situations of the people in the church. We need to reconcile the two to solve humanity's basic problems and try to find out how to live a God-centered

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신학부교과목설명 GE549 신학개론 (Introduction to Theology) 신학개론과목은기독교역사가운데중심된신학적질문들에관한연구이다. 이과목에서연구되는분야는신학이란무엇인가? 계시란무엇인가? 성서는권위있는말씀인가? 만일하나님이선하시고, 능력이있으시다면왜악이존재하는가? 하나님의형상으로창조되었다는것은무엇인가? 성령은무엇인가? 교회는무엇인가? 등에관한신학적질문들을연구한다. This course surveys the central theological questions in the history of Christian reflection. We will examine such basic questions as: What is theology? What is revelation? What does it mean to say scripture is authoritative? If God is all-good and all-powerful, why is there evil? What does it mean to be created in God s image? How is Jesus related to God? What is the Holy Spirit? What is the church? GE275 구약의이해 (Understanding of the Old Testament) 이과목은구약성서를연구하기위한기초과목이다. 이과목은구약의배경과구성에대해서연구하며구약의전체적인윤곽과신학적이슈를다루며각권들의내용과구조와신학들을개관한다. This is a basic course to study Old Testament. This course deal with Background and composition, outline and issue of the entire book of old Testament. also this course deal with content and structure and theoloy of each books of old Testament TH055 성서헬라어 2 (Advanced Grammar of the New Testament Greek) 초급헬라어를수강한학생또는이와동등한실력을가진학생이선택할수있으며, 초급헬라어에이어헬라어문법남은부분을공부하여성서헬라어의문법에대한전반적인지식을갖춤으로성서헬라어원강을수강할수있는능력을배양한다. A student who completes the course ""Basic Grammar of the New Testament Greek"" or has the equal ability can follow this course. The purpose of this course is to study the remaining grammar and syntax continuing Basic Grammar of the New Testament Greek. TH276 성서지리학 (Geography of Bible Lands) 이수업은성경이서술하고있는당시의지리적상황, 기후경제와이동등을제공한다. 오늘날성경의말씀을이해하기위해서는고대사회배경의조명아래서이해되어야만한다. 따라서이수업은성경에서기록하고있는이야기들을이해하는데필요한지리학적이고역사적인자료들을제공한다. This course is offered the physical realities of the biblical world geography, climate, economics, and routes. To understand the Bible today we must hear its words in light of the ancient setting. For this provides the geographical and historical data necessary to comprehend the Bible s unfolding story. TH277 고대근동의역사 (Ancient Near Eastern History) 구약성경의배경이되는고대근동즉바빌로니아, 아시리아, 에집트, 페르시아및팔레스타인지역각민족의역사, 신화등문화를공부한다. 이를통하여구약성경의본문을더욱정확하게파악할수있는능력을배양한다. This is a study for the history, mythology and culture of Babylonian and Assyrian Empire, Egypt and the tribes of palestinian region. The purpose of the study is to make the student to have deep knowledges of the Old Testament background in order to understand properly the text of the Old Testament. TH054 성서해석학 (Biblical Hermeneutics) 이과목은올바른성서해석을위한원리와방법을공부한다. 학생들은이과목을통해서성서해석의원리로역사 - 문법적그리고신학적해석방법을배우고실제로성경을주해할수있는능력을기른다. This course studies a principle and Method for Biblical interpretation. This course will provide ability to exegesis the bible through historical and grammatical, theological Method. TH278 공관복음서 (The Synoptic Gospels) 공관복음, 즉마태, 마가, 누가복음에나타난예수님의사역과가르침에대해공부한다. 공관복음의독특한문제들을개론적으로다루고공관복음의특정본문을문맥속에서주해하고해석하며적용한다. A study of the historical ministry and teaching of Jesus as contained in the Synoptic Gospels, with an introduction to the unique problems arising from the synoptic witness to Christ. Each class period concentrates on a section of the book and a particular passage within that context, providing students with a valuable approach to exegesis, interpretation, and application. TH254 기독교상담학개론 (Theory and Practice of Christian Counseling) 심리학적인상담의기초이론과하나님의계시에서출발한신학의삶의의미를추적하면서, 교회현장에서부딪치는인간의문제상황에서양자를어떻게조화시켜인간의근본문제를해결할수있으며, 그과정에서어떻게하나님중심의신앙의삶을회복해나갈수있는가를발견하려고한다. With basic theory of counseling based on psychology and life based on God's revelation, we face problematic

