United Methodist Women Mission Resource Catalog 2014
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1 United Methodist Women Mission Resource Catalog Incluye recursos en Español 한국어 자료 포함 This Time r o f g in ll a AC m Book 20 ra omen Prog ethodist W United M united meth odist handbook 2 women M PM 7/25/13 12:11 1 M prf#5.indd m_bk_cvr_ umw_progra 2014 Prayer Calendar thinking o f you! ThinkingOfYou _SHIP.indd 1 9/18/12 5:13 PM
2 Greetings, friends! It s been another exciting year of putting faith, hope and love into action! The church has entered into a new quadrennium, and United Methodist Women has celebrated its first year of being a new agency in The United Methodist Church building new relationships and rebuilding existing ones. It s an exhilarating time to be part of this organization and a great time to invite others to participate too! In this year s catalog, you ll find every-member resources like the new handbook, Prayer Calendar and the United Methodist Women Bible. The Program Book focuses on hearing and answering God s call in your life, as does our spiritual growth study The Call: Living Sacramentally, Walking Justly. Being a disciple means both working to change the world and working with the Holy Spirit for change in our inmost being together we are becoming whole persons through Jesus Christ. Our new e-store makes getting resources easier, and online ordering actually saves mission dollars how s that for a win-win? After browsing the catalog, I encourage you to visit and with a few clicks mission resources will be on their way to you! The resources you need to purchase as well as free promotional resources to help you tell others about United Methodist Women are all available there. You ll want to have them on hand for your next United Methodist Women Sunday, fundraiser, event or meeting. How have you seen God at work in United Methodist Women? I look forward to seeing you at Assembly in April and to learning more about how United Methodist Women Make It Happen! Harriett Jane Olson General Secretary and CEO United Methodist Women Table of Contents 2 The Essentials... 3 Gift Ideas... 5 Music Sale... 8 A Call to Prayer and Self-Denial... 9 Gift to Mission Cards Educational Resources Promotional Materials Magazines Publications Spanish Korean... 35
3 The Essentials The Program Book, handbook and Prayer Calendar are essential resources for United Methodist Women. The Program Book provides a full year of programs for your United Methodist Women groups, including special services. The Prayer Calendar serves as a calendar with plenty of room to write and includes the birthdays of mission personnel, daily prayer focuses, weekly prayers, a comprehensive directory and beautiful drawings from children across the country. The handbook will help you organize, plan and grow. Get yours today! United Methodist Women Program Book A Calling for This Time English $10.00 (M3173) Spanish $10.00 (M3174) Korean $10.00 (M3175) Programs begin September 2013 and continue through August 2014, with three additional programs included for special services. The Program Book is a great way to introduce women in your church to the deep joy experienced through United Methodist Women! 128 pp. A Calling for This Time United Methodist Women Program Book NEW! A Calling for This Time United Methodist Women 2014 Date Book 2014 Program Date Book $1.00 (M3176) This small calendar booklet helps you keep track of relevant dates for United Methodist Women month by month. NEW! United Methodist Women 2014 Date Book Prayer Calendar 2014 $11.00 (M3177) This invaluable resource lets you know what is happening in mission and moves you to put your faith, hope and love into action for people in our communities and around the world. 188 pp. The Prayer Calendar is the perfect gift! 2013 Prayer Calendar on sale for $6.00 at NEW! Prayer Calendar
4 united methodist women handbook United Methodist Women Handbook Three-hole punch, shrink wrapped English $12.50 (M3157) Spanish $12.50 (M3172) Korean $12.50 (M3171) The United Methodist Women Handbook provides you with guidelines and policies and equips each group to organize in a way that makes the most sense to its members. Use the handbook to learn about how you can engage in mission more effectively in your church, your community and in God s world. Learn about the work of United Methodist Women, explore ways to engage in mission, connect with others and find practical tips and suggestions for your work. Tools to organize your work of mission are listed in the text as well as resources to help you as you assume responsibility. 210 pp United Methodist Women Annual Sampler $45.50 $40.00 English (K3157) Spanish (K3160) Korean (K3163) The sampler includes the 2014 mission studies as well as the Prayer Calendar, Program Book and Program Date Book. Mission studies mail in March, and calendar, Program Book and date book mail in August. Save money buying in a bundle. Offer ends April 1, 2014! 4
5 Gift Ideas Don t keep United Methodist Women items to yourself: Purchase them as gifts as well! The sterling-silver jewelry is a beautiful way to show and share United Methodist Women pride, and the Bible features leatherlike binding, room for personalization, United Methodist Women members prayers and reflections, study ideas and journaling suggestions. The new, smaller items are great for stocking stuffers, care packages and giveaways. Don t forget to pair them with United Methodist Women Gift to Mission cards! United Methodist Women Notebook $5.50 Purple (M3168) Orange (M3169) Eco-responsible notebook includes recycled notepaper and compact pen. Available in orange or purple. Eco-friendly Pen $1.00 Red (M3211) Orange (M3212) Black (M3213) NEW! Made of 100 percent postconsumer recycled paper. Clip is made of sustainable bamboo. Available in red, orange and black. Black ink. Holy Bible and Program Calendar Package $32.95 $29.95 (M3210) Celebrate a special person in your life including yourself with the gift of the United Methodist Women edition of the Holy Bible (New Revised Standard Version). The Program Calendar , also known as the Quadrennial Calendar, is a four-year monthly pocket calendar that showcases United Methodist Women events leading up to the 2016 General Conference of the United Methodist Church. SALE! 5
