주의내용 주 의 이보고서는질병관리본부에서시행한학술연구용역과제의최종결과보고서입니 다 이보고서내용을발표할때에는반드시질병관리본부에서시행한학술연구용 역과제의연구결과임을밝혀야합니다 국가과학기술기밀유지에필요한내용은대외적으로발표또는공개하여서는아 니됩니다
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1 최종결과보고서 편집순서 겉표지 뒷면 측면 앞면 발간등록번호 학술연구용역과제 과 최종결과보고서 제 명 국문과제명 주의 주의내용기재 글 고딕체 질병관리본부 영문과제명 Study on improvement of national notifiable disease surveillance system 주관연구기관 동국대학교경주캠퍼스산학협력단질병관리본부
2 주의내용 주 의 이보고서는질병관리본부에서시행한학술연구용역과제의최종결과보고서입니 다 이보고서내용을발표할때에는반드시질병관리본부에서시행한학술연구용 역과제의연구결과임을밝혀야합니다 국가과학기술기밀유지에필요한내용은대외적으로발표또는공개하여서는아 니됩니다
3 학술연구용역과제최종결과보고서 과제번호 2013E 과제명 주관연구기관 주관연구 감염병, 감시체계, 법정감염병, 국가감염병감시시스템, 건강보험자료 Study on improvement of national notifiable disease surveillance system 기관명소재지대표 123 성명소속및부서전공 책임자 부서명담당자발주부서 연구비 연구기간 총참여연구원 보안등급분류 수행년도년도학술연구용역과제에의하여수행중인학술연구용역과제의최종결과보고서를붙임과같이제출합니다. 붙임 1. 최종결과보고서제본 (20 부 ) 2. CD 2 매 질병관리본부장귀하 일반용지 재활용품 - 1 -
4 목 차 연구개발결과요약문 6 7 학술연구용역과제연구결과
5 표목차 NNDSS ,, PHE Colindale Notifiable disease Surveillance ,, ( ) KCD I II Type I Type I Type II Type II Type III
6 31. Type IV I Type IV II ()
7 그림목차 1. Framework for Evaluating Public Health Surveillance Systems for Early Detection of Outbreaks WHO Public health agency I Public health agency I Public health agency.i NNDSS Laboratory reporting flow chart NHS Direct syndromic surveillance flow chart ,,, (A00-B99) ( ) ( ) Type II
8 연구결과점검보고서요약문,,, - 6 -
9 Summary Title of Project Study on improvement of national notifiable disease surveillance system Key Words Institute communicable disease, surveillance system, national notifiable disease surveillance system, health insurance data College of Medicine, Dongguk Project Leader Lee, Kwan University Project Period Infectious disease surveillance is very important as a element in public health system in the prevention and control of infectious diseases. Results of infectious disease surveillance system in Korea have been influenced the reduction of the incidence of infectious disease and its related death. Whole occurrences of acute diseases as well as chronic infectious disease such as tuberculosis were greatly reduced compared to 50 years ago. However, for the data of infectious diseases surveillance system and the health insurance claim data are different, it has been raised issues continuously that the different statistical results of national institutions are provided. Though the two data cannot be compared absolutely and the purposes of collection are different, the health insurance claim data is useful for evaluating the overall trend of infectious disease, but there are errors that no cases in world and Korea are claimed. In this study, we studied the differences, the status, and the pros and cons of the two data, and reviewed the methods of utilization of health insurance claim data. Through comparison with health insurance claim data, we suggest strategies to use efficiently these data by classification of infectious disease in Korean infectious disease surveillance system. The first type (small pox, polio) is a case to be claimed the diseases of no cases in world and Korea. The minimal error checking when these cases are claimed is necessary, and when this data is provided to other institutions, it is needed to except these data such as that of oriental hospital with much errors through data review and providing system. The second type (Brucellosis, malaria) is a case of being managed well by government, and the trend is consistent with claims data. The third type (hepatitis A, typhoid fever) is a case of showing distinguishing clinical characteristics with similar trend annually. The fourth type (chicken pox, mumps) is a case of increasing reporting rate recent, it can be used as evaluation index to improve the reporting rate. As can be seen in the detailed analysis, the data that there is no cases in world, or no consistency of claim data must not be compared and presented. Above all, the coordination scheme between surveillance system data and health insurance claim data by their characteristics is needed. Through comparison with the infectious disease surveillance system of other countries, it is needed to consider the current status of infectious diseases that require changes or introduction newly in the surveillance system or appropriate reporting time by characteristics of diseases. And in case of small pox, it can be used as an indicator of improvement in the reporting rate, for the reporting rate is recently continuously increasing. The purpose of infectious disease surveillance system is to understand the scope of problems with infectious diseases, to observe the trend of the incidence of diseases, to identify the outbreak, and to find the new issues. It is required the efforts to develop the new standards of evaluation, to evaluate continuously, and to improve the surveillance system
10 목표 1. (surveillance system),, 1954, 2000.,,,,,,,,, - 8 -
11 2... 목표달성도및관련분야에대한기여도 1. < > < > < > , - / -,,
12 Langmuir,,, " 1).,,,, (),,,,,, 2).,, (false alarm).,. 3) 1) LANGMUIR AD. The surveillance of communicable diseases of national importance. N Engl J Med 1963;268: ) Teutsch SM, Churchill RE. Principles and practice of public health surveillance. 2nd ed. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, ) German RR, Lee LM, Horan JM, Milstein RL, Pertowski CA, Waller MN; Guidelines Working Group Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Updated guidelines for evaluating public health surveillance systems: recommendations from the Guidelines Working Group. MMWR Recomm Rep 2001;50(RR-13):
13 1. Framework for Evaluating Public Health Surveillance Systems for Early Detection of Outbreaks.,,, 4 4). 2. 5) (sensitivity), (timeliness), (predictive value), (representativeness), (data quality), (simplicity), (flexibility), (acceptability) Sensitivity:? Timeliness: data flow? Predictive value:? 4) Buehler JW, Hopkins RS, Overhage JM, Sosin DM, Tong V; CDC Working Group. Framework for evaluating public health surveillance systems for early detection of outbreaks: recommendations from the CDC Working Group. MMWR Recomm Rep 2004;53(RR-5):1-11 5) Rothman KJ, Greenland S, Lash TL, eds. Modern epidemiology, 3rd ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,
