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1 동북아시대를 선도하는 NEAR NEAR Leading the Era of Northeast Asia 2009년 7월~8월 / 제28호 28 산똥성 웨이하이 롱청(榮成)의 스따오(石島) 항구 Shidao Port, Weihai, Shandong Province 특별기고 아시아 공동번영을 위한 아름다운 동행 Special Contribution Asia, Keeping Company with Each Other on the Road to Co-prosperity 이달의 동정 NEAR 활동 사무국 소식 회원자치단체 소식 NEAR This Month NEAR Activities l Secretariat News l NEAR Member News 기획취재 산똥성 제1회 해양 어업분과위원회 푸른 땅, 푸른 경제 - 아름다운 산똥이 여러분을 환영합니다. Feature Report The 1st NEAR Sub-Committee on Ocean and Fishery Blue Land and Blue Economy - Welcome to the Beautiful Province of Shandong! NEAR 회원단체소개 몽골 우부르항가이 NEAR Member Tour Uvurkhangai province, Mongolia 동북아시아지역자치단체연합 The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

2 NEAR News NEAR Newsaims to become an official messenger of NEAR to deliver news and share information among members. It is a periodical newsletter containing contents on NEAR activities, member news, international issues, contributioins, notification, etc. NEAR News is distributed to NEAR members and related institutions free of charge, and is also serviced online on the NEAR homepage NEAR News is open to anyone who is interested in Northeast Asia. If you have good contribution articles or creative ideas that you would like to run on the NEAR News, please contact the NEAR Secretariat. Foggy Samreung Forest, Gyeongju City, Korea

3 N E A R NEAR is... an international organization founded by 29 government from four Northeast Asian countries, including South Korea, China, Japan, Russia, etc., in September 1996 in Gyeongju, South Korea. NEAR has adopted the Charter based on the ideology of co-prosperity of Northeast Asia, and carried out extensive exchange and cooperation projects in various fields ranging from economy and trade, education & cultural exchanges, environment, disaster prevention, cross-border cooperation, science & technology, ocean & fisheries to tourism. With the participation of North Korea and Mongolia and accession of new member governments, NEAR is growing as a representative regional diplomacy and cooperative organization of Northeast Asia with 69 member governments from six countries. NEAR is open to all. Any local government located in the Northeast Asian region sharing the founding purpose of NEAR can join us through the NEAR General Assembly. 03 The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