6 United Methodist Women Postcards $2.50 (M3166) Keep in touch with these vibrant postcards highlighting the work of United Methodist Women. Pack of eight. brave edgy daring compassionate graceful loving supportive strong United Methodist Women Charm Bracelet and Necklace SALE Charm Bracelet $60.00 $45.00 (J1001) Necklace $ $80.00 (J1002) Combination Charm Bracelet Necklace $ $ (K3038) 6
7 United Methodist Women Buttons $1.75 (M3165) Random selection. Pack of four. Mix and match and trade at your next event! Seal of United Methodist Women SALE $2.50 $2.00 (M3167) 210 stickers per package. United Methodist Women President/ Past President Pin $12.50 (1724) United Methodist Women Membership Pin $6.50 (3832) PURPOSE Poster $1.50 English (M3114) Spanish (M3115) Korean (M3116) Words of the PURPOSE of United Methodist Women are printed on a 24 inch by 36 inch full-color, two-sided poster for display. Available in English, Spanish or Korean, with a second side that includes all three languages. Features photos by Paul Jeffrey. And don t forget response subscriptions make great gifts! 7
8 Music Sale Global Praise 1 (CD) $12.95 $5.00 (2565) Songs of the Christian faith from around the world and many regions of United Methodism. A Global Praise resource. Global Praise 2 (CD) $12.95 $5.00 (2921) Recording includes 16 songs in eight languages from Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and North and South America performed by indigenous singers and musicians affirming the faith of God s people from around the world. A Global Praise resource. Global Praise 3 (CD) $12.95 $5.00 (3638) Global Praise 3 is a songbook and recording of music from Christians worldwide. It s the third such songbook given to delegates to the quadrennial General Conference of The United Methodist Church and the first to include songs from most countries and regions in attendance. A Global Praise resource. All music CDs are on sale for $5.00! Visit 8
9 A Call to Prayer and Self-Denial A Call to Prayer and Self-Denial materials offer an opportunity for United Methodist Women members and friends to give to a category of United Methodist Women missions in celebration of the year s accomplishments. Hold a Call to Prayer and Self-Denial program or include it in worship services. Have materials available year-round for those who d like to support United Methodist Women! In 2014, the offering received will go toward renovating, expanding and greening the buildings that house the critical work of National Mission Institutions and historically related international institutions. These institutions, founded by United Methodist Women and their foremothers more than 100 years ago, include community centers, domestic violence and homeless shelters, and children s homes, schools, colleges and universities. One hundred percent of the offering goes directly to mission. A CALL TO PRAYER & SELF-DENIAL LLAMADO A LA ORACIÓN Y AL SACRIFICIO 기도와절제의날 Packet $2.00 (K3515) Trilingual materials (English/Korean/Spanish) include prayer cards, a poster, an introductory letter, offering envelopes and an order form. Individual items can be purchased at CIMIENTOS FIRMES: MISIONES FIRMES 건전한토대 : 건전한선교사역 DATE/FECHA/ 날짜 TIME/HORA/ 시간 PLACE/LUGAR/ 장소 sound foundations:sound Missions O God of love and compassion, thank you for reaching out to us with open arms. Thank you for calling us to an everlasting relationship with Jesus Christ and your people in this world. Rooted in your love, may we fulfill our calling to serve you and strengthen our sisters and brothers with hope. Build us up, dear God, and use us to build up others on earth. In Jesus name, amen. SOUND FOUNDATIONS: SOUND MISSIONS 건전한토대 : 건전한선교사역 사랑과자비의하나님, 저희들을영접해주신은혜감사드립니다. CIMIENTOS FIRMES: MISIONES FIRMES 건전한토대 : 건전한선교사역 A CALL TO PRAYER AND SELF-DENIAL 2014 LLAMADO A LA ORACIÓN Y AL SACRIFICIO 2014 저희들을예수그리스도와하나님의백성들과영원히같이하도록인도하여주시니또감사드립니다. 하나님의사랑안에서, 하나님을섬기고, 소망으로믿음의자매와형제들을강건하게인도할수있도록도와주시옵소서. 저희들을세워주시옵고, 또저희들이이세상사람들을세울수있도록인도하여주옵소서. 예수님이름으로기도합니다. 아멘. ORACIÓN LLAMADO A LA Y AL Sacrificio O F R E N D A PRAYER A CALL TO self-denial AND O F F E R I N G 기도와 절제의날 헌금 2014 년기도와절제의날 9
10 Gift to Mission Cards Original designs are included in each pack of Gift to Mission cards. Wish happy birthday, rejoice in Christ s birth, honor loved ones and celebrate friends, family and special occasions while supporting United Methodist Women! Order through your district treasurer using the special order form. Happy Birthday! Birthday Cards Free for shipping and handling (M7009) Pack of five. Blank inside. Merry Christmas AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! Christmas Cards Free for shipping and handling (M7010) Pack of five. Blank inside. 10
11 M M Congratulations (M7003) Thank-You (M7004) In the Service of Christ (M7005) Thinking of You (M70021) thinking o f you! ThinkingOfYou _SHIP.indd 1 9/18/12 Baby (M7007) Peace (M7006) Special Day (M7008) Thinking of You (M7011) 5:13 PM Occasion Cards Free for shipping and handling Pack of 10. Blank inside. Tree Card (M5035) Candle Card (M5033) Gift in Memory Cards Free for shipping and handling Pack of 10. Blank inside. 11
12 Educational Resources United Methodist Women mission studies and spiritual growth studies offer opportunities to learn and grow. Mission u centers on these books, and they are the perfect resources for small-group studies, book clubs and Sunday school classes. NEW! NEW! The Church and People With Disabilities: Awareness, Accessibility and Advocacy by Peggy A. Johnson $10.00 English (M3182) Spanish (M3183) Korean (M3184) This book, which will build awareness in the church regarding issues of disability, calls the church to provide full accessibility to services and opportunities and promotes advocacy for justice for people with disabilities. Unlike other categories of human experience, disability crosses all lines of gender, orientation, ethnicity, socioeconomic position, age and culture. A disability can happen at any time to anyone. This book will encourage you to identify ways that your church can do more to be inclusive. 100 pp. (approximate). English available December 2, Spanish and Korean coming soon! Welcoming Persons With Disabilities Into Our Lives: A Study for Children by Beth Miller $10.00 (M3200) This curriculum uses the symbol of a jigsaw puzzle as a basis for exploring disabilities. The lessons and activities offered here dispel myths and fears and lead to better understanding and inclusion of all persons. As participants put the pieces of this study together, they will develop a new understanding of persons with disabilities. 64 pp. (approximate). Available December 2,
