STEP1A PRE -TEST 실력확인 제한시간 : 2 분 5 초문제를풀어본후 STEP 1B 에서자신의약점을파악하세요. 1 4 The managers at Dalton s Department Store are promoting a special sale in an ef

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1 VOCABULARY CHAPTER 01 동사 UNIT 01 동사빈출어휘 1

2 STEP1A PRE -TEST 실력확인 제한시간 : 2 분 5 초문제를풀어본후 STEP 1B 에서자신의약점을파악하세요. 1 4 The managers at Dalton s Department Store are promoting a special sale in an effort to as many visitors as possible. (A) attract (B) participate (C) specialize (D) increase A spokesman for the police to all of the reporters questions concerning the robberies in the downtown area. (A) received (B) responded (C) invited (D) reviewed 2 The famous engineer William Sutton with architect Eric Smith to create a state-of-the-art design for a modern, energy-efficient home. (A) considered (B) collaborated (C) employed (D) provided 5 Everyone at the company is invited to the performance to be held in the auditorium at 7:00 in the evening this Saturday. (A) attend (B) allow (C) perform (D) participate VOCABULARY 3 Sam s Seafood Shack the right to refuse service to customers when they are not wearing the proper attire. (A) turns (B) collects (C) reserves (D) measures UNIT 01 동사빈출어휘 1 281

3 STEP1B PRE-TEST 을통해 STEP 2 에서보다중점적으로학습할사항을파악하세요. 1 The managers / at Dalton s Department Store / are promoting a special sale / in an effort to attract / as many visitors as possible. 관리자들은 / 댈턴백화점의 / 특별세일을홍보하고있다 / 유치하기위한노력으로 / 가능한한많은방문객들을 department store 백화점 promote 홍보하다, 촉진하다 sale 판매, 할인판매 in an effort to V ~ 하기위한노력으로, ~ 하기위해 as many + 복수명사 + as possible 가능한한많은 ~ participate 참여하다 [ 정답 ] (A) 목적어인 as many visitors as possible( 가능한한많은방문객들 ) 에어울리는동사를찾는다. 의미상 attract( 유치하다 ) 와 increase( 증가시키다 ) 가가능해보이지만 방문객의수 를증가시키는것이지 방문객 자체를증가시킬수는없으므로 (D) increase는오답이다. 문맥상 방문객을유치하다, 끌어들이다 가적절하므로 (A) attract가정답이된다. (B) participate와 (C) specialize는목적어를바로취할수없는자동사이므로답이될수없다. specialize나 participate를정답으로선택했다면아직토익에출제되는자동사의특징을제대로모르기때문입니다. STEP 2의빈출동사를모두암기하세요. 2 The famous engineer William Sutton / collaborated with architect Eric Smith / to create a state-of-the-art design / for a modern energy-efficient home. 유명엔지니어인윌리엄서튼은 / 건축가인에릭스미스와협력했다 / 최첨단디자인을창조해내기위해 / 에너지효율이높은현대적인집을위한 [ 정답 ] (B) 빈칸뒤의 with와함께쓰이는동사를찾아의미상적절한지해석해본다. collaborate with는 ~ 와협력하다 라는의미로, 빈칸에넣어해석하면 윌리엄서튼이에릭스미스와함께협력했다 라는뜻이되어문맥상적절하므로 (B) collaborated 가정답이된다. engineer 기사, 엔지니어 architect 건축가 state-of-the-art 최첨단의, 최신식의 modern 현대적인 energy-efficient 에너지효율이높은 consider 고려하다 employ 고용하다 provide 제공하다 employ는전치사없이바로목적어를취하는타동사라는것을기억해야합니다. 동사를암기할때는동사뒤에목적어가바로오는지, 아니면전치사가오는지를반드시확인하세요. 3 Sam s Seafood Shack / reserves the right / to refuse service / to customers / when they are not wearing the proper attire. 샘의해산물오두막은 / 권리를보유한다 / 서비스를거부할 / 손님들에게 / 적절한복장을갖추고있지않을때 [ 정답 ] (C) 목적어인 right( 권한 ) 에어울리는동사를선택한다. reserve a right to V는 ~ 할권한이있다 라는의미로, 빈칸에넣어해석하면 서비스를거절할권한이있다 라는뜻이되어문맥상적절하므로 (C) reserves가정답이된다. seafood 해물, 해산물 shack 오두막 reserve 보유하다, 예약하다 right 권리 ; 옳은 ; 오른쪽 ( 의 ) reserve the right to V ~ 할권한이있다 refuse 거절하다 proper 적당한, 적절한 attire 의복, 복장 collect 수집하다 measure 측정하다, 평가하다 STEP 2 에서토익에출제되었던 reserve 의세가지의미를확인하세요. 282

