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1 KOREAN SHOULDER AND ELBOW SOCIETY 일시 2014 년 3월 28일 ( 금 )~29 일 ( 토 ) 장소 세종컨벤션홀 ( 세종대학교광개토관, 지하2층 ) 연수평점 12점대한스포츠의학회분과전문의자격인증평점 30점


3 Welcome Message 존경하는대한견 주관절학회회원여러분! 유난히추웠던겨울이지나고따스한햇살과아름다운꽃들이만발하는봄이왔습니다. 2014년은청마의상징처럼진취적이고적극적인한해가되기를바랍니다. 또한열악한의료환경속에서환자의진료에최선을다하고계신선생님들께도아낌없는성원과박수를보냅니다. 이번 2014 년대한견 주관절학회춘계학술대회에서는각교실에서준비하신소중한연구논문의발표와더불어견 주관절분야의다양한주제로심포지엄을준비하여, 환자를치료할때의문이들었던점에대해답을구하고자하였습니다. 또한, 여러가지증례토의를통하여회원님들간에경험과의견교환이이뤄지는기회를가지고자합니다. 앞으로도저희대한견 주관절학회에서는임상적으로유용한프로그램을통하여여러선생님들께실질적인도움이되도록노력할것이며, 아무쪼록많이참가해주셔서이번학술대회가회원님들간에많은의견과지식의교환이이뤄지는장이되었으면합니다. 감사합니다 년 3 월 대한견 주관절학회회장고상훈

4 March 28 th (Fri), 2014 Room A 08:45-09:25 Free Papers II. Rotator cuff-2 09:25-10:05 Free Papers IV. Basic-1 10:05-10:30 Coffee Break 12:00-13:00 점심 13:00-13:40 Free Papers VI. Instability 14:10-14:45 Coffee Break 14:45-15:25 Free Papers VII. Elbow-1 15:25-16:05 Free Papers IX. Rotator cuff-4 & Miscellaneous-1 & Elbow-2 16:05-18:40 회장만찬준비 18:40- 회장만찬 ( 보라색이들어간복장이나소지품, 악세사리를착용해주십시오.)

5 March 28 th (Fri), 2014 Room B 08:00-08:05 개회사 08:05-08:45 Free Papers I. Rotator cuff-1 08:45-09:25 Free Papers III. Rotator cuff-3 09:25-10:05 Free Papers V. English : Rotator cuff-1 10:05-10:30 Coffee Break 10:30-11:00 Plenary Lecture 1 11:00-12:00 Symposium I: What I do for Partial Rotator cuff Tear 12:00-13:40 점심 & 편집위원회 workshop 13:40-14:10 Plenary Lecture 2 14:10-14:45 Coffee Break 14:45-15:25 Free Papers VIII. Arthroplasty 15:25-16:05 Free Papers X. English : Trauma-1 & Miscellaneous-1 16:05-16:45 Free Papers XI. English : Miscellaneous-2 16:45-17:45 Symposium II. Basic Science on Shoulder Elbow Surgery 17:45-18:00 Travelling Fellow Report 18:00-18:40 Free Papers XII. English : Basic-1 18:40- 회장만찬 (Room A- 보라색이들어간복장이나소지품, 악세사리를착용해주십시오.)

6 March 29 th (Sat), 2014 Room A 08:40-09:20 Free Papers XIV. Trauma-2 09:20-10:00 Free Papers XVI. Elbow-3 10:00-10:25 Coffee break 10:25-11:05 Free Papers XVIII. Rotator cuff-5 12:20-15:10 점심 & 기초연구위원회 workshop

7 March 29 th (Sat), 2014 Room B 07:00-08:00 Case discussion 08:00-08:40 Free Papers XIII. Trauma-1 & Miscellaneous-2 08:40-09:20 Free Papers XV. English : Basic-2 & Instability 09:20-10:00 Free Papers XVII. English : Rotator cuff-2 10:00-10:25 Coffee break 10:25-11:05 Free Papers XIX. Miscellaneous-3 11:05-12:05 Symposium III. Debate on Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty and Massive Rotator Cuff Tear 12:05-12:20 Luncheon Symposium (sponsored by Pfizer) 12:20-13:20 점심 13:20-14:00 Free Papers XX. English : Rotator cuff-3 14:00-14:40 Free Papers XXI. English : Rotator cuff-4 14:40-15:10 Coffee break 15:10-15:40 Plenary Lecture 3 15:40-16:40 Symposium IV. Lateral Epicondylitis, Why I am not doing this, because 16:40-17:20 Free Papers XXII. Award Session 17:20-17:35 President lecture 17:35-17:40 최우수연제상, 청강의학상, 학술상, 젊은의학자상시상 17:40-17:55 총회 17:55-18:00 폐회사

