporations etc. 3) M1=currency outside depository corporations + demand deposits & savings deposits with transferability. Corporate MMF is excluded from Nov.2005, because from Nov.2005 corporate MMF is subject to be redeemed at the next business day. Individual MMF is also excluded from Mar.22,2007, because from that day individual MMF is subject to be redeemed and to be deposited at the next business day. 4) M2 =M1 + periodical time deposits & installment savings + marketable instruments (CDs, RP, Cover bills, etc.) + yield-based dividend instruments (money in trust, beneficiary certificates, etc.) + financial debentures + others (securities investment savings at investment trust companies, bills issued by merchant banking corporations, etc.) Cash Management Accounts(CMA) of security companies that provide settlement services are included in M2 from July 2009. Financial instruments with a maturity of 2 years or more are excluded. 5) Lf = M2 + Liquid financial instruments with a maturity of 2 years or more of Depository Corporations + deposits of Korea Securities Finance Corporation + insurance reserves of Life insurance companies 6) L = Lf + Liquid financial instruments issued by government and corporations, etc. 7) M2/Monetary base 8) Nominal GDP / M2, based on seasonally adjusted data. 9) Data from Apr.2004 is revised following the implementation of Indirect Investment Asset Management Business Act, by which the coverage of 'beneficiary certificate/institution' was expanded. Principal Economic Indicators 3
주요경제지표 (Ⅱ) Principal Economic Indicators (Ⅱ) 연말 또는 연중 말잔액 End of 10 억원 Billion won 통화금융 Money & Banking 예금은행예금 1) 예금은행대출금 1) Deposits at Commercial & Specialized Banks 총예금 Total deposits 증감률 (%) Change 평균잔액 Average 10 억원 Billion won 증감률 (%) Change 저축성예금 Time & Savings deposits 말잔액 End of 10 억원 Billion won 증감률 (%) Change 평균잔액 Average 10 억원 Billion won 증감률 (%) Change Loans of Commercial & Specialized Banks 말잔액 End of 10 억원 Billion won 증감률 (%) Change 평균잔액 Average 10 억원 Billion won 증감률 (%) Change 1981 17,034.1 37.1 12,996.5 30.7 11,499.8 34.1 9,852.8 32.8 15,955.0 30.7 14,127.4 34.7 1982 21,189.3 24.4 17,042.4 31.1 13,659.7 18.8 12,626.6 28.2 20,225.8 26.8 18,254.2 29.2 1983 23,907.6 12.8 20,647.5 21.2 15,672.7 14.7 14,765.0 16.9 24,150.3 19.4 22,287.0 22.1 1984 27,925.1 16.8 22,919.4 11.0 17,306.6 10.4 16,405.3 11.1 27,978.9 15.9 26,267.8 17.9 1985 31,022.6 11.1 25,873.2 12.9 20,246.2 17.0 18,669.9 13.8 33,810.7 20.8 31,310.8 19.2 1986 35,925.8 15.8 29,766.0 15.0 24,591.1 21.5 22,532.5 20.7 39,098.6 15.6 36,636.4 17.0 1987 45,720.4 27.3 36,460.2 22.5 29,700.1 20.8 26,998.6 19.8 43,095.8 10.2 41,873.4 14.3 1988 57,484.7 25.7 46,416.8 27.3 36,515.0 22.9 32,559.0 20.6 48,805.4 13.2 45,713.2 9.2 1989 66,917.7 16.4 53,939.0 16.2 43,778.2 19.9 39,117.7 20.1 62,547.8 28.2 54,777.7 19.8 1990 84,054.1 25.6 64,711.9 20.0 52,433.7 19.8 47,462.6 21.3 74,028.6 18.4 68,379.1 24.8 1991 98,507.9 17.2 77,533.4 19.8 60,888.4 16.1 56,768.1 19.6 89,415.6 20.8 80,632.5 17.9 1992 107,246.5 8.9 87,043.0 12.3 70,727.3 16.2 64,614.1 13.8 102,797.0 15.0 95,746.4 18.7 1993 115,731.8 7.9 98,378.2 13.0 82,492.0 16.6 76,453.4 18.3 115,137.4 12.0 109,336.7 14.2 1994 135,190.0 16.8 112,513.6 14.4 100,125.3 21.4 89,706.3 17.3 135,850.3 18.0 126,905.5 16.1 1995 154,136.1 14.0 130,231.3 15.7 114,436.8 14.3 104,747.5 16.8 152,477.7 12.2 144,878.6 14.2 1996 181,720.8 17.9 151,413.3 16.3 137,383.1 20.1 123,872.2 18.3 177,184.1 16.2 165,417.3 14.2 1997 198,197.4 9.1 179,874.9 