- ํ์ฐ ์ค
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1 32., 1.. ( ). CM (Cyber m arkecting), TM (Tele M arketin g), DM (DB Marketing) (Direct Markecting) ( ) 3 4%. (regional agency w riters) 40) 35.78%, (national agency w riters) 41) 34.10%, (captive agent direct w riters) 42) 35.16% (direct resp onses w riter) 43) 30.11%. 40) ( : Auto-owners group, Progressive group, State Auto Ins Companies ) 1998 M/ S 19.1%. : A.M Best, IIAA 41) (AIG Less 20th Century, Zurich US Group, Travelers P&C Cos, Chubb Group of Ins Cos, Amer Financial Group, Allianz of America ) 1998 M/ S 13.8%. 42) ( : State Farm Group, Allstate Ins Group, Farmers Ins Group, Metrop olitan Group, N ationalwide Group ) 1998 M/ S 59.0%. 43) ( : 20th Century Ins Group, Government Emp Group, USSA Group, Americ Mutu al Ins Co. ) 1998 M/ S 8.2%.
2 , 33. < 7> 2 1) 2 (1) (4) 4 (3) (4) 3 (4) 1 (3) 3 (4) 5 3 (4) DM 2) 4 4 (5) 4 4 (5) 5 4 : ( 1. (50% ) 2. (25-50%) 3. (10-25%) 4. (5-10%) 5. (5% ) ) 2. DM,,, TV : Mike Kwan, Telemarketing and life insurance, Munich Re Seminar, BAH (Booz-Allen Internet Survey) BAH,. BAH.. 44) 44) ( )
3 , (7%) (1%). < 8> ( %), (61%). TM,.,, ( ),,,,.
4 , 35 < 9> 1999 (< 8> )., / (41%), (36%). (9%), (9%), (5%),.. < 8> / 41% ( :Yahoo!, AOL) 36% 9% 9% 5% 100% : Conning & Co. and New World Marketing, Inc., Opening the W orld of Distribution in the 21st Cen tury,
5 36 Gom ez 45). Gom ez,,,,. < 9> (ease of use) (customer confidence) (on-site resource) (relationship service) Electric Insurance Company(8.52) Progressive Insurance(7.62) aigdirect.com(7.54) QuickenInsurance(7.37) QuickQuote(6.84) Intelloquote.com (7.37) AccuQuote(7.35) Liberty Mutual (7.31) Prudential Insurance (7.26) InsWeb(7.14) InsWeb (6.20) QuickenInsurance(5.57) State Farm Insurance (5.53) 4freequote.com (5.46) Prudential Insurance(4.93) InsWeb (7.34) QuickenInsurance(6.43) State Farm Insurance (5.64) Amica (5.19) Youdecide.com(5.02) InsWeb QuickenInsurance aigdirect.com State Farm Insurance, Electric Insurance Company : Gom ez, 1999 W inter, Pw C analysis 45) Pw C analysis
6 , 37, (ease of u se),,. (cu stom er confid ence),,. (on-site resource), (relationship service),, (loyalty). -,, (< 10> ). - (On e-stop Sh opp er),.,. (Bargain Hunter),. (First-Tim e Buyer),..
7 38 < 10> InsWeb(5.77) aigdirect.com(5.71) QuickenInsurance(5.48) (One- stop Shopper) State Farm Insurance (5.27) Electric Insurance Company(5.18) Quotesmith.com (5.89) QuickenInsurance(5.46) InsWeb(5.33) (Bargain Hunter) 4freequotes.com (5.31) aigdirect.com (5.01) Electric Insurance Company (5.53) InsWeb(5.46) aigdirect.com (5.43) (First-Time Buyer) QuickenInsurance (5.33) State Farm Insurance(4.94) : Gomez, 1999 W in ter, Pw C analysis., 39% 10%, ( ) 51% (< 10> ).. 64% %. 8%, % (< 11> ).,.
8 , 39 < 10> < 11>
9 40., (1999 ) 68%, TM 8%, 7%.,.,. < 12>,, 98% ( )., (,, )
10 , 41., (, ),,. 3. < 13> 2. :. (Ge ne ra Life) 1) 46) 46) Generalife. http :/ / ; Greggory A. Sharpe(General Life FLMI Senior
11 (virtu al insurance com p any),. (GenAm erica) 47),,. 48) (President and CEO) Mich ael Cinley. IT ( ). (General Am erican) , 6,500, ) Vice President) ; Cyber Insurance 2000(New York Helmsley Hotel Feb. 11, 1999) ; E-Insurance : Beyond On-line Quotations(London) ; InsureQuik ) GenAmerica (Mutual H olding Life Insurance Comp any) , 13, 4,512, 300 General Agent, MetLife. 48) (license). 49)
12 , 43 < 14> 2) ( ),. o? o Agent? o? o. o. o ( ). Ag e nt o 50?
13 44 o 8 6 o,. o,. o. o R OE o Agent 14 o M &A o o o,, wirehouse o o o,,,,, (Agent), (forms), (status) Data W arehou se
14 , 45 - Data W areh ou se - - < 15> 3) (backbon e). (safe & secure).,.,,.
15 46 50).,. 51) (,,,, ) TPAs( 3 ), ( ).. 52) (Target M arket). 50 (50 90),,.,, 10%. 60. (p rodu cts) (process) " InsureQuik 53) ". 50) GenAmerica Mutual Holding Life Insurance Company MetLife (strategic merge) MetLife, GenAmerica Corporate GenAmerica Financial Corp orate. 51) ) Michael E. Conley, "The First Virtu al Life Insurance Comp any", LIMRA' s Marketfacts, March/ April 1996, pp ) 5 15
16 , 47 InsureQu ik, (Telem arketer),. 1,, 3. Insu requik. < 11> - ( ) /, ( - (Classification) ), / $25,000, $50,000, $75,000, $100,000 - Credit Card - Pre-Authorized ( ) - $ Policy Fee - policy fee : GeneraLife, InsureQuik ,.
17 48. < 12> - General American Larger Case Underwriting $300,000-$1M - G.A.Sullivan Data Warehouse Internet Design New Business Underwriting - Cybertek POS Commissions Death Claims - Pictorial Appointments Licensing (Indianap olis, IN) Contracting - RGA Reinsurance - N avisys Annuity Administration Second to Die JSUL - Conning Asset Management RGA Genesis - Product Development M & R Jim Van Elsen Actuarial Strategies - Waco, TX APS.,,. 5 TPAs 54), TPAs. 54) PMSC/ Mind(Columbia, SC), Cybertek(Dallas), PMSI(Seattle), N avisys(st. Louis), MetLife(New York). : gmacsweeney@cmp.com
18 , 49 < 16>. (J o hn Hanc o c k) 55) 1) 1862 John H ancock Mu tu al Life Insurance( ) (A better, clearer financial future). (safe and secure). 115,258, 332,100, , 3,130, 1,270 55) John H ancock Marcia H ue Robinson, E-Business & Retail Partnership s( ).