8 Room C 22 nd Spring Congress of Korean Shoulder and Elbow Society E-Poster & Exhibition 01. Kinematic relationship of stride length to posture of the trunk and the pelvis in the throwing motion Nobuhara Hospital & Institute of Biomechanics / Naoki Ramoto 02. Our experinence of surgical repairs for the unstable elbow dislocations with/without fractures Matsudo Municipal Hospital / Sakae Sano 03. Correlation between arthroscopic simple tenotomy of long head of biceps and post-operative bicipital groove pain in patients with arthroscopic treatment Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Nakatsushima Hospital / Takeshi Teratani 04. Massive rotator cuff tear associated with posterior shoulder dislocation in a Judo player ; case report Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Kawaguchi Kogyo Genereal Hospital / Hiroko Ueki 05. 회전근개봉합술후당뇨가임상적결과및봉합부의해부학적치유에미치는영향 06. Unusual migration of K-wire after lateral calvicle fracture fixation: Case Report 경희대학교의과대학정형외과학교실 / 조남수 전남대학교의과대학정형외과학교실 / 이진호 07. Crossbar technique for the failed clavicular hook plate fixation in an acute acromioclavicular joint dislocation: Salvage for acromial fracture after clavicular hook plate 대구파티마병원 / 신동주 08. Vaccine related acute resorption of Quiescent Chronic Calcific Tendinitis Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Gumi CHA Hospital, College of Medicine, CHA Medical University / Jinmyoung Dan 09. 관절경적회전근개복원술후선택적 COX-2 차단제가통증의조절과회전근개치유에미치는영향 - 전향적무작위적비교연구 - 서울대학교의과대학정형외과학교실 / 오주한, 서혁준, 이예현, 최혜연, 김세훈 10. 어깨상부관절순에인접해서발생한석회침착 : 증례보고날개병원 / 송병욱 11. Osteochondritis dissecans in medial trochlea of the humerus in Pitcher: Case Report Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery, Chonnnam National University, College of Medicine / Jin-Ho Lee 12. Reliability of sono elastography and MRI for supraspinatus tendinopathy Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery, Catholic University, College of Medicine / Sang-Uk Lee 13. 밀워키견관절증후군의수술적치료성가롤로병원정형외과학교실 / 김채근 14. Complication of Percutaneous Intra-articuclar Transtendon Biceps Tenodesis Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, VHS Medical Center / Lee WS 15. Alopecia after a shoulder arthroscopic surgery at beach chair position. Two cases report. Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery, Kawaguchi Kogyo General Hospital / KanehiroHiyama 16. 화농성견관절염의관절경적치료후재수술률을어떻게감소시킬수있는가? 서울대학교의과대학정형외과학교실 / 오주한, 박해봉, 김우, 박지순, 서혁준, 이예현, 김세훈 17. MRI assessment of glenoid bone loss is as accurate as CT scan in patients with anterior shoulder instability. The Chinese University of Hong Kong / Lee KY, Griffith JF, Tong MP, Sharma N, Chan PHA, Yung Patrick 18. Case Report: Arthroscopic Management of Elbow Ganglion, 8- year Follow-up. 1 Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong 2 Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong / Clara WY Wong 1, PC Ho 1, LK Hung 2

9 편집위원회 workshop 일시 : ( 금 ) 12:00~13:40 장소 : Room B 연세의대김성재 / 성균관의대유재철 12:00-12: 년학술지자체평가보고단국의대서중배 12:15-12:30 영문학회지진행보고및투고시스템소개성균관의대유재철 12:30-12:45 CISE 윤리개선방향경상의대박형빈 12:45-13:00 Manuscript Editor 의경험과저자에게바라는사항가톨릭의대송현석 13:00-13:30 SCOPUS 및 SCI 등재를위한전략적접근한국재단학술진흥팀김소형 13:30-13:40 질의및토의 KOREAN SHOULDER AND ELBOW SOCIETY

10 기초연구위원회 workshop 일시 : ( 토 ) 12:20~15:10 장소 : Room B 정형외과의사를위한통계정복 대한민국주석병원김정만 / 가톨릭의대정진영 12:20~13:10 정형외과를위한다변수분석서울성심병원정형외과김지형 13:10~14:00 임상시험에서의통계분석계획서울대병원의학통계실최윤희 14:00~15:10 통계학실습서울성심병원정형외과김지형 실습참여를원하시는분께서는본인의노트북컴퓨터를가져와주시기바랍니다. KOREAN SHOULDER AND ELBOW SOCIETY

