41 2015 2 Korea Administrative Law Theory Practice Association Administrative Law Journal Vol. 41, Feb. 2015 학교회계직원의사용자에대한고찰및입법정책적검토 사법상권리의무의주체와단체교섭사용자적격의관련성을중심으로 1) 이종범 * ㆍ박동열. ( ),.,. 2013. 1. 15. 201228346.,...,,.,.,.,. * : (),.. ** : ().
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270 <Abstract> 87) Controversies regarding the employers of official school workers Jongbum Lee * Dongyeol Park ** There has been a lot of different opinions on determining who the employer of official school workers is, but it seems that the recent ruling by Seoul Administrative Court has settled such controversies to a certain extent. Fundamentally, it should not be compared uniformly at the same level that the aforementioned issue that requires to be subjects of rights and duties respectively under private laws and public laws. From such perspective, the Supreme Court prospectively changed its existing ruling and acknowledged that even a government authority can be considered to have legal capacity under public legal relationships in each individual, specific case. It can cause various problems in working practices that the recent Seoul Administration Court ruling recognizes an employer status only if the employer can be subjects of rights and duties under private laws. The requirement for an employer to have legal capacity under private laws not only breaches the purpose of legislation to envisage authority to execute collective bargaining in the Trade Union and Labor Relations Adjustment Act, but also is against the provisions of the Trade Union and Labor Relations Adjustment Act. Furthermore, the additional requirements imposed by the recent Seoul Administration Court can not only be against the trends to expand the scope of definition of employer, but also may hinder effective execution of collective bargaining. Key Words: contingent workers at primary and secondary schools, official school workers, non-standard workers, collective bargaining, employer, corporate entity, school settlement accounting * Attorney at Law, Barun Law LLC. ** Attorney at Law, Barun Law LLC.