14 Representativeness: target population? Data quality:? Simplicity:? Flexibility:? Acceptability:? 3. 6) (1) System Description ( ) (purpose). -, -, outbreak (small, large) ( ) (Stakeholders) - - : : : :,, : 6) Buehler JW, Hopkins RS, Overhage JM, Sosin DM, Tong V; CDC Working Group. Framework for evaluating public health surveillance systems for early detection of outbreaks: recommendations from the CDC Working Group. MMWR Recomm Rep 2004;53(RR-5):
15 : (NGO) ( ) 1 2 그림 2. 전염병발생의조기진단을위한진행모델. 그림 3. 감시체계자료의진행모식도
16 3 :,, 4 5, (2) (Outbreak Detection) ( ) (Timeliness) (Timeliness) 그림 4. 감시시스템의시간적적절성. 1 (Onset of exposure) Exposure() point-source outbreak. outbreak 2 (Onset of symptoms).,,. 3 (Onset of behavior)
17 (, )., ( ). 4 (Capture of data)., 5 (Completion of data processing). (, ).. 6 (Capture of data in surveillance system) (, ) 7 (Application of pattern recognition tools/algorithms) :,, 8 (Generation of automated alert) 9 (Initiation of public health investigation),
18 . 10 (Initiation of public health intervention),. (, ) (, ) ( ) (Validity).,.,,,,,.. 1 : 2 :.. 3 :, 4 : (, ) 5 :, 6 :. 7,, :,, ( ),,.,
19 ,,. 1 :,, 2 : --> (3) ( ) (Usefulness) ( ) (Flexibility)
20 ( ) (Acceptability) (State).,,.,, ( ) (Portability).. ( ) (Stability).. ( ). * (,, ) * ? -,
21 ? -? -? -? (,,, ) -? -? (,,?) -? -? -? (4) ,
22 4. WHO 7) (1) (input), (process), (output), (outcome), (impact).,,,,.,,.,,, ().,,,.,,. (2) (),,,,. 5. WHO 7) WHO. Communicable disease surveillance and response systems. Guide to monitoring and evaluating. World Health Organization
23 ( ).,.. ( ),,,. 2. /,,,.,, ( ),,,, ( ) ( ).,,,,,, ( ). 3. ( ),, ( ),,,, (),,, ( ),, ( ),,,
24 ( ) ( ), /, /,, (, ),,. 4. /,,,,,,,,, (,, ), /, ( ) / /,, ( ) (quality),,,,,,,,,,.,,. 5.,,, (24), (week), (month) (,,,,, ) (,,,, ),,,,,,,,,
25 2.2 1.,,,,,,,,,, 50 5% 6.. (2007) 8) %, 66.4%, 96.9% -., SFTS -,,. 8) 박옥, 최보율. 전염병감시체계소개및평가. 예방의학회지 2007;40(4):
26 (2003) 9) 95%,,,, 60-70%. 100% - 1,, 70% (1 77.1%, %, %, %) -, ( 0.93, 1.0, 0.87, 0.90, 0.91, 0.98, 0.93) - (2003),,.,, 9) 신의철. 전염병감시체계평가및발전방안연구
27 2. 10),,,,.,,,,,,,,,. 6., 7.,,,. 90 ( 18.1 ), NNDSS,,,, (),, 10) Miller M1, Roche P, Spencer J, Deeble M. Evaluation of Australia's National Notifiable Disease Surveillance System. Commun Dis Intell Q Rep 2004;28(3):
28 CDC 11). CDC. CDC,,.,,,,,,.,,,.,,.,,,,. program office OSELS (Office of Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services), OID (Office of Infectious Diseases), CGH (Center for Global Health), OSELS,,. 8. NNDSS NNDSS CSTE CDC OSELS PHITPO PHSPO OID NCIRD NCEZID NCHHSTP CGH DPDM ONC CMS Nationally Notifiable Disease Surveillance System Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Office of Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services Public Health Informatics and Technology Program Office Public Health Surveillance Program Office Office of Infectious Diseases National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases National Center for HIV, HEP, STD, and TB Prevention Center for Global Health Division of Parasitic Diseases and Malaria Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services 11) CDC. Evaluation of and Recommendations for the National Notifiable Disease Surveillance System Within the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Available from:
29 .,,.,. OSELS,,, CDC,.,,,,. NETSS (National Electronic Telecommunications System for Surveillance), NEDSS(National Electronic Disease Surveillance System) Base System (NBS). Common Data Store (CDS). The PHIN Vocabulary Access and Distribution System (PHINVADS)
30 National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS) - National epidemiological surveillance for infectious disease (NESID) - European Surveillance System (TESSy),, 3 (,,, )
31 3.2 Updated Guidelines for Evaluating Public Health Surveillance Systems : ( ), (,, ), (), [, - (sensitivity), (timeliness), (predictive value), (representativeness), (data quality), (simplicity), (flexibility), (acceptability)],, () ( ), (46 ),,,, (,,,, - ) 2. /, 1,,, 1, 29,
32 ( ) 1, 9. (),,,, (, ).. (,, (,,, ) ) ( ),. ( ), 3 ( ( : ) : ) 2, 3. (, -,
33 ), ( ) (MMWR, CDC protocol ) - (PubMED, EMBASE ) - (,,, ), -,,, :
34 ( ) - (NNDSS), (NESID), (TESSy) - -,, ( ),, : (, ) 3. 3 ( ) 54 ( ) 3(,, ) 4. 4 ( ) - - trend
35 -, 5. 5 ( ) - ( I) - ( II-1) - ( II-2) - ( III) - ( IV)
36 , 12).,,, 13).,,,. 12) Krause G, Ropers G, Stark K. Notifiable disease surveillance and practicing physicians. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2005;11(3): ) Azar FE, Masoori N, Meidani Z, Paul L. Proposal for a modernized Iranian notifiable infectious diseases surveillance system: comparison with USA and Australia. East Mediterr Health J 2010;16(7):
37 10.,, / Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Department of Health and Human Services) National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS) Territorial health departments, State health departments, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Physician offices, Hospitals, Health maintenance organizations, Blood transfusion centres, Blood banks, Health care organizations, Veterinarians, Health care practitioners, Laboratory departments, Schools, Prisons/reform schools, Dentist offices, Nursing care facilities, Medicolegal, Registration of vital statistics, Day-care clinics,, National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS) Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) (Ministry of Health, labour and Welfare) (National Institute of Infectious Disease, NIID) (Infectious Disease Surveillance Center, IDSC) National epidemiological surveillance for infectious disease (NESID) Local public health centers, Prefectural public health institutes, Prefectural IDSC, National IDSC Physician offices, Hospitals, Laboratory reports, Day-care clinics, Schools,,, (nationwi de electronic surveillance system) IDWR (Infectious Diseases Weekly Report), IASR (Infectious Agents Surveillance Report), SeroEpi (National Surveillance of Vaccine-preventable Diseases) Department of Health Public Health England (PHE) Centre for Infections(CfI) Notifications of infectious diseases(noids) sentinel reporting framework Local Authority, Local Health Protection Unit, CfI Notifiable diseases, Laboratory reports, Clinician reporting, NHS Direct,,, LabLink CoSurv LabBase Health Protection Report (HPR)