19 50..,, ) , 5. IT Legacy System W eb (m id dle w are). (Annuity), (lon g Term Care Insurance), (Survivorship, second- to-die Life In su rance), (Term Life Insu rance), (Universal Insurance), (Variable Life Insu rance), (Whole Life Insu rance). 56)., 56).
20 , 51 ( ),. (Basic Protection Silh ou ette). (Self-Assessm ent Worksheet).,. 5. ( ) 20%.. 3),,.,..,,
21 52., Qu otesm ith, Quicken, In sw eb (Aggregator). 57)., ( ),,,..,,.. Priceline.com.,. B2B.,. 57) (Direct) Aggregator %.
22 , 53 (frequ ency) (im age), (full sale channel), back-office (digital processing), ( ).. (aggregator),. < 17> (Market Tre nds)
23 54 < 18> - (simple) - -,,, - (Complex Financial Life) - ( ) - (high value). (Pro g re s s iv e) 1) Progressive Insurance Group 1937 Progressive Mutu al Insurance Com p any H olding Com p any. Progressive Corp oration 58) Progressive Insurance Com p any 1965 Progressive Corp oration ( ) (non-stand ard m arket) 58) 1965 Progressive Corporation Progressive Casualty Insurance Company. usage-based auto insurance rating system( Autograph). bill. GPS celluar technology Progressive..
24 , < 13> Progrs s ive Ins urance Group (1998) ( : ) DPW ) 3, , , ) DPW : Direct Premium Written : AM BEST, "BEST'S IN SURANCE REPORTS : PROPERTY- CASUALTY UNITED STATES, 1999 EDITION, Vol II. p ), , A.M. Best Com p any.,,, Recreational Vehicle(RV),,, All Terrain Vehicle(ATV). 2), (TM), 60).. DB. 59),,, , p.11 60) 30, / www1.progrssive.com.
25 56,. 61), (,, ),.,. Allstate, State Farm. 62) < 19> 61) InsWeb, Quotesmith. 62) Gomez (2000 Internet Insurance Scorecards) (ease of use) 1. (http :/ / www 1.progressive.com/ media_relations/ gomez2.htm)
26 , %, $70.. < 14> (2000 1/4 ) ( : ) / / 4 1,554 1,640 6% Personal Line 1,451 1,517 5% ,246 1,192-4% Direct % Internet % : http :/ / www1.progressive.com/ investors/ 1qtr00.htm ( ) 3) (target m arket) (blu e-collar w orkers).,. (N on-stan dard auto) ,,, DB.,.,
27 58,,., ( ), (Im m ediate Resp on se Claim s Service).,. 50% ,500 (representatives). (Virtu al Office).,.,. 75% 24, 56% 7.., (nonstan dard)
28 , 59.. (Ins We b) 63) 1) ( ), 1998 (Redw ood City)., N ational Insurance, AIG, State Farm, CAN Insurance, Century Capital in Boston, Marsh & Mclennan, ( ).,. 63) (InsWeb) PwC InsWeb.
29 60 < 20> < 20> (147 ),, (49 ) 64). 2)...,, 64),, Renters,,.
30 , 61,.,.,.. < 2 1>
31 62 10%. < 15> ,000 3,000,000 10% 10% 50% 50% ( ) 10% 20% 10% 20% 1% 2% 1% 2% : Conning, pp )....,.,,.
32 , ,. ( ),,. LifeMinders.com, Healtheon, CarPoint, CarPrices.com, Cars.com, E-Loan, E*Trade, Yahoo!,...,
33 64..,,.. Sw iss Re 25% 56%., In sw eb Jap an K.K., M arsh & McLennan Com p anies, Inc.,. 3...,. 8:2, 2:8. 65) 65),,,,.
34 , 65.,,,,.., (save tim e).,.. (convenience), (secu rity), (easy processing).,,,.. 2 (Virtu alfinances.com ) InsureQuit,,.
35 66 O (GenA merica) O 18 (,,,, ), 5 TPA s. TPA s O : O ( / / ( )) O 60 (regional brokerage general agent), 6, (Virtual Company) - (VirtualFinances.com). Direct/ Internet. Qu otesm ith, Quicken, In sw eb,.
36 , 67 < 22> / < 23> (Direct/ Intern et Term Policies) 50%, /.
37 68 < 16> / Direct/ Internet 12% 35% 53% 56% 88% 65% 47% 44% : J. Hancock ( ). / % %. < 17> / Direct/ Internet 4% 16% 30% 30% 96% 84% 70% 70%.,. < 18> ( : ) Internet 326, , , , ,.
38 , 69 O W eb O Direct O Full Sale Channel( W ebsite online aggregator ). O O ,,.. (Progressive.com ). 66) 1995., (real-tim e online sales) (1997). 66) http :/ / www 1.progressive.com/ media_relations/ gomez2.htm
39 70 (innovative products), (distinctive culture), (Im m ediate Resp onse).,. O 1997,. O 1995 O (N on-standard auto) O. -,, DB O. - (Immediate Response Claims Service) (1990) O - (innovative products), (a distinctive culture), (Immediate Response)
40 , ) ) 1999 Gomez Advosors Lafferty Group One-stop shopper, Bargain hunter, First-time buyer, one-stop shopper 1, Bargain hunter 3 (1 Quotesmith.com), First-time buyer 2 (1 Electric Insurance Company).
41 , State Farm, AIG, Am erican Fam ily. 3.
42 , 73,. 68),..,,,,.,. O. O, O (115 ) (49 ),. O 68).
43 74,,. - ( ), -, - -, - National Insurance, A IG, State Farm, CA N Insurance, Century Capital in Boston, M arsh & M clennan,. 4.., 67%(32 ), 27%(13 ) 6%(3 ).
44 , 75 < 24> (2003 : online-closed sales = 48 ) IVAN S, 42%. (23%), (21%), (13%). < 25>
45 76. (Datamonitor)., % %.. (27.0% 23.3%) (56.5% 48.8%). < 26> ( )
46 , ,, 49%. 38%.,,. 2%. < 19>,..,. 49% 38% 11%. 2% 100% : Conning & Company, p.26., (36%), (17%),
47 78 (17%), (13%), (36%), (20%), (15%). ( / / ),,. < 27> ( ) : Forester Research, Inc...
48 , 79 < 28> ( ) : Forrester Research, Inc.....