11 22 nd Spring Congress of Korean Shoulder and Elbow Society March 28 th (Fri), :30-08:00 등록 Room A 08:00-08:05 휴식 (Room B- 개회사 ) 회장 08:05-08:45 휴식 (Room B-Free Papers I. Rotator cuff-1) 좌장 : 원주의대 / 윤여승, 성균관의대 / 김유진 08:45-09:25 Free Papers II. Rotator cuff-2 좌장 : 인제의대 / 염재광 08:45-08:50 강직을동반한회전근개파열에대한치료성균관의대 / 정성원 08:50-08:55 Accuracy of sonoelastography in fatty degeneration of supraspinatus : Comparison with magnetic resonance images and conventional ultrasonography 단국의대 / 서중배 08:55-09:00 회전근개봉합술후재파열의임상적결과울산의대 / 전재명 09:00-09:05 전층으로전환하여관절경적봉합을시행한회전근개부분파열의복원상태및기능적결과의비교 : 관절측과점액낭측부분파열 충남의대 / 김경천 09:05-09:10 흡수성봉합나사를이용한관절경적회전근개봉합술후발생한골용해 대구굳센병원 / 이성만 09:25-10:05 Free Papers IV. Basic-1 좌장 : 단국의대 / 서중배 09:25-09:30 회전근개전층파열에서 ImageJ 를이용한자기공명영상검사상회전근내지방침윤및근위축의정량화 : 기존의 Goutallier 평가분류방법이과연유효한가? 경희의대 / 조남수 09:30-09:35 재조합골형성단백질을이용한토끼건 - 골유합의증진을지의대 / 이광원 09:35-09:40 역행성견관절전치환술후관절운동범위및충돌에영향을주는 glenosphere tilting, inferior displacement 와 humeral retroversion정도 09:40-09:45 Biomechanical properties of BGS (OsteoCrete TM ) fixation compared favorably to PMMA in the fixation of stemless humeral prostheses 09:45-09:50 상완골의골수강내금속정삽입술에영향을미칠수있는상완골원위부의후방굴곡에대한단순방사선사진의분석 10:05-10:30 Coffee Break 한림의대 / 노규철 전남의대 / 김명선 인제의대 / 염재광 10:30-11:00 휴식 (Room B- Plenary Lecture 1) 좌장 : 마디병원 / 김승호, 가톨릭의대 / 지종훈 11:00-12:00 휴식 (Room B- Symposium I: What I do for Partial Rotator cuff Tear ) 좌장 : 을지의대 / 이광원, 이화의대 / 신상진 12:00-13:00 점심 13:00-13:40 Free Papers VI. Instability 좌장 : 한림의대 / 노규철 13:00-13:05 견관절외상성불안정의복원술후관절순의높이와임상결과및재발과의연관성동국의대 / 백영웅 13:05-13:10 DAFF 술식을이용한관절경적재 - 방카트봉합술마디사랑병원 / 변재용 13:10-13:15 Labral height according to different anchor positions 건국의대 / 박진영 13:15-13:20 다방향성견관절불안정증의진단을위한새로운관절낭내용적측정방법충북의대 / 박경진 13:20-13:25 견관절의골성 Bankart 병변에서이중활차술식을이용한관절경적복원술 부산의대 / 천상진 28 th Room A 28 th Room B 29 th Room A 29 th Room B 13:40-14:10 휴식 (Room B-Plenary Lecture 2) 좌장 : 울산의대 / 고상훈, 원광의대 / 김정우 14:10-14:45 Coffee Break

12 28 th Room A Room A 22 nd Spring Congress of Korean Shoulder and Elbow Society March 28 th (Fri), :45-15:25 Free Papers VII. Elbow-1 좌장 : 부산의대 / 천상진 14:45-14:50 삼두근힘줄의부착해부학과주두금속판과의관계 고려의대 / 문준규 14:50-14:55 불안정성단순후외측주관절탈구에서안정화수술직후관찰되는 drop sign의임상적의의 포항세명기독병원 / 류인혁 14:55-15:00 주관절의외상과염에동반된병적활막추벽이주관절에미치는영향에대한후향적분석 성균의대 / 우성종 15:00-15:05 실리콘요골두치환술을이용한요골두골절의 3년이상의추시관찰및합병증 연세의대 / 강호정 15:05-15:10 주관절의횡주두골절-탈구의수술적치료 순천향의대 / 김병성 28 th Room B 15:25-16:05 Free Papers IX. Rotator cuff-4 & Miscellaneous-1 & Elbow-2 좌장 : 고려의대 / 박정호 15:25-15:30 Sonoelastography findings of biceps tendinitis and tendinosis 단국의대 / 서중배 15:30-15:35 세가지 ( 일열, 교량형, 비매듭교량형 ) 회전근개봉합술후발생된재파열형태의비교충남의대 / 김경천 15:35-15:40 초음파를이용한동결견환자의진단및치료효과판정 대구가톨릭의대 / 최창혁 15:40-15:45 타의료기관에서의뢰된환자의초진상진단및권유받았던치료와본원에서의진단및치료방법과의차이 경희의대 / 이용걸 15:45-15:50 요골두치환술의임상추시결과 순천향의대 / 김병성 16:05-18:40 회장만찬준비 29 th Room A 18:40- 회장만찬 ( 보라색이들어간복장이나소지품, 악세사리를착용해주십시오.) 29 th Room B

