Towards Global Eminence Research Process, Topic, & Literature Review JIA LEE, PhD, RN College of Nursing Science Kyung Hee University
What do I believe? One study says to do one thing. Another study says that I should do the opposite!
Read the Study? Do you simply accept the findings because they are scientific? How do you know which studies are credible?
Research 1. Quantitative Research 2. Qualitative Research
Research Process 1. Research problem and purpose 2. Review of relevant literature 3. Research objectives and hypotheses 4. Research design 5. Sampling 6. Measurement 7. Collecting data 8. Analyzing data 9. Interpreting & utilizing the Findings
목차 I. 서론 1. 연구의필요성 2. 연구의목적 II. 문헌고찰 III. 연구방법 1. 연구설계 2. 연구대상 3. 자료수집방법 4. 연구도구 5. 자료분석방법 IV. 연구결과 V. 논의 VI. 결론참고문헌
Phase 1 Selecting and defining the problem Review related literature Identify theoretical framework Propose research question and/or hypothesis
Phase 2 Choose research design Identify study population Design sampling plan Define how will variables be measured IRB approval
Phase 3 Data Collection - Recruiting - Obtaining informed consent - Collecting data
Phase 4 Data Analysis Interpret findings - Draw conclusions - Hypothesis is supported or rejected
Phase 5 Disseminate findings - May report findings in journal articles, oral presentations, or poster presentations Utilize findings - use in nursing practice
Sources of Research problems Experience and clinical fieldwork Nursing literature Social issues Theory Ideas from external sources
Development of research problems Selecting a topic Narrowing the topic Evaluating research problems Significance of the problem Researchability of the problem Feasibility of addressing the problem Time, Participants, Facility, Money,. Interest to the researcher
Statements of purpose Identify the population of interest Identify the independent variable Identify the dependent variable Experimental design: test the effectiveness of an intervention Non-experimental design: examine the relationship between two variables
Research Questions Existence of relationship Direction of relationship Strength of relationship Nature of relationship Moderated relationship Mediated relationship
Research Hypothesis Translate research questions into a precise prediction of expected outcomes State expected relationships between the independent variable and the dependent variable within a population Ha : μ1 μ2 귀무가설 (Null hypothesis) Ho : μ1 = μ2
연구주제의출처 간호연구주제의타당한출처는연구자의경험, 간호관계문헌, 이론을들수있다. 1) 연구자의실무 / 경험 연구자의매일의실무경험이나과거경험이연구문제 의좋은출처. 실무과정에서질문을다음과같이체계적 으로해보면연구문제를찾는데도움이될수있음
연구주제의출처 연구주제선정에도움이되는질문 질문의유형 이문제의양상은어떠할까? 이일은왜이렇게행해질까? 만일 면어떻게될까? 어떤접근이더효과적일까? 보다효과적인방법은없을까? 어떻게하면 를감소 ( 또는증가 ) 시킬수있을까? 질문의예 항암제투여후환자의피로감양상은어떠할까? 말기암환자의통증조절이왜충분히이루어지지않을까? 질분만환자의회음부불편감을완화시키기위해온요법대신냉요법을시행하면어떻게될까? 집단또는개별상담중어느것이알코올중독자에게더효과적일까? 정신과환자의저하된자존감을향상시키기위한더효과적인방법은없을까? 어떻게하면수술전환자의불안을줄일수있을까?
연구주제의출처 2) 간호관련문헌 (1) 관심영역에대한문헌을읽음으로써연구문제도출초보연구자 연구논문이실린간호저널을포함하여관심분야의잡지를정기적으로구독필요예 ) 대한간호학회지 (2) 같은문제에대해연구한선행논문을읽을때연구결과가일치하지않은경우, 연구결과와일상경험간에차이가있을때이를기초로연구문제도출 (3) 기존발표논문의제언부분에반복연구의필요성제시나앞으로필요한연구제시 (4) 대상자수가적거나동질적인집단일때다양한그룹의대상자에게반복연구의필요성제시
연구주제의출처 3) 이론 간호학과다른관련학문분야에서개발된이론 ( 불안이론, 통증이론, 건강행위이론 ) 에서연구문제도출 이론은현상에대한추상적이며일반화된설명으로서이론그자체는실제적문제나구체적상황을나타내지않는다. 그러므로이론으로부터연구문제를도출하기위해서는연역법을이용해야한다. 예 ) 건강신념모형 질병예방행위를이해하기위해제시된이론지각된민감성 예방행위이행잘함 이명제로부터유방암에대한지각된민감성은유방자가검진을유도할것인가? 하는연구문제연역이론으로부터연구문제도출전해당이론에대해충분한지식이있을것.