4 4 A spokesman / for the police / responded / to all of the reporters questions / concerning the robberies / in the downtown area. 대변인이 / 경찰의 / 답변했다 / 기자들의모든질문에 / 강도사건에관한 / 시내지역에서의 [ 정답 ] (B) 빈칸뒤의전치사 to에어울리는동사를찾아의미상적절한지해석해본다. respond to는 ~ 에대응하다, 응답하다 라는의미로, 빈칸에넣어해석하면 대변인이모든질문에응답했다 라는뜻이되어문맥상적절하므로 (B) responded가정답이된다. spokesman 대변인 reporter 기자 concerning ~ 에대한 robbery 강도, 강도질 downtown 시내의 receive 받다 invite 초대하다 review 검토하다 바로 respond to를떠올리지못했다면토익에출제되는자동사를아직제대로파악하지못한상태입니다. STEP 2의빈출어휘를모두암기하세요. 5 Everyone / at the company / is invited to attend the performance / to be held in the auditorium / at 7:00 in the evening / this Saturday. 모든사람들은 / 회사의 / 그공연에참석하라고초대받는다 / 강당에서열리는 / 저녁 7시에 / 이번주토요일 [ 정답 ] (A) 목적어인 performance( 공연 ) 에어울리는동사를찾는다. attend와 participate 둘다 참석하다 라는의미이지만 attend는목적어를바로취하는타동사이고, participate는전치사 in이있어야목적어를취할수있는자동사이다. 빈칸뒤에 in 이없으므로 (A) attend가정답이된다. invite 초대하다 performance 공연 hold 열다, 개최하다 auditorium 강당 allow 허락하다 perform 공연하다, 수행하다 participate 참석하다 유사의미어인 attend와 participate는자주출제되는동사입니다. 둘의차이를아직잘모르겠다면 STEP 2에서두동사를확인해보세요. VOCABULARY UNIT 01 동사빈출어휘 1 283

5 STEP 2 TOEIC VOCABULARY 빈출어휘학습 파트 5&6 에반드시출제되는빈출어휘와표현을확실히암기하세요. 동사 + 목적어 tip 빈칸뒤에목적어가있을경우, 목적어와어울리는동사를선택하면문제가쉽게풀린다. conduct [k nd kt] obtain [ bt in] reserve [riz v] implement [ mpl m nt] attract [ tr kt] exceed [iks d] inspect [insp kt] review [rivj ] access [ kses] 수행하다, 실시하다 conduct a survey 설문조사를실시하다 conduct an inspection 검사를실시하다 conduct research 연구를수행하다 얻다, 취득하다, ( 보험에 ) 가입하다 obtain consent 허가를얻다 obtain property insurance 부동산보험에가입하다 obtain a driver s license 운전면허증을취득하다 예약하다, ( 자리를 ) 맡다, ( 권한등을 ) 가지다 reserve a table 테이블을예약하다 reserve a seat 자리를맡아두다 reserve a right 권한을가지다 시행하다, 실행하다 implement a policy 정책을시행하다 implement a plan 계획을실행하다 implement a procedure 절차를실행하다 이끌다, 유치하다, 끌어모으다 attract more customers 더많은고객을유치하다 attract tourists 관광객을유치하다 attract new businesses 새로운기업들을유치하다 초과하다, 뛰어넘다 exceed your expectations 당신의기대를뛰어넘다 exceed a sales target 판매목표를초과달성하다 exceed initial projections 초기예상을뛰어넘다 점검하다, 검사하다 inspect every item 모든품목을점검하다 inspect product quality 상품의품질을검사하다 inspect all fire equipment 모든소방장비를점검하다 검토하다, 평가하다 review your resume and application 당신의이력서와지원서를검토하다 review a proposal 제안서를검토하다 review the performance 실적을평가하다 접근하다, 이용하다 접근, 이용권한 access the area 그지역에접근하다 access a file 파일에접근하다 access information 정보를얻다 284