4 _ Special Contribution 04

5 Asia, Keeping Company with Each Other on the Road to Co-prosperity Kim Kwan Yong Governor of Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, Korea Recently I visited the three Asian countries, namely Thailand, China and Mongolia for seven days from late June through early July during which I had chances to talk to various people from senior government officials to university students. By establishing a new framework for international partnership in the fields of culture, spirit and agriculture, this trip has made me more confident of the potential of vibrant international exchange led by regional governments. My first stay was in Thailand where I foresaw the possibility of opening up a new cultural Silk Road of the 21 st century when Gyeongsangbuk-do (Gyeongbuk) and Thailand agreed to keep cultural company together. I signed an MOU with Thai Minister of Culture Teera Slukpetch on the Bangkok - Gyeongju World Culture Expo 2010 to be held in October next year and met with Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva who promised governmental support. Along with the Angkor- Gyeongju World Culture Expo held back in 2006, the 2010 event of its kind in Bangkok is one of Gyeongbuk s flagship culture brands which can be enjoyed by people around the world. Our province intends to make this event into a pilot model for Korea-Asia cultural exchange. The Thai Government gave permission to use the Sanam Luang public square or the royal cremation ground, which was an expression of its keen interest in and firm commitment to the event. In China, my next destination, the first step was taken in keeping spiritual company with China. I was invited by Tsinghua University, which many national leaders attended including President Hu Jintao, to give a special lecture on the Saemaul movement. It is the first time that the head of a regional government ever gave a special lecture in our university. We wanted to listen directly from a person who is at the forefront of spreading the spirit and practice of the movement, said Vice President Xie Weihuo attaching special meaning to this occasion. I found it very meaningful to pass on the spirit of the Saemaul Undong or New Village movement, a social reform launched by former South Korean President Park Chung Hee through which we also join hands with UN to eradicate poverty in Africa, to one of the largest economies in the world. This visit also gave me opportunity to rediscover the significance and potential of Saemaul as a global movement. Tsinghua university students crowding the lecture hall were especially interested, when I said Korea is trying to green people s spirit as solution to negative social factors such as collective egoism, disintegration and social confrontations. Vice President Xie Weihuo commented, it provided a good chance to reflect upon the necessity of keeping spiritual development along with economic growth, a task China would face in the future, and expressed his strong will to join the Korea Samaul Expo to be held in September in Gumi City, Korea. Lastly, I visited Mongolia to strengthen a cooperative partnership by keeping agricultural company with the country. I signed an agricultural exchange agreement with Minister T. Badamjunai. of the Mongolian Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry and joined the opening ceremony of the Gyeongbuk-Mongolia Agriculture Development Center, which was attended by parliament members, ministers and many other political and administrative leaders. I believe this center will provide a platform where Mongolia s vast land meets the capital and technology of Gyeongbuk and serve as a stepping stone towards a prosperous Korea, Mongolia and Northeast Asia without any food problems. Gyeongbuk pursues diplomacy of walking together, which is the essence of our cultural, spiritual and agricultural partnership. Also, in line with this vision, the Secretariat of the Association of North East Asia Regional Governments (membership of 69 regional governments from six countries) has been headquartered in Pohang City of our province since 2005 to build a new Silk Road in Asia and contribute to realizing co-prosperity of Northeast Asia and world peace. This trip reconfirmed my belief that our walk to co-prosperity can become a more beautiful experience by states and regional governments actively joining hands and building partnerships with each other through mutual exchange and cooperation. I hope that the seed of hope we sowed this time will root and grow into a beautiful tree to bear ripe and candied fruits of Asian co-prosperity. 05 The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

6 _ NEAR This Month Near Activities The 9 th Sub-Committee on Environment The 9 th Sub-Committee on Environment and the 2009 Workshop on Visibility Survey of Dust and Sandstorm was successfully held on 8-9 July in Oarks Canal Park Hotel Toyama, Japan, attended by 31 participants, including representatives of NEAR members, the Secretariat and the Japanese Environment Ministry. The gathering discussed outcomes and progresses of individual projects which have been implemented by members of the Environmental Sub-Committee and agreed to share useful information of the environment in the region among members and take practical measures for environment preservation. Also, Toyama Prefecture was reelected as the coordinator of the Sub-Committee for an extended term of two years. The 9 th Sub-Committee on Environment Young Adults from NEAR Members Gathered in Shimane Prefecture The 2009 Northeast Asia Wings of Exchange in Shimane was held on 30 July-4 August in Shimane Prefectural Assembly Hall, participated by 29 young adults from China, Japan, Korea and Russia. As one of the projects of the Sub- Committee on Educational and Cultural Exchange, it provided youths with opportunities to experience the Aigamo Agricultural Method, a method of pest control and fertilization and to make dairy foods at Ito ranch and Japanese traditional cakes at Karakoro Bakery. Also, youth delegations from four countries visited hydroponic farms, the Adachi Museum and the Yasugibushi Theater. Finishing the schedule, a wrap-up open discussion enabled students to widen their viewpoints and understanding not only on Japanese, but also on one another s cultures by sharing their opinions and feelings. What made this event more remarkable was high participation by Shimane Prefectural residents in providing homestay for their international guests. 06 Butter making experience at Ito ranch Shimane s traditional dance Yasugibushi

