A Beginner’s Guide To English Grammar

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1 A Beginner s Guide To English Grammar Noncredit ESL Glendale Community College *TEACHER S EDITION* KOREAN

2 Concept by: Deborah Robiglio Created by: Edwin Fallahi, Rocio Fernandez, Glenda Gartman, Robert Mott, and Deborah Robiglio Korean Translation: Kathryn Son Acknowledgements: The authors would like to thank the Noncredit ESL students who inspired the creation of this guide. In addition, Jane DiLucchio, Helen Merriman, Dr. Karen Ferkich-Holden, Mary Stone, Anahit Kusheryan and to all members of Continuing and Community Education Division who encouraged and guided us in countless ways and provided the tools and resources we needed to get the job done. Images provided by: JUPITERIMAGES and Microsoft Clip Art Gallery Original artwork by: Nola Lunstedt 2009 by Glendale Community College. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or distributed in any form, or stored in a data base or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Information to the student: This booklet will greatly help you learn English! It is full of rules and examples that your English language teachers have carefully decided are most important to your beginning English success. We have translated them to aid your understanding. But, it is only a beginning tool. And like any tool, it must be used repeatedly to become effective. Also, this booklet will require other tools as your need to build English competency grows. Learning a second language is a complex process and as you advance you will find more details and some exceptions to the rules and guidelines offered in this guide. Even so, enjoy this wonderful booklet and use its contents with confidence that you have some important tools to start you well on your way to your English goals!

3 Table of Contents English Alphabet 1 Subject Pronouns 2 Be (am, is, are) 3 Articles 10 Singular Nouns and Plural Nouns 11 There is/there are 12 Demonstratives (this, that, these, those) 13 Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns 15 Simple Present 17 Present Continuous 21 Prepositions 25 Imperatives 27 Question Words 28 Be (was, were) 29 Parts of Speech 30

4 English Alphabet Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz The letters represent more than 40 sounds. Vowels: a e i o u and sometimes y. Consonants: b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x y z 1

5 Subject Pronouns Subject pronouns take the place of a noun. In Korean, similar forms are used. There are formal and informal forms for the pronouns I and You. English Korean I 나/저 You 너/당신 He 그 She 그녀 It 그것 We 우리 They 그들 2

6 Be (am, is, are) The verb be is used to express existence, temporary condition or permanent status. It has three different forms (am, is, are) in the present tense. Please see page 8 for more information. In Korean, the equivalent of the verb be does not change. Verbs are placed at the end of a sentence. Positive I am 나는 ~입니다 We are 우리는 ~입니다 You are 너는 ~입니다 You are 당신들은 ~입니다 He is 그는 ~입니다 They are 그들은 ~입니다 She is 그녀는 ~입니다 It is 그것은 ~입니다 Examples: I am happy. 나는 행복합니다. They are happy. 그들은 행복합니다. 3

7 Contractions Use an apostrophe ( ) to combine the pronoun and be (am, is are). In Korean, contractions do not exist. I m 나는 ~입니다. We re 우리는 ~입니다. You re 당신은 ~입니다. You re 당신은 ~입니다. He s 그는 ~입니다. They re 그들은 ~입니다. She s 그녀는 ~입니다. It s 그것은 ~입니다. Examples: I m happy. They re happy. 나는 행복합니다. 그들은 행복합니다. 4

8 Negative Use not after be (am, is, are) to form a negative phrase or sentence. In Korean, the negation prefixes ~가 아닌 /ga anin/ and ~ 하지 않는'/ha ji anun/ is added to the equivalent of the be verb. I am not 나는 ~가 We are not 우리는 ~가 You are not 당신은 ~가 You are not 당신은 ~가 He is not 그는 ~가 They are not 그들은 ~가 She is not 그녀는 ~가 It is not 그것은 ~가 Examples: I am not sad. They are not sad. 나는 슬프지 그들은 슬프지 5

9 Negative Contractions Combine the pronoun with the verb and add not. In Korean, contractions do not exist. I m not 나는 ~가 You re not 당신은 ~가 We re not You re not 우리는 ~가 당신은 ~가 He s not 그는 ~가 They re not 그들은 ~가 She s not 그녀는 ~가 It s not 그것은 ~가 Examples: I m not sad. They re not sad. 나는 슬프지 그들은 슬프지 6