18.8 162,853.9 18.5 151,485.9 22.3 200,401.1 13.1 195,242.2 18.0 1998 251,794.5 27.0 208,245.1 15.8 214,131.4 31.5 184,119.2 21.5 200,289.1-0.1 205,685.0 5.3 1999 323,411.1 28.4 276,638.2 32.8 281,291.5 31.4 248,105.8 34.8 250,240.1 24.9 222,687.7 8.3 2000 404,660.9 25.1 363,600.0 31.4 360,605.2 28.2 331,370.5 33.6 310,804.1 24.2 286,560.7 28.7 2001 455,630.5 12.6 419,897.7 15.5 405,802.5 12.5 384,122.8 15.9 357,383.5 15.0 330,756.0 15.4 2002 512,419.4 12.5 484,273.3 15.3 456,982.8 12.6 439,907.9 14.5 471,684.3 32.0 429,354.9 29.8 2003 548,098.4 7.0 527,417.3 8.9 489,619.7 7.1 478,304.7 8.7 538,260.9 14.1 512,296.4 19.3 2004 540,726.2-1.3 542,678.1 2.9 482,666.3-1.4 491,557.9 2.8 565,655.4 5.1 559,764.9 9.3 2005 561,945.6 3.9 545,527.3 0.5 491,014.6 1.7 489,205.9-0.5 613,922.8 8.5 587,900.3 5.0 2006 592,720.5 5.5 559,464.7 2.6 514,458.4 4.8 497,131.3 1.6 699,430.3 13.9 651,205.8 10.8 2007 593,171.3 0.1 576,206.2 3.0 516,234.2 0.3 509,844.9 2.6 803,724.1 14.9 747,320.0 14.8 2008 675,204.7 13.8 625,190.9 8.5 599,476.6 16.1 558,708.3 9.6 917,110.1 14.1 867,994.2 16.1 2009 751,272.7 11.3 705,199.3 12.8 666,319.3 11.2 630,059.7 12.8 953,505.2 4.0 942,858.6 8.6 2010 873,890.6 16.3 827,160.7 17.3 785,784.8 17.9 746,409.1 18.5 987,148.1 3.5 973,394.6 3.2 참고표 3.1 3.3 번호 1) 산업은행이예금은행으로분류된 2002년 1월부터동기관분포함 2) 전자결제분조정후 3) 해당기간중신규취급된예금또는대출금의가중평균금리 ( 외국은행국내지점제외 ) 로서연자료는월금리의 12개월단순평균금리 4) 수시입출식저축성예금을제외한순수저축성예금및시장형금융상품수신금리 5) 당좌대출및마이너스통장대출제외 ( 마이너스통장대출은 2001. 9월부터제외 ) 6) 1997 년 1월까지는익일물전체거래기준, 1997 년 2월부터 2004년 11월까지는투신증권사와투신운용사간의연계콜을제외한익일물중개거래기준이며, 투신증권사와투신운용사간의연계콜이소멸된 2004년 12월부터는익일물중개거래기준. * 2008 년 3월부터통화정책방향의결시부터금융통화위원회가결정 공표하는정책금리가종래의 콜금리( 무담보익일물기준 ) 목표 에서 한국은행기준금리 로변경되었음 7) 장외거래수익률 (3년물) 로서 1993년 6월까지는거액채권의거래량가중평균수익률, 1993 년 7월이후는최종호가수익률 (1998 년 2월까지은행보증채, 1998년 3월부터보증보험보증채, 1998년 9월부터 A+ 등급무보증사채, 2000년 10월부터 AA-등급무보증사채의월평균수익률 ) 8) 장외거래수익률. 1995 년 4월까지는국민주택채권1종 (5년물), 1995 년 5월이후는국고채권 (3년물) 의월평균수익률 4 주요경제지표
예금은행요구불예금회전율 1) Turnover ratio of demand deposits, CBs & SBs 어음부도율 2) Ratio of dishonored bills 통화금융 Money & Banking 예금은행금리 3) Interest rates of CBs & SBs 저축성수신금리 4) 대출금리 5) Loans & discounts 콜금리 6) ( 익일물 ) Call rate (Overnight) 시장금리 Market Interest rates CD(91 일 ) 유통수익률 Yield on CD (91 days) Deposits 연월중 During 회 Turnover % 연 %, % per annum 회사채 7) 수익률 Yield on corporate bonds 국채 8) 수익률 Yield on government bonds End of or During 0.14 18.14 24.40 1981 0.12 14.18 17.30 1982 0.11 13.00 14.20 1983 0.09 11.39 14.10 1984 20.4 0.07 9.35 14.20 1985 18.4 0.10 9.70 12.80 1986 19.9 0.09 8.93 12.62 11.91 1987 23.1 0.04 9.62 14.18 12.37 1988 22.3 0.04 13.28 15.17 14.38 1989 23.2 0.04 14.03 16.48 15.03 1990 28.7 0.06 16.63 18.54 18.89 16.46 1991 28.5 0.12 14.26 16.41 16.21 15.08 1992 32.8 0.12 11.98 12.96 12.63 12.07 1993 36.8 0.16 12.28 13.29 12.92 12.29 1994 40.2 0.17 12.38 14.05 13.79 13.39 1995 44.4 0.14 10.79 11.21 12.35 12.63 11.87 11.84 1996 46.4 0.40 11.32 11.83 13.20 13.38 13.39 12.26 1997 59.4 0.38 13.30 15.18 14.85 15.22 15.10 12.94 1998 67.0 0.33 6.90 9.40 4.98 6.81 8.86 7.69 1999 48.2 0.26 7.01 8.55 5.13 7.08 9.35 8.30 2000 39.0 0.23 5.43 7.70 4.68 5.32 7.05 5.68 2001 35.0 0.06 4.73 6.70 4.18 4.81 6.56 5.78 2002 31.9 0.08 4.15 6.24 3.98 4.31 5.43 4.55 2003 25.5 0.06 3.75 5.90 3.62 3.79 4.73 4.11 2004 21.8 0.04 3.62 5.59 3.32 3.65 4.68 4.27 2005 23.6 0.02 4.41 5.99 4.18 4.48 5.17 4.83 2006 27.4 0.02 5.07 6.55 4.77 5.16 5.70 5.23 2007 33.0 0.03 5.71 7.17 4.78 5.49 7.02 5.27 2008 33.3 0.03 3.26 5.65 1.98 2.63 5.81 4.04 2009 34.8 0.03 3.19 5.51 2.16 2.67 4.66 3.72 2010 3.2 5.1 4 1) Includes the Korea Development Bank since Jan. 2002. when it was reclassified into Commercial & specialized banks. 