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음악대학 College of Music - 613 -

공통과목 (Extradepartmental Courses)(Not for Korean Music Major) 650.1207 국악개론및감상 1 2-2-0 Introduction to Korean Music 1 한국음악학의연구결과를바탕으로한국음악의개념, 갈래, 악곡, 악기, 나아가한국음악문화를소개하는과목이다. 음악의갈래를궁중음악, 풍류계음악, 민속음악, 창작국악으로나누고개별갈래의음악청취와분석을통해이해를깊게한다. 전통음악을주로소개하며, 창작음악의경우전통음악을의식적으로수용한작품을소개한다. 1 2 학기연강이다. The purpose of this course is to introduce Korean musicits concepts, genres, and instruments-and musical culture through recent Korean musicological research. Korean music is separated into four categories: court-based music, music for intellectuals, music for the common people, and newly composed music based on Korean musical tradition. The main focus of this course will be on the traditional categories Students will come to understand the various genres of Korean music by listening to and analyzing actual music. They must register for 2 continuous semesters. 650.1208 국악개론및감상 2 2-2-0 Introduction to Korean Music 2 한국음악학의연구결과를바탕으로한국음악의개념, 갈래, 악곡, 악기, 나아가한국음악문화를소개하는과목이다. 음악의갈래를궁중음악, 풍류계음악, 민속음악, 창작국악으로나누고개별갈래의음악청취와분석을통해이해를깊게한다. 전통음악을주로소개하며, 창작음악의경우전통음악을의식적으로수용한작품을소개한다. 1 2 학기연강이다. The purpose of this course is to introduce Korean musicits concepts, genres, and instruments-and musical culture through recent Korean musicological research. Korean music is separated into four categories: court-based music, music for intellectuals, music for the common people, and newly composed music based on Korean musical tradition. The main focus of this course will be on the traditional categories Students will come to understand the various genres of Korean music by listening to and analyzing actual music. They must register for 2 continuous semesters. 650.1226 부전공악기 ( 악기명 : 서양악기및국악기 ) 1-1-0 Minor Instrument 이강좌는해당악기를전공하는학생을제외한일반학생을대상으로한다. 국악기중한악기를택하여선생님과학생이그룹을지어 3 명내외의소수로레슨을받게된다. 정악이나, 산조, 신곡을배울수있다. 이강좌는중간에철회할수없다. This course is for all students except for those majoring in the respective instruments. Students will choose one traditional Korean instrument and take lessons from a teacher in small groups comprising 3-4 individuals. They may take lessons in Korean traditional court music, sanjo, or new musical compositions. Students may not withdraw from the course once it has started. 650.1231 음악소프트웨어연습 1 2-1-2 Training for Music Software 1 컴퓨터음악의기본원리를학습하고응용 S/W 를실습하여음악과테크놀로지의접목을시도한다. This course will try to combine music and technology. Students will learn the fundamental principles of computer music and practice applied softwares. 650.1232 음악소프트웨어연습 2 2-1-2 Training for Music Software 2 다양한시퀀싱프로그램들을살펴보고 1 2 개의소프트웨어를선정하여실습해봄으로써컴퓨터음악에대한이해를높인다. Students will investigate various sequencing programs, practice selected softwares, and consequently understand computer music in depth in this course. 650.1235* 화성법및대위법 1 2-2-0 Harmony and Counterpoint 1 음악이론의가장기초인음정, 음계를토대로 3 화음의성립과그종류를알고일정한법칙에따라서화음이어떻게연결되는지이론과실습그리고실제화성분석을통해서알아본다. 첫번째학기에서는음정, 음계, 조, 화음과화성, 주 3 화음과주 3 화음의전위중제 1 전위에대해서공부하게된다. 더불어음들사이의관계의취급에관한기본적인대위법적기술을훈련한다. The essential aspect of musical composition will be considered in this class: how to treat given sounds and relationship between the sounds. And students will learn interval, scale key, chords and harmony, principal triad and first inversion of principal triads for the first semester. also in this class: how to treat given sounds and relationship between the sounds. And the participants will learn the elementary skill of writing music through systematical training of counterpoint 650.1236* 화성법및대위법 2 2-2-0 Harmony and Counterpoint 2 < 화성법및대위법 1> 의내용을심화하고일정한법칙에따라서화음이어떻게연결되는지이론과실습, 그리고실제분석을통해서화성법과대위법의쓰임을알아본다. 주 3 화음의전위중제 2 전위, 부 3 화음, 부 3 화음의전위, 종지, 속 7 화음, 속 7 화음의전위에대해서, 공부하게된다. 그리고대위법적기술의터득과 16 세기의서양다성음악에대한연구를목적으로한다. This course deepen the Harmony and Counterpoint 1. Students will learna connection of chord according to the regular rule. students will get a practice include second inversion of principal triad, secondary triad and inversion of secondary triad, cadence, dominant 7th chord. inversion of dominant 7th chord for the second semester. the aim of this course is acquisition of conterpoint skills and investigation of western polyphonic music up to 16th century. 650.1240* 시창청음 1 1-1-1 Sight Singing and Ear Training 1 창 - 음정 선율 리듬 음자리표등청음 - 음정 단성선율 다성선율 화성 리듬등기초이론 - 음정 박자 조성 화성진행등선율과리듬의시창 청음을통해음악의기초적인인식능력과 학점구조는 학점수-주당강의시간-주당실습시간 을표시함. 한학기는 15주로구성됨. (The first number means credits ; the second number means lecture hours per week; and the final number means laboratory hours per week. 15 week make one semester.) - 615 -

순발력을기른다. 음자리표를사용한시창 청음으로 score reading 과 transposition 을예방한다. 음정과기초이론을실습과함께학습한다. In this course, students will learn the basic ability to recognize music and sounds by listening to vocals using clefs. They will also study prevention score reading and transposition, and learn intervals and basic theories through practice. 650.1245* 시창청음 2 1-1-1 Sight Singing and Ear Training 2 성악과 1 학년학생들을위한시창, 청음 2 는음악인으로성장해나가는데필요한기본적인과목으로서단선율청음, 리듬청음, 음정청음과단선율노래하기와 2 성부노래하기및코드청음및 4 성부노래하기등으로구성되어진다. In this second-semester course, students will get a chance for practice in interval dictation, rhythmic dictation, one- and two-voice melody dictation, choral analysis or chordal dictation, and sight singing including one- or two-voice singing or four-parts chorus (soprano, alto, tenor, and bass). 650.1287* 건반화성 1 1-1-1 Keyboard Harmony 1 건반화성수업은화성이론을오선지가아니건반에서화음의관계를실제소리로들어익히는청각적훈련을통하여이루어진다. 과목내용으로는숫자붙은베이스의실제반주법, 오케스트라스코어치기, 가곡반주의조옮김등건반악기주자들에게필수적인요소들을포함한다. This course will develop students essential and useful keyboard skills through aural training. It will introduce the realization of basso continuo parts, score reading (string quartets and piano reductions of symphonies), and transposition of lieder. 650.1288* 건반화성 2 1-1-1 Keyboard Harmony 2 스코어리딩을비롯하여숫자가붙은베이스선율을피아노건반상에서화성화하는등실제적인화성적능력을계발하는데목적이있다. This course will cover the basic keyboard patterns, score reading, and realization of figured bass accompaniments. 650.2237* 화성법및대위법 3 2-2-0 Harmony and Counterpoint 3 그동안공부한초급 ( 기초 ) 화성학의지식을토대로좀더발전된고급 ( 응용 ) 화성학을취급하게되는데, 숫자가붙은베이스문제뿐만아니라주어진소프라노선율에화음을자유롭게임의로사용할수있는능력을키우며찬송가및바흐코랄을화성분석할수있도록한다. 학생들은감 7 화음과반감 7 화음감 7 화음의전위, 부 3 화음, 부 3 화음의전위, 비화성음, 전조 ( 온음계적전조, 반음계적전조 ) 에대해서공부하게된다. 또한바흐스타일에따른인벤션연구도병행한다. In this course, students get a practice include diminished 7th chord and half diminished 7th chord inversion of diminished 7th chord, non dominant 7th chord, inversion of non dominant 7th chord, non harmonic tone, modulation (diatonic and chromatic modulation) for the third semesteralso this course will practice individual lessons for the writing of an invention in the style of J.S Bach. 650.2238* 화성법및대위법 4 2-2-0 Harmony and Counterpoint 4 학생들은숙련된단계의화성법및대위법이론을배우며, 실제곡연주에있어서어떻게응용될수있는지를터득한다. 그리고부속 7 화음, 부속 7 화음의전위, 부감 7 화음, 부감 7 화음의전위, 변성화음, 변성화음중증속화음, 증 6 화음, 나폴리 6 화음, 에대해서공부한다. 그리고화성법및대위법 4 를통하여, 전조와차용화음, 동형진행까지의고급화성을배운다. 또한바로크에서낭만주의음악의다성적텍스츄어에대한화성적, 대위적분석을포함한다. In this course, students will learn harmony and counterpoint on an advanced level. students get a practice include secondary dominant 7th chord, inversion of secondary dominant 7th chord, secondary diminished 7th chord, variant chord, borrowed, augmented dominant chord of altered chord. augmented 6th chord, neapolitan 6th chord for the fourth semester. and will learn study modulation, borrowed chord, sequences. also this course will be analysis of the polyphonic texture of the instrumental repectoire from the Baroque to the Romantic period. 650.2241* 서양음악사 1 2-2-0 History of Western Music 1 서양음악의시원부터단성성가의형성과정과다성화과정그리고중세말각국가별민족음악의양식적특징에관해학습한다. This course will explore the beginning of Western music, establishment of chants, development to polyphony, and traits of national styles in the late Middle Ages. 650.2242* 서양음악사 2 2-2-0 History of Western Music 2 르네쌍스시대부터바로크시대에이르기까지성악, 기악음악양식의발전과변천과정, 오페라의출현과발전과정에관해학습한다. This course will explore the developments and changes of vocal and instrumental music and the rise and development of opera from the Renaissance to the Baroque period. 650.2246* 시창청음 3 1-1-1 Sight Singing and Ear Training 3 창 - 음정 선율 리듬 음자리표등청음 - 음정 단성선율 다성선율 화성 리듬등기초이론 - 음정 박자 조성 화성진행등선율과리듬의시창. 청음을통해음악의기초적인인식능력과순발력을기른다. 음자리표를사용한시창 청음으로 score reading 과 transposition 을예방한다. 음정과기초이론을실습과함께학습한다. In this course, students will enhance their basic ability to understand music through ear traning and sight singing using clefs. They will also learn score reading and transposition through ear traning, and study intervals through basic theory and practice. 650.2247* 시창청음 4 1-1-1 Sight Singing and Ear Training 4 시창청음교육의목적은, 음에대한모든감각을익힘으로써음악기초이론의제반토대를마련하고, 미래의전문음악인이되기위한소양을갖추게함에있다. The purpose of sight singing and ear training is to build - 616 -