10 Questions To form questions, place be (am, is, are) at the beginning of the sentence. Add a question mark (?) at the end of the sentence. In Korean, questions are made by rising intonation. Instead of 다 /da/, the mark 요 /yo/ or 까 /ka/ is used for questions and? is placed at the end of the sentence. They are married. They are married. Are they married? Are they married? 그들은 결혼했습니까? Yes, they are married. 네, 그들은 결혼했습니다. No, they are not married. 아니요, 그들은 결혼하지 않았습니다. Am I married? 나는 Are we married? 우리는 결혼했습니까? 결혼했습니까? Are you married? 당신은 Are you married? 당신은 결혼했습니까? 결혼했습니까? Is he married? 그는 Are they married? 그들은 결혼했습니까? 결혼했습니까? Is she married? 그녀는 결혼했습니까? Is it a book? 그것은 책입니까? 7

11 Uses of the verb be (am, is, are): The verb be is used for different purposes. Place of origin 출신,국적 Long Form I am from Mexico. 나는 멕시코에서 왔습니다. Short Form I m from Mexico. 나는 멕시코에서 왔습니다. Age 나이 He is 25 years old. 그는 25 살입니다. He s 25 years old. 그는 25 살입니다. Weather 날씨 It is hot. 덥습니다. It s hot. 덥습니다. Time 시간 It is 6:00 o clock. 6 시입니다. It s 6:00 o clock. 6 시입니다. Description 서술, 묘사 They are tall. 그들은 키가 큽니다. They re tall. 그들은 키가 큽니다. Price 가격 It is $ 불입니다. It s $ 불입니다. Location 위치, 장소 We are in class. 우리는 교실에 있습니다. We re in class. 우리는 교실에 있습니다. Occupation 직업 You are a teacher. 당신은 선생님 입니다. You re a teacher. 당신은 선생님 입니다. 8

12 Be (am, is, are) Positive (긍정문) I am 나는 ~입니다. We are 우리는 ~입니다. You are 당신은 ~입니다. You are 당신은 ~입니다. He is 그는 ~입니다. They are 그들은 ~입니다. She is 그녀는 ~입니다. It is 그것은 ~입니다. Negative (부정문) I am not 나는~가 We are not 우리는 ~가 You are not 당신은 ~가 You are not 당신은 ~가 He is not She is not It is not 그는 ~가 그녀는 ~가 닙니다. 그것은 ~가 They are not 그들은 ~가 Am I married? Are you married? Is he married? Is she married? Is it a book? Questions (의문문) 나는 Are we married? 결혼했습니까? 당신은 Are you married? 결혼했습니까? 그는 Are they married? 결혼했습니까? 그녀는 결혼했습니까? 그것은 책입니까? 9 우리는 결혼했습니까? 당신들은 결혼했습니까? 그들은 결혼했습니까?

13 Articles a an The indefinite articles a and an are used before singular, countable, and non-specific nouns. Use a before a noun that begins with a consonant sound. Use an before a noun that begins with a vowel sound. In Korean, articles do not exist. a an a student an eraser a teacher an apple a classroom an octopus a pencil an iguana a uniform /Y/ an umbrella a house an hour h 10

14 Singular Nouns and Plural Nouns A singular noun represents one noun. A plural noun represents two or more of the same noun. Add an s to change a singular noun to a plural noun. In Korean, 들 /dul/ is added to change a singular noun to a plural noun. Singular Nouns Plural Nouns desk desks book books Irregular Plural Nouns They change their spelling from the singular to plural form. Singular Nouns Plural Nouns woman women man men child children person people 11

15 There is/there are There is and there are are used to talk about existing conditions. Use there is with singular conditions. Use there are with plural conditions. In Korean, similar forms exist. There is There is a teacher. There is a chalkboard. 선생님이 있습니다. 칠판이 있습니다. There are There are two students. 두 학생들이 있습니다. There are two computers. 두 컴퓨터가 있습니다. There are desks. 책상들이 있습니다. 12