13 22 nd Spring Congress of Korean Shoulder and Elbow Society March 28 th (Fri), 2014 Room B 07:30-08:00 등록 08:00-08:05 개회사 회장 08:05-08:45 Free Papers I. Rotator cuff-1 좌장 : 원주의대 / 윤여승, 성균관의대 / 김유진 08:05-08:10 회전근개부분파열의비수술적치료 원광의대 / 임태강 08:10-08:15 회전근개층간분리파열에서층간봉합술과전층봉합술의조직학적비교 : 토끼검체 인제의대 / 김정한 08:15-08:20 회전근개질환의임상단계와회전근개건의퇴행성변화 서울의대 / 조현철 08:20-08:25 극상건완전파열과동반된 high grade (>50%) 견갑하건부분파열의관절경적봉합술 연세의대 / 김성재 08:25-08:30 최소장력의봉합을위한회전근봉합의방향과회전근봉합시의장력에따른기능적결과와의상관관계 한림의대 / 이용범 08:45-09:25 Free Papers III. Rotator cuff-3 좌장 : 순천향의대 / 이병일 08:45-08:50 관절경적회전근개파열봉합술에서초음파유도액와신경차단술과병행한상견갑신경차단술의효과 : 전향적무작위연구 한림의대 / 황정택 08:50-08:55 동결견에서의자기공명영상검사소견 : 임상증상및예후와의연관성 경북의대 / 윤종필 08:55-09:00 극상근부분층파열에시행한관절경적봉합술 한양의대 / 박태수 09:00-09:05 회전근개파열환자의견갑상완및견봉하활액막염에대한육안적및현미경적분석 서울의대 / 조현철 09:05-09:10 회전근개판분리파열의치료로이용된관절경적복층봉합술의임상적결과및복원상태 부산힘찬병원 / 이춘기 09:25-10:05 Free Papers V. English : Rotator cuff-1 좌장 : 가톨릭의대 / 김양수 09:25-09:30 Changes in psychological status and quality of life after rotator cuff repair Keimyung Univ. / Chul-Hyun Cho 09:30-09:35 Optimal assessment of the rotator cuff muscle atrophy followed by rotator cuff tears. Kochi Health Sciences Center / Fukuta S 09:35-09:40 How accurate is physical examination in predicting subacromial impingement? Hong Kong Univ. / WP Yau 09:40-09:45 Conservative treatment of symptomatic rotator cuff tear: Scapular and cuff dysfunction can cause asymptomatic cuff tear to convert to symptomatic Tohoku Univ. / Takuya Sekiguchi 09:45-09:50 Reliability of measurement of tissue stiffness in shoulder muscles by strain ultrasound elastography using an acoustic coupler. Gunma Univ. / Shimoyama D 10:05-10:30 Coffee Break 10:30-11:00 Plenary Lecture 1 좌장 : 마디병원 / 김승호, 가톨릭의대 / 지종훈 Shoulder arthroplasty the revision Issue: Hemi to total to reverse Istituto Clinico Humanitas, Milan, Italy / Alex Castagna 11:00-12:00 Symposium I: What I do for Partial Rotator cuff Tear 좌장 : 을지의대 / 이광원, 이화의대 / 신상진 11:00-11:15 Pathophysiology of rotator cuff tear Tohoku Univ., Sendai, Japan / Eiji Itoi 11:15-11:30 PASTA repair Istituto Clinico Humanitas, Milan, Italy / Alex Castagna 11:30-11:40 Transtendinous repair for PASTA 신상진 11:40-11:50 Interstitial partial tear 유재철 12:00-13:40 점심 & 편집위원회 workshop 13:40-14:10 Plenary Lecture 2 좌장 : 울산의대 / 고상훈, 원광의대 / 김정우 14:10-14:45 Coffee Break Humeral and glenoid defects in anterior instability Tohoku Univ., Sendai, Japan / Eiji Itoi 14:45-15:25 Free Papers VIII. Arthroplasty 좌장 : 가톨릭의대 / 정진영 14:45-14:50 역형견관절전치환술에서전상방도달법과삼각흉간도달법의비교충북의대 / 박경진 28 th Room A 28 th Room B 29 th Room A 29 th Room B

