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2 학술 지역사회정신건강고위험군아동청소년의추적관리시스템구축 The development of follow-up and management system for children and adolescents at high-risk for mental health in community 발행일 2013 년 12 월 발행인하규섭 발행처국립서울병원 주소 ( 우 ) 서울광진구능동로 398( 구, 중곡동 30-1) 홈페이지 ISBN 비매품 공공누리 출처표시 - 상업적이용금지 - 변경금 지 조건에따라이용가능.



5 %..,..,. 1), 2), 3), 4). 2. 1), 2), ()

6 3) 3. 1) (1) CAT(), (2) - (STAI), CoA, (K-LDES),, (K-CBCL), ADHD (ARS). 2), 9~18, 30. 3),,.,. 2,,,. 4.,.,,,,,,.

7 Children and Adolescents Follow-up and Management System




11 제 1 장서론 제 2 장연구방법 제 3 장연구결과

12 제 4 장기대효과및활용방안 A.



15 () 25 (, ) 27.6%., 27.6%. 15.3%,,. 11.9%.. ( 1),..,,, (2011, ).

16 .,,,,.,. (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, ADHD) 5-10%,, (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) % ADHD,

17 2 (Seoul Child and Adolescent Metropolitan Mental Health Center, 2005). ADHD ADHD. ADHD 20-50%, (Mannuzza et al., 1993). ADHD, ADHD. Matza (2005) ADHD, ADHD 503-1,343 ADHD 4,929-5,651 1,473-2, ,,, ADHD 300 (Doshi, 2012) , ~ %.(Kim et al. 2011) %..., ASD health service $

18 $6132.(Liptak GS et al., 2006), (DSM-IV) /,.,,,,.,,. 2~16%, 18 6~16% 2~9%. 3-4.,..,,,, % 12.,.

19 (DSM-IV) ~4.6%.,,,,. 50~90%,,,.. 53%,,,..

20 Esquirol(1845). Weller (1986b) , DSM-III 50%, ADHD,. DSM.,,,,.,,.,

21 .. 1% %, % Geller(2001),,...,,,,,..,,..,,,...,

22 0.2-1% ,....,...

23 500 ICD-10 (2011) (2011, ), (F code) F32 (110, 475,920), F41 (114, 448,026), F51, (178, 237,268), F00 (213, 165,59), F45 (225, 150,931), F48 (250, 126,284), F43 (263, 116,005), F20 (288, 96,202), F33 (314, 73,941), F10, F03 (320, 72,537) F34 (326, 71,876), F90 (330, 69,450; 69,341), F31 (361, 56,668), F06, (371, 53,733), F01 (429, 36,310), F40 (449, 32,771). F00, F01, F Division S.T F10 I.P Patients VisitDays 5 ~ 9 Treatment Days Treatment Amount Benefit Amount

24 O.P S.T ,365 2,088 F11~F19 I.P , F10~F29 F30~F39 F40~F48 F70~F79 F04~09, F50~59, F80~99 O.P S.T I.P O.P S.T I.P O.P S.T I.P O.P S.T I.P O.P S.T I.P O.P ,184 1, ,193 15,332 11, ,990 2, ,135 11,342 8,121 1,106 4,922 65, , , ,604 1,247 1,106 4,909 65, , ,255 5,228 12, , , , ,828 14,164 5,219 12, , , ,197 3,340 21, , , , ,400 1,538 81,011 69,020 3,329 20, , , ,580 44, ,965 3,961,117 17,366,999 11,830, ,980 14, , ,077 44, ,985 3,946,701 16,508,534 11,115,913

