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1 ISSN(print) (1):59-63, March 2017 < 초청논문 > A Study on the Corneal Power and Refractive Error of Emmetropia and Myopia in Different Ages: from Elementary Students to University Students Kyung-Keun Oh 1, Ki-Young Lee 1, Jun-Beom Shim 2, and Hyun-Suk Shim 2, * 1 Interdisciplinary Program of Biomedical Engineering, Chonnam National University Graduate School, Gwangju 61186, Korea 2 Dept. of Ophthalmic Optics, Gwangju Health University, Gwangju 62287, Korea (Received August 30, 2016: Revised February 24, 2017: Accepted March 7, 2017) Purpose: In this study, we analyzed corneal power and refractive error of emmetropia and myopia by Aging. Methods: With classification of emmetropia and myopia by age group (from elementary to university students) who neither have not eye diseases and nor take refractive surgery, emmetropia is defined visual acuity over 1.0, equivalent spherical power is ±0.50 D and less(astigmatism 0.75 D and less). Myopia was is classified as 4.00 D below and 4.00 D or more. Then corneal power measured with Auto-REF/Keratometer. Results: Variation in refractive error in case of myopia below 4.00 D and emmetropia are not statistically significant (p>0.05). However, in case of myopia over 4.00 D, it is statistically significant (p=0.007) in the high school students ( 4.96±0.78 D on the elementary students, 5.62±0.95 D on the middle school students, 6.47±1.68 D on the high school students, 5.76±1.65 D on the university students). In case of myopia over 4.00 D, an average corneal power reduced a statistical significance on the middle school students (p<0.05) and increased significantly with age (p=0.009). Conclusions: The corneal power is getting less during adolescence and then increases in their twenties. In case of an emmetropia, the corneal power decreases slightly until the age of university student. However, it is minimum on the middle and high school student in case of myopia below 4.00 D and 4.00 D or more, respectively. After then it shows of increase. The refraction error has increased until the age of high school student, and then it is going down on the university student. These are the results of biological changes of the eyes related to the growth of the student. Key words: Myopia, Emmetropia, Corneal power, Refractive error 서론경제, 사회적인발전으로평균기대수명은증가하고있으며한국인의평균기대수명은 82.40으로 1980년에비해평균수명이약 17세증가하였으며 [1] 고령화사회로진입이빠르게진행되고있다. 따라서중년이후건강은매우중요한관심사가되었으며국가적으로국민을대상으로한질병유병률에대한연구와관리의필요성이강조되고있다. 특히눈은삶의질을유지하는데매우중요한요소이다. 