the foundation for fundamental music theory by helping students to acquire every aspect of sound and tone so that they will be well prepared as future professional musicians. 650.2289* 건반화성 3 1-1-1 Keyboard Harmony 3 이강의목적은건반앞에서종합적인음악이해력과기교적인기술을향상시키는데있다. 학생들은다양한화음진행의연주와선율을화성화하는것, 그리고하나의조에서모든조로전조하는것을배운다. The purpose of this course is to develop students total musicianship and technical skills at the keyboard. Students will learn to play various chord progressions, harmonizing melodies and modulating from one key to another key. Each class will present the simplest chords. 650.2290* 건반화성 4 1-1-1 Keyboard Harmony 4 스코어리딩을비롯하여숫자가붙은베이스선율을피아노건반상에서화성화하는등실제적인화성적능력을계발하는데목적이있다. This course will cover advanced keyboard patterns, score reading, and realization of figured bass accompaniments. 650.3243* 서양음악사 3 2-2-0 History of Western Music 3 이강좌는 < 서양음악사 1 2> 의연속으로서주로 1750 년부터 1830 년경까지의음악을다루고있다. 우리가 서양고전음악 이라고하는음악대부분이이시기에속한다. 따라서하이든, 모차르트, 베토벤과같은음악가들의작품들을중심으로이시기의시대적흐름을개관한다. A continuation of the courses <History of Western Music and Literature 1 and 2>, this course will focus on music from 1750 to the 1830 s, thus reviewing the core of Western classical Music including symphonies and concertos. 650.3244* 서양음악사 4 2-2-0 History of Western Music 4 이강좌는주로베토벤이후의음악경향들, 19 세기전반의낭만주의와후반의후기낭만주의, 민족주의뿐만아니라, 20 세기의여러음악적혁신들을개관한다. 역사적관점에서뿐만아니라, 음악과음악재료에대한새로운사고변화들을기념비적작품들을통해살펴본다. This course will deal with not only the trends developed after the 1830 s (Romanticism, post-romanticism, and nationalism) but also many of the musical innovations from the 20th century to the present. Apart from the historical perspectives, the course will explore actual compositions that reflect the changes in ideas on music and musical materials. 650.3301 한국현대음악연주 1-0-2 Interpretation of Korean Contemporary Music 기악과학생들이같은시대에작곡된곡을연주함으로현대음악에대한이해를넓히고작곡가와의대화를통한연주기회를가짐으로곡해석의다양성을넓혀가기위한수업이다. 동시대의작 곡가의작품세계와음악의깊이있는분석 - 형식, 화성어법, 특징적, 작곡기법및스타일작곡관과작곡재료 - 과연주를위주로진행될것이며, 이를통하여현대음악의기법과전반적인흐름을이해할수있는기틀을마련하게될것이다. Students will acquire the technique of contemporary music and enlarge the diversity of music s anaysis through the conversation with composer Emphasis will be placed on a detailed analysis of the contemporary music repertoire. through the course, students will come to understand the materials and techniques of the contemporary music as well as the process of its destruction. 650.3303* 음악분석 1 2-2-0 Music Analysis 1 시대별로음악을체계적으로분석해봄으로써각시대의음악정신을이해하고, 실제로구체적인음악분석실습을통해음악의본질적인실체를파악함으로써, 기악연주의깊이와의미를찾고스스로에게분석능력을함양하는것을목적으로한다. < 음악분석 1> 강좌에서다루는음악은관현악곡을위주로하는바로크, 고건, 전기낭만의음악을다루며, 그밖의기악소품도필요에따라다룬다. The goals of this course are to give students a basic understanding of the spirit of the music in each period through a careful analysis music from the historical periods covered, to cultivate their awareness of the meaning and depth of instrument performance by understanding the essential nature of music with actual and concrete practice of music analysis, and to develop their proficiendy in analysis ability itself. Topic will cover the musical works from the Baroque, Classical and pre-romantic periods, focusing on orchestral works as well as important instrumental works. 650.3304* 음악분석 2 2-2-0 Music Analysis 2 < 음악분석 2> 에서는 < 음악분석 1> 에서배운것을좀더발전시키고, 그동안배운것을토대로하여실제적인분석과함께시대적인관점과연주특성에대하여집중적으로다룬다. 기악과와성악과학생들의기악과성악음악에대한관심을감안하여음악분석의일반론이기악및성악음악에어떻게특수화되어지는지를다루고있다. 이를위해바하베토벤의순수기악음악에서베르디, 바그너등의오페라음악에까지분석의스펙트럼을넓히는수업을진행할것이다. This course deepen the <Music Analysis 1> and students will learn intensively plactical analysis, spirit of the times and Caracteristics performance in this second-semester course, students will explore how the generality of music analysis is specialized into vocal music and instrumental music. For this purpose, they will analyze various muical works the instrumental music of Bach and Beethoven to the opera of Verdi and Wagner. 650.3307* 연주 1-1-0 Performance Workshop 한학기동안자신이배운것을발표하는수업이다. 형식은실제연주회와같으며한회당발표자는약 6 7 명이된다. 국악과학생들을위한전공필수강좌로서 4 개학기반복이수해야한다. In this course, students will perform what they have learned during the semester. The format will be the same as - 617 -