38 2.. CDC National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS). CDC Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE). NNDSS (state, territorial, tribal, local)..,,,. (, ).. CDC. states/partners. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)..,,... CDC.,. CDC,, /,,,.. 14). 14) Jajosky RA, Groseclose SL. Evaluation of reporting timeliness of public health surveillance systems for infectious diseases. BMC Public Health 2004;4:
39 9.. Public health agency CDC 15).. Immediate, extremely urgent CDC Emergency Operations Center (EOC) 4. 15) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Protocol for Public Health Agencies to Notify CDC about the Occurrence of Nationally Notifiable Conditions,
40 , CDC. Immediate, urgent 24 CDC EOC, (next regularly scheduled electronic transmission) CDC. (next reporting cycle). State/territory CDC. 10. Public health agency I
41 11. Public health agency I
42 12. Public health agency.i-3. NNDSS National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS). NEDSS (information technology) state, local, territorial health department CDC. NEDSS. CDC. Public health disease reporting electronic laboratory reporting
43 . NNDSS 16). 13. NNDSS. NNDSS state/local health department, CDC, CSTE., state,,,. CDC state/local health department,, private provider health IT system. NEDSS. ( ) (capture) (public health record). (interoperable system). state local level. CDC 57 (reporting jurisdictions). state state level (report) state CDC (notification) (voluntary). 16) CDC. Evaluation of and Recommendations for the National Notifiable Disease Surveillance System Within the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
44 57. reportable disease notifiable disease. Reportable disease: (health provider),, reportable disease state territorial jurisdictions. (personal identifiers) state. state reportable disease. Reportable disease state. Notifiable disease: state territorial jurisdictions ( ) CDC, (voluntary). /,, (regular) (frequent) (timely). state. CSTE CDC state reportable disease. (1) NEDSS/NBS NEDSS. NNDSS NEDSS. State territories CDC, NEDSS. CDC data. NEDSS Base System (NBS) jurisdiction reportable disease data, CDC (CDC Public Health Information Network ) notifiable disease. (2) Electronic laboratory reporting (ELR) Electronic Laboratory Reporting (ELR) electronic health records (EHR) Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) (,, ) state/local public health departments. ELR reportable condition state/local level. health department ELR. ELR (timeliness) (accuracy)
45 . CDC (timeliness) (accuracy). (3) NETSS NEDSS CDC National Electronic Telecommunications System for Surveillance (NETSS). NEDSS. (4) CDC reporting system. NNDSS CDC data MMWR.,, HIV, varicella deaths, arboviral disease reporting system CDC. Sexually transmitted disease (STD) STD - reporting system, NETSS.. CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
46 , 1917, () [the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act] 1988 ( ) [the Public Health (Control of Disease) Regulation]. 19 (the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act) ( ),, Heath Protection Agency( HPA) (Center for Infections; CfI) HPA Public Health England( PHE) PHE Colindale. Condinale PHE specialist microbiology services, reference microbiology services,. 11. PHE Colindale Expert advice and issue of vaccines and immunoglobulins Informing National Policy Microbiological Services Public Health Related Research Response, co-ordination and specialist support for outbreaks and incidents Specialist Microbiology Services. 17).,,, 17) Public Health England. Sources of surveillance data. Available from:
47 ,,,, data source Notifiable disease, laboratory reporting, clinical reporting
48 (1) Notifiable disease Notifiable disease. 12. Notifiable disease Acute encephalitis, Acute infectious hepatitis, Acute meningitis, Acute poliomyelitis, Anthrax, Botulism, Brucellosis, Cholera, Diphtheria, Enteric fever (typhoid or paratyphoid fever), Food poisoning, Haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS), Infectious bloody diarrhoea, Invasive group A streptococcal disease, Legionnaires Disease, Leprosy, Malaria, Measles, Meningococcal septicaemia, Mumps, Plague, Rabies, Rubella, SARS, Scarlet fever, Smallpox, Tetanus, Tuberculosis, Typhus, Viral haemorrhagic fever (VHF), Whooping cough, Yellow fever Notifiable disease Health Protection (Notification) Regulations (clinical suspicion of disease). 'all hazards' approach dataset HPA (, ). England Wales Local Authority Local Health Protection Unit (HPU) 'Proper Officer' suspected cases. (Registered Medical Practitioner, RMP) notifiable disease. 3 Proper Officer 24. Notifiable disease RMP,,,,, (,,,,, NHS,,,, ). HPU,,. Proper Officer 3, 24 HPA. HPA Health Protection Services (HPS) Information Management Department /
49 (2) Laboratory reporting Health Protection (Notification) Regulations 2010 (Causative agents notifiable) (laboratory confirmed disease), England 1 (primary diagnostic role) Public Health England (PHE). 13. Bacillus anthracis, Bacillus cereus (only if associated with food poisoning), Bordetella pertussis, Borrelia spp, Brucella spp, Burkholderia mallei, Burkholderia pseudomallei, Campylobacter spp, Chikungunya virus, Chlamydophila psittaci, Clostridium botulinum, Clostridium perfringens (only if associated with food poisoning), Clostridium tetani, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Corynebacterium ulcerans, Coxiella burnetii, Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus, Cryptosporidium spp, Dengue virus, Ebola virus, Entamoeba histolytica, Francisella tularensis, Giardia lamblia, Guanarito virus, Haemophilus influenzae (invasive), Hanta virus, Hepatitis A/B/C/delta/E viruses, Influenza virus, Junin virus, Kyasanur Forest disease virus, Lassa virus, Legionella spp, Leptospira interrogans, Listeria monocytogenes, Machupo virus, Marburg virus, Measles virus, Mumps virus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, Neisseria meningitidis, Omsk haemorrhagic fever virus, Plasmodium falciparum/vivax/ovale/malariae/ knowlesi, Polio virus (wild or vaccine types), Rabies virus (classical rabies and rabies-related lyssaviruses), Rickettsia spp, Rift Valley fever virus, Rubella virus, Sabia virus, Salmonella spp, SARS coronavirus, Shigella spp, Streptococcus pneumoniae (invasive), Streptococcus pyogenes (invasive), Varicella zoster virus, Variola virus, Verocytotoxigenic Escherichia coli (including E.coli O157), Vibrio cholerae, West Nile Virus, Yellow fever virus, Yersinia pestis (diagnostic laboratories).. LabLink+ laboratory information management system (LIMS) CfI. CoSurv notification. HPA., LIMS CoSurv electronic link LabLink+, pathology system CoSurv data. LabLink+ HPA