2) Adjusted to reflect electronic settlement 3) Weighted average of interest rates on newly extended deposits or loans & discounts during the period. Excludes deposits and loans of domestic branches of foreign banks. Yearly figures are averages of the monthly data. 4) Interest rates on time & saving deposits except saving deposits with transferability, and marketable instruments issued by CBs & SBs. 5) Excludes overdrafts and other revolving loans <'minus loans'>. (Other revolving loans are excluded since Sep. 2001). 6) Up to Jan.1997, data are based on total overnight transactions, from Feb.1997 to Nov. 2004, on intermediated overnight transactions excluding transactions between Investment trust management & securities companies(itmsc) and Investment trust management companies (ITMC), and since Dec. 2004, (transactions between ITMSC and ITMC do not happen any more), on intermediated overnight transactions. * Since Mar. 2008, the policy rate that the Monetary Policy Committee sets and announces, has been changed from 'the call rate target'(uncollateralized overnight rate) to 'the Bank of Korea Base Rate' 7) Based on O.T.C. market transactions (3 years). Up to Jun. 1993, a weighted average rate by trading volume. Since Jul.1993, period average of closing quotes on basis of business days. (Up to Aug. 1998, based on guaranteed bonds, up to Sep. 2000, on nonguaranteed bonds(a+), and since Oct. 2000. on nonguaranteed bonds(aa-). 8) Based on O.T.C. market transactions. Up to 1995, yields of National Housing Bonds type 1(5 years). Since May 1995, yields of Treasury bonds(3 years). Reference table No. Principal Economic Indicators 5
주요경제지표 (Ⅲ) Principal Economic Indicators (Ⅲ) 연말 또는 연중 증권거래대금 1) Trading value of securities 주식 2) Stocks 종합주가지수 1) 증권 Securities 채권잔액 Outstanding amounts of bonds 재정 Govt. Finance 통합재정수지 7) Balance of 채권 3) 국채통안증권 4) 금융채 5) 회사채 6) govt. finance Bonds KOSPI Government MSB Financial Corporate statistics 연중 During 연말 End of 연중 During 10 억원 Billion won 1980.1.4= 100 10 억원 Billion won 10 억원 Billion won 1981 2,534.2 1,410.5 126.3 1982 1,973.5 6,247.5 122.0 1983 1,752.6 3,348.3 121.7 1984 3,118.2 2,252.0 131.8 1985 3,620.6 3,578.1 138.7 1986 9,598.1 3,166.9 227.8 3,406.3 3,258.6 2,677.0 8,747.0-65.0 1987 20,493.9 7,238.3 416.7 6,380.4 8,174.5 3,234.0 10,116.1 260.0 1988 58,120.6 8,545.3 692.4 7,587.5 15,373.5 3,908.8 11,885.5 1,643.0 1989 81,199.6 5,149.1 918.7 10,287.4 17,305.4 5,491.0 16,320.6-19.0 1990 53,454.5 3,250.3 746.0 13,112.0 15,240.5 7,827.1 24,067.8-1,578.0 1991 62,564.9 2,097.8 658.0 16,152.3 13,496.5 11,947.1 31,382.3-4,022.0 1992 90,624.4 605.0 585.7 18,553.4 20,264.1 14,375.7 35,384.0-1,703.0 1993 169,918.1 5.5 728.4 19,135.6 24,201.8 19,486.7 39,890.0 813.0 1994 229,772.0 1,169.0 965.3 20,673.6 25,340.3 23,812.5 47,761.3 1,384.0 1995 142,914.1 1,429.9 934.9 22,518.0 25,824.9 29,144.9 61,024.1 1,241.0 1996 142,642.2 1,378.4 833.4 25,644.6 25,030.0 32,452.4 76,006.5 1,099.0 1997 162,281.5 4,044.5 654.5 28,542.6 23,470.9 43,622.5 90,107.3-6,959.0 1998 192,845.2 15,488.8 406.1 41,572.8 45,673.3 49,150.6 122,682.3-18,757.0 1999 866,923.5 293,606.7 806.8 61,168.3 51,489.2 45,492.9 119,661.7-13,065.0 2000 627,132.9 27,169.7 734.2 71,225.7 66,377.7 49,318.3 133,648.6 6,527.0 2001 491,365.4 14,226.2 572.8 82,390.1 79,121.3 54,011.7 154,400.4 7,268.0 2002 742,150.0 