6 retain [rit in] enter [ nt ] 유지하다, 보유하다, 간직하다 retain freshness and flavor 신선도와향을유지하다 retain receipts 영수증을보관하다 retain previous production lines 이전생산라인을유지하다 들어가다, 참가하다, 입력하다 enter the facility 그시설에들어가다 enter the new business field 새로운사업분야로진출하다 Please enter your account number and password. 당신의계좌번호와비밀번호를입력하세요. lead [li d] reflect [rifl kt] increase [inkr s] attend [ t nd] 이끌다, 지휘 [ 인솔 ] 하다 lead an orientation 오리엔테이션을이끌다 lead a discussion 토론을이끌다 lead a session 회의를주재하다 반영하다 reflect the current strategy 현재의전략을반영하다 reflect perspectives 관점을반영하다 reflect the standards 기준을반영하다 증가시키다 증가 increase employee productivity 직원생산성을증가시키다 increase fees 요금을올리다 increase sales volume 판매량을증가시키다 참석하다, 출석하다 attend a meeting 회의에참석하다 attend an interview 면접에참석하다 attend a reception 피로연에참석하다 VOCABULARY 동사 + 전치사 + 목적어 tip 빈칸바로뒤에전치사가있을경우, 전치사에어울리는동사를정답으로선택한다. register for enroll in participate in talk to/with/about ~ 에등록하다 register for the tour 견학에등록하다 register for a visa 비자신청을하다 register for the conference 컨퍼런스참가등록을하다 ~ 에등록하다 enroll in the course 강좌에등록하다 enroll in the management class 경영수업에등록하다 ~ 에참석하다 participate in the seminar 세미나에참석하다 participate in the discussion 토론에참석하다 ~ 에게 /~ 와 /~ 에관하여말하다 talk to the manager 관리자에게말하다 talk with other representatives 다른담당자들과이야기하다 talk about the spending 지출에대해말하다 UNIT 01 동사빈출어휘 1 285

7 speak to ~ 에게이야기하다 speak to customers 고객들에게이야기하다 speak to each employee 각각의직원에게이야기하다 ~ 을참조하다 refer to refer to the guide 안내책자를참조하다 refer to the brochure 소책자를참조하다 cf. refer A to B ( 도움을받기위해 ) A 를 B 로보내다 ~ 에 /~ 로부터도착하다 arrive in[at]/from function as consent to refrain from collaborate on/with report to arrive in stores 가게에도착하다 arrive at Ario airport 아리오공항에도착하다 arrive from Miami 마이애미에서오다 ~ 의역할을하다 function as a medicine 약으로쓰이다 function as a tool 도구역할을하다 ~ 에동의하다 consent to the disclosure 폭로에동의하다 cf. without written consent 서면동의없이 ~ 하는것을삼가다 refrain from talking 말을삼가다 refrain from speaking loudly 큰소리로말하는것을삼가다 ~ 에대해 /~ 와협력하다 collaborate on the project 그계획에대해협력하다 collaborate with the new manager 신임관리자와협력하다 ~ 에게보고하다, 도착 [ 출근 ] 을알리다 report to the supervisor 상사에게출근을보고하다 report the problem to Mr. Kim 김씨에게그문제를알리다 ~ 로전근가다 transfer to go to respond to = react to transfer to the New York branch 뉴욕지사로전근가다 cf. transfer A to B A 를 B 로전근 [ 전학, 전임 ] 시키다 transfer the manager to the accounting department 그관리자를회계부서로전임시키다 ~ 에가다 go to the concert 콘서트에가다 cf. go V-ing ~ 하러가다 go shopping 쇼핑하러가다 ~ 에답하다, 반응하다 respond to the inquiry 문의에답하다 286

8 STEP 3 PRACTICE TEST 실전문제 제한시간 : 4 분 10 초 STEP 2 의어휘와표현을생각하면서문제를풀어보세요. 정답및해석 / 해설 p Every morning at nine, we tours of the museum in three different languages. (A) conduct (B) visit (C) arrive (D) observe 6. The maintenance man all of the vital equipment at the office to make sure that there are no problems. (A) invests (B) revises (C) inspects (D) functions 2. Nancy Silverman will be the orientation for new employees in the Marketing Department. (A) dealing (B) talking (C) hiring (D) leading 7. Some of the employees at Drabek Consulting are investigating ways to productivity among assembly line workers. (A) consent (B) persuade (C) comply (D) increase 3. Individuals need to call or go onto the museum s website to for the guided tour. (A) record (B) display (C) register (D) approve 4. Customers should a copy of all of their transactions for tax purposes. (A) retain (B) purchase (C) imitate (D) resist 5. All guests must be signed in by an employee before the factory. (A) moving (B) entering (C) processing (D) producing 8. Janet Harmon will be to the Human Resources Department in March as soon as the paperwork is done. (A) forwarding (B) placing (C) transferring (D) notifying 9. The office of the vice president has made the decision to a computer training program for all of the company s employees. (A) implement (B) establish (C) supplement (D) instruct 10. Ms. Mellon ordered all of her employees to in the marketing seminar being given by Bruce Matthews. (A) attend (B) enroll (C) apply (D) design VOCABULARY UNIT 01 동사빈출어휘 1 287

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