that of an actual concert. Approximately 6 7 students will be assigned to each session. This is a required course for students majoring in Korea music and must be taken for 4 consecutive semesters. 650.3320 지휘법 1 2-2-0 Conducting 1 지휘자의음악적인의도를효과적으로연주자에게전달하는방법에대해과거부터내려온관습적인표현방법을체계적으로익히는데그목적이있다. The aim of this course is to study traditional expressive ways of effectively showing the conductor s musical intention. 650.3321 지휘법 2 2-2-0 Conducting 2 지휘자의음악적인의도를효과적으로연주자에게전달하는방법에대해과거부터내려온관습적인표현방법을체계적으로익히는데그목적이있다. The aim of this course is to study traditional expressive ways of effectively showing the conductor s musical intention. 650.4401* 음악분석 3 2-2-0 Music Analysis 3 본강좌는음악대학기악과와성악과 4 학년생을위한전공필수강좌로이수업을통해시대별로음악을체계적으로분석해봄으로써각시대의음악정신을이해하고실제로구체적인음악분석실습을통해음악의본질적인실체를파악함으로써기악연주의깊이와의미를찾고스스로에게분석능력을함양하는것을목적으로한다. 또한 < 음악분석 2> 를심화하고, 다루는음악은관현악곡을위주로하는바로크, 고전, 전기낭만의음악을다루며그밖에기악소품도필요에따라다룬다. This course is required for seniors majoring in insrumental music. its goals are to give students a basic undetstanding of the sprit of music from each periode through a careful analysis, to cultivate their awareness of the meaning and depth of instrumental performance through an understanding of essential nature of music via the actual and concrete practice of musical analysis, and to develop their proficiency in analysis ability itself. 650.4402* 음악분석 4 2-2-0 Music Analysis 4 18 세기에서 20 세기에이르기까지서양음악사각시대의양식적특징을잘보여주는대표적인작품들을선정하여그들의다양한면모들을탐구 분석함으로써미래의연주자들이자신이연주하는곡들에쉽게체계적인음악어법으로다가갈수있도록안내하는것이이강좌에목적이다. 이시대의역사를비롯하여음계, 화성체계및특수한주법등을체계적으로파악하고, 대표적인작품과연주가에대한정보를정리함으로써, 올바른감상의단계는물론실제연주에응용할수있는능력을배양한다. The aim of this course is to enhance performer s understanding of the music that they play by analyzing selected musical works from the Middle Ages to the 18th century. also. this course will cover the history, harmonics, scale, and special technique of the music. by reviewing the major works and composers, students will learn the main idioms and techniques. 650.4403 총보독법 1-1-1 Score Reading 다양한형태의음악총보를통해서작곡기법, 형식, 악기론을배우게한다. 작곡에서의필수적인어법이나형식을총보독법을통하여배우게한다. 음반이나연주없이음악총보만으로음악을상상할수있게끔한다. 학생들은매주건반화성이나이조악기또는, C clef 읽기등의공부도병행하여오케스트라총보를피아노로바로보고무리없이연주할수있도록훈련해야한다. This seminar will examine the representative each century composition from various tedencies and schools, exploring their instrumentation from traditions of the previous centuries and influence on current compositional developments. Seminar presentation may focus on musical imagination and application on each musical repertoire. And students will study harmony on the piano, transposing instruments and reading C clef for playing the piano with scores. 650.4421 음향학개론 1 2-2-0 Introduction to Acoustics of Music 1 본과목에서는음악에관련된음향학의기초를다루게된다. 주요내용은음파의발생및전달과정에서나타나는각종현상, 인간의청감특성과관련된음의인지, 여러가지조율방법, 실내음향학등으로이루어진다. This course will cover the fundamentals of acoustics related to musical phenomena. Topics will cover: generation and propagation of sounds, perception of sounds, characteristics of the human ear, temperament, and room acoustics. 650.4422 음향학개론 2 2-2-0 Introduction to Acoustics of Music 2 본과목은 < 음향학개론 1> 에서다룬음향학의기본을바탕으로하여각종악기에관한내용으로구성된다. 여러가지현악기, 관악기, 음성, 건반악기, 타악기등에관련된내용을각각의음의발생과정, 음색의특징을위주로다루게된다. This course will consider the acoustical characteristics of various musical instruments. Topics will cover the acoustics of musical instruments including the sound generation mechanism and the features in their sound color (stringed instruments, winds, brass, voice, keyboard instruments, and percussions). 650.3420 합창및합주지도법 2-2-0 Teaching Methododology of Choir and Ensemble 합창및합주수업에의하여심미적음악교육에기여할수있는방법을연구한다. 단순히기술의훈련에그치지않고합창및합주교육을통한개념학습및포괄적음악성의함양을강조하며, 합창및합주지도를통한음악적성장을극대화시키기위한구체적방법을연구한다. This course examines the choir and ensemble instructions as a performing medium which can contribute to an aesthetic music education. It focuses not only on the training choir and ensemble techniques but also the development of comprehensive musicianship through choir and ensemble education. Students also research concrete methods for maximizing the musical development through choir and ensemble instructions. - 618 -

6541.3320* 국악가창지도법 3-3-0 Methods of Korean Traditional Songs 시조, 민요, 판소리등의국악가창곡을지도하는방법을강의하는과목이다. 현행초, 중, 고등학교음악교과서에수록된국악가창곡들을효과적으로지도하는방법에대해다룰것이며, 예비교육자로써실제교육현장에서필요한경험과교수체계를쌓는과정이다. This class deals with teaching methods of Korean traditional singing, such as Pansori, Sijo, and Minyo. How to teach Korean traditional songs will be taught including songs in the textbooks of elementary, middle, and high school. This class provides experiences needed in educational practice. - 619 -

성악과 (Dept. of Vocal Music) 651.1211* 이태리어딕션 2-2-0 of French art songs. Italian Diction 이태리어의자음의기본원리와모음의개폐음에대한이해및발음과노래에서의차이점을강의및이태리가곡을통해실습한다. This course will study the Italian phonetic/phonemic system and the differences between speaking and singing in the language. It will cover coaching in Italian Lieder repertoires. 651.1212* 독일어딕션 1 2-2-0 German Diction 1 독일철자와모음의기본원리와음군의구로원리를이해하고모음의개폐음의이해와실습및자음의정확한구조및발음과노래에서의차이점을공부하며, 독일노래 (Lied) 를통해서개개인의발음을교정하여정확한발음의원리를학습한다. This course will study the German phonetic/phonemic system and the differences between speaking and singing in the language. It will cover coaching in German Lieder repertoire. 651.1230* 합창 1-0-2 Chorus 기본적인앙상블감각을익히고, 시대적인합창곡을경험함으로써음악사에대한흐름과시대별연주관습을살펴보고전문적인합창곡을통하여음악경험을폭을넓힌다. This course is designed to give students the basic ensemble techniques and an understanding of the historical development of choral performance practice. 651.1315* 이태리가곡 2-2-0 Italian Art Songs 바로크시기의성악곡을이태리뿐만아니라프랑스, 영국, 독일국가들의작품을중심으로연구하여시대및국가별연주특징을공부하며다양한연주해석과감상을통하여바로크예술가곡의연주능력을향상시킨다. Topics covered will include not only Italian song but also French, English and German song of Baroque period. Historical development and national trends will be studied to improve performance skill of Baroque art song. 651.2213* 독일어딕션 2 2-2-0 German Diction 2 독일가곡을노래함에있어더욱명확한가사및의미전달과심도있는음악적표현을하는것을올바른발음을중심으로공부해간다. This course is designed to teach students the techniques for delivering and expressing German poetic words. 651.2214* 프랑스어딕션 1 2-2-0 French Diction 1 프랑스예술가곡의발음법과해석법을공부하여시와음악의완벽한결합으로표한할수있는공부를한다. 발음의연음법, 특수한경우의발음법등을익혀프랑스예술가곡을연주할수있는기초를닦는다. This course will prepare students to sing artistically in French by learning the basic pronunciation and interpretation 음악사에중요한위치를차지하고있는종교가곡및바로크성 학점구조는 학점수-주당강의시간-주당실습시간 을표시함. 한학기는 15주로구성됨. (The first number means credits ; the second number means lecture hours per week; and the final number means laboratory hours per week. 15 week make one semester.) - 620-651.2220* 성악실기 2-1-2 Vocal Major 담당교수와의개별적인레슨을통하여실기를학습하며, 학기별로적합한시대의예술가곡및오페라아리아, 졸업연주를위한 Song Cycle 등을학습한다. In this course, students receive private instruction in art songs and arias of different periods and song cycles for their graduation recital. 651.3301 성악인을위한이탈리아어 1 2-2-0 Italian for Singer 1 바로크시대로부터현대에이르는광범위한이탈리아성악곡을중심으로시와가사의해석능력을향상시키는동시에이탈리아어구사및독해력을키워줌으로써전문성악인에게필요한소양을갖출수있는기회를제공한다. Knowledge of Italian is crucial for singers in studying and performing Italian vocal repertoire, one of the most important genre in history of vocal literature This class deals with the standard Italian vocal music that span from the Baroque era to modern days with its focus in interpretation and comprehension of the Italian texts This course also aims at an improvement in singer s ability to read, write and speak in Italian. 651.3302 성악인을위한이탈리아어 2 2-2-0 Italian for Singer 2 바로크시대로부터현대에이르는광범위한이탈리아성악곡을중심으로시와가사의해석능력을향상시키는동시에이탈리아어구사및독해력을키워줌으로써전문성악인에게필요한소양을갖출수있는기회를제공한다. Knowledge of Italian is crucial for singers in studying and performing Italian vocal repertoire, one of the most important genre in history of vocal literature This class deals with the standard Italian vocal music that span from the Baroque era to modern days with its focus in interpretation and comprehension of the Italian texts This course also aims at an improvement in singer s ability to read, write and speak in Italian. 651.3306 성악앙상블 2-2-0 Vocal Ensemble 다양한장르와시대의많은작곡가들의성악앙상블레퍼토리를공부함으로써연주곡목의폭을넓히고, 시대와곡목에알맞은올바른곡해석능력과다양한형태 (duet, trio, quartet) 의연주를통하여음악성을향상시킨다. This course will cover the interpretation and preparation of vocal ensemble repertoires from all periods and in all genres. Students will enhance their musical ability through various forms of ensembles (duets, trios, and quartets). 651.3311A 종교가곡및바로크성악곡 1 2-2-0 Religious and Baroque Art Songs 1