연구주제의평가 1) 연구문제의중요성 (Significance) (1) 연구결과가환자, 간호사, 지역사회에유용한지식이될것인지 (2) 연구결과가실무에적용될수있을것인지 (3) 이론적인타당성이있을것인지확인 2) 연구가능성 (Researchability) 철학적질문, 도덕적, 윤리성속성의문제는과학적방법으로연구될 수없음
연구주제의평가 3) 연구수행가능성 (Feasibility) 연구가현실적으로수행할수있는여건을갖추었는지를고려함. (1) 시간 : 연구하기에충분한시간확보 (2) 대상자의이용가능성 : 연구에참여할대상자를일정시간내에충분히확보 (3) 관련기관의협조 : 연구수행기관의승인이필요 (4) 시설기구 : 연구를수행하기위한적절한공간, 기구, 시설등의이용가능 (5) 비용 : 연구문제는예상범위내에서제안되어야함 (6) 연구자의경험 : 연구문제는연구자의과거지식이나경험이있는분야에서선택가능, 자료수집과분석에필요한기술필요 (7) 윤리적고려 : 참여할대상자에게부담하거나비윤리적요구, 권리를침해해서는안됨.
연구목적의진술 연구주제에대한평가가이루어진후연구자는연구할현상을다른사람과의사소통하기위해연구문제진술 연구목적진술은연구할영역을명시하는진술로서주요연구변수, 연구변수간의가능한관계, 연구대상자의특성규명 연구목적의좋은진술은연구설계과정에지침제공 연구목적을 2 가지형식으로진술 연구주제진술의예 의문문형식 ( 연구문제 ) 서술문형식 ( 연구목적 ) 진술형식 의문형 서술형 주제진술의예 간호사의간호업무수행능력은무엇인가? 간호사의성격유형과리더십과는관련이있는가? 호흡재활프로그램이만성폐쇄성폐질환자의산소포화도를증가시키는가? 본연구의목적은간호사의간호업무수행능력을규명하는것이다. 본연구의목적은간호사의성격유형과리더십사이에유의한관계가있는지를규명하는것이다. 본연구의목적은호흡재활프로그램에참여한만성폐쇄성폐질환환자에서산소포화도가증가되는지를검증하기위함이다.
Literature Review KYUNG HEE UNIVERSITY 24
주제를선정한다음 내가선택한주제 ( 종속변수 ) 를연구한연구가있는가? 선행연구는연구문제 ( 종속변수 ) 를어떻게해결하기위해접근하였는가? ( 독립변수 ) 선행연구는믿을만한가? 강점과약점은? 어느연구를고찰에주로선택할것인가? 무엇을근거로? 선행연구에서발견한것과그렇지못한것은무엇인가? KYUNG HEE UNIVERSITY 25
Literature Review Problem formulation ( 변수설정 ) Data collection ( 문헌수집 ) Evaluation of data points ( 논문평가 ) Analysis and interpretation ( 통합 ) Presentation of results ( 기술 ) KYUNG HEE UNIVERSITY 26
Electronic Data Bases PubMed RISS NDSL KISS KoreaMed PsychINFO HealthSTAR Cochrane Joannabriggs KYUNG HEE UNIVERSITY 27
Accessing Electronic Data Bases through KHU Go to KHU central library web page Log in using your ID and password Click on 학술 DB 메타 Enter a keyword into the box KYUNG HEE UNIVERSITY 28
Critical Appraisal Guide Purpose of the study: clear Sample size: enough Instruments: valid and reliable Statistics: appropriate Attrition: characteristics Results: consistent Clinical practice: important KYUNG HEE UNIVERSITY 29
Judging Research Quality 서론 연구목적이명확히서술되었는가? 연구문제가얼마나중요한가? 최근연구논문을인용하였는가? 인용문헌은본연구와관련성이있고적절히지지하는가? 연구의이론적기틀이되어있는가? 가설이설정되어있는가? 설정된가설은적절한가? KYUNG HEE UNIVERSITY 30
Judging Research Quality 방법론 표본선정과표본크기에대한설명이명확한가? 자료수집방법이구체적이며적절한가? 연구도구가설명되었는가? 측정방법이적절한가? 연구도구의타당도와신뢰도가명시되었는가? 연구설계는연구질문에적절하게선정되었는가? 연구설계에내 외적타당도를위협하는요인이있는가? 타당도위협요인에대해연구자는어떻게대처했는가? KYUNG HEE UNIVERSITY 31
Judging Research Quality 논의 연구자가본인의결과와이전연구결과를비교하였는가? 연구목적과결과가일치하는가? 본인의가설과다른연구결과와차이가있는경우연구자의견해를제시했는가? 결과및제언부분에본연구의실제기여도와미래연구방향을제시했는가? KYUNG HEE UNIVERSITY 32
논문요약가이드 : 중간과제 I. 연구주제 1. 연구주제는무엇인가? 2. 연구주제가간호현장에서어떠한중요성을가지고있는가?( 개인의의견을쓰시오 ) II. 서론 1. 연구의필요성은어떻게제시되었는가?( 구체적으로요약하시오 ) 2. 주요개념과기존연구와의관련성을제시하였는가?( 구체적으로요약하시오 ) 3. 연구의목적은무엇이고구체적인목적인무엇인가? KYUNG HEE UNIVERSITY 33
논문요약가이드 : 중간과제 III. 연구방법 # 연구설계 1. 연구설계는무엇인가? # 연구대상자 2. 연구대상자는누구인가?( 구체적으로요약하시오 ) 3. 연구대상자선정방법은무엇인가?( 어떻게리쿠르트를하였는가?) 4. 연구대상자수를 000 명으로결정한기준혹은근거는어떻게제시되었는가? KYUNG HEE UNIVERSITY 34
논문요약가이드 : 중간과제 # 연구도구 5. 각각의도구들의특성은무엇인가? ( 도구이름, 측정하고자하는개념, 문항수, 척도, 점수의의미등 ) 6. 각각의도구들의타당도와신뢰도에대한설명이어떻게되었는가? # 자료및분석방법 7. 자료를수집할때주의사항혹은비밀보장등의윤리적인측면을고려한내용을어떻게설명하였는가? 8. 자료수집방법은무엇인가? 9. 자료분석방법은무엇인가? KYUNG HEE UNIVERSITY 35
논문요약가이드 : 중간과제 IV. 연구결과 1. 연구결과에제시된통계량과표에제시된통계량이어떻게일치하는가?( 구체적으로요약하시오 ) 2. 연구결과를서술할때연구의구체적목적과일치하게제시하는가?( 구체적으로요약하시오 ) V. 논의 1. 논의의내용이연구결과와어떻게일치하게제시되었는가?( 구체적으로요약하시오 ) 2. 연구결과를선행연구의결과와잘비교하였는가?( 구체적으로요약하시오 ) 3. 실제결과만을나열하지않고그결과를연구자가어떻게잘해석하여제시하였는가? ( 구체적으로요약하시오 ) KYUNG HEE UNIVERSITY 36