25 Division S.T Patients 10 ~ 14 VisitDays Treatment Days Treatment Amount Benefit Amount ,973 4,251 F10 I.P , F11~F19 F10~F29 F30~F39 F40~F48 F70~F79 F04~09, F50~59, O.P S.T I.P O.P S.T I.P O.P S.T I.P O.P S.T I.P O.P S.T I.P O.P S.T ,681 3, ,106 34,886 24, ,381 19, ,506 4, ,624 49, , , ,973 3, , , ,651 46, , ,664 6,538 43, ,533 2,798,504 1,899, ,381 9, , ,512 6,495 36, ,072 2,133,639 1,393,186 11,051 37, ,538 2,141,646 1,414, ,199 4, , ,601 10,981 34, ,364 1,868,842 1,205,945 4,137 25, ,702 1,436, , ,305 3, , ,218 4,122 22, ,003 1,203, ,835 50, ,367 7,195,896 31,127,887 21,315,520

26 F80~99 I.P O.P ,513 23,339 1,350,187 1,049,517 50, ,854 7,172,557 29,777,701 20,266,003 F10 F11~F19 F10~F29 F30~F39 F40~F48 F70~F79 Division S.T I.P O.P S.T I.P O.P S.T I.P O.P S.T I.P O.P S.T I.P O.P S.T I.P O.P Patients VisitDays 15 ~ 19 Treatment Days Treatment Amount Benefit Amount 985 1,918 3, ,333 98, ,151 73,179 54, ,050 2,563 92,154 44, ,742 3, , , ,372 1, , , ,600 32,959 15,858 3,079 87, ,470 7,240,572 5,753, ,342 68,732 4,236,550 3,403,847 2,882 30, ,738 3,004,023 2,349,733 22, ,944 1,650,287 11,427,120 7,808,538 1,356 46,541 59,038 3,859,377 2,949,868 21, ,403 1,591,249 7,567,743 4,858,670 26, , ,979 5,804,690 3,854, ,418 16,460 1,077, ,217 26,517 95, ,519 4,727,180 3,034,714 4,629 45, ,282 2,691,916 1,944, ,065 26,938 1,426,144 1,102,785 4,481 21, ,344 1,265, ,273

27 F04~09, F50~59, F80~99 S.T I.P O.P 28, ,152 3,173,695 17,433,224 12,060, ,443 59,899 3,523,897 2,669,817 27, ,709 3,113,796 13,909,327 9,390, Kennedy. Principles of Preventive Psychiatry(Caplan, G: Principles of Preventive Psychiatry. NY, Basic books, Inc.,1964)...,. NIMH 1980,. (IOM) Congressional mandate..,,.(mrazek, PJ and Haggerty, RJ 1994).... (lewis's Child and Adolescent Psychiatry A Comprehensive Textbook, 4th ed)




31 . 4) biological factor


33 6 (,,,,, ) 9~15,,,

34 .. (IOM) Congressional mandate, (Mrazek, PJ and Haggerty, RJ 1994).,, (Indicated Preventive interventions).

35 (Morgan et al., 2008),,,,,,, 4,252,,.,,.,,.

36 Rahman 3. (Community and primary health care model),,.,,. WEE.. (Risk-taking behavior),, CDC YRBSS(Youth-Risk-taking Behavior Surveillance System) (Korea Center for Disease control and prevention),,,

37 .,,., %, 2.2%. (WEE center, ),,..,,,,.,,,,.,,,, 10 ~ 18 (),,,.

38 New Beginnings Program-Prevention Research Program (University of Arizona) The Incredible Years Good Behavior Game Prenatal/Early Infancy Project

39 , HMO Genetic typing Edinburgh High Risk Study Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention center Yale univ - Genetic testing he Alberta fetal alcohol spectrum disorder service networks (Ana et al., 2013). 2~3 (Weissman et al., 2006),,,, (Joormann, Talbot, & Gotlib, 2007). 10~20%, 2.5% mental health care (Miller, 2003).,,. (Genetic vulnerability, obstetric complications, temperament), (family functioning, care and mother-child interaction, adverse life events, coping with parental psychopathology), (poverty, social support, access to health services) (Essex et al.., 2006) ~ 2010, (Cross Sectional study, n=14), (Longitudinal study, n=16), K-SADS, Child

40 Behavior Check List., BDI, HAM-D/ CBQ (Ana Vilela Mendes et al., 2011) indicated preventive intervention Health Maintenance organization - HMO indicated preventive intervention Preventive Intervention Project(PIP) -, 8-15.