성악과 (Dept. of Vocal Music) 악곡을역사적인관점에서고찰함과동시에해당문헌의실제연주와코칭을통하여폭넓은레파토리를가질수있도록한다. This course focuses its study in Baroque and religious vocal literature which occupy an important place in history of vocal music. A historical survey of the literature and performance style is accompanied by actual performance practice of the repertoire in the class. 651.3312A 종교가곡및바로크성악곡 2 2-2-0 Religious and Baroque Art Songs 2 음악사에중요한위치를차지하고있는종교가곡및바로크성악곡을역사적인관점에서고찰함과동시에해당문헌의실제연주와코칭을통하여폭넓은레파토리를가질수있도록한다. This course focuses its study in Baroque and religious vocal literature which occupy an important place in history of vocal music. A historical survey of the literature and performance style is accompanied by actual performance practice of the repertoire in the class. 651.3314 오페라사 1 2-2-0 History of Opera 1 서양음악사에서중요한한부분을차지하는오페라사에대해서고대그리스에서부터오페라가발생한 1600 년대, 1800 년대고전주의오페라를시대순으로다루어오페라에대한다양한이해와습득을통한접근방식으로음악에대한전반적사고를넓힌다. This course is a study of operas from ancient Greece through the 1600 s, the time when opera emerged, to the classical opera of the 1800 s. 651.3315 오페라사 2 2-2-0 History of Opera 2 고전이후현대에이르기까지오페라의시대적, 음악적흐름을살펴보면서, 사회적으로각기독특한배경을가진이태리, 독일, 프랑스, 영국등의오페라가보여주는언어적특징과음악적인스타일을이해하며특히음악감상을통하여역사적인이해를적용시키고, 연주자로서올바르게오페라를해석하고연주하는능력을기른다. This course will explore the trends in opera from the Classical period to the present. Goals will include an understanding of the unique features of Italian, German, French, and English operas in various social contexts. 651.3316* 독일가곡 2-2-0 German Art Songs 독일예술가곡의시대적변천을파악하고, 피아노반주에의한독일의예술가곡이정착되는기반인고전주의에서낭만주의가곡에이르기까지, 그대표적인작품들을선별하여이론적분석과실기를병행함으로써깊이있는독일예술가곡의연주를위한바탕을마련한다. In this course, students will study and perform representative works of German art songs from the Classical period, when German lieder with piano accompaniment was established, to the Romantic period, with a focus on the genre s historical development. 651.3321* 프랑스어딕션 2 2-2-0 French Diction 2 프랑스가곡의창법및프랑스가곡의특징을공부하고프랑스가곡의 Phrasing 등을발음법과관련하여공부한다. 프랑스가곡의발음법을 G. Faur 및다양한프랑스작곡가의가곡에실제적용하여실습함으로써개개인의발음상의문제점들의교정해나간다. This course will study French vocal music and its interpretation. The phrasing of French songs will be stressed. The course will include coaching in repertoire (G. Faure and others). 651.3322* 영어딕션 2-2-0 English Direction 영국가곡과미국가곡을노래하는데필요한자음과모음에관한이론을공부하며그이론을적용하여실제로곡을다루며개개인의발음을교정해나간다. Students will study and perform English and American songs as well as the sounds of English and their application to singing in this course. 651.3409 오페라코칭 1 2-1-2 Opera Coaching 1 성악과오케스트라의앙상블시주의점과지휘자의의도를알아보는지휘의상식을배우며벨칸토시대로부터베르디및베리즈모시대에오는전통적인연주방법을익힌다. This course will study voice /orchestra ensemble, conducting techniques, and performance practice from bel canto to Verdi s and Verisimo s opera. 651.3410 오페라코칭 2 2-1-2 Opera Coaching 2 오페라전곡및중요한중창의연습을통하여앙상블의훈련과작품의이해를돕는다. This course will cover the preparation and performance of complete opera or ensemble scenes from the operatic repertoire. 651.4309* 오페라워크숍 1 2-2-0 Opera Workshop 1 오페라의장면을실습 ( 가창과연기 ) 함으로써오페라가수가되기위한기초자질을배양한다. This introductory course will include the singing and acting of operatic scenes and training in the basics of being an opera singer. 651.4310* 오페라워크숍 2 2-2-0 Opera Workshop 2 가창과이론만의기초교육에서한단계올라선무대상의실제연기를혼합한오페라가수가되기위한기본교육을강의한다. This is a practical acting course for students to attain staging techniques. - 621 -

성악과 (Dept. of Vocal Music) 651.4313 한국가곡 1 2-2-0 Korean Art Songs 1 한국가곡의역사를십년단위로작곡가를연구하여작품경향및스타일을공부한다. 또한알려지지않은작품성있는곡을발굴하여노래하며레파토리를넓힌다. 마지막으로음악회를학생들스스로개최토록하여연구발표한다. The trends and styles of Korean art songs will be surveyed in this course. Students will learn lesser known works to broaden their repertoire. The course will include recitals at the end of the semester. 651.4401 한국가곡 2 2-2-0 Korean Art Songs 2 한국가곡의역사를십년단위로작곡가를연구하여작품경향및스타일을공부한다. 또한알려지지않은작품성있는곡을발굴하여노래하며레파토리를넓힌다. 마지막으로음악회를학생들스스로개최토록하여연구발표한다. The trends and styles of Korean art songs will be surveyed in this course. Students will learn lesser known works to broaden their repertoire. The course will include recitals at the end of the semester. 651.4402 무대동작기법 2-1-2 Movement 성악인이연주시갖춰야할기본자세와동작, 그리고몸의움직임을통해음악을표현하는기법을배우고실습함으로써연주무대에서전문가로서의면모를갖도록지도한다. 무대위에서의걸음걸이, 손움직임, 연주자세, 표정연기지도및오페라출연시필요한기본춤동작등을교수내용으로한다. The class focuses in training singers to be equipped with the basic movement techniques that are needed on stage. Proper walking, stage posture, facial expression technique as well as some basic dance movements are taught in the class. 651.4403 현대가곡 2-2-0 Contemporary Art Songs 전문과목의이수를통한현대가곡의학습을통하여학생들로하여금난해한현대가곡에대한지식을넓힐수있게함으로써, 다양한성악곡을접할수있도록한다. The importance of contemporary music calls for a class where students are given opportunities to learn contemporary vocal repertoire. Modern vocal music of various contemporary musical styles in different languages are taught and coached through class performances as well as theoretical learning. 651.4411* 프랑스가곡 2-2-0 French Art Songs 프랑스예술가곡을시대별로중요한작곡가와그들의중심작품을연구하고연주하여 19 세기에서 20 세기에걸친프랑스가곡을이해하고연주할수있는능력을기른다. This course will study important French song composers and their selected works from the 19th and 20th centuries. 651.4412* 영미가곡 2-2-0 English and American Art Songs 영국과미국가곡의시대별연주양식의변천과대표적작곡가들의특징적작품의양식을비교 분석하고실기로학습한다. In this course, the development of performance practice and styles of representative English and American art songs will be investigated. Analysis and performance will be included. - 622 -