situations of the people in the church. We need to reconcile the two to solve humanity's basic problems and try to find out how to live a God-centered life. The course will mainly focus on theories, and case studies will be also used. TH279 신약의이해 (Understanding the New Testament) 신약성경전체의내용을개관하는과목이다. 각책들의서론적내용, 특징, 주제와구조도공부한다. This course will provide students with a general knowledge of the entire book of New Testament. Topics covered include introductory matters that apply to the New Testament as a whole. TH059 성서히브리어 2 (Intermediate Biblical Hebrew) 기초히브리어과목의연속이다. 히브리어불규칙동사에초점을맞추고히브리어문법과어휘를학습한다. 히브리문장의상세한고찰과선택된본문의독해를통하여주해를위해준비된중급히브리어이다. 선수과목 : 기초히브리어 A continuation of the study of elementary Hebrew. Further consideration of Hebrew grammar and vocabulary with a focus on the Hebrew weak verb. Designed to prepare the Intermediate Hebrew for exegetical study by a detailed consideration of Hebrew syntax and the reading of selected texts. Prerequisite: Elementary Hebrew TH280 고대그리스로마역사 (History of Ancient Greece and Roman Empire) 신약성경의배경이되는지중해세계특히그리스와로마제국및팔레스틴의역사와문화를공부한다. 본과정의중심시기는신구약중간기로서기원전 5 세기부터기원후 1 세기이며, 이를통하여신약성경의본문을더욱정확하게파악할수있는능력을배양한다. This is a study for the history and culture of Mediterranean region, especially Greece, Roman Empire and Palestine. The core period of this study is intertestamental period, from B.C. 5c. till A.D. 1c. The purpose of the study is to make the student to have deep knowledges of the New Testament background in order to understand properly the text of the New Testament. TH033 모세오경 (Pentateuch) 모세오경은구약성경에첫번째로나오는창세기, 출애굽기, 레위기, 민수기, 신명기의핵심적인다섯권의책들이다. 이과목은오경의신학적해석과역사적, 문학적접근을학생들에게소개한다. 모세오경이다루고있는주제들은창조와, 타락, 심판과은혜, 이스라엘과열방들, 출애굽과, 광야의방황, 율법과언약등이다. The Pentateuch Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy are the vital first books in the Bible. This course is designed to introduce the student to the historical, literary, and theological interpretation of the Pentateuch. This foundational course in the Bible explores the origin of key biblical themes such as creation and fall, judgment and grace, Israel and the nations, the exodus and wanderings, the law and covenants. TH281 고대그리스철학 (Ancient Greek Philosophy) 고대희랍시대에있어서서양철학의줄거리를비판적으로조망하는과목으로기본적인철학개념들과이론들을그전개순서에따라설명한다. 또한철학자들의후세에미친영향을짚어보고평가한다. A critical survey of western philosophy in the time of early Greeks. It explains the principal philosophical concepts and theories in the order in which they were developed. It also traces and estimates the historical influences of early thinkers on their successors. TH035 바울서신 (The Pauline Epistles) 바울서신에대한주해적연구과목이다. 바울서신의사회적배경, 역사적상황, 서신적구조, 주요신학적주제, 바울의사역들을탐구하고현대교회와의연관성도고찰한다. 바울서신의특정본문을문맥속에서주해하고해석하며적용하는과목이다. The critical and expository study of Pauline Epistles with particular attention to the social setting, historical context, epistolary structure, distinctive theological emphases, historical ministry of Paul, and its relevance for the contemporary church. Each class period concentrates on a section of the book and a particular passage within that context, providing students with a valuable approach to exegesis, interpretation, and application. ME054 상담방법론 (Methodology of Counseling) 상담학입문코스를마친후에택할수있는과목으로이론적기초위에서상담에서의실제적인문제와유형별상담을주로다루게된다. 본학과목은상담자자신은물론인간전반에대한이해의폭을넓히고보다원만한인간관계를유지할수있도록하며더나아가서는문제있는사람들을상담관계로서도와줄수있게하는데목적을두고있다. This course is designed for those who have taken the basics of counseling and for tackling the practical problems and typological counseling. Its emphasis is to help students better understand themselves and humanity, maintain better relationship, and guide people in trouble and crisis.