47,174.2 757.0 98,271.7 84,277.9 81,649.0 180,048.5 22,666.0 2003 547,509.1 215,346.9 679.8 135,783.8 105,496.7 94,907.1 187,355.9 7,642.0 2004 555,795.1 384,111.8 832.9 177,608.8 142,773.0 114,780.0 153,283.1 5,222.0 2005 786,257.9 362,761.7 1,073.6 222,861.2 155,235.0 125,800.1 142,549.6 3,501.0 2006 848,489.6 294,932.8 1,352.2 257,751.9 158,390.0 168,236.5 134,420.4 3,646.0 2007 1,362,783.6 351,394.9 1,712.5 273,710.2 150,340.0 212,862.0 135,663.6 33,823.0 2008 1,287,031.7 373,984.6 1,529.5 284,211.0 126,937.2 248,949.9 149,803.7 11,880.0 2009 1,466,274.8 510,194.2 1,429.0 329,116.1 149,237.2 215,942.6 188,748.7-17,620.0 2010 1,410,561.8 585,205.4 1,765.0 359,105.8 163,530.0 191,962.1 201,725.8.. 참고표번호 6.2 6.4-1) 자료 : 증권선물 ( 한국거래소 ) 2) 상장주식 (kospi) 3) 상장채권 ( 공채및회사채기준 ) 4) 일반공모발행분 5) 예금은행발행금융채 ( 액면금액기준 ) 6) 액면금액기준 ( 중도상환미반영 ). 자료 : 금융감독원 7) 중앙정부의통합재정수지로월자료는당해연도의누계치임. 자료 : 기획재정부 8) 1995 년부터는서비스포함 9) 전도시. 2004년이전의총지수등락률은소수점 3자리지수에의한계산 자료 : 통계청 6 주요경제지표
물가 Prices 생산자물가 8) Producer prices 소비자물가 9) Consumer prices 총지수 식료품 식료품이외 All items Foods Excluding foods 2005=100 등락률 (%) Change 총지수 All items 2005=100 2005=100 (%) 등락률 Change 농산물및석유류제외 ( 근원인플레이션 ) Excluding agricultural products and oils 2005=100 수출물가 ( 원화기준 ) Export prices (Won basis) 수입물가 ( 원화기준 ) Import prices (Won basis) 등락률 Change Change Change (%) 2005=100 등락률 (%) 2005=100 등락률 (%) 56.6 20.4 41.7 61.1 34.2 21.4 35.9 20.6 70.7 16.3 50.1 17.2 1981 59.2 4.7 42.0 64.9 36.6 7.2 39.0 8.7 73.0 3.3 51.0 1.9 1982 59.3 0.2 42.5 64.8 37.9 3.4 40.6 4.1 75.3 3.1 51.8 1.5 1983 59.8 0.7 42.6 65.3 38.8 2.3 41.4 2.1 79.7 5.8 53.9 4.1 1984 60.3 0.9 44.3 65.2 39.7 2.5 42.4 2.2 83.9 5.3 55.8 3.5 1985 59.4-1.5 44.3 64.0 40.8 2.8 43.9 3.7 86.0 2.6 53.4-4.2 1986 59.7 0.5 43.7 64.6 42.1 3.0 45.3 3.0 89.8 4.3 57.2 7.2 1987 61.3 2.7 47.7 65.1 45.1 7.1 48.0 6.1 93.7 4.3 60.6 5.8 1988 62.2 1.5 49.5 65.6 47.6 5.7 50.9 6.0 91.9-1.9 58.4-3.6 1989 64.8 4.2 55.0 66.8 51.7 8.6 55.2 8.4 94.1 2.4 57.8-1.0 1990 End of or During 67.9 4.7 59.4 69.5 56.5 9.3 59.8 8.3 97.7 3.8 57.8-0.1 1991 69.4 2.2 62.1 70.6 60.1 6.2 63.5 6.2 100.3 2.7 58.6 1.5 1992 70.4 1.5 63.0 71.7 62.9 4.8 66.8 5.2 102.8 2.5 60.7 3.5 1993 72.3 2.7 68.4 72.7 66.9 6.3 70.2 5.1 105.6 2.8 63.1 3.9 1994 75.7 4.7 70.9 76.3 69.9 4.5 73.4 4.6 107.1 1.4 66.7 5.8 1995 78.2 3.3 73.1 78.8 73.3 4.9 77.1 5.1 102.6-4.2 67.2 0.7 1996 81.2 3.8 74.9 81.9 76.6 4.4 79.8 3.4 109.3 6.6 73.6 9.5 1997 91.1 12.2 83.5 92.0 82.3 7.5 84.5 5.9 143.6 31.3 94.4 28.2 1998 89.2-2.1 87.2 89.3 83.0 0.8 84.7 0.3 116.5-18.9 82.9-12.1 1999 91.0 2.0 85.1 91.7 84.9 2.3 86.3 1.9 115.3-1.0 89.3 7.7 2000 90.6-0.4 87.1 91.0 88.3 4.1 89.5 3.6 110.9-3.8 92.4 3.5 2001 90.3-0.3 88.9 90.5 90.8 2.8 92.1 3.0 103.2-7.0 86.7-6.2 2002 92.3 2.2 92.8 92.3 93.9 3.5 94.9 3.1 100.9-2.2 88.2 1.8 2003 97.9 6.1 100.8 97.6 97.3 3.6 97.7 2.9 107.1 6.2 97.2 10.2 2004 100.0 2.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 2.8 100.0 2.3 100.0-6.7 100.0 2.9 2005 100.9 0.9 99.0 101.1 102.2 2.2 101.8 1.8 91.8-8.2 100.9 0.9 2006 102.3 1.4 101.6 102.4 104.8 2.5 104.2 2.4 89.8-2.1 105.5 4.5 2007 111.1 8.6 106.4 111.5 109.7 4.7 108.6 4.2 109.5 21.8 143.7 36.2 2008 110.9-0.2 115.6 110.5 112.8 2.8 112.5 3.6 109.2-0.2 137.7-4.1 2009 115.1 3.8 122.4 114.5 116.1 2.9 114.5 1.8 106.4-2.6 145.0 5.3 2010 7.1 7.3 7.4 7.5 1) source : KRX(Korea Exchange) 2) KRX stock market(kospi) 3) Public and corporate bonds listed on bond market. 4) Amounts of public offerings. 5) Issued by deposit money banks and the Korea Development Bank. 6) On a par value(exclude prior redemption). Source : Financial Supervisory Service 7) Balance of consolidated central government, monthly figures are the total amount from Jan. to the corresponding month. 8) Includes services from 1995. 9) All cities. Rates of change up until 2004 are calculated on the basis of a three decimal-place index. Source : Statistics Korea Reference table No. Principal Economic Indicators 7