13 Disabilities and Our Response: A Study for Youth by Beth Miller $10.00 (M3199) This transformative resource for young people explores attitudes and responses toward persons with disabilities. This curriculum acknowledges all as children of God, each created in God s image but unique, each bringing different abilities and disabilities to the community. In God s kin-dom, everyone has a place. As youth become acquainted with the material, they will develop a new understanding of persons with disabilities. 65 pp. (approximate). Available December 2, DISABILITIES AND OUR RESPONSE A Study for Youth Beth Miller NEW! How Is It With Your Soul? by Priscilla Pope-Levison and Jack Levison $10.00 English (M3179) Spanish (M3180) Korean (M3181) NEW! This resource brings into balance the inner and outer dimensions of the Christian life. Organized around four verbs pray, learn, mentor and transform the book will challenge you to become a more vibrant disciple of Christ. You will explore how to pray and learn in ways that restore, revive and revitalize who you are, and you will learn how to mentor others to transform in ways that restore, revive and revitalize our churches and our world. 120 pp. (approximate). English available February Spanish and Korean coming soon! 13
14 The Roma of Europe by Larry b eman NEW! Class Study Resource by Dee Dee Azhikakath The Roma of Europe by Larry Beman SALE $10.00 $7.00 English (M3156) Spanish (M3163) Korean (M3164) The Roma History, Culture and Faith This book will introduce you to the Roma, with an emphasis on Eastern Europe. You will discover their history up to and including the 20th century. You can look into the ways they are treated in contemporary European culture. You will also be able to learn about their lifestyle and spirituality and investigate ways the church and other organizations are working alongside the Roma. 90 pp. Also available as an e-book. Leader s guide available at The Roma: History, Culture and Faith DVD $14.00 (M3170) 14 Order the May 2013 issue of response focusing on the Roma at
15 NEW! Leaving Home n Finding Home A Mission Study for Children n By Anne Broyles Leaving Home Finding Home: A Mission Study for Children by Anne Broyles $10.00 (M3158) This book by children s author Ann Broyles will help young children understand the many reasons people move from one place to another. Children will read about the courage it takes to make a new place home. Children will also understand that the Bible is the story of many migrating peoples and learn how to welcome people in their community. 75 pp. Leader s guide available at Welcoming the Stranger: A Youth Study on Migration Cindy Klick NEW! Welcoming the Stranger: A Youth Study on Immigration by Cindy Klick $8.00 (M3155) This book traces stories of displacement and relocation from biblical times to the present with the goal of helping young people ages 12 through 19 embrace the Christian legacy of acceptance. This study, written for leaders, comprises five two-hour sessions designed to engage, educate and inspire new thinking about the strangers in our midst. 57 pp. Order the April 2013 issue of response focusing on immigration at 15
16 The Call: Living Sacramentally, Walking Justly by George McClain, Tilda Norberg and Nancy Kruh (Editor) SALE $7.00 $5.00 English (M3123) Spanish (M3124) Korean (M3125) This study offers tools to deepen spiritual identity, engagement in community and involvement in mission, looking at the sacramental understandings of baptism and communion and lifting up models of response to God s call. Stories of call and response are shared from a wide array of persons from different walks of life. Includes study guide. 179 pp. Also available as an e-book. Leader s guide available at The Call: Living Sacramentally, Walking Justly George McClain, Tilda Norberg, and Nancy Kruh (Editor) Participant s Guide by Becky Dodson Louter and Pat Hoerth NEW! United Methodist Women Racial Justice Time Line Free for shipping and handling (M5188) Human rights for all people is one of the historic principles of United Methodist Women. God is the creator of all people of all races, and we are all God s children. United Methodist Women from its beginnings has tried to build a community and social order without racial barriers, as this time line shows. Racial justice is an ongoing focus of United Methodist Women mission as members work to promote racial justice in the United States and around the world. Order the April 2013 issue of response focusing on answering God s call at 16
17 Voices of Haitian Women $6.00 (M3147) In this booklet Haitian women share their poems, their testimonies and praises to God, their stories as immigrants and their spiritual journeys. Even though the stories are different, all of them show the glory of God, and in all of them someone could find strength and comfort to continue her or his own journey. 14 pp. Voices of Native American Women $6.00 (M3101) Voices of Native American Women speaks of the fears, pains, trials and victories woven together by Native American women to build a future grounded in justice. Experience the power of this collection of wisdom from women determined to be heard. 23 pp. 17
18 Charter for Racial Justice English (M5184) Spanish (M5185) Korean (M5186) Free for shipping and handling Updated and adopted by the Women s Division in 1978 and subsequently adopted by the General Conference of The United Methodist Church in 1980, this charter explains what we as the Church promise to do to ensure equality for all. Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation Women s Ministries $3.25 (M3205) NEW! The purpose of United Methodist Women is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ, to develop a creative supportive fellowship and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church. This guideline is designed to help implement and guide the work of the ministry area. 40 pp. Social Principles of the United Methodist Church $2.99 (M3206) This booklet contains the official text of the Social Principles from The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church 2012 and includes exercises for individuals or small groups, a topical index and Our Social Creed. 64 pp. 18 NEW!