16 13 Demonstratives (This, That, These, Those) The demonstratives indicate that a noun is singular or plural and near to or far from the speaker. They can be pronouns or adjectives followed by nouns. In Korean, similar forms exist. Singular Near 가까운 this Far 먼 that 단수 이 저 Plural 복수 these those 이(들) 저(들)

17 Examples Demonstrative Adjectives This dog is little. 이 개는 작습니다. These dogs are little. 이 개들은 작습니다. That dog is big. 저 개는 큽니다. Those dogs are big. 저 개들은 큽니다. This is a little dog. 이 것은 작은 개입니다. Demonstrative Pronouns These are little dogs. 이 것들은 작은 개들입니다. That is a big dog. 저 것은 큰 개입니다. Those are big dogs. 저 것들은 큰 개들입니다. 14

18 Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns Possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns are used to talk about possession. Possessive adjectives are followed by nouns. Possessive pronouns are not followed by nouns. Whenever the item of possession is omitted, a possessive pronoun is used instead. In Korean, similar forms exist. Pronouns Possessive Adjectives Possessive Pronouns I my house mine you your house yours he his house his she her house hers it its house -- we our house ours they their house theirs Possessive Adjectives My house is new. 내 집은 새 The new house is mine Possessive Pronouns 새 집은 내 것입니다. 것입니다. Your pen is blue. 당신의 펜은 The blue pen is yours. 파란색 펜은 당신의 파란색입니다. 것입니다. His house is old. 그의 집은 The old house is his. 오래된 집은 그의 오래됐습니다. 것입니다. Our cat is big. 우리의 고양이는 The big cat is ours. 큰 고양이는 우리의 큽니다. Their dog is noisy. 그들의 개는 시끄럽습니다. The noisy dog is theirs. 것입니다. 시끄러운 개는 그들의 것입니다. 15

19 Possessive Adjectives in English and Korean my 나의 our 우리의 your 당신의 your 당신들의 his 그의 their 그들의 her 그녀의 its 그것의 Possessive Pronouns in English and Korean mine 나의 것 ours 우리의 것 yours 당신의 것 yours 당신들의 것 his 그의 것 theirs 그들의 것 hers 그녀의 것 *its *Its is not used as a possessive pronoun in English.. 16

20 Simple Present A verb tense that is used for regular actions and general truths. In Korean, the simple present form exists but the verb does not change with each pronoun. Verbs are placed at the end of a sentence. Positive I eat. 나는 먹습니다. We eat. 우리는 먹습니다. You eat. 당신은 먹습니다. You eat. 당신들은 먹습니다. He eats. 그는 먹습니다. They eat. 그들은 먹습니다. She eats. 그녀는 먹습니다. It eats. 그것은 먹습니다. Examples: He eats a sandwich. 그는 샌드위치를 먹습니다. They eat a sandwich. 그들은 샌드위치를 먹습니다. 17

21 Negative Do or does is needed as a helping verb in the simple present to form negative statements. Add not after do or does. In Korean, there are two negations 안 /an/ and 않다 /anta/. I do not eat. 나는 먹지 We do not eat. 우리는 먹지 You do not eat. 당신은 먹지 You do not eat. 당신들은 먹지 He does not eat. 그는 먹지 They do not eat. 그들은 먹지 She does not eat. 그녀는 먹지 It does not eat. 그것은 먹지 Examples: He does not eat apples. 그는 사과를 먹지 They do not eat apples. 그들은 사과를 먹지 18

22 Questions Do or does is needed as a helping verb in the simple present to form questions. Place do or does at the beginning of the sentence. Add a question mark (?) at the end of the sentence. In Korean, questions are made by rising intonation. Instead of 다 /da/, the mark 요 or 까 /yo/ or /ka/ is used for questions and? is placed at the end of the sentence. He eats a sandwich. he eat a sandwich? Does he eat a sandwich? Does Does he eat a sandwich? 그는 샌드위치를 먹습니까? Yes, he does. 네, 그는 먹습니다. No, he doesn t. 아니요, 그는 먹지 Do I eat? 나는 먹습니까? Do we eat? 우리는 먹습니까? Do you eat? 당신은 먹습니까? Do you eat? 당신들은 먹습니까? Does he eat? 그는 먹습니까? Do they eat? 그들은 먹습니까? Does she eat? 그녀는 먹습니까? Does it eat? 그것은 먹습니까? 19