7 The 7 th NEAR Working Committee and the 2 nd Sub- Committee on Science and Technology to be held in Global Inspiration Gyeonggi-do Gyeonggi-do Province, the Chair Province and Coordinator of the Sub- Committee on Science and Technology will host the 7 th NEAR Working Committee and the 2 nd Sub-Committee on Science & Technology from September 22 to 25 in Suwon City, Gyeonggi-do. This Working Committee is expected to provide a platform for reviewing Sub-Committee activities for the year 2009, sharing best practices in dealing with globalization and publicizing information on investment opportunities and international events among NEAR members. In particular, attendees will also be provided with the opportunity to visit G-Fair 2009, a technology festival where best venture companies from Korea and abroad will showcase their key technologies, and participate in the 2010 G-Fair promotion meeting to promote practical economic exchange. Meanwhile, ushering in the era of low carbon and green growth, the 2 nd Sub-Committee on Science and Technology will provide good opportunity for exchanging information on Northeast Asian human resources and state-ofthe-art technologies in bio industry under the theme, Promoting Bio Technology as a new vision of human future. Secretariat NEWS Secretary General Lee Visited Henan Province Secretariat delegates led by Secretary General Lee visited Henan Province, China on June to meet with Governor Guo Gengmao, Vice Governor Song Xuantao and senior officials of Foreign Affairs Office and Tourism Administration in preparation for the inauguration meeting of the Sub- Committee on Tourism and discussed the development potential of Northeast Asian tourism industry. (from left) Secretary General Lee, Governor Guo Gengmao and Vice Governor Song Xuantao Governor O. Batjargal presents the Mongolian traditional instrument Morin Khuur, or Horse head fiddle to Director Shi-won Lee of NEAR Secretariat Secretariat Delegation Visited Mongolia to Discuss Possibility of Establishing a New Sub-Committee Four Secretariat delegates led by Director LEE Shi Won officially visited NEAR members in Mongolia from June. After meeting with President Sarantuya of Mongolian Women s Association to discuss overall issues concerning a new Sub-Committee on women, the delegation visited Vice Governor O.Batjargal of Uvurkhangai Province and exchanged views on how to expand NEAR activities in a sustainable manner. The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments 07

8 _ NEAR This Month Secretariat Delegation Paid an Official Visit to Heilonjiang NEAR Secretariat delegation led by Secretary General Lee paid an official visit to Heilonjiang on June. After participating in the opening ceremony of the 20 th Int l Economic & Trade Fair held in Harbin City, the delegation met with Vice Governor Sun Yongbo to share views on strengthening economic cooperation in the Northeast Asian region. Secretary General Lee met with Vice Governor Sun Yongbo, Heilonjiang Province Foreign Minister of the a Republic (Yakutia) met with the Secretariat delegation Secretariat Delegation Visited Russia to Support NEAR Members NEAR Secretariat Delegation led by Executive Director Yeon-Gil Koo visited Russia to participate in the Baikal Economic Forum held in the Republic of Buryatia and met with the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) to discuss measures to enhance cooperation between NEAR members. NEAR Member News 08 Hunan Province - China Charming and exciting Hunan International Tourism Festival is waiting for you! Welcome to Hunan! The annual tourism carnival- Hunan International Tourism Festival, 2009 is set to be unveiled from Sept. 12 to Sept. 18. The opening ceremony of the sixday event is expected to be staged on the Orange Islet Juzizhoutou -- the largest islet standing in the inland river through urban area across the world and the renowned scenic spot in Changsha- the capital city of Hunan Province. Inheriting the theme of Beautiful Land, Merry Hunan, this Festival will see series of activities such as the Promotion of Hunan Tourism Products & Business Attraction for Tourism Projects, Hunan Food Cultural Festival, Investigation on Hunan Selected Tourism Routes and so on besides the opening ceremony. In addition, the 4 th Chang-Zhu-Tan Recreation & Ecotourism Festival will be held in Changsha-- the host city of this event. Diverse and colorful activities with distinct features are planned to be carried out in cities and prefectures across the Province Islet Juzizhoutou, where the opening ceremony will be staged