TH226 조직신학개론 (Introduction to Systematic Theology) 기독교신학의기초가되는성경에대한교리를논하며신학의개념과성격, 신학의필요성과분야들, 신학의역사, 신학의방법, 종교와계시, 특별계시와성경, 성경의정경성, 성경의해석원리들을다룬다. 하나님의존재와속성, 삼위일체, 인간, 죄, 예수그리스도에대한교리를종합적이고체계적으로배운다. 주어진성서의진리를삶에적용하기위하여핵심성경구절들을숙지한다. An introductory study of the nature, necessity, methods and materials of theology; and the application of the principles of systematic theology to the scriptural doctrines about Bible, God and Trinity, man, sin, and Jesus Christ. it also studies the key phrases, and doctrines significance of each passage on the various lists. BB009 실천신학개론 (Introduction to Practical Theology) 실천신학은성경, 교의, 역사신학등의이론적규명을통해복음적메시지를교회와세상의현실에적용하는과정의목회적기술에대한실천과실제적인경험을통해서수행하는목회를연구한다. By studying theories and elements of practical theology in the Scripture, attempt will be made to apply ministry skills in real life church setting. TH282 역사서 (Historical Writings of the Old Testament) 구약역사서에대한포괄적인안내를원하는학생들을위한수업이다. 여호수아 - 에스더를통하여이스라엘왕조의마지막유배와회복에이르기까지구약의역사를문예 - 신학적으로연구한다. 해석의특별한문제점들을상세히살핀다. Designed for those students who want a comprehensive guide to the Old Testament historical books. A study of Old Testament history, literature and theology during the period of the late Israelite monarchy, exile and restoration, analysis of the books Joshua through Esther. Particular attention to special problems of interpretation. TH245 기독교세계관 (Christian Worldview) 세상, 역사, 인생을세가지큰범주즉, 창조, 타락, 구속 이라는기독교적관점으로이해하고해석하는능력을배양토록하여하나님의창조세계에대한청지기적소명을감당하도록돕는데강의의목적이있다. This course will help students to have an understanding of the biblical teaching for the Creation, an understanding of the effects of the Fall and Redemption in the plan of God. The ultimate goal of this course is to help students to fulfill the responsible stewardship of God's creation world." ME054 상담방법론 (Methodology of Counseling) 상담학입문코스를마친후에택할수있는과목으로이론적기초위에서상담에서의실제적인문제와유형별상담을주로다루게된다. 본학과목은상담자자신은물론인간전반에대한이해의폭을넓히고보다원만한인간관계를유지할수있도록하며더나아가서는문제있는사람들을상담관계로서도와줄수있게하는데목적을두고있다. This course is designed for those who have taken the basics of counseling and for tackling the practical problems and typological counseling. Its emphasis is to help students better understand themselves and humanity, maintain better relationship, and guide people in trouble and crisis. TH247 요한문헌 (The Johannine Literature) 요한문헌에대한주해적연구과목이다. 요한문헌의사회적배경, 역사적상황, 문학적구조, 주요신학적주제들, 현대교회와의연관성을탐구하고선택된특정본문을문맥속에서주해하고해석하고적용한다. Studies the Johannine Literature with particular attention to the social setting, historical context, literary structure, distinctive theological emphases, and its relevance for the contemporary church. Each class period concentrates on a section of the book and a particular passage within that context, providing students with a valuable approach to exegesis, interpretation, and application. TH237 성서헬라어원강 (Reading the Greek New Testament) 고급헬라어과목을수강한학생또는이와동등한실력을가진학생이수강할수있다. 성서헬라어문법을복습하며, 사전을이용하여헬라어신약성서의본문을읽고해석하는훈련을하여스스로본문을이해할수있는능력을키운다. 더불어신약성서의본문에대한문장론 (syntax), 본문비평및사본에대한기본적인사항을학습한다. A student who completes the course ""Advanced Grammar of the New Testament Greek"" or has the equal ability can follow this course. The purpose of this course is repeating the grammar and syntax in order to have ability of translation of the Greek New Testament text with dictionary by himself. This course also provides to the student the introductory classes for the textual criticism and the manuscription of the New Testament. TH235 예배학 (Christian Worship) 예배의성경적, 신학적, 역사적의미들을밝히고예배관련각론들을이해하며예배인도자가갖춰야할소양을갖도록하는데에과목의목적이있다.