41 ., 12%, 35~46% (Jablensky A, 1997).,,,. early child. externalizing behavior internalizing behavior. internalizing behavior externalizing behavior (Zahn-Waxler et al., 2006). New England Family Study(NEFS: 19) Providence Boston

42 17,741 prospective study, 7, (Goldstein et al., 2002). 0.8% 859, 444, 212, CBCL(child Behavior check list) (Jo Ann L. et al., 2013)., 2.8, , 3.6.,. Edinburgh High Risk Study - Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention center -,. Yale. Selective Indicative COMT, DTNBP1, NRG1, RGS4, GRM3, DISC1, G72, DAAO.,,.


44 ,..,,,. feedback,,.,, (Velleman R et al., 2007).,,,. K-ARS ADHD Rating Scale-IV (Dupal et al, 1998) / O

45 K-CASS Conners-Wells (CASS ; Conners & Well, 1985) O BDI - (BDI) O RCMAS (Revissed Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale; RCMAS, Reynolds & O Richmonde 1979, 1985) ESI (Eppendorf Schizoprhrenia Inventory) O RSIQ (Reynold, 1987) O SCT (Sentence Completion Test) K-CBCL (Korean Child Behavior Checklist) O K-PIC (Korean Personality Inventory for child) O K-YSR (K-YSR) O MMPI-A (Adolescent Minnesota Multiphasic Inventory) O K-WISC (Korean Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children) O SCL-90-R (Symptom Checklist -op-revision) O K-DISC-IV (Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children Version) O CAT (Comprehensive Attention Test) O K-LDES (Korean version of Learning Disability Evaluation Scale) O STAI O CAST-K CoA (The korean version of the Children of the Children fo Alcoholics Screening Test) O - K-DISC-IV (Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children Version) : DSM-IV ICD-10,.

46 :,. :,,,,, (,,,, ) : (2007),. :,,,. - K-SAD-PL (Kiddle Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia Present and Lifetime Version) : ADHD, : Kim YS et al.(2004) ADHD,, -, :,,,,,,. - MMPI-A (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory - Adolescent) : Sherwood, Ben Porath Williams(1997). : ,,,. : 13 ~18, 0.54,

47 - K-PIC (Korean Personality Inventory for Children) : (1997) Wirt(1958) PIC(Personality Inventory for Children), : 6,,,,,. 1), 2), 3), 4), 5) 6)..,,,,.,,,. < 10 >

48 1 - (STAI) 2 CoA (CAT) 1 2 (K-CBCL) 3 ADHD (K-ARS) 4 (K-LDES) Happy mind., (ADHD). 6 1) (), 2) (), 3), 4), 5), 6). //,. ( ) ( ), ( ).,.

49 Achenbach (1990). K-CBCL 15~20, CBCL(Achenbach).,,,, ,. K-CBCL. Spielberger(1972) (1989). 20,?,?. 0~ ~42, 43~46, 49.

50 ADHD DuPaul(1997). K-ARS DSM-Ⅳ ADHD 18. 0, 1, 2, Jones(1983), (1995),, 30.,,,,,, ,. 7 -,,,,,, -. 10(=3)

51 , 7 7 (Learning Quotient; LQ) ,,.

52 6 9~18 30.

53 no. () 1 F 40~49 2 M 40~49 3 F 50~59 4 F 40~49 5 M 40~49 6 F 40~49 7 F 40~49 8 M 30~39 9 M 30~39 10 M 30~39 11 M 50~59 12 F 50~59 13 M 40~49 14 M 40~49 15 M 40~49 16 M 40~49 17 F 40~49 18 F 40~49 19 F 60~69 20 M 40~49 21 M 40~49 22 M 40~49 23 F 40~49 24 F 40~49 25 M 40~49 26 M 40~49

54 27 F 40~49 28 M 40~49 29 F 40~49 30 F 40~49. CAT()., ~ ,..