19 United Methodist Women Promotional Materials What is United Methodist Women and what do we do? The products on these pages share the history, work and joy of United Methodist Women. These materials are great resources for potential members and friends and for members who want to know more. Make them available in your church and meeting areas and share them with others! United Methodist Women: On a Path for Mission Free for shipping and handling (M5219) This booklet tells the story of United Methodist Women in mission. NEW! We Are United Methodist Women Free for shipping and handling (M5218) This basic brochure describes what United Methodist Women is, what it does and how it does it. Great for new and prospective members and friends. NEW! Mission Giving English (M5108) Spanish (M5109) Korean (M5110) Free for shipping and handling Explore five ways through which you can donate to the ministry and mission of United Methodist Women and see how you can be a part of the ever-growing mission of United Methodist Women. United Methodist Women Mission Giving United Methodist Women members have been turning faith, hope and love into action on behalf of women, children and youth around the world for over one hundred and forty years. See how you can be a part of the ever-growing mission of United Methodist Women locally, nationally and internationally through the five channels of Mission Giving. DVDs Mission Giving (M5086) Live Joy (M3103) Free for shipping and handling These promotional DVDs feature United Methodist Women members sharing why they are members and what it means to them and the world. 19
20 United Methodist Women Bookmark Free for shipping and handling (M5146) New Member Packet $5.00 (K3042) This packet tells the story of women just like you who wanted to be more. Read about the rich heritage of United Methodist Women, get practical tips on how to become a member, enjoy news from sisters and find additional resources listed in catalogs to grow in mission and stay connected. New Unit Starter Kit $10.00 (K3041) This kit will help you get started. It includes guidelines for organizing, a form for organizing a unit and a handbook selection as well as resources to enrich your programs. 20
21 What Every Congregation Needs to Know About Domestic Violence Free for shipping and handling (M5094) Ending domestic violence is a focus of United Methodist Women. This brochure is produced by the FaithTrust Institute to introduce congregations to this issue and how they might begin to respond. Prospective Member Card English (M5191) Spanish (M5192) Korean (M5193) Free for shipping and handling This postcard is yours to submit to the United Methodist Women Office of Membership Opportunities with prospective member contact information. United Methodist Women: Faith Hope Love in Action (DVD) Free for shipping and handling (M5087) Whether you are a new or longtime member, someone considering joining or someone who knows nothing at all about the organization, this membership video will give you a sense of what this dynamic women s mission organization is all about. World Thank Offering The World Thank Offering is a chance to offer spontaneous gifts of gratitude for life s joys and God s abundance! Donations support United Methodist Women missions. The trilingual label is approximately 3 inches by 4 inches and has crack-and-peel adhesive. May be affixed to a container for collection. World Thank Offering Label Free for shipping and handling (M5034) World Thank Offering Collection Box $0.40 (1731) United Methodist Women Offering Envelope Free for shipping and handling (5047) World Thank Offering Ofrenda Mundial de Acción de Gracias 21
22 Remembering United Methodist Women in Your Will English (M5208) Spanish (M5209) Korean (M5210) Free for shipping and handling This brochure is a straightforward guide that will help you care for women, children and youth for years to come. Why Get Involved in Social Issues? English (M5205) Spanish (M5206) Korean (M5207) Free for shipping and handling Learn how United Methodist Women in mission have been actively involved in social justice issues at the national and international level for more than 140 years and get involved. Deaconess & Home missioner is this a calling for you? Deaconess and Home Missioner: Is This a Calling for You? English (M5176) Spanish (M5121) Korean (M5122) Free for shipping and handling A brochure featuring a brief history of deaconesses and home missioners as a community of laity responding to the call of God and commissioned by The United Methodist Church to ministries of love, justice and service. Section on Ministry Opportunities Free for shipping and handling (M5160) Brochure describing how United Methodist Women s Section on Ministry Opportunities is putting faith, hope and love into action by facilitating ministry opportunities throughout the country and the world. 22
23 Order Form For mailing information visit CALL TOLL FREE: FAX ANYTIME: ONLINE: Name Street address (Show street address even if you use a P.O. Box for parcel post and first class.) P.O. Box City/State/ZIP Daytime phone (in case we have a question about your order) ChECk OR MONEY ORdER ENCLOsEd (made out to United Methodist Women Mission Resources ) BILL TO VIsA MAsTERCARd Card no. Expiration date Signature (required for all credit card purchases) stock NO. QTY TITLE or description PRICE PER COPY TOTAL Notice New York and Georgia residents only: Unless tax exempt number is added to order, New York and Georgia state law require us to collect sales tax. TOTAL ORdER $ New York residents add tax $ Georgia residents add tax $ shipping ANd handling $ TOTAL due $