50 antimicrobial susceptibility surveillance system (AmSurv). CoSurv LabBase OPIE principle (Organism-Patient-Illness-Episode). OPIEs record episode. (including two different sub-types of a single species) 2 OPIEs. (with recovery implied between those two episodes of infection) 2 OPIEs. 2, (Influenza A 6, Salmonella spp 13, Mycobacterium spp 26, Hepatitis B & C, HIV, HTLV Creutzfeld-Jakob agent ) 18). 15. Laboratory reporting flow chart. (3) NHS Direct 24,. NHS Direct,,,,,,. NHS 18) Health Protection Agency. Laboratory reporting to the Health Protection Agency: Guide for diagnostic laboratories. Available from: -
51 Direct syndromic surveillance 19). 16. NHS Direct syndromic surveillance flow chart. 19) Smith GE, Cooper DL, Loveridge P, Chinemana F, Gerard E, Verlander N. A national syndromic surveillance system for England and Wales using calls to a telephone helpline. Euro Surveill. 2006;11(12):pii=667. Available from: -
52 . 20). 14. Surveillance Health Protection Report Week the weekly Health Protection Report (HPR) provides regular updates on many routine surveillance activities Bacteraemia Antimicrobial resistance COVER (Cover of Vaccination Evaluated Rapidly) Enhanced pneumococcal surveillance report European legionella travel alerts Eurosurveillance Monthly Annual Quarterly 6-monthly As required Weekly Reports in HPR Bacteraemia reports. Monitoring trends in hospital-acquired infections Monitoring trends in hospital acquired infection and identifying sites requiring further investigation Monitoring uptake of all routinely given paediatric vaccines Monitoring burden of disease, serotype distribution and antimicrobial resistance of invasive pneumococcal infections in order to inform national vaccination and local prescribing policies Early detection of outbreaks and travel associated clusters of infection in Europe Dissemination of public health outputs and bulletins on significant infectious disease incidents in Europe through open-access journal, supported by HPA advice and topic editors GRASP (Gonococcal Resistance to Antimicrobials Surveillance Programme) Annual Monitoring prevalence and trends of gonococcal antimicrobial resistance to aid development of rational prescribing policies Human disease chapters of DEFRA - UK Zoonoses Reports Influenza bulletin Annual weekly during influenza season Integration of human and veterinary surveillance information, where possible, to better inform prevention strategies. In support of the Food Standards Agency's disease reduction target Early detection of winter pressures on NHS from acute respiratory viral illness MMR (measles mumps and rubella) surveillance in HPR Immunisation reports Quarterly Monitoring impact of MMR programme on disease incidence MRSA (Methicillin-resistant 6-monthly Monitoring trends in hospital acquired infection 20) Public Health England. Surveillance outputs. Available from:
53 Staphylococcus aureus) tables for all acute hospital trusts in England and Wales and identifying sites requiring further investigation. Part of the Department of Health, Health Care Associated Infection Action Plan National guidance on recognition of, and response to, deliberate release of infectious disease agents Notification of infectious disease (NOIDS) reports Prisons Reports from food database Local Authorities Coordinators of Regulatory Services/Health Protection Agency (LACORS/HPA) studies - As required Reports from private water supplies surveillance - 6 monthly Review of infectious intestinal disease outbreak investigations RCGP Research & Surveillance Centre and NHS Direct information on gastrointestinal disease HIV and STI reports Summary report on travel associated infections As required Weekly, quarterly, annual Quarterly 6-monthly As required 6-monthly 3 times per year Quarterly, annual Annual Monthly To maintain awareness and inform action required for response to episodes of deliberate release Dissemination of surveillance outputs on notifiable infectious diseases in England and Wales Provide information on communicable diseases affecting the prison population Provide information for risk based public health assessments and interventions Provide information for risk based public health assessments and interventions Provide information for risk based public health assessments and interventions To inform control and prevention of gastrointestinal infection Inform control and prevention of gastrointestinal infection Monitoring the effectiveness of the sexual health and HIV strategy Inform the public and professionals on a series of travel health and infection topics and significant developments. Assess the burden of infectious morbidity associated with travel and to identify priority diseases, destinations and demographic groups for intervention Survey of Prevalent Diagnosed HIV Infections (SOPHID) report Annual Monitoring the effectiveness of the sexual health and HIV strategy and allowing planning of HIV treatment cost allocations Unlinked anonymous reports on HIV prevalence Annual Monitoring the effectiveness of the sexual health and HIV strategy and implementation of antenatal HIV screening policies
54 (infectious disease control law),. national notifiable disease (national epidemiological surveillance for infectious disease, NESID). (National Institute of Infectious diseases, NIID) (Infectious Disease Surveillance Center, IDSC) 1997, (Division of Infectious Disease Epidemiology). IDSC 21). (Intelligence and Policy Planning Division): //., FETP-J(Field Epidemiology Training Program, Japan). (Surveillance and Information Division),., ( 都 ) ( 道 ) ( 府 ) ( 縣 ) (public health center). IDSC ( (Infectious Disease Weekly Report), (Infectious Agents Surveillance Report)., CD-ROM.,,. (Immunization Program Division).,,. National Serum Bank. (Laboratory Diagnosis Division) NIID () 21) IDSC. Organization & Functions. Available from:
55 .. (Division of Bacteriological Laboratory Training).,. (Division of Virological Laboratory Training)., National IDSC / (local IDSC).. (flow) 22) 23) ) Taniguchi K, Hashimoto S, Kawado M, Murakami Y, Izumida M, Ohta A, Tada Y, Shigematsu M, Yasui Y, Nagai M. Overview of infectious disease surveillance system in Japan, J Epidemiol 2007;17:S ) 자발적참여에의한전염병표본감시체계구축방안. 양기화, 김태학, 윤현병, 김영표, 이종선, 김은숙, 강보경. 대한의사협회연구보고서
57 . Category Ⅰ Ⅳ V. Category Ⅰ Ⅳ. Category V 1 (local public health center) 7. V (sentinel reporting diseases),... category I-V category V (clinical), (laboratory), V... IDSC. category V, ( )., Public health center. (report). (target Infectious Diseases). notifiable diseases 6 ( ).,,, AIDS. dysentery dysentery Shigella dysentery entamoeba histolytica., sentinels,.. (hospital sentinel)..,, (vaccine preventable diseases)
58 .,,, (mandatory notifiable diseases), 1981., (mandatory system) (sentinel system). (case definition). (mandatory system) (clinical characteristics).,, IDWR(Infectious Diseases Weekly Report).,. IASR(Infectious Agents Surveillance Report). SeroEpi (National Surveillance of Vaccine-preventable Diseases),. JANIS(Japan Nosocomial Infections Surveillance).,,, notifiable disease (Mandatory reporting). (disease notification),. 1990, (,, ).. risk communication.,., (surveillance)
59 .. (reporting completeness) 9% 99%.., notifiable diseases..,,, ( ). (sentinel reporting framework), (mandatory system). (scarlet fever) A.,.,. (disease categorization)., (mandatory system for severe diseases) (sentinel system for milder diseases)., sentinels. capture rate (standard disease) Exanthema subitum. (re-designing) capture rate....,...,.,. (health impact)
60 , (milder diseases) (surveillance performance). - (disease-specific analysis)., documented reporting.. 5.,.. NNDSS., NNDSS (consistency),.,.,,,,., NNDSS CDC., NNDSS ( NBS HL7 message NETSS ) NNDSS. CDC (critically important), ( : Foodnet data), CDC Public Health Surveillance Program Office SAS MMWR,. state CDC, (stand-alone). (state) notifiable disease,.,. World Health Organization (WHO) (international health regulations) (cholera, plague, yellow fever). state CDC. CDC state (suspect, probable, confirmed case)
61 . (timeliness)..,, NHS direct (syndromic surveillance)..,.,,.. (disease categorization).. (mandatory system for severe diseases) (sentinel system for milder diseases).,., - (disease-specific analysis).,.,.,
62 6. (,, ).,. () (157), (32), (74, 58, 1 16). (notifiable),,,, (,,, ) (, )., 50.,.,, 4, 24, (24). 7.,. 4 (,,,,, ) (4 ), 24,., (, B ) 7.,,, ( ), (B, A ) ( )
63 ,,. 15.,, / (Ministry of Health, labour and Welfare) (Nationa l Institute of Infectious Disease, NIID) (Infectious Disease Surveillance Center, IDSC) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Department of Health and Human Services) National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS) Territorial health departments State health departments Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Physician offices Hospitals Health maintenance organizations Blood transfusion centres Blood banks Health care organizations Veterinarians Health care practitioners Laboratory departments Schools Prisons/reform schools Dentist offices Nursing care facilities Medicolegal Registration of vital statistics Day-care clinics, National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS) ELR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) Reportable disease Notifiable disease National epidemiological surveillance for infectious disease (NESID) Local public health centers Prefectural public health institutes Prefectural IDSC National IDSC Physician offices Hospitals Laboratory reports Day-care clinics Schools,, (natio nwide electronic surveillance system) IDWR (Infectious Diseases Weekly Report), IASR (Infectious Agents Surveillance Report), SeroEpi (National Surveillance of Vaccine-preventable Diseases) Department of Health Public Health England (PHE) Centre for Infections(CfI) Notifications of infectious diseases(noids) sentinel reporting framework Local Authority Local Health Protection Unit CfI Notifiable diseases Laboratory reports Clinician reporting NHS Direct,, LabLink CoSurv LabBase Health Protection Report (HPR)
64 Reportable: state Notifiable disease:. disease state. Nationally notifiable diseases state reportable disease intentional release 4 Immediate, extremely urgent Immediate, urgent: 24 Standard: reporting cycle Anthrax, Botulism, Plaque, Paralytic poliomyelitis, SARS-associated coronavirus, Smallpox, Tularemia, Viral hemorrhagic fever 4 Anthrax, Botulism, Plaque, Tularemia, Viral hemorrhagic fever Polio 24 Anthrax viral hemorrhagic fever, Brucellosis, Diphtheria, Novel influenza A, Measles, Rubella, Rabies, Yellow fever 24 Ⅰ-Ⅳ (clinical&laboratory case definition ) Ⅴ 7 (clinical clinical&laboratory case definition ) Influenza, pediatric disease, eye disease, sexually transmitted disease (milder diseases) target disease Avian influenza online system suspected case, 24 3 Acute encephalitis, Acute meningitis, Food poisoning Pneumonia: Self reported illness NHS Direct
65 4.3 (,, ), 6-70, 30.,,, ,,,. 1.. (122 cities mortality reporting system, rmort.asp), CDC , CDC
66 . NCHS (National Center for Health Statistics) National Vital Statistics System (NVSS),,.,. 6,. NCHS (National Center for Health Statistics). ( m), NCHS. (ICD) ICD ( ) Salmonella infections (A01 A02) 42 Shigellosis and amebiasis (A03,A06) 8 Certain other intestinal infections (A04,A07 A09) 10,972 Tuberculosis (A16 A19) 536 Respiratory tuberculosis (A16) 392 Other tuberculosis (A17 A19) 144 Whooping cough (A37) 8 Scarlet fever and erysipelas (A38, A46) 4 Meningococcal infection (A39) 85 Septicemia (A40 A41) 35,539 Syphilis (A50 A53) 45 Acute poliomyelitis (A80) - Arthropod-borne viral encephalitis (A83 A84,A85.2) 5 Measles (B05) 1 Viral hepatitis (B15 B19) 7,794 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease (B20 B24) 7,638 Malaria (B50 B54) 1 Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases and their sequelae (A00,A05,A20 A36, A42 A44,A48 A49,A54 A79,A81 A82,A8 5.0 A85.1,A85.8,A86 B04,B06 B09,B25 B 49,B55 B99) 5,