9 Kyoto Prefecture - Japan Dreaming to Become Kansai s Gateway to the East Sea (Sea of Japan) In the coming spring, next year, a multipurpose international terminal will open at the Port of Kyoto-Maizuru, which has regular shipping routes to the port of Busan, the hub harbor of Northeast Asia and the world and to Dalian and Qingdao, both of which are gateways to the three provinces in northeastern China. The Maizuru International Terminal will be able to dock container ships of the 50,000-ton class. Also, Kyoto is planning to promote development of industries in the northern area by forming a specialized industrial cluster centering around the Kyoto-Maizuru Port as a logistics and transportation hub. Furthermore, taking its geographical advantage in Northeast Asia, Kyoto aspires to further strengthen the position of Maizuru as a gateway to the Kansai economic bloc on the East Sea (Sea of Japan), and is searching for new logistics routes and international ferries. Airview of Maizuru International Terminal Gyeongsangbuk-do Province - Korea Korea Saemaul Expo Delivers New Hope to the World Based on the spirit of diligence, self-reliance and cooperation, the Saemaul Movement or the New Village Movement is a social reform movement launched by former South Korean president Park Chung Hee to break the vicious circle of poverty and modernize and the rural South Korean economy. It is remembered among Koreans as the best achievement since the establishment of the nation. Until recently, the movement has been learned by over 40,000 people from 74 countries as a solution to poverty and famine in the underdeveloped world and implemented by 13 countries, gaining attention from the UN and the world. Now commemorating its 40 th anniversary, Gyeongsangbuk-do is shedding new light on the movement by holding Korea Saemaul Expo on September under the theme of Saemaul, a Hope that Makes Tomorrow in the city of Gumi. Co-hosted by the Korea Samaul Undong Center, it will spread the spirit of Samaul as well as its tangible - and intangible cultural assets to the world through various programs and exhibitions, including Hope Samaul Zone, Global Zone, Saemaul Luxury Goods Hall, and Green Culture Hall among many others. Governor KIM Kwan Yong of Gyeongsangbuk-do Province met with UN Secretary General BAN Ki-Moon with a mission to globalize the Samaul Movement (from left: Governor KIM Kwan Yong, UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon and Chairman PARK Mong Ryong of the Gyeongsangbuk-do Samaul Center) The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments 09

10 _ NEAR This Month Daejeon Metropolitan City - Korea The 6 th WTA Daejeon Hi-Tech Fair Realizes High- Technology Transfer and International Trade Daejeon Metropolitan City (Mayor PARK Seoung Hyo) is hosting the 6 th WTA Daejeon Hi-Tech Fair on October at Kotra Trade Exhibition Center (KOTREX), Daejeon. WTA Hi-Tech Fair is an international exhibition in which research institutes, universities and high-tech industries from cities across the world including WTA members (66 members from 33 countries) exhibit their technologies and high-tech products to foster technology transfer and commercialization. The World Technopolis Association (WTA) is a multilateral cooperative organization established in September, 1998 on the initiative of Daejeon to promote regional development and a shared prosperity through exchanges and cooperation among science cities around the world and to contribute further to the happiness and well-being of humanity through the development of science and technology. The opening ceremony of the 3 rd WTA Techno-Mart held on 28 October 2003 in Hefei City, China (The former WTA Techno-Mart has been redesigned into WTA Hi-tech Fair since 2009) 10 Presentation on Baikal special economic zone of tourism Ulaanbaatar City - Mongolia S. Korea-Mongolia Choir Concert Touched Mongolian Souls The Seoul Bach Choir conducted by KIM Myeong Yeop, Professor of Church Music at Yonsei Univ., Korea performed on July 25 and 26 at the State Philharmonic Hall in Mongolia to honor the establishment of Mongolian and South Korean relations. Organized jointly by the Korean People Association in Mongolia (KPAM), the Univ. of Ulaanbaatar and the New Art Center, the event was joined by more than 300 audiences, including Chairman HUR Seong Jo of KPAM, Korean Ambassador JEONG Il in Mongolia, Korean nationals and Mongolian citizens. Mongolian opera singers also participated in the concert, including D. Erdenejargal and D. Otgonjargal, who are the young opera singers of the State Opera and Ballet Theater. Republic of Buryatia - Russia Baikal Economic Forum The Baikal Economic Forum took place on the subject of The Role of Siberia and the Far East in Global Development on 8-10 July in Ulan-Ude City, the Republic of Buryatia with more than 980 businessmen from around the world. This forum was joined by Russian senior officials from 39 national institutions and 49 foreign government and business delegations, including the Russian Federal(RF) Council delegates led by Chairman S. M. Mironov, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Business Council led by President D. F. Mezenchev, Presidential Plenipotentiary Representative A. V. Kvashin to the Siberian Federal District of the RF, President V. V. Nagovichyn of Buryatia and President A. A. Alpatov of the Federal Agency for Management of Special Economic Zones. Participating major foreign companies were mostly from China, Japan and Korea while Germany stood out among other European countries with its large delegation. Opening ceremony of the Baikal Economic Forum (from left: President D. F. Mezenchev of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Business Council; Chairman S. M. Mironov of the Russian Federal Council; President V. V. Nagovichyn of the Republic of Buryatia; and RF Finance Minister A.L. Kudrin)