24 HOW TO FIGURE COSTS FOR SHIPPING AND HANDLING (add to order): Sale items: $25 or less add $6.75 $25.01 $49.99 add $8.10 $50.00 $ add $10.00 $ $ add $12.95 $ $ add $15.95 $200 and up add 10% with a maximum of $200 Express shipping rates are added to normal S/H fees: Third day add $10.00 Second day add $15.00 Next day add $25.00 Saturday delivery add $35.00 Free items only: Items $0 $.01 add $ $.01 per item COSTO DE PROCESAMIENTO Y ENVÍO (añada a su pedido): Materiales en venta: $25 or menos añada $6.75 $25.01 $49.99 añada $8.10 $50.00 $ añada $10.00 $ $ añada $12.95 $ $ añada $15.95 Más de $200 añada 10% con un máximo de $200 Costo de servicio de envío expreso se añade a los costos de procesamiento y envío: Entrega el tercer día, añada $10.00 Entrega el segundo día, añada $15.00 Entrega el día siguiente, añada $25.00 Entrega en día sábado, añada $35.00 Materiales gratis solamente: $0 $.01 añada $5.00 más $.01 por cada material 배송료계산법 ( 주문내역에추가 ): 유료자료 : $25 이하 $6.75 추가 $25.01 $49.99 $8.10 추가 $50.00 $ $10.00 추가 $ $ $12.95 추가 $ $ $15.95 추가 $200 이상 10% 추가 최고 $200 빠른배송요금 (express shipping) 은기본배송료에아래의요금이추가됩니다. 3일내배송 $10.00 추가 2일내배송 $15.00 추가 다음날배송 $25.00 추가 토요일배송 $35.00 추가 무료자료 : 총액 $0 $.01 시 기본배송료 $ 항목당 $.01 추가
25 Formulario de Pedido Para más información visite TELÉFONO: FAX A TOdA hora: COMERCIO ELECTRÓNICO: ENVIAR A: Dirección (Anote la dirección aunque use un apartado postal (P.O. Box) para envíos postales y de primera clase.) Apartado postal (P.O. Box) Ciudad/Estado/Código postal Teléfono de día (por cualquier pregunta que tengamos sobre su orden) ChEQUE O GIRO (pagadero a United Methodist Women Mission Resources ) CÓBREsE A VIsA MAsTERCARd No. de tarjeta Fecha de expiración Firma (Se necesita para toda venta con tarjeta) NO. de ORdEN CANTIdAd TÍTULO O descripción PRECIO POR UNIdAd TOTAL Nota para los residentes de New York y Georgia solamente: si no incluye un número de exencíon de impuestos, la ley de impuestos de los estados de New York y Georgia requiere que se le cobre el impuesto de venta. No.de Extensíon de Impuesto: TOTAL del PEdIdO $ Residentes de New York, añadan el impuesto $ Residentes de Georgia, añadan el impuesto $ Costo adicional por procesamiento y envío de materiales $ TOTAL $
26 우편주문에관한정보는 를방문하시면자세히알아보실수있습니다. 무료전화주문 : 팩스 : 웹사이트 : 이름 주소 ( 사서함으로받길원하실경우에도번지를기입해주시기바랍니다.) P.O. Box 시티 / 주 / 우편번호 (City/State/ZIP) 낮에통화가능한전화번호 ( 필수입력사항 ) ( 혹, 주문에관한질문이있을경우를위해 ) United Methodist Women Mission Resources 앞으로발행한체크또는머니오더를동봉 후불 VISA MASTERCARD 카드번호 만기일 서명 ( 모든카드를통한주문은반드시서명하여주십시오.) 주문번호수량제목가격합계 공지 뉴욕주와조지아주에사시는분들은세금공제번호 (tax exempt number) 가없으면세금을지불하셔야합니다. 세금공제번호 합계 $ 뉴욕주거주주문자세금 $ 조지아주거주주문자세금 $ 우송료, 미달러 $ 전체합계, 미달러 $
27 A Brighter Future for Children and Youth Free for shipping and handling (M5228) This brochure centers on needs of children and youth in the areas of abuse and violence prevention and treatment. A special emphasis offering funds new and ongoing ministries providing direct comprehensive services to children and youth ages 5 to 18 years. United Methodist Seminars on National and International Affairs For United Methodist Women members English (M5220) Spanish (M5221) Korean (M5222) For nonmembers English (M5223) Spanish (M5224) Korean (M5225) Free for shipping and handling This brochure describes the Seminar Program, which expands concepts of mission through educational sessions and hands-on experiences to provide deeper levels of understanding of important issues. Find out how you can attend a seminar and learn more about social justice and how to implement it. 23
28 Magazines september 2013 the magazine of women in mission A Good Neighbor in Delaware Church Center for the United Nations turns Investing in mission with women, children and youth 22 RESPONSE response is the official magazine of United Methodist Women. This magazine will touch your heart, stir your soul and challenge your mind. It features Bible studies, opportunities for spiritual growth and development, program suggestions, articles on where your Mission Giving goes and regular features such as Bright Lights and Responsively Yours. It is the perfect resource for new members, potential members, all women committed to mission and the welfare of women and children, high school and college students, Sunday school teachers, church leaders, pastors, friends and neighbors. Subscribe today! One-year subscription (11 issues): $24.00 Two-year subscription (22 issues): $45.00 International subscription: $30.00 Audio subscription: $24.00 for visually impaired, $46.00 for others Visit Phone: Fax: Mail: response, P.O. Box 395, Congers, NY Back issues can be ordered through United Methodist Women Mission Resources: or NEW WORLD OUTLOOK The mission magazine of The United Methodist Church, New World Outlook connects local churches to the mission work of the General Board of Global Ministries. The magazine suggests avenues for becoming involved in outreach, support and hands-on help. Get in touch with your mission roots by subscribing to New World Outlook. One-year subscription (6 issues) DIGITAL Go green! $10.00 One-year subscription (6 issues): $24.00 Two-year subscription (12 issues): $42.00 Three-year subscription (18 issues): $60.00 Visit 24
29 Harriett Jane Olson is general secretary and CEO of United Methodist Women. Publications Reading Program Catalog 2014 Free for shipping and handling (RP4206) The Reading Program encourages members to think critically about current issues through an annual selection of member-reviewed books. It offers an excellent opportunity to deepen your spirituality and broaden your understanding of our mission work. Books available in English, Spanish and Korean. NEW! Reading Program Brochure 2014 Free for shipping and handling (M5126) Reading Program Programa de Lectura 2014 Reading Program books on sale! Visit www. unitedmethodistwomen.org. NEW! United Methodist Women News United Methodist Women News is a free newsletter for and by United Methodist Women. Hear stories of mission from United Methodist Women locally, nationally and globally and stay updated on United Methodist Women events and important news. Sign up for your free subscription at Deaconess Nazgul William S by Myka Kennedy Stephens he was known for her smile and vivacious love of life. Her laughter was infectious, and when she danced you couldn t help but join her. Deaconess Nazgul William, Naz to her friends, dedicated her life to ministries of care and