주요경제지표 (Ⅳ) Principal Economic Indicators (Ⅳ) 연말 또는 연중 경상수지 Current account 상품수지 국제수지 1) 3) Balance of payments 외환 2) 서비스수지 본원소득수지 Goods Services Primary income 연 자본 금융계정 이전소득수지 Capital Secondary income During 백만달러 Million US $ 중 and financial account 자본수지 Capital account 금융계정 Financial account 보유액 International Reserves 연말 End of 1981-3,927.4-5,199.6 1,872.1-1,215.0 615.1 4,937.9-35.4 4,973.3 6,891.0 1982-2,133.5-4,700.2 2,924.9-1,014.4 656.2 4,104.4-96.6 4,201.0 6,983.7 1983-1,427.5-3,516.9 2,443.7-1,078.0 723.7 2,891.6-79.6 2,971.2 6,909.7 1984-385.8-1,807.9 2,257.8-1,522.0 686.3 1,750.1-82.0 1,832.1 7,649.6 1985-1,512.5-1,692.6 1,562.2-2,234.2 852.1 2,663.5-92.7 2,756.2 7,748.6 1986 4,491.9 3,413.1 2,116.2-2,406.0 1,368.6-3,777.1-96.2-3,680.9 7,955.2 1987 10,778.9 7,204.7 3,473.4-1,738.2 1,839.0-11,697.8-209.1-11,488.7 9,192.9 1988 14,837.8 11,172.4 2,754.9-1,382.2 2,292.7-14,157.5-353.4-13,804.1 12,378.3 1989 5,267.2 3,922.6 825.7-613.5 1,132.4-5,933.3-318.4-5,614.9 15,245.2 1990-1,390.4-2,297.7-101.3-140.9 1,149.5 3,223.8-331.2 3,555.0 14,822.4 1991-7,511.1-6,447.9-1,655.8-210.1 802.7 6,733.3-329.5 7,062.8 13,733.0 1992-2,239.9-411.8-2,496.2-423.2 1,091.3 1,074.5-407.0 1,481.5 17,153.9 1993 2,972.9 3,731.2-1,496.9-449.8 1,188.4-2,311.0-475.1-1,835.9 20,262.4 1994-3,507.7-3,114.0-1,124.5-549.6 1,280.4 5,247.7-436.5 5,684.2 25,672.7 1995-8,012.1-4,420.1-2,189.8-1,383.3-18.9 9,235.8-487.6 9,723.4 32,712.1 1996-22,953.1-15,461.5-5,563.9-1,878.5-49.2 21,888.0-597.6 22,485.6 33,236.7 1997-8,182.6-3,860.8-2,432.6-2,512.1 622.9 13,288.0-607.6 13,895.6 20,405.5 1998 42,644.2 43,236.9 1,704.8-5,617.9 3,320.4-35,737.9 171.1-35,909.0 52,040.8 1999 24,478.7 27,892.7-158.1-5,124.8 1,868.9-20,307.3-389.3-19,918.0 74,054.5 2000 14,802.9 18,655.7-2,036.5-2,382.6 566.3-13,383.0-615.2-12,767.8 96,198.1 2001 8,428.1 13,029.2-2,968.8-1,247.1-385.2-11,086.1-731.0-10,355.1 102,821.4 2002 7,541.9 15,203.2-6,442.3 399.3-1,618.3-7,009.8-1,086.8-5,923.0 121,412.5 2003 15,584.3 24,027.9-5,792.2 253.2-2,904.6-16,347.4-1,398.4-14,949.0 155,352.4 2004 32,312.4 39,660.5-5,957.8 1,041.7-2,432.0-35,466.6-1,752.8-33,713.8 199,066.1 2005 18,606.5 32,856.9-9,951.6-1,817.3-2,481.5-19,529.4-2,340.4-17,189.0 210,390.7 2006 14,083.2 31,433.4-13,331.8 74.5-4,092.9-14,151.4-3,126.1-11,025.3 238,956.1 2007 21,769.7 37,129.1-11,967.3 135.0-3,527.1-23,876.6-2,387.5-21,489.1 262,224.1 2008 3,197.5 5,170.1-5,734.1 4,435.4-673.9-1,154.0 109.3-1,263.3 201,223.4 2009 32,790.5 37,866.0-6,640.5 2,276.7-711.7-34,651.2 289.6-34,940.7 269,994.7 2010 28,213.6 41,904.0-11,229.4 768.4-3,229.4-25,331.5-174.2-25,157.3 291,570.7 참고표번호 8 8.5 1) BPM6 1 단계이행 (2010.12) 에따라과거시계열이수정되었음 2) 1988 년부터는국내외국환은행의보유외환을제외한공적보유액기준 3) 2010 년수치는잠정치임 4) 1990 년 2 월까지는한국은행집중기준율, 1990 년 3 월부터는시장평균환율이며, 절상또는절하 (-) 율은전년동기대비수치임 8 주요경제지표
