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(social capital).,.,, (Walzer ( ) (KRF- --J )..

; Edward and Foley ). (civic culture) (Tocqueville ; Almond and Verba ),.,,,. (Hanifan ). (Bourdieu ) (Coleman ). (Putnam ; ).,. (neo-tocquevilleans) (Edwards and Foley, ; Whittington ). (trust), (norm), (horizontal network) (public goods) (Coleman ; Norris ; Onyx and Bullen ).,... (Norris ; Putnam ; The World Bank Group ).., (mechanism)

.. (Putnam ; Whittington, ). (dynamism) (virtuous circle effect) (Walzer ; Edward and Foley ).??.,,,. (methodology) (survey).,,.,...

.,...,. (Stolle and Rochon ), (Brehm and Rahn ),..,.. (Tocqueville ).,., (art of association). (Pierre Bourdieu). (, -).., (socialization function)., (public and quasi-public functions).., (representative or contestatory functions) (Edwards and Foley, - ).

,,. (James Coleman),, (generalized trust).,., (Coleman ). ( ; ),. (Norris ; Prakash and Selle ).,, (collective action). (Segageldin & Grootaert )., (good governance)., (National Economic and Social Forum ).,. (Fukuyama ) (stock).,, (fragmentation) (atomization) (Warren, ; ).. (Uslaner ), (Leonard & Onyx ). (Newton ) (thick) (thin). (Woolcock &

Narayan ), (bonding and bridging social capital).,.,,,,,. (Lin, ; )... (Stolle and Rochon ),,.. (Hooghe and Stolle ; ).,..,..,. ( ; Lin )... (Lemann ),,, (informal).

,, (Edwards, Foley, and Diani, ; Prakash and Selle, - ).,. (society-centered approach),. - - - - (Cohen, -)..,.,, (NESF ; The World Bank Group ; ; Stolle )..,. (civic engagement) (political participation),. (Brehm and Rhan ; Booth, and Richard, )., (Booth, and

Richard ; )... (Foley and Edwards, )..., (Kaufman ;, -). (Tocqueville ; Booth, and Richard, : ).., ( ).. ( ).. (Edwards, Foley, and Diani ).

( ; ).,,. (Quan-Haase & Wellman ),. (Kwak & Holbert ),,.,.,.???,.. (Stolle and Rochen ).,.

(Edwards and Foley ; Foley and Edwards ; NESF ; Norris ; Onyx and Bullen )..,...,,,.

SPSS(Statistical Package for the Social Science) ver.. (multiple regression analysis). (operationalization).. (Fukuyama ; Putnam ). (Stolle )..,, (Giddens ; Zucker ).. (reciprocity), (, )... NESF( ).

.,,.,, (Norris ).., (. %), (. %).. (. %), (. %), (. %), (. %).. /,,..,,?.,,,.,,?.

,.,,,. (enter) (OLS),., F.,. (p<.).

R =.. (positive effect)...,..,... (p<.). R =..... (p<.)... (p<.) (p<. ). (-), (-). ( ).

.,,, (Putnam ; Fukuyama )....?

.,.. ( ), ( )...,. ( ).,.,...,. (-).,..,,.,... %

.,,.., F.,. (p<. ). R =.. (p<. ), (p<. )., F.,. (p<.). R =..,..,.. (p<.)..., (p<. ).,,,.,,...


.,.,,. (-).,.,...,,. (layer)?.,.. (dimension) (Norris ; ).,.,.,,.,... Pearson.

., ( ).,. (< > ).,,. %,. %.,,,. %,. %.,.,,.,,.... (, ).

.....,,.,,,, ( ) (p<. ), (p<.). (p<.), (p<. )..,,,, (p<.).. %., (p<. ).,,,..,,..,.

(. p<. ).. ( ), ( ).,.... - (partnership),.., -.,,. (fragile civic engagement structure).,..., R


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