compassion and was looking forward to sharing what she had learned about women s issues and gender inequality in Asia having just completed a two-month course in the Philippines. Her life abruptly ended July 17, 2013, in Beijing, China. While out for an afternoon walk near a shopping center, she was one of two people stabbed by a young man in what was reported as a random act of violence due to mental illness. She was visiting Beijing after attending the World Diakonia conference in Berlin, Germany. Born in Lahore, Pakistan, Ms. William became the first Pakistani deaconess of The United Methodist Church at her commissioning in From a young age she felt God s call to dedicate her life to love, justice and service. Her call was affirmed through encounters she had with American missionaries to Pakistan and later in the relationships she built with deaconesses in the United States. Quoted in a 2006 issue of response magazine, Ms. William said of her call, I wanted to do something until the day I die. In Pakistan, if you say to someone, You are my brother or sister, Deaconess Nazgul William led Bollywood-style exercise for participants in the 2010 Assembly of United Methodist Women in St. Louis, Mo. then it s for your lifetime. on women and society at Her deaconess ministries St. Scholastica College s included working at the Institute of Women s Studies Brooks-Howell Home in Manila, Philippines, in early in Asheville, N.C., and June As a participant translating materials from in this course, Ms. William the United Methodist learned about issues Women s Bible Women facing women in Asia and Program into Urdu, the native the Pacific and developed language of Pakistan. practical skills to address Most recently, she was gender concerns on personal on a leave of absence and organizational levels. from active service while She was looking forward she sought additional to sharing her new skills educational and professional and knowledge through development opportunities. workshops and volunteering She graduated from a twomonth intercultural course continued on page with Chosen Ministry in 7 Paul Jeffrey news Volume 6 Number From the General Secretary Helping create a vital church by Harriett Jane Olson L ately The United Methodist Church has been talking about vitality. As I ve mentioned in this space before, a study prior to the 2012 General Conference found that vital congregations have strong lay leadership. In congregations characterized by growth, outreach and enthusiasm, more than 25 percent of members have held a leadership role in the past five years. United Methodist Women encourages leadership. How can we better ensure a place for all at the table? The study also found that vital congregations are characterized by small groups and by specialized ministry to children and youth. With our flexible configurations, circles and mission studies for children and youth, United Methodist Women already looks like this in many places. What can we do to deepen and broaden this part of our work? Worship in many styles exists among vital congregations, but most specialize and do one style particularly well. Our circles and local events could be distinguished by different spiritual practices as well as different gathering times and demographics. One circle may accompany a mission study with Taizé worship and another with contemporary Christian Harriett Jane Olson music. Worship for general meetings can offer different styles in different years. What new styles can you try? In vital congregations laypersons tell their stories of how their faith has shaped them. I know that United Methodist Women members have stories to share many of you have shared your stories with me. Do you also share these stories with your circles, units, districts and conferences? Why are you a member of United Methodist Women? Vital congregations include and value United Methodist Women. Vital United Methodist Women units support vital congregations. There is no need to be afraid to change and grow. Let s experiment! That s what vital congregations do! 25
30 Saludos amigas! Recursos Esenciales Un año más de grandes oportunidades para poner la fe, la esperanza y el amor en acción! La iglesia ha comenzado un nuevo cuadrienio y las Mujeres Metodistas Unidas han celebrado su primer año como agencia de la Iglesia Metodista Unida --creando nuevas relaciones y afianzando las relaciones que tenía. Es un momento muy excitante el ser parte de esta organización y una excelente oportunidad de invitar a otras mujeres a participar también! Este año usted encontrará en este catálogo los recursos necesarios para cada miembro, tales como el nuevo Manual, el Calendario de Oración y la Biblia de la Mujer Metodista Unida. El Libro de Programa para se enfoca en escuchar --y responder-- al llamado de Dios en sus vidas, al igual que el libro de crecimiento espiritual El Llamado: Viviendo Sacramentalmente y Caminando con Justicia. Ser una discípula significa que debemos trabajar para cambiar el mundo y al mismo tiempo, trabajar junto con el Espíritu Santo para cambiar lo más íntimo de nuestro ser --juntas podemos convertirnos en personas íntegras por medio de Jesucristo. Nuestro nuevo comercio electrónico hace más fácil el ordenar y recibir recursos, y cuando se ordenan materiales electrónicamente, se está ahorrando dinero que se destina a la misión --: No les parece que esto es algo que trae mucho beneficio? Después de mirar el catálogo, las animo a que visiten org y una vez que seleccionen los recursos misionales, su orden se preparará para que ustedes la reciban lo antes posible! Los recursos que ustedes necesitan comprar y los materiales gratis están disponibles para ayudarlas a hablar acerca de las Mujeres Metodistas Unidas. Ustedes tendrán que tenerlos a mano para el proximo Domingo de las Mujeres Metodistas Unidas, eventos, campañas para juntar dinero y reuniones. Cómo ustedes han visto el trabajo de Dios en las Mujeres Metodistas Unidas? Espero verlas en la Asamblea y tener la oportunidad de aprender cómo las Mujeres Metodistas Unidas Hacen la Diferencia! El Libro del Programa y el Manual de las Mujeres Metodistas Unidas son recursos esenciales para la membresía. El Libro de Programa provee un año completo de programas (incluso los programas especiales) para sus grupos de Mujeres Metodistas Unidas y el Manual para el cuadrienio le ayudará a organizar, planificar y crecer. Cómprelos hoy mismo! Un Llamado para este Tiempo! Libro de Programa de Mujeres Metodistas Unidas: Libro de Programa de las Mujeres Metodistas Unidas Un Llamado para este Tiempo! $10.00 (M3174) Nuevo! Los programas comienzan en septiembre de 2013 y continúan hasta agosto de 2014, incluyendo tres programas adicionales para celebrar los servicios especiales. El Libro de Programa es un excelente recurso para presentar a las mujeres de su iglesia el profundo gozo que se puede experimentar a través de las Mujeres Metodistas Unidas! 