The objective of this course is to identify biblical, theological, and historical meaning of worship, to understand the context of worship in Christian rituals and special services, and to equip the worship leaders for an elementary knowledge of worship. ME008 선교학개론 (Introduction to Missions) 선교에관한구체적인연구로교회사및교리적인면에서현대기독교선교에대한연구및비판과평가등을취급한다. 선교회의조직, 정책및타문화권에기독교전파에관한문제등을중점적으로연구한다. Based on detailed studies into church history and doctrines, we will critically compare Modern missions. We will evaluate issues arising in mission to foreign cultures and in organizing and setting policies for the organization. TH283 기독교교회사개관 (Introduction to World Church History) 교회의성립에서부터오늘에이르기까지의역사적발전과정을연구한다. 초대, 중세, 종교개혁, 근세에이르는교회의역사를시대별로특징지우고, 그제도와신학그리고신앙의전개및발전탐구를통해역사를해석한다. A study of church history from the end of the New Testament period to the Modern Church through the Medieval Church and Reformations, with special emphasis on the development of Christian doctrines and life, the formation of Protestant principles and spirituality, Christian Theology and Faith, and Church and State Relationship. TH284 기독교윤리학개론 (Christian Social Ethics) 현대를사는그리스도의제자로서현대사회속에서발생하는제반윤리적문제들에대하여기독교윤리적인관점에서이를이해하고, 또이에대처하는방법을모색한다. 이를통해현대사회속에서복음에합당하게살뿐만아니라복음을통해사회를변화시키는복음전도자의사명을감당하게한다. 이를위해기독교윤리적관점에서현대사회의제반윤리적문제들을검토하며, 이에는가정, 교회, 경제와사회, 국가와정치, 문화, 환경, 국제관계, 남북문제등이있다. This course studies diverse ethical issues of the contemporary society and the methods of coping with them from the perspective of Christian ethics. By doing it this course purposes to make students to live fit for the Gospel and to become good workers of evangelism. For this, this course examines various ethical issues of the contemporary society such as family, church, economy and society, national politics, culture, environments, international issues, and Korean unification, etc. TH040 사도행전 (Acts of the Apostles) 사도행전의구조, 목적, 배경과신학, 그리고현대교회와의연관성에대해공부한다. 사도행전의특정본문을문맥속에서주해하고해석하며적용하는과목이다. Studies the structure, purpose, background material, theology of the Acts of the Apostles. Each class period concentrates on a section of the book and a particular passage within that context, providing students with a valuable approach to exegesis, interpretation, and application. BB022 시가서 (Psalms and Wisdom Books) 구약성서의시지혜문서로알려진책들인욥기, 시편, 잠언, 전도서, 아가서, 애가서에초점을맞춘다. 아울러시편과지혜문학들의역사적, 문학적양식과, 메시지등을연구한다. The focus of this course is on the Psalms and the Wisdom Books of the Old Testament, namely Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, and Lamentations. Also this course is designed to introduce the student to the historical, literary forms, message of the Psalms and Wisdom Books. TH026 기독교교리 (Christian Doctrine) 기독교신학의개론으로성경말씀에입각하여구원론, 성령론, 교회론, 종말론을종합적이고체계적으로배운다. 또한핵심교리에관한성경구절들을숙지하여성서의진리를삶의현장에적용하게한다. An introductory study to the basic doctrines of the Christian faith; the doctrine of salvation, the Holy Spirit, the church, and the future. it also studies the key phrases, and doctrines significance of each passage on the various list TH234 성서히브리어원강 (Hebrew Syntax and Reading) 구약성서의내러티브본문주해를위하여요나서와룻기를자세히독해하면서석의도구와방법및해석학등을가르친다. 선수과목 : 초급히브리어와중급히브리어 Introduces exegetical tools, methods and hermeneutics for the exposition of Old Testament narrative texts based on a close reading of the book of Jonah and Ruth. Prerequisite: Elementary Hebrew and Intermediate Biblical Hebrew" TH285 기독교교육학개론 (Introduction to Christian Education)

