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( ) ) ( )3) ( ) ( ) ( ) 4) 1915 ( ) ( ) ) 3) 4) 285

미리보는 216 년 미국 대선 (1) 극과 극 조연주 ( ) 급진적 보수, 급진적 진보 공약이 대중의 지지률 얻어 극과 극으로 치닫는 216 년 미국 대선 216년에는 미국 대선 이벤트에 주목해야 된다. 이는 미국 대선이 흔들리는 세계 경제를 바로 잡아

Page 2 of 6 Here are the rules for conjugating Whether (or not) and If when using a Descriptive Verb. The only difference here from Action Verbs is wh

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I. 2


학습영역의 Taxonomy에 기초한 CD-ROM Title의 효과분석

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통합 창원시의 해양관광 현황과 개선방안

강의지침서 작성 양식

PowerChute Personal Edition v3.1.0 에이전트 사용 설명서


기술변동과 알고리즘사회 1

01. ( 미디어 ) 기술과사회 02. 알고리즘사회 03. 네트워크경제이론 2

! 미디어기술과사회 3

인터넷효과를바라보는 5 가지입장 4

! 인터넷효과를바라보는 5 가지입장 (We-Think) Charles Leadbeater(2008), We-Think: Mass Innovation, not Mass Production: The Power of Mass Creativity 5

01! No Big Deal ebay=, Amazon= Microsoft:,! 6

02! David Egerton, The Shock of the Old disruptive technologies 7

03! Andrew Keen, The Cult of the Amateur Jaron Lanier: Digital Maoism 8

! J. Lanier 9

! 10

! Evgeny Morozov 11

! : 68,.... 12

04! Clay Shirky, Yochai Benkler, Jeff Jarvis New Communication Structure = SNS Open Innovation, Open Data, Open Government 13

05! ʻ ʼ,,,,,,, MS: Walled Garden Jonathan Zittrain, The Future of the Internet, How to Stop it 14

! 5 15

! 기차 / 철도와경제및문화변동 16

! Clay Shirky Revolution doesnʼt happen when society adopts new technologies - it happens when society adopts new behaviors 17

! :, 18

! / 19

! Wolfgang Schivelbusch : 19 (1977) (The Railway Journey: The Industrialization and Perception of Time and Space) 20

! : : :,, 21

01! / / 1. : /, 100% 22

!? ʻ ʼ : 23

! A 100 7 B 50 3 24

! : 100% : 100% mass communication, push communication 25

02! 2. 1860 ʻ ʼ 26

! / 27

03! 3. :, :, : Panorama View 28

04! 4. / : Privacy : : 29

! Privacy 30

! 31

! Herd, Harold The March of Journalism: the story of the British Press from 1962 to the Present Day, 1952 32

( ) 1896 Daily Mail 1896 10, 40 33

( ) Daily Mail: ʻ ʼ Boer War: 1 1880-1881 2 1899-1902 34

( ) Daily Mail :, :? 35

( ) : : 36

! Clay Shirky Institutions will try preserve the problem to which they are the solution. / / ( ). 37

! Socrates/Platon, Phaidros. ʻ / ʼ ʻ / ʼ. 38

! Johannes Gutenberg (1450, / ) Martin Luther (1521-25), (1789) Newspaper, 39


copyist; calligraphus (calligraphi) ;, 41

1 : : ʻ ʼ 42

2 Johannes Trithemius De Laude Scriptorum (1492 ).,,,. 43

! (phonograph) Edison (1899) : 1910, TV: LP, CD, Download, Streaming 44

John Philip Sousa (1854-1932) ( ) 1906 45

These talking machines are going to ruin the artistic development of music in this country. When I was a boy, in front of every house in the summer evenings, you would find young people together sining the songs of the day, or the old songs. 46

Today, you hear these infernal machines going night and day. We will not have a vocal chord left. The vocal chords will be eliminated by a process of evolution as was the tail of man when he came form the ape. 47

! ʻ ʼ 48

On the eve of the greates industrial revolu3on in history, no sign and portents were forthcoming. Capitalism arrived unannounced. No one had forecast the development of a machine industry; it came as a complete surprise. - Karl Polany, The Great Transforma3on: The Poli3cal and Economic Origins of Our Time, 1944, p. 89) 49

: ʻ (Sorge)ʼ, 50

! 알고리즘사회 51

70% 52

Jeremy Ri3in, The End of Work technological determinism 53






Technology is no longer crea3ng new jobs at a rate that replaces old ones made obsolete elsewhere in the economy. - The Economist hpp:// intelligence 59