작곡과작곡전공 (Composition Major, Dept. of Composition) 6521.1101* 대위법 ( 작곡 ) 1 2-2-0 Counterpoint for Composers 1 작곡에있어서본질적인측면, 즉주어진음들과그음들사이의관계의취급에관한문제가주로다루어진다. 참가자들은대위법연습에서제시하는체계적인훈련과정을거친다. 그런과정을거침으로써중세에서 16 세기에이르는다성음악의분석을통해작곡의기본적인기술을습득하게된다. 다만, 연습은 2 성부텍스처에국한한다. The essential aspect of musical composition will be considered in this class: how to treat given sounds and relationship between the sounds. And the participants will learn elementary skill of writing music through systematical training of counterpoint in 16th-century style and analytical approach to the polyphonic repertoire from the Middle Age to the 16th century. The practice is limited to two-voice texture. 6521.1102* 대위법 ( 작곡 ) 2 2-2-0 Counterpoint for Composers 2 작곡에있어서본질적인측면, 즉주어진음들과그음들사이의관계의취급에관한문제가주로다루어진다. 참가자들은대위법연습에서제시하는체계적인훈련과정과중세에서 16 세기에이르는다성음악의분석을통해작곡의기본적인기술을습득하게된다. 3 성이상의모테트를비롯한다양한장르의 16 세기다성음악을양식모방한다. The essential aspect of musical composition will be considered in this class: how to treat given sounds and relationship between the sounds. And the participants will learn the elementary skill of writing music through systematical training of counterpoint in 16th-century style and analytical approach to the polyphonic repertoire from the Middle Age to the 16th century. The practice focuses on the stylistic imitation of the polyphonic repertoire of the 16th century. 6521.1103* 화성법 ( 작곡 ) 1 2-2-0 Harmony for Composers 1 Modal Harmony 에서 Tonal Harmony 로의이행과정에대한탐구를통해 Tonal Harmony 에있어서의각화음들의기능에대한본질적인탐구를한다. J.S. Bach 의 Chord 를통한 Modulation, Bass 의역할, Cadence 등에대한이해를한다. 바로크와고전주의시대에있어서의 Harmonic Progressions 에대하여이해한다. Study function of each harmony in Total Harmony through study about process from Modal Harmony to Tonal Harmony. Study Modulation, role of Bass, Cadence through Chord of J.S. Bach. Understand Harmonic Progressions in Baroques and Calssicism. 6521.1104* 화성법 ( 작곡 ) 2 2-2-0 Harmony for Composers 2 < 화성법 1> 에서배운내용을심화하고, 낭만주의시대와조성의붕괴과정직전까지의대표적작곡가들의작품에나타나는화성어법에관한탐구및실습을통한화성적처리능력을함양한다. 이를위하여 19 세기후반 - 제 1 차세계대전, 두세계대전사이및전후시기의시대적, 음악사적배경및경향, 음악양식의변화및흐름을화성을중심으로살펴보고자한다. Learn Hamonic dealing ability through examine and practice about new harmonic diction which is expressed in representative composers at the time of romanticism and destruction of tonality. the course will start with the stylistic changes in music from the late 19th century, the historical and political backgroumd of Europe in early 20th century, and the new compositional techniques and experimentations centering around the harmony in 20th century. 6521.1297* 악기론 1 1-1-1 Instrumentation 1 악기론현대오케스트라에서정규악기로사용되고있는각악기의기본구조와악기들의특성및앙상블작품에대하여공부한다. 1 학기에는피아노와현악기전반 ( 바이올린, 비올라, 첼로, 더블베이스, 하프및현악사중주 ) 을다룬다. This course will cover the fundamental techniques of all instruments in the orchestra. Basic instrumentational techniques for ensmebles such as string quartets and wind ensembles will also be briefly studied. All students will be given praivate tutorials with their course work in ensemble arrangements. 6521.1298* 악기론 2 1-1-1 Instrumentation 2 현대오케스트라에서정규악기로사용되고있는각악기의기본구조와악기들의특성및앙상블작품에대하여공부한다. 1 학기에는피아노와현악기전반 ( 바이올린, 비올라, 첼로, 더블베이스, 하프및현악사중주 ) 을다룬다. This course will cover the fundamental techniques of all instruments in the orchestra. Basic instrumentational techniques for ensmebles such as string quartets and wind ensembles will also be briefly studied. All students will be given praivate tutorials with their course work in ensemble arrangements. 6521.2201* 대위법 ( 작곡 ) 3 2-2-0 Counterpoint for Composers 3 17 세기에서 18 세기에이르는다양한양식의다성음악을분석하고그결과를바탕으로한연습이진행된다. 매주분석한다성음악을바탕으로한대위법적기술로학생들이곡을써오며이것을레슨하는형식으로수업이진행된다. 학생들은자신의과제곡을쓰면서자연스럽게대위법의기술을훈련하며, 다른학생의곡을함께분석하면서보다분석적이고실제적인기술을습득할수있다. Analysis of the polyphonic repertoire from the 17th century to the 18th century and the compositional practice using various techniques of counterpoint in the Baroque. All students are also given a few private tuitions with their course works. 6521.2202* 대위법 ( 작곡 ) 4 2-2-0 Counterpoint for Composer 4 학점구조는 학점수 - 주당강의시간 - 주당실습시간 을표시함. 한학기는 15 주로구성됨. (The first number means credits ; the second number means lecture hours per week; and the final number means laboratory hours per week. 15 week make one semester.) - 623 - 바흐양식의인벤션을매주분석하며그러한양식으로작곡을할수있는단계의기술을습득할수있게한다. 학생들은 3 성과 4 성인벤션을쓰는연습을매주하며, 학기마지막에는자신의인벤션을완성하여음악회를열어발표할수있게한다. 비단바흐양식의인벤션작곡에만국한되어끝나는수업이아니라이것이학생들의실제작품의작곡에도응용될수있는하나의작곡기술이될수있도록근본적이고기본적인훈련과정을거친다. Analysis and composition of the invention in the style of

작곡과작곡전공 (Composition Major, Dept. of Composition) J.S.Bach All students are also given a few private tuitions with their course works. And students complete and perform their final invention in a small scale recital at the end of the semester. 6521.2220* 작곡실기 2-1-2 Composition Major 다양한편성의커리큘럼에의해한학기에두번씩 3 학기를연속하여작품을쓰는과목으로, 작곡가로서의자질을습득하는데그목적이있다. 6521.2227* 화성법 ( 작곡 ) 3 2-2-0 Harmony for Composers 3 조성의확대와붕괴로이어지는후기낭만주의음악부터현대의범조성과무조성음악까지의화성양식을배운다. 매주과제와평가를통해다양한작곡가들의화성양식을분석하고작곡하면서자기것으로익히는데중점을둔다. In this course, students will learn harmony modes from the latter Romantic period, which represent the expansion and destruction of tonality, to the pantonality and nontonality of the modern era. Focus will be on learning, analyzing, and composing the harmony modes of various composers through weekly homework and tests. 6521.2228* 화성법 ( 작곡 ) 4 2-2-0 Harmony for Composers 4 조성의붕괴과정및당시대표적작곡가들의작품에나타나는새로운화성어법에관한탐구및실습을통한화성적처리능력함양한다. In this course, students will acquire the ability to deal with harmony modes by examining and practicing new harmony diction as expressed in works by representative composers at the time of the destruction of tonality. 6521.2280* 지휘실기 2-1-2 Conducting Major 악곡의분석, 해석능력을기르며 Baton 테크닉을연마한다. 작곡실습을통하여작품의구성력을기른다. In this course, students will learn to conduct musical analysis and interpretation, drill baton techniques. and acquire the ability to organize work through compositional practice. 6521.3305 작곡기법 1 2-2-0 Compositional Technique 1 후기낭만이후에나타난작곡기법을학습하는것을목적으로한다. 각시간마다모방할텍스트 ( 작품 ) 들을가지고이러한기법으로곡을쓰는훈련을하도록한다. 리듬작법, 복합스케일작법, 코드작법, 멜로디작법, 음색작법각작고기법학습후의시간에는학생들이써온곡으로수업을진행한다. This course for juniors will cover the fundamental technical and structural concepts of composition from the 10th century to the present. All students will be given private tutorials with their course work. 6521.3306 작곡기법 2 2-2-0 Compositional Technique 2 후기낭만이후에나타난작곡기법을학습하는것을목적으로한다. 각시간마다모방할텍스트 ( 작품 ) 들을가지고이러한기법으로곡을쓰는훈련을하도록한다. 리듬작법, 복합스케일작법, 코드작법, 멜로디작법, 음색작법각작고기법학습후의시간에는학생들이써온곡으로수업을진행한다. This course for juniors will cover the fundamental technical and structural concepts of composition from the 10th century to the present. All students will be given private tutorials with their course work. 6521.3307 관현악법 ( 작 ) 3-3-0 Orchestration 악기개개의소리를넘어서관현악적인소리를이해하고이를논리적인사고를통하여다양한소리의세계를통일성있게짜아나가는기술을말한다. 음악의거의모든분야가그렇듯, 관현악법도 학문 이아닌 기술 임을인지해야만이를성취할수있다. Students will learn to recognize and to understand the sound of orchestras as opposed to that of individual instruments and unite the latter logically. They should bear in mind that, like almost all other field in music, orchestration is not an academic discipline but a technical skill. 6521.3309 전자음악이론및실습 1 2-2-1 Theory and Practice of Electronic Music 1 전자음악의역사, 전자음악감상, 그리고소리합성법과소리처리법의기초기술등을내용으로하는수업으로, 전자음악에대한전반적인기초지식을습득하고간단한전자음악작품을만드는것을목표로한다. 학생들은기본적인작곡능력을가지고있어야한다. This course will introduce the history and techniques of electroacoustic music. Students will be expected to be capable of composing music. 6521.3311 전자음악이론및실습 2 2-2-1 Theory and Practice of Electronic Music 2 MIDI 기반의기기와컴퓨터소프트웨어의사용기술, 컴퓨터를이용한알고리즘작곡법등을내용으로하는수업으로, MIDI 시스템을이해하고컴퓨터의도움을얻어전자음악작품을만드는것을목표로한다. 학생들은기본적인작곡능력을가지고있어야한다. This course will introduce the history and techniques of algorithmic composition based on computers and MIDI systems. Students will be expected to be capable of composing music. 6521.3333 푸가 3-3-0 Fugue 대위법적기술과푸가의기술을익혀서실제푸가곡을쓸수있도록하고, 나아가서작곡의기술로써활용할수있도록한다. 매주학생들이써온푸가곡을가지고분석하면서교수가학생들에게 Feedback 을주고, 기말때에완성된푸가곡을발표할수있게한다. 푸가강좌에서는주제만들기와주제에맞는응답만들기등기초적인푸가의도입부에서부터스트레토와페달 ( 도미난트페달과토닉페달 ) 등의기술을익힌다. In this course, students will study counterpoint and fugue - 624 -