11 11 The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

12 _ NEAR This Month NEAR Member Events Schedule Member Event Date Venue Field Contact Hunan Province (China) China Hunan Int l Tourism Festival 2009) 12~18 September Juzizhoutou Tourism Hunan Provincial Foreign Affairs Office T F Hyogo Prefecture (Japan) The International Industrial Fair 2009 Kobe 3~4 September Hyogo Prefecture Industrial Exhibition Dept. of Science Promotion, Hyogo Prefectural Government T F Kyoto Prefecture (Japan) The 6 th Annual Meeting Science and Technology in Society Forum 4~6 October Kyoto International Conference Center Science & Technology Science and Technology in Society Forum (NPO) T Busan Metropolitan City (Korea) ENTECH 2009 The 14 th Pusan Int l Film Festival 16~19 September 8~16 October BEXCO Haeundae, Nampo-dong Environment & Energy Film BEXCO Exhibition Team T PIFF Organizing Committee T Gwangju Metropolitan City (Korea) Gwangju Design Biennale 2009 Jeonju Int l Sori Festival 18 September~4 November 23~27 September Kimdaejung Convention Center Jeonju Culture & Art Culture & Art Gwangju Biennale Foundation T Jeonju Int l Sori Festival Organizing Committee T F Deajeon Metropolitan City (Korea) The 60 th Int l Astronautical Congress 12~16 October Daejeon Convention Center Aerospace 2009 Astronautical Congress Organizing Committee T F Chungcheon gbuk-do Province (Korea) Cheongju Int l Craft Biennale September~1 November Cheongju City Culture & Art Cheongju Biennale Organizing Committee T ~3 F Gyeongsang buk-do Province (Korea) Korea Saemaul Expo 19~23 September Gumi City Culture Saemaul Expo TF Team T F Jeju Special Governing Province (Korea) The III Delphic Games ~15 September Jejudo Island Culture & Art The 3 rd Delphic Games Organizing Committee T ~6 F Krasnoyarsk Territory (Russia) Info. Technology Exhibition Connected to the 17 th Infocom ~24 October Krasnoyarsk City Info. & Tech. Krasnoyarskaya Yarmarka T Altai Territory (Russia) The 15 th Professional Agricultural Exhibition 27~30 October Barnaul City Agriculture Altaiskaya Yarmarka T , , , , F altfair@altfair.ru Primorsky Territory (Russia) The 3 rd Int l Congress of Fishers 1~4 September Vladivostok Fishery The Administration of Primorsky Krai T fishing@primorsky.ru Tomsk Region (Russia) The 7 th Innovation Forum End of October (TBC) Tomsk Technology Innovation Dept. of Foreign Affairs, Tomsk Regional Gov. T

13 기획취재 _ Feature Report 산똥성 제1회 해양 어업분과위원회 The 1st NEAR Sub-Committee on Ocean and Fishery 푸른 땅, 푸른 경제 - 아름다운 산똥이 여러분을 환영합니다. Blue Land and Blue Economy - Welcome to the Beautiful Province of Shandong! 웨이하이(威海) 츠엉산터우(成山頭) Chengshantou in Weihai City