In the years ahead, more sophis3cated souware technologies are going to bring civilisa3on ever closer to a near- workerless world. - Jeremy RiYin, The End of Work, 1995 61

It may be hard to believe, but before the end of this century, 70 percent of today s occupadons will likewise be replaced by automadon. Yes, dear reader, even you will have your job taken away by machines. In other words, robot replacement is just a maier of Dme. this upheaval is being led by a second wave of automa/on, one that is centered on ardficial cognidon, cheap sensors, machine learning, and distributed smarts. This deep automadon will touch all jobs, from manual labor to knowledge work. - Kevin Kelly, Wired, BeIer than Human 2012 hpp:// robots- will- take- our- jobs/all/ 62


! OODA-Loop Framework 64

Observe Orient Deside Act 65

John Boyd 2 1950 66

automation 67

ʻ ʼ? 68

Babysitter 69

Cleaning 70

drones 71

drones 72

Self-Driving Car: 1 GB pro Second!!! 73


/ Self-Driving Cars, 350 (, ) 75

: / High Frequency Algorithm 76

High Frequency Trading (HFT) 2009 50% 80% 77

/ Stats Monkey 4, Northwestern University 78


80 StatSheet


NarrativeScience 2012 Kristian Hammond 5 Pulitzer 82

Computational Legal Studies, Michigan State University ReInvent Law London 2013 ReInvent Law New York 2013 83

Pattern Detection: (Big) Data Mining, Data Analytics,, 84

Outsourcing 85

3 D Printer 86

! 90%, 2% 87


10 대업종에속한기업들은... 매출이 100 억원늘어날때마다 6.2 명의일자리생겨 89

Mooreʼs Law 18 2 IT 90

: 91

: 92

: (,, )? 93

Orient? Marshall McLuhan There is absolutely no inevitability as long as there is a willingness to contemplate what is happening. To Contemplate! 94

Orient 두개의극단적반응? 95

Luddite(1811-1812), Swing Riots(1830) Sabotage 96

Steven E. Jones, 2006 97

Dystopia 98

! Borg Complex A Borg Complex is exhibited by writers and pundits who explicitly assert or implicitly assume that resistance to technology is futile. - Michael Sacasa 99

/VC. 100

The goal of the future is full unemployment, so we can play. Thatʼs why we have to destroy the present politico-economic system. - Arther C. Clarke (1960ʼs) Utopia? so we can play digital Athens? :,, : 101

/ ʻ ʼ.? 102

! / 103

(!) /,??! /? 104

? 21 ʻ ʼ,, ʻ / ʼ?? 105

= Act /? :, ʻ ʼ To undertand a thing is to gain the power to change it. - Ramez Naam, Nexus 106

! 네트워크경제이론 107

economics of networks There is a central difference between the old and new economics: the old industrial economy was driven by economics of scale; the new information economy is driven by economics of networks. Carl Shapiro & Hal R. Varian, Information Rules, 1998. p. 173 108

economies of scale, returns to scale /, positive EoS, cf. (marginal product): ʻ ʼ /, MPL = F L ( ) Y = F K, L F( α K,β L) α F( K, L) MPK = F K 109

output input 2 input 1 110

output input 2 input 1 111

Economies of scope ʻ ʼ ʻ2 ʼ ʻ ʼ ʻ ʼ ʻ ʼ multiple use : one source, multi-use 112

Product bundling / ʻ / ʼ, : Triple Play (IP TV, Internet, Telephone) MS Office 113

: (graph) (node) (edge/link) Degree: (edge) 114


Metcalfeʼs law,. n ( n 1 ) 2 n n2 2 116

network formation the question of how networks form two keys: interaction & contagiousness flue epidemic innovation S-Curve 117

Diffusion of innovations 118

Interactive innovation 119

critical mass : critical mass (exponential growth) 120

bandwagon effect ʻ / ʼ 121

(positive externality), (utility) / : path dependence /, 122

, Lock-in effect, Switching Costs Collective switching costs are far higher than all individual switching costs because of the coordination hurdle. stickiness how to increase lock-in? 123

ʻ ʼ U 1 0 x 1 U 2 x 2 0 124

ʻ ʼ U 2 0 x 1 U 1 x 2 0 125

two-sided markets : role of intermediation single homing, multi homing,,, facebook, app economy 126



two-sided markets 129

vs. : Supply-side driven economies : Demand-Side driven economies 130