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1 Study on Types and Distributional Properties of Abandoned Channels in Korea Gwang-Ryul Lee* Abstract The types, distributional and shape properties of abandoned channels in Korea are classified and examined. There are 409 abandoned channels in Korea and they can be classified into the 6 types such as the incised meander cutoff, stream piracy, distributary, artificial incised meander neck-cutoff, channel straightening of free meander and distributary streams. The abandoned channels by incised meander neck-cutoff showing the most frequency with 266, have the topographical properties of high altitude and steep relief and frequently distribute in Gangwon and Gyeonbuk Province and in the upper reaches of main stream of Nakdong-River, and Dal-River and Pyeongchang-River, tributaries of Namhan-River. The most frequency areas of abandoned channels by distributary, channel straightening of free meander and distributary streams are the lower reaches of Namhan-River and main stream in the lower reaches of Nakdong-River, Mangyeong-River and Yeongsan-River, and Geumho-River, respectively. The abandoned channles by incised meandering neck-cutoff and stream piracy are relatively used as farmlands or forests due to the high altitude and relative altitude from the river bed. : paleo-channel, meander neck-cutoff, channel straightening, stream piracy, incised meander, braided channel 2010 (NRF B00582)(This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea Grant funded by the Korean Government(NRF B00582)) (Assistant Professor, Department of Geography Education, Teachers College, Kyungpook National University) 304
2 abandoned channel, paleochannel) Goudie 2004 (Dury, 1965; Rotnicki, 1983; Page and Nanson, 1996; Page et al., 1996) (Sapozhnikov and Foufoula-Georgiou, 1996; Brewer and Lewin, 1998; Tabata and Hickin, 2003) (Baker et al., 1993; Shaw et al., 1999) (Ministry of Environment, 2008) (Odum, 1997) Suh(1988) Song(1993) (Lee and Yoon, 2004; Jeong and Lee, 2004; Lee et al., 2005a; 2005b; Son, 2009) 305
3 ArcGIS Excel (meander core) (meander neck-cutoff) (distributary) (stream piracy) (channel straightening) 4 Figure 1 (meander neck) Figure 1. The processes of abandoned channel by meander neck-cutoff. 306
4 Figure 2. The abandoned channel at Gwangha-ri, Jeongseon-gun. (natural bridge) (meander core) C (Figure 2) (Figure 3) (bar) Figure 3. The processes of abandoned channel by braid. 307
5 Figure 4. The abandoned channel at Jangcheon-ri, Chungju-si. (Figure 4) Figure 5 A B (Figure 6) 1 7 km Figure 5. The processes of abandoned channel by stream piracy. 308
6 Figure 6. The abandoned channel at Yeondang-ri, Yeongyang-gun Figure 7. The processes of abandoned channel by channel straightening. 309
7 Figure 8. The abandoned channel at Juksan-ri, Naju-si (A-1)(A- 2) (A-3) (B-1) (B-2) (B-3) (A-1) (B-2) 55 (A-2) 38 (B-3) 28 (A-3)
8 Figure 9. The number of abandoned channels by types in Korea (A-1: incised meander neck-cutoff, A- 2: stream piracy, A-3: braided channel, B-1: artificial incised meander cutoff, B-2: artificial free meander cutoff, B-3: artificial braided channel cutoff). (B-1) 5 Figure 10 (A-1) (A-2) (A-3) (B- 1) 5 2 (B-3) Table 1. The number of abandoned channels by administrative area. A-1 A-2 A-3 B-1(artificial B-2(artificial B-3(artificial (incised cutoff) (piracy) (braided) -incision) -meander) -braided) Gyeonggi Gangwon Chungbuk Chungnam Kyeongbuk Kyeongnam Jeonbuk Jeonnam total total 311
9 이광률 Figure 10. Distribution of abandoned channel by type in Korea (A-1: incised meander neck-cutoff, A-2: stream piracy, A-3: braided channel, B-1: artificial incised meader cutoff, B-2: artificial free meander cutoff, B-3: artificial braided channel cutoff). 우리나라의 유형별 구하도 분포 -`312`-
10 (A-1) (A-2) (A-3) (B-2) (B-3) Table (A-1) (A-2) 9 313