14 29 th Room B 29 th Room A 28 th Room B 28 th Room A Room B 22 nd Spring Congress of Korean Shoulder and Elbow Society March 28 th (Fri), :50-14:55 역행성견관절전치환술을시행한환자에서술전삼각근및소원형근의지방변성도가 임상적결과에미치는영향 강원의대 / 문성훈 14:55-15:00 Reverse total shoulder arthroplasty in cuff tear arthropathy : Multiple factors affecting on outcome and complications 경희의대 / 문성철 15:00-15:05 Shoulder arthritis with bone loss: Is reverse total shoulder arthroplasty without bone grafting successful? 한림의대 / 현윤석 15:05-15:10 역형견관절전치환술을위한관절와의해부학적특징 고신의대 / 정구희 15:25-16:05 Free Papers X. English : Trauma-1 & Miscellaneous-1 좌장 : 한림의대 / 유연식 15:25-15:30 Treatment of the humeral shaft aseptic nonunion using plate or unilateral external fixator. Clinical Center Nis / Ivan Micic 15:30-15:35 Proximal humeral internal rotation osteotomy to correct increased retroversion for recurrent posterior shoulder dislocation. A case report Saiseikai Yahata General Hospital / Koumei Matsuura 15:35-15:40 Treatment of inferior paralabral cyst causing chronic shoulder pain Catholic Univ. / Jong-Hun Ji 15:40-15:45 The prevalence of os acromiale in korean patients visiting shoulder clinic Sungkyunkwan Univ. / Jayant Kumar 15:45-15:50 Comparison of two arthroscopic biceps tenodesis using suture anchor : Knotless versus Knot winding technique Catholic Univ. / Hyun Seok Song 16:05-16:45 Free Papers XI. English : Miscellaneous-2 좌장 : 연세의대 / 김성재, 성균관의대 / 유재철 16:05-16:10 Clinical and radiologic results of arthroscopic biceps tenodesis with suture-anchor in the setting of rotator cuff tear Sungkyunkwan Univ. / Jin Ho Hong 16:10-16:15 On the hill sign in the ultrasound : New sign of the dislocated biceps long head tendon. Catholic Univ. / Hyun Seok Song 16:15-16:20 3D reconstruction of shoulder and elbow joint images using free image processing software : OsiriX. Saiseikai Yahata General Hospital / Kunichika Shin 16:20-16:25 Anatomical study of the lateral pectoral nerve in the shoulder joint Catholic Univ. / Nam Young Seok 16:25-16:30 New evaluation method for throwing shoulder injuries based on the upper-extremity kinetic chain: the hara test Osaka Medical College / Mihata T 16:45-17:45 Symposium II. Basic Science on Shoulder Elbow Surgery 좌장 : 주석병원 / 김정만, 경상의대 / 박형빈 16:45-17:00 Animal models of tendon damage The Mount Sinai School of Medicine / Evan L. Flatow 17:00-17:10 실험동물의마취및관리 오송첨단의료산업진흥재단 / 이병한 17:10-17:20 골절치유동물모델및동물실험 대경첨단의료산업진흥재단 / 장하영 17:20-17:30 각실험동물의특징 ( 회전근개를중심으로 ) 전남의대 / 김명선 17:30-17:40 회전근을이용한동물실험 건국의대 / 정석원 17:45-18:00 Travelling Fellow Report 총무 18:00-18:40 Free Papers XII. English : Basic-1 좌장 : 한양의대 / 박태수, 울산의대 / 전인호 18:00-18:05 Stress distribution after single-row, double-row, and transosseous equivalent rotator cuff repair: An analysis using 3-dimensional finite element method Tohoku Univ. / Sano H 18:05-18:10 Accuracy of subacromial injection Sri Ramachandra Medical College / Bhupesh Karthik 18:10-18:15 Can antioxidant prevent glutamate induced cytotoxicity of tenofibroblasts? Gyeongsang National Univ. / Hyung Bin Park 18:15-18:20 Screw theory in the human elbow joint Ulsan Univ. / Arnold Adikrishna 18:20-18:25 Movement-induced knot migration following anterior stabilization in the shoulder Seoul National Univ. / Sae Hoon Kim 18:40- 회장만찬 (Convention A- 보라색이들어간복장이나소지품, 악세사리를착용해주십시오.)