무 역 Foreign trade 대 미 환 율 수 출 Exports 수입 Imports Exchange rates of Won to U.S. Dollar 통 관 액 신용장내도액 통 관 액 기 준 환 율 4) 종가환율 Customs clearance Letters of credit Customs clearance Basic rate Closing arrival rate 백만달러 M.US $ 증감률 (%) Change 연 백만달러 M.US $ During 중 증감률 (%) Change 백만달러 M.US $ 증감률 (%) Change 원 won 연평균 Average 절상절하율 (%) Change 원 won 연말 End of 절상절하율 (%) Change 연말 End of 원 won End of or During 21,253.8 21.4 17,896.1 13.0 26,131.4 17.2 681.3-10.8 700.5-5.8.. 1981 21,853.4 2.8 16,096.1-10.1 24,250.8-7.2 731.5-6.9 748.8-6.5.. 1982 24,445.1 11.9 17,581.7 9.2 26,192.2 8.0 776.2-5.8 795.5-5.9.. 1983 29,244.9 19.6 19,383.9 10.3 30,631.4 16.9 806.0-3.7 827.4-3.9.. 1984 30,283.1 3.6 19,558.2 0.9 31,135.7 1.6 870.5-7.4 890.2-7.1.. 1985 34,714.5 14.6 25,358.9 29.7 31,583.9 1.4 881.3-1.2 861.4 3.3.. 1986 47,280.9 36.2 34,784.7 37.2 41,019.8 29.9 822.4 7.2 792.3 8.7.. 1987 60,696.4 28.4 42,786.9 23.0 51,810.6 26.3 730.5 12.6 684.1 15.8.. 1988 62,377.2 2.8 45,533.7 6.4 61,464.8 18.6 671.4 8.8 679.6 0.7.. 1989 65,015.7 4.2 47,519.7 4.4 69,843.7 13.6 708.0-5.2 716.4-5.1 716.7 1990 71,870.1 10.5 50,005.0 5.2 81,524.9 16.7 733.6-3.5 760.8-5.8 759.5 1991 76,631.5 6.6 52,352.2 4.7 81,775.3 0.3 780.8-6.0 788.4-3.5 786.5 1992 82,235.9 7.3 55,594.7 6.2 83,800.1 2.5 802.7-2.7 808.1-2.4 807.2 1993 96,013.2 16.8 64,314.1 15.7 102,348.2 22.1 803.6-0.1 788.7 2.5 788.5 1994 125,058.0 30.3 72,926.3 13.4 135,118.9 32.0 771.0 4.2 774.7 1.8 775.7 1995 129,715.1 3.7 69,732.7-4.4 150,339.1 11.3 804.8-4.2 844.2-8.2 844.9 1996 136,164.2 5.0 67,615.4-3.0 144,616.4-3.8 951.1-15.4 1,415.2-40.3 1,695.0 1997 132,313.1-2.8 56,915.0-15.8 93,281.8-35.5 1,398.9-32.0 1,207.8 17.2 1,204.0 1998 143,685.5 8.6 58,030.9 2.0 119,752.3 28.4 1,189.5 17.6 1,145.4 5.4 1,138.0 1999 172,267.5 19.9 61,868.5 6.6 160,481.0 34.0 1,130.6 5.2 1,259.7-9.1 1,264.5 2000 150,439.1-12.7 53,269.8-13.9 141,097.8-12.1 1,290.8-12.4 1,326.1-5.0 1,313.5 2001 162,470.5 8.0 52,264.9-1.9 152,126.2 7.8 1,251.2 3.2 1,200.4 10.5 1,186.2 2002 193,817.4 19.3 60,342.7 15.5 178,826.7 17.6 1,191.9 5.0 1,197.8 0.2 1,192.6 2003 253,844.7 31.0 72,426.2 20.0 224,462.7 25.5 1,144.7 4.1 1,043.8 14.8 1,035.1 2004 284,418.7 12.0 74,255.7 2.5 261,238.3 16.4 1,024.3 11.8 1,013.0 3.0 1,011.6 2005 325,464.8 14.4 89,189.9 20.1 309,382.6 18.4 955.5 7.2 929.6 9.0 929.8 2006 371,489.1 14.1 91,250.0 2.3 356,845.7 15.3 929.2 2.8 938.2-0.9 936.1 2007 422,007.3 13.6 100,526.1 10.2 435,274.7 22.0 1,102.6-15.7 1,257.5-25.4 1,259.5 2008 363,533.6-13.9 76,425.5-24.0 323,084.5-25.8 1,276.4-13.6 1,167.6 7.7 1,164.5 2009 466,383.8 28.3 93,214.1 22.0 425,212.2 31.6 1,156.3 10.4 1,138.9 2.5 1,134.8 2010 8.3 8.8 1) Data are revised due to the first-stage implementation of BPM6(2010.12). 2) Foreign exchange holdings of Domestic foreign Exchange banks have been excluded. 3) Figures for 2010 are preliminary. 4) Data prior to Mar. 1990 are the Bank of Korea concentration base rate, data from Mar. 1990 are the market-average exchange rate and appreciation or depreciation(-) is based on from preceding year to year indicated. Reference table No. Principal Economic Indicators 9
주요경제지표 (Ⅴ) Principal Economic Indicators (Ⅴ) 연중 생산지수 Production index 산 업 Industry 제 조 업 Manufacturing 건설업 Construction 5) 서비스업생산지수 ( 도소매업 ) 생산자제품출하지수 Producers' shipment index 생산자제품재고지수 1) Producers' inventory index 생산능력지수지가동률수 Production cap. index Operation ratio index 건축허가연면적 Permits for bldg. cons. 