. 1...,,,. 19983% 2003 2,090 2003 ( ) 27%. 50% 1/ 4..,,,,,,.. - 24 - . 1) G enerallife 17) 1995 (virtu al insurance company).,,. 8:2 2:8, 142 5.,, General Am erican Life. GeneralLifeIllinois CaliforniaTexas,
2001. 12 ,.,..,..,.,..,. ..,.,,...,. 200112 . :,.,.,,... 1) 65 ( 19854.7%199917.0%). 199965 3. 1) 19602.9%20007.1%203019.3%. ii (1990 25.8%200044.9%). ( 19700.4 19992.5), (15199011.9% 199925.9%).,. 46%O
CRM 2000. 8. KAIST CRM CRM CRM CRM :,, KAIST : 50%-60%, 20% 60%-80%. AMR Research 10.. CRM. 5. Harvard Business review 60%, 13%. Michaelson & Associates KAIST CRM? ( ),,, -,,, CRM needs,,, dynamically
.,,.,.. 26) < 2 1> 2000, 2000 2001,,, : 5,, 2000.2.15. 26),, 22 (1999 6 ), p.29. - 50 - . < >.. 27) 1. 28).,., ( 531 ).,, (real time). (invitation for offer) (offer),, 27) ( ) 22 (1999.6) ( ), ( ), OECD
ๆญฏ์ผ๋ณธ๋ณดํ์ .PDF
20 IMF 21..,,.. 50,... 30,, 3. - i - .. 2.. 3 20.,..,,,.. - ii - ,. 2001 6 - iii - :? 1 1 10 9 1. 9 2. 11. : 11. : 14. : 20. : 23. Flight to Quality : 26 3. : 27. 1 : 27. 2 : 31. 3 : 36 4. 39 2 41 1. 41.
ค. ๊ธ์ต๊ฒธ์
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2003. 12. .,.,,...,,,...,. 2003 12 1. 10 1. 10 2. 11. 15 1. 15 2. 16 3. 20. 43 1. 43 2. 45 3. (comp en sation) 61 4. 72 5. 78. 81 1. 81 2. ALICO 92 3. 98 4. 105. 109 1. 109 2. 112 3. 118 4. 120. 124 127
์ฐ ๊ตฌ ๋ณด ๊ณ ์ 2 0 1 2-0 5 ์๋ฃ์ฌ๊ณ ํผํด๊ตฌ์ ๋ฐ ์๋ฃ๋ถ์ ์กฐ์ ๋ฑ์ ๊ดํ ๋ฒ๋ฅ ๊ณตํฌ์ ๋ฐ๋ฅธ ์๋ฃ๋ฐฐ์๊ณต์ ์กฐํฉ ์ถ์ง ๊ด๋ จ ์ฐ๊ตฌ 2012. 4. ์ด ๋ณด๊ณ ์๋ ๋ํ์์ฌํํ ์๋ฃ์ ์ฑ
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. 1. 45),,,. (N ICB), (CAIF),, (IRC : Insurance Research Cou ncil), III(In surance Inform ation Institu te), CAIF, Connin g & Com p any. Conning - 1996 Conning frau d Survey 46) - (IRC). Conning s Survey
๋ถ์ ์ธต์์ฐ๊ด๋ฆฌ์ฌ์ ์ด์(์ต์ข ).hwp
29. 1..,.. (Federal Reserve Board: FRB) 10 (net worth) 10%. LIMRA FRB (Survey of Consumer Finance: SCF) (financial asset). 1) 25 25, 25., 25 50 (m ass afflu ent), 50 100 (afflu ent), 100 500 (high-net-w
์ค๋ฒ๋ณด๊ณ ์(์ต์ข ).PDF
.,.,.,,..,,.,. 1.. 85...... < -1>,. < -2>., 86.,.. < -2> /,,..,. 1).., 87.,,.,,,..,.,,.,. < -3> ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 88 2),.,.,.,.,,,.,.. < -4>,,,,,, ( ),, 89 3),.,.,,,..,, Wealth Managem ent.,,. < -5>,..
150 151 alternative investment 1) 2) 152 NPE platform invention capital 3) 153 sale and license back 4) 154 5) 6) 7) 155 social welfare 8) 156 GDP 9) 10) 157 Patent Box Griffith EUROSTAT 11) OTC M&A 12)
์ ์์ํ์-๋น์๋ฆฌ-๋์ผ์กฐ๊ฑด๋ณ๊ฒฝํ๋ฝ 2.0 ๋ํ๋ฏผ๊ตญ ์ด์ฉ์๋ ์๋์ ์กฐ๊ฑด์ ๋ฐ๋ฅด๋ ๊ฒฝ์ฐ์ ํํ์ฌ ์์ ๋กญ๊ฒ ์ด ์ ์๋ฌผ์ ๋ณต์ , ๋ฐฐํฌ, ์ ์ก, ์ ์, ๊ณต์ฐ ๋ฐ ๋ฐฉ์กํ ์ ์์ต๋๋ค. ์ด์ฐจ์ ์ ์๋ฌผ์ ์์ฑํ ์ ์์ต๋๋ค. ๋ค์๊ณผ ๊ฐ์ ์กฐ๊ฑด์ ๋ฐ๋ผ์ผ ํฉ๋๋ค: ์ ์์ํ์. ๊ทํ๋ ์์ ์์๋ฅผ ํ์ํ์ฌ์ผ ํฉ๋๋ค. ๋น์๋ฆฌ. ๊ทํ๋ ์ด ์ ์๋ฌผ์ ์๋ฆฌ ๋ชฉ์ ์ผ๋ก ์ด์ฉํ ์ ์์ต๋๋ค.
๊ตฌ๋ํ (134~153)97.PDF
(I) - - 2 1 1 (BM ) 1). BM, (BM )., BM. BM (EPO),,. (Business method, BM)., 1998 State Street Bank(SSB) BM,,,,. 1 BM,, (Subject-matter Patentability and Eff ective Protection of Computer Programs), University
์ ์ธ ๊ณ ๋ฑ ๋ฒ ์ ์ 4 ๋ฏผ ์ฌ ๋ถ ํ ๊ฒฐ ์ฌ ๊ฑด 2009๋97606 ์ํด๋ฐฐ์ ์๊ณ , ํญ์์ธ 1. ์ฃผ์ํ์ฌ ํ์ฑ์ ๋ํ์ด์ฌ 2. ๊น ( - ) ํ์ฑ์ ์๊ณ ๋ค ์์ก๋๋ฆฌ์ธ ๋ณํธ์ฌ ์ด์น๊ตฌ ํผ๊ณ , ํผํญ์์ธ 1. ์บํ๋( Company) ๋ฒ๋ฎค๋ค ๋ํ๋ฏผ๊ตญ ๋ด์์์ ์์ฌ์ง ์์ธ ์ค๊ตฌ ๋ํ์ด์ฌ, ๋ํ๋ฏผ๊ตญ์์์ ๋ํ์ ๋ฏธํฉ์ค๊ตญ์ธ ์์ก๋๋ฆฌ์ธ ๋ฒ๋ฌด๋ฒ์ธ ์ํ ๋ด๋น๋ณํธ์ฌ ์์ฑ์ง
PowerPoint ํ๋ ์ ํ ์ด์
2003 CRM (Table of Contents). CRM. 2003. 2003 CRM. CRM . CRM CRM,,, Modeling Revenue Legacy System C. V. C. C V.. = V Calling Behavior. Behavior al Value Profitability Customer Value Function Churn scoring
4. ( ) 1.. (M arketin g Chann el Distribu tion Ch annel) (Sets of interdep end ent organization s involved in the process of m aking a product or service available for use or consu m ption) 1). 2). 3).,.