15 22 nd Spring Congress of Korean Shoulder and Elbow Society March 29 th (Sat), 2014 Room A 07:00-08:00 휴식 (Room B-Case discussion) 좌장 : 건국의대 / 박진영 08:00-08:40 휴식 (Room B-Free Papers XIII. Trauma-1 & Miscellaneous-2) 좌장 : 관동의대 / 정수태, 조인병원 / 변기용 08:40-09:20 Free Papers XIV. Trauma-2 좌장 : 포항세명기독병원 / 류인혁 08:40-08:45 견갑골골절과쇄골골절에서의컴퓨터시뮬레이션시스템을이용한생체내 3 차원적운동성균관의대 / 김유진 08:45-08:50 3 차원컴퓨터단층촬영검사를이용한 hook plate 후의견봉 - 쇄골관절의운동분석가톨릭의대 / 송현석 08:50-08:55 원위쇄골골절에서갈고리금속판사용과잠김금속판사용한수술적치료의비교중앙의대 / 김재윤 08:55-09:00 상완골근위부골절에서 polarus 골수정과 philos 금속판을이용한수술적치료결과대구가톨릭의대 / 최창혁 09:00-09:05 외측도달법시액와신경손상을피하기위한피부절개길이에대한연구건양의대 / 이진웅 09:20-10:00 Free Papers XVI. Elbow-3 좌장 : 고려의대 / 문준규 09:20-09:25 상완골원위부과간골절의수술적치료순천향의대 / 김병성 09:25-09:30 외고정장치를이용한주관절주위골절및탈구의치료연세의대 / 강호정 09:30-09:35 주관절의원발성골관절염에대한개방적수술후관절운동범위및증상의변화성균관의대 / 우성종 09:35-09:40 주관절골관절염에서의관절경적변연절제술중시행한예방적척골신경감압술원광의대 / 김정우 09:40-09:45 Strategic approach to O Drscoll s type 2 anteromedial coronoid facet fracture 10:00-10:25 Coffee break 포항세명기독병원 / 류인혁 10:25-11:05 Free Papers XVIII. Rotator cuff-5 좌장 : 대구가톨릭의대 / 최창혁 10-:25-10:30 Does initial tear size affect clinical and surgical outcomes in retears after surgical repair of rotator cuff tears? 경희의대 / 문성철 10:30-10:35 회전근개파열과동반된관절순-상완이두건장두복합체병변의처치방법에따른결과비교 서울의대 / 이예현 10:35-10:40 견봉하유착방지제의사용은 유착방지 에효과적인가?; 회전근개재파열수술을통한고찰 CM병원 / 이상훈 10:40-10:45 회전근개파열의관절경적교량형봉합술식에서골내봉합용나사간의충돌마디병원 / 석창우 10:45-10:50 견관절동작중견봉하충돌을일으키는동작은어떤것이있는가? - 견관절움직임에따른오구견봉인대의생체내변형율분석가톨릭의대 / 김양수 11:05-12:05 휴식 (Room B-Symposium III. Debate on Reverse Total Shoulder and Massive Rotator Cuff Tear) 좌장 : 동국의대 / 태석기, 서울의대 / 조현철 12:05-12:20 휴식 (Room B-Luncheon Symposium (sponsored by Pfizer) 이화의대 / 신상진 12:20-15:10 점심 & 기초연구위원회 workshop 28 th Room A 28 th Room B 29 th Room A 29 th Room B

16 28 th Room A Room B 22 nd Spring Congress of Korean Shoulder and Elbow Society March 29 th (Sat), :00-08:00 Case discussion 좌장 : 건국의대 / 박진영 08:00-08:40 Free Papers XIII. Trauma-1 & Miscellaneous-2 좌장 : 관동의대 / 정수태, 조인병원 / 변기용 28 th Room B 29 th Room A 29 th Room B 08:00-08:05 Reliability of the classification and treatment for dislocations of the acromioclavicular joint 계명의대 / 조철현 08:05-08:10 급성견봉쇄골관절손상에대한 AC Tight Rope 를이용한수술적치료결과가톨릭의대 / 권오수 08:10-08:15 오구쇄골인대손상을동반한원위쇄골골절에서관절경을이용한 Tightrope 의적용한림의대 / 유연식 08:15-08:20 급성견봉쇄골관절탈구의단일 Tight-Rope 을이용한치료후방사선학적평가원광의대 / 김정우 08:20-08:25 퇴축된회전근개파열의봉합시내측전위술의효과가천의대 / 김영규 08:40-09:20 Free Papers XV. English : Basic-2 & Instability 좌장 : 서울의대 / 오주한 08:40-08:45 Effect of systemic administration of recombinant growth hormone on rotator cuff repair. A rat model study. CM Hospital / Sang-Hoon Lhee 08:45-08:50 Measurements for the humeral retroversion using 2D CT scan: which is the most reliable one? Seoul National Univ. / Joo Han Oh 08:50-08:55 Biomechanical analysis of articular-sided partial-thickness rotator cuff tear and repair Osaka Medical College / Mihata T 08:55-09:00 How different is shoulder motion in subjects with symptomatic rotator cuff tear from asymptomatic controls? Tohoku Univ. / Takayuki Muraki 09:00-09:05 Change of the capsular volume after arthroscopic bankart repair: affecting factors and correlation with outcomes Konkuk Univ. / Seok Won Chung 09:20-10:00 Free Papers XVII. English : Rotator cuff-2 좌장 : 조선의대 / 문영래 09:20-09:25 Three-dimensional evaluation of subacromial space; comparison of normal and rotator cuff tear group Chosun Univ. / Young Lae Moon 09:25-09:30 Effect of rotator cuff tears on glenoid morphology: Three-dimensional analysis using computed tomography images Osaka Medical College / Yukitaka Fujisawa 09:30-09:35 Quantifying rotator cuff atrophy and fatty degeneration at the supraspinatus origin of the scapular fossa Seoul National Univ. / Hye Jin Yoo 09:35-09:40 Clinical outcome of isolated subscapularis tendon tear treated by arthroscopic operation Sungkyunkwan Univ. / Jae-Chul Yoo 09:40-09:45 The impact of faulty posture on rotator cuff tears in the general population 10:00-10:25 Coffee break Gunma Univ. / Yamamoto A 10:25-11:05 Free Papers XIX. Miscellaneous-3 좌장 : 동아의대 / 김철홍 10:25-10:30 수술전사각근간상완신경총차단술이견관절관절경수술중에미치는영향제주의대 / 최성욱 10:30-10:35 Bio-Pushlock 을이용한상완이두장건고정술가톨릭의대 / 정진영 10:35-10:40 견갑운동이상증후군을보이는오버헤드형스포츠선수들에서의재활후결과 : 견갑골 3D CT 를이용한재활전후의비교 건국의대 / 박진영