성경이제시하는모든진리가하나님안에서하나로통일됨을가르친다. 성령의능력을힘입는예수그리스도중심의가르침과배움의과정을통하여예수님의교육방법과기독교적인인격을함양하는교육이론을발전시킨다. This course will teach that all truth statement in Scripture are unified as one in Christ by developing an educational method that promotes a spirit assisted Christian integrity and Christ centered teaching TH286 일반서신 (The General Epistles) 일반서신의역사적상황, 사회적배경, 서신적구조, 주요주제와이슈, 현대교회와의연관성을공부한다. 일반서신의특정본문을문맥속에서주해, 해석, 적용한다. Studies the historical context, social setting, epistolary structure, major themes and issues of the General Epistles. Each class period concentrates on a section of the book and a particular passage within that context, providing students with a valuable approach to exegesis, interpretation, and application. TH042 선지서 (Prophets) 선지서는왕정시대와바벨론포로그리고포로이후유다의회복까지구약성서의선지자들의메시지와양식들, 주제와내용그리고역사적배경등을연구하는과목이다. 구약의선지서는대선지서와소선지서로나뉜다. 이과목은선지서들의내용과주제그리고역사적배경을연구하는학문이다. 구약성서는 4 권의대선지서와 12 권의소선지서를가지고있다. An introductory course designed to acquaint the student with the historical background, forms, themes, content, and message of the Old Testament prophets from the conquest through the restoration of Judah after its captivity. The Prophets of the Old Testament divided into major prophets and manor prophets. Old Testament has 4 major prophets and 12 minor prophets. ME006 선교역사 (History of Christian Missions) 사도행전에서현재까지교회확장의역사를선교전략의역사적발전에특별한관심을가지고연구한다. study the history of the expansion of the church from the Acts of the Apostle to the present with special consideration given to the historical development of missions strategy. TH208 한국교회사 (History of Korean Church) 19 세기말한국에전래된개신교회사를선교초기부터현재까지의역사를연구한다. 특히초기한국교회의선교활동, 주요인물, 신학사상, 교회성장등을집중탐구한다. A study of the Korean Church from the end of the 19th century to the present, with special emphasis on Missionary works, Major church leaders, theological thoughts, and the growth of the Korean Church. ME025 현대신학 (Contemporary Theology ) 본과목은현대신학의중요한신학사상과신학자들을연구하는강좌로서특별히 19 세기에일어난현대신학의신학적배경과 20 세기의주요신학자들과그들의신학을연구하고, 성서적입장에서비평하며바른신학적방향을정립함에그목적이있다. An examination of the most important theologians and theological trends fromhe nineteen century to the twentieth century. the student will examine major themes, trends and figures in contemporary theology, and will compare them with biblical teaching. TH287 성서와윤리 (The Bible and Ethics) 기독교윤리의내용중성서가가르치는윤리적교훈들에대해집중적으로연구한다. 구약과신약의주요윤리적교훈들과그배경및현대사회에서의실천방법등에대해서탐구함으로써성서의내용에대한이해와함께이것을실생활에적용할수있는복음전도의일군이되게한다. This course studies ethical teachings of the Bible. This course purposes to make students good workers of evangelism who have a good understanding of the Bible message and of the methods of applying them in actual lives, by studying the essential ethical teachings of the Bible and their application in the contemporary society. TH222 기독교철학 (Christian philosophy) 기독교철학의근본문제를형이상학적관점에서조망한다. 