눈은만 5-7세사이에정상시력에도달하며 [2] 만 5 세이상의경우근시가나타나기시작하여서서히진행되지만성인이되어서는점차감소하는경향을보인다. [3,6] 지난수십년동안근시의유병률이증가하고있고특히한국을포함한아시아에서그유병률은빠르게증가하고 있다. 근시가증가하는이유는환경적인요인이크다고보며 [7,9] 도시화, 근거리작업의증가, 학습량의증가등이근시의유발을증가시키는원인으로보고있다. 각막은눈의굴절기능중핵심적인역할을하며약 +43 D의굴절력을가지고있다. 각막의굴절력은연령의증가에따라점점증가하며각막곡률반경은서로반비례하여연령증가에따라감소되고수직경선보다수평경선에서더욱크게변화하는것으로보고되었다. [10] 최근국내콘택트렌즈생산량의급격한증가와함께굴절교정용이아닌미용목적의콘택트렌즈사용량이지속적으로늘어나고있으며 [10] 더불어미용을위한칼라콘택트렌즈를선호하는연령층이점점어려지고심지어초등학생때미용렌즈를처음착용하는사례가많이있다고보고되었다. [11] 청소년기에서근시와난시로인한시력의 *Corresponding author: Hyun-Suk Shim, TEL: , shs8584@ghu.ac.kr 본논문의일부내용은 2016년도한국안광학회하계학술대회에서포스터로발표되었음 59

2 60 Kyung-Keun Oh, Ki-Young Lee, Jun-Beom Shim, and Hyun-Suk Shim 개선은광학적처방인안경과콘택트렌즈로실시하는것이대부분인데이경우정확한굴절상태의진단에의한처방은매우중요한것이다. 이런이유와함께성인을대상으로하고굴절이상안을포함한각막굴절력에대한연구는많이이루어졌지만초 중 고등학생인청소년기의정시만을분류하여이루어진연구는거의없다. [12,13] 이에본연구에서는연령 ( 초 중 고등학생및대학생 ), 성별및정시안과근시안에서각막굴절상태를분석하여굴절이상에관한기본자료를구축하고한국인모형안연구와굴절이상에따른시험착용용콘택트렌즈제작, 그리고안광학장비제작에참고할수있는기초자료를얻고자하였다. 대상및방법 1. 연구대상본연구의취지에동의하고안질환이없으며, 시력교정수술을시행하지않은대상자중, 초등학생 233안 ( 남성 116안, 여성 117안, 평균나이 10.25±1.47세 ), 중학생 133안 ( 남성 68안, 여성 66안, 평균나이 14.12±0.81세 ), 고등학생 171안 ( 남성 92안, 여성 79안, 평균나이 17.24±0.67세 ), 대학생 275안 ( 남성 130안, 여성 145안, 평균나이 22.45±2.43 세 ) 을선정하였다 지털차트를이용하여나안시력이 1.00 이상이고등가구면굴절력이 ±0.50 D 이하 ( 난시 0.75 D이하 ) 인대상자를정시로, 4.00 D 미만근시, 4.00 D 이상근시로분류한뒤각막굴절력을비교분석하였다. 결과및고찰 연령과성별에따른굴절이상량과각막굴절력을 Table 1에나타냈으며, 굴절이상량과각막굴절력은각각초등학생 0.70±1.27 D, 43.84±1.39 D, 중학생 1.47±1.90 D, 43.51±1.57 D, 고등학생 2.05±2.28 D, 43.22±1.30 D, 대학생은 2.05±2.26 D, 43.37±1.45 D이고굴절이상량변화는평균 1.36 D 증가하였으며이는통계적으로유의하였다 (p=0.0000). 남녀평균각막굴절력은초등학생 43.84±1.39 D, 중학생 43.51±1.57 D, 고등학생 43.22±1.30 D, 대학생 43.37±1.45 D로나타났고남자의경우각막굴절력은나이에따라초등학생 43.39±1.29 D, 중학생 43.34±1.49 D, 고등학생 42.97±1.30 D, 대학생 43.06±1.31 D이였고여자의경우초등학생 44.28± 1.36 D, 중학생 43.69±1.65 D, 고등학생 43.50±1.24 D, 대학생 43.64±1.52 D로남자에비해여자가 0.70 D 높게나타났으며 (p=0.000) 연령별로는고등학생시기까지평균 0.62 D 감소후대학생시기에다시평균 0.13 D 증가하 2. 연구방법본검사에앞서문진으로눈과전신의건강상태를조사하였고, 피검자의동의하에검사를진행하였다. 1) 타각적굴절검사조절마비제를사용하지않고 Auto-REF/Keratometer (HRK-8000A, Huvitz, Korea) 를이용하여안굴절력과각막굴절력을 3회측정후평균값을사용하였다. 2) 자각적굴절검사타각적굴절검사를실시한후포롭터와 3 m 검사용디 Fig. 1. Correlation of corneal power and age (school grade) for gender. Table 1. Distribution of the subjects' refractive error for gender by age (school grade) Subjects (eyes) Age (year) Refractive error (diopter) Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Elementary school ± ± ± ± ± ±0.32 Middle school ± ± ± ± ± ±1.80 High school ± ± ± ± ± ±2.08 University ± ± ± ± ± ±2.14 Total ± ± ± ± ± ±1.91