333 442 443 1e 1.1 eecrmeprocurement e eelectronic e e IT 321 444 online offline e front back IT 445 2000 com 1 1.2 322 e e 10 potential customers 446 1.3 e 323 447 Michael Porter 323 2 value chain enterprise
36. 1. IN G 8 ) ING,.... ING.,,,,. (Executive Board) (Risk Policy Com mittee), (Central Credit Comm ittee), (Central Limit s Com mittee).,,.,. 8) 1999 ING Annual Report pp. 32 36 pp. 94 95. 37 1) ING,
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Annual report 2005 Full story 2005 -,.!. Table of contents Future story 02 Financial highlights 03 Vision & mission 04 CEO s message & 2005 awards 06 Human story 08 Company introduction 10 Business &
CRM CRM (CRM : Customer Relationship Management ). CRM,,.,,.. IMF.,.,. (CRM: Customer Relationship Management, CRM )., CRM,.,., 57 45 (2001 )., CRM...,, CRM, CRM.. CRM 1., CRM,. CRM,.,.,. (Volume),,,,,,,,,,
14 ๊ฒฝ์๊ด๋ฆฌ์ฐ๊ตฌ ์ 6๊ถ ์ 1ํธ (2013. 6) โ . ์๋ก 2013๋ 1์ 11์ผ ๋ฏธ๊ตญ์ ์ ๋ช ํ ๊ฒฝ์์ ๋ฌธ ์๊ฐ์ง ํจ์คํธ ์ปดํผ๋ ๊ฐ 2013๋ ๊ธ๋ก๋ฒ ํ์ ๊ธฐ์ 50 ์ ๋ฐํํ๋ค. ๊ฐ์ฅ ๋์ ๋๋ ๊ฒ์ 2๋ ์ฐ์ ํ์ ๊ธฐ์ 1์๋ฅผ ์ฐจ์งํ๋ ์ ํ์ ์ถ๋ฝ ์ด์๋ค. ์์ฑ ์ธ์
์ ํ์ ์ฌ๋ก๋ฅผ ํตํด ์ดํด๋ณธ ์ฐฝ์กฐ์ ํ๊ดด 13 ๊ฒฝ์๊ด๋ฆฌ์ฐ๊ตฌ (์ 6๊ถ ์ 1ํธ) ์ ํ์ ์ฌ๋ก๋ฅผ ํตํด ์ดํด๋ณธ ์ฐฝ์กฐ์ ํ๊ดด ๋ฐ์ฌ์ ์ด๋งฅ์ํํธ(์ฃผ) ๋ถ์ฌ์ฅ ์ํํฐ๊ฐ ์ ์ํ ์ฐฝ์กฐ์ ํ๊ดด๋ ๊ฒฝ์ ์ ํ์ ๊ณผ ๋น์ฆ๋์ค ์ฌ์ดํด์ ์๋ฏธํ๋ ์ด๋ก ์ด๋ฉฐ, ๋จ์ํ๊ฒ ๋ ์ฐฝ์กฐ์ ํ์ ์ ์๋ฏธํ๋ค. ์ฆ ํ์ ์ ๊ธฐ์
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e-business - - 2000 5 LG < > < > I e-business 1 1 e-business 1 2 e-business 3 3 6 4 8 II e-business 10 1 e-business 10 2 e-business 14 III e-business 16 1 e-business 16 2 e-business IT 18 < > < -1 > 11
ๆญฏ์ ์ฉ์นด๋์์ฅํ์.PDF
2002. 11-4 - ,.. : Tel 3771-0230 / Fax 3771-0130 / E- mail ajh@fki.or.kr - 5 - - - 1. / 4 2. / 4 2.1 2.2 2.3 3. / 7 3.1 3.2 3.3 4. / 17 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 5. / 30 5.1 5.2 5.3 6. / 35 : / 39-6
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EXECUTIV E SUMM ARY. e- - e- - -, e-,. - (), - (), - (),. 5 - :,, : GE - : :, Big 3 OTD(order to delivery) - :, ERP IT : ERP - : e-(e-marketplace) : B2B e- (covisint) - : (total s o lutio n) : GE, . -
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SAS Korea / Professional Service Division 2 3 Corporate Performance Management Definition รฝ... is a system that provides organizations with a method of measuring and aligning the organization strategy
CONTENTS INTRO ํ์ฌ๋น์ ํต์ฌ๊ฐ์น ํ์ฌ์ฐํ Message from CEO Workplace Successful Innovation ๊ธฐ์ /์ ํ ํ์ ์์ฐ/ํ์ง ํ์ ์์ /์๋น์ค ํ์ Core Purpose ์์ฉ์๋์ฐจ๋ ๊ทผ๋ณธ์ ์ธ ํ์ (Breakthrough In
Microsoft PowerPoint - 3.๊ณต์DBM_์ต๋์ฑ_๋ณธ๋ถ์ฅ-์ค์๊ธฐ์ ์_์ค์ฉ์ฃผ์_CRM
ไธญ ๊ท๋ชจ ๊ธฐ์
์ ์ค์ฉ์ฃผ์CRM ์ ๋ต (CRM for SMB) ๊ณต์DBM ์๋ฃจ์
๋ถ ๋ณธ๋ถ์ฅ ์ต๋์ฑ 2007. 10. 25 Agenda I. ์ค์๊ธฐ์
์ ๊ณ ๊ฐ๊ด๋ฆฌ, CRM์ ์ค์์ฑ 1. ๊ตญ๋ด์ธ CRM ๋ํฅ 2. ๊ณ ๊ฐ๊ด๋ฆฌ, CRM์ ์ค์์ฑ 3. CRM ๋์
์ ๊ธฐ๋ํจ๊ณผ II. CRM์ ์ ๋ฐ ์ฐ๋ฆฌํ์ฌ ์ ํฉ์ฑ 1. ์ค์๊ธฐ์
์ ์ ์ฉํ CRM์ ์ ์ 2. LTV(Life