67 , (2012 ).,,., (A75) A () 2, , ,
68 9 ( 4 ). (KCD),. WHO (Underlying cause of death). 20. (A00-B99) ( )
69 18. ( ) (236) (A00-A09) (A00) (A01) (A02, A05) (Re. A00- A09) (A15-A19) 3,411 3,218 3,350 3,329 2,940 2,893 2,726 2,376 2,323 2,365 2,364 2,466 (A27) [ ] (A30) (A33-A35) (A36) (A37) (A38) (A50-A64) (A75) (A83.0) () (A98.5) (B05) (B15-B19) ,024 1,012 1,111 1, (B20-B24) (B26) (B50-B54) (Re.A00- B99) (J09-J11)
70 . (A00-B99).,,,. 21. ( )
71 4.4 WHO 24) (2006). 1. Data quality and completeness ( ) %.,, ,790 7,522 10%., 2011~2013, (, ), ( ) ( ) ( ) (%) , 1 2. Sensitivity ( )..,,,.,,. 2002, 4%. 24) WHO. Communicable disease surveillance and response systems. Guide to monitoring and evaluating. World Health Organization
72 뒤쪽의작성방법및신고방법안내를읽고작성하여주시기바라며, [ ] 에는해당되는곳에 표를합니다. ( 앞쪽 ) 감염병 환자등 또는 사망자 성명 ( 만 19 세이하인경우보호자성명 ) 주민등록번호 전화번호 직업 성별 [ ] 남 [ ] 여 주소 우편번호 [ ] 거주지불명 [ ] 신원미상 감염병명 제1군제2군제3군제4군 [ ] 콜레라 [ ] 장티푸스 [ ] 파라티푸스 [ ] 세균성이질 [ ] 장출혈성대장균감염증 [ ]A 형간염 [ ] 디프테리아 [ ] 백일해 [ ] 파상풍 [ ] 홍역 [ ] 유행성이하선염 [ ] 풍진 [ ] 폴리오 [ ] 일본뇌염 [ ] 수두 [ ]B형간염 ([ ] 급성 [ ] 산모 [ ] 주산기 ) [ ]b형헤모필루스인플루엔자 [ ] 말라리아 [ ] 한센병 [ ] 성홍열 [ ] 수막구균성수막염 [ ] 레지오넬라증 [ ] 비브리오패혈증 [ ] 발진티푸스 [ ] 발진열 [ ] 쯔쯔가무시증 [ ] 렙토스피라증 [ ] 브루셀라증 [ ] 탄저 [ ] 공수병 [ ] 신증후군출혈열 [ ] 매독 ([ ]1기 [ ]2기 [ ] 선천성 ) [ ] 크로이츠펠트 -야콥병 (CJD) 및변종크로이츠펠트 -야콥병 (vcjd) [ ] 페스트 [ ] 황열 [ ] 뎅기열 [ ] 두창 [ ] 보툴리눔독소증 [ ] 중증급성호흡기증후군 [ ] 조류인플루엔자인체감염증 [ ] 신종인플루엔자 [ ] 야토병 [ ] 큐열 [ ] 웨스트나일열 [ ] 라임병 [ ] 진드기매개뇌염 [ ] 바이러스성출혈열 [ ] 유비저 [ ] 치쿤구니아열 [ ] 신종감염병증후군 ( 증상및징후 ) 발병일년월일진단일년월일 확진검사결과 환자등분류 추정감염경로 [ ] 양성 [ ] 음성 [ ] 검사진행중 [ ] 검사미실시 [ ] 환자 [ ] 의사환자 [ ] 병원체보유자입원여부 [ ] 외래 [ ] 입원 [ ] 기타 [ ] 집단감염환자와접촉 [ ] 개별감염환자와접촉 [ ] 불확실함 [ ] 접촉없었음 추정감염지역 [ ] 국내 [ ] 국외 ( 국명 : ) ( 체류기간 : ) 사망여부 [ ] 생존 [ ] 사망 - 사망원인 ( 원사인기준 ): 해당사항이있는경우기록 신고기관명 비고 ( 특이사항 ) 요양기관지정번호 진단 ( 한 ) 의사성명 ( 서명또는날인 ) 면허번호 신고기관장 210mm 297mm[ 일반용지 60g/ m2 ( 재활용품 )]
73 3. Timeliness ( ).,, 1, 3(, ) % %, % %
74 [ 1] ( 1 ), ( ) B (2013) - Hib - - 1: , (1:320 ), (IgG 1:256 ), - 1:200 - (, ) - 1:160 - (, ) - IgM 1:16 IgG 1:256 - (, ELISA ) * :
75 Usefulness ( ).,
76 ,.,,., WHO.,.,,. 5. Simplicity ( ) 2007, 51.7%, 66.4%, 96.9%. NIDS(National Infectious Disease Surveillance).,,.,.,..,
77 Flexibility ( )
78 , (case definition) %., (2013, 10%).,.,,,,..,, 1, 3(, ) % %, % % ,,.,,., WHO
79 2007, 51.7%, 66.4%, 96.9%. NIDS(National Infectious Disease Surveillance).,,.,
80 ( ) 55,.,., (EDI), % %, 64.3%, %, 99.3%, %, 2007~ %. 25).. WHO 1973 ICD-8 (KoreanStandardClassificationofDiseases, KCD) (ICD-O-1) ICD-9 KCD ICD-O-2 ICD-10 KCD-3, 2002 ICD-10 KCD WHO ICD-O-3 ICD-10 KCD-5, 2011 KCD-6. 26). KCD,, (99.9%, ) EDI. 27). 25) 한국보건의료원. 국내보건의료이차자료원활용 ) 통계청, 한국표준질병사인분류개정및분류세분화연구, ) 강민석, 기타및상세불명코드를이용한건강보험청구상병코드의질평가, 충북대학교대학원석사학위논문,
81 2. () (1992) 28) %, %, (1995) 29) %, (,2007) 69.7%( 75.9%, 55.8%). 신의철등 30) 은의료보험자료상병기호의정확도추정및관련특성분석-법정전염병을중심으로-에서의료보험자료상병기호의정확도는 10.1%, 95% 신뢰구간은 % 였다. 423 (21.7%), 1,528 (78.3%). 1,528 1,097 (71.8%). 770 (50.4%). 333 (21.8 %), 146 (9.6%). (2000) 31) 83.0%, (2002) EDI 10, %. 32) (kappa index) 0.70, ,,,,,,.,,,,, ) 문옥륜, 김창엽, 김명기. 동일질환에대한상병분류기호의의료기관별변이에관한연구. 보건행정학회지 1992;2: ) 이건세, 의무기록과의료보험청구명세서의진단코드일치에대한연구, 서울대학교대학원석사학위논문, ) 신의철, 박용문, 박용규, 김병성, 박기동, 맹광호. 의료보험자료상병기호의정확도추정및관련특성분석 - 법정전염병을중심으로. 예방의학회지 1998;31(3): ) 박종구, 김기순, 김춘배, 이태용, 이강숙, 이덕희, 이선희, 지선하, 서일, 고광욱, 류소연, 박기호, 박운제, 왕승준, 이화순, 채유미, 홍현숙, 서진숙. 의료보험청구자료중뇌혈관질환상병기호의정확도에관한연구. 예방의학회지 2000;33(1): ) 박재경, 허진희. 건강보험청구자료의코호트조사활용가능성연구. 주간건강과질병 2013;46(6):
82 . (2002) 89.7%, 87.3% 33), 32.0~39.0% 34), 70.0% 35), (2003) 9, %, 44.9%). 36) 3...,,, 3, KCD-6. 22, 267, 2,093 12,603, (6,335). :,,, 33) 안진하, 진료비청구명세서의상병코드와의무기록코딩간의일치현황분석, 인제대학교보건대학원석사학위논문, ) 남영희. 동일환자의무기록과진료비명세서의상병명에관한실태조사연구. 중앙대학교사회개발대학원석사학위논문 ) 신종연. 동일환자의의무기록과진료비명세서에기록된상병분류기호의비교연구 -10 대입원다빈도상병을중심으로. 서울보건전문대학논문집 1996;16: ) 박병주. 건강보험질병코드의타당도제고방안
83 22. 3 : 4 : 3, 3. 5 :.. 13, 19, 4, 4. 6 :.. 19, S
84 .. ( )
85 4. (47 ). (1) (2) : KCD 23. KCD KCD A00 A010, Z220 1 A A03 A043 A B15 A36 A37 A33-35 B05 2 B26 B06, P350 A80 B () B16 A83 B01, P358 B50-53 A38 A390, G01 A481, A482 A4152 A750 3 A752 A753 A27 A23 A22 A82 A985 CJD CJD A81 4 A
86 KCD A95 A90-91 A96-97, A981, A982, A983, A984, A988 B03 A051 (SARS) U049 J09 J09 A21 A78 A923 A692 A84 A241-4 A920 형간염 주산기 산모 결핵 한센병 인플루엔자 매독 후천성면역결핍증제외 : :, :, /,,,.,
87 24. I - - Type I - 17 :,,,,,,,,, (SARS),,,,,,, - Type II-1-7 :, A, B,,,, - Spearman s Type II :, Type III :,,,,,, Type IV - 13 :,,,,,,,,,,, CJD,
88 (2012 ) 25. II Type IV II-1 1 (6 ) III III IV A II-1 I III IV IV 2 (10 ) III III I B () II-1 II-1 III II-2 III IV IV IV I IV 3 (14 ) IV II-1 II-2 I I IV - (CJD) - (vcjd) IV I I II-1 (,, ) I I I 4 (16 ) (SARS) I I IV I II-1 I IV
89 Type I I I (1) Type I, 26. Type I (SARS) ,781 58,319 11,886 36,
90 50,. Case 1 1, B03 L Type I (A220) (A241 A244) (A988) SARS (U049) (A923) Case Case1 Case2 M1990,M0280 M9950 L239, K291 T814, L ( ) M220( ) R220(, ) L22( ) Case3 L239, K296 L22( ) Case4 L899 R220(, ) Case1 J22 L24( ) Case2 Q250, Q909 I10 Q244( ) Z988( Case1 M3213, N085 Z940, H3539 ) J988( Mycoplasma ) Case2 Case3 N10, N179 E079, E785 J0390, K210 E079, K592 K219, A099 A985, B3780 J988( ) Case1 I109, R0609 J111, R049 Case2 J449, I279 J180, J91 R42, J459 R074 J80( ) Case3 J690, J459 I500, Q999 Case1 G049, Hantaan V Hantaan V Leptospirosis Case2 H041, H400 Case3 - Case1 K201, K219 (A218 J304, J450 A211) Case2 J302, J40 J218( ) Case1 J449, I109 A059(
91 (A051) (A369) (A750) (A20) (A829) (A849 A840) (A920) (A80) (A959) Case 1 2( ) H1600, K769 A047 ) Case1 L0290, L984 B369( ) Case2 H108, H162 H358, H360 H368( ) Case1 R509, E785 K759, R609 A753() Case2 R1049, A493 Case3 K219, K296 M79190 A753() Case1 - L20 Case2 L209, L739 L853, K769 L20 Case3 I208 I208( ) Case1 - ( ) Case2 L0311, K760 K829 F959, R509 F849() Case1 R933, A681 F681 Case2 K602, K590 I840 Case3 A753, G039 A753( ) G530 Case1 - Case1 Case2 Case3 G610, M6089 M6593, B084 M0117, T813 K219, M2417 B91, I10 M245, M624 Case1 L308 Case2 H659, J00 J459 H920( ) P920( ) G80() L959( ) J959() Case1 L509 L03() Case2 R509 J03( ) : : (,, 100, , Type I 17,