55 1) SPSS 20.0.,,,,. ADHD,,,,,,,,. Kruskal-wallis test, p-value (p-value<.05).

56 2) (1) N=30 (N=13) N(%) (N=12) N( %) (N=3) N(%) (N=2) N(%) 9(69.2) 4(30.8) (1.89) 0(.0) 0(.0) 3(23.1) 3(23.1) 7(53.8) 9(69.2) 0(.0) 1(7.7) 6(50.0) 6(50.0) (2.19) 0(.0) 0(.0) 0(.0) 5(41.7) 7(58.3) 1(8.3) 2(16.7) 3(25.0) 2(66.7) 1(33.3) (3.21) 0(.0) 0(.0) 0(.0) 1(33.3) 2(66.7) 1(33.3) 0(0) 0(0) 1(50.0) 1(50.0) (.71) 0(.0) 0(.0) 0(.0) 0(.0) 2(100.0) 2(100.0) 0(.0) 0(.0) 3(23.1) 6(50.0) 2(66.7) 0(.0) 3.25(.60) 3.24(.41) 3.02(.64) 4.38(.60) 2(16.7) 9(75.0) 1(8.3) 1(8.3) 8(66.7) 3(25.0) 1(33.3) 2(66.7) 0(.0) 2(100.0) 0(.0) 0(.0) 6(46.2) 0(.0) 7(53.8) 6(50.0) 4(33.3) 2(16.7) 2(66.7) 1(33.3) 0(.0) 0(.0) 0(.0) 2(100.0)

57 (2) N (%) N (%) ADHD (19 ) 22(71.0) 8(25.8) 30(100.0) N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%) (20-40: 41-44: 45-48: 49 : ) 28(93.3) 1(3.3) 0(.0) 1(3.3) 30(100.0) (20-38: 39-42: 43-46: 47 : ) 26(86.7) 2(6.7) 1(3.3) 1(3.3) 30(100.0)

58 (63 ) (63 ) (63 ) / (70 ) / (70 ) (70 ) (70 ) (60 ) (63 ) (70 ) (70 ) (70 ) (70 ) (70 ) (70 ) N (%) N (%) N (%) 17(56.7) 17(56.7) 30(100.0) 13(43.4) 13(43.4) 30(100.0) 18(60.0) 12(40.0) 30(100.0) 26(86.7) 4(13.3) 30(100.0) 21(70.0) 9(30.0) 30(100.0) 25(83.3) 5(16.7) 30(100.0) 22(73.3) 8(26.7) 30(100.0) 25(83.3) 5(16.7) 30(100.0) 18(60.0) 12(40.0) 30(100.0) 25(83.3) 5(16.7) 30(100.0) 27(90.0) 3(10.0) 30(100.0) 24(80.0) 6(20.0) 30(100.0) 30(100.0) 0(.0) 30(100.0) 29(96.7) 1(3.3) 30(100.0) 30(100.0) 0(.0) 30(100.0)

59 N(%) N(%) N(%) 22(73.3) 24(80.0) 19(63.3) 8(26.7) 6(20.0) 11(36.7) 30(100.0) 30(100.0) 30(100.0) %, 40%, 14.92, 60%, 43.3%, 3.47kg. 63.3%, 53.3%. < 12>. - ADHD (K-ARS) 19 8(25.8%), 2 (6.7%), 4 (13.3%). - (K-CBCL) (17, 56.7%), (13, 43.4%), /(12, 40.0%). - (CAT).