3 A Study on the Corneal Power and Refractive Error of Emmetropia and Myopia by Aging 61 Table 2. Distribution of the subjects' refractive error and corneal power for emmetropia and myopia by age (school grade) Elementary school Subjects (eyes) Age (year) Refractive error (diopter) Corneal power (diopter) E a LM b HM c E LM HM E LM HM E LM HM Middle school High school University Total a. Emmetropia b. Low myopia (< 4.00 D) c. High myopia ( 4.00 D) ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± Fig. 2. Correlation of refractive error and age (school grade) for emmetropia and myopia. Fig. 3. Correlation of corneal power and age (school grade) for emmetropia and myopia. 였다. Fig. 1에서는연령과성별에따른각막굴절력의변화를나타냈다. Table 2에서는연령과성별에따른굴절이상량과각막굴절력의변화수치를정시, 4.00 D 미만근시, 4.00 D 이상근시로분류하여연령에따른굴절이상량을비교한결과, 정시의경우초등학생 0.04 D, 중학생 0.12±0.25 D, 고등학생 0.12 D, 대학생은 0.05±0.29 D, 4.00 D 이하근시의경우초등학생 1.51±1.16 D, 중학생 1.97±0.98 D, 고등학생 1.98±1.01 D, 대학생은 1.96±0.87 D로굴절이상량변화가통계적으로유의하지않았으나 (p>0.05), 4.00 D 초과근시의경우초등학생 4.96±0.78 D, 중학생 5.62±0.95 D, 고등학생 6.47±1.68 D, 대학생은 5.76±1.65 D로고등학생시기에유의한 (p=0.007) 변화를보인뒤대학생시기에는평균 0.71 D 낮은중학생시기의수준으로변화하였다. 이같은변화를 Fig. 2에나타내었다. 또한정시와근시에서각막굴절력의연령별변화를 Fig. 3에나타냈다. 각막굴절력은정시의경우초등학생 43.80±1.35 D, 중학생 43.66±1.42 D, 고등학생 43.24±1.39 D 대학생은 43.02±1.60 D로 4.00 D 미만근시의경우초등학생 43.83±1.51 D, 중학생 43.55±1.84 D, 고등학생 43.10±1.23 D 대학생은 D로고등학생시기까지감소한후대학생에증가하는것으로보이나통계적으로유의하지는않았다. (p>0.05) 반면, 4.00 D 이상근시의경우초등학생 44.45±1.21 D, 중학생 42.75±1.01 D, 고등학생 43.57±1.31 D 대학생은 D로중학교시기에유의한감소 (p<0.05) 를보인후연령증가에따라다시증가하였다 (p=0.009). 인간눈의굴절상태는출생시는원시상태이지만성장하면서정시나근시로진행되며근시는청소년기에진행되어 20세전후까지지속된다. Blegvad [14] 는근시가 9세에연간 0.81 D, 13세에는연간 0.58 D 진행한다고하였으나굴절이상의종류에따라진행정도가다르게나타

4 62 Kyung-Keun Oh, Ki-Young Lee, Jun-Beom Shim, and Hyun-Suk Shim 나는것으로보인다. 평균적으로근시는나이가어릴수록, 근시정도가심할수록높은증가를보이는것으로여겨지나정시, 근시등굴절이상의종류와그정도에따라서변화하는정도와시기는다르게나타나는것으로보인다. Song [15] 등에따르면초등학교 5학년부터중학교 2학년에해당하는 10-14세는빠른성장과함께신체조정의변화가급격하게나타나는시기로이시기에각막의굴절력의변화는당연한것으로보이나증가하는방향이아니라감소하는방향으로의변화는유의깊게살펴볼필요가있다. Lim [16] 등은 11세에서 70세까지의정시안을대상으로한실험에서각막굴절력은 10대에서 60대까지증가추세를보이고 10대에서 20대의변화가크다고하였고 25세부터 74세사이의정상성인을대상으로한 Kim [17] 등의연구에서도 25~34세군의남녀각각 D, D에서 66~74세군 D, D로고연령군으로갈수록각막굴절력이크게나타났다. 모두성인이후각막굴절력이증가한다는결과를보여주었다. 각막굴절력과각막곡률반경은서로반비례관계로 Kim [18] 등은굴절이상군별연령증가에따른각막곡률반경변화는차이가없다고보고하였고 Kiely [19], Hayashi [20] 등은연령증가와함께각막곡률반경이감소된다고보고하였으나본연구에서는남녀공통적으로각막굴절력은고등학생시기까지감소후 20대대학생에서는오히려증가하는것을알수있었다. 또한굴절이상군별로나누어서변화를볼때, 정시와 4.00 D 미만근시의경우는유의한변화를볼수없었으나, 4.00 D 이상근시의경우는중학생시기에최소가되며그이후에는다시유의하게증가하였다. 굴절이상량은고등학교시기까지는유의한증가를보인후대학생시기에는다시감소하며이것은성장과연관된안구의생물학적변화에따른것으로생각된다. 청소년기에서 20대성인까지나이가증가할수록각막곡률반경은커지고, 각막굴절력은작아지는것으로분석되었다. 