92 ,, 17, Type I 17,. (2) Type II (II-1) (II-2) Type II Type II A ,054 26,069 53,675 33,048 19,232 7,381 2,223 7,895 15,231 7,655 5,521 1, p B 35,077 30,154 25,761 21,312 19,971 14,429 () 1,588 1,612 1,746 1,
93 26. Type II. /,,
94 Type II-1 8, Type II Type II p 2,440 1,374 1,358 1, ,227 1,052 1,345 1, Type II
95 (3) Type III 7 Type III 30. Type III , , , , , ,640 20,284 22,849 25,197 24,400 36,249 27, % 11.4% 13.8% 15.7% 19.6% 24.0% 21,780 21,441 26,994 25,177 24,625 23,391 4,557 4,542 6,399 6,094 6,137 7, % 21.2% 23.7% 24.2% 24.9% 32.0% % 1.1% 6.5% 2.9% 23.4% 46.9% 10,833 1,800 8,290 5,969 12,677 10, % 8.4% 1.5% 1.8% 3.2% 8.9% % 15.7% 13.7% 31.3% 20.8% 49.6% 2,258 3,060 1,573 1,704 1, % 6.8% 11.4% 13.4% 15.6% 13.1% 1,429 1,233 1, % 2.4% 3.0% 4.7% 5.4% 3.5%,,, ,
96 ,,, Type III 7, (4) Type IV 13 3 ( ) ( ),,, 2010 KCD 5 A4152,,,.,,
97 31. Type IV I ( ),,,,,, CJD,, 32. Type IV II , ,031 9,482 12,357 10,472 10,560 12,813 6,022 6,057 4,995 5,671 5,151 9, , CJD
98 3.. (1),,,,,,,,, (SARS),,,,,,,, (),, 1, (2) (B,,, ). 2-3, B / (3) ( )
99 33. KCD Z23 Z23.0 Z [TAB] Z23.2 [BCG] Z23.3 Z23.4 Z23.5 Z23.6 Z23.7 Z23.8 Z24 Z24.0 Z24.1 Z24.2 Z24.3 Z24.4 Z24.5 Z24.6 Z25 Z25.0 Z25.1 Z25.8 Z26 Z26.0 Z26.8 Z26.9 Z27 Z Z [DTP] Z Z Z [MMR] Z27.8 Z27.9 (4) (,, )
100 ( ). ( ), (5),,,. I IV (B -2013,,,,,,, ). / 1 (, A,,,,,, ) (,,,,,, )
101 34. IV II-1 III 1 (6 ) III ( IV ) A II-1 I III IV IV 2 (10 ) III III I B () II-1 (but, ) II-1 III II-2 III IV ( IV ) ( IV ) I ( IV ) 3 (19 ) IV II-1 II-2 I I IV IV 4 (17 ) - (CJD) IV - (vcjd) I I II-1 (,, ) I I I (SARS) I
102 I IV I II-1 I IV IV I I I
103 4., / 20 1) , ) : KCD ( : B01.0~B01.9, P35.8) : :, :, % 20% (1 ), 6 4,363 6( 6 ) %, %, %, (17.6%)
104 2012 (25.3%), ,067 1,641 15% 200,394 20,284 10% ,497 1,649 16% 197,038 22,849 12% ,160 1,767 17% 179,583 25,197 14% ,725 1,650 17% 153,679 24,400 16% ,914 2,089 21% 184,336 36,249 20% ,630 2,157 25% 116,183 27,763 24%
105 37. () 1, ( ) ,
106 .. 50, ,., /,. (,, ),. 1, 3. ( ),....,.,. (,, ).,.,
107 4 (,,,,, ) (4 ), 24,., (, B ) 7.,,, ( ), (B, A ) ( )..,,.,,,,,,,. 100%,...,,, % %, % %..,. 2007, 51.7%, 96.9%.,,
108 ..,., (, ).,., (, ). (A, ). (, )..,...,.,,,
110 연구비사용내역 구분 비목 단위 원 당초계획변경금액사용금액잔액구성비비고 인건비소계 책임연구원 총 명 연구원 총 명 연구보조원 총 명 보조원 총명 경비소계 여 비 유 인 물 비 전 산 처 리 비 시약및연구용재료비 회 의 비 임 차 료 교 통 통 신 비 감가상각비 위탁정산수수료 일반관리비 이윤 계
111 연구분담표 () ()
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115 1. 외국의법정감염병현황 - 감염병목록 2. (SAS Syntax)
116 1. () (: ) United State Japan England-clinic England-Lab AIDS AIDS Amebiasis Amebiasis Entamoeba histolytica Anaplasma phagocytophilum Anthrax Anthrax Anthrax Bacillus anthracis Aseptic meningitis acute meningitis Bacillus cereus Asthma, work-related Burkholderia mallei Babesiosis Bacterial meningitis, other Botulism, foodborne Botulism, foodborne Botulism, foodborne Clostridium botulinum, Botulism, infant Clostridium perfringens Botulism, other (includes wound and unspecified) Brucellosis Brucellosis Brucellosis Brucella spp Cache Valley virus neuroinvasive disease Cache Valley virus non-neuroinvasive disease California serogroup virus neuroinvasive disease California serogroup virus non-neuroinvasive disease Campylobacteriosis Campylobacter spp Cancer Chikungunya virus Chancroid Chlamydophila psittaci Chlamydia trachomatis infection Chlamydia trachomatis genital infection Cholera Cholera Cholera Vibrio cholerae Coccidioidomycosis Coccidioidomycosis Cryptosporidiosis Cryptosporidium spp Cyclosporiasis Dengue fever Dengue fever Dengue virus Dengue hemorrhagic fever Dengue shock syndrome Diphtheria Diphtheria Diphtheria Corynebacterium diphtheriae Eastern equine encephalitis virus neuroinvasive disease Eastern equine encephalitis virus Corynebacterium ulcerans
PUBLIC HEALTH WEEKLY REPORT, KCDC www.cdc.go.kr/phwr Revised national tuberculosis control programme in Korea Figure 1. Trend of new tuberculosis case notification rate 1) Case notification rate= Total
K O R E A C E N T E R S F O R D I S E A S E C O N T R O L & P R E V E N T I O N PHWR Vol. 6 No. 2 www.cdc.go.kr 2013 1 11 6 2 ISSN:2005-811X Flavivirus surveillance in mosquitoes collected from the quarantine
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Biosafety white paper 2011 Ministry of Knowledge Economy Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology www.kribb.re.kr issue issue 2011 Biosafety white paper issue 2011 Biosafety white paper
PUBLIC HEALTH WEEKLY REPORT, KCDC www.cdc.go.kr/phwr Laboratory prevalence of norovirus infections in Korea and sensitive monitoring system for norovirus related outbreak combined automated diagnostic
www.cdc.go.kr/phwr Oral health among Korean adolescents: The results of Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey, 2005-2008 69 73 75 76 78 Public Health Weekly Report, KCDC 69 Figure 1. Tooth brushing
K O R E A C E N T E R S F O R D I S E A S E C O N T R O L & P R E V E N T I O N PHWR Vol. 5 No. 44 www.cdc.go.kr/phwr 2012 11 2 5 44 ISSN:2005-811X Vector surveillance after elimination of lymphatic filariasis
www.cdc.go.kr/phwr Measuring health related quality of life using EQ-5D in South Korea - Based on the results of KNHANES and -1-541 546 549 550 Public Health Weekly Report, KCDC 541 Table 1. General characteristics
Emerging/re-emerging infectious diseases 1996 to 2001 Legionnaire s Disease Cryptosporidiosis Lyme Borreliosis Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Dengue haemhorrhagic fever E.coli O157 BSE nvcjd West Nile
도쿄도 감염증 주보
감염증주보 도쿄도감염증정보센터 2019 년 3 월 14 일 / 10 번 3 월 4 일 - 3 월 10 일 도쿄의감염증서베일런스시스템모든의사가보고해야하는감염증의사는보건소에질환의발생을보고해야합니다. 보건소는도쿄도감염증정보센터에각각의케이스를보고합니다. 정점의료기관에의해보고되는감염증정점진료소나병원은방문한환자수를매주보건소에보고합니다. 보건소는도쿄도감염증정보센터에환자수를보고합니다.
www.cdc.go.kr/phwr Major food sources of Na and Ca in Korea : Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 37 41 45 46 Public Health Weekly Report, KCDC 37 Table 1. Distribution of subjects by
Àü¿°º´ °¨½Ã¿¬º¸.PDF
발간등록번호 11-1460193-000004-10 2007 전염병감시연보 Communicable Diseases Surveillance Yearbook 머리말 최근들어전세적으로신종및재출현전염병이전염병관리의새로운패러다임으로다시부각되고있습니다. 2003-2004년에이어금년가금류에서의조류인플루엔자발생은사회 경제적으로우리사회에큰파장과함께전염병예방과관리의중요성에대한국민들의관심을다시한번일깨우는기가되었습니다.
30(1), 2010, 220-241 Health and Social Welfare Review...... * :, (slee@kangnam.ac.kr) 220 ( ) 5.. (, 2005;, 2006;, 2006;, 2007), (, 2004;, 2005;, 2007;, 2007), (, 2005, 2009;, 2005;, 2005;, 2008).....