구체적으로는신앙과이성, 신의본질과존재, 종교언어, 기적, 기도, 악의문제등기본적인개념들을시대적으로설명한다. A survey of Christian philosophy in the point of Metaphysics. It explains "Faith and reason," Nature and existence of God, Religious language, Miracles, Prayer Problem of evil in the period in which they were developed. TH288 기독교사회윤리 (Christian Social Ethics) 현대를사는그리스도의제자로서현대사회속에서발생하는제반윤리적문제들에대하여기독교윤리적인관점에서이를이해하고, 또이에대처하는방법을모색한다. 이를통해현대사회속에서복음에합당하게살뿐만아니라복

음을통해사회를변화시키는복음전도자의사명을감당하게한다. 이를위해기독교윤리적관점에서현대사회의제반윤리적문제들을검토하며, 이에는가정, 교회, 경제와사회, 국가와정치, 문화, 환경, 국제관계, 남북문제등이있다. This course studies diverse ethical issues of the contemporary society and the methods of coping with them from the perspective of Christian ethics. By doing it this course purposes to make students to live fit for the Gospel and to become good workers of evangelism. For this, this course examines various ethical issues of the contemporary society such as family, church, economy and society, national politics, culture, environments, international issues, and Korean unification, etc. ME022 전도학 (Evangelism ) 기본적인복음전도의필요성, 동기와목적, 성서적인원리, 기술과접근방법등을연구한다. 동시에개인전도, 그룹과대중상대의전도그리고전도의촉진을위한대중언론기관의사용등을연구한다. study basic necessity of evangelism, motivation and purpose, biblical principle, skill and approaching method. And also study how to use public press for personnel evangelism, group evangelism, public evangelism, and promotion of evangelism. TH090 종교개혁사 (Reformations) 루터에서출발된독일종교개혁운동, 츠빙글리와칼빈의스위스종교개혁운동, 과격파종교개혁운동, 영국종교개혁운동, 반동종교개혁운동의역사적발전과정을연구하며그제도적, 정치, 사회적, 신학적내용들을살펴본다. A study of various reformations such as the Lutheran, Swiss, Anabaptist, English, and Catholic Reormations in sixteenth-century Europe, with special reference to the political, social, and religious settings of the Reformations. BB008 설교학 (Homiletics) 설교의구성과전달에대해학습한다. 이과목은여러가지형태의설교방법과그의장단점을비교연구하고, 실제적인기술과효과적으로전달하는방법에초점을둔다. Students should learn about sermon formation and delivery. This course focuses on practical and effective means of sermon delivery through comparative research on various sermon forms and styles. TH289 교회학교교육 (Church school of education ) 교회학교교육은학생이보다가치있고온전한그리스도인으로성장발달하도록돕는행위이다. 학생이하나님, 인간, 자연, 자아와의관계에서성립되는관계적활동을통하여바람직한행동변화를가져오도록교육한다. 하나님나라확장의방법을설명한다. Church School education is to help a student develop into a well-rounded Christian by showing how a student develops a personal relationship with God, man, and nature and how it culminates in a change of behavior and the greater kingdom of God. ME005 선교신학 (Theology of Missions) 성경및교회역사속에나타난선교신학들과선교패러다임의변천, 오늘의선교동향등을연구하고이시대의선교적방향을제시하는강의이다. 특히선교에대한복음주의신학적이해와현대선교의주요한과제들을다룬다. This course is a study of a biblical foundation for mission from both the Old and New Testaments. It also will attempt to help students an understanding of historic missions paradigms along with the themes, issues and assumptions of various contempory mission theologies within the evangeical theology framework.