14 _ Feature Report Quality marine products of Shandong 1-1. freshwater crab from Weishanhu, Jining, 1-2. sea cucumber, 1-3. abalone, 1-4. and sea urchin Kelp farming Sunrise at Chengshantou in Weihai City Processed marine products The Sub-Committee on Ocean and Fishery According to the decision of the 7 th NEAR General Assembly to appoint Shandong Province as the coordinator of the Sub-Committee on Ocean and Fishery, Shandong Province is hosting the Inauguration Meeting of the NEAR Sub-Committee on Ocean and Fishery and the Forum on Ocean Management and Development of Modern Fishery on 9-12 October 2009 in Yantai City. We cordially invite you to the membership of the newly established body and to the gathering aimed at promoting ocean fishery development of Northeast Asia. Forum on Ocean Management and Development of Modern Fishery The Sub-Committee Meeting will be held back-to-back with the Forum on Ocean Management and Development of Modern Fishery. Various issues such as ocean management, - economy, - farming, protection of ocean ecology, environment-friendly farming models and fishery management will be discussed among ocean experts, business leaders and NEAR members. Also, Shandong High-Quality Marine Products Exhibition will provide a wonderful chance to experience fishes, shrimps, clams, sea vegetables and other delicacies of Shandong Ocean. The Maritime Environment and Fishery of Shandong Shandong is one of the largest fishery provinces in China with its 3,100 kmlong coastline, over 300 offshore islands and more than 70 harbors, and the sea area is almost the same with the size of its land. Also, with approx. 27 hectare of fresh water, Shandong is richer in fresh water resources among other northern regions of China. Having well-developed farming, marine product processing and shipbuilding 14

15 Landscape of Yantai city Rongcheng Swan Lake, Weihai Qingdao Olympic Yacht Base View of Longyan Port, Weihai industries, Shandong ranks 1 st in the total volume of production, processing and trade of marine products. As the biggest marine products processing base in China, it processes 6 million tons every year with 2,000 companies. Also, it is advanced in 9 industries, including freshness maintenance, refrigeration, food processing, marine medicine, fish meal, fish mince, sea vegetable food, health medicine and raw material processing. There are more than 50 fishing boat manufacturers and all types of ships and floating constructions less than 7,000 tons in weight are produced in more than 20 large-scale ship building docks. Shandong is the research and education center of Chinese ocean science and fishery with 56 outstanding science & technology institutions and more than 10,000 researchers in the field. The province has promoted sustainable development of the ocean fishery economy by balancing between development of ocean - and inland economy; development and protection of marine resources; and domestic development and international cooperation. Shandong has beautiful natural environment and historic sites, widely known for its outstanding scenery of mountains and sea, long-standing history and culture and unique folk customs. In particular, with its elegant landscapes, mild weather and unrivaled vigor, the beautiful beach-city Yantai is praised as one of the most attractive cities in China. We wholeheartedly hope that honorable NEAR members could visit our province to discuss the great plan for the development of ocean and fishery in Northeast Asia! We wish all visitors may fully discover and enjoy the charm of our province! Welcome to Shandong! The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments 15

16 _ NEAR Member Tour Beautiful nature, Ancient history, new opportunities and business opportunities... Uvurkhangai province awaits you! Welcome to Uvurkhangai province!! The size of land of Uvurkhangai province is more than 63.5 thousand square kilometers and the population is approximately 110 thousand in 19 sums (towns). The capital city of the province is Arvaikheer is becoming one of Mongolian fast developing cities. Uvurkhangai province has been well known as thoroughfares to west provinces having a comprehensive transport system linking roadway and airway. Uvurkhangai province boasts its abundant natural resources such as gold, copper, and coal eg. It is one of the major agricultural producing lands and old industrial bases having attractive tourist sites. The ancient Capital of Mongolian Empire Khara- Khorum city is in our province, which attracts foreign tourists the most. I invite you to experience the power of this region for yourself. Embrace the opportunities and potential of Uvurkhangai Province, emerging as the mining and tourism industry hub of Central Asia. Dulamdorj TOGTOKHSUREN Governor of Uvurkhangai Province 16