www.cdc.go.kr/phwr Outbreak and surveillance of hand foot and mouth disease associated with severe complication 273 277 279 282 Public Health Weekly Report, KCDC 273 Table 1. Outbreaks associated with
768 PUBLIC HEALTH WEEKLY REPORT, KCDC 있으며, 국제적 정보 공유 및 국내 수행 임상시험과 임상연구의 우수성을 홍보할 수 있는 기회를 마련할 수 있을 것이다. II. 몸 말 임상연구정보서비스시스템(CRIS)에는 임상연구의 종류 (중재연구,
www.cdc.go.kr/phwr 주간 건강과 질병 767 임상연구정보서비스 자료를 이용한 국내 임상연구 등록 현황 Clinical trial registration at clinical research information service in Korea Ⅰ. 들어가는 말 질병관리본부 생명의과학센터 심혈관희귀질환과 최은경 최근 근거중심의료 개념의 확산과 더불어
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제7호 6차
www.cdc.go.kr/phwr The main changes of revised Influenza A(H1N1) 2009 control and prevention guideline in Korea Figure 1. Change of antiviral prescription and strategy of Influenza A(H1N1) 2009 The Ministry
제 1 세부과제 안전한 예방접종 실천을 위한 전략 및 교육, 홍보 자료 개발 제 1 장. 서 론 제 1 절. 연구의 필요성 국가적인 차원에서 예방접종 사업은 전염병 관리를 위한 가장 중요한 방역 사업 중 하나로, 대다수의 전염병 발생률은 각종 전염병의 백신이 나온 후로 현저히 감소하였으며, 인류 역사상 가장 많은 생명을 전염병으로부터 구원해주었다. 그러나,
경희대학교 동서신의학병원 약품 정보지 2 0 0 7. S P R I N G. V O L. 0 1 신약 소개 02 Journal Review 03 Special Subject 04 복약 지도 06 의약품 안전성 정보 07 약제부 알림 07 약제부 업무 소개 08 E A S T - W E S T N E O M E D I C A L C E N T E R 본 약품
K O R E A C E N T E R S F O R D I S E A S E C O N T R O L & P R E V E N T I O N PHWR Vol. 6 No. 24 www.cdc.go.kr 2013 6 14 6 24 ISSN: 2005-811X Animal bite cases in high-risk region of rabies, 2011-2012
05-08 087ÀÌÁÖÈñ.hwp
산별교섭에 대한 평가 및 만족도의 영향요인 분석(이주희) ꌙ 87 노 동 정 책 연 구 2005. 제5권 제2호 pp. 87118 c 한 국 노 동 연 구 원 산별교섭에 대한 평가 및 만족도의 영향요인 분석: 보건의료노조의 사례 이주희 * 2004,,,.. 1990. : 2005 4 7, :4 7, :6 10 * (jlee@ewha.ac.kr) 88 ꌙ 노동정책연구
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An Australian, State and Territory Governments Initiative 예 방 접 종 Understanding Childhood i MMUNiSATi ON Commonwealth of Australia 2005 ISBN 0 642 82783 4 본 출판물은 저작권을 가집니다. 저작권법 1968에 의거하여 사용이 허용되는 경우를
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한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구
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Approach for Value Improvement to Increase High-speed Railway Speed An effective way to develop a highly competitive system is to create a new market place that can create new values. Creating tools and
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추정되는국외유입감염병사례와현재대부분의여행객들이이용하는항공편중직항을통해국내에들어오는입국자수의비교를통해서주요지역별, 국가별감염병발생률을추정해보고자하였다. 이를통해어느국가여행객을대상으로감염병예방관련홍보를집중해야하는지, 의료기관에서해외여행력확인시어떠한국가들에주의를기울여야하는지
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200176 .,.,.,. 5... 1/2. /. / 2. . 293.33 (54.32%), 65.54(12.13%), / 53.80(9.96%), 25.60(4.74%), 5.22(0.97%). / 3 S (1997)14.59% (1971) 10%, (1977).5%~11.5%, (1986)
감염성 병원체의 수혈감염위험도 분류
감염성 병원체의 수혈감염위험도 분류 감염성 병원체의 수혈감염위험도 분류 발 간 사 최근 국내 외에서 신종 감염병 및 재출현 감염병 유행 사례가 증가함에 따라 감염자의 헌혈로 인한 수혈감염 예방을 위하여 여러 감염성 병원체의 수혈감염 위험도를 사전 분류 하고, 선제적이고 실효성 있는 혈액안전조치를 마련하여 이번에 감염성 병원체의 수혈감 염 위험도 분류 책자를
- i - - ii - - iii - - iv - - v - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 10 - - 11 - - 12 - - 13 - - 14 - - 15 - - 16 - - 17 - - 18 - - 19 - α α - 20 - α α α α α α - 21 - - 22 - - 23 -
발간등록번호 학술연구용역과제최종결과보고서 국민건강영양조사제기 차년도 영양조사질관리및전자조사표도입을위한사전조사실시 Quality Control and a Preliminary Study on Computer Assisted Personal Interview System for Nutrition Survey of KNHANES (2013) 주관연구기관 한국보건산업진흥원
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WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성 ( 황수경 ) ꌙ 127 노동정책연구 제 4 권제 2 호 pp.127~148 c 한국노동연구원 WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성황수경 *, (disabi
WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성 ( 황수경 ) ꌙ 127 노동정책연구 2004. 제 4 권제 2 호 pp.127~148 c 한국노동연구원 WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성황수경 *, (disability)..,,. (WHO) 2001 ICF. ICF,.,.,,. (disability)
2008 년법정전염병발생현황 National Notifiable Infectious Diseases(NNID), 2008 질병관리본부전염병대응센터전염병감시과 Ⅰ. 들어가는말 전염병은개인차원의감염에그치지않고사회전체에영향을미칠수있는외부효과 (external effect) 로인해보다과학적이고체계적인관리가요구되어왔다. 전염병감시체계는전염병의효과적인예방과관리를위해대상질병에대한문제의범위를신속하게파악하고,
Vol. 20, December 2014 Tobacco Control Issue Report Contents Infographic 03 2014년 전 세계 FCTC 주요 이행현황 Updates 04 이 달의 정책 06 이 달의 연구 Highlights 09 담배규제기본
Vol. 20, December 2014 담배 없는 세상을 위한 전 세계의 노력 - WHO FCTC 2014 세계이행보고서 - 12 Infographic 2014년 전 세계 FCTC 주요 이행현황 Updates 이 달의 정책 이 달의 연구 Highlights 담배규제기본협약 이행보고 2014년 주요 이행현황 우리나라의 협약 이행수준 담배없는 세상을 위한 향후과제
Received : 2012. 11. 27 Reviewed : 2012. 12. 10 Accepted : 2012. 12. 12 A Clinical Study on Effect of Electro-acupuncture Treatment for Low Back Pain and Radicular Pain in Patients Diagnosed with Lumbar
I. 왜 새로운 약국과 새로운 약사 운동이 필요한가? 시민들의 생각, 살펴보자. 변화하는 제도와 기술의 발달 등을 중심으로 변화의 필요성에 대해 1. 시민의 생각으로 살펴본 약국과 약사의 모습 기사 1 1) :약국하면 떠오르는 것? 가능성 감기약 고혈압, 소셜메트릭스 분석결과 공개 정부 빅데이터로 본 약국 약국하면 떠오르는 감성은 무엇일까? 부작용 을 제외하면
The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 6, December, 30, 2016:275~289 Received: 2016/12/02, Accepted: 2016/12/22 Revised: 2016/12/20, Published: 2016/12/30 [ABSTRACT] SNS is used in various fields. Although
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대한내과학회지: 제 77 권 제 2 호 2009 특 집(Special Review) - 신종 감염병의 최신 지견 뎅기열 인하대학교 의학전문대학원 내과학교실 감염내과 정 문 현 Dengue fever Moon-Hyun Chung, M.D. Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, College
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A Review on Promotion of Storytelling Local Cultures - 265 - 2-266 - 3-267 - 4-268 - 5-269 - 6 7-270 - 7-271 - 8-272 - 9-273 - 10-274 - 11-275 - 12-276 - 13-277 - 14-278 - 15-279 - 16 7-280 - 17-281 -
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주의내용 주 의 1. 이보고서는질병관리본부에서시행한학술연구용역사업의최종결 과보고서입니다. 2. 이보고서내용을발표할때에는반드시질병관리본부에서시행한 학술연구용역사업의연구결과임을밝혀야합니다. 3. 국가과학기술기밀유지에필요한내용은대외적으로발표또는공개 하여서는아니됩니다.
편집순서 1 : 겉표지 학술연구용역사업최종결과보고서 과 제 명 주 의 ( 주의내용기재 ) 2 0 1 1 ( 글 14 point 고딕체 ) 주관연구기관 질병관리본부 질병관리본부 주의내용 주 의 1. 이보고서는질병관리본부에서시행한학술연구용역사업의최종결 과보고서입니다. 2. 이보고서내용을발표할때에는반드시질병관리본부에서시행한 학술연구용역사업의연구결과임을밝혀야합니다.
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Study on the Improvement of Management System through Analysis of golf semi- market: Focus on Physical Education Facility Act Ji-Myung Jung 1, Ju-Ho Park 2 *, & Youngdae Lee 3 1 Korea Institute of Sport
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Special Issue Diabetic Retinopathy Won Ki Lee, M.D. Department of Ophthalmology The Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine Kangnam St. Mary s Hospital E mail : wklee@catholic.ac.kr Abstract R
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