KISEP Original Articles 38 1 1999 J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc Vol 38, No 1 국문초록 연구목적 : 미용성형수술과정신건강 * 변금순 ** 민성길 *** 김선아 **** 신극선 ** The Influence of Aesthetic Surgery on Patients Mental Health* Keum Soon Byun, M.D.,** Sung Kil Min, M.D.,*** Sun Ah Kim, M.D.,**** Kuk Sun Shin, M.D.** 방법 : 결과 : 결론 : Department of Plastic Surgery, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul Deparment of Psychiatry, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul Department of Psychiatric Nursing, Yonsei University College of Nursing, Seoul Corresponding author 94
중심단어 서 론 95
1. 연구대상 연구방법 2. 연구도구와자료수집방법 96
3. 통계분석방법 1. 대상자의특성 연구결과 1) 대상자의인구학적특성 Table 1. Changes in the score of SCL-90 between preand post-operations of aesthetic surgery SCL-90 scoren64 Items Pre operation Post-operation MeanS.D Somatization 8.03 6.87 6.90 6.94 2.00 0.05 Obsessiveness 10.29 6.30 9.28 6.49 1.63 0.11 -compulsiveness Interpersonal 8.09 5.88 6.85 5.16 2.34 0.02 sensitivity Depression 11.84 9.58 9.56 8.49 2.83 0.01 Anxiety 7.12 5.66 6.03 6.03 1.94 0.06 Hostility 4.37 4.21 6.53 3.94 2.51 0.01 Anxiety phobia 2.75 3.33 2.45 3.39 0.91 0.37 Paranoid 3.76 3.49 5.32 5.44 1.33 1.19 ideation Psychoticism 6.31 5.76 5.32 5.44 2.36 0.02 Others 5.42 4.03 4.59 3.68 2.96 0.01 Total 68.1748.26 58.0346.93 10.14 0.01 2) 수술의종류와배경 t p 97
Table 2. Changes in score of SCL-90 Demographic data and pre-operating and post-operatire state of aeasthetic Suagery by bemogaphi Vaiable Voniofle Number* of Subjects N64 Pre-operative State means.d. Post-operative scae means.d. p-value** Sex Male 5 70.257.2 59.862.8 0.85 Bemale 59 67.948.0 57.946.1 Ageyear 1725 33 65.642.8 51.336.3 2635 12 62.457.2 67.264.4 0.02 3645 13 74.855.5 51.844.7 4660 6 70.553.6 87.757.7 Religion Christian 35 53.543.4 46.040.4 Buddhist 10 96.850.0 90.060.2 0.58 No religin 16 85.648.7 69.642.9 Education Middle school and lower 6 118.678.7 125.066.6 High school 15 71.146.2 67.345.2 0.75 College 42 58.839.7 44.435.3 Marital state Single 41 62.343.6 50.938.7 Married 17 60.044.7 53.851.8 0.64 Economic status Upper 3 67.745.2 56.541.5 Middle 51 78.071.0 72.378.4 0.68 Lower 8 41.521.9 42.026.8 Growing place Rural area 12 78.056.2 77.867.0 Small city 10 76.243.7 62.743.9 0.75 Large city 39 62.046.7 49.037.9 Satisfaction Satisfied 12 43.337.2 27.933.7 in family life Average 36 68.448.5 64.550.5 0.14 Unsatisfied 15 87.650.6 65.240.9 Personality Introvevt 23 44.236.9 71.445.1 Extrovevt 35 82.750.9 41.041.3 0.34 Other 1 92.0 66.349.1 Operation Double eyelid plasty 3 58.341.6 53.245.7 Mammoplasty 8 88.554.7 67.052.0 Rhinoplasty 9 75.447.5 50.339.3 *The intems with too small number of subjects were omitted for proper statistical analysis **Wilcoxon signed ank test or kruskal-willis test 3) 수술전상태 98
Table 3. Correlation between the scores of SCL-90 and the scores in attitute, need, expectation, support and satisfaction Items Correlation coefficientr Group 1 Group 2 Total group Attitude to operation 0.25 0.15 0.21 Need for operation 0.25 0.10 0.14 Expectation to operation 0.13 0.18 0.13 Family support before operation 0.12 0.16 0.21 Family support after operation 0.11 0.46*** 0.27** Level of satisfaction 0.22 0.21 0.12 **p.05, ***p.01spearman correlation test group 1with score of SCL-90 under 60 group 2with the score of SCL-90 above 61 2. 미용성형수술전후의정신건강과신체에대한만족도의변화 1) 정신건강의변화 2) 신체만족도의변화 고 찰 99
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ABSTRACT J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc Vol 38, No 1, January, 1999 The Influence of Aesthetic Surgery on Patients Mental Health Keum Soon Byun, M.D., Sung Kil Min, M.D., Sun Ah Kim, M.D., Kuk Sun Shin, M.D. Department of Plastic Surgery, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul ObjectivesThis study was to investigate the effects of aesthetic surgery on mental health. MethodSixty-four patients were assessed for their mental health and the degree of satisfaction with their body image before and after operations. The subjects mental health was evaluated by the Korean version of Symptom Check List-90SCL-90, a satisfaction scale with body image, and a questionnaire for demographic data and operation. Results 1 The average score of SCL-90 significantly improved from 68.17S.D.48.26 to 58.03S.D. 46.93 after operationp0.01. The scores of all subscales for somatization symptoms, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, hostility and psychoticism improved significantly. Significant improvement was also found in patients who were in their 20 s and 40 s, had family support and had positive attitudes toward their operations. Family support had a more positive influence in the group who had a poorer state of mental health before the operation. 2 The average score of satisfaction with their body image improved significantly from 58.54S.D. 23.14 to 78.14S.D.18.30p0.01. The more they were satisfied with their body image, the more their mental health state improved. The degree of improvement in satisfaction was significant p0.01 in patients who had shown a poorer mental health state before operation. ConclusionThese results suggest that aesthetic surgery has positive influence on patients mental health and improved satisfaction with their body image and also that, in selection of patients for aesthetic surgey, their age and possible family support should be considered. KEY WORDSAesthetic surgery Mental health. 104