국내건설수주액 Dom.cons. order received Wholesale & retail trade 2005=100 증감률 (%) Change 2005=100 증감률 (%) Change 2005=100 증감률 (%) Change 2005=100 1,000 m2 10 억원 Billion won 2005=100 1981 11.6 13.4 11.5 11.4 18.0 18.9 22.8 82.8 20,846 3,197.7 1982 12.1 4.7 12.0 3.8 18.3 1.7 24.2 81.9 29,798 3,934.0 1983 14.1 16.5 14.0 16.9 18.7 2.4 25.0 89.5 39,693 4,734.7 1984 16.3 15.6 15.8 13.2 22.0 17.6 26.4 95.0 39,563 5,187.0 1985 17.0 3.9 16.5 4.4 23.1 4.8 27.3 93.4 38,217 5,388.5 1986 20.7 22.3 20.1 21.5 25.6 11.0 30.6 97.3 43,543 5,980.7 1987 25.0 20.4 24.0 19.7 28.0 9.1 34.8 100.4 47,983 7,249.9 1988 28.3 13.5 27.2 13.4 34.7 24.0 40.2 98.8 59,770 7,292.5 1989 29.1 2.7 28.4 4.1 41.1 18.4 43.0 95.3 88,615 13,453.2 1990 31.7 8.8 31.6 11.3 45.2 10.0 45.4 97.7 116,419 20,964.0 1991 34.7 9.7 34.6 9.7 53.8 19.2 48.1 99.3 105,184 25,569.4 1992 36.8 5.9 36.7 6.0 57.7 7.1 51.0 97.8 94,647 27,861.0 1993 38.3 4.3 38.7 5.6 59.0 2.3 52.0 97.2 117,790 33,246.5 1994 42.6 11.0 43.4 11.9 63.2 7.0 53.9 101.6 116,221 39,393.8 1995 47.7 12.0 48.9 12.7 71.3 12.9 58.9 101.2 117,327 49,025.1 1996 51.7 8.4 53.1 8.8 83.2 16.6 63.7 100.8 113,822 59,535.0 1997 54.1 4.6 56.5 6.4 87.1 4.6 66.9 98.9 113,374 62,721.5 1998 50.6-6.5 51.6-8.7 72.1-17.1 70.1 85.0 50,965 36,026.9 1999 63.4 25.3 64.9 25.9 73.7 2.2 76.2 95.6 72,533 36,299.2 2000 74.3 17.2 75.9 16.8 83.2 12.8 84.1 97.9 81,059 41,777.5 87.0 2001 74.4 0.2 76.5 0.9 83.5 0.4 87.0 93.9 97,717 50,994.9 92.5 2002 80.4 8.1 82.6 7.9 83.0-0.6 89.4 97.7 138,734 67,833.7 99.9 2003 84.9 5.6 86.5 4.8 88.2 6.3 92.3 97.6 142,108 80,897.3 98.7 2004 94.0 10.8 94.7 9.4 96.6 9.6 96.8 100.4 117,461 77,774.4 97.9 2005 100.0 6.3 100.0 5.6 101.6 5.2 100.0 100.0 111,506 83,489.4 100.0 2006 108.7 8.7 107.9 7.9 111.0 9.3 104.1 100.3 133,271 91,001.1 103.8 2007 116.4 7.1 115.7 7.2 117.2 5.6 109.7 100.4 150,957 112,501.6 109.8 2008 120.3 3.4 118.6 2.5 125.4 7.0 115.3 97.2 120,658 103,906.8 111.2 2009 120.0-0.2 116.8-1.5 115.6-7.8 119.3 93.8 105,137 109,088.5 110.8 2010 140.0 16.7 133.8 14.6 135.7 17.4 127.9 102.1 125,447 88,674.9 117.1 참고표 - - - - - - 번호 1) 연도말수치임 2) 2004년이후수치는 9차개정된표준산업분류를적용 3) 1999 년 6월이후공식고용통계기준이 ' 구직기간 1주기준 ' 에서 ' 구직기간 4주기준 ' 으로변경됨 4) 2006년이전자료는제조업상용근로자월평균급여액, 2007년이후자료는전산업상용및비상용근로자평균 (1998 년이전상용근로자 10인이상사업체대상, 1999 년이후상용근로자 5인이상사업체대상으로조사 ) 5) 자료 : 국토해양부, 통계청, 고용노동부 10 주요경제지표
고용및임금 5) Employment & wages 국민계정 National Accounts 총취업자실업률 3) 임금 4) 경제성장률제조업 2) Total employed 1,000 명 1,000 Persons Manufacturing Unemployment rate % Wages 원 Won Growth rate of GDP 농림어업 비농림어업 Agri. fores. & fishing Nonforestry & fishing 제조업 Manufacturing % 최종소비지출증감률 Increase rate of final consu. expend. 총고정자본형성증감률 Increase rate of gross fixed capital formation GDP 디플레이터등락률 Increase rate of GDP deflator During 14,023 2,859 4.5 176,176 7.4 15.3 6.1 10.2 5.3-2.9 17.4 1981 14,379 3,033 4.4 202,117 8.3 7.5 8.4 6.1 6.6 10.3 6.1 1982 14,505 3,266 4.1 226,790 12.2 8.2 12.8 15.9 8.3 16.4 4.9 1983 14,429 3,348 3.8 245,261 9.9-3.1 11.7 18.3 6.8 11.5 4.5 1984 14,970 3,504 4.0 269,652 7.5 5.8 7.7 6.5 6.5 5.4 4.2 1985 15,505 3,826 3.8 294,485 12.2 5.1 13.2 21.0 8.5 13.4 4.2 1986 16,354 4,416 3.1 328,696 12.3-4.8 14.3 19.4 7.7 18.5 4.8 1987 16,869 4,667 2.5 393,056 11.7 9.2 11.9 12.7 9.0 13.6 6.7 1988 17,560 4,882 2.6 491,632 6.8-0.5 7.5 3.6 10.3 16.9 5.7 1989 18,085 4,911 2.4 590,760 9.3-5.9 10.8 9.5 9.8 24.7 10.4 1990 18,649 5,156 2.4 690,310 9.7 2.9 10.3 10.0 8.1 14.2 10.2 1991 19,009 4,980 2.5 798,548 5.8 8.6 5.5 5.0 6.5 0.9 7.9 1992 19,234 4,720 2.9 885,398 6.3-4.5 7.1 5.0 6.2 7.8 6.4 1993 19,848 4,758 2.5 1,022,496 8.8-0.2 9.4 10.2 7.7 12.8 7.7 1994 20,414 4,818 2.1 1,123,895 8.9 6.7 9.1 10.9 9.1 13.4 7.5 1995 20,853 4,725 2.0 1,261,168 7.2 4.0 7.4 7.0 7.3 8.2 5.0 1996 21,214 4,537 2.6 1,326,241 5.8 4.2 5.9 5.8 3.7-1.5 3.9 1997 19,938 3,917 7.0 1,284,477-5.7-7.7-5.6-7.3-9.9-22.0 5.0 1998 20,291 4,027 6.3 1,442,921 10.7 5.1 