작곡과작곡전공 (Composition Major, Dept. of Composition) skills, write fugues, and use such knowledge and skills for further composition. Students fugues will be analyzed and criticized each week for completion by the end of the semester. Also, students will get a practice of making subject, answer (real answer and tonal answer) exposition of the fugue, stretto and pedals (dominant pedal and tonic pedal). 6521.4454 현대음악사 1 2-2-0 History of Contemporary Music 1 조성 (tonality) 의붕괴, 특히기능화성을바탕으로한서양음악의조성체계가붕괴된이후현대음악의창작흐름을역사적맥락에서정리하는과목이다. 20 세기에명멸했거나현재까지영향을미치고있는여러사조를살펴보고그기법적특징을정리하는동시에역사적의의를규명한다. 또한음악이외의타예술사조의흐름과비교하여상호간영향의유무를살피며또한정치, 경제, 사회적현상과음악과의연관관계를역사적차원에서정리한다. This course will summarize the creative history of modern Western music since the destruction of the tonality system based on functional harmony. It will summarize the relevant technical skills, examine their historical meaning, compare them with trends in other non-musical arts, examine their effects, and explore the relationship between contemporary politics and economics and music. 6521.4455 현대음악사 2 2-2-0 History of Contemporary Music 2 조성 (tonality) 의붕괴, 특히기능화성을바탕으로한서양음악의조성체계가붕괴된이후현대음악의창작흐름을역사적맥락에서정리하는과목이다. 20 세기에명멸했거나현재까지영향을미치고있는여러사조를살펴보고그기법적특징을정리하는동시에역사적의의를규명한다. 또한음악이외의타예술사조의흐름과비교하여상호간영향의유무를살피며또한정치, 경제, 사회적현상과음악과의연관관계를역사적차원에서정리한다. This course will summarize the creative history of modern Western music since the destruction of the tonality system based on functional harmony. It will summarize the relevant technical skills, examine their historical meaning, compare them with trends in other non-musical arts, examine their effects, and explore the relationship between contemporary politics and economics and music. - 625 -

작곡과이론전공 (Theory Major, Dept. of Composition) 6522.1235* 대위법 ( 이론 ) 1 1-1-1 Counterpoint 1 음악에있어서본질적인측면, 즉주어진음과그음들사이의관계의취급에관한문제가주로다루어진다. 16 세기대위법에서제시하는체계적인대위기법학습방법과중세에서 16 세기에이르는다성음악의분석을통해작곡의기본적인기술을습득하게된다. 수업교재에따라대위기법을학습하고해당기법에관한문제를풀고과제를제출하는방식으로진행된다. The crucial aspect of music will be studied: how to treat a tone in the relationship between tones. The participants of the class will learn elementary skills of writing music through the systematical training of 16th century counterpoint and the analytical approach to the polyphonic repertoire from the Middle Age to the 16th century. During the class, the participants will learn the counterpoint skills described in the text book, solve related counterpoint problems, and be assigned homeworks. 6522.1236* 대위법 ( 이론 ) 2 1-1-1 Counterpoint 2 음악에있어서본질적인측면, 즉주어진음과그음들사이의관계의취급에관한문제가주로다루어진다. 대위법 1 에이어 16 세기의대위법적기술을체계적인학습법에따라배우고해당시대의악곡을분석한다. 학기말에는 16 세기대위법양식에의한곡을작곡한다. 수업교재에따라대위기법을학습하고해당기법에관한문제를풀고과제를제출하는방식으로진행된다. The crucial aspect of music will be studied: how to treat a tone in the relationship between tones. This course, continued from Counterpoint 1, is designed to give students advanced 16th century counterpoint techniques and opportunities to analyze some compositions written with them. Students will write a piece with 16th century style at the end of the course. During the class, the participants will learn the counterpoint skills described in the text book, solve related counterpoint problems, and be assigned homeworks. 6522.1281* 화성법 ( 이론 ) 1 1-1-1 Harmony 1 조성화성에서사용하는각화음들의기능과진행에대해공부한다. 화성법을학습하기위한기초적인음악이론을먼저학습하며, 진도에따라수업시간에다룬기법에관한소프라노 / 베이스문제를풀고악곡을화성적으로분석한다. 기본삼화음에서부터간단한전조까지배우게된다. 수업은교재에따라화성법을학습하고해당기법에관한문제를풀고과제를제출하는방식으로진행된다. The course is designed to study chords used in tonal harmony and their progression. Students are to solve soprano/bass problems concerning materials covered in the class and analyze musical excerpts from tonal repertoire. The course will cover the subjects from primary triads to simple modulation. During the class, the participants will learn the harmony skills described in the text book, solve related problems, and be assigned homeworks. 능과진행에대해공부한다. 진도에따라수업시간에다룬기법에관한소프라노 / 베이스문제를풀고진도에맞는악곡을화성적으로분석한다. < 화성법 1> 에이어, 비화성음, 딸림 7 화음, 부화음등을배우게된다. 수업은교재에따라화성법을학습하고해당기법에관한문제를풀고과제를제출하는방식으로진행된다. This course, continued from <Harmony 1>, is designed to study chords used in tonal harmony and their progression. Students are to solve soprano/bass problems concerning materials covered in the class and analyze musical excerpts from tonal repertoire. The course will cover the subjects including nonharmonic notes, dominant seventh chords and secondary chords. During the class, the participants will learn the harmony skills described in the text book, solve related problems, and be assigned homeworks. 6522.1318* 음악미학 3-3-0 Musical Aesthetics 음악의본질과가치에대한사변적탐구를목적으로하는음악미학의기초적개념들을습득하고역사적고찰을통해서양음악에대한깊이있는시각을얻는다. This course will study some basic concepts of music aesthetics that concern the nature and value of music. Students will realize the core of Western music from the ancient to the modern era. 6522.1319* 음악학개론 3-3-0 Introduction to Musicology 음악학의본질, 영역, 방법론, 목적, 역사등을소개하며, 학문적활동을수행하기위한기본적인소양을기른다. This course will introduces the nature, problems, methodology, and history of musical scholarship. Students will also acquire some basic abilities essential to academic research. 6522.2237* 대위법 ( 이론 ) 3 1-1-1 Counterpoint 3 음악에있어서본질적인측면, 즉주어진음과그음들사이의관계의취급에관한문제가주로다루어진다. 18 세기바로크조성음악의대위법적기술을체계적으로배우고같은시기의악곡들을분석한다. 학기말에는 J. S. Bach 인벤션스타일의곡을스스로작곡해본다. 수업교재에따라대위기법을학습하고해당기법에관한문제를풀고과제를제출하는방식으로진행된다. The crucial aspect of music will be studied: how to treat a tone in the relationship between tones. This course is designed to give students counterpoint techniques of 18th century and opportunities to analyze some compositions written in the ages. Students will be instructed in writing a piece similar to J. S. Bach s Invention at the end of the course. During the class, the participants will learn the counterpoint skills described in the text book, solve related counterpoint problems, and be assigned homeworks. 6522.2238* 대위법 ( 이론 ) 4 1-1-1 6522.1282* 화성법 ( 이론 ) 2 1-1-1 Harmony 2 < 화성법 1> 에이어조성화성법에서사용하는각화음들의기 학점구조는 학점수 - 주당강의시간 - 주당실습시간 을표시함. 한학기는 15 주로구성됨. (The first number means credits ; the second number means lecture hours per week; and the final number means laboratory hours per week. 15 week make one semester.) - 626 - Counterpoint 4 음악에있어서본질적인측면, 즉주어진음과그음들사이의관계의취급에관한문제가주로다루어진다. 18 세기 J.S. Bach 푸가에사용된대위법적기술및악곡구조를체계적으로학습하