60 (2) N=30 (N=13) Mean (SD) (N=12) Mean (SD) (N=3) Mean (SD) 4.85(1.78) 8.83(7.42) 14.67(5.508) (N=2) Mean (SD) 3.50(3.536) 3.23(6.58) 5.75(5.36) 8.33(6.03) 3.00(1.41) 8.08(12.76) 14.58(12.32) 23.00(11.53) 6.50(4.950) N=30 (N=13) Mean (SD) (N=12) Mean (SD) (N=3) Mean (SD) (N=2) Mean (SD) 32.69(4.70) 33.42(9.48) 36.67(5.69) (7.50) 32.25(5.08) 29.67(7.57) 27.50(7.78) N=30 (N=13) Mean (SD) (N=12) Mean (SD) (N=3) Mean (SD) (N=2) Mean (SD) 7.92(5.58) 5.25(6.48) 4.67(4.93) 11.50(7.78)

61 N=30 (N=13) Mean (SD) (N=12) Mean (SD) (N=3) Mean (SD) 59.31(19.60) 66.67(11.18) 54.67(13.05) (N=2) Mean (SD) 55.00(7.07) 60.38(15.13) 67.75(10.22) 60.67(6.03) 50.50(4.95) 62.23(16.26) 59.67(10.47) 52.33(5.03) 54.50(6.36) / 62.62(15.15) 62.00(7.17) 55.00(14.11) 55.00(1.41) / 58.92(21.78) 69.58(9.40) 65.33(10.60) 55.00(7.07) 53.77(20.47) 63.07(9.36) 60.00(6.25) (20.43) 65.42(12.69) 61.33(12.34) 66.00(7.07) 63.69(18.79) 62.17(7.84) 46.00(17.78) 52.00(2.83) 53.38(23.45) 61.83(10.26) 45.33(28.89) 57.50(10.61) 64.46(17.23) 59.58(9.52) 48.67(15.37) 55.50(7.78) 59.00(16.60) 58.08(15.30) 53.33(4.16) 55.00(4.24) 53.62(19.95) 63.67(12.54) 52.67(20.13) 53.30(4.95) 37.23(19.76) 38.00(11.99) 21.67(18.61) 46.50(20.51) 38.08(22.35) 37.33(9.30) 31.33(19.22) 51.00(12.73) 41.31(18.74) 43.92(14.29) 20.00(17.31) 42.50(20.51)

62 N=30 (N=13) Mean (SD) (N=12) Mean (SD) (N=3) Mean (SD) 8.23(1.48) 11.33(3.87) 12.33(4.73) (N=2) Mean (SD) 9.50(2.12) 20.08(5.94) 25.92(7.28) 29.00(11.14) 19.00(14.14) 10.85(2.70) 12.83(4.15) 12.67(2.52) 12.00(1.41) 16.85(4.36) 19.25(5.31) 25.67(4.93) 21.50(4.95) * 16.46(5.17) 18.17(4.15) 25.67(5.69) 19.50(3.54) 8.85(2.51) 10.75(3.67) 12.00(1.73) 10.50(3.54) * 23.15(5.43) 25.58(4.80) 37.33(12.10) 36.00(18.39)

63 N=30 (N=13) Mean (SD) (N=12) Mean (SD) (N=3) Mean (SD) (N=2) Mean (SD) 98.00(10.62) 90.50(29.56) (4.16) 91.50(16.23) 99.31(10.40) 93.33(16.20) (9.07) 74.50(40.31) 94.08(7.92) 90.67(12.48) 89.67(10.21) 84.00(14.14) 92.08(23.05) 91.92(17.94) 86.33(24.58) 60.00(60.81) (7.71) (5.42) (3.61) 94.50(6.36) (10.71) 98.92(11.12) 99.00(4.58) 88.50(19.09) 90.77(11.92) 94.50(12.88) (7.81) 82.00(12.73) 97.08(17.34) 99.25(16.97) (7.77) 81.00(28.28) 98.62(18.40) (5.05) (3.51) 55.50(68.59) 95.54(18.70) 93.33(15.41) 84.00(12.50) 85.50(26.16) 99.38(7.45) 95.25(13.04) (9.30) 90.00(12.73) (20.02) 96.58(12.69) (5.51) 79.00(35.36) 94.69(28.58) 84.64(29.21) (2.08) 92.50(12.02) 89.85(12.02) 97.73(16.06) 88.67(12.42) 87.50(14.85)