ํผ์ค๋ ํ ์ด์ ์กฐํ์ ํน์ฑ์ ๊ดํ ๊ณ ์ฐฐ
๋ฌธํ์ํ์ผ๋ก์์ ๊ฒ์ ์บ๋ฆญํฐ ๊ฐ๋ฐ ๋ธ๋๋ํ ์ ๋ต ์ฐ๊ตฌ -์ฉ์ํํฌ ์ฌ๋ก ๋ถ์- Studies of game character development and strategies of making brand name as a cultural item ์ด ์น ํ ๋์๋ํ๊ต Contents ๋
ผ๋ฌธ์์ฝ Abstract 1. ์๋ก 1-1. ์ฐ๊ตฌ๋ฐฐ๊ฒฝ ๋ฐ ๋ชฉ์ ํ ์จ๋ผ์ธ ์ปค๋ฎค๋ํฐ๋ฅผ
Microsoft Word - 001.doc
็ขฉ ๅฃซ ๅญธ ไฝ ๏ฅ ๆ CRM์ ํ์ฉํ ๋ง์ผํ
์ ๋ต์ ๊ฐ์ ๋ฐฉ์์ ๊ดํ ์ฐ๊ตฌ - ๊ตญ๋ด ์ธ ๊ธฐ์
์ฌ๋ก๋ถ์์ ์ค์ฌ์ผ๋ก - Study on a method to improve marketing straegies using CRM - Focusing on example analysis of the national and international enterprises -
ecorp-ํ๋ก์ ํธ์ ์์์์ฑ์ค๋ฌด(์์3)
(BSC: Balanced ScoreCard) ( ) (Value Chain) (Firm Infrastructure) (Support Activities) (Human Resource Management) (Technology Development) (Primary Activities) (Procurement) (Inbound (Outbound (Marketing
์ฃผ5์ผ๊ทผ๋ฌด์ ๋ณดํ์ฐ์ ์ํฅ.PDF
Insurance Business Report 1 5 2 0 0 2. 9. 5 . 1. 5 2 1. 2 2. 4. 8 1. 8 2. 13. 19 1. 20 2. 26 3. 27 4. 30. 33 1. 33 2. 34 . 55 40. -- -,. 1990IMF 5. 5, '()' '()',.,,, 5.,. 5,,. - 1 - . 5 1. 195318, 148,
NSU PLUS The cultivation of the servant leader 2008 VOL.12 FOR YOUR SUCCESS VISION VENTURE VITALITY VICTORY +contents The Cultivation of the Servant Leader NEWS NSU CAMPUS NEWS FOCUS OF NSU 04 05 www.nsu.ac.kr
2011 ์ฐ์ฐจ๋ณด๊ณ ์ ๋ฅผ ๋ฐ๊ฐํ๋ฉด์ ๋ณดํ์ฐ๊ตฌ์์ ๊ตญ๊ฐ๊ฒฝ์ ๋ฐ์ ์ ํต์ฌ์ ์ญํ ์ ๋ด๋นํ๊ณ ์๋ ๋ณดํ์ฐ์
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์๋ฆฝ ์ ๊ธฐ์ฌํ๊ธฐ ์ํด 2008๋
2์์ ๊ฐ์ํ์์ผ๋ฉฐ, ์ค๋๋ ๋ณดํ์ฐ์
์ ๋ํํ๋ ์ฐ๊ตฌ๊ธฐ๊ด์ผ๋ก ์ฑ์ฅํ ์์ต๋๋ค. ๋ณดํ์ฐ๊ตฌ์์ ์ธ๊ณํ, ์ตํฉํ, ๊ฒธ์
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Microsoft PowerPoint - SVPSVI for LGNSYS_20120320.ppt
IBM Partner Program March, 2012 Jaemin, Lee SWG Channels, IBM Korea SWG Channels 2012 IBM Corporation Agenda IBM Korea SWG Channels Software Value Plus Software Value Incentive Revalidation 2 IBM Software
๋์์UCC์ ํ์ฑํ์ ๋ฐ๋ฅธ ์์๋์์ธ์ ๋์คํ ํ์์ ๊ดํ ์ฐ๊ตฌ A Study on Development of Public Relationship of UCC Animation in Social Network ์ฃผ์ ์: ์ด์ฑ์ (Lee, Sung Sik) (์ฃผ)ํ์จ์ค์ปค๋ฎค๋์ผ์ด์
๊ณต๋์ ์: ์์๋ฝ(An, Sang Lak) ํ๊ตญ์ฌํ๋ณต์ง๋ํ ๊ด๊ณ ํ๋ณด๊ณผ ๋
ผ๋ฌธ์์ฝ Abstract
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Morning Brief ๋ฆฌ์์น์ผํฐ I Daily 211. 6. 8 [์ ์ฝ] ๊ธฐ์
๋ถ์ ํ๋๋ง์ดํฌ๋ก (Buy/maintain, TP: 2,์) [์์ฑํธ, 7475 / ๋ฐ์ ์
, 744] 2๋ถ๊ธฐ ์ค์ ๊ธฐ๋์น ์ถฉ์กฑ ์ ๋ง, ์ต๊ทผ ์ฃผ๊ฐํ๋ฝ์ ์ ๊ฐ๋งค์ ๊ธฐํ! ์ธํ์ค(Buy/maintain, TP: 25,์) [๊น์ดํธ, 7153] Galaxy ์ต๋ ์ํ ์ ์ธ๊ณ(Buy/Upgrade,
1 ).,....,.,. 99,,,.,. I. ( ). 1) 99 / 1999 ( 8 4 ), (, 1999a ). 2) < 1>. 70 90 90. (66 79 ) 66 73 2,000 (66 72 ) 600 (7 1 ) 77 79 1,000. 80 82 1,263 770, 88 900. < 1> ( 1966-1998) : ; (1976-1997), (1998
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Data Warehouse Hammersoftkorea BI Group / DW / 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Automating Informating Source : Kelly, The Data Warehousing : The Route to Mass Customization, 1996. -,, Data .,.., /. ...,.,,,.