11.0 23.0 10.1 8.7-1.0 1999 21,156 4,293 4.4 1,567,510 8.8 1.1 9.2 17.4 7.8 12.3 1.0 2000 21,572 4,267 4.0 1,659,109 4.0 1.6 4.1 2.4 5.5 0.3 3.9 2001 22,169 4,241 3.3 1,857,171 7.2-2.2 7.5 8.7 8.1 7.1 3.2 2002 22,139 4,205 3.6 2,017,864 2.8-5.4 3.1 5.4 0.5 4.4 3.6 2003 22,557 4,177 3.7 2,209,335 4.6 9.1 4.5 10.0 1.0 2.1 3.0 2004 22,856 4,130 3.7 2,387,579 4.0 1.3 4.0 6.2 4.6 1.9 0.7 2005 23,151 4,057 3.5 2,522,501 5.2 1.5 5.3 8.1 5.1 3.4-0.1 2006 23,433 4,014 3.2 2,560,570 5.1 4.0 5.1 7.2 5.1 4.2 2.1 2007 23,577 3,963 3.2 2,639,657 2.3 5.6 2.2 2.9 2.0-1.9 2.9 2008 23,506 3,836 3.6 2,622,024 0.3 3.2 0.2-1.5 1.2-1.0 3.4 2009 23,829 4,028 3.7 2,780,735 6.2-4.3 6.4 14.8 3.9 7.0 3.7 2010 - - 10.1, 10.4, 10.5 1) Figures refer to the end of period. 2) Data from 2004 are based on the 9th revised KSIC. 3) From June 1999, official reference of job search duration changed from 'during last one week' to 'during last four weeks' 4) Average monthly earning of regular employees in manufacturing up to 2006, average earnings of regular and irregular employees in total industry from 2007. (Data covers establishments with 10 or more regular employees up to 1998, 5 or more from 1999.) 5) Sources: Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, Statistics Korea, Ministry of employment and Labor Reference Table No. Principal Economic Indicators 11
1.1 통화지표 Monetary Aggregates 1.1.1 본원통화 1) Monetary Base 연 월 Year or Month 본원통화 ( 말잔 ) Monetary base, End of 본원통화 ( 평잔 ) Monetary base, Average 현금통화 중앙은행의대예금취급기관부채등 현금통화 중앙은행의대예금취급기관부채등 Currency outside depository corporations Central bank liabilities to depository corporations etc. Currency outside depository corporations Central bank liabilities to depository corporations etc. 1996 25,722.4 14,485.8 11,236.6 24,832.1 12,540.9 12,291.2 1997 22,519.3 14,226.8 8,292.5 21,116.0 13,329.2 7,786.8 1998 20,703.0 12,161.6 8,541.4 19,593.0 11,905.1 7,687.9 1999 28,486.7 18,029.6 10,457.1 21,961.7 12,491.4 9,470.3 2000 28,238.1 16,170.4 12,067.7 26,357.0 13,756.0 12,601.0 2001 32,826.8 17,078.5 15,748.3 29,375.9 15,261.0 14,114.9 2002 37,987.4 18,228.1 19,759.3 33,579.3 16,950.8 16,628.5 2003 40,749.0 17,347.8 23,401.2 35,754.7 17,605.1 18,149.6 2004 38,791.8 19,206.8 19,585.0 37,272.4 17,530.3 19,742.1 2005 43,249.0 20,412.3 22,836.7 38,785.2 18,851.7 19,933.5 2006 51,869.5 21,636.1 30,233.4 41,664.0 20,342.4 21,321.6 2007 56,399.0 22,039.5 34,359.5 48,543.7 21,031.6 27,512.1 2008 64,846.3 23,437.2 41,409.1 52,272.8 22,115.3 30,157.5 2009 67,779.1 29,205.9 38,573.2 61,739.6 25,070.3 36,669.3 2010 74,545.7 34,948.8 39,596.9 67,585.1 31,346.5 36,238.6 2010. 1 67,409.4 29,047.4 38,362.0 65,054.7 28,673.1 36,381.6 2 71,152.0 30,574.0 40,578.0 66,563.8 30,831.0 35,732.8 3 72,203.4 29,218.1 42,985.3 65,643.6 29,537.7 36,105.9 4 68,987.7 30,397.8 38,589.9 64,274.7 29,771.7 34,503.0 5 72,770.4 30,366.2 42,404.2 67,835.1 30,522.4 37,312.7 6 73,710.6 30,760.0 42,950.6 66,250.8 30,660.8 35,590.0 7 67,165.2 31,851.1 35,314.1 66,958.2 31,198.7 35,759.5 8 70,709.1 31,258.2 39,450.9 67,318.7 31,430.6 35,888.1 9 73,457.9 33,099.0 40,358.9 70,266.5 33,112.8 37,153.7 10 70,788.3 33,204.2 37,584.1 69,905.0 32,924.3 36,980.7 11 71,714.7 33,497.3 38,217.4 69,476.8 33,331.7 36,145.1 12 74,545.7 34,948.8 39,596.9 71,472.9 34,163.1 37,309.8 1) 본원통화 = 현금통화 + 중앙은행의대예금취급기관부채등 (RP, 통화안정증권제외 ) 1) Monetary base = currency outside depository corporations + central bank liabilities to ODCs etc. (excludes RP, Monetary stabilization bonds) 12 통화및유동성지표