64 90.38(10.11) 79.55(15.19) 91.00(14.00) 51.50(57.28) 89.15(28.59) 80.36(25.62) 98.67(9.24) 51.50(70.00) 86.46(33.80) 97.64(14.49) 89.67(10.69) 93.00(21.21) 91.46(23.09) 99.91(9.88) 97.00(18.25) 94.00(15.56) 89.08(19.18) 87.55(16.62) 95.67(11.93) 62.00(36.77) (30.80) 87.73(10.82) (13.87) 73.50(36.06) 98.62(19.94) (19.43) 84.00(45.26) (18.24) 96.00(16.30) (18.23) 92.00(55.15) (14.69) 94.62(14.14) (9.10) 80.33(6.81) 87.00(56.57) 93.77(14.48) (8.13) 85.67(2.31) 87.00(57.98) - N (Median), (p<.05) (K-LDES). < 21>.,.

65 ,.,,.,,, caregiver,.,,,.,,.,, 2 step,., /.,,,,.,,,,.,,,,

66 ,. 1) (follow-up loss).,.,,,,.,,,..,,,,..,,.,.

67 2).,, /, WEE ( ),, /,, /.,,. 3) 1, 2,,,,.,, 1 1/2,,.,,,,.,,, stigma,,,..

68 , //,,..,, Wee.,,,,,,,.,.,,,. 4), (1),,,.,,,.,,,

69 ,, ().,,.,,. (2),,.,, (5 ~ 9 /10 ~ 15/16 ~ 18),. (3),,..,,.,,,,,,.

70 5) (1) A. 1 :,,.,,,,,. 12%, 35~46%.,,,., marker.,,,,., 1,,, K-SADS-PL-K (Kiddie-Schedule for Affective disorders and Schizophrenia-Present and Lifetime Version-Korean version, Kim et al, 2004),. ADHD (ARS), - (STAI)., CoA,.

71 B. 2 :,,,,,, (Comprehensive Attention Test: CAT), (Korean version of Learning Disability Evaluation Scale: K-LDES), (K-Child Behavior Check List: K-CBCL).,,,, ().,. (2) 1, ,.,,, (,,, ),,. ( ),,.,,, 3 1, 1, K-SADS-PL-K/K-DISC-IV 1,. ( )

72 . (3).,,.,.,..,,., ().,,. 6),,,,,,,.,,,

73 ,., feedback,,,,.,., 3~5,,,,,.






79 부모용설문지 대상자식별번호 대상자이니셜 평가자성명 환경요인에대한노출평가 아동에대한깊이있는이해를위해서자세하게문항을만들었습니다. 해당사항을고를때는그아동에게가장적합한문장에표시를하시면됩니다. 가능하면모든사항을빼놓지않고기술해주십시오. 기록하는사람 : 1. 어머니 아버지 3. 기타 누구? ) 기록하는날짜 년월일 [ 출산 ] 1. 어린이는달수를다채우고출생하였습니까?: 조산아 ( 주수 : 주 ) 정상아 과숙아 ( 주수 : 주 ) 모름 2. 출산방식 : 정상질식분만 기계사용 ( 예 : 감자분만, 흡입기사용등 ) 유도분만 제왕절개 제왕절개라면, 계획된것? 이유? 응급제왕절개? 이유? 3. 출산시다음의문제가있었습니까? ( 있었던것만표시하여주세요 ): 난산 (14 시간이상의분만시간 ) 이유는? 분만동안심폐기능의이상? 목에탯줄이감긴채로분만?