23 Simple Present Positive I eat. 나는 먹습니다. We eat. 우리는 먹습니다. You eat. 당신은 먹습니다. You eat. 당신들은 먹습니다. He eats. 그는 먹습니다. They eat. 그들은 먹습니다. She eats. 그녀는 먹습니다. It eats. 그것은 먹습니다. Negative I do not eat. 나는 먹지 We do not eat. 우리는 먹지 You do not eat. 당신은 먹지 You do not eat. 당신들은 먹지 He does not eat. 그는 먹지 They do not eat. 그들은 먹지 She does not eat. 그녀는 먹지 It does not eat. 그것은 먹지 Questions Do I eat? 나는 먹습니까? Do we eat? 우리는 먹습니까? Do you eat? 당신은 먹습니까? Do you eat? 당신들은 먹습니까? Does he eat? 그는 먹습니까? Do they eat? 그들은 먹습니까? Does she eat? 그녀는 먹습니까? Does it eat? 그것은 먹습니까? 20

24 Present Continuous A verb tense that shows action is happening now. The verb be (am, is, are) is needed as a helping verb to form statements and questions. In Korean, there is no distinction between the simple present and the present continuous unless the present continuous time expression is used. Verbs are placed at the end of a sentence. Positive I am working. 나는 일하고 We are working. 우리는 일하고 있습니다. 있습니다. You are working. 당신은 일하고 You are working. 당신들은 일하고 있습니다. 있습니다. He is working. 그는 일하고 They are working. 그들은 일하고 있습니다. 있습니다. She is working. 그녀는 일하고 있습니다. It is working. 그것은 일하고 있습니다. Examples: She is working right now. 그녀는 지금 일하고 있습니다. They are working right now. 그들은 지금 일하고 있습니다. 21

25 Negative Use the verb be (am, is, are) followed by not to form negative statements. In Korean, the negation prefix ~하고 있지 않는 /hago itchi anun/ is commonly used with the present continuous. I am not working. 나는 일하고 있지 We are not working. 우리는 일하고 있지 You are not working. 당신은 일하고 You are not working. 당신들은 일하고 있지 있지 He is not working. 그는 일하고 있지 They are not working. 그들은 일하고 있지 She is not working. 그녀는 일하고 있지 It is not working. 그것은 일하고 있지 Examples: She is not working right now. 그녀는 지금 일하고 있지 They are not working right now. 그들은 지금 일하고 있지 22

26 Questions To form questions, place be (am, is, are) at the beginning of the sentence. Add a question mark (?) at the end of the sentence. In Korean, questions are made by rising intonation. Instead of 다 /da/, the mark 요 /yo/ or 까 /ka/ is used for questions and? is placed at the end of the sentence. She is working now. She is working now. Is she working now? Is she working right now? 그녀는 지금 일하고 있습니까? Yes, she is. 네,그녀는 일하고 있습니다. No, she is not. 아니요,그녀는 일하고 있지 Am I working? 나는 일하고 Are we working? 우리는 일하고 있습니까? 있습니까? Are you working? 당신은 일하고 Are you working? 당신들은 일하고 있습니까? 있습니까? Is he working? 그는 일하고 Are they working? 그들은 지금 일하고 있습니까? 있습니까? Is she working? Is it working? 그녀는 일하고 있습니까? 그것은 일하고 있습니까? 23