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Annual 2013 vol.15 th HOW ENGINEERING ANNIVERSARY Annual ํ์ฐ์ธ 2013 vol.15 ํ์ฐ์์ง๋์ด๋ง๊ณผ ์๋งค์ฌ ์ฐ์ธ์์ง๋์ด๋ง์ ๊ฒฝ๋จ, ๋ถ์ฐ์ง์ญ ์ข
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07-รรยผยบยผรถรถKลธ ลก
1. INTRO 1980 1.1. OCN MTV TV 10 2004 6 1 http://blog.naver.com/huntfox/2317090 199 10 8 Zemiro toto toto 200 16 26 1 3 000 TV 10 60 38 89 9 riseon 88 83 3 toto 2) 2001 9 30 1 1.2. 1990 big 4 Exhibit 1
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Post - Internet Marketing Contents. Internet Marketing. Post - Internet Marketing Trend. Post - Internet Marketing. Paradigm. . Internet Marketing Internet Interactive Individual Interesting International
Problem New Case RETRIEVE Learned Case Retrieved Cases New Case RETAIN Tested/ Repaired Case Case-Base REVISE Solved Case REUSE Aamodt, A. and Plaza, E. (1994). Case-based reasoning; Foundational
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Senior Consultant Application Sales Consulting Oracle Korea - 1. S = (P + R) x E S= P= R= E= Source : Strategy Execution, By Daniel M. Beall 2001 1. Strategy Formulation Sound Flawed Missed Opportunity
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* BCS : Business Consulting Service ( PwC) ** C&I : Consulting & Integration Organization *** TSG: Technology Solution Group 2/22 - - - * IDC, 2003 ** 2003,, 2004 3/22 * Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create
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72)....,,,,.. 731 1.,..,,.,. * 2016 8 17 ( ) 2016. ** (, ), : KB. (2016.12.10), (2016.12.24), (2016.12.26) - 71 - 10 2 (2016).,. 731 1.. 1991 12 31 ( : 1993 1 1 )..,.,,. 1),. ICT(Information and Communications
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THE MAGAZINES OF DIGITAL CASH MANAGEMENT With Branch Office Case Study 2006 Vol.6 www.webcash.co.kr 02-784-1690~1 02-6332-1050 031-237-5932 02-951-0277 051-638-1605 055-274-1691 042-486-3533 053-746-7972
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Business Strategy for the Internet! David & Danny s Column ์ ๋ฌด์ ํตํฉ ํฌํ์ ์๋ค David Kim, Danny Park 2002-02-28 It allows users to access personalized contents and customized digital services through different
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Changes in the National Informatization Strategy and the Road to u-korea IT paradigms change quality and pattern of individuals and businesses, and influential over national strategies and policies. This
๋ณดํ๊ธ์ต์ฐ๊ตฌ ์ 26๊ถ ์ 1ํธ (2015. 2) pp. 51-71 ์ํด๋ณดํ์ฌ์ ์ถ์ฌ๋ ๊ณผ๋คํ๊ฐ? -RBC ๊ท์ ์ ๊ธฐ์ดํ ๋ถ์ - * Do P/L Insurers Cede Too Much? - An Analysis Based on the RBC Regulation - ๊น ํ ์ ** ๊น ์ ์ *** Hunsoo Kim Seog Young Kim ๊ฒฝ์ ๊ฐ ์ ์ฑ์ฅ์ผ๋ก
์์ ค์ ๋ฌธ ์ด๊ธ์๊ณผ์
: 2013.12.19 ( ) 18:30 ~ 22:30 : CCVC AAI : : : ( ) < > 1. CCVC - - 2. Access America Fund, LP / AAI - IR 2 1st Class. 1. 1)! -> ->, -> -> -> VC!,! ->. ฯ 2)! < > a. -, b. ( ) c. -,,! < > a. b. c. BM! a.
์ด์ ๋ ์ธ๋ชจ์๋ ์ง๋ฌธ๋ค 1. ์ค๋งํธํฐ ์ด๊ธฐ๊ฐ ๊ณผ์ฐ ๊ณ์๋ ๊น? 2. ์ธ์ ์ค๋งํธํฐ์ด ์ผ๋ฐ ํด๋ํฐ์ ์์ง๋ฅผ๊น? (2010๋ 10%, 2012๋ 33% ์์) 3. ์ผ์ฑ์ ์ค๋งํธํฐ OS ๋ฐ๋ค๋ ๊ณผ์ฐ ์ฑ๊ณตํ ์ ์์๊น? ์ง๊ธ๋ถํฐ ๊ธฐ์ ๋ค์ด ๊ด์ฌ ๊ฐ์ ธ์ผ ํ ์ง๋ฌธ๋ค 1. ์ค๋งํธํฐ์
Enterprise Mobility ๊ฒฝ์ํ์ ์ค๋งํธํฐ, ์น2.0 ๊ทธ๋ฆฌ๊ณ ์์
๋ผ์ดํ์ ์ ๋ต์ ํ์ฉ์ ๋ํ์ฌ Enterpise2.0 Blog : www.kslee.info 1 ์ด๊ฒฝ์ ๋ชจ๋ฐ์ผ์์ฐ์ฑ์ถ์ง๋จ ๋จ์ฅ/๊ฒฝ์๊ณตํ๋ฐ์ฌ ์ด์ ๋ ์ธ๋ชจ์๋ ์ง๋ฌธ๋ค 1. ์ค๋งํธํฐ ์ด๊ธฐ๊ฐ ๊ณผ์ฐ ๊ณ์๋ ๊น? 2. ์ธ์ ์ค๋งํธํฐ์ด ์ผ๋ฐ ํด๋ํฐ์ ์์ง๋ฅผ๊น? (2010๋
10%, 2012๋
White Paper on Knowledge Service Industry Message Message Contents Contents Contents Contents Chapter 1 Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Chapter
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, thcho@kisaorkr IPAK (Information Protection Assessment Kit) IAM (INFOSEC Assessment Methodology) 4 VAF (Vulnerability Assessment Framework) 5 OCTAVE (Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability
The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 6, December, 30, 2016:275~289 Received: 2016/12/02, Accepted: 2016/12/22 Revised: 2016/12/20, Published: 2016/12/30 [ABSTRACT] SNS is used in various fields. Although
A Review on Promotion of Storytelling Local Cultures - 265 - 2-266 - 3-267 - 4-268 - 5-269 - 6 7-270 - 7-271 - 8-272 - 9-273 - 10-274 - 11-275 - 12-276 - 13-277 - 14-278 - 15-279 - 16 7-280 - 17-281 -
CEO REPORT ์ฌ๋ชจํ๋, ๋๋ ค์๋ง ํ ๊ฒ์ธ๊ฐ ์ต๊ทผ ํ๋ฐํ ๊ธฐ์
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์์ฐ๊ตฌ์ 8 syjin@lgeri.com ๊ธ๋ก๋ฒ M&A ์์ฅ์์
์ธ๊ณํ์ค๊ณผ ๋๋จ์ด์ง ๋ก์ ์กฑ์๊ฐ ๋ง์นจ๋ด ํ๋ ธ์ต๋๋ค. ์๋ ํ์ญ๋๊น? ๋ํต๋ น์ค ๊ตญ์ ๊ธฐํ์์๋น์๊ด ๋ฐ์ฌ์์ ๋๋ค. ๋ฐฉ์ก๋ฒ, ์ ๋ฌธ๋ฒ, ์ธํฐ๋ท๋ฉํฐ๋ฏธ๋์ด๋ฐฉ์ก์ฌ์ ๋ฒ(IPTV๋ฒ) ๋ฑ ์ด๋ฅธ๋ฐ ๋ฏธ๋์ด์ฐ์ ๋ฐ์ ๋ฒ ๊ฐ์ ์์ด 7์ 22์ผ ๊ตญํ๋ฅผ ํต๊ณผํ์ต๋๋ค. ์ด๋ก์จ 1980๋ ๋ ๊ตฐ์ฌ์ ๊ถ์ ์ธ๋ก ํต