작곡과이론전공 (Theory Major, Dept. of Composition) 고보다큰음악적구조를가진악곡들을분석한다. 학기말에는푸가를작곡한다. 수업교재에따라대위기법을학습하고해당기법에관한문제를풀고과제를제출하는방식으로진행된다. The crucial aspect of music will be studied: how to treat a tone in the relationship between tones. Students will study the counterpoint techniques and musical structures used in J.S. Bach s fugues and analyze some of them. Students will be instructed in writing a fugues at the end of the course. During the class, the participants will learn the counterpoint skills described in the text book, solve related counterpoint problems, and be assigned homeworks. 6522.2256 서양음악사문헌 1 2-2-0 History of Western Music through Listening 1 이과목의목적은서양음악사의흐름속에서중요한의미를갖는음악작품들을보다자세하고깊이다루어보고, 서양음악사에서이작품들이차지하는위치를보다잘이해하고, 더나아가서양음악사의흐름을보다더이해하는데있다. < 서양음악사문헌 1> 에서는서양의고대로부터 16 세기종교개혁에이르는시기까지의음악작품들을감상함으로써음악양식의변천사를추이해본다. The goals of this course are to survey historic compositions of western music, to have students gain better understanding of the historic significance of the compositions, and furthermore to understand the history of western music better. By listening to various works from the ancient times to the Reformation in the 16th century, students will search for changes in musical styles in this course. 6522.2257 서양음악사문헌 2 2-2-0 History of Western Music through Listening 2 이과목의목적은서양음악사의흐름속에서중요한의미를갖는음악작품들을보다자세하고깊이다루어보고, 서양음악사에서이작품들이차지하는위치를보다잘이해하고, 더나아가서양음악사의흐름을보다더이해하는데있다. < 서양음악사문헌 2> 에서는 16 세기종교개혁이후부터바로크시대, 전고전주의시대의음악작품들을감상함으로써음악양식의발전과정을추이해본다. The goals of this course are to survey historic compositions of western music, to have students gain better understanding of the historic significance of the compositions, and furthermore to understand the history of western music better. By listening to various works from the Reformation in the 16th century to the Baroque and Preclassical periods, students will search for changes in musical styles in this course. 6522.2283 화성법 ( 이론 ) 3 1-1-1 Harmony 3 고급화성법에서사용하는각화음들의기능과진행에대해공부한다. 진도에따라수업시간에다룬기법에관한소프라노 / 베이스문제를풀고진도에알맞은악곡들을화성적으로그리고, 악곡구조의관점에서분석한다. < 화성법 2> 에이어, 증화음등고급화성을배운다. 수업은교재에따라화성법을학습하고해당기법에관한문제를풀고과제를제출하는방식으로진행된다. The course is for studying chords used in advanced harmony and their progression. Students are to solve soprano/ bass problems concerning materials covered in the class and analyze musical excerpts from tonal repertoire. The course will cover advanced subjects like augmented chords. During the class, the participants will learn the harmony skills described in the text book, solve related problems, and be assigned homeworks. 6522.2284* 화성법 ( 이론 ) 4 1-1-1 Harmony 4 화성법 1 3 에서배운고급화성법을사용하여더큰규모의소프라노 / 베이스화성문제를풀어보고, 보다복잡하고규모가큰악곡들의화성구조및악곡구조를분석해본다. 모든종류의비화성음과화성기법을사용하여문제를풀게된다. 조성이모호해지는시기의악곡들도분석해본다. 수업은교재에따라화성법을학습하고해당기법에관한문제를풀고과제를제출하는방식으로진행된다. Students are to solve larger-scale problems with the techniques acquired in <Harmony 1 3> and analyze more complex harmonic structures of musical excerpts. Students will solve problems using all of their knowledge about harmony. During the class, the participants will learn the harmony skills described in the text book, solve related problems, and be assigned homeworks. 6522.2356* 음악이론사 1 3-3-0 History of Music Theory 1 고대, 중세, 르네쌍스의음악이론의역사를정리해보고각시대의사조와특성에대해비교해본다. In this course, students will survey the history of musical theory from the ancient times to the Renaissance and compare and contrast the musical trends and thought from each period. 6522.2357* 음악이론사 2 3-3-0 History of Music Theory 2 시대별로대표적음악이론가의사상과주요서적의내용에대해토론해보고, 음악이론내의주요개념의변화를검토해본다. In this course, students will discuss the thoughts of representative musical theorists and literature, investigating changes in the main ideas. 6522.3323* 음악심리학 3-3-0 Psychology of Music 음악심리학의본질, 역사, 연구영역및방법, 인접학문과의관계등을두루점검한후, 최근 100 년간음악심리학분야에서연구된성과들을분야별로살펴본다. 또한수업후반부에이분야의신진학자들을초빙하여이들연구의목적, 방법, 결과등을직접들어보고토론하는시간을갖는다. This course will provide the nature, history, methodology, and interdisciplinary possibility of music psychology, focusing on some recent major results. 6522.3329 음악사회학 3-3-0 Socialogy of Music 음악사회학은음악을사회적산물로보고음악현상의사회적기원과그과정및구조를연구한다. 따라서예술가, 예술작품, 예술제도, 청중의조직과상호작용이연구대상이된다. - 627 -

작곡과이론전공 (Theory Major, Dept. of Composition) This course will deal with the social origins, social processes, and structure of musical phenemena. It will focus on artists, artworks, artistic systems, organization of the audience, and interaction between artists and the audience. 6522.3360 서양음악사문헌 3 2-2-0 History of Western Music through Listening 3 이강좌는 < 서양음악사문헌 1 2> 의연속과목이지만, 독립적으로선택하여수강할수있다. 음악대학에서개설된다른전공과목인 서양음악사 와다른점은음악작품들을좀더심도깊게분석하고감상하는기회를제공하는것이다. < 서양음악사문헌 3> 에서는주로 1750 년에서 1850 년시기의작품들을장르별 ( 예를들면, 교향곡, 현악 4 중주, 협주곡, 오페라등 ) 로세분하여그변천과정과특징을고찰한다. The goals of this course are to survey historic compositions of western music, to have students gain better understanding of the historic significance of the compositions, and furthermore to understand the history of western music better. In this continuation of the courses <Musical History and Listening 1 and 2>, students will enrich their listening experience, particularly with respect to the art music from 1750 to 1850. 6522.3361 서양음악사문헌 4 2-2-0 History of Western Music through Listening 4 이과목의목적은서양음악사의흐름속에서중요한의미를갖는음악작품들을보다자세하고깊이다루어보고, 서양음악사에서이작품들이차지하는위치를보다잘이해하고, 더나아가서양음악사의흐름을보다더이해하는데있다. < 서양음악사문헌 4> 에서는주로 1830 년경부터 20 세기초반까지의음악을다룬다. 특히 19 세기교향곡, 리트, 오페라의변천과정을중요한작곡가들의작품을감상하면서그특징들을파악한다. The goals of this course are to survey historic compositions of western music, to have students gain better understanding of the historic significance of the compositions, and furthermore to understand the history of western music better. This course will focus on music from 1830 to the 1900 s. The development, characteristics, and changes in symphonies, lieder, and operas by various composers will be dealt with. 6522.3378* 음악연구방법론 3-3-0 Studies in Methodology of Reasearch on Music 주제선택, 자료수집, 연구보고서작성등, 음악학을공부하는학생이갖추어야할기본적인학문적소양을기르는것을목표로한다. 학생들은실제로소규모의연구를수행하면서구체적인연구과정을이해하게될것이다. Musical scholarship demands a solid basis for academic research. In this course, students will learn to choose research topics and to collect and select materials to support their arguments. Reserch paper writing skills will also be provided. 6522.3379 영상, 음악그리고예술 2-2-0 Image, Music and Art 멀티미디어의영상을연구대상으로우선분석을하고동시에사용된음악을같이분석한다. 영상과음악의상호작용형태에대하여논한다. 두예술이혼합된종합예술형태로서의특성과문제점을토론한다. Analysis of Images in Video, Image and then analysis of music. Discussion on interactive form of two arts. Discussion on character and problem of multimedia-art. 6522.3425 인도음악 2-2-0 Music of Indian Subcontinent 인도음악에대한이론적배경을습득하고파악하여동양음악에대한이해의폭을넓힌다. 단순한지식습득뿐아니라간단한실제연주를통해인도음악의본질에접근하고자한다. Students deepen their understanding of Asian music by studying the background for music of Indian Subcontinet. They won t only acquire knowledge on music of Indian Subcontinet, but also approach to its nature by performing musical works. 6522.3461 영화음악의이론과실제 2-2-0 Theory and Practice of Cinema-Music 영화음악의이론적토론을통하여영화와음악이어떠한형태로결합되는가를논리적으로파악하여서로다른예술매체간의연관성을고찰한다. 다음에는이이론을바탕으로영화음악을작곡이나분석을통하여실제로응용할수있는방법을배운다. Students will learn how music and film interact through theoretical discussions. Students will also analyze some films to apply the theoretical insight to actual film music. 6522.458A* 전공이론 2-1-2 Theory in Major 이수업에서학생들은스스로실제논문을작성하기위한기본적인능력을갖추게될것이다. 각학생들은자신의관심영역으로부터연구주제를도출하고, 적절한자료를구하고선별하는능력을키우게될것이다. 한편기존의논문들을비판적으로읽는습관을기름으로써음악학연구의성격에대해이해하고이를자신의논문에적용할수있게될것이다. Through this course, students will improve their basic skills in writing an academic thesis. Activities will include choosing a research topic, collecting data from various sources, and understanding the nature of academic writing. Students will also learn to read other theses critically to gain insights into musical scholarship. 652.275* 음악이론세미나 1 2-2-0 Seminar in Music Theory 1 기존음악학문헌중음악학의기본적인지식을습득할수있는텍스트를선택하여읽고, 내용과저자의논점등에대해정리, 발표하며질의시간을가짐으로써음악이론을전공하는데필요한과제탐색및문헌정리능력, 토론능력을기른다. In this course, students will give presentations on selected texts from musicological literature. Through the course, they will learn to choose and develop subjects that are important - 628 -