128 páginas. 26 Harriett Jane Olson Secretaria General, Oficina Nacional Mujeres Metodistas Unidas
31 Manual de las Mujeres Metodistas Unidas Encuadernado de espiral o envuelto en plástico con páginas perforadas $12.50 (M3172) El Manual para le ayudará a entender mejor el propósito y la misión de las Mujeres Metodistas Unidas y equipará a cada grupo para organizarse según sus características y necesidades. Utilice el manual para aprender cómo puede involucrarse con mayor eficacia en la misión en su iglesia, en su comunidad y en el mundo de Dios. Además ofrece información sobre el trabajo de las Mujeres Metodistas Unidas, explora diferentes formas de participar en la misión, la conecta con otros y encuentra sugerencias prácticas para realizar su trabajo. El texto presenta una lista de herramientas y recursos para ayudarla a asumir responsabilidades. 210 páginas. Nuevo! Muestras de las Mujeres Metodistas Unidas 2014 $45.50 $40.00 (K3160) Las Muestras incluyen los estudios misionales para 2014, así como el Calendario de Oración y la Agenda para el Programa (ambos en inglés), y el Libro de Programa. Los estudios misionales los recibirá por correo en marzo y el Calendario de Oración, el Libro de Programa y la Agenda para el Programa los recibirá por correo en agosto. La promoción termina el 1º de abril de 2014! 27
32 건전한토대 : 건전한선교사역 Llamado a la Oración y el Sacrificio Los materiales del Llamado a la Oración y el Sacrificio ofrecen una oportunidad para que la membresía y sus amistades puedan contribuir a un área de misión de las Mujeres Metodistas Unidas en celebración de los logros obtenidos durante el año. Realicen el programa especial del Llamado a la Oración y el Sacrificio o inclúyalo en un servicio de adoración. El tema para 2014 es Cimientos Firmes: Firmes Misiones. Tengan siempre suficientes materiales para aquellas personas que quieren apoyar a las Mujeres Metodistas Unidas! Los materiales son trilingües (en inglés, coreano y español) e incluyen tarjetas de oración, un cartel, una carta de introducción del tema, unos sobres para la ofrenda y un formulario de pedido. En 2014, la ofrenda recibida se destinará a la renovación, ampliación y sustentabilidad ambiental de los edificios que albergan los ministerios significativos de las Instituciones Nacionales Misionales y las instituciones internacionales históricamente relacionadas con la organización. Estas instituciones, fundadas hace más de 100 años por las Mujeres Metodistas Unidas y sus antepasados incluyen centros comunitarios, refugios para víctimas de violencia doméstica y para desamparados, hogares infantiles, escuelas, colegios y universidades. El cien por ciento de la ofrenda se destina directamente a la misión. A CALL TO PRAYER & SELF-DENIAL LLAMADO A LA ORACIÓN Y AL SACRIFICIO 기도와절제의날 Paquete de Materiales $2.00 (K515) Estos recursos se pueden solicitar individualmente a: No olviden ordenar el Libro de Programa que incluye un programa para celebrar el Llamado a la Oración y el Sacrificio! CIMIENTOS FIRMES: MISIONES FIRMES 건전한토대 : 건전한선교사역 DATE/FECHA/ 날짜 TIME/HORA/ 시간 PLACE/LUGAR/ 장소 Cimientos Firmes: Misiones Firmes Oh Dios de amor y compasión, gracias por acercarte a nosotros con los brazos abiertos. Gracias por invitarnos a una relación eterna con Jesucristo y con tu pueblo en este mundo. Que enraizados en tu amor, podamos responder al llamado de servirte, y de fortalecer a nuestros hermanos y hermanas en la esperanza. Fortalécenos, querido Señor, y úsanos para fortalecer a otros en la tierra. En el nombre de Jesús, amén. SOUND FOUNDATIONS: SOUND MISSIONS CIMIENTOS FIRMES: MISIONES FIRMES A CALL TO PRAYER AND SELF-DENIAL 2014 LLAMADO A LA ORACIÓN Y AL SACRIFICIO 2014 A Call to Prayer & Self-Denial 2014 / Llamado a la Oración y al Sacrificio / 건전한토대 : 건전한선교사역 / / Stock no. M7017 / $0.25 Processed chlorine free / Impresión libre de cloro / 무염소처리 ORACIÓN LLAMADO A LA Y AL Sacrificio O F R E N D A PRAYER A CALL TO self-denial AND O F F E R I N G 기도와 절제의날 헌금 2014 년기도와절제의날 Para más información, visiten: 28
33 Tarjetas de Donaciones Misionaies Estas tarjetas (en inglés) representan una manera de reconocer amistades y celebrar ocasiones especiales a la vez que apoyamos a las Mujeres Metodistas Unidas. Cada vez que envían una de estas tarjetas, tan originales como preciosas, están contribuyendo a la misión. Pueden ver estas tarjetas en las páginas 10 y 11. Recursos Educacionales Los estudios misionales y de crecimiento espiritual de las Mujeres Metodistas Unidas ofrecen oportunidades para aprender y crecer. La U. de Misión. (anteriormente llamada Escuelas de Misión Cristiana de las Mujeres Metodistas Unidas) se concentra en estos libros que representan un recurso perfecto para estudios en pequeños grupos, clubes de libros y clases de escuela dominical. La Iglesia y las Personas con Discapacidades: Toma de Conciencia, Acceso y Abogacía Peggy A. Johnson Nuevo! Nuevo! La Iglesia y las Personas con Discapacidades: Toma de Conciencia, Acceso y Abogacía Peggy A. Johnson $10.00 (M3183) Este libro creará conciencia en la iglesia acerca de los temas de discapacidad; llamará a la iglesia para proveer pleno acceso a los servicios y oportunidades, y promoverá abogacía por justicia para las personas con discapacidades. A diferencia de otros tipos de experiencias humanas, las discapacidades ocurren en todas las áreas de género, orientación, etnicidad, nivel socioeconómico, edad y cultura. Las discapacidades pueden ocurrirle a cualquier persona en cualquier momento. Este libro le animará a identificar maneras en que su iglesia puede hacer mucho más para ser inclusivos. 