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๊ฐ๊ตญ์ผ๋ก ๋์ฝํฉ์๋ค! 2009. 8. 4 ์ฒญ์๋ ์์ 2009๋
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3์ 27์ผ Industry Analysis ์๋ช
๋ณดํ Winner Takes All ์ค๋ฆฝ (์ ๊ท) In-depth ์์ต์ฑ ์
ํ ์ฐ๋ ค๋ก ์ค๋ฆฝ ์๊ฒฌ ์ ์ ์๋ช
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AVG Anti- Virus 2012 User Manual Do c u me n t re v is io n 2012.01 ( 27.7.2011) Copy right AV G Tec hnologies CZ, s.r.o. All rights res erv ed. All other trademarks are the property of their res pec tiv
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ก. OECD ๊ฐ์ธ์ ๋ณด ๋ณดํธ์์น๊ณผ์ ๋น๊ต
2010 Annual Report on Copyright Protection ๋ฐ ๊ฐ ์ฌ ์ฐ๋ฆฌ๋๋ผ๋ ์๋
์ ์ด์ด 2๋
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์ ๋ด์ฉ...23 III. ์ฌ๋ฌด์ ๊ดํ ์ฌํญ...73 1. ์์ฝ์ฌ๋ฌด์ ๋ณด...73 2. ์ฐ๊ฒฐ์ฌ๋ฌด์ ํ...78
Industrial Location ์ฐ์ ์ ์ง 2014 Winter Vol.56 Contents โ ๋ ผ๋จ : ์ง์ญํฌ์ ์ด์ง์ ํตํ ์ง์ญ๊ฒฝ์ ํ์ฑํ ๋ฐฉ์ 06 14 26 33 ์ง์ญํฌ์ ์ด์ง์ ์ํ ์ธ์ผํฐ๋ธ ๊ฐ์ ๋ฐฉ์ ๋ฐ์ฌ๊ณค ์ง๋ฐฉํฌ์์ด์ง๋ณด์กฐ๊ธ ์ถ์ด๋ถ์๊ณผ ์ ๋ ๊ฐ์ ๊ณผ์ ๊น๊ด๊ตญ
Industrial Location 2014 Winter Vol.56 2014 Winter Vol.56 www.kicox.or.kr ๋
ผ๋จ ์ง์ญํฌ์ ์ด์ง์ ํตํ ์ง์ญ๊ฒฝ์ ํ์ฑํ ๋ฐฉ์ ๋ฐ์ฌ๊ณค ์ง์ญํฌ์ ์ด์ง์ ์ํ ์ธ์ผํฐ๋ธ ๊ฐ์ ๋ฐฉ์ ๊น๊ด๊ตญ ์ง๋ฐฉํฌ์์ด์ง๋ณด์กฐ๊ธ ์ถ์ด๋ถ์๊ณผ ์ ๋ ๊ฐ์ ๊ณผ์ ๊น์๊ณค ๊ฒฝ๋ถ์ง์ญ์ ๋ํ ํฌ์์ด์ง ๋ฐ ๊ธฐ์
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SHR-6080/6082/6160/6162/6163/6164 8 Channel/16 Channel DVR 2_ _3 4_ 15cm 5cm _5 15cm 5cm 6_ J _7 8_ _9 6080 1 2 3 4 10 8 7 6 5 6160/6163 1 2 3 4 10 8 7 6 5 6082 1 2 3 4 10 9 8 7 6 5 6162/6164 1 2 3 4 10
Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2016, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp.1-19 DOI: *,..,,,.,.,,,,.,,,,, ( )
Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2016, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp.1-19 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21024/pnuedi.26.1.201604.1 *,..,,,.,.,,,,.,,,,, ( ).,,,. * 2014. 2015. ** 1, : (E-mail: cajoo@pusan.ac.kr)
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. 1.... Westbrook and Newman(1978),,, 8). Anderson (1973) 9)., Anderson. () (ou tcom e) () (p rocess)() 10). 8) Westbook, R. A. and Newman J. W., An Analysis of shopper Dissatisfaction for major Household
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2017 2017 Data Industry White Paper 2017 1 1 1 2 3 Interview 1 4 1 3 2017IT 4 20161 4 2017 4 * 22 2017 4 Cyber Physical SystemsCPS 1 GEGE CPS CPS Industrial internet, IoT GE GE Imagination at Work2012
Issue ๊ฐํ๊ณ ์์ด 2) ๊ธฐ์ ๋ค์ SNS๋ฅผ ์ ๊ทน์ ์ผ๋ก ํ์ฉํ๊ธฐ ์ํ ๋ค์ํ ๋ฐฉ์๋ค์ ๋ชจ์ํ๊ณ ์ถ์งํ๊ณ ์๋ค. ํนํ ์ต๊ทผ ์ค๋งํธํฐ์ ํ์ฐ์ ๋ชจ๋ฐ์ผํ๊ฒฝ์์ SNS๋ฅผ ์ฌ์ฉ๊ฐ๋ฅํ๋๋ก ํ์ฌ SNS์ ํ์ฐ์ ํฌ๊ฒ ์ํฅ์ ๋ฏธ์น๊ณ ์๊ณ , SNS์ ํ์ฐ์ ๋ค์ ์ค๋งํธํฐ์ ํ์ฐ์๋
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Logistics Strategic Planning pnjlee@cjcci.or.kr Difference between 3PL and SCM Factors Third-Party Logistics Supply Chain Management Goal Demand Management End User Satisfaction Just-in-case Lower
iii ์ฃผ์ ๊ฒฐ๊ณผ ์์ฝ ์ด๊ด ํํฉ 2014๋
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Oracle Internet Procurement Agenda 1 2 3 4 5 Introduction Oracle Solution Overview Oracle Internet Procurement Value Proposition Reference Conclusion e-procurement, E- Commerce Internet Automated Transactions
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Microsoft PowerPoint - 6.CRM_Consulting.ppt
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15 Patterns of Creative Process Redesign J. Ray Cho Abstract Process Innovation (PI) is a fundamental rethinking and redesign of business processes to achieve improvements in critical contemporary measures
LG Electronics Inc. I 2002 I Based on its insight into the needs of the digital age and on its innovative technology, LG Electronics is aiming t
LG Electronics Inc. I 2002 I 00 01 Based on its insight into the needs of the digital age and on its innovative technology, LG Electronics is aiming to become a premier global enterprise. To achieve that
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A pplic ation of Continu ou s P re fle x Com po s it e Girder to Rig id F ram e by V ertic al Lo adin g 2001 2 A pplic ation of Continu ou s P re fle x Com po s it e Girder to Rig id F ram e by V ertic
Contents 03 ์ฐ๊ตฌํ ํ๋์ฌ์ง์ 04~05 2014๋ ํ๋ฐ๊ธฐ ์ ์ฝ์ ๊ณ ํซ์ด์ 06~09 ํ๊ฐํนํ ์ฐ๊ณ์ ๋์ ๋ํ์ฌ 10~11 ์ฝ๊ฐ์ฌํ๊ด๋ฆฌ์ ๋ ๊ฐ์ ๋ฐฉ์ 12~13 ๊ฐ์นํ๊ฐ(Valuation)์ด๋ป๊ฒ ํ๋ฉด ์ข์๊น? 14 ์ ์ฝ์ ๋ฌด ์ค๋ช ํ ์ค๋ฌธ์กฐ์ฌ ๊ฒฐ๊ณผ 15 ์ ์ฝ์ ๋ฌด ์ค
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Regents exam in U.s. HistoRy And government The University of the State of New York Regents HigH school examination ๋ฏธ๊ตญ ์ญ์ฌ ๋ฐ ์ ๋ถ KOREAN EDITION U.S. HISTORY AND GOVERNMENT TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 2015 9:15 A.M.