논문요약가이드 : 중간과제 VI. 결론및제언 1. 요약및결론이어떻게정확하게제시되었는가?( 구체적으로요약하시오 ) 2. 연구결과를실무, 연구, 교육및정책반영에기여할수있도록어떠한제안을하였는가?( 구체적으로요약하시오 ) 본분석은중간고사과제로논문을가이드라인에맞게요약하는것입니다. 기말고사과제로는중간고사때선택한바로그논문으로분석할것입니다. 분석결과물내용에누가어느부분을담당했는지를표시해주세요. KYUNG HEE UNIVERSITY 37
Level of evidence Level of evidence Type of evidence I II III IV V VI VII Systematic review or meta-analysis Randomized controlled trial Controlled trial without randomization Case-control or cohort study Systematic review of qualitative or descriptive studies Qualitative or descriptive study Expert opinion or consensus Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2010). Evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare: A guide to best practice. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. KYUNG HEE UNIVERSITY 38
I II III Type Description Level of evidence Systematic review or metaanalysis Randomized controlled trial Controlled trial without randomization IV Case-control or cohort study A synthesis of evidence from all relevant randomized, controlled trials. An experiment in which subjects are randomized to a treatment group or control group. An experiment in which subjects are nonrandomly assigned to a treatment group or control group. Case-control study: a comparison of subjects with a condition (case) with those who don t have the condition (control) to determine characteristics that might predict the condition. Cohort study: an observation of a group(s) (cohort[s]) to determine the development of an KYUNG HEE UNIVERSITY 39 outcome(s) such as a disease.
Type Description Level of evidence V Systematic review of qualitative or descriptive studies A synthesis of evidence from qualitative or descriptive studies to answer a clinical question. VI Qualitative or descriptive study Qualitative study: gathers data on human behavior to understand why and how decisions are made. Descriptive study: provides background information on the what, where, and when of a topic of interest. VII Expert opinion or consensus Authoritative opinion of expert committee. KYUNG HEE UNIVERSITY 40
Synthesis Table 1 First Author (Year) Journal Conceptual Framework Design/ Method Sampling/ Setting Major Variables Studies(and Their Definitions) Measure ment Data Analysis Findin gs Appraisal: Worth to Practice Kim, M. et al., (year) ANR, 1(1), 1-10 None System atic review N = 10 studies Setting: 15 hospitals over 500 beds Attrition: NR IV: Tailored CPR DV: HMR (unexpecte d deaths, excluding DNRs) CR (excluding DNRs) UICUA V1: Name, contents, scale, validity, reliabilit y V2: V3: Names of analyses Strengths: Weakness: Conclusion: Implication: Park, J. et al. (Year) JKAN, 1(1), 1-10 None System atic review N = 20 studies Setting: 120 hospitals Attrition: NR IV: Tailored CPR DV: HMR (unexpecte d deaths, excluding DNRs) CR V1: Name, contents, scale, validity, reliabilit y V2: Names of analyses Strengths: Weakness: Conclusion: Implication: KYUNG HEE UNIVERSITY 41
Theoretical Framework Theory Abstract generalization that explains how phenomena interrelate and is based on prior science ( 현상의추상적법칙체계 ) Purpose of theoretical framework - Link the study to a larger body of knowledge already established ( 연구를검증된지식체계와연결 ) - Test a theoretical model KYUNG HEE UNIVERSITY 42
Conceptual Frameworks Concepts: abstract ideas The ideas are linked but may not be in a logical method until more testing of the model is done KYUNG HEE UNIVERSITY 43
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