11 Table 2. The number of abandoned channels by drainage basin. drainage basin A-1 A-2 A-3 B-1(artificial B-2(artificial B-3(artificial (incised cutoff) (piracy) (braided) -incision) -meander) -braided) total Imjin Bukhan Namhan-up Namhan-low Han(low) West coast-mid East coast-mid Geum-up Geum-low Nakdong-up Nakdong-mid Nakdong-low East coast-south Mankyeong Yeongsan West coast-south Seomjin South coast (A-3) (B-2) 15 (B-3) 98 5 Table 3 (A-3) 2 9km (B-3) 2 7km (B-1) 2 6km (B-2) 1 3km C 13 7 km (A-1) 7 7km (A-2) 314
12 Table 3. The shape and altitude of abandoned channels. A-1(incised A-2 A-3 B-1(artificial B-2(artificial B-3(artificial cutoff) (piracy) (braided) -incision) -meander) -braided) average length mean (km) max area mean (km 2 ) max altitude mean (m) max height above mean riverbed max (m) 8 8km 3 0 4km km km km 2 225m 205m 8 8m 772m 685m 4 300m 64m 32 0m 26 7m 4 5m 235m 146m m 315
13 Table 4. The number of abandoned channels by land use types. A-1 A-2 A-3 B-1(artificial B-2(artificial B-3(artificial (incised cutoff) (piracy) (braided) -incision) -meander) -braided) total urban (1.7%) facilities (7.1%) military (2.0%) farm (60.1%) wet land (13.7%) waters (7.8%) forest (7.6%)
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135 Jeong Ji-yeon 심향사 극락전 협저 아미타불의 제작기법에 관한 연구 머리말 협저불상( 夾 紵 佛 像 )이라는 것은 불상을 제작하는 기법의 하나로써 삼베( 麻 ), 모시( 苧 ), 갈포( 葛 ) 등의 인피섬유( 靭 皮 纖 維 )와 칠( 漆 )을 주된 재료
MUNHWAJAE Korean Journal of Cultural Heritage Studies Vol. 47. No. 1, March 2014, pp.134~151. Copyright 2014, National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage 심향사 극락전 협저 아미타불의 제작기법에 관한 연구 정지연 a 明 珍 素 也
목 기조강연 : 중세 동아시아에서의 해양 방어시설 -방어시설의 축조 배경과 성격Backgrounds and characteristics of building the marine defense fortresses of East Asia in the Middle Ages 차 윤용혁 肖彩雅 Coastal Defenses and Japanese Pirates in
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Industrial and Innovation Networks of the Long-live Area of Honam Region* Sam Ock Park**Kyung Un Song***Eun Jin Jeong**** AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to analyze industrial and innovation networks
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시작하기 시작할 준비가 되었으면 다음 설명에 따라 설문조사를 실시한다. 1단계: 허락받기 클럽을 떠나는 회원에게 에 응해 줄 것인지 물어본다. 이 설문 조사는 클럽의 문제점을 보완해 향후 같은 이유로 이탈하는 회원들이 없도록 하기 위한 것이며, 응답 내용은 대외비로 처
떠나는 이유 알아보기 왜 클럽을 떠나는가? 이는 클럽을 떠나기로 결심한 동료들에게 반드시 물어봐야 할 질문이다. 그리고 그 답이 무엇이든 다시는 같은 이유로 클럽을 떠나는 회원이 없도록 개선책을 마련해야 한다. 를 사용해 왜 회원들이 클럽을 떠나는지, 그리고 앞으로 회원들의 이탈을 막으려면 어떻게 해야 할 것인지 논의를 시작한다. 클럽 회원위원회는 이 설문조사를
Analysis of the Current Condition of Student Childcare Training in Korea: Student Childcare Training Centers, Guidance Teachers, Student Teachers and Student Childcare Training Fees Department of Childcare
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A Study for the Necessity of the Alternative Tourism Development Using Negative Place Assets Ju-Hyun Ryu* Abstract: Since local autonomy was first practiced in 1995, place marketing has been aggressively
Vol.5, No.5, October (2015), pp.471-479 http://dx.doi.org/10.14257/ajmahs.2015.10.50 스마트온실을 위한 가상 외부기상측정시스템 개발 한새론 1), 이재수 2), 홍영기 3), 김국환 4), 김성기 5), 김상철 6) Development of Virtual Ambient Weather Measurement
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Development of the Korean Film Industry and Its Spatial Characteristics: Gangnam Region of Seoul as A New Cluster in A New Renaissance?* Sungjae Choo** : Abstract This study aims to explain the emergence
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Original Article Experiences of Unwed Mothers Choi, Yang-Ja 1) Kim, Kwuy-Bun 2) 1) Professor, Redcross College of Nursing, 2) Professor, Kyung Hee University, College of Nursing Science 1) 2) 1) 2) Purpose:
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이에 이렇게 되었나니 주께서 그들에게 일러 이르시되, 일어나 내게로 나아와서 너희 손을 내 옆구리에 넣어 보고, 또 내 손과 내 발의 못 자국을 만져 보아 내가 이스라엘의 하나님이요, 온 땅의 하나님이며, 세상의 죄를 위하여 죽임을 당하였음을 알지어다. 그들이 이를 행
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