권영주영어교육론 TBP 3주 (2017년 1월 18일자료 ) Teaching by Principles (4th ed.) 기간 : 8주 (2017년 1월 4일-2월 22일 ) 매주수요일매주 summary와형성평가실시 주 Part 내용요소 1 주 2 주 Part 1. Foundations for Classroom Practice 2. A Century of Language Teaching 3. Contextualizing Communicative Approaches 4. Teaching by Principles Ÿ Automaticity Ÿ Transfer Ÿ Reward Ÿ Self-Regulation Ÿ Identity and Investment Ÿ Interaction Ÿ Languaculture 5. Agency in Language Learning 3 주 Part II. Contexts of Learning and Teaching 6. Teaching Across Age Levels 7. Teaching Across Proficiency Levels 8. Cultural and Sociopolitical Contexts 4 주 Part III. Practical Classroom Considerations 9. Curriculum and Course Design 10. Lesson Planning 11. Techniques, Textbooks and Materials 12. Technology in Language Learning and Teaching 13. Creating an Interactive Classroom 14. Classroom Management (2017년논술8번기출문제 ) 5 주 6 주 Part IV. Teaching Language Skills 15. Teaching Listening 16. Teaching Speaking 17. Teaching Reading 18. Teaching Writing 7 주 19. Teaching Grammar and Vocabulary 8 주 Part V. Assessing Language Skills 20. Language Assessment: Principles and Issues 21. Classroom-based Assessment 10 면중 1 면
10 면중 2 면
[ 관련기출문제 2016 년전공 A 형 5 번 ] 10 면중 3 면
[ 관련기출문제 2017 년 B1 서술형 ] 10 면중 4 면
10 면중 5 면
권영주영어교육론 TBP 3주 (2017년 1월 18일자료 ) [ 모범답안 ] Mr. Song implements focus on forms approach to focus on the grammatical structures without contexts. He e presents the rules with m terms and cannot give intrinsic motivation to involve the learning. In contrast, Ms. Oh implements focus on form approach using i e in contexts. Students implicitly n the target structure in the reading passage. (56 words) [ 출제평가영역 ] 구분 교과교육 평가영역 V. 4기능ㆍ어휘 / 문법지도및 ICT 활용지도 하위평가영역 4. 어휘 / 문법지도원리및방법, 어휘 / 문법과업설계 평가내용 Form-focused instruction, forms와 form의차이를서술할수있다. 출제원전 Focus on Form in Classroom SLA, Doughty & Williams 10 면중 6 면
[ 관련기출문제 2008 년 22 번 ] 10 면중 7 면
Chapter 6. Teaching across Age levels Teaching Children Teens Adults Intellectual development 어린이의지적단계 : concrete operations Here and now & 언어의기능적목적에중점. 문법용어, 추상적용어사용지양 : 언어개념을설명하는 Metalanguage는사용하지않음. 상위수준아동문법설명 - 특정 pattern 과 예 를제시한다. 문형의반복은뇌와귀의협응을촉진시키므로지겹지않게성인의양에비해많이반복. Attention span 아동의 attention span 확장을위해서는흥미롭고다양한활동제공. 주제나과목에대해교사는열정을보여줘야한다. 아동의호기심을이끌어낼수있어야한다. 유머감각은학생들이웃으면서학습할수있도록해준다. here and now 맥락에서벗어나문법과어휘를이용하여즉각적인의사소통의맥락으로확장시킬수있는능력을지니게된다. 학습자가관심주는대상파악이중요예 party, sex등의적절치않은주제는지적과업성취방해 attention span이길어지는과정이지만, 주위환경에따라때때로짧아진다. 추상적인규칙과개념사용이가능하지만, 지나친 usage 및 reality의부족은치명적. attention span이길지만, 짧고재미있는 activities 중요 아동의 5감각을모두자극해야한다. 육체적활동 ( 역할극, 게임, TPR 활동 ) 프로젝트와간단한 activity sensory aids 활용 ( 꽃향기, 식물과과일만져보기, video, music, picture) nonverbal language 활용. Sensory input 감각입력은중요하지만추상적개념이확장된다. Affective factor 감각입력을강조할필요없지만다양한감각입력은활기찬수업을가져온다. 아동은동료에대해극도로민감하며, 성인보다정의적으로민감하다. Be patient and supportive to build self-esteem! 가능한많은 Oral participation을이끌어내라. ego, self image, self-esteem 이민감한시기로서개개인의재능을파악하고경쟁보다는그룹활동에서적극적으로참여하도록한다. 정서적요인도고려한다. Authentic, meaningful language 즉각적인보상이뒤따르는 authentic 하고 meaningful한언어를제시 : context를제시하여새로운언어학습을하여장기파지에도움이된다. (story lines, familiar situations and characters, real-life conversations, meaningful purpose in using language.) Whole language approach가필수 : 전체적인연관성을파악케한다. context-reduced한언어도받아들일수있지만, authenticity와 meaningfulness 중요 부자연스럽고지나치게 분석적언어사용은 자제한다. 10 면중 8 면
Chapter 7. Teaching across proficiency levels Ss' cognitive learning processes T roles T talk Authenticity Fluency & Accuracy Creativity Activities & Tasks Listening & Speaking Reading & Writing Form- Focused Instruction Beginning Levels Intermediate Levels Advanced Levels - one small step at a time - formal structures: on the with adequate repetition periphery - some automatic - to use practiced language - focal attention: processing for genuinely meaningful interpretation and purposes negotiation of meaning - T-centered/ T-fronted - more S-S interaction - pair/ group work for - learner-centered work - S independence interactive frame for sustained lengths - to slow speech for easier - natural language at comprehension - at a natural pace natural speed - not to lose naturalness - simple greetings & - to help Ss develop clear introductions articulation of fluent - limited to short, simple speech phrases - everything - fluency within limited utterance lengths - occasional treatment of - to correct grammatical errors and phonological errors - interlanguage - to produce in - to apply classroom - to help them to notice unrehearsed situations material to real contexts errors and work on their within controlled repertoire beyond eradication - interactive techniques - short, simple techniques - chain stories, surveys, - a full range of - mechanical polls, paired interviews, sociolinguistic & pragmatic - choral repetition, group problem solving, role competencies T-initiated questions plays, storytelling - increasing complexity of - sociolinguistic nuances of - reproduction communicative listening & language speaking - pragmatic constraints - brief but real-life written - increasing complexity of material length, grammar, discourse - critical reading, schemata - functional forms, - profit from occasionally - short, simple sociolinguistic & pragmatic using their L1 to explain explanations phenoma, strategic grammatical points competence, metalanguage 10 면중 9 면
Chapter 8. Cultural and Sociopolitical Contexts 1. Guidelines for Maximizing L2 use in 'foreign' language contexts - Use class time for optimal a language input and interaction - Help Ss to see g uses for the L2 in their own lives 2. English in a globalizing world - to represent the global use of English as world Englishes, international language, lingua franca 3. Nonnative speaker advantage Ÿ serving as role models of successful L2 users Ÿ a high level of a about crosslinguistic and cultural differences Ÿ empathetic with Ss about their n and challenges Ÿ efficient explanations about target forms, meanings and u Ÿ simplifying L2 for more c input 4. I Competence - for successful language learning and completion of professional tasks 10 면중 10 면