27 I am working. Present Continuous Positive (긍정문) 나는 일하고 We are working. 있습니다. 우리는 일하고 있습니다. You are working. 당신은 일하고 You are working. 당신들은 일하고 있습니다. 있습니다. He is working. 그는 일하고 They are working. 그들은 일하고 있습니다. 있습니다. She is working. It is working. 그녀는 일하고 있습니다. 그것은 일하고 있습니다. I am not working. Negative (부정문) 나는 일하고 있지 We are not working. 우리는 일하고 있지 You are not working. 당신은 일하고 있지 You are not working. 당신들은 일하고 있지 He is not working. 그는 일하고 있지 They are not working. 그들은 일하고 있지 She is not working. 그녀는 일하고 있지 It is not working. 그것은 일하고 있지 Am I working? Are you working? Is he working? Is she working? Is it working? Questions (의문문) 나는 일하고 Are we working? 있습니까? 당신은 일하고 Are you working? 있습니까? 그는 일하고 Are they working? 있습니까? 그녀는 일하고 있습니까? 그것은 일하고 있습니까? 24 우리는 일하고 있습니까? 당신들은 일하고 있습니까? 그들은 일하고 있습니까?

28 Prepositions Prepositions are usually used to show where something is located or when something happens. Prepositions link nouns and pronouns to another element in the sentence. In Korean, similar forms exist. from I am from Korea. 나는 한국에서 왔습니다. to I go to work. 나는 일하러 갑니다. at I go to school at 6:00 p.m. 나는 학교에 6 시에 갑니다. from to I go to school from 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. 나는 학교에 6 시부터 9 시 30 분까지 있습니다. 25

29 in The ball is in the box. 공이 상자안에 있습니다. on The ball is on the box. 공이 상자 위에 있습니다. next to The ball is next to the box. 공이 상자 옆에 있습니다. between The ball is between the boxes. 공이 상자 사이에 있습니다. under The ball is under the box. 공이 상자 아래에 있습니다. 26

30 Imperatives Imperatives are commands.the pronoun you is implied in the command. In Korean, there are formal and informal forms. Listen. 들으세요/들어라 Read. 읽으세요/ 읽어라 Point. 가리키세요/ 가리켜라 Open your book. 책을 펴세요/ 책을 펴라 Write. 쓰세요/써라 Repeat. 반복하세요 /반복해라 No talking. 말하지 마세요 말하지 마라 Practice with your partner. 상대방과 연습하세요/ 상대방과 연습해라 Raise your hand. 손 드세요 손 들어 No cheating. 부정행위 하지마세요/ 부정행위 하지마 Test 27

31 Question Words Question words are used to ask questions. In Korean, similar forms exist. Who refers to a person. 누구/누가 Who is he? He is my teacher. What refers to a thing. What is it? It is a book. 무엇 When refers to time. 언제 When is your English class? It is at 6:00 p.m. Where refers to location. 어디 Where do you live? I live in Glendale. How much refers to non-count nouns. How much rice do you want? I want a bowl of rice. 얼마 (양) How many refers to count nouns. How many eggs do you want? I want three eggs. 얼마 (개수) 28

32 Be (was, were) Was and were are the simple past form of the verb be. It is used to to give a description in the past. In Korean, the simple past form of the verb be exists. Yesterday Today Simple Past- Yesterday Was Was Were Simple Present - Today Am Is Are Examples: Simple Past I was sick yesterday. 나는 어제 아팠습니다. It was hot yesterday. 어제는 더웠습니다. We were in class yesterday. 우리는 어제 교실에 있었습니다. You were a student last year. 당신은 작년에 학생이었습니다. Simple Present I am sick today. 나는 오늘 아픕니다. It is hot today. 오늘은 덥습니다. We are in class today. 우리는 오늘 교실에 있습니다. You are a student this year. 당신은 올해 학생입니다. 29

33 Parts of Speech Parts of speech are the words that form a sentence. Parts of speech have a grammatical purpose. In Korean, similar forms exist. I eat green grapes. pronoun verb adjective noun (대명사) (동사) (형용사) (명사) 1. Noun (명사): a noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea. Examples: People (사람들) -brother, teacher, man, Susan Places (장소) - bank, city, classroom, store Things (사물) - book, pencil, shirt, door Ideas (생각) - love, health, religion, freedom 2. Pronoun (대명사): a pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. Examples: Susan lives in Glendale. She is American. 3. Adjective (형용사): an adjective is a word that modifies (gives Examples: He is a good teacher. more information about) a noun or a pronoun. 4. Verb (동사): a verb is a word that shows action or links another word to the subject. Example: I eat lunch. The teacher is hungry. 30

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