17 22 nd Spring Congress of Korean Shoulder and Elbow Society March 29 th (Sat), 2014 Room B 10:40-10:45 견관절화농성관절염에지속적음압적용 : 개방적세척술및변연절제술후흉관을이용한 지속적음압적용술의임상효과 울산의대 / 전인호 10:45-10:50 견관절강직환자에서관절강내스테로이드주사치료 : 두가지용량의무작위비교연구 가톨릭의대 / 이효진 11:05-12:05 Symposium III. Debate on Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty and Massive Rotator Cuff Tear 좌장 : 동국의대 / 태석기, 서울의대 / 조현철 11:05-11:15 Which glenoid is better? Medialized 오주한 11:15-11:25 Which glenoid is better? Lateralized 김영규 11:25-11:35 Massive tear without arthritis? Arthroscopy only 박진영 11:35-11:45 Arthroplasty 정진영 11:45-12:05 Panel 이용걸 12:05-12:20 Luncheon Symposium (sponsored by Pfizer) 이화의대 / 신상진 12:20-13:20 점심 Current issues in OA medication 13:20-14:00 Free Papers XX. English : Rotator cuff-3 좌장 : 한림의대 / 김성연 13:20-13:25 The association of tuberosity cysts with rotator cuff tears Gyeongsang National Univ. / Hyung-Bin Park 13:25-13:30 Effectiveness of subacromial corticosteroid injection for continuous pain management in recovery phase after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair Ewha Womans Univ. / Shin Sang-Jin 13:30-13:35 Prognostic factors affecting rotator cuff healing after arthroscopic repair in small to medium sized tear Seoul National Univ. / Ji Soon Park 13:35-13:40 Intra- and inter-rater agreement of magnetic resonance imaging evaluations of rotator cuff integrity after repair Osaka Medical College / Hasegawa A 13:40-13:45 Possible involvement of IGF-1 signaling on compensatory growth of the ISP muscle induced by the SSP tendon detachment of rat shoulder. Gunma Univ. / Ichinose T 14:00-14:40 Free Papers XXI. English : Rotator cuff-4 좌장 : 충남의대 / 김경천 14:00-14:05 Clinical outcomes of arthroscopic modified mason-allen technique for bursal-sided partial thickness rotator cuff tear Ewha Womans Univ. / Shin Sang-Jin 14:05-14:10 Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair, result of over 140 cases with minimum 3 years follow up Nguyen Tri Phuong Hospital / Tang Ha Nam Anh 14:10-14:15 The result with the cable wiring and locking screw plate system for the fracture of the distal end of clavicle (type Ⅱa.b and type Ⅴ in Craig s classification) Soejima Orthopaedic Hospital / Morisawa K 14:15-14:20 Biceps augmentation with transtendon repair in high grade PASTA lesions - Does it improve the outcome? Catholic Univ. / Jong-Hun Ji 14:20-14:25 Reversibility of supraspinatus muscle atrophy after healing of repaired tendon Sungkyunkwan Univ. / Yong Bok Park 28 th Room A 28 th Room B 29 th Room A 29 th Room B 14:40-15:10 Coffee break