작곡과이론전공 (Theory Major, Dept. of Composition) to each musical school. 652.276* 음악이론세미나 2 2-2-0 Seminar in Music Theory 2 이과정에서는음악사, 음악미학, 음악심리학, 음악사회학, 음악문헌학등, 음악학의주요영역들이소개되며, 이를통해학생들은다른학문들과음악학의상호학문적관계에대한구체적인통찰을얻을수있을것이다. This course will study various areas of musicology including musical historiography, aesthetics, psychology, sociology, and ethnology. Students will also learn about the interdisciplinary relationship between music and other disciplines. 652.278* 음악이론세미나 4 2-2-0 Seminar in Music Theory 4 현대음악학의당면과제를통찰하고각자의관심분야를탐색한다. This course concentrates on the major problems of modern musicology, thus establishing a strong academic foundation for students. Through the course, students will learn about not only the trends in the various modern musical schools but also the affinity among them. 652.277* 음악이론세미나 3 2-2-0 Seminar in Music Theory 3 음악학의제문제에대해토론하고각분야의대표적논문들을검토하면서주요개념들을정의한다. Students will discuss the major musicological problems and define some of the crucial concepts in this course. - 629 -

기악과피아노전공 (Piano Major, Dept. of Instrumental Music) 6531.2101 기악반주 2-2-1 Instrumental Accompanying 기악반주수업은바로크통주저음 (continuo playing) 에서부터현대에걸친여러시대와장르의듀오소나타들과다양한솔로곡반주및협주곡반주를다룬다. 매주학생들이정해진곡의각각다른일부분들을준비하여수업시간에솔리스트들과연주함으로써되도록많은레파토리와접할기회를갖고그외에도악보혹은음악 CD 와부분적연주를매체로한토론을통해곡의해석및앙상블연주의특성과묘미를공부한다. This course investigates a selection of piano-chamber works of different periods and genres. Duo sonatas or character pieces for piano and other solo instruments are the main focus but also the concerto accompaniment is included. Students gain familiarity with various individual works by preparing different portions of works for play through performances with soloists each week. The study of the score is essential: the discussion on the analytical and the ensemble technique follows each performance. 6531.2209 성악반주 2-2-1 Vocal Accompanyiung 성악곡의반주는기악곡의반주와달리예술가곡인경우시대적배경과시의형태 ( 순수체, 화려체 ), 오페라의경우시대적배경과주요인물의성격이함께어루어진복합체이다. 시의내용에따라 Harmony 의분석이매우중요시되며시의음절에따라 legato 와 dynamic 의해석이매우중요하다. Harmony 변화의아름다운유연성을표현하기위한절묘한 Pedal 기술의깊은연구가필요하다. This seminar is focused on accompanying vocal works such as art song and operatic repertory. Students will not only be taught the knowledge in poetry, harmony and historical background of the works but also how to apply it in order to make better interpretation. Advanced pedal technic will be discussed according to the harmonic changes. Futhermore, the seminar will deal with interesting subjects like achieving legato, changing dynamics and more based on the texts. 6531.2220* 피아노실기 2-1-2 Piano Major 교수와학생들간의 1 대 1 개인렛슨을통해학생들의연주능력향상을도모하며각학기마다정해진전공실기과제곡에따라학기말의시험으로한학기동안의발전상황을점검한다. This course will offer weekly one-on-one private lessons in which each student s performance skills will be worked on in detail. At the end of the semester, each student s progress will be appraised by a jury, in front of whom he or she will play the works required by the curriculum. 6531.3303* 실내앙상블 ( 중주 ) 1-0-2 Chamber Music (Ensemble) 소규모의현악기중심의실내악코스이며두학기연속수강가능. 앙상블연주에필요한여러가지관점에대하여집중실습하며고전시대부터현대에이르는실내악문헌중자유롭게선택하여다룬다. This course for string majors will deal with small ensembles as opposed to full chamber music ensembles by arrangement with the String Department. Each team will receive weekly one-hour coaching and be expected to rehearse on their own. The course will provide an opportunity to study various elements of ensemble playing techniques and to explore different aspects of musical interpretation, thus helping students to become more expressive and articulate chamber music performers. 6531.3317 피아노구조및관리 1-1-0 Piano Construction and Maintenance 피아노는악기들중에서가장흔하게가까이서접할수있고, 음악에서가장중요한역할을하는악기인데, 구조와액션의동작원리에대해아는바가너무적다. 피아노구조를알고이해함으로써피아노를전공하는학생이나, 비전공학생들이연습이나연주를하는데보다효과적으로대처하기위함이다. 특히소리를표현하는데있어건반에너무집착하지않고, 피아노전체를이해하고활용하는의식을갖는데도움을주고자한다. 또피아노의관리요령을정확히인지함으로써가능한한이상적인상태를오래유지하기위함이다. Though the piano is the most important and valuable instrument, most of us know very little about its construction and the principles of motion that guide its action. This course will provide such information to students who major in the piano, whether as a profession or a hobby. This practical understanding of the instrument should serve as an aid to more expressive and comprehensive performance. The course will help students to maintain their pianos over a long period. 6531.3330* 피아노문헌 1 3-3-0 Piano Literature 1 바로크건반음악은초기형성시기부터 1750 년바하에이르기까지바로크건반음악의독특한연주양식과오늘날잘알려지지않은레퍼토리탐구가주로다루어지며수업은실제연주와학구적연구가병행될것이다. 과목과정은바하이외의작곡가들과바하로나뉘어진다. (1) 영국 ( 헨델까지 ), 프랑스 ( 라모 ), 이태리스페인 ( 스칼랏티 ), 독일 (2) 바하 ( 바로크연주양식의특징과문제점, 평균율, 조곡, 파르티타, 바로크 improvisation, 장식음연주법, 골드베르그변주곡, Musical Offering, Art of fugue The course will introduce keyboard music from before 1750 with a focus on Baroque performance practice and repertory search (requirement: actual performance and academic study). Topics will cover: (1) early keyboard music in England from Byrd to Handel; early keyboard music in France from Chambonnieres to Rameau; early keyboard music in Germany and the Netherlands up to Fisher Kuhnau; early keyboard music in Italy, Spain, and Portugal; music of Domenico Scarlatti; and (2) music of J. S. Bach; general problems of interpretation; well-tempered klavier; English suites and French suites; Klavierubung; partitas; improvisation; studies in ornamentation; Goldberg variations; musical offering; and the art of fugue. 학점구조는 학점수 - 주당강의시간 - 주당실습시간 을표시함. 한학기는 15 주로구성됨. (The first number means credits ; the second number means lecture hours per week; and the final number means laboratory hours per week. 15 week make one semester.) - 630-6531.3331* 피아노문헌 2 3-3-0 Piano Literature 2 < 피아노문헌 2> 는 19 세기와 20 세기의피아노음악에관하여연구하는과목으로서, 당시의시대적배경과각작곡가들의음악스타일을고찰하고, 피아노음악의종류와그특징들을시대별, 작