17 NATURE and GEOGRAPHY 1 2 Huis eight lakes /2500 m above the sea level/ Tamch Rock Orkhon water fall /cascades down from height of 24m/ Uvurkhangai province emcompasses an area of 63.5 thousand square kilometers. It is 385 km from north to south, 310 km from west to east. The province center lies in a location of 420 km far from Ulaanbaatar city. Geographical Center point of Mongolia is located in Burd sum of Uvurkhangai province, which is named as Uvurkhushuut. The province has amazingly beautiful scenery of nature. The Khangai mountain range occupies the northern part of the territory. The middle part is covered with steppe and the southern part is rich in desert plants of Altai mountain range. 3 There are large mountains, which are at an altitude of 2,500-3,590 meters above sea level. Also it has wonderful places such as Orkhon water fall cascades down from height of 24 meters, Huis Eight lakes, which are 2,500 meters above the sea level and Tamch Rock. There are also large steppes like Arvaikheer, Doloodoi, Shagj, Khongor, Guchin and Orkhon valley. The Khangai regional part of the province is rich in wild animals such as deer, antelopes, foxes, wolves, bears and other rare animals. According to the geological research, four gold mines, nine rare minerals, four colored and mixed minerals, two irons, three spas and four burning mineral resources were identified in the province. 17 The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments

18 _ NEAR Member Tour HISTORY and CULTURE 4 Uvurkhangai province is noted for its ancient culture, beautiful sightseeing and historical places. Esunzuil soum is motherland of Mongolian First Bogd Khaan (head of religion), famous statesman and great lama Undur Gegeen Zanabazar. 5 Tuvkhun monetary was established in 1653 and it was Zanabazar s creation place of the gods. In 1680, Zanabazar created the Soyombo script, which is the symbol of Mongolian independence. Soyombo is the symbol of the freedom and independence of the Mongolian people. The golden Soyombo is placed on the left side of the Mongolian flag. 6 The Mongolian ancient capital city Khara-Khorum was established in Erdenezuu monestary was the first Buddist monastery erected on the initiative of Abtai Sain Khan in SOCIAL and ECONOMIC SITUATION Ancient Silk Routes Erdenezuu monastery Soyombo is the symbol of the freedom and independence of the Mongolian people. The golden Soyombo is placed on the left side of the Mongolian flag 108 stupa and Turtle statue of Ancient capital city 3.5 million livestock of Uvurkhangai 8 18

19 Agriculture is the main economic sector with 3.5 million heads of five kinds of livestock, which is second in the country. The province has rich experiences on vegetable production. About percentages of the vegetable production comes from Khara Khorum soum. Bayanteeg Mining company Ancient Mongolian Heroes Show Horse milking Motorcycle Mongolia Championship 9 Khara Khorum, Arvaikheer cities are having construction boom drawing keen attention from investors. The province has a coal mining company which is named Bayanteeg after a district, which has capacity to produce 150 thousand tons of coal per year. Bayanteeg is going to be a regional center in the future. With the support of foreign and domestic investors, Uvurkhangai is holding 120 mining licenses and 6 gold mining companies work in the provinces. TOURISM 10 Uvurkhangai province has great potential of tourism development. It has beautiful nature and historical view sites. There are good chances to see traditional and cultural events in the provinces. Also tourists can ride horses, yaks, go for river and lake fishing and spring water treatment Statistics shows, approximately 90 percentage of foreign tourists come to see the ancient Mongolian capital city Khara-Khorum. The ancient capital city has been enlisted as World Heritage and the Mongolian government is going to develop Khara-Khorum as a tourist model city. The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments 19

20 Tel : ~20, Fax : aram_yoo@hotmail.com 3F, Pohang TP, 601 Jligok-dong, Nam-gu, Pohang City, Gyeongbuk, Republic of Korea, Tel : ~20, Fax : aram_yoo@hotmail.com The Association of North East Asia Regional Governments


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