์ฌ๋ผ์ด๋ 1
[ CRM Fair 2004 ] CRM 1. CRM Trend 2. Customer Single View 3. Marketing Automation 4. ROI Management 5. Conclusion 1. CRM Trend 1. CRM Trend Operational CRM Analytical CRM Sales Mgt. &Prcs. Legacy System
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Form 20-F () Annual Report(2006) 69 6 2, 2007. 6. 28. Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC) Form 20-F Annual Report(2006)., Form 20-F Annual Report(2006) Investor Relations-SEC Filings-Form 20- F(US
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0 1-9 Cus t omi zed Cont ract Tra in ing Programmes for the Unemp loyed 0 1-9 Cus t omi zed Cont ract Tra in ing Programmes for the Unemp loyed : , 1999. 2,,,,,..,.,,,.,.. 2001 6 1. 2,..,, 2,.,.,. 2.,
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O2O(Online to Offline)์๋น์ค ์ ๋ต๋ฐฉํฅ ์ฐ๊ตฌ - ๋ชจ๋ฐ์ผ ์ฌ์ฉ์ ๊ฒฝํ ๋์์ธ(UX Design)์ ์ค์ฌ์ผ๋ก - O2O(Online to Offline) Service Strategy Research -Focusing on Mobile UX Design- ์ฃผ์ ์ ๊น ํ ๋ชจ Kim, Hyung-mo BK21ํ๋ฌ์ค ๋ค๋น์น ์ฐฝ์์ตํฉ์ธ์ฌ์์ฑ์ฌ์
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Savills World Research ๋ธ๋ฆฌํ ์์ธ ํ๋ผ์ ์คํผ์ค ์ฌ์ง :, Seoul ๊ฐ์ ์ฌ์๋์ ๋์ฌ์ ๋์ ๊ณต์ค๋ฅ ์๋ ๋ถ๊ตฌํ๊ณ ํฅํ ๊ณต์ค ๊ฐ์ ๊ธฐ๋์ ๋ฎ์ ์ด์์จ, ์ฐ๋๋ฌผ๊ฑด์ด ๋ท๋ฐ์นจ๋์ด ์์ธ ์คํผ์ค ์์ฅ์ ๊ตญ๋ด์ธ ํฌ์์๋ค์ ์ง์์ ์ธ ๊ด์ฌ์ ๋ฐ๊ณ ์๋ค. ์ ๊ท๊ณต๊ธ์ผ๋ก ์ ๊ณต์ค๋ฅ ์ ์ฆ๊ฐํ์๊ณ GBD์ YBD์ ๊ณต์ค๋ฅ ์ ๊ฐ์ํ์๋ค. ๊ณต์ค๋ฅ ์ด ์ฆ๊ฐํ ์์ ์์ฐจ์ธ
Output file
๋ฐ ๊ฐ ๋ฑ ๋ก ๋ฒ ํธ -079930-00000-0 203 Personal Information Protection Annual Report ๋ณธ ์ฐ์ฐจ๋ณด๊ณ ์๋ ๊ฐ์ธ์ ๋ณด ๋ณดํธ๋ฒ ์ 67์กฐ์ ๊ท์ ์ ์๊ฑฐํ์ฌ ๊ฐ์ธ์ ๋ณด ๋ณดํธ์์ฑ
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๋ ์ ๊ธฐ๊ตญํ์ ์ ์ถํ๊ธฐ ์ํ์ฌ ์์ฑ๋์์ต๋๋ค. ๋ชฉ ์ฐจ 203 ์ฐ์ฐจ๋ณด๊ณ ์ ์ ํธ ์ฃผ์ ํํฉ ์
Principal Consultant Corporate Management Team ( Oracle HRMS ) Agenda 1. Oracle Overview 2. HR Transformation 3. Oracle HRMS Initiatives 4. Oracle HRMS Model 5. Oracle HRMS System 6. Business Benefit 7.
์ ์ถ ๋ฌธ ๊ตญ๊ฐ์ง์์ฌ์ฐ์์ํ ์์์ฅ ๊ทํ ๋ณธ ๋ณด๊ณ ์๋ฅผ "2015๋ ์ง์์ฌ์ฐ ํ์ฉ์ ๋ฌธ์์ํ ์ ์ฑ ์ด์ ๋ฐ๊ตด ์ฐ๊ตฌ" ์ต์ข ๋ณด๊ณ ์๋ก ์ ์ถํฉ๋๋ค. 2015๋ 11์ 7์ผ ์ฃผ๊ด์ฐ๊ตฌ๊ธฐ๊ด๋ช : ํ์ก์จ๋ผ์ธ๋ฆฌ๊ฑธ์ผํฐ(์ฃผ) ์ฐ๊ตฌ๊ธฐ๊ฐ : 2015. 5. 12. ~ 11. 7. ์ฃผ๊ด์ฐ๊ตฌ์ฑ ์์ :
์ง์์ฌ์ฐ ํ์ฉ์ ๋ฌธ์์ํ ์ ์ฑ
์ด์ 2015. 11. ์ ์ถ ๋ฌธ ๊ตญ๊ฐ์ง์์ฌ์ฐ์์ํ ์์์ฅ ๊ทํ ๋ณธ ๋ณด๊ณ ์๋ฅผ "2015๋
์ง์์ฌ์ฐ ํ์ฉ์ ๋ฌธ์์ํ ์ ์ฑ
์ด์ ๋ฐ๊ตด ์ฐ๊ตฌ" ์ต์ข
๋ณด๊ณ ์๋ก ์ ์ถํฉ๋๋ค. 2015๋
11์ 7์ผ ์ฃผ๊ด์ฐ๊ตฌ๊ธฐ๊ด๋ช
: ํ์ก์จ๋ผ์ธ๋ฆฌ๊ฑธ์ผํฐ(์ฃผ) ์ฐ๊ตฌ๊ธฐ๊ฐ : 2015. 5. 12. ~ 11. 7. ์ฃผ๊ด์ฐ๊ตฌ์ฑ
์์ : ๊น์น์ด(๋ฒ๋ฌด๋ฒ์ธ ์ํ ๋ํ๋ณํธ์ฌ)
< > 1 1 2 1 21 1 22 2 221 2 222 3 223 4 3 5 31 5 311 (netting)5 312 (matching) 5 313 (leading) (lagging)6 314 6 32 6 321 7 322 8 323 13 324 19 325 20 326 20 327 20 33 21 331 (ALM)21 332 VaR(Value at Risk)