18 28 th Room A Room B 22 nd Spring Congress of Korean Shoulder and Elbow Society March 29 th (Sat), :10-15:40 Plenary Lecture 3 좌장 : 대전한국병원 / 이광진, 충북의대 / 박경진 Proximal humerus fractures: The controversies continue The Mount Sinai School of Medicine / Evan L. Flatow 15:40-16:40 Symposium IV. Lateral Epicondylitis, Why I am not doing this, because 좌장 : 가천의대 / 김영규, 가톨릭의대 / 송현석 15:40-15:50 Why I am not doing prolotherapy or PRP injection 염재광 28 th Room B 15:50-16:00 Why I am not doing ESWT 문영래 16:00-16:10 Why I am not doing physiotherapy 류인혁 16:10-16:20 Why I am not doing surgery 전인호 16:40-17:20 Free Papers XXII. Award Session 좌장 : 경희의대 / 이용걸, 전남의대 / 김명선 16:40-16:45 Melatonin plays a role as a mediator of nocturnal pain in patients with shoulder disorders 계명의대 / 조철현 16:45-16:50 장애인에서시행한회전근개봉합술서울의대 / 오주한 16:50-16:55 상완골근위부분쇄골절을위한상완골두반치환성형술 : 4-14 년추시가천의대 / 김영규 16:55-17:00 Return to play of elite overhead athletes with superior labrum anterior posterior tears only after rehabilitation 건국의대 / 박진영 29 th Room A 17:00-17:05 Influence of bicipital groove morphology on the stability of biceps long-head tendon 성균관의대 / 유재철 17:20-17:35 President lecture 울산의대 / 고상훈 17:35-17:40 최우수연제상, 청강의학상, 학술상, 젊은의학자상시상 총무 17:40-17:55 총회총무 17:55-18:00 폐회사회장 29 th Room B

19 22 nd Congress of Korean Shoulder and Elbow Society 등록안내및등록신청서 사전등록시 현장등록시 정회원 비회원 전공의 60, ,000 45,000 정회원 비회원 전공의 80, ,000 50,000 - 사전등록, 회장만찬및동반자프로그램등록마감일 : 2014 년 3 월 21 일 ( 금 ) - 사전등록 ( 온라인 ) 신청방법아래계좌번호로입금하신후, 대한견주관절학회홈페이지 ( 로접속하여팝업창을클릭하시거나 로접속하여사전등록접수를통해등록하시기바랍니다. 온라인신청시에는카드로등록비결제가가능합니다. - 계좌번호 : 신한은행 ( 대한견 주관절학회 : 고상훈 ) - 모든회원께서는등록하여주시기바랍니다. - 등록은본인의이름으로하여주시기바랍니다. - 사전등록신청후취소할경우수수료 5,000 원을제외하고환불하여드립니다. 단, 사전등록후연락없이불참하실경우환불하여드리지않습니다. - 입회신청 : 본학회에입회하고자하는전문의선생님께서는학회에문의바랍니다. TEL: , vienna2000@hanmail.net 서봉희 ( 비서 ) 성명 ( 등록자명단기재 ): 소속 : 직위 : 전문의회원 전문의비회원 전공의및기타 의사면허번호 : 주소 : 연락처 : ( 전화 ) ( 팩스 ) ( ) 등록일 : 2014 년월일입금자 : 입금일 : 학회등록비 : 원, 회장만찬 : 원, 총합계 : 원 본연수강좌는대한스포츠의학회분과전문의자격인증평점을부여할수있으니원하시는전문의, 전공의는표시하여주십시오. ( 분과전문의자격인증평점신청 ) 회장만찬참석여부 미참석 부부동반 (12만원) 회원만 (6만원) 배우자및동반가족을위한프로그램 (3월 28일오후 ): 무료 신청합니다. 신청하지않습니다.

20 22 nd Spring Congress of Korean Shoulder and Elbow Society 배우자및동반가족을위한프로그램 학술대회가 2일에걸쳐진행되고, 부부동반회장만찬이열리는관계로, 특히지방에서올라오시는회원및참석자분들의배우자와동반가족을위한서울관광등의프로그램을 3월 28일오후에준비하였습니다. 참여를원하시는분은등록하실때참여여부를표시하여주시기바라며, 참석하시는분의희망과참석자수에따라일정을조정하도록하겠습니다. 회장만찬 President Banquet 일시 2014년 3월 28일 ( 금요일 ) 18시 40분장소 컨벤션홀 Room A 참가비 부부동반 (12만원), 회원만 (6만원) [ 보라색이들어간복장이나소지품, 악세사리를착용해주십시오.] 모든임원과회원께서는부부동반하여주시면감사하겠습니다. 장소예약을위해학회등록시같이등록하여주십시요. 문의처 ( ) 경기도성남시분당구구미로 173 번지 82 분당서울대학교병원정형외과내 학회비서 : 서봉희 ( ) vienna2000@hanmail.net Design by. 우리의학사 ( )

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견관절질환의 치료와심사사례 太錫基 東國大學校一山病院整形外科 1 견관절질환의 치료와심사사례 太錫基 東國大學校一山病院整形外科 1 강의목적및내용 견관절질환에대한이해를증진시킴으로써견관절 질환의건강보험심사평가의합리성, 형평성제고 1. 견관절의구조 2. 견관절질환의종류, 진단, 치료 3. 주요견관절질환의수술적치료 4. 건강보험요양급여관련 2 어깨 ( 견부, 견관절, SHOULDER) 견갑 ( 관절와 )- 상완 (Scapulohumeral)

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