100 páginas. Muy pronto disponible para la venta! Qué Sucede con tu Alma? Priscilla Papa-Levison y Jack Levison $10.00 (M3180) Este recurso presenta un balance entre las dimensiones internas y externas de la vida cristiana. Organizado en torno a cuatro verbos: orar, aprender, apoyar y transformar. Su lectura lo desafiará a convertirse en un discípulo de Cristo más vibrante. Usted explorará cómo orar y maneras como puede restaurar, revivir y revitalizar la escencia que es usted: aprenderá a ser mentor de otros y ver transformaciones que restauran, reviven y revitalizan nuestras iglesias y nuestro mundo. 120 páginas. Muy pronto disponible para la venta! 29
34 Los roma de Europa Larry Beman $10.00 $7.00 (M3163) Este libro le dará a conocer a los romaníes, en especial los que viven en Europa del Este. Podrá descubrir su historia hasta el siglo XX. Usted podrá conocer las formas en que son tratados por la cultura europea contemporánea; además, podrá aprender acerca de su estilo de vida y su espiritualidad, e investigará maneras en que la iglesia y otras organizaciones están trabajando junto a los romaníes. 90 páginas. Los roma deeuropa Larry Beman Recurso de estudio en grupo por Dee Dee Azhikakath Nuevo! Nuevo! El llamado: Una vida sacramental, caminando en la justicia George McClain, Tilda Norberg, y Nancy Kruh (editora) Guía del Participante: Becky Dodson Louter y Pat Hoerth El Llamado: una Vida Sacramental, Caminando en la Justicia George McClain, Tilda Norberg y Nancy Kruh (editora) $7.00 $5.00 (M3124) Este estudio ofrece herramientas para profundizar la identidad espiritual, la participación en la comunidad y la participación en la misión, explorando el significado sacramental del bautismo y la comunión, y presentando modelos de respuesta al llamado de Dios. Estos relatos se comparten entre una amplia variedad de personas de diferentes circunstancias de vida. Incluye una guía de estudio. 179 páginas. 30
35 Herencia Metodista Unida El Código de Justicia Racial Gratis, excepto costo de procesamiento y envío (M5027) Creado y aprobado por la División de Mujeres en 1978 y posteriormente adoptado por la Conferencia General de la Iglesia Metodista Unida en 1980, este código presenta cómo la denominación se compromete a velar por la igualdad de todos los seres humanos. Materiales Promocionales de las Mujeres Metodistas Unidas Quiénes son las Mujeres Metodistas Unidas y qué hacen? Los recursos que pueden ver en estas páginas comparten la historia, el trabajo y el gozo de las Mujeres Metodistas Unidas. Estos materiales constituyen un recurso muy valioso para amigas y miembros potenciales y para miembros que quieren recibir más información sobre la organización. Exhíbanlos en sus iglesias y allí donde se reúnan habitualmente y compártanlos con otras personas! Las Alegrías de la Membresía Gratis, excepto costo de procesamiento y envío (M5007) Folleto que celebra la manera en que las Mujeres Metodistas Unidas están involucradas en la misión. Incluye el Propósito, el formulario de subscripción a la revista Response y las tarjetas de membresía y de promesa para tener la oportunidad de hacer un compromiso financiero a fin de apoyar proyectos misionales con las mujeres, la infancia y la juventud de todo el mundo. Cartel del PROPÓSITO de las Mujeres Metodistas Unidas $1.50 (M3115) Las palabras del PROPÓSITO de nuestra organización de mujeres para la misión impresas en un cartel de 24 x 36 pulgadas (aproximadamente 60 x 91 centímetros) en español, inglés y coreano. 31
36 Por qué Debo? Comprometerme en Cuestiones Sociales? Únete a las Mujeres Metodistas Unidas Gratis, excepto costo de procesamiento y envío (M5093) Folleto que explica cómo ser miembro de esta organización y por qué es importante que te unas a esta comunidad global de mujeres comprometidas con el mismo propósito y con la misma pasión por cambiar el mundo a tu alrededor. Incluye el formulario de subscripción a la revista Response. Donaciones Misionales Gratis, excepto costo de procesamiento y envío (M5109) Lea cómo los miembros de las Mujeres Metodistas Unidas no pueden viajar por todo el mundo, pero sus dólares misionales sí pueden hacerlo. Usted puede ser parte de estos ministerios a nivel local, nacional e internacional a través de los cinco canales de las Donaciones Misionales. Por qué Debo Comprometerme en Cuestiones Sociales? Gratis, excepto costo de procesamiento y envío (M5136) Este recurso explica cómo las Mujeres Metodistas Unidas están activamente involucradas en cuestiones sociales de justicia a nivel nacional e internacional por más de cien años y cómo cada una de nosotras podemos participar en estos asuntos. Recuerde a las Mujeres Metodistas Unidas en su Testamento Gratis, excepto costo de procesamiento y envío (M5102) Cuando usted recuerda e incluye en su testamento a las Mujeres Metodistas Unidas, está haciendo posible que nuestro servicio misional continúe por mucho tiempo después de su partida. Diaconisas y Misioneros Laicos Nacionales Gratis, excepto costo de procesamiento y envío (M5121) Mujeres y hombres laicos en la Iglesia Metodista Unida que se sienten llamados por Dios a una vocación de tiempo completo para servir a los marginados y necesitados en el mundo hoy, ahora tienen la oportunidad de ser parte de la comunidad de apoyo en conexión con la Iglesia Metodista Unida. DIACONISAS Y MISIONEROS LAICOS NACIONALES UN LLAMADO PARA TI? 32
하나님의 선한 손의 도우심 이세상에서 가장 큰 축복은 하나님이 나와 함께 하시는 것입니다. 그 이 유는 하나님이 모든 축복의 근원이시기 때문입니다. 에스라서에 보면 하나님의 선한 손의 도우심이 함께 했던 사람의 이야기 가 나와 있는데 에스라 7장은 거듭해서 그 비결을
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