이는 20대이후성인기의변화와는다른것으로, 이시기안축길이증가에따른보상작용으로각막굴절력이감소하는것으로생각된다. 결론 본연구를통해청소년기부터대학생까지연령별, 성별그리고굴절이상의종류와그양에따른굴절이상량과각막굴절력을측정하고비교한결과각막굴절력은남녀모두청소년시기를통해점차감소하는방향으로변화하며굴절이상량은정시의경우와 4.00 D 미만의근시에서는신체발달이활발한중 고등학교시기에서근소하지만높게나타났으며, 4.00 D 이상의근시에서는고등학교시 기에가장높게나타난후다시감소하는차이를보였다. 성장기동안안수치의변화를동반하는안구의성장은굴절이상과각막굴절력의변화를일으키며그분포변화가연령에따라차이가있음을알수있었다. 따라서차후연구에서는굴절이상에따른굴절이상량과각막굴절력그리고안축길이, 전방 후방의깊이등안구의각조직간의연관성에대해서도심도깊은연구를진행하고자한다. REFERENCES [1] Korean Statistical Information Service. Population Dynamics, DT_1B8000F&conn_path=I2(7 April 2016). [2] Kim J. The developing an algorism for the predicting myopia of early school-aged children. PhD Thesis. Ewha Womans University, Seoul. 2004;7-11. [3] Jin YH. Refraction and prescription, 5th Ed. Ulsan: University of Ulsan Press, 2007; [4] Donders FC. Accommodation and refraction of the eye, 1st Ed. New York: RE Krieger, 1979;429. [5] Dunphy EB, Stoll MR, King SH. Myopia among American male graduate students. Am J Ophthalmol. 1968; 65(4): [6] Goldschmidt E. On the etiology of myopia: an epidemiological study. Acta Ophthalmol. 1968;98: [7] Saw SM, Tong L, Chua WH, Chia KS, Koh D, Tan DT et al. Incidence and progression of myopia in Singaporean school children. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2005;46(1): [8] Saw SM, Hong RZ, Zhang MZ, Fu ZF, Ye M, Tan D et al. Near-work activity and myopia in rural and urban schoolchildren in China. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus. 2001;38(3): [9] Tan NW, Saw SM, Lam DS, Cheng HM, Rajan U, Chew SJ. Temporal variations in myopia progression in Singaporean children within an academic year. Optom Vis Sci. 2000;77(9): [10] Jung SJ, Lee HJ, Baek SS, Jung MA, Mah KC. Analysis of corneal radius by age and refractive error. Korean J Vis Sci. 2009;11(3): [11] Korea Health Industry Development Institute the statistical data of medical device production and trade performance, linkid=151906&menuid=menu00349(22 March 2017). [12] Jung MA, Lee HJ. A survey on cosmetic color contact lens wear status of middle school, high school and college students. Korean J Vis Sci. 2013;15(4): [13] Kang HS, Seo YW, Kang IS. Measurement of radius of corneal curvature for Korean adults with keratometer. J Korean Ophthalmic Opt Soc. 1996;1(2): [14] Blegvad O. Om myopiens progression. Ugeskr Laeger. 1918;80: [15] Song YJ, Joung HJ, Kim YN, Paik HY. The physical

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한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구

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