80 아이가분만후호흡곤란, 청색증, 산소결핍이있었다? 태반문제 구체적으로기술 탯줄문제 구체적으로기술 태아문제 구체적으로기술 기타 ( 자세히기술하여주십시오 ) 4. 출생시어린이의체중 : kg 5. 출생후인큐베이터에있어야했습니까?: 예 아니오 있었다면이유? 6. 출생후어린이에게신체적인문제가있었습니까 ( 예 : 심한황달, 경련, 선천성기형장애등 )?: 예 아니오있었다면구체적으로 7. 어머니가분만전혹은분만후우울한기분을지속적으로 ( 한달이상 ) 경험하 였습니까? 그렇다면 : 경함 매우심함 모르겠다 [ 흡연력 ] 1. 해당자녀가거주하는집에서담배를피우는사람이있습니까? 피우는사람이전혀없다. 집안에서담배를피운다. 베란다등실외에서피운다. (" 피우는사람이전혀없다 " 라고답하셨다면음주력문항으로가시고, " 집안에서담배를피운다 " 또는 " 베란다등실외에서피운다 " 라고답하신분들은 1-1번문항으로가십시오 )

81 1-1. 해당자녀가거주하는집에서흡연자는몇명입니까? 명 1-2. 해당자녀가거주하는집에서흡연자가피우는담배는총몇개피입니까? 개피 / 하루 1-3. 해당자녀가거주하는집에서실내의담배연기정도는어떠합니까? 거의없음 희미 보통 자욱 대단히자욱 1-4. 해당자녀가평균적으로담배연기에노출되는시간은어떠합니까? 하루에 시간, 일주일에 일

82 부모용설문지 피험자식별번호 피험자이니셜 평가자성명 ADHD 평정척도 (ARS) * 다음질문들은당신의자녀에관한것입니다. 당신의자녀가지난 1주일동안 집안에서보인행동을가장잘기술한번호에동그라미치십시오. 전혀약간상당히매우그렇지혹은혹은자주않다가끔자주그렇 ( 매우그렇다그렇다다드물다 ) 1. 학교수업이나일, 혹은다른활동을할때, 주의집중을하지않고부주의해서실수를많이한다 가만히앉아있지를못하고손발을계속움직이거나몸을꿈틀거린다 과제나놀이를할때지속적으로주의집중하는데어려움이있다 수업시간이나가만히앉아있어야하는상황에서자리에서일어나돌아다닌다 다른사람이직접이야기하는데에도잘귀기울여듣지않는것처럼보인다 상황에맞지않게과도하게뛰어다니거나기어오른다 지시에따라서학업이나집안일이나자신이해야할일을끝마치지못한다 조용히하는놀이나오락활동에참여하는데어려움이있다 과제나활동을체계적으로하는데어려움이있다 항상 끊임없이움직이거나 마치 모터가달려서움직이는것처럼 행동한다 공부나숙제등, 지속적으로정신적노력이필요한일이나활동을피하거나싫어하거나또는하기

83 를꺼려한다. 12. 말을너무많이한다 과제나활동을하는데필요한것들 ( 장난감, 숙제, 연필등 ) 을잃어버린다 질문을끝까지듣지않고대답한다 외부자극에의해쉽게산만해진다 자기순서를기다리지못한다 일상적인활동을잊어버린다. ( 예 : 숙제를잊어버리거나도시락을두고학교에간다 ) 다른사람을방해하고간섭한다

84 학생용설문지 피험자식별번호 피험자이니셜 평가자성명 소아용상태 - 특성불안평가척도 (STAI)


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230 한국교육학연구 제20권 제3호 I. 서 론 청소년의 언어가 거칠어지고 있다. 개ㅅㄲ, ㅆㅂ놈(년), 미친ㅆㄲ, 닥쳐, 엠창, 뒤져 등과 같은 말은 주위에서 쉽게 들을 수 있다. 말과 글이 점차 된소리나 거센소리로 바뀌고, 외 국어 남용과 사이버 문화의 익명성 등 청소년의 개인, 가정, 학교변인에 따른 비교육적 언어 사용의 차이 229 한국교육학연구 제20권 제3호 The Korea Educational Review 2014. 10. Vol.20. No.3. pp.229-251. 1) 청소년의 개인, 가정, 학교변인에 따른 비교육적 언어 사용의 차이* 강기수 조규판(동아대학교) [요 약